Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1917, p. 10

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PAGE TEN ' : : pu ; Te, r -- i, me tl mini rns frie [T) Such a wholesome spread, for a fresh slice of Bread. | Of course the Kiddies "just love" and al Ways, want De ern tm In "Perfect Seal" Glass Jars ost ip tp 3 1G for tr Ctiice ff | THE CANADA STARCH £0 Z/ ) LIMITED -- MONTREAL, CARDINAL, BRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM, 227 or Ny TY -- | $ o rn. DE I 1 : STOP CATARRH! OPEN | : NOSTRILS AND HEAD: | Cream Applied in Nostrils telieves Head-Colds at Once. 8 tN rn If your nostrils are clogged and 'your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely"s Cream Balm at any drug store Apply a' little of this fragrant, anti- septic cream into your nostrils, and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief, Ah! kow good i} feels, Your nos- trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or strug- gling Yor breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a de- light, A a A A NEN JOHN M. PATRICK Machines, Um- « brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, and refitted, Saws filled, Knives and Scissors Sharpened, Razors honed. Al makes of fire. arms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers 149 Sydenham Street A AAA A AAA AAA AA ARABIA WILL RISE UP, Wil Become Centre of Mo- hammedanism. New York, Feb. 20.--"If Turkey and the Central Powers with whom she Is allied suffer a decisive defeat in the present war," said the Rev. Willlam L. Sullivan, of Al Souls Unitarian church, at a meeting of the People's Institute in Cooper Union, "It seems probable that Arabia, with the assistance of England, will rise to prominence among the nations of the world and that Mecca, instead of Constantinople, will be the centre of Mohammedanism." ) Dr. Sullivan said he saw a great and important change in the religion of Islam growing out of its relation 'With the present war. "Fdr the first tinie since Moham- med lived," he said, "Mohammedans have refused to answer a call to a Holy War. This refusal shows the disfavor into which Turkey and Con- stantinople, as the religious head of that great world has fallen. The * Arabians were originally the chosen peaple of Mohammed. Thus, if at the end of thé present war Arabia can, for the first time since the eleventh century, come into power, I do not doubt that Mecca will assume the place that Constantinople has so long held as the centre and head of the great and still growing Mohammend- an world." Dr. Sullivan called the Mohamme- dan religion the greatest of all pro- paganist creeds, and said that its spread since the death of its prophet had been amazing. At the conclusion of his talk he prophesized even be- yond the rise of Arabia to power, and sald that he thought it not an abuse of the imagination to picture the dis- tant future in which Christianity and Judaism would come nearer to and co-operate with Mohammedanism, which, he said, was in reality a sister religion. Mecca econ sn vs. 400,000 Seamen Required. London, Feb, 20.--A force of 400, 000 men is required for the British navy, according to the naval esti- mates for the coming financial year, which provide for that number. MADE IN CANADA] Ing, disinfecting and for over , B00 other purposes. last two years. fortunate lamds, comes of making such gifts. if . : = 4 | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE cannot after I tell you my story." | "1 hope you will tell me the story | ed? soon," I told her, my own impatience | I getting the better of me. -*] confess I have been a prisoner here as long | ~-- more powerful than she had imgain went to bed that night with a greater sense of security than I had enjoyed since my imprisonment, but I could not sleep for a long time, My There is mote Catarrh In this section | Mind was bvsy with the mysterious of the country than all other Aiseases | woman who Ted just left me. put together, and for years it was sun: (To Be Continued.) posed to be incurable. Doctors pre- | scribed Jocal remedies, and by constant. | ly falling to cure with loeal treatment, pr need it incurable, Catarrh is a Russia Will Build Fleet. Feb, 20--A despatch tg London, local se, greatly influenced by con- a Ya} \ b stitutional conditfons and therefore re- | Reuter's Telegram ,Company from quires constisutional treatment. Hall's| Petrograd says the Russian Minister Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J C sree has introduced in the Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is a constl- | of Commerce has Snrodue ? tutional remedy, Is taken Internally and! Zuma a bill under the terms of acts through the Blood on the Mucous! which the Government will devote rfaces of the System. One Hundred llars reward is offered for any case | that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. | Send for cifculdrs nd testimonials. } 100,000,000 roubles toward the crea- tion of a Russian mercantile fleet. The money is to be employed in ad- » I, . | vances to shipbuilders to encourage Sad 1, HENEY 2 £0. Toledo, ohled the construction of new shipyards Hall's Family .Pills for constipation.