Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1917, p. 1

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| 20 PAGES | ( f YEAR 84 -NO, 41 ily British Whig [~~] KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1917 / - LAST EDITION AMOUNTS RECEIVED BY ONTARIO WAR LOAN NO BELLIGERENT ~ | Charles M. 'Bowman Refutes| . | oe denen | STEP-VET TAKEN Toronto, Feb. 17. ---Chartes M. Bowman, Liberal whip, rose to a question of privilege in the Legisia- By the United has With Li a ture yesterday afternoon to refute! the attacks of Col. John Currie dur-| ing the West Simcoe bye-election as) to his alleged German ancestry. Mr. Bowman gave a genealogical | 3 record of his family from 1681 till] 9 CAN RESTORE ORDER TEAMSHIP RATE, FROM CUBAN REVOLT | 3 Moral "Support of U. 8. | W R PR P President Is Quite Confident : ; of Being 8 Successful. . t Washington, "Feb y 17. - Xisurances} ! that with the moral support of the Ti Cunard -- the Chief tcc i in United States Governinent in the pre 8 } Cuban Governmen i New Mignment. ig igs be able to re-establish order and quell the Liberal revolt] were given to Sec retary Lansing to-! ' day in a note delivered by Dr. Carlos | UY. Manuel De Cespedes, the minister 2 from Cuba, based on telegraphic in-| structions from Foreign Minister] ROYAL GEORGE OF LATTER LINE | Desverinine at Havana. GOES ON PACIFIC. Some of the reports received by the | their settlement in Pennsylvania,] their coming to Canada in 1812, with, the United Empire Loyalists. | INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT, BUT ---- a i a ola oo" T_T" Hon. T. W. McGarr, eplying to 2A SC NI rs Suban State Department from its diplomatic Aer of HE De g to] BREAK IMPENDING. 3 Opposition to the C. P. R--8ilk and (28°nts in Cuba inspired the beget! the total amount received by the! ee 4 i or Ye : , ; that the Menocal Government Was provincial treasurer under the Pro-| Former Secretary of #merican Em- : Tea Trade Will Be the Basis of di EB ly in its effort to! : . : : proceeding vigarously in its i vineial War Tax Act for 1915 and| bassy at Berlin Ordered to Vienna k Stiff Competition, check the revolution and has made] 1916 was $1,997,146 and $1,912, A A iy New Yyk, Feb 17. .In shipping|some progress, although the situation] $18 respoetiy atid le "i to Assist American Ambassador : | ITenfield. V House resumes Tuesday ~ When the House resumes Cay | Special to the Wh : 8.) Sam Carter, South Wellington, will] yw. oh gton, Feb. 17. pie, TH two 3 is nevertheless considered extremely! circles here it is'said that important serious and the widely distant points] developments in ocean transportation, at which uprisings have occurred in-| i bath on the Atlantic and the Pacific, ¥ g ide- - move that all correspondence pass-| es: wiil shorijy b announced, of i ross diate he the fevoll ie ue as at) . THE SPARKS ARE HEEPING HIM BUSY, ing between the Government of On-| Weeks of broken relations with Ger- ! a ¥ be announced. of interest (spread ah ARgeious 1M 2 - tario and the Ontario Hydro-Electric| many, President Wilson to-day finds to Canada, first supposed. Pédwer Commission in reference to|the international situation increas- The instigator in this particylar atErE TA ee Te NE i T BRITAIN PLANS GREAT UE ~~. the purchase or acquirement of the) case is, the Cunard Line, which, 45] = OWINA WANTS TO FIGHT. | IMPORT RESTRICTIONS properties of the Seymour Power Co.| (6 (TSE, 4 freak with Auetria has been announced before, has an|pDesires to Join Allies, Who Might | A be produced. t pers Lloyd George o Will Announce | ent reports that all negotiations understanding with . the Canadian Not Object. ; ! Notthern Steamship Company of| Washington, Feb. 17.