i AE Reserved Funds The BANK or Ss Alfred Street water heating : prices, 56 Brock St. A A AAP PANN A Free inspection of any GRIF The Shieldin Prices: Mat. 15¢; Bye 285¢; Doors open This is the Weather That you will find it necessary to gt 1 against coughs, colds, la grippe unu fung troubles, We are always well supplied with the most reliable redemies that medical science can produce. Our adviee will be cheerfully given at all times with regard to the pre- paration best suited for your ailment. foag's Drug Store » Branch Post Office. Kingston, Onty orp. Y.M.CA. Watts, Sings Fresh Cut Flowers Hyneinfh, Narcissus, Ete. Funeral Designg and Wedding Nounquets to Order - ON I pn, ni Friendship's ! We have choice cooking ap- TORONTO George B. McKay, RR FOR SALE Solid brick dwelling, 11 rooms, hot Johnson St.-- "Double frame, 7 rooms each, location We are now very close to » Spring. building purposes. We have them in THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 You Can Count On It Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Monster Bill Clara Kimball Young in the Foolish Virgin Robert Conness and 'Mabel ETI in The Martyrdom of Philip Strong. 4) 4 THE DAILY Y BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, PEBRUARY 16, 1917. Hill | PRE SENTED IN TH] THE BRIEFEST) | POSSIBLE FORM. YOUNG the News of the World From Tele- change. The ¥ of the German troops entrated on the east llapd now have d i nto the towns along ze thrift, It 1 54 It also acts as a Ireland, which was tblished Church} £3.000,000 8 subscribed 1 ~ $6,130,382 nds to the new British v Of the German troops entrated on the eastern J i border Holland now have dis- appears od the towns along the frontier - Warrant officer Hardy of the Ameri Scorpion, station ship at 1as arrived af Copen-| antinople after an , detentions and | period since the inrestricted | can gunboat Constantinople, h { hagen from Co | experience arr trials cover | announcem fare, Manager. of war- Olid Glengarry Man Dead. Cornwall, Feb. 16.---One of the 4 $4600 oldest res Hents of the coulty of I Glengarry le der ( alde r. is dead g at aish omé in North Lancaster. Mr $4000 Calder was born in Aberdeen, Scot-! How about that Jot yoii avant «for Jand, and had ant *d his eighty- all parts of the city at all sorts of ninth year He is survived by his ' widow and seven sons and six de ugh ters Will Re build 'Mur Campbhellford, Feb 16 ! was commenced yesterday on the re- | building of the Dickson Bridge Com ipany's pl#ht for the manufacture of munitions The National Manufac turing Company, of Ottawa and Brockville, have purchased a controll- ing interest, but the firm will still be Works ions Plant, known as the Dickson Bridge co + Wher. we take care of your storage bat- ompany, Lid Ke tery there's no doubt of quality service. Newman & Coat, Sale We have established oéfrselves as experts. When a g p nds hic oun Will you come in and be convinced? man for ew oud 1 LESSES: how she can | get aequainted . ' with her Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence St. { Page and Shaw after dinner mints, - | delicious--only 50¢ box, Mahood's battery at any time Draz Store. The - United States Yarrowdale sailors have been given their liberty by Germany H. Cunningham, piano turner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul-| ey's Book Store, the FINS Italians have recovgred. all i ground lost in Albania from the Ger-| mans. Page and Shaw chocolates, Ma-| hood's Drug Stor A married man says it is easier to] get a mother-in-law n the house] than it is to get her out again. What is it? he doesn't | he doesn't The.Miracle of Love. If a man deserves praise want it, and if he wants it deserve it. Coming, The Miracle of Love g Shadow. A spinster says that matrimohey is what eaoics a woman to work for 1.43 and 6.45; eurtain 2.15 and 7.15 her board for life. - | Page and Shaw chocolates; Ma-| | hood's Drug Store. | A A ANNAN ANN. tM NN NM iti | LIBERAL RALLY ! -A meeting of Liberals will be held at their club 'rooms, 338 King St., on Friday Evening | February 16th Important matters will over Wale Tae rro- - § be up for discussion, and PLE WEARING 'GLASSES 1 d TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS a arge attendance is re- THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. quested. Dr. A. W. Richardson, Pres. | Leman A. Guild, Secretary. | CREDIT SALE Farm- Stock and Implements, Household Furniture, Etc. ~y, A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. +Of Te TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS G RAND The Whig's Daily Condensation of | graph Service and Newspaper Ex. Work |- OPERA, HOUSE > Tay p.m. DAILY Peaounsun | Polite Vaudeville | June Caprice, in "The Mischief Maker" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "Easy Street" And Other Photopiayy Coming-- Tues. .