A ~ PALLY MORE DESIYRATE tre Extraordinary Powers Are ( the MeClt Rocnox, Que., March 2nd, 1915. f ( " : McClure ve received the most wonderful As [ reread t ) atier 'whieh . benefif from taking Fruit-a-tives", | | Toog ¢ ¢idnapper 1 : Isuléred for years from JJRheumatism » all y convinced ever and change e, and 1 took every Wi and, analyz I ; situation « best oul remedy obtainable without results, I ituation a st 1 could, 1 re = hy y ¢ 1 paradoxcal tricd * Fruit-a-tives" and it was the t 1 for oi aceoht ior a fer on ac it | need medicine that really. did me good. s I I woul have Tsted I am e rely well --the Rheu- sound mind. I e first place, that been had be aing c matism has disappeared, and the ter- ce Ny or rible pains in my body are all gone, I entimentg which he ¢ 1 mean life or déath ed would have been tot- j hope that others, who suffer from such iad my captor been act- or @ y forced a smile sing diseases, will try "Fruita. uated only by a desire to possess me rdly by serious' "Only the music i¢ cheerful," she Mapaue ISALE ROCHON. Possibly one phase 'of his mania me." I began _|says. "There is a revival of band . a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, | prompted him 'to pursue this high is not my ane playing in Germany. It is needed t ull dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. | plan of conduct, and if this was true . me, | to hide the lack of laughter and talk. a tives Limited, Ottawa, t rly cegtain that the r into some- Life has become pere exist- rr ----------------_ a -- nd would not be merely to terror. Then, glanc-}enee, a prison existence. A siisy vy one 3 ht continue ; ¢ fearful that | ing meal she reports as a notewo y £ WE TRY TO. AVOID o co I el aL 2 pS ind, as ar a es ap one such meal she and even seek to make 2ise back to | writes: "It seems cruel to eat of MISTAKES BUF nprisonment less irks * In she asked . hoarse | Germany's best, but 1 decided to live \ already had made an offer lo { never t ht of that! | henceforth at the most expensive NEVER TO AVOID |» to that end. If 1 would agree ted a me At length | hotels. . ot to attempt to leave the house he! gio turged to me -- Since ber preceding visit the-year ; vould give me the the or difiefeot know." the sald hobo before she reports a change in the RIGHTING THEM. sling. he had told 1 A Yat : : a y attitude of the German. people to- welling, he had told me in the let As 1 said, e idea never | irq America: ni uggestion furnished food ire 9 he RU Jou ii To-day. the average person Is . is 8 gestion furni ' f ut IW it OL ave % Have You Tried: much thought, and wa the may be explained on that Jatheuiealiy hi bed i cause of mu« indecisio as to the cory." % Celeste Whole Figs packed In corn mise of thuch ude sion Ag ? jue k SR Le merel anes For months the newspapers , have 8 a > . : : pte 8 { be merely heorv.! fed them on the triumphs of Ger- and sugar syrup, 20c¢ per tin.| yen jt seemed to me that if I ac No sane man couM~ have done what| many and the perfidy of 'other na- I'he choicest dessert before the cepted. his proposition 1 wou'd have' he has done to me, and no sane man tions, But these stories of glorious 2 public, nx everything to gain and nothing to could have written the letters which {German vietories have tesuited in Preah Dates, Iw Mk lose The next moment I wa firmly | 1 have received He™is mad. There what? A lean and-barfen country, Sie Sugar. A0¢ 0 S0c doz. set against giving my word to re-{ can be no yubt of it He is mad." | under-nourishment, death, the hat- Grape Fruit, 3c each, 3 and 4 for 23¢ main a prisoner under any circum- As I" uttered the last few words, red of other nations The people be- : "| stances. I had no idea that escape] Jane rose and. hurriedly paced thé|gin to doubt their leaders from the mysterious prison in which | floor Her account of being spied upon P. H BAKER & CO I was confined was possible. At the| ° "If what you say is true, I shall|is amusing. She tells of doubling . . : . : Rin Eat . } in ' ; risi . same time there was a certain se- | not only give you such assistance as|on her tracks when she went to visit Phone 141; 302 King St. curity about the place: which gavel can, but you and I must forin ala member of the Social Démocratic me a grain of comfort i 1 per- | partnership to escape from this ac-| party in order that she might avoid mitted myself to be signed to an- | cursed house. I am as much a pris- observation. She saw enough of other apartment, might I not be sub- | oner here as vou are!' spies to form the following impres- ject to more frequent disturbances | I gazed at her with a question in |Sion: . : than I was now? . | my eyes. x The funny thing about German In the end I decided to talk the| "It is true! I can no more leave} Spies is that they dress for the part. matter over with Jane, and, to my | this house than You can escape from They are as unmistakable as Sher- surprise, I found that she knew all | this room, I, too, am at his mercy." lock Holmes. They nearly always about it | "But my instructions were to §ay | nothing to you way or the; I looked at her in terror. "Heaven help us!" [ 'eried involun- tarifly, ( one other," she told me. "He wants you To Be Continued.) nnn - = A en 'ou can get Sunkist y . 