Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1917, p. 13

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+ were cured. THE CHIEF CHARM: OF LOVELY WOMAN Soft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comes With | The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES". {es |. * NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 10th, 1915. A Ueautifal Some xion isa handsome i's chief glory and the envy of her | fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear slowing with health --is only tke reel yesull of pure Llood. s troubled for a considerable avery unpleasant, disfiguring Lash, which eovered my face and for which 1 used applications and remedies out relief. After using "Fruita. tives" forSne week, the rash is com- pleted fo I am deeply thankful fdr thie-relief and in the future, I will not.be without * Fruit-a-tives", NORAH WATSON. Ne. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-lives Limited, Ottawa, Re A A AA ANS. St ll NP PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STREET Phones: Ofice 322, House $11. We farnish: "ie Auto Supplies, Gasoline at 33a, Metor OIL Cars fpr Hire. Washing Oars: Large, \§1.08, Small, 78e. KfMicient Service guaranteed. Give us a eall. E. PARADIS, Prop. A At A AA NANA at BREAKING OUT ON BOY THREE YEARS Hoaled by Ct by Cuticura > Trial Free "My little boy's trouble started with a rough spot kind of dry and scaly. It lasted for three years becoming larger and he had his face and arms covered with it. The breaking out" was rod and inflaned and itched more at night and when hoe was being washed. He was vory cross at times. Then 1 tried Cuticura Soap and Oingment. In a month's time he was healed." = (Signed) Mrs. Bert Sutton, 56 Paisley St., Guelph, Ontario, December 20, 1915. Sample Each Free by Mall "With 32-p. Skin Book. Address poste card: "*Cuticura, Dept. J, Boston, U.S.A." Bold out the world. aa a. "DON'T WEAR A TRUSS! After Thirty Years' Experience 1 Have Produced An Applance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. 1 Send It on Trial If vou have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where [| have my greatest success. Send attached coupon Sydny and I will send aotinute, vio cured Mtwelf sa CIR i" Funtured : . you féee my illustrated book on Rup- ture giv its eure, showing my AppH- ance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and It _mives instant relef when all others fall, Remember, I use no salves, ho harhess, no lies. 1 send on tria to prove what | say is true. You ate judge, and once having seen Li ita book and will be as enthusiastic as my my 'ures of patients whose letters you can also resd. Fill out free cou- Hon pelow and mall today. It's well : your time whether you try my ries or. not. : | Dame Fashion Hits 0 Motorists, | Smart extra coats are shown in a lined with wine colored satin. At the three inch wooden buttons with cord | loops. -Another coat is of the new plaid twilled gabardine. he plaid is black, white, green and a red line making an overplaid, The modei is a belt, » Sweater suits a ( the sport suit class. The skirts, wany of them side pleated or Kkilted, are silk and is finished with collar, cuffs and sash of the silk. The hat is chosen of the same color as the appears in the parasol and wrist bag. White silk shirts are worn with the of plain wool, with silk fibre sweat- ers, Rubbered silk air pillows and hot water bottles are touring convenien- ces. They come in small envelopes to match. Ice bags come in thé sam style, or in beaver leather, in writing cases are shown for touring use. The cases are flat when closed and open right ec" rete NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE Woven wire poles for electric wires | or lights have been invented by.a Chicagoan, 300,000 tons, plants from cold. Floating' buoys 'niade of concrete | for mooring vessels have been invent- ed by an Englishman. By using a new jack with a rocker- like base an automobile can be made literally to lift itself. Russia's annual production of salt, which a government monopoly con- trols, exceeds 2,100,000 tons. A novel bath tub stool has but two legs, hooks that engage the rim of a tub helping to support it. A Bum that yields from ten to twenty per cent. pure rubber has been discovered in the Malay penin- sula, For indoor target practice a pistol from which a ping ball is shot by a spring has