PAGETWELVE ~~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1917. Rosy ere TI ASP tec Nh esp Le Ty SI a . a s 7 es > k £ ¥ = % FTE TEE A Quality is Built into Our Clothes | There's quality in the right i in everydetsil, i materials. Take a Look At Our New Arivals Try them on -- we are showing at $15.0 $20.00. Amn see how comfortable they fit; how very gracefully they hang. We want you to see our new suits and tdp coats 0, $18 0 and LIVINGSTON'S," B ROCK "| "A little out of the way but it will pay you to walk." [To-Ni ---- nnn", hl Extra Special 3 200 MEN'S SEL SHIRTS, made from good quality khaki flannel, all night we offer it at less buy the flannel. A AA double sewn and reinforced back and ~~shoulder, in sizes from 14} to 174. This shirt was bought to sell for $2.00. To- than you could Special for $1.25. AA NN Pt NN A Pi it Pillow Cases - ey 40 DOZEN WHITE COTTON PILLOW CASES, "hemmed ends, made from good strong cotton, in full sizes. S + 1al tonight for 15 each A AA rsa Ave Sweater Coats or 35¢ a pair. a 32 ONLY MEN'S GREY SWEATER COATS, good heavy weight, shawl col-- ar, finished with pockets. Regular - price $2.00. Togh to for $1.39. The styles are bristling with quality, and the tai- loring is quality workmanship, ~ exactly I mm------------ [=== il} WATIALON NOV "nas RECEIVED ORDERS TO MOVE TO OTTAWA FROM BELLEVILLE. Will Relieve Belleville's Recruiting Situation, leaving 4 the 254th Bat- talion Only At last the military situation of [ Belleville- that of having two over- seas battalions recruiting in the one area---has been cleared by the order | THEATRICAL NEWS j At the Grand. To-night "will be the tunity to see. June Cap Mischief Maker," also C Ch lin in "Eady Street." For next Tues- day and Wednesday only Grand has arranged an. exit of the better . class of inte dramas and select var p Roto- ra is ssued on Friday that the 235th Bat- take over the quarters vacated by the' 207th Ba ion. To those acquaint- ed with the Belleville situation {strength, and the move will eliminate between the authorized last The 285th. was in Durham August to be Jecruited and Northumbertand/ counties. When | quarters we re available in Belleville, | before the 254th was authorized, thé headquarters of the battalion were moved that far east and the recruit ing area eftended With the authoqr- ization of the 254th at Belléville it frapidiy developed into a "free-for- all" for recruits from the district, but fan ill-feeling between the men of the two units made progress for either talion go immediately. to Ottawa and [at rons. Thé peer : : itifather who is care seems that both units will now have |, pneial matters, a daughter who loves a fair opportunity of getting up tog nery, and whose ambitions are to i gratify her ever the ill-feeling that'has been aroused | ;. talented s two big recruiting part-lyoue htul and vivacious girl, wilP be ment for the approval Mme. retrova | reel feature, "Ex-| tory describes a ss about his fin- appeams in fie five travagance." le whim. §Billie Burke, | reen actress, as a, geen "in the eighth chapter of 'Gloria's Romance," the big, serial | which has become so popular at the | Grand. A two-reel Universal Feat-| iture, a comedy, and a Pathe News | will also). be on the bill Cyelipg {Jacksons will present a novelty bicy-| cle act which comes well recommend- | ed... This programme will be offered Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday Matinee and Night. It doesn' matter how often you ! see Gus Hill's producton of George | very dificult. [It has been felt, for some time that a move would clear away the trouble and Brockville was fe suggested. [ WTA CIRCLES | | H.A., has been granted Bn privilege ! of wearing Russian gold casualty braid. ' Lieut, G. B. Richardson has re- signed Bs an officer of the 75th Bat- tery. Lieut, A. R. Macpherson has been transferred from the 252nd Lindsay jattalion to the Royal Flying Ccrps Lieut.