& Wed. : Peerless Mme. Petrova|* in "Extravagance." | BILLIE BURKE, in "Gloria's Romance" The Pathe News. Comedy, and Other | Photoplays. -------- Lm 'cent 8 word. DINING ROOM ADVERTISING RATES! irst ingertion, ic a word. Each con- escutive fuxertion thereafter, haif- "Minimum charge for one Insertion, 25¢; three insertions, Soe: six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED . RI ONDENSED AT ONCE. AP. iotel R Prices Always the Same. | : ET: Matinee Evening 10c; MAID, APPL X ne EVENING How 1 F Emily olger, Any Seat Reserved, Sc Extra 10c Monday 1 ONE OR BOYS TO WoO F b. 19th = ar Eo) SA bh, Nad FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- e 4 Z Apply 0%, 208 - ment Soclety; ) ine CHR smith X ------------------------------------------ ------ t Co onel H R mith, | Bargain Matinee, la " fooler + oe fede feoferte 3 vice-president F. Nic- 2.30; wh gg ddd dd Fb ede Ee kle, K.C. Money Ba on city * : Evening 8.15 ig Active boy for mailing depart- : X do Siopiriise Mulicinel snd Gus Hill Offers oe ment, Apply uf once, Whig Of- # sed; investment bonds for The Musical % fice. * sale; deposits received and in- Comedy Trinmph * -* terest ajlowed R. C. Cartwright, o ogoof ojos gos . or + ¢ Lot the Age. ARR SB A di LOST. manager 37 Clarence St. Ringston A BOY 168 OR 17 YEARS OLD AS LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE driv fpr deliver Apply H. lark. BROWN SABLE FUR NECKLET, ON Fire Insur 'e Company. Avallable ness, Corne ff Queen and Wel- Saturday night, be een ( K- assets ¥! 87,215. In addition to fing voekli wood and Victoria streets ase which the policyholders have for -- ---- -- om, re to 1689 Coll d and re- sect ¥ the unlimited lability of STEADY, RELIABLE MAN 1 TO WORK ce city property, insured at lowest in gards by the yea must be SR -- = EE possible rates, Before renewing ro cd Ste aE RSONAL old or giving new business get . man App 303 is. wi NY = rates from Sirange & Strange _ hic HALR. MOLES, WARTS, HRT. ARKS 328. ee . - ta a K » hs A Thousand Laughs and Then Some More. PRETTY, CLEVER, ] SINGING, DANCING GIRLS Prices: Mat, 27 children 205¢. Evening 5 e, $1.00, Sents Now On Sale PRE- CED MILLINER 3 t Ce Box IN Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can se- cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good wages paid to beginners, Apply Textile Co., at office Dominion Cataraquf street. : Thursday, Feb. 2nd. One Night Only Sidney R. Ellis presents the Singing F Character Comedian | ADVTS, cost three times Huc, » OR J 5S ANDNOVELT) toys, WwW. Cooke, 3% see Clarence street. AL.H | ARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MIL from Kingstor Apply Geo. C son, LR. No. 1, Cataraqud, Ont. OUBLE DWELLING, 41 ANI) 43 DIV. 6 rooms and W.C. in Apply 41 Diyls- ision street, each; well rented fon street. WILS0 T Ww o BRICK GENUINE VICTROLA AND T'VELVE selections, your own cholce, $25.50 $10 cash and $1.00 per week. C. W Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess street Jol SES oN VICTORIA and Company eh Linioh St car In a new Irish Song Play | y Mcleod's Drug | SOL iD BRICK jrock street Prat clas: ern im 4 sR During the performance Mr. Wilson May 1st. Apply 147 Dri St. will si "My Killarney Rose, HThe Love 1 Give You!' "Where the Shamrock Grows.' ary He nu ihan." BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart country village; store 2- storey and large cellar; al) first ciass condition, $1000, to wind up an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street, Kingston. The Song at Stole My Girl Away." PRICES: 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 Seats on Sale Tuesday. ------------ PAu haa { STRAND Thurs., Fri., Sat. Captain Donald' C. D CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA ges, and all kinds of new and se _- ond hand furnliure. We are wise open to- buy everything In the avove lines. J. Tnompson, an Princess street. Phone 1600. Ry ¥ ARM FOR SALE, CONSIST- f the north 'on. of Stor- apply to Isaac e folder. Box 66, Battersea, Thompson's famous 7,000 Foot Film IRON BEDS, COU- lthing; also airs: military straps; Na- We buy all nd hand fur- £5 I'tinces TOCK OF Love men's ered War As It Really Is: Continual Show Daily. # From 1.30 pm. to 11 pm. Matinee 15¢. Evening Children 15¢. Adults 25°. : No Reserve. tetas } | A BONNER'S PEPE IEEE EEE IES er" RESTAL RANT DOING wind SEIMEI AER ded Two Automobiles and one Roadster, all in first-class con- dition. Electric lights and starters; almost new. Prices right; good reasons for selling. % Apply Ji H. Davis, Saxon Dis- % tributor, Davis Dry Dock Com- * + * * + + * pany. + + + A GOOD PAY. PAGE SEVEN _ rs er Forum A! FURNITURE FINISHING }. P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. FOUND er. Call or drop & card. 23 i A SMALL. SILVER WRIST street watch, on FP 'eb Ind a BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST en 11 you read Successful x ! x fearn how fortunes . ts are made and lost oy Investors FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Free trial subscriptio Success- . ful Finance, 