Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN 3 1 deterre p t against Capit: d Reserved Funds - THe YOUNG {| PEOPLE 1 ge £35,000,000 $6,439,382 BANK or TORONTC George B. McKay, Manager. RI (HCIDENTS OF THE DAY GR A ND & uPERk thrift, | D- acts as a Rm { FOR . SALE Alfred Street--Solid brick dwelling, 11 rooms, hot $4600 water heating . Johnson St.-- Double frame, 7 rooms each, good location ey $4000 We dre now very close to Spring. ' Haw about 'that lot yon want for building purposes.* We have them in all parts of the city at all sorts of prices, 56 Brock St. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 You Can Count On It When wetake care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. © Will you Phone 1004 GRIFFIN'S Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Monster Bill Clara Kimball Young in the Foolish Virgin : Robert Conness io #T'he Martyrdom rn This is the Weather That you will find it necessary to guard against coughs, colds, la grippe and lung troubles, We are always well supplied with the most reliable redemies that medical science can produce, Our advice will be cheerfully given at all times with regard to the pre- paration best suited for your ailment. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Opp. Y.M.CA. Kingston, Ont. Watts, foes Florist Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order Friendships ! We have cholce cooking ap- ples by the barrel; also choice vegetables. We deliver promptly. § ® 210 Division Bt. Phone 545 The Greatest Bargain Yet -- Don't Miss This . Cottage Rolls 1000 ie of Smoked, , cottage roll, hole ~ 23c Per Pound Saturday Only. Anderson Bros. Phones 458 - 1846 Prices: Mat, 15e; Eve 20c; Doors open Wis and 6. come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, 24-126 Clarence St. Mabel Teugnelle, in of Philip Strong, The Shielding Shadow. ; oe Svan 2.15 and 7.15 High Class Eye Glass OVER HALF THE PEO- PLE WEARING GLASSES TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS FECTLY. A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH CLAYS" FITTING REALLY MEA WE EXAMINE EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YOQUR GLASSES IN OUR OWN LABORATORY AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- ERATE. R. J. RODGER, Jeweler and 132 Princess Bt. THAT DO NOT, FIT PER- Where thie clock is on the walk. filed promptly. Lord Beaverbrook, formerly. Max Aitken, was meniber uf the House of Lords «Wednesday with full cefemiony. Ry { » Floral Toners sat mpi, Datduets. hd Dut 239, 115 toy introduced. as =» Sir on -- LOCAL NOTES AND , [TEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity | -- What the Merchants Offer to the | Readers of the Whig. nac y¢le Club Motor now n m¢ : no bu 1 fo ie p ec Saturday morning D t n, Tweed, has sold pra ' wn to Dr. Volume, 3 { Love. What is it? F. FitaGegs ac essed th at on 3 ny Nar : 3 ia evening H. Cuniingham, piano turner, 21 King stree Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store, Mrs. John Bryson, Montréa 1, chap- eroned a nuinber of Kingston ito attend the ball at the Royal Mili- College leigh tary ed into the window of c arroll's tailor store, Princess street, Thursday evening and broke the plate glass window : Mrs. R. H. R« n , hag returned hon 3pe few days with t 1 Mrs A. Foster, Fis Mrs, (In loing as well Kingston Hos went a ser A new post offic reads as 1 Buy war savings certi at the local the letters the war Coming, The fa le of Love. Why does Kdhgston's member, W F. Nickle, not secure relief for the citizens in the way of betier mail ser- e between here York? At the annual me the Do minion Marine As held in Toronto, Francis K this city, was re-elected secretar asurer Miss Ethgl Collins, Barrie street, vho has Bo on the City Solicitor's taff for some time, leaves on Sunday for New York to enfer on a course of nursing Sprinkle a f econ y 'on the tail of they will not {fly away. Losing money n wai eks | doesn't even entitle the sufferer to a pension. | | SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton. ee