1 i 4 : : : : -- 4 YEAR 84, NO. az » KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1917 lo on » ; orers of 3 ; : e_-- A HORRIBL Bt TCHERY. FRANCE WILL VOTE 80, 000 PERISHED ) ouse, Fr en : a aster Carpathians Are a Vast Cem€tery MENELIK S THRONE ™ ANOTHER LARGE SUM hh prot v of the Seria. | | for Hungarians. ® Relief Fund." | | The itungarian . committee en: Nine and One-half Billion IN HOLY IND MANITOBA'S FINANCE {trusted with the care of the graves PRICE OF BAI [LE Francs for Three Months' Y 3 : i of fallen soidiers have issued : Lak t : of | So oy hi :s 1 hat H Outlay. House to Be Asked for Authority to | resear hes in northern C athi ul lit ! Issue Short-Term Loan, | ans ve resu Shocking Crimes of Turks in Country "m. - ¥¢ ives ov if In presenting] tees "or ho So Se ot ipssinia Has Ben Divided Over Succes bo: org 1 ie ) ea. Which Our Lord Lived. foi, rl Brown, ot iabe pe spon. SOr to Late Sovereign. vernment exper A on were "ut suficions Justo Mapai aiiign n is was an verse of "CHILDREN SOLD IN STREETS): rutin. wi ion') ers Torte es (3.000 LED IN FIGHT yc ce sie. - -- He intimated that direct taxation Rames-~where these were. known a : : night be resorted to and that in the | Fewritten, The figures given indi- aig I : ge Y VILLAGES HAS LOST MORE THAN | 005406 the House would be asked | cate that during the winter of 1914- | EMPEROR DEPOSED "WHEN HE 10 0 raise tunds Que , 54 wea Mr a MLL eh helo 5 ver 25,000 o rere kille r ; AE rE 8 A eas. expenses Ho HALF THEIR POPULATIONS, for authority te issue a short term | 5 over 3.000 men en elie on CAME UNDER TURK INFLUENCE, reign DUrChas n aid tha ------ loan against outstanding revenue { = ni ¢ + i i x y | fact never before revealed. The pub- . a Tg na I Of in Appeal in the London Times for Mr. Brown ribed the finances a i B Civil War Has Been Waged--An \e- | a bot ' ! ar end " t i | lication of the report in question { succor for the Famished People-- | © ie province as being on a sound | therefore has caused the greatest de- count of Happenings Has Just! put 10 al 1 * Te voar wis closed cid | t i The Story Told by Two Eyvewits pe o Reh | pression, for it is well known that Reached London--A\ Rebel Chief ! i I balance n ish I i ths , y ¥ Rw BTS He £ + y HOSSPS, ' $611 total. expenditure | the majority of the units who were Has Been Defeated. i i t pt; . : i i : 3h 1 a xpend | engaged there against the Russians Lond Fel 19 \ X last ved VET ! London, Feb 1 at a a lan € nated. | | were composed of Hungarians, only ondon, Feb 3 ia ; of 19 ol famine wvagin e Holy Land A t ie year | 8 {a small fraction of the forces being | been having stormy time since n 1 x 810 repeated in a of appeal in i) I ot : $1,072,220 "He { German and Austrian. The, "Neps-| death of Emperor Menelik. In ) ir i tal Time gndd Bishop ! at by venue ! j 2ava,'| commenting on the report, past few months the new En rot tp W 3 ; 1 : liq ior licenses say pears and |, { points out that .at that time they ! mal \ London, Rennie Maclnnes, Bishop of. that school expenditure exceeded | Russians were the attacking party. | has been deposed civil wa iF Jerusalem; John Brown, Moderator the estimates by 10,000, and said "Now we are the attackers, and broken out and several tles have VICTORY LOAN IS ft} hy FQ : : .» | the year was cl i an adverse s hardly necessary t say more," aon § 5 } 5 tian wi ( e¢ Church of Scotland: George is al) essar) 0 Sa + | been fought between ions, in th. Modoral a United F balance of $174,045 | says the writer. "What ih the Rus- : ic BLOW TO GERMANS husth, Yoderator of Lhe Liniter ! The Freasurer said there had been | sians in the winter of 1914-15 had | 08° of which nearly J on Ns Church "of Scotland; Henry Mac-| 4 reduftion of $440,000 in the pro- had the artillery and munitions that | killed . The new ruler is Empress! "Bitter Pill for Germany to Mahon, chairman. of the London vincial debt thr the transference they have now and will bave during | Zauditu, a"daughter of Menelik : Swallow," Chamberlain's of securities fr London to New jhe winter of 1916-17? How would "ommittee, and J. Deacon, honorar An account of happenings