-Col, H. R. Wilson left on Thursday for Lindsay, Lieut, F. H. Reid has been appoint. joa to the 252nd Lindsay Battalion. Lieut. C, D. Fraser has been ap- | pointed to the 75th Battery. M. D. Hawkey, _ Glenvale, has en- listed in the Forestry Company, with | Lieut, J. F. Freeman. Hon. Capt. J. L. Maclnnes, chap- lain 207th, has been appointed com- batant lieutenant in that unit. Lieut, Worden Edwards, Catara- qui, in England with the Army Ser- vice Corps, is recovering from an operation, ~ I \. : Lieut.~Co!. A. P. Allen, command- ing 254th Battalion, and Capt. D. L Hyman, of the same unit, were in the city on Friday as contestants in the Central ntario Curling League. The colonel is ry enthusiastic over the splendid type of men in his battalion, and is certain that it will equal, if not surpass, the 155th Battalion, of which he was an officer at Barrie- field camp. BELLEVILLE, 71; LOCALS, 68 GURLING RESULTS OF CENTRAL ONTARIO CURLING GAMES. Four Interesting Games Played Fri- day--Whig Trophy Game Also Played, - In three of the four games of the Central Ontario Curling League playéd here con Friday night Belle- ville carried awav the hcnors. The total score was Belleville 71, Kings- ton 68. The results were: Belleville Kingston A.gR. Symons L. A, Zufelt nly Ren T. Frizzell P. Pitney F. A, Palmer C.J. Hyman J. B. Cooke (Skip 21 (Skip) 13 A. P. Allen P. D. Lyman 8S. Robertson J. Gibson\ F. Diamond M.-P. Reid J. Davidson J. M. Ellictt (Skip) 10 (Skip) 24 G. Jacobs G. Lemmon R. A. Backus J. McDonald M. P. Duff W. G. Ferguson M. A. Day L. Sleeth Y (Skip) 21 (Skip) 14 0. Callahan J. Mellquham H. Allen . H. Douglas 8. Quicks T. Slater W. N. Belair J. A. Dalton ~ (Skip) 19 (Skip) 17 Local Curling Results, 'Whig Trophy: A. Fowler J. Gibson T. M. Asselstine M. P. Reid (Skip) 13 | oJ. W. Kelly Dr. Waugh E. C. Gildersleeve J. A. McRae 2 (Skip) 9 » Singles: A. W. McLean, 14; E. O. Sliter, 7 To Stage Athletic Event. For the past few weeks great ac- ivity has been in evidence in the lo- ty of Queen's gymnasium in pre- Jaration for the big. athletic evento be staged on the evening of the 24th. The main boxing bout will consist of fi thy of Bellevillle, Arrangements have veen- made for "a good preliminary boxing card, and eral interesting contests are pre- (he mat Eshoo, the light- 'wrestler, and tlson ~y to a finsh. Suitable ap have been secured . for both the heavyweight , the 145 Jb. wrestler. _-- will be preceeded by five other ting events of an exciting char- 3: is] i > i. Praising your rival may be ood 'lcomedian and a capable McManus's "Bringing up Father," | because it will be new every time you see it. This does not mean that the old stuff is re-vamped, but an entirely new production from stern to stem every time the play is an-| nounced at the Grand, "Bringing | up Father in Politics," offers a-new | story, scenes, music and some new faces of course, Of course, the char- acters that have made the cartoons famous in newspapers throughout Canada, are retained, A rapid suc- cession of screams of laughter is the description of "Father in Politics." The new production will be offered for the first time at the Grand on Monday, Feb. 19th, matinee and night. "My Killarney Rose." Al. H, Wilson the singing dialect company will present the new Irish song play "My Killarney Rose" at the Grand Opera House on Thursday evening, Feb. 22nd. The atmosphere of "My Killarney Rose" js purely Irish in character and is enhanced by appro- priate stage setsjngs and a nuniber of electrical offen) new to stage craft. Around the plot of the play which is said to be ingenious the author has supplied an interesting story through which, 'is drawn well defined threads of pathos and comedy, A number of new songs will be introduced during the action the titles being 'My Killarney Rose," "The Love I Give to You," "Where the Sharmock Grows," "Mary Houl- lihan," and "The Yodel That Stole my Girl, Away." At the Strand. For the first thiee days of next week an exceptiondlly attractive bill will be shown at this popular play- house. The headli attraction will be William S. 't in "Truthful Toler," a neal western drama, with that best known of westerners in the title role. The play is redolent of the clean, open life of the west, and its deyviltry, too, full to overflowing with powerful rapid action. It is manly in spirit, free from jarring and the story is told as only William S. Hart can tell it. Charley Chaplin in "The "Fireman" and a Keystone comedy of fun and frolic, other good reels and polite vaudeville complete a high class programme. » At Griffin's, here was another large and thoroughly pleased audience attend- ing this popular playhouse last even- ing to witness that big Clara Kim ball Young production, "The Fool ish Virgin." This subject being Miss Young's latest screen success, it is in every respect the equal ef that other great picture, "The Common Law." The play contains all the ele- ments that go to make up a sucéess- ful photoplay, including an unusual plot containing many interesting eomplications, The other feature photoplay on the same big bill "The Martyrdom of Philip Strong," is also a subject of unusual excellence and of very remarkable atmosphere, and was closely followed by the audience. Our great serial: "The Shielding Shadow," and one of 'those very laughable Musty Suffers comedies go to round out a most complete even- ing's entertainment. This big pro- gramme will be shown again for the last time this evening. Small Market Saturday. Jufday morning," with the following range of prices: Beef, llc to 13c a There was a small market on Sat- At 7.30 A Late Shipment of Ladies' Underwear Vg Just received from*a well- a maker of 'ladies' underwear, a late shipment of vests and combinations. As we have to make room for spring goods arriving daily we will offer the lot to- night as follows: 120 Women's White Vests A fine make, suitable for those that prefer a light weight underwear, high neck, long sleeves. Worth regular 69¢c. Tonight 42c¢. Drm 60 Only Women's Combinations Fine white unshrinkable, low necks short sleeves or high neck, long sleeves. Worth $1.50. Tonight 95¢. 100 White Flannelette Pajamas Soft quality two-piece pajamas, finished with silk frogs and peaxl buttons. Suitable for men or women; all sizes. Worth regular $1.50. To-\ night 95c¢. 'yo To-Night . New fancy neckwear, chamoisette gloves, knitted gloves Li women, knitted gloves for child- { ren, knitted mitts for children. Soldiers' Sox-- The soft grey wool make; a . very good quality. 39¢ pair. \ mn re ------ . ~~ ------ SPP POR et A T John Laidlaw & i da Ib.; pork, 19¢ to 20c a 1b.; veal, 15¢ : to 17¢ a .: turkeys. $2 to $3 each: i . 3 geese, $1 to $1.25 each; ducks, $1.25 to $1.50 a pair; fowl, $1 eaci; chicx- ens, $1.75 a pair; butter, 45¢cito 50e¢ a 1b.; eggs, H0c to 60¢ a dozén; po- tatnes, $3.25 a balg; apples, 50c a|=g peck, | PO ------ Completed His Letture. Prof. J. M. Lanos, of the Ro, ul Military College, addressed French<Canadian Association Friday : evening on French paintings. A wesk 'S ago, owing to electrical trouble, the lecture wag not completed. conclusion the Association enjoyed a euchre. \ $250 more approphiation that last year, viz., $2,600, In attendance at the meeting were Alds, Kent (chair- man), Corbett, Armstrong, Chown ang Hooper. 2 HI With A " "Capt. J. M. Ashby, who went over- = seas with 'the 146th Battalion, has been quite ill in a hospital in Eng- = land, suffering from appendicitis. His wife is with him. Before enlisting, Capt. Ashby was a tailor and con- ducted a shop on Brock street. More lights are being asked "tor Macdonald Park, Christianity, but it's poor polities,. At its |S $ LAST CALL SATURDAY NIGHT, 7.30 All shoes left over from our sale in men's and women's, will be cleared at a further reduction in price Tonight Only $3. 00 . "Ihe Lockett Shoe Store