AP it i. | "AUCTION SALE Furniture, 2336 University Avenue, | Thursday, Feb. 22nd, 10 nm, Oak parlor sult velvet 1 curtains and velour, oak buffet ang ¢ tension table, and leather Seal dine centre tables, cak hall rac stair carpet, I linole Rn tures, iron beds, si gs and matt handsom es chiffonier, Happy ngarly choc ck, and table s Nn, washing hose and. num 8 JE he Auctioneer, Telephone 252. AU CTION SAL © v rt sidebo at dining chai Rattan easy Cl "um, 8c n ware and bedroom sui walnut ings and mattr appy Thought range, kitchen cabinet, 250 1b. platform china, crockery, glassware, In wn mower i Ak «+ The Auctioneer, elephone 252. Jewel ga A Delicious Dessert | | Se and 10¢ Packages For Sale at all Grocers. FENWICK HENDRY & CO. Distributors. } NOW IS THE TIME | War As it 'CHARLIE CHAPLIN in| 10 p.m. Continuous 0 pom, DAILY Performance Polite Vaudeville June Caphice, in | "The Mischief Maker" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "Easy Street" And Uther Photoplays ' Wed." Coming-- Tues. Peerless Mme, Petrova in "Extravagance." BILLIE BURKE, in "Gloria's Romance" Pathe News, Comedy, and Other Photoplays. Prices Always the Same. Matinee Evening 10¢; Any Seat 10c Reserved, Sc Extra Monday Feb. 19th Bargain Matinee, 2.30; At 20 and The < § Evening 8.15 et Gus Hill Offers ¢ The Musical Comedy Triumph of the Age. BRINGING UP Father IN POLITICS | « A Thousand Laughs and Then Some Yi GIRL s CLEVER, DANCING hoe; ehildren noe, The, £1.00, Now On Sale PRETTY, SINGING, Prices: Mnt. 2 Evenin Seats Thursday, Feb. 22nd One Night Only Sidney R. Ellis presents the Singing Character Comedian | ALH. WILSON and Company | In a new Irish Song Play | My Killarney Rose During the performapce Mr. W i will sing: "My Killarney Rose." "The Love I Give You. "Where the Shamrock Grows" fh "Mary Houlihan." "Fhe Song That Stole My Girl Away"? PRICES: 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 ! Seats on Sale ._ Souts on Saleffucaday, = 'STRAND Thurs., Fri., Sat. ; Captain Donald C. Thompson's famous 7,000 Foot Film Ss Is Continual Show Daily. From 1.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Matinee 15c. Evening Children 15¢. Adults ™ No Reserve. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY VAUDEVILLE "The Fireman." Fenture Photoplay Wm. S. Hart, in "Truthful Tulliver" of CONDENSED First insertion, 1c a w . emeutive insertion thereafter, cent a. word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 35: three insertions, | S0c; six $1; ome month, 32. HELP WANTED ° APPLY MRS, RH, S. WALDRON, King and Emily Sts Each ev A COOK. AT ONCE. DINING ROOM. IRL ply Hotel A HO SEMAID, Mrs. Howard 8, street. Fo iger, 1 Emi GOOD Apply 55 AL ise w YOU NG Ss mL on DDL (Wor assist Apply Brock 243 A SVM wr liable Theat RESPECTABLE, AND RE - girl f x office of Ide re Apply at once ngton STE ADS, RELIABLE MAY 0 dd 8 € a the righ Apply Whig Hi 4 B | LADIES TO DO PLAIN sewing at home; ti wil stamg Manufacturing half- | { { | AP- | APPLY IN EVE NING | iy | aimie---- FURNITURE FINISHING 4 nus OL L, FURNITURE r. Call or aren a card sireet : youn, v. FIVsH. 23({John L BUSINESS CHANCES, ing at 276 bo POSTAL NOTE, oN Pit RS AY noon K Uwe INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST Wave y provin - dane cent until you resd Successful perty and calling at Whig Of- Finance and learn how fortunes fice are made and lost by Investors A 'WHIT ix RRIE R PUPPY, + Free trial subseription. Success- mW Owner may ful Finance, 608 8S. Dearborn Bt alli at 24 Ga Chicago, TEm---------- 'FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND PINVEST- + ment Soclety; Incorporated president, Colonel . fal th, C.M.