been patented, - In Italy a process has been invent- ed for making sidewalk, tiles of screenings from old brick pavements, Levers outside a new gas range move a broiler inside to any desired position with relation to the heat. Side wind shields to be fastened to automobile doors so as to swing with them, are an English invention. Within the case of a new clock of the grandfather type are concealed a phonograph and cabinet for records. Pitchblende has been discovered in India and a syndicate has been form- ed to exploit the depesits for radium. A recently invented textile for un- dergarments stretches lengthwise, but not across the weave of the ma- terial, From France comes a two pronged hatpin, the prongs being so shaped as to act as springs to hold it in place, ble motors have been placed on the market for bicycles, canoes and ice yachts, Demands for telephone service in Japan are about 150,000 ahead of the government's ability to supply equipment. Of recent sivBntioe is an electric heater that can be inserted into any household water tank to heat its con- tents, Austraian inventors have perfected an automobile tire made of coir fiber for use on bush tracks and overand routes. More than 600 flour mills in the United States are using electric pow- er in preference to steam, Bas or even water power. There are more than 85,000,000 000,000 in New Zealand, or more than eighteen for each resident. For running an ice cream freezer an eldetric motor has been invented that can be supplied with current from a light socket. The germ theory of the trans- mission of contagious diseases was entertained as far back as 1657, when the plague ravaged Rome. Whalebone strips replace bristles in a mew hair brush that is intended to last for years and to 'stimulate the soalp of a user. Of English invention is a magnify- ing glass that may be attached to a pencil. or engraving lool to ald a wraftsman or Even aod to Bold 'A periscope to be attac o glasses 'and provided with lazy tongs to regulate its Jeight: is the inven- tion of a Ni 0 pleated raglan. with a wide girdle] sweater and the brim and trimming} are made of the silk. Again the silk |dollar. The hat, a high English tur- ban, has a satin band covered with a costumes, Some of the suit are made' and left. In one side there are places] | Folding covers, easily put into use| 2 have been invented for protecting! be quickly strapped-to clamps per- | manently attached to the under side Aerfal propellers driven by 'porta- | sheep in Australia and nearly 25.-] "for piper, postals and envelopes, and number of models. One, of lon the other side are other deck con-| wish * tan' Bolivia cloth, has a|veniences, In the middle are the wil raglan back with a double breast- | blotter pad and the pens. ed front, with a four inch waist ga- -- thered at either side and belted with White chiffon veils, with hem- a buttoned strap. The sleeves have [stitched hems of colored sik, and deep cuffs with ruffles of the cloth |black chiffon, with light colored bor- finishing he tops. The collar is ajders, are featured again for spring convertible model, and the 'coat is|wear Large polka dotted veils, the dots being of beads, are popular 'but 'bottom of the front there are two not very becoming, for they hang heav ily and do not drape softly about the head. The gold and silver embRoi- jdered net veils are used over si all velvet .togues, but are not pit- able for anything but limousine war. The white Shetland with the striped or Scoteh laid border, is very much used with the plain white re an innovation in jor black sailor hat. Early spring will show a goodly made of khaki kool silk. The sweater | sprinkling of black net parasols is chosen in the ground color of the] flower trimmed in flat~bouquet fagh- jon, with hats to match. One very pretty example is of black with old blue forget-me-nots grouped in flag bunches about the » of a silver stiff scant ruche of black net caught with bunches of the flowers. Other parasols are also making their appearance and cne little model is especially attractive. It §as leath- er handles and wrist ring and a frame with hinges so that one may bend it in any position. The covering is of { Havana brown silk entirely covered : {with narrow [ringed ruffles, Very convenient models, in pigskin] For the woman who runs her own lcar black dogskin gloves with tan trimming are among the latest