in Aby oy il Soi J Eh al pa A York, d¢hat have affected the number of stile I ape ! en trom Comment. Iy affecting Christian churches every -- VON BERNSTORFF, WIFE AND DAUGHTER DEPARTING. | casualties in a defensive campaign' |p, o50ang living in the capital. Adi ee : where, therefore 4lso Canadian MIDDLE CLASSES SUFFER This picture of the Bernstorfr party about to leave their The Yixeyence een ae defensive | sheba. One letter say : : e oiucial ] The letter ays! "The latest ew . m- jo] sive 8 . "Li "ASSL young Emperor ( Le subseriptior The tt or Saye The 18 L BOWS | ie Fortunes Seem Almost Un-| SPecial train to board the Frederick VIII shows, left to right, paign of this autumn affords much Lidj Jeassu, the young Em ew Tir su userintiol who succeeder s grandfat r, Men } reals : fix Countee Von Bernstorff, Princess Von Hatzfeldt and Count| food for reflection.' Bo sueceaden bi brather, Men:| jie for w closed on } conditions in S a and Palestine touched by the War, >> + elik, had gradually come under | Many thousands Of the inhabitants Berlin, Feb. 19 According t Johann H. Von BernstorfT. ; ~==«§ 1 A borrible/ butchery is in fact Turkish influence. and had in mar A ernoot the amount ap- : ro ving Y A he dis! ot alone: rege. oC oD are Sf 5 na A A -- ~~ | going on in the wooded Carpathians, Wats offend { the « iri il Bb Bor lied for a £2.000,000,000 ar arving. I D ' ist al e rep n o the gen ral commi tee © i where thousands and thousands have | veh Ti pol thy a Fopl- and SH0U,00 A I'he a satefyl $ imate mac . on ; spat | the Prassian Diet, the class of tax- TWO IMPORTANT MOVES [ONLY FOUR WILLING been sacrificed in the ondeavor to " ke n he leg io fous of the Entente; | i. the ock ex pu ie death from ause 4 payers hardest hit by the war is tha TO GO ouT i : 4 5 on is yowers in Septembe sent in a. jo ) } : H ) é 600 | ¢ rive a wedge between the Russian closed LOWE sf Bre y Tully 80,000 Many villages have | with a yearly income of $750 to $1 OF be i protest and this was followed, a few |" 'Vstd « , R lost half their population. Cholera, | 5090. The nur of theso has de [aad the Roumaning fine, ey Plas days late r, by a meeting of the M a g Frid lo suo ! typhus and other diseases are ram-|creised remarkably during the last BRIT AIN SEEKS TO. CLOSE LAST otis Recruiting Officer's |. in tc Gorm tts al | istry, which declared thie Emperor "¢, [¢TI 4 ip t * re sing €¢ i vb x } va i - ' : By . . od t : nt 4 a I Nati ' 1 pant. ( Kiidrer Ri Deine Joi in| two years, They represent the large EXIT FOR SUBMARINES Expericence With National though the men who lie in those deposed, and 5 n 7 roned in his Plu this Héction: + Aoi the streets for a shilling, Two eye-| middle class i rmany --- : : { graves among the mountains are|the Princess Zauditu, with Ras Ta { witness say 'We passed women The lower classes of taxpayers|New Danger Zoe Proclaimed | Service in Civil Service. | mostly Hungarians. fari as regent and heir to the] ( 0 : a ! and. children lying on the roadside | have increased greatly Through Route North of Scotland] la tn | . "From Orsova to the Uzsok Pass |throne | A #43 ( ; un with closed eyes and ghastly pale Very large fortunes. seem to re- And D Irish Coast tWa ¢ }.--So far the ap k he Carpathians are a vast "ceme "Things were quiet for a few] . i ral er national tuce It is a common thing to find | main almost untouched by the war 3 i own Irish ast, | 3 ion ¢ f the a ational Service | tery," says the report, and 7,000 men | weeks Then Mikael, the most po 4 I : ¥ : 7 : . : - : > ashington Fe i . i cards the Feder: Yivil Service ' peaking at Bristol da n people searching the garbage heaps | The wealthiest man in Prussia, who Washington, Feb. 1 Two im bo id ; Federal Civil Service { are being employed in identifying | erful chief in the cou declared | 1 3 Sg : v ured t 3 ' Dort + r t lias me th ttle success | . . i op ' ; i 1 i © mture 10 pred for orange peel, old bones and other js not named, is taxed for a yearly | Portan Gre B 0. Das nel w 3 hi little or.no success | the graves and restoring them. "The | himself in favor of poskd Em- | S31 ay rey - 1 > rir Y 