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nie- kle, K.C y Issued on city and farm s, municipal and country deben mertgages pur- chased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and ine. terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager 87 Clarence St., Kingston, ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOB Fire Insurance Company. Avatiable assets $61,187,215 In addition to SILVER WRIST Fr Feb 1 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE SECOND- HAND Jrrrrers rr which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of |e Active boy for mailing depart- i city property, insured at lowest i: te nt. Apply at once, Whig Of- 3 he Diisible ales, Befors renewing ce. ve ert sed rini old or ving new usiness Ket > $1 rates from Sang & Strange, th th I Agents Phoue 3 ---- ee -- Eg [A BOY 16 OR 17 YEAR oLD | T TRN eta a WANTED GENERAL ne § aot Queen and Wel- EE Ter. CHAM. ST. CHAM. . Cunningham, ROOMS , 386 Prin. and Division PIANOS, | t of 1 new v FoR FURNITURE, CLEAN, INCED F ARME R WANTS OMS; your own Joek and OVE n x2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT m Auto- nites making yeKs, expe . § e immate; ial. of stamps today tr form. Lept. 24C, Auto-Knitte ' College Street, Toronto Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can se- cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good wages paid to beginners. Apply at office Dominion Textile Co., Cataraqui street. FORK saw 'muEse EFFECTIVE little. Once, 2bc; one week, $1.00 ADVTS. COS1 three times bve, w and fo Phone « HOC E $ ANA male oli 1927, | FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys, see Frank y. Cooke, 39 Clarence street. 160 ACRES, FOUR. MILES | Apply Geo. Gib- Catarayul, Ont. FARM OF from Kingston son, R.R. No. 1, DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. | ision street, ¢ rooms and W.C. 1 each; Rell rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street | GENUINE VICTROLA AND TW ELVE | ~ Jelections our own cholce, $28. 8d: } $10 cash and $1.00 per week, Lindsay, Ltd. | TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA 121 Princess sirent &tréet; modern; near Unlon St, car line. Owners desirous of selling at once. Apply McLeod's Drug Store: 4 i | SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 . Brock street, eleven rooms; 'in| first class. condition, and all mod-] ern improvements Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St, OHARLESTON CEDAR PARK INN, Lake, i Ontario; fully equipg of the fin SUMIner res Canada; fishing, boating, athing, Cte Wirite Edward Giles, Birks Bullding, Momtreal, que. { BRICK STORE AND STOREHOU SE, IN smart country village storey and large cellar; class condition, $1000, to wind up, an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, ! #7 Clarence street, Kingston. | crock STOCK OF HEATERS, RA ges, and all kinds of new and se «| ond hand furniture. We are sis | open to buy everything In the | above' lines. J. Thompson, #33 | Princess street. Phone 1600. i j PAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST- | ing of 300 acres, being the north half of Lot 13 in 18th Con, of Stor. rington and Lot 18 in 11th Con. of said Township. for price and terms apply to Isaac Holder or George Holder, Box 586, Battersea, Ont. LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU «1 ches. stoves, men's clothing: also! new uphblstered chairs; military! harness, shoes, jeather straps; Na-| tional' Cash Register We buy all} kinds of new and second hand fur- [Carpenter ter ond Builder W. R. BILLENNESS PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS AAA ae ry Bas Y An effort will be made fo increase and all growths and skin blem- ing business. Specializing Store Froats ahd Fie- tshes removed permanently, with. -- tings. Remodeling Pulldingy of all ' ou Sear; 30 Jeary Sxpeniones Dr.