--Advices ] Important Measures Advis- Y WILL TAKE A WEEK | tending to dissuade Austria from fol- Canada, Yt now is stited definitely [reached diplomatic circles "stating ble by 8 b Menace. i : TO INSPECT LINER lowing the U-boat course of Germany that the Royal George of the latter|that the Chinese Government, Which | able by Su ! . ' [nave failed. Officials are convinced line will shortly be put on the Pacitic | has faken a firm position supporting| a hich | rrying Count Von the economic situation in the States J run from Vancouver to the Orient to that of the United States in opposi- Logdon, Feb. 17---~Fremier Lloyd Which Is Carrying iy Back as a result of thé, virtual block a t a cater to the silk and tea trade, which |tidh to the German submarine block-| of he li od Lid p George will make on Monday an in| . : Bernstorff and Pariy American ports Br tua B Oka . § has for long been the extensive traf-|ade policy, is desirious of entering) t beral Labor Parties in the portant statement with reference to Since February Sth, Having Defied the to Germany. ¥ an boat decree, makes some action im- i i iia IE tic of the C.P.R. the war as an ally of the Entente, and | the further restrictions of imports H This move has its beginning, it is {that one motive behind this would Ontario Logislature. and the encouragement of agricul- | Hun, Submarine . (Special to fhe Whig.) petative. L opie of these develop: i affirmed, from the time the C.P.R.|be the desire to create and equip a| r---- ture, in view of the submarifg men-| TE Halifax, Feb. 17.--How thoroughh. ar tye - -. lig yoke Daw : took over the Allan line, Under an [strong Chinese army. ace, It is understood that, while ' { will be Britain's inspection of the ete Ent eligerent step 1m agreement with the Donaldson Line,| It was hinted that the British Gov- NOT A PARTISAN MATTER the list of prohibited imports will be Scandinavian-Americ liner Fred- Furtherm rl ddi 1 the Allan Line worked in harmony; |ernment would welcome the services extensive and cover many trades, erick VIIL, bearing Count von Bern- |... pn he aide Jf this G additions there was no cutting of "rates and |of China as an ally, on the theory there-will be no sudden reduction to storff back home, was indicated to-| Germany boldly anneu: ment z each had like loading facilities at that the participation of China might the bare necessaries of life. day in the semi-official announce-| ny op Sowin By Se -- th : various Atlantic ports. But when the [be calculated to imgrove internation-| THE LIBERALS ARE URGING 00-| "The prohibitions will be made at|yo ENGAGE CARGOES AND BRAVE ment that it may be a week or more | 3." onih & FE EH FRAFFRARTTICN HAS Allan absorption oceurred the C.P.R. |al relations between China and Japan, OPERATION the instance of the controller of FURTHER NORTH COURSE before the liner is "passed." ties of warnin usta rma , disregardeqphiat peaceful agreement {which would then be allied with Eng- shipping. after careful Sousi Station : A huge staff of naval, customs and | ou riegy 8: earch sr oller to the resé. memt of the Donaldson |land and the other Entente Powers. Th aa of the tonnage available and the immigration officials, with interpre- : Line, oven th the merchants of St.|The point was made here by| A Brief Resume of What the Liberals| jsyc to be run, and are intended to| Time Will Be Required to Restore Se women assistants and ribo Orglered to Vienna. John's. a diplomat that if China were to join and Laborites Have Done to Bring | provide a margin of safety for a!Confidence Among Seamen, Especial |lators, swarmed aboard the Freder- a 0 This led to the cutting away of the [the Entente, Japan would not be in| Woman's Suffrage. varied and ample food supply. ty Those on Neutral Not Protected | igk VIII to-day, beginning their work Paris Feb. aye he ey Grew Sloamships of the C.P.R. from the C. a position to attack China as an ally, (Special to the Whig.) he _ by Guns. shortly after daylight. Their task|gecretary of the Ameri Embassy . R., and the formation of a new [and that the reorganization of the Toronto, Feb. 17.