3 ards s o ! n 8 ae ar Wo would refuse, eating them greedily when | income of 25,000,000 marks' (nonmin-| meet the s i 1 | [He cards sign d by 1,700 unmar { work has to be completed before the | peror, and "marched against Ads 8 reed wy Es oan found. At three different places we |ally $5,250,000). nounced during ed \ «new 1 men in the Service were turned | snow covers eMerything over and the | Abeda The first batile was fc Be ti ® bitter pil: lor Germany Lo swat visited werd camps of women and m-- danger zone was pro med, see O%er to a reputable rec ruiting offic er floods wash away all traces of the{some distance outside the capital] a rT pT . children where any man could select BERNHARDT'S PLAN ing to block practically the "whole not long ago . | resting-places of those who have | where the Gove ronment army of 5 | CANADIANS IN RAID a oh OF . ak Nerd - route of exit toward :| So far he and his three assistants op. ; > . i ) Wiated. | a child or woman and take Ll . oy : ex ¢ ea] is th hy is Ant len, The committee, therefore, | 000 men was virt ually annihilated. | EAST OF SOUCHETZ with him, dragging them along by: Will Tour States With Vaudeville | of the German | jo al 4s D ae men who | have but a very short time at thei Se verse ------t-- the hair.' This widespread sufler Co : bases in « Ge | Signed the, card Of these 600 un-| disposal. If General Falkenbayn and Rebel ¢ hief Defe ate d. | 5: mpany of Her Own. . s . : man | , B ing 1s caused Dy & deliber: ate. policy . I it : : ; With the En | ried men they only found four | the Archduke Karl do not succeed in "There was a good dea f axeite | Destroy Ten Dugouts and Give y o & - 1 q : : i e We § eal Of t i - . »f starvation. 'It is clear. said New York, Feb. 10.--Sarah Bern-l.|, aj by ar ate system of nets, ling to enlistl These | breaking through the Russian and ) . ; wi z ! : ' rdt's t in a repertoire of plays}. f ' jose > ' ment in the capital, and the Lega-| or Lord Grey in October. that = there ( 1ardt's tour a ref re of PIAYS|migeg and patrcls, the means of exit! fo en before a medical | Roumanian lines, next year the com- tion repared for attack. but the) w | has gonedon in Turkey a scale of! Was brought to an end, because thele +} "chmarines ha en through ©€X tll four failed to pass | mittee will have to begin their work - br parec Tor a ey : 2 : orry. ! 1 atm Kap : ND ' nS . | sneniy wi low in appearing ar unprecendented horrors unequalled | strain of appearing several IME: { tha route 'no i. of Scotland and | ¢ all over again, for at the present tho now : had ADDe to munbil.{ Yo ' ' " in an atiempt to exterminate during a\perfermance was too great down the Irigh coast The n dan- | ven for the most | rate of butchery in the Carpathians ize o which tind 'ins seiptvinid il a ill : Christian population.' Massacre for her, and a new tour will be be-1... 0 4a to close t way | Prt are simpl that they "don't|and the Tsansylvanian Alps the num- I ha : : : oa pier | co : ponder France report std ) i » Sx ' 4 . . i: evarre: rsonal command of the ar M t 105d tha ( diar 1 { the sword is terrible enough, but | Bun with the French A rosy at the f 4 is wnders to have he =| Want to go ber of graves will soon be doubled ter, meth the Samy. on Oct [eo t hil rn n lh ay , a " > 2 vd + | Thea recruiting re hada 104 tr bre---- r, 3 { 1e (ierman 6 of f Soucy massacre by famine is tenfold worse, | head > her rn aut eville company. | erally strewn wi ith mines The recruiting officers have little | Tha battle lasted all day and rebiiod x aor i ps a 0 y 3 } rattine me iat at 5 € i 1 t er i ¢ ! At the moment we seem pbwerless She herself w appear in a num Details of plans for changing t el ope of getting men out 'of the 1,- Russia's Ice-free Harbor. 