sug- gestions, » have been provided with 'head tele- phones, the sounds beimg gathered on the stage by megaphone trans- mitters, One half of a new shoe brush is | composed of bristles and the other of An engine run by sewer gas is the | 8heep's wool plisher, while the top invention of an Australian engineer. | Bolds a collapsible tube of polish. A system of shorthand writing for i the Chinese language has been in- | vented by a native of that country, Experts have estimated the iron| Who has attained a speed of 140 ore deposits of Sweden at about 1,-| words a minute, Time saving is the chief feature of new ironing board cover that can of a board. In normal times the Spice islands | of Zanzibar produce about 90 per cent of the world's supply of cloves, .an average crop approximateing 16,- 000,000 pounds. A machine has been invented that registers passengers as they enter a street car and shows the number of uncollected fares until the conductor gets the money: "Power to operate the fog signals and light in a German lightouse is controlled by electricity from a switchboard safe on land, 1% miles distant. One of the newest forms of har- ness to cary an umbrella over a per- son's head employs a belt and should- er straps to hold the rod up end the centre of a user's back. That growing plants will furn to- ward radium emanations as they do toward light has been proved by a Vienna scientist after a series of im- teresting experiments. A machine that permits very close comparisions to be, made between genuine and une datait money for YOUR SICK CHILD - IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK AT TONGUE Hurry, Mother! Remove Poisons From Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels, | Gives "California Syrup \ of Figs" If Cross, Bilious or ¥ 3 ish. No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough' laxative should al- ways be the fi reatment given. It your Mi e is out-or-sorts, half-sick, isn't resting, eating ,k and acting naturally--look, Mother! see it tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, feverish, stom- ach sour, breath bad or has stomach- ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of il FREE INFORMATION COUPON Mr. CO, i Brooks, PIZA State St, Marshall, Mich, Pleas send me by mall in plain wrapper, your Hlustrated book and full information about your Appl ance for the cure of rupture. NEE" sar enssrrrasasrovsninn, nnn Optimism consists in asking for cream at a boarding house, | Hy Mah 11 Mi Free rr eon ae don wn Yo TH! ore than a stirring by performance. McLaughlin builders have won today's undisputed leader- ship on a Big Idea--a right principle, rightly Jey the +." famous McLaughlin V. Valve-in-Head Motor. , But McLaughlin science, skill and btilding honesty, is ever ready to make that "better" automobile whenever it can be built. The constant aim toward the greater service is the wa McLaughlin builders prove their appreciation of Canada's endorsement. Send for new Catalogue "A" showing cormplete line to The McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO. Limited, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. i gi i S appropriate phrase is more than a working motto, glogan--it is a promise backed - ¢ gy rm = -%, 4 PAGE SEVENTEEN fi irs i AMHTIVHIEN IEEE ESCH S80 TS LAR Vs ae HAE) HREM VAL dia EE TIT 1 (lll 'MODEL D-45 SPECIAL, 6 CYLINDER, 5 PAssendER TOURING CAR. Sedan types, ranging in price from $895. to $2350. Sold Locally By W. G. ROBINSON, Kingston, Ont. 1] ) HE The McLaughlin Series include 6 and 4 cylinder cars in Touring, Roadster and 1] ' 1] RX Tm Ry edie pm ii vention of a Chicago man, many 11,500 miles away. The backs of the brushes in a new J toilet case are so shaped that they fit together whén the case is closed and avoid the necessity for pressing the bristles together. The Peruvian government has ap- propriated $25,000 a year for .the next three years for the establish- ment-and maintenance of a civil and military aviation school at Lima, To lessen scrubwomen's labors an inventor has patented a metal ring mounted on casters that can be enable it to be moved about a floor. Target practice without ammunit- ion has been made possible by an Englishman who has invented a cam- era to be attached to a rifie to pho- tograph a target as the trigger is pulled. The propeller of a new motorboat of extremely shallow craft operates in a solid body of water