| and to provide equipment for them, A Daily Menu | Peach Shortcake. 1% Materials- 4 cups Wir, 1% teaspoons baking . powder, / 14 tea- spoon salt, 11% tablespoons shorten- | The _MWhig's -_-- (res Meny forWednesday HBREAKF AS Orange or Stewed Frult ing, 1-3 cup milk, small can of Cereal of Choice peaches. Serambled Eggs Toast or Rolin. Utensils--- Mixing bowl, 2 measur- Jam or Jelly Coffee or Cocon ing cups, teaspoon, tablespoon, flour sifter, knife, pietin, pastry brush. LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Directions--S8ift the flour, baking Virginian Spoon Bread Flavored with Bacon | powder and salt into bowl add the Baked Abies shortening and rub in very lightly; Cool en i " . add milk slowly, enough to form a « ' : Tea or Cueon dough. Put into pietin, 13 inches DINNER thick, brush top with milk and bake Split Pea Soup Spare Ribs with Hominy Celery Salad Apple Ple Coffee Nn c-------------------- These Kiddies Depend on You For Milk | 20 to 25 minutes. When partly cool, split; cover with 2 cups of canned sliced peaches and put on top. Dust with pulverized sugar. Serve with rich milk or cream, 4 ~~ . 3 AN 4 rants x pire can do is to see that the Bel- gians and their babies are fed. And this they have been doing. British, Canadians and Americans have re- sponded nobly to the call, and have kept alive the ndtion that saved them |' from the Germans. In full confidence that they will continue their generous gifts, the Belgian Relief Committee is remind- This group of refy is typical of the bulk of the Belgian people to- day. Their faces show pitiably the hardships they have undergone in the Most pathetic of 'all are the child- ren. Thanks to the splendid work of unselfish philanthropists they. are being fed well. But apart from this there is little that can be done for them. It is impossible, forwtastance, [ing us that every day of the year as to § ly them with homes, or with long as the Germans are in Belgium, those useless but delightful gifts that}it is necessary that food be supplied characterize the hoddays in more to the grown-ups and the kiddies of (By Frances Walter) Ey i = . I CONFER FURTHER WITH las 1 care 1 : MY STRANGE ATTENDANT. [get ou pi th tt (c by the McClure "Wait ndicate) "Wa l¢ The convi that the man who | ghall held roen « madman was! gpicior not coms June without | right & some d she could! thous a bi not realize that such be the] here or ' case, and at first 1 could not under-| wy, | stand why she should be so dull ofr 1wo RE you furnishing your family with the most comprehension, so slow to grasp the I nourishment for the least money ? / real truth of the situation which con- 1, You We feel that it devolves upon us to do what fronted both of u It was not until ; gp0 lo vou we can to help the housewife in her campaign of later, when learned more of "Onl it I was told, and if thrift, as we consider Dominion Crystal Sugar the her history, I knew why she [yoy suspect, the man who told me] logical selection among sugars for use in the widely= could not believe what appeared 10 | ahout you is insane, my information | spreading home-baking movement. me just then to be a patent fact may be anything but accurate.' 1 Since the first of this Series of Menus was pub- But even if she did not fully coin- | **I, too, shall have a story to te iH lished, women have confessed to us 'that they cide with me in my suspicions re-| you, then," said I | believed they had been under-feeding their families. garding the mental instability of our "Yes," she replied as she prepared | They had found it necessary to eliminate meat host, she indicated very clearly that|to depart 'We, will exchange con | from the diet--and had failed to provide a proper ; 3 : all her sympathyswas with me Yet | fidence en 1 return inwhiie § substitute. : E RO aR A there was something about her which | you may sure that I sha ye more | > 3 : told me that she was not altogether | vigliant than. 1 have beer 1 shall | M sure her best interests lay in forming {see to #t that you are not harmed i ENU a partnership with me and working | although 1 'may not be ablé to pre- \ o ® Js me to Po the escape of Ne vent vou heir : disturbed ! Cheese Fondu (29¢.) > of us from the house in which we "I think I am safe for a time, at | Stuffed Potatoes (13c.) Spinach with Hard-boiled Egg '30es) were held prisoners. 