1 y , 1 : t i ! bep from her repertoire, and the rest p Hi and exal .t ; 10) men still uneca sed : in the enemy's complete rou The | mile to th ene of t id to meet the appaling situation If, of the programme will be fnade ap port of ci and examination for men canvassed, Russia's most important)transpor Empress' side had 10.009 killed o it] found his trie had » or however, the success of the Allied ¥ . y boats between this country and t --sei------------ tation undertaking since 'the con rq 1 ph wha Cr # : $ acts given b&b vi aville tists : 1 § of 60,000 engaged, while the enemy | arrive fe begred to vod operations perms, it may bé poe-| © acts given by Audeville artists. {no harn . Fiifopean neutrals from i , struction of the Trans-Siberian rail-| i< caiq to have lost 15.000 kill i | i : : BoE ta 3 rors | The tour will begin next Thursday at | ji : 1if wo ie 4 Soldiers to Vote, av ia is Said to have lost 15,000 kille 0 OV 6 fiern nd f sible to bring relief to the suffer | the Brookivn' Academy of Mii irks os Halifax were de pub : Gs . . way is the new road from Petro- "Phe. manner of fighting was] thor ' [1 even before the close of the war |"! Took:yn Acavemy ,ol | . lie, ea to allow vessel Ottawa, Féb I. -- Instructions | grad due north to an ice-free port | Luimitive Ne Bree 4) Bol ase 8 said, i In any case the needed supplies of | TT ---- . to avoid the German » 201 1 sent by the Militia De- [on the Arctic Ocean, says Paul P.lijnac but becoming tired oft | i aa : : food, medicine and clothing should | COST OF LIVING by sw round nt to the general officer com- | Yogter, in the. Review of RevieWs.l yo" Wo" (1oce Woabone del _d as mie lool pare H be poured in as soon as ever this be-| S-------- Scotland and down bistriet Neo. 6 andouncing No" couptry in the world with the dashed at one another wit ita a8 1 la | : comes pessible, They can be bought | No Reduction in Prices Shown by coast instead thority had been granted to possibilities that Russia possesses Is and -- aE : Sy grially Wounded by ma mn e x é . spears SUN hire (4° yout t and stored in Egypt, whence they can Federal Report, qish Isle \ mmanding active "servic | so. unfortunately situated with re T po : wa real. reinicls . hr : A a » 1 - be conveyed in a few hours to POFts| Ottawa Feb. 19. The cost of liv- | amination 1 erce New Brinswick to--issue to gard to access to the sea. Archangel Adis Abeba over the outcome of thei. 2 place {at ¥ } Hat: isis . hi me } ¥ tt} 1 o ier ng eir > n . - , 2 ol 8 ¢ >De er ? outcon i hours late raided again w of entry to the Holy Land when the jing js not going down. The labor may be estab 'd late he Ba-'D ide 3 Jamo; EB th Ir oer 2nd th 19 hes northern "ports are battle and on the return the vi : POEs. de ten diz : opportunity offers A small begia-| department fndex number of prices { hamas ¢ rmud Tt ra points at | closed with ice during a greai part 9!) toriops army 1 grand revie® w m-- st ning has been made, but at least| op ws that the cost of 29 staple foods - - y ey. lartered to thé dis-| the year, and this is true also of the held by he Empr 1] < el 8 tha i «J stapl $ a is i : th # 5 m ' 4 held by the Empresd in pe n, She £50,000 should 'be forthcoming if | weighted according . . tr n which they will vote at the | Baltic outlefs. The war closed the YY. ~ , vjeht \Mg to family con a . : y 848 shion COVers ith ¢ dite n 'hlan ' r like dequate supply it jahited 5 . a . A TRIBUTE TO CANADA ipproaching provincial bye-efection. | Dardanelles to Russia, and Vladivo- | Sat on Tushior avered with g Latest About Deutschland anything like an adequate suppl sumption, averaged $10.27 for sixty ER ' geous tapestry. and nothing w t Halt A 1 to be ready, No countny on the face cities in Canada in January, as com . on wm stock, 6,600 miles from the capital, g 3s ape As " 10 By y ings was lo Baltimor Md, Feb 19 of the earth shoul! make "a stronger ared with $10.11 for December: | Actuated By, and Willing to Pay for, wo has hitherto been the only year-|De Seen o ier face but two eyesithe merchant ibmarine | appeal to the peoplé.of all classes 828 tor Janu ry, M16: $7.79 for : Big Convictions Montreal JHaises $1,316,563. round ice-free harbor of the great peep mg throug veil. Eve land has heey ptured ' ; 3 4 + Janu: b: $ . . , | } } . in the British Isles than that in}, dy nr 191 3 od $7.73 Yor Jan Now Feb 16 Tory y - fontreal, Feb. 19 Mont real sot | empire. But at Novo Alexandrovsk, hands wee 1 1 henea 0 on * in Plymouth Barbe which our Lord lived, and