3 Oranges wherever . » - uniformly good fruit : is sold. Tissue wrappers ent ' stamped *'Sunkist" iden tify the genuine. Order "\ the bread Garnish with thia slice of lemon that has been dipped in very Sunkist Menu for Tuesday finely choped sariey. Ta obi \ a is watercress adds to the appearance | BREAKFAST of the dish. Sauce cap be served Stewed Dried Peaches Oatmenl Creamed Bacon Pancakes and Syrup Coffee or Covon around thie bread. The sauce can be made by adding a little flour to the pan in which the oysters are baked. Mix well and add 1 cup of cold milk Mix and season to taste LUNCHEON OR SU ER Minced Guinea on Tonxt Stewed Potatoes Pickled Heets Cake Ten or Covon Japanese Salad . Materials--1 cup rice, 1 table- spoon onion juice or finely chopped Headquarters For DINNER Barley Soup Made From Guinea onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, . Carcass 2 tablespoons chopped green peppers Veal Cuatlet with Rice i 8, GROCERIES, MEATS, Te | | 1 teaspoon curry powder," cup Relish \ French dressing or 1" cup mayon- and PROVISIONS Canned Peaches with Custard n Coffee \ Utensils-- Bowl, 2 measuring cups, . J) teaspoon, strainer Dire tuce tablespoon, saucepan, C. i. PICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. Pigs in Blankets, ' tions Take large oysters (allowing four Line 'howl with let- Wash, boil, blanch and drain to: each person); drain and Wrap the rice as usual, When cold, put in- Phone 530 3 {each one in a very thin slice of bacon" 1g row]: pour over the French dress -------------- as + dnd fasten with toothpick through ing in which. vou have the curry RRR | 0 Da Dr wr oyster, Place In powder, onion "juice parsley and shallow pan Have bran bread cat chopped green peppers and Sey ° thin and oblong, Just the size to hold P.S.---Mayonnaise put on in small four oysters, Toast, in oven, and portions adds much to the appear- when oysters are done lay them on ance E . oe France Adopted Daylight Saving. po Paris, Feb, 19.-- The Chamber of [ Deputies allopted a bill permanently i Bo advancing the legal time one hour | during thé summer, The putting on & of the clocks is to begin the first Sunday in 'April and this time will be in force until the first Sunday in October, wv Arnon se css pines Nr ~ AT ONCE! STOPS STOMACH MISERY AND INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" Makes Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs Feel . . Fine, Do some foods you eat hit back-- taste good, but work badly ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, Sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this : Pape's Diapepsin digests everythipg, leav- Ing nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything se safely 1 quick, so certainly effective. No dif- ference' how badly your stomach is disordéred you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it strengthens and regu- lates your.-stomach so you can eat your {atorite food$ without fear. Most remedies give you relief some- times--they are slow, but not sure. | "Pape's Diapepsin™ Is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come back, ww You feel different as soon as "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach---distress just van- ishes your stomach gets sweet, po Ca k gages, no belching, no ernctations of po i undigested food. sour head clears . |and you feel fine. Go now, make the best investment Weather Footwear! Keep your feet warm and dry. Wear . Felt Boots, Overshoes, Rubbers, i= : w*Noccasing, : | e carry a large stock to select from. AL. H. WILSON --- 3 i. 8 In his new Irish song-p' y "My Kil- ou Lieut.