--Woman suf- HONORED BY THE CZAR. ~New York, Feb. 17--Twelve Ath includes a minute examination of the |i, Berlin, and recently in charge dur- company, separate from the railway | Chinese army would place that coun-lfrage has definjtely climbed up into 3 baggage and of the persons eé.t company, to own and manage the|try in a position of preparedness|, ~. oo BCC, policies, - and peling Ambassador Gerard's absence. ip Russian Decorations For Two Mont- |erican, = British, French, Belgian, | Bernstorff party, women béing desig-| the United States, was to-day order- ships. It also led the Donaldson Line |against outside aggression. real Officers. Swedish and Dutch steamshi | lds e ka hy i h ps, most | nated for the task of searching thelaq to Vienna to assist American Am- to tie up with the Anchor Line, which CLE -- ; Votes for Women" is now the chiet| y,,q5n Feb. 17,--The King has|of them freighters, arrived here yes- | Women passengers. 'bassador Penfield, it is thought, in i is a subsidiary of the Cunard Line. DUTCH BUY TANKS NOW. battle cry of the radical forces given permission for the wearing of | a.qa £ th havi 1 guiding Americans out of Austria pe So tense has the situation become : Even while the Liberals were |the following decorations, conferred Ys Many 0 am ving . left RECORD IS GOOD, when relations are broken off with i that the new alignment as indicated | Continue to ¥mprove and Modernize struggling for prohibition they were|by the Czar of Russia: European ports after Germany's sub- ithe United States. Hide fair to fake oii the complexion , Defences, also strong advocates of woman suf-| 'Order of St. Viadimir, fourth | marine policy was announced. The Canada Pacific Has 'Handled -- " | aan antic and a Pacific steam-| The Hague, Feb, 17.--Holland " . | class--General Sir Julian Byng, com-| Two hundred and twenty vessels Great Amount of Tonnage. 8 up war with all the vicissitudes that | continues to improve and modernize | {rage. But naturally enough prohidi-| mander of the Canadian forces in| have entered this port since Febru- (Special Lo the MARKET PRICES. such a conflict would produce, her defences. Among other ultra|tion was the chief issue. Now that|France, ary §ith, when the German submarine | Montreal, Feb. 17. 7." Nothing is rn ima -----et-modern war. machines. which willithe Liberals have secured prohibition| Order of Saint 'Stanislaus, third J blockade went into effect withoul re-|More unfair than to launch general| The Quotations on the Various Stock - TO HTOP SALMON EXPORTS. | soon be received here are » several they are. advanelig woman suffrage class--Lieut.«Col. Clifford Coffin, En- | strictions, and only 107 have left. 'charges against the rallways for de- Exchanges. tanks." Two frameworks for these gineers; Lieut.-Col. John J. Creel-| In these figures maritime circles |18Y8 in freight shipment," said A. D. New Regulations for the Fall Fish-| machines have just arrived from into premier place and linking it up| man (Montreal), Artillery; Brigadier | Nere see little hope for relief in|MacTier, general manager of the New York Stocks. i ing in B, C. America. They are equipped "with| with temperance" and with all the | General Phillip Twining, of the Im-|freight congestion in thig port. There |©astern lines of the C.P.R. "There Re. Noon. Ottawa, Feb. 17.--Measures will|four cylinder motors of the more|plang for dealing with war and after-|perial forces, formerly of the Canad-|is hope of partial relief in making are railways and railways im Canada, |Alrbrake. .. .. .. +118 shortly be put into effect by the Gov-| powerful typg. The army construe-| problems, believing that women |1aR Militia; Lieut.-Col. Frank A.| Halifax a port of call for vessels, in-|a0d as they have not all yet been Atchison . . 1% 68 ernment which will practically pre-| tion works will equip them with an bri ¥ " White, Royal Engineers, attached to stead of Kirkwall. Many ships, nationalists they should not be class-| Baltimore & 'Ohio we al 6% vent the export of what is known as| armor." Owing to the fact that the can bring to the settlement of these; .. canadian Engineers. which have feared to undertake (ne |®d together. Take for instance the/C. P. R. .. : 3% British Columbia "fall salmon" to the| canals were: frozen over last week | mhtters invaluable aid. Cross of St. George, third class-- | route near the English coast now are | record ,of shipments via Canadian{N. Y. C. .. .. .. ... 198% 95% United States. During the past sea- | motor sledges have been on trial, and | Newton Rowell and the Liberals Sergeant Alexander Mc --= expected to engage cargoes and brave | Pacific' from St. John ,N.B., which | Inter. Nickel .. .. .. 40% 41%, son there has been a large export |the troops have Jest exercising I0|gre jot attempting In any way to| Order of St. George, fourth class-- | the further north course. shows an increase of fifty-four per|Erie .. ..-.. .. .. . 26 26 u ited dulinen fram Canada to thellong "hikes" on skates. make woman suffrage a partisan mat- | Sapper Burdette Hazmon, Private A.| This; it is believed, will in time re-|cent. in January, 1917, as compared | Erie pfd. .. .. .. ... 39% 39 nited States, In which country the ems ter. They are co-operating with the|H, Jackson, Corp. -G. Marryatt. move congestion to a certain extent, | with January, 1916, the. exact fig-| Nickel Plate .. .. . 10334) 104 product has been canned and sold, as 5 MAY BE INVADED Labor member, Mr. Studholm, and| Medal 'of St. George, second class but it is pointed out that timid skip- [ures being 210,435 tons, as compar-| Pennsylvania <. .. .. 54% 064% al tS 0 ur is salmon packed in they are asking the Government to,---Sergt. C. Gardner. pers and shipowners still will_refuse|ed with 134,638 tons. In spite of Readingg. .. .. ... 91% 91% Tugel Soun a a matter 2 fact do as they did in regard to prohibi-| Order of St. Anne, third class-- [to risk' their ships, in view of ths|the phenomenally severe weather of| St. Paul .. .. .. ... 80%. 8134 this 5 Ro fon not slower se be GERMANS INCREASE NUMBER OF tion--that all parties in the Legisla- | Brigadier-General George N. Cory,| Wide zone established. It is believed | February, the CP.R. record for the Uniod Pacific .. .. ..138 138 hs ned 3n. Cana 3 at all, as_it was MANS 1D roig os ture should unite to pass unanimous-| formerly of the Canadian Militia. '| time will be required to entirely re- |first fourteen days of that month also Rep. Steel .. .. .. .. 16% 77% J oe yas ore 4 hat al t e lilo of year TROOPS IN SCHLESWIG. ly a measure for giving women votes. Order of the White Eagle, fourth |store. confidence among seamen, |sffows a great increase in tonnage, U. 8. Steel .. .s 100 4 106 3% i -onditi ob n sufficiently good The Liberals point out . that they |class--Lieut.4Col., John Alexander |especially those who have charge of |and yet January and February last|Apaconda .. . 6% 76% condition. Protests were made to|Protested the Blockade--The Little urged such co-operation for prohibi-|Gunn, of Montreal. neutral vessels, unprotected by guns. [year were very busy months. This{ AWD. Loco. .. .. ... 89% 71% the Marine and Fisheries Department | "Nugion Mis Excited Admiration by | tion for years before the Government Of the 220 shi § ps which arrived. |record, it must be remembgred, has| i a x : og By Cavadian conners, and as A Yerult Her Courageous Reply to Germany. | yielded, but that now that Govern- i ; 89 of them passed through the war|been attive in spite of a pre short-|- - CONSIDERABLE i; ADVANTAGE, tions increasing: the sige of the mesh London, Feb, 17.--The identical] ment itself recognizes the great bene- 160,000 WHO SHOULD ENLIST izone. Thirty-three of the 107 de- age of man power. We have no lack| ned I he Allies b h and nets used after September 15th, [ROte Of the three Scandinavian coun- Sis, of Prohibitian. To-day. the Op- Ha Suan Se: partipg were bound for the zome.|of equipment, indeed we have offer-| Gai or the y 2 "hen the fish commence to become |I1168 Protesting against the German | Position is urging a similar no-operfa-| Have Been Picked From the National | One-half of the ships passing through [ed twenty-five spare locomotives to Attacks at Ammersweiler, possesses * special tion for woman suffrage, that there Service Cards. the war zone to reach'New York have |one of our neighbors in the eastern (Spectal Jo The r. Thi 1 blockade « policy ; : Se hy : Breve he salmon significance In the case of Denmark.| May not be any further delaygin se-| 4 wa "Feb. 27.--It is leariied | @FTIved in the last three days. provinces, but: the. use of equipment| Paris, Feb, '17.~The is. office A The London Times printed the fol-|CUring the benefit'of the co-opfration | pure authoritatively that the Direc- treme mei : is limited by weather conditions and | Statement tells of heavy artillery Hel a sie lowing Juguten Irom its Scandi-|0f Women. tor-General of National Service, after CRUISER AMETHYST. by the extent to Mirch labor can be' Behting In Ba also success: ; KE a : ; : consultation with the distri - J secu or handling snow. : take \HPUKE STEPS DOWN. "In connection with recent mes- A Liberal and 1abor Xora. of | rectors, ordered the a arrit 21 SUNK ONE RAIDER "In connection with complaints as| neighborhood of Ammeraweiler, . OUr Clu: or § sages in the Dutch press about the tion of a li : to shipments of coal, people forget| 8aining considerable advantage for has so hmperor Takes Command Liberals and Labor to bring woman | P&™ f st of 160,000 men | Qave Battle to German | hat the Canadian Pacific that! the Allies. . ' massing of German troops in the bor- ; who w h . business, sd Arm Vienna de. |der districts 'near Holland, it may Sufirage ral 182 IE to the presept: 0 Bry a a Ser. Auxiliary ¢ Cruisers Brazil, ¢&s, but can only carry coal. Those 3 Toning olved by Reuter by way perhaps interest you to learn that for| "rg 77 0 Studholm. Labor mem- | Sential work, and by their circum- But Two > Escaped. 'who are intimate with the difficul- DAILY MEMORANDUM ' hy reports have ties and which which we have been wiisterdam says that Emperor | ome time. trustwort °| bér for East Hamilton, introduced a | Stances fitté for army service. Sbe top of page 3, right hand corner | Jurles of Austria has written u lots Peo" TAChing various Danish auAl yi) to grant tranchise to women.| This list. which is aiready well ad-| Rio Janerio, Feb. 17.--An officer | ¥OrkinE in the respect thoroughly | tor Qe provaniided " to Field Marshal Archduke Fred- | "a i Cir oo en may 1rd0ps William McDonald, Biberal member| Yanced, will be handed over to the|of the British cruiser Glasgow has ah Slate the speed with which we «ck placing him second. in command |." Sehl¢ 8 a for North Bruce--to give the legis- | Department of Militia and Defence | confirmed the reports of a recent|!2'® forwarded the" coal once it ™HE DAILY BRITISH WHIaQ the AustrodHurgarianarmy. The |"'*POT 0 0 oo | lative franchise to women having the | at Ottawa within two weeks and will | naval battle off Fernando de Noron-| reached our lines and admit that our A rehduke was previously command- municipal franchise. be pieced out to local military dis-| ha, 125 miles off the eastern extrem-|T®¢0rd is highly satisfactory." Sat the Fo lowi : r-in-chief, but the Emperor has fury, when Juports of Germany sss 1913---Alan Studhom re-introduc- | trjct officers, to be used by reeruit-|ity of Brazil, according to the news- BA . toon sal Following Clty taken over the supremé command, most specific, information reached ed his bill. Mr. McDonald re-intro-| ing sergeants Jn a personal ~anvass| Paper Rua. ONLY TWO-COURSE MEALS. ab n. h, hb 38, «++» 308 Montreal St. Ki: and is now ataying at main head- London. of Denmark: being similarly duced his. J. C. Elliott, M.P.P,, Lib-| for more men for overseas duty.{/ The Glasgow, however took no * Auartars, Ths Austrian Emperor éral member for West Middiesex,--a This campaign is expected to be! part in the engagement. Her com- 'Regulation Vi ; A Ae Pin haa - Cr e German Eunsoror Wennsed, at bill,to grant municipal franchise to| under way within a very short time. ip Seupived 2 Tenor of the fight- i ey oct m Gigs, 4 WC [5 ra iss Princess z ran ral of the Austro-Hun- married w women: ? - - 8 hls on e following day throu jo : pu ~~ Coulter's Grovery . sailan' navy, hal any frosh violation of neutrall 'Resolution. moved by Thomss| gin 4 AMES IN BOSTON, |b Wireless message trom the British |, rors: Fob 17_--The food minis-|Calions Grocery; Cor. Princess & Alticd : aD or : many ee "Denn Marshall, Liberal member for Mouek, ---- * | |eruiser Amethyst, which alone gave |tY has decided that from February Oibsows. Die: Store "+ Marge Bunt See Gerniany now seems. anxious that mark AD Rollaney and C. M. Bowman, Liberal whip, 10 {mane of Connda in 1. in| battle to the German raiders. 13th maximum prices are fr be fixed Moauley's Bua Store .. 138 Prinsses the United 'States continue relief . stant municipal votes for married Part aking Before six o'clock in_the evening |throushout France for milk, butter| Mcdalls Cigar Store, Cor, Brin. & King "From the military point of view, and cheese. In the department of the ' 3 the War. wo t york in Belgium and northernjine atter country would be able to 1914. Mr. Elliott re-introdu : Be Amethyst $24 some 8 Seine, including Paris, the price of Paty © ris ii rors 1 tases rance. # ¢ ced led - --" ou er more serious resistance than ips pil. : ¥ i milk must not exceed 10 cents for &| Prouse Pi us Store +... 3 Lamouth | ===" | Denmark, for imspfticiency of artil-| 1915. Mr. Elliott ré-tntroduced Titro--about & pint and. threequar.| Sowiheoti's Grocery .:.y.. Forismou wine conrryrs lery would be offset by the possibil-| pig pill. Mr. MeDopald--a bil ers--if bough tin a shop, or on uhooits Ste DIED aL . J{ity 'of floodingtraets of land and grant the legislative franchise to wo- cents if delivered. The BIR | aed dom Satu Feb. 3rd, 1917, « the War Zone, | |theredy minimizing German superior-| nen qualified to vote at municipal butter vary from $1.12 to & her hon ri Tierrepon war Fronts. ity- in that arm and condi-| elections, ¢ Machine Suntory, tions of contiet such that Holland's 1916-Mr. Elliott re introducdd for 1.34 per kilo--roughly, two pounds aseording to the quality and ore flman-power would - have its fullest Mr McDonald--bill - He : ene E the Gern Cuban Troops: : Denmark. on the ashes hand, Ta 0 roman. : abit var, adding : in 41 took to fi; J. Fhe oily chess prices fixed 20 far od ; Simian: 1917 Mr, re-introduced , eritie do nha, : Canembert, from thirteen cents to dork. No Bel ee more: desirante 3 : r the full] It has tso a y de Noronha. © ¢ slightly higher prices. All : . Liberals aA Juiety for for Am. FSY n. Mase! Random i fiction Taken: Late' Ontario 'News. Announcements; ors: Theatrical; Battalion, Their Authors; Roxane's Cons us: Aotivities ral Page; Jats Mar. I: nan Belgians bin Wikre rade; Automobile to World. i 8 Serial. "The Dog of Sport; -- Schenve

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