608 8. D earbor AMSED FREE Chicago . : 5 A ny FIN ANCIAL nd ail TO LET ar. Noe im wie ma Throa Sk = 258 PRIVATE BOARD AD ROOMS, AP- Ba % dy 114 Jol } Stree oe - _--. fa =~ rea OFF IN CLARENCE ST. cH AM. "TED GENERAL t Apply to B. Cunningham, i BR J larence street <b . i i Roous wi " mar, FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS for light housek 396 I'rin- Ig between Ba and Division STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alr) ooms; your own lock and | key. [Frost's y Storage, 299 i Queen gtreet. Phona 526; rés. 989 TO L FT OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER five m les from Ming ed. good bulidi ploughing AIPA A H: Falr, Kingston ety SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new W. Lind- pianos and Victrolas. "( : say, Limited, 121 Prificess street. oy WELL hen, EXE RIENCED FARMER WANTS TO : 8 rent one hundred acre farm wMh or wi t stock and implements, for ee r five years. Address Box 21, Whig Office DENTAL NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR bieycle re ired, cleaned and stor- A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D.D.S ed for w r. All orders prompt- Offic, 268 Princess street. Phone ly ttended to. Phone 1032, or call 652 73 King St DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, > ATENTS Phone 6286. BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade pRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. marks, designs... Estab. 1877. Form- a tists, 159 Wellington street. G erly Patent Oifice Examiner. Master Devaar, DDS; LDS, Sant of Patent Laws Book "Patent V'ro- Phon 5 . tection", free. 89 St. James St, Mont. ST real Rranche Ottawa, Washington. LEGAL: A. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and golicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- | enca street, Kingston tects, etc. Offices] 258 Bagot St EE, ¥ Phone 608. BOARD AND ROOMS POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- | FIRST CLASS BOMRD AND ROOMS, chants Hank Building, corner | every convenience: central loeca- Brock and Wellington, streets tion. Apply 243 Brock street. A A For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West. 2) J mn WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. "Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO, LTD.' FINEST ing business FANCY EMT. BE Bre i FES $2200, CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE, S SEEDED rooms, all improvements except | furnace, deep lot, RAISINS PRICK, SEMI-DETACHED, are packed in | riew, improvements, central loca- i tiou. > } -- RED $1200, DOUBLE FRAME HOUS CARTONS. | large lot, rents 9% on investmg Insist on the RED | g4500, PRICK VENEER, NEARLY Carton | new, all latest mprovements; ho water heating, hardwood floors and WE EXAMINE YOUR EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT at the residence of ples by the barrel; also choiceg barn; good stable, { egetables.. y a Iy.~ YOUR GLASSES IN OUR JOHN WEIR i } We deliver promptly. OWN LABORATORY AND $B LL . | B OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- | Lot 10, 4th Con., Pittsburgh, on HousEs n al rare ox me ; ance and money to loan, G. A! ERATE. ~ Bateman. 67 Clarence Street. . Tuesday, F ebruary 20th. No reserve, as owner has sold his © farm, JOHN WEIR, OWNER. Fire sie ' 210 Division St. Phone 545 i : i R. R. No. 1, Kingston Mills. 4 Representing the Tolowing old line ---- y 4 companies 5 : Saturday, 17th : ~~ Aetna. 1aY, : Carpenter and Builder Hartford ' t : at ' R. | - London Assurance Corporation. a The Greatest Bargain owkin W. _ J #delity-Phenix_ RR - s : and Optician pecializing 3 \ ; Yet -- Don't Miss This 132 Princess St. tags, detim One of the best factories. in Good Dra Furniture risks ; Where the clock is on the walk, [|| BsTIMATES The Biande Lahber & MAn'CE a5 low as $6.00 per thousand. Three year term. A Co.. situwted in Chatham, On- ; i ' O age o S tario, central position with dock on River Thames. Two and three storey brick bwiid- ing in excellent condition, sutabile for almost any ine of manufacture. - Full descrip. tion of plant, with blue prio, turnished on, application. The highest or any tender not nec- essa acespted. Tenders wii opened on Mareh 1. For full particulars apply to j 1000 ie of Smoked, boneless, cottage rolls, half or whole 23c Per Pound {e. have your ear overhauled.' and for Yes FJ, JOHNSO ading Florist |haraing outfits has just been - a : Saturday Only. | net are Wg Sot 0 ie oy ft om The Blonde Lumber & | HC i rz Glled promptly. Phone 339. i153 Brock. suaranteed satisfaction. ¥ ; le i 1 round pedestal. tables 1 parior 0 f the most lar forms of | ~ A : Mfg Co Limited i stoves mad heaters at i Anderson Bros. ihe A is line ye love. of BOYD'S GARAGE § A 1 TURK'S Phone 705 : Pl 0 : 458 r 1846 The man with the largest library | (20 Brock St. Por | + Phana 201 Chnihtun, om : : 4 oem i g i usually has the least time to read. EUR ast | statenient. Rho aR. - ~~ v