as it is mounted in a tunnel above which is a vacuum tybe info which water is drawn. An English scientist has figured that 30 per cent of cigars, cigarettes and smoking tobacco remains after smoking in the form of ashes, from which twenty per cent. of potash can Fbe extracted. To enable ushers in motion picture theatres to signal to one another an inventor has patented electric lamps to be attached to their finger tips, supplied with current from a dry battery. Pulmonary tuberculosis is being treated by a Danish physician with air that has been subjected to the action of ultraviolet rays, which seems to have a healing effect when inhaled through the mouth, To aid in the capture of automo- bile theaves a Los Angeles man has invented a clamp to be locked about a tire which makes a loud noise each an easily followed trail. with more than 500 members aims to produce the highest possible efficien- cy from steam boilers with the least possible emission of smoke, in a burning building in Concrete Palladelphia was little damaged by the changes of temperature from the intense heat of the fire to that of icy water used by ey 'while granite explorers, value, often is found in excavating] | foundations for Bo uidings | au Gol imes in , ELL! LLL et ee - fe hed EAN --------i on pater TTI TIT TE I va TIT 11 AO TVR EARE OY ORLA OS AOAET OO pT TBI oT TIT Ria rStanda = Car FR TT eee mee, TV LAL TH FF REVI 34x « the detection of the latter is the in- A distance record for radio teleg- raphy was established recently when a steamship near Ayetralia picked up messages sent fron¥ a station in Ger- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA GRAND sri po LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Trains will leave arrive nt City - Depo, foot of ae street. GOING WEST . : ¥ Lve. City Arr, Clty clamped to the bottom of a pail to} HARRY:--" New car Bert? BERT :~" Rinse. The wife thinks it great. She'd hate to be "without HARRY: ok el pits "ou ars 1 nrance to ensdlh> the wif Jor Comieriabiy as you now doing shoud ahoutd anything Wel Ae rance costs ------ time it strikes a pavement and leaves | 'ell hardly , you know insu "Anasher erlook: By teaching firemen to handle} enables EE re od is coal scientifically a Hamburg society - will Their Standard ° of Living Change? How do you lice it 7" rong idea Bert, Insurance os wealth h. Ahat adoroate hfe insur os che picarures rey of life. 1 s Telleves you of Sry policy the more it increases in value." our wat down town we will call at the and get to make of py no en after I'm gone The Wonatactrrecs Life Insurance Company J HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA M. G. JOHNSTON, Manager, IN PACKAGES. yo ra fon pga, A a i No. 13 press . ., 2.58am. 335am, No. 27 I cal . 6.40a.m, i i pom. N¢ 1 Intern'l Ltd. 1.41pm. 2pm, Still Selling 40c, 50c and 60c per pounds Nell to hm Sa pm D ' GOING EAN M n. City - Arr, City Black, Green, ixed. | No. 18 Mall . .. 14 a.m. 2.17 a.m. | No. 16 Express . .. 2.68am. 535am. J) | No. 8 12.20 A 12.52 pn. -- = | No i Interi'y Lad. 1.08 pom, 1.38 p.m. A At et NAN Nt Ad iN ANNE NEA mtidireriutianersen. | Nos, 3: 10BB . 648 pm. 7.22pm. an ey 1.6.7 1 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally. Other traihs daily except Sunday, Direct route to Toronto, Paterbora, { Hamilton, Buffalo, London, -Detroft | Chicago, Bay Chy, Saginawy Montreal, | Ottawa,' Quebec, Portland, St, John, {lalifax, Boston and New York. 5 For Pullman Accommodation, Ties | \| kets, and all other information, apply +10 ' . J. PP. HRANLEY, AGENT, Cor. Johnson and' Ontario 3 Kingston, Ont. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. : SHIP LINES, { Open Bay Pay and Night "Telephone 09 I QUT LRR 1 CANADIAN SERVIVE, LONDON to HALIFAX (Via Plymouth) . |HALIF AX to LONDON calling Falmouth to Innd passengers) | 1 | 1 | | 1 hp particulars of -sallings and rates, at to Local Agents or to The Robert Reford. Co.; Limited, General Agents, 50 King Street East, Toronto. JOHN_M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham 'Stre Ladies' § Suits !! By placing your order now for your spring suit you will save 25%. : Da itn $0 Wi : |suwe for very low prices. r congressmen is Never count a girl whose father/is je 'may have a hanker-{a pessimist, for he always has a ek conung. New York Skirt & Suit Sew. Yorls Skirt & Sait

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