Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1917, p. 3

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i) | URIC ACID IN MEAT PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Says a Little Salts in Water May | Kicked on the Head While unloading | ! CATTLE EXPORTER HAT BRINGS RHEUMATISM A PERTH ALDERMAN IN AVERY a in a jingle, did He m severe ¢ surely "Tiny Toes' i & bes { Worthy her and the he Save You From Dread Cattle--Blood Streamed From ai FO i Le perhaps than 2 Attack, ot who has lived % --- We { Fgrs. --- Rheumatism is easier to aveid| Per} 21 Robert Brown, | Oh s*little Tiny Toes? than to cure, states a well-known au- | alde town, sustained a| Th; th such a roguish no thority We are advised to. dress } le on Saturday. | wh with his golden hai warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid ex . 0 le exporter | As as the sunbeams rare? | guest, Miss Dolly Barwick, Montreal, | posure; eat less meat, but drink and butcher, was uni £ two head | Nurse says he isn't anywhere {and Mrs. Ross McRae, Kingston. | A plenty of good water of beef cattle a ards from LHaz no one seen sweet Tiny Toes? | The other guests were Mrs. Alex. | { - Rheumatism is a direct result of a sleigh The cattle not step | He totte precious, as he goes! | Laird, Mrs. D. Murray, Mrs. Flem-| ating too much meat and other rich back n t h board | He wes he cutest baby clothes! [ing Miss Hilda Jordan, Miss Etta foods that produce uric actiwh¥ch is at the he ie eleigh, and Mr. | Ang no isn't anywhere! | Henderson, Miss Katherine Fergu- absorbed into the blood 1t\{g)the | Brown ceeded in removing| pid angels steal him unaware? | son, Miss Jessie' Hudton, Miss Eleaf- function of the kidneys to filter this the board, when one of the animals] \ or' Minnes, Miss Veta Minnes, Miss acid from the blood and cast it out|Kickéd him on the le of the-head,| He's 'gone, alas, is Tiny Toes, . | Florence Elliott in the urine; the pores of the skip! rendering him uncor ous for some | Where, where alas nobody knows! . . ge also a means of freeing the blood time ¢ ; r Ah, cruelest this of all the woes! | Mrs. George B. McKay, University s ¥mpurity. In damp and chilly € was at once 0 Dr. Pow.) oa, oo. io . | avenue, entertained a company of Y & "4 Budo the skin are os ler's surgery, but fore reaching What 8 tha The rogue! His golden | young people on Friday night last. ed thus forcing the kidneys to do|that place 'he recovered! consclous-| hair, 3 . ..»| An enjoyable 'evening was spent in double work, they become weak and | D€ss Eyes, nose, and all behind my chair? | dancing and cards. : sluggish dnd fail to eliminate the| Blood streamed from his ear, and | Sly rogue was hiding, smiling there! + =" 8 - ur acid which keeps acewmulating| from a cut on the side of the face, . +3 ae i Mrs. Charles Taylor, Johnson eirculating through the system, | but we are pleased to note that he A neighbor thus expresses the! oireet, was hostess at a delightful eventually settling in the joints and | '8% Improving slowly. It was a. close| Weather we have been having, the bridge on Tuesday afternoon, when muscles causing stiffness, soreness | call last few week ia | Miss: Mabel Davis, Newmarket, was and pain called rheumatism | ee Se im "Nome days it snows! Some daks it] the guest of honor. At the first twinge of rheumatism | DARLINGSIDE DOINGS | blows! .; * = = get from any pharmacy about four{ ° Other days it both blows and snows." | Miss Doris McClelland, Clergy ounces of Jad Salts; . put a table-| ldghts and Shadows on Current 3 mo : street, is enfertaining at the tea hour spoonful in a glass of water and | Events, Fhe demand for a so-called Nat-| this afternoon in honor of Miss drink before breakfast each morn-| Darlingside, Feb 20 Miss. Janet | ional government in Canada is being | Dorothy Clarke, Ottawa, who is Miss ing for a week. This is said to elim-{ Robertson is recover ng from a se profioted under certain circumstan- | Edith Culbert's guest, inate uric acid by stimulating the | vere attack of the measles. {= which the public would do well : a kidneys to normal action, thus rid- It is said the measles are quite pre-! to take note of. So far there is no | Miss Olive Chown, University . ll p ding the blood of these impurities. |velant, this year, and of a more | PTOPOsed leader for this "'govern- Avenue is sesHaining. this afters gabardine, Jersey cloth and suiting poplin, Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless virvulent type than usual ment of the people," and no pro-|{ noon. Miss Elda McDowell, Gore and is made from the acid of grapes Quite a few from this locality at-| Bram has been laid down as in-| street, will "entertain on Thursday elty checks and sports tweeds. and lemon juice, combined with lithia | tended the Oddfellows' "At-Home," | dicating what such government afternoon. and is used with excellent results by Thursdgy evening, at Lansdowne. | would be expected to do There is| *T 2 ¥ thousands of folks who are subject Henry Hunt, Larue Island. is pre-| just room for suspicion that this | Mrs w H. Dyde. Jonsson Street, r The colors are navy, to rheumatism. Here "you have a| paring to build a house w hich; when | national government is a new plot on | entertained on Tuesday afternoon in ity » pleasant, effervescent lithla-water | completed will be occupied by Mr;| the part of our "big interests' to| honor of Miss Ferna Halliday, Ches- French and midnight blu drink which helps overcome uric acid | Chisamore, who has leased Mp | renew their grip on the