te which ap ah Soh bre rx 500 pert : A ( Monday to raise $2,500,000| on the Kola peninsuia of Lapland robes Each chief rode at Batad 156 « i in LT wien ol 4 : uary, 5 © who HIN i ; Sis fri prt wid i i irele me and ' pproached ' w wo owe the Scriptures and our whole : a Canad a = the Cas 0 oF otic and Red Cross | and well within the Arctic circle, | of hig nen, a : A\PProa H the ie by W 1 : h : anada 1 1 Fund 1 on Frid night at t the influence of the Gulf stream |the Empress he distiounted, drew | engineer t Any religious ingpiration Now .is the ve pf adian Camp on Friday at the Hotel i i on riday night at the ] 3 mi ngineer of the Ame TY HO Tos acail oo SAWDUST AS FUEL y k 2 an "ridag _ finish. of the campaign, it was an- \Keeps the mouth of the bay free from | his sword and danced about her, |, An tr port: liner Mong ia. Pal t ) § ----- : ste © Sp rs were Dr. Rob- | * 2 . ca o rear Th ssian | shouting ti y he- ha lone. | 4 t1 y { collect the sum after the 'Holy Land : : . ert 1 : wl of The ad. Mounced that $4,516,568 had 'been| ice the year round. The Russian | shouting the deed had: « iid he British had - is of fo u The distribution fund Used by. Otiawa Univenily; 300 i 7 nr . ecured I'h includes $1.000.000 | Government has therefore rushed the | This was ke pt up until the chief be-' 444 enemy binarines ind that -- BB 8 2 48 : ak oi + . visor ni Cramp 5 An Tiel 1% i ray Ww rilil o y exhausts - juy Bahmnarines, he will be in the hands 'of those who Families Without Coal, torr. Christian Loden. Foshian recommended by the Board of Con- Sonstryetion of 3 ralivay 2 ich wil Sallie xiay toed : 87 of them were in' Plvmout o . : . . istian Leden, v an es os : e 8 y 8 ng ' » commander ¢ he ery hained te het nt know the people and lived amongst Ottawa, Feb. 19.--Unable to. ob: linson. G. kK Noble. I. O Arn rol as the eity contribution, "but | Pring r Sorely neede supplie he ymmander of en i ter and in t ; them, Though the policy of starva- | tair® coal sufficient to keep the fires bo 1 : dit e City Council has not yet made | Without interruption during the win-| army, Mikael, was led up chained 4, i huge 1 cha X d rv . x es > ep lhe *8 who told of expeditions among the ATR he al 4 Gi > $i y , 1 apt 1 1 : tion is mainly directed against the | going, the "University of Ottawa offi- | islands of the South. Pacifie Ocean rant tor months from this ksolated Be Xe : hie Whe ha X caplured : Ki {16 b and wharve Christian population, help will _ be | cials 'have been keeping their build- Greenland, North Canada Briti = ny the brief stretch of road that lie "be ot! yi fof ne of wr aur ania Rosnig A gven to all in need irrespective Pf | ings heated by burning sawdust dur- | calm Soxmes waved : 1 Navigation Earlier This Year. Hu. dh 8 Uther chlels 'who had been ci wdhin 1h-sca freighter and is er E p g Columbi Pe 1 New Brunsw A § d ) dus umbia, 1 and New Brunswick : tween Soroka and Kamdalaksha had | follower him, all in chains and ea Lh {ail yi 1 'reed or race Pains will be taken | ing the past few day This they se ' 1 or Fel 0 1 are in. Eng 1 Jails, said | iy creed or race. ains wi € ' le pas ¥§ Is they se- | Major-General Leonard Wood spoke Port Arthur, Feb 19 Ice condi-| peep completed. This is the most | carying a large stone on hig should¢ ar : : : not to pauperize but to re-establish | cure fram a mill in Hull across the | hrinf : ' rod n nd ass 1itior at th end of Lake Superior . ; : Eg a ls hould . : tl 1 hom nd on farm riv : ely mp Spareunesy nq urged a i ake SUPErior| difficult section, for it pisses through | ag 4 sign of sul bmiesion) ' oe people in es and on 8 er the club to stay a movemen for favo an early pening of navigation the vast forests ac 1 « a mov r } y. > $ 8 and treacherous: -------- Re Pera I M 1 \ nee. fo y "here are at 1 1 ag " Vian vet Murders We appeal with confidence for help There are about 300 families InJoreanization of rifle clubs throug Open water commences at Thunder | swamps that border the White Sea. The Saskatchewa Governm I Feb. 18. Leonid ) n trying to meet the needs of thel the city without coal out the country . Cape, 18 miles out. The weather has| There is every reason to believe, wb Taifoaaie rg oat re a I hose Ve Poravr a Canada typifies a people actuated be cold, but high winds haye kept ;however, that the last rails will be electic of thei "ow er be Fe t poet va os nd Kille oh : + } a 2 3 : 1 f » iembers OF as ot & illed a with big convictions," General Wood the ice broken up laid in December, when the whole the ip o oy a 9 n -- nh ay | bo a Re Shot ah re g witli . e active service eaving the ne of said, "and willing to pay the price ee rer om road should be in working order, on ops Ia at The hatham! AE ye INE © r that all people who wish to live will Third Vice-President D. B. Hanna, -------------------- Tank Ae donald a ise tha an tany Jose anchey v ea always pay t honest convie- of the C. N. R., said the coal con- * Tragic. murder trial declared that the De- charged Wil lie suooung tions. You hear today a great deal gestion revealed the need of a third 2 ; troit- police coerced him into mak-| police' The cri has cause . i . I ay ¢ © 0d A Aine 3 o S J $ at sr being a melt line to the border . She fluhg herself into the arms of ing his statement ! sation in the ian capital about America being a melting pot he : her mother-in-law in an abandon- for all the world, but if the people ™ | ment of grief. A A AA A AA rc et Arr re Fr who come her e bring to these shores "What in the world's the matter, any of the animosities of the old WAS ANAEMIC Arabella®%' asked the elderly lady, world, we do not want them. They For Over a Year anxiously. "Has anything happened a es ne ee oung must stand shoulder to shoulder for Ls « to Edwin?" America Anaemia, or blood turning to] "Oh, it's dreadful!" sobbed the James K. Hackett, who acted as Water, Is caused by the heart becom-| prige of a few months. 'He's stay- trong an u of 1 en toastmaster, led the orchestra in two 108 deranged and if .the heart be-| jg out fate at nights. I wait for him . pieces of his own composition, "The COmes weakened it cannot pump the| , ome home hour after hour. Every 'a on . 5 s blood as it. should. As a result the v U.S.A." dedicated tp General Wood, : foot step I hear on the pavement I and Doni ited to Genera vs blood becomes improverished, and it| ¢hink i be his. I 1o8 pa the door This i 18 How One Kingston Lady Describes the In- _ loses its nourishing qualities, The --but no Edwin!" WHERE GERMANS CLAIM VICTORY. "KI MeCOY DIVORCED, fice becomes pale and bin, and the| mone oor "ea; mer, hig 1s] HUENCE Of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food She Had ------ lips bloodless. There is a weakness, | dreadful, Arabella. I must talk to Been Badly Run Down. . The map shows Hill 185 to the left and just above Navar- |. = Fighter Has Been Mar. tiredness and loss of weight, Edwin," she added, with a .rdal ' in Farm. The Germans claim to have taken four enemy lines * ried Soven Ti When those suffering-from thin or | mother-in-law's look in her eyes. - . . | 25 : : on a front of a mile and a third. ' ried Scyen Times watery blood start taking Milburn's| "How late does he stay out?" Kingston, Ont., Feb. 19..-Nearly well, and have not had a sick head ih ~ Z| a New York, Feb. 19 Supreme Hd and Nerve Pills they can see a "Well," sobbed Arabella, "he everybody feels the need of restor-| ache for 1g time Hy snary ji - Court Justice Hotchkiss heard the chafige from the outset, leaves the office at five every even- ative treatment at one time or ans | Dr Nerve Food A BR re -- . -- PRU of Mrs Edna Valentine Selby, Every dose--introduces--into--the | ing. A few nights ago--he-didn't-get {Other The blooll gets thin and wat-ia lo: Lolly persoy . daughter of Washington Valentine, a blood those vital elements necessary | home till six o'clock: and yesterday | ©TY, the nerves become starved and "We never have coffee at Wealthy exporter, for a divorce from | to make it rich and red. The pale| he wasn't home till--till (another | exhausted, the fiead aches, digestion ANTE TE I gid; It makes a p son feel young a full of Norman Selby, "Kid McCoy," rand cheeks take on the rosy hue of | burst of sobs) half-past six!" Tally you