| g2200, CRMENT BLOCK HOUSE, § Shimer J e, ve, Far, Nose, ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Toroat and: Skin Specialist, 2381 furnace deep Wr exept Address 272 University Ave. 4 Bagot wirest. : . ny w NELLY RES $2500, BRICK, sEMI-pETACHED, A SNAP MAR me; oN AA on Ee new, improvements, central loca -- -- agdreds TION wish MACTIARS. su. tion, Eg mirietly confidential: most relfable:| A -- TL Ad . VOars at experience; Socrptions $1200, DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, @ free. ~The Successful Club," Mrs. large lot, rents $% on investment. Ia Tie srurdie, Box 558, Oakland, Calif S 3 BRICK "vesBER, ARLY : ; MARRY: FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI. new, all. latest pier TR sag ness, man rasa hath wex, wishing = early marriage hundreds wealthy; confidential des criptions free; sstablished 1» years. The Reliable" Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 737 Madison, Oakland, Calif. the Benny Bank savings of the To- ronto school children so that a mil iifon dollars may be loaned to the A RESTAURANT DOING A GOOD PAY. water hbating, hardwood floors ang bafn; good stable. HuvSES I) ~N sh TARTS or 1g ance a od Inv on a Bateman, 67 Clarence Street. 7 i | Keystone Comedy and Other Good Reels fure 8S. Shapiro, 43 Princess! {To have your car overhauled and | I eT sirest. Phone 1337. : : placed in readiness for spring. We =m immme | are fully prepared to look after your- A RI ) auto and all its parts, including C Cas OF THAN KS SPEPEELEAIREE EIR Storage Batteries. One of the best | xcr wish to thank their many Ffends| : | charging outfits has just been instal-| for "vmpathy and kindness shown them | % Two Automobiles and .one % led. Our meéchanics will give: you diving the illness and death of ther # Roadster, all in first-class con- &, eloved husband an her, J oo guaranteed satisfaction. 'the many besmtiful Sowers nt 3 tion. Hlostrie alga and 3 y & right; good reasons for selling. + BOYD'S GARAGE | BOARE AND BUaMS # Apply J. H, Davis, Saxon Dis + 120 Brock 8 oo | ET ME RE LAB MARIE pre rs ve nvenie al Sure For er Ton. Apply 243 Brosh oieet. + * Goveltnment for War purposes, rent rwundred acre farm Storage. 209 or wi ck ar mpleme 0! 4 for d Addr Box 2 fice NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR all OO ' bieycle re ired, cleaned and stor- Wi sNipyard Aj #d for winter All orders pr ympt Onta t ly attended to. Phone 1032, or « all nin at Geo. Muller, 373 King St. & RE: Ee ROOWS, SUITABLE ron n woke 3 Ove | MOTOR BOAT CAPABLE OF HOLD- ing ten or tw « srtably n nw mua equi Give ill pa and bk cash price, Box Whig Offic DENTAL A." EB. KNAPP. BA. LLNS, NDS, ANGTON § Offic, 2568 Princess street, Phone | (i. Laturne) 652. light and hot r¥ston 18t March DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, red. Apply 0 C corner Princess and Bagot streets, street Phone 629 SRS IN DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. PATENTS ists, 159 Wellington stree [83 ew D.D&,. LDS, Osan. BABOOOK & SONS, Patents, trade 45 marks, designs. [istab, 1877. Form- --= erly Patent Office Fxam r. Master of Patent Law Book atent Dr BUSINESS CHANCES tection" free. 99 St. James St, Mont- BUSINE ANCE real Rranch Miawa Wauhin ton, Vv N PRG MA RETIRING nog | = . [WINNIPEG MAN RETIRING ' "ARCHITEC operty, val } 1 qn or suburhan place | wm NEWL ANDS & SON, ARCHI- " Napanee and Brockville > Offices, 258 Bagot St 4 or take difference. Splen did opportunity fo me wish Pm-- mm ---------------------- to come wost 1 rticulars ex POWER & SON, ARCHITE , MER. changed. P.O. Box 666, Winnipeg, | chants Bank Building, corner Man I Brock and Wellington streets For len; li ht work; highest wages while learning. "Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at : ® KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. ~ King. Street West. ; v WANTED PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt." CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO, LTD. Kingston Ontario Fire Insurance Representing the following old line ws companies: "Aetna. Hartford = London Assurance Corporation. ridelity-Phenix Connecticut. Good Dwelling ang- Household Furniture risks a6 low as 86.00 per thousand. Three year term. a fm Rec We EE wok's Cotton Kost Compound, Two Bea " MAH ANY lk a sumber of aad TURK'S, Phone 705 2, $3: No. THE COOK MEDICINE TORONTO. OW, (Fermess chopper Ly his ax. EE EEE Et You can't always uiigy ® wood. / N sat - 4

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