1 could not least, from intrusion," 1 told h | Boiled Rice with Sugar and Cream (l16c¢.) quite grasp this at first. Her man-| le 1 madman's mood" may i Peanut Brittle (20c.) : ner showed that she was as fearful! ange at time, it is not likely | f the futuré as I was; that she was | t the change will come so sud-| . ten . \ Id ag eager to leave the place as I could |denly that I shall be molested with- | Cheese Fondu Fggs, milk, meat and cheese build Peanut Brittle - possibly be, but there was something | in the next few hour By that time i Y sup milk tissue and provide body resistance. 2 cpa Elominien Couleuet which seemed to hold her back. She [1 hope, your investigation will have | Yeup scls. stile bread If we do not serve meat, we must 1 quatt peanuts would talk to me for a long time as, been completed and vou will have | t cuss initd checes cutin piece provide a substitute. Shell and remove skins und though fully in accord with whatever become convinced that what I have | ¥ tableapeon batter The *Cheese Fondu" of our menu chop peanuis plans I might wish to work out, then | suspected is true When you have | ay : contains the necessary proteid- it is as Butter two large® plates, and of a sudden she would become !assured yourself return and we shall 3% teqsponn of salt. rich in nourishment as a meat dish. coves with kn . thoughtful and find objections Ao | confide in each ot} and then lay p Break bread and put alternate As sugar as well as starch apd fats Put saw sugar into a perfectly auything 1 might propose. So con-{ our plans to escape i ; layers of bread and cheesegin supply heat and encrgy, the body requires smooth sauce pan, place on tradictory did she seem in her moods When Jane was gone I found my ol & greased Laking dis a certain amount of sweets. IV is wiser, range, and stir constantly that at length I sought an explana- [self musing over the hints she had | } Ecat egg. add and in order nat to destroy the appetite for until ici 16 a syrup tion dropped regarding herself and the | bour over these layers, bei: other foods, to take sugar in some form taking care to keep a "It is a long story," she told me] 'sfory" which 1¢ said she would | hey are well cov immediately after the meal. scraped from the siles of the ifter she had listened patiently to tell. Shgrhad let fall jist enough to 10. the-egg, and small-pieces The Peanut Brittle, for which we give sauce pan; what 1 had to say. "It is a tale whic I | kKnow--tfat she had a history and the | of butter put on the layers the recipe, is nutritious and easy to make. A» soon as all the sugar is hpd its beginning many years ago, | fact that she had not even revealed | of bread | I'he nuts supply proteid and are readily melted, pour quickly over Fa in which many persons figure I| my eaptor"s name to me or given me | Bake in moderate oven digested. the nuts. cannot tell it to you now, but I shall| so much as an inkling as to the na | ; An 8-02. measuring cup is used Prepare this tempting, well-balanced Cut into bass, tell it if this thing Is true. * As yet I, ture of the hold he had upon her in- | Bel a ea cu dinner to-night . 20 cannot believe it. I cannot bring | dicated that she was bound to him | . in myself to credit the theory that the{ by no uncertain ties Would she, | > man to whom you refer is insane. [after all, be able to break them? Or | U T You will understand better why 1] would she find that she was in a grip DOMINION S GAR COMPANY Limited - "Factories at Wallaceburg, Chatham and Kitchener | { put on an additional steamer from WHY OUR POTATOES br 3 nd camer] J oston in order to handle this arge ARE SCARCE AND DEAR quantity, These shipments were | sold for $136,652 at Havana, and | are the most valuable Canadian ship- | ments of potatoes that ever arrived Enormous Quantities of Cana=- dian Potatoes Are Shipped to Havana. in one week. Bi "Duripg the five .months ending Ottawa, Feb. 20.--Canadians will | January 30th, when shipments of find food for serious refection in a | (ne 1916 crop have been coming fore! x " > ¢ RA Tg g gq 1 shir x, "ul statement sent to the Department of | Yard. Canada has shipped to | nba 1 'Trade and Commerce from Cuba by |=27,000 sacks and barrels of pota- | J. C. Manzer, who represents that de- | (28S, Which were sold for upwards | partment and the New Brunswick | °f $1,400,000 wl . : Government there. He tells of the Yet Great Britain, the Allies and | enormous quantities of Canadian po- Canada herself are short of potatoes tatoes that have been shipped to Ha- vana. He says: WAR STAMP PATENT MEDICINE ! this | i {The arrivals of potatoes od week at the t of Havana i - : Rs Lo tad : od 10 21,508 sacks and barrels. The |1® Generally Paid Por by the Mer. O housewife could be more critical than we in entire shipment cama from New chant Selling. Bechant| her seleciton of baking materials. Highest A prominent country | and old subscriber of the Whig has| asked an answer to the question: | "Who should pay for the war stamp | on patent medicines--the consumer or the merchant?" | The Act, as issued by the Depart-| ment of Inland Revenue on April | ; 1st, 1915, reads in part as follows: "Every person selling to a consumer Brunswick, and it was) necessary to A Nr Se NEW STRENGTH FOR LAME BACK. Letter Tells of Long - looked - for Prescription. Dear My. Editor --1 suffered form "grade flour, pure shortening, sweet whole milk and June creamery butter--these are the, things that account for the purity and wholesomeness of MCo mick lame back and a constant fie, 'any bottle or package containing a . . worn-out feeling, At times Wae proprietary or patent medicine, per-| in differ ized unable to erect and scarcely | fumery, wine of the grape, non-) 6 - Shout : able to get around. It would usually sparkling, or champagne or spark- | . patages come on at first with crick in small | jing wine, shal), at or hefore the time | : | of my back. I took ome box of Dr. | of sale, affix to every such bottle or| - z Pierce's Anurio Tablets and my back commenced to get better secon aiter starting to take thém. I did pot biave to walk doubled over as I did before using the "Anuric." It is the best remedy I have ever taken for what it is intended to relieve. hope those who ame in need of such a reniedy will give the "Anurio package an adhesive stamp of the re-| !quisite value as mgationed in the schedule." A note on the circular says: "Re- !tailers are required by the Act to afl: {fix the stamp theénisélves They may lor may not add the amount of thej stamp to the price of their goods, as Babbitt's Cleanser Tablets" a trial JES bar pies # business Jroposition Keeps Kitchen Ri ps as ween themselves and their cus- (Signed) A. G. Dmaxe. | 7 FUNC and Bathroom - » | In regard to the custom in- this Clean and Bright FULL WEIGHT PACKAGE 8c ! matter the Whig finds that no def- tinite rule is in force. If there is suf- | ficient profit and the customer is one { who is in the habit of patronizing the (store the merchant usually pays for the war stamp himself. In cases | where sales are made of articles that ido not bring in a sufficient profit to {warrant this the customer is required ito make the sacrifice. Note: Up to this time, "Anuric" has not been on gale to the public, but by the persuasion of many Jtients and the increased demand lor this wonder- ful healing' tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put it into the drug u of this country within immedi- reach of all sufferers. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Angric Tablets. There e Least of all, can this stricken land.' Contributions for these children know the joy that this purpose may be sent to the Cent-| ral Belgian Rehel Committee at 59 Surely, in these circumstances, the |St. Peter street, Montreal, or to the! Teast the people of the British Em- Kingston Board of Trade, can be no imi : 5 : . * is sure : be Doctor Plzcrrs, Jou wil fd the | KING MAS CHEAP LUNCH. Why pay more! as { - 5 BE cn | Lugwig of Bavaria Bats With Hum- " S . ever-famous friend to &illng i bie Folk. Send for Premium Catalogue to Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ° Berlin, Feb. 20.--King Ludwig of! : : y years io 8 | Bavaria wc in cxiininly mylar ye Wm, H. Bunn Limited, Agents, Montreal Send with his people, not least for his de-| Leo ---- -- Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., moecratic habits, yesterday unexpect- he = . Y edly visited one of the cheap eating. ~~ EM SN give op of | houses which have been established bour. He partook of all the dishes; ment. Deceased was in his eighty. r malady until just | in Munich and all the other large and even asked for a second helping. seventh year : . a few doses of * Apuric" bave proven ' German cities since the beginning or ------ D. M. jor. druggist, Belleville, that it will make you feel 8 the war." 4 « Death came suddenly to William | who has in business since Oct persoa. : i. Seated in the midst of the estab- Oliver, one of Hungerford's oldest) 1st, 1876, has sold out to Charles A. Eorrog -- Please insert this letter in lishment at a table alongside. the' residents, on Feb. 5th, at thé home| Ostrom, his valued assistant for the owe conspicuous place in Jour papas. | hirmble, the King remained fully one of his son, James, Potter's Bettie] past twenty-five years.

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