don't sleep well and feel | fownhearted and dull I Am 'glad N : : ' announced that he would grant a de- health, the weight increases, and the : tired" in the mornings. ~ to recommend ft to all. suffering our house, because 1 can t cree, The, couple 'were married in whole being thrills with a new life. Rhinoceros Horn as Cure, Under these conditions yougy w 1] trom nervousness, sick lLieadachos cd 1911, in North Carolina The evi- Mrs. R. J. Grey, Fredericton, N. B. _ x appreciate the restorative, upbuild- | and run-down conditinne | , 99 Gi ] Meith e oi Tibi : » Rhinoceros horn. is one of the . "h#s6's Nerve. Fooe Pha stron toint hay, Xo - : make good coffee ow MN den ? in behalf of Mrs. Selby was ob- | writes: When I was a girl working ohief remedies resorted to by Chinese ing effects of Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food Th rong point about SH -------------- , tained by detectives who , followed aj general house work I overtaxed doctors in the treatment of typhofd As Mrs. Brown says in ber letter. | Nerve Faod is its lastingly béheficial little patience the defendant and a woman, who my strength .and became completely | sco. Ap epidemic of typhoid re- "It makes a person feel young and| effects. It take 3 : was not Mrs. Selby, to the Hotel run down. For.over a year 1 was full of life." | restore exhausted Have you ever Started right Seville. The testimony showed that very bad with anaemia. A friend cently Swept through Wenchow in Mis. G. Brown, 14% Ci 3 j€ an feel yourself the CheRiang Province, China, and but vou dally and weekly . o when the raiders got into the de- [told me to try Milburn's Heart and| resulted in the death of wap ..| Kingston, Ont., writes: --'"A year ago | growing stronger, and can confident --with Chase & Sanborn's fendant's' rooms he asked them not | Nerve Pills so I got a box and when | gone. During the epidemic dd last summer 1 was badly run down, | ly look forward to your - complets . ; {to motify ihe management, because | it was done'l felt and looked 50 much| ors had an opportunity to study the | 804 s0 nersous that I could nop sleep | restoration : : 66 a | the hotel was respectable, : { better I decided to get gix more.{ treatment of the disease used by | &t night, but would have to 8€b up in Put Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to the RAND COF E | Mrs Selby didnot ask for ali-| When I had taken them I had gained | native physicians. «Cold towels were | 80d walk around. I had ng appetite, | fest to-day. and you will soon he j mony. She said 'in court that her | not only in strength, but in flesh and | applied to the head of the patient | Dad pains in my "stomach 4nd back. | able to join with your neighbors > | husband was a likedFlé WErs6h, but color, and best of all was 800d [while the abdomen was covered | | sent for a box of Dr. Chase's Nerve the praise of ® great rePtorative In %, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole-ground--pulverived=-aiso { that he belongs to the public and | health." - | thickly with mud kept cool and moist | Food, and found it gave such good | medicine. 50 cents a box, a full fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 185 not lo any one woman. She said{ Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills| py frequent application of cold water, | results that I kept up the treatment treatment of 6 boxes 'for $2.50 ar that although he had been married |are 50c. a box; three boxes for $1.25] Some of the mor prosperous pa-i until I 'had taken five boxes. I have | all "dealers, or Edmanson, Bate he CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. seven times she believed he might lat all dealers or mailed . direct on'tients were given as much as $12 .gained. in flesh, my nervousness is Co., Ltd., Toronto, Do not be tal ] : eventually make a match that yould | receipt of price by The T. Milburn worth of ground rhinoceros horn in a Bone, and I can eat as much In one into accepting a substitute, Imita- ; turn out happily. © Qo. Limited, Toronto, Ont, : single day, ,» day as I used to in a week. | sleep|tions only disappoint,