-Col. W'S. Dinnick, Toronto, | hi"%% Rose. at the Grand on Thurs- -- ate, By Seung 3 litte day evening, Feb. 22nd. said the volunteer system of recruit- ing would be put. to.the last test hy the introduction of the draft system from any drug store. You realize in t= the .an elderly woman. days in The New York | Tribune and in The Chicago Tribune. Miss Doty is well-known for what she bas done oP behalt of prison re- form. . She found the German people suf- { fering from physical privations and the mental strain of war. The,food that she had, except in the very of hotels and in cerfpin homes, was inadequate. diet," she says, 'does not health or strength. One on it, but patriotism and - temper suffer."" The people at a cafe which she describes were 'shrunken list- less. distraught." She could not swallow the cakes that were served. successive Su Sunlight Soap has a high stan- gard of purity which is backed y a Sunli hal $5,000 guarantee. soap has ho standard there is noreason why it should always be of uniform quality, aiways contain the best materials or be anything like as good as \ the soap with a standard. QA is composed, of clean, whole young leaves. Picked right, blended right and packed right. It brings the fragrance of an Eastern garden to your table. BLACK, MIXED OR GREEN ---- If a - 142 ght Soap wear gray clothes, a soft gray hat, are pale-faced, shifty-eyed, smooth- shaven, or have only a slight mous- tache, and carry canes, One spy she describes as standing out in the rain from three in the afternoon until nine o'clock. '1 simply cannot take. him seriously My friend and I get into gales of laughter, 1 want to go out and in vite him in to tea He looks so miserable." "But," she acknow- ledges, 'before | leave Gremany the spies get on my nerves, What was at first amusing becomes a nuis ance." Even the horses show underfeed- ing. They are 'chiefly valuable as a study in bone anatomy." She looks into their dinnper-pails, and never finds there anything but chop ped straw. She' reverts to the ap pearance of the people. "They are thin. I didn't see a big girth any- where." Food without grease, sugar, or meal she likens to 'trying to run a wagon without oil. It begins to creak." She describes the diet kitchens and tells what good food can be had there. But "the day laborers can- not frequent city feeding kitchens. They cannot afford it. Such places are a godsend to the middle class,' the small storekeepers whose business) has failed, clerks, and sten ographegs,/ but for the unskilled lap} orer the price is prohibitive." She sums up the food situation in these words: ! The tragedy in Germany is' not quick starvation,.it is the underfeed- ng of a whole race. . . . It is hard to be discontented and pro- gressive when the stomach is "full and the land flows with milk and honey. But suffering has come and a new race is emerging--a lean race, with active minds that begin to ques- tion German autocracy and militar- ism. Miss Doty, on the other hand, ist accustomed to observing people in the lower strata of life, and in Ger- many she sees privation and hard- ship. The suffering that war has brought upon Germany is largely hidden from the outside world, but it is to be remembered that it is also largely hidden from a great part of the German people themselves, Hard Times Ahead. The adored daughter was sad. "Father," she said, - "what has come over you? Since I can remem ber, I néver had a wish you were not anxious to gratify and you evén an- ticipated my wants and handed me money for ail sorts of things that 1 hadn't even thought of, But now I have to ask you for every cent I need, and you growl and grunt .and ask if I think yon are made of money, and you rail at a woman's extravagance and invariably ask me what on earth L did with that last chéek or dollar or half dollar you gave'me, It is very strange. Don't you love me any more, father?" "My dear Ethel," her father an- swered, "I love you as much as ever. "But you are soon to be married, and | I am trying gradually to prepare yoy for the change." : German Police Methods. A light is thrown on German po- lice, methods by a story in the Vos. sische Zeitung, transmitted by Reu- ter from Amsterdam. A Berlin po- liceman was attempting to arrange into a queues a crowd of potato ap- plicants, when he was attacked by "The policeman drew bis sword and wounded tlie woman, who with her husband was then arrected."" Perhaps the husband ventured on a meek protest. Ran ber through first and run her in afterwards seems to be the German motto. \ A preliminary announcement states that $171,000 has already been given by citizens of London, Ontario, to the Patriotic Fund. increased pers and for one-c finally w Senator Let's laugh a little more at our;five minutes how needless it is to own troubles and a little less at our suffer from indi n, dyspepsia or in the 109th Regiment, neighbors. any stomach disorder. 'mence until next week. Their "1917 drive" does not com- WOOD, GUNDY & COMPANY, Mc YOU SHOULD USE (| It maintains 'healthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by stimulating and renewing the hair-growing processes. HEAL the scalp or falling hair will grow worse by neglect. M. 8. C. SHAMPOO contains pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair Drop Postage Increase, ed Washington, place on such a measure Senate rules. T T i f safet f 107 5% to 61% Canadian Pacific "Railway Building, mtreal Toronto New York xii | ii M.S.C. KE \& THY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of health ingredients, which by constant use will the scalp and hair in perfect condition. Being in LIQUID form, it is easy to apply: You simply wet the head thoroughly in Hot water, then apply about two tablespoonsful, which will instantly work up oceans -of lather that will thorou thly clehnse the scalp, and after thorough. rinsing will leave the hair beautifully soft. . Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc- tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, will be convinced of our claims. 3 Price 50 Cents Al Druggists, Everywhere, or if your dealer cannol supply you with the genuine write us MUTUAL SALES CO. 32 Froat Sireet West - Toronto, Ontario keep » end £ glit at th session Feb 19 Proposed for the provision postage rates on newspa- S-------------------------- magazines and provision A. Stamford, Ont. widow's re ent pos e on drop letters quest to have her son released from ere eliminated m the the C.E.F. because of her need may postal bill on a point of order by be granted Ly King George . Lodge that they had no John ¥ .MeDonald, ex-M.P.P. for under the action is expect Bri Centre ley, Ont passed away at his AN AA AN AA AA MANN tN. Pf nl AAA A ALAA AAA AAA AA seni | ___ PAGE TEN. . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1917. = i A THE ONLYMEDICINE : er of Woman Who Visited | Fresh and Refreshing ls LLL Studia. | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | .. ow... | NE jy: he { : mer went to Ger 1Y In part, at 17 Ss i . THAT HELPED HER (l (By Frances Walter) least, her purpose was to pr aid | . J WE the wnat. for Wood work. HH to underfed German babies; but it | | : : pan pS | was'in past' to observe - conditions 3 4 | "Fruit-a-tives Again Proves Its MY SITUATION APPEARS y com ticisio there." Her report is appearing on } B76 : RIGHT PRICES D.A.WEESE - 16S PRINCESS STREET I'hotos, Frames, Plctures, Pianos, ny IOAN M. PATRICK Sewing Machines,y Um- brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, repaired and re-fitted, filed, Knives and Scissors Sharpened, Razors honed. "Al makes of fire- arms repaired promptly. Locks repaifed; Keys fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. 149 Sydenham Street a ne PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STREET Phones: Office 322, House 611. We furmish: Auto Supplies, Gasoline at S3e. stor Oil 'ars for Hire. Washing Cars: | Large, $1.08, Small, 78e. Efficient Service guaranteed) Give us & call, ~ E. PARADIS, Prop. [IRE | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE | In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. | Trains will Depot, ~-- leave and arrive at City foot of Johnson street. } No. | No | No. . 7.22 p.m, run dally. ly except Sunday | Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, | Hamilton, Buffalo, London Detroit Chicago, Bay Ciy, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, - Quebec, Portland 3t.# John, Halifax, Boston and New York { For Pullman Accommodation, Tle- | kets, and all other information, 1 to J. PP. HANLEY, AGENT. Cor. Johnson and Onin Kingston, Ont. | AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LANES. | Open Day and Night Telephone #9 A A AN f ~ NOTICE | Commencing Monday, Feb. 12th, Transcontin- 'ental 'train for Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort Wil- liam, Winnipeg, Bran- don, Regina, Saskatoon, | Calgary, North Battle- 'ford, Edmonton, Van- couver and the Pacific | Coast will leave Toronto Union Station at 9.00 p.m. instead of 10.45 p.m., Monday, Wednes- |day and Friday. HHCANADIAN NORTHERN nn, rn tt CANADIAN SERVIVE LONDON to HALIFAX (Via Plymouth) HALIFAX to LONDON A( alling Falmouth to land passengers) 4 v = i p i AP ho Low Fares and To All Points in, | 1 hrough Tickets. Western Canada and thePacific Coast |. Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains. o obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- tion Agent, or write to R. | .. Fairbairn, General Pas- senger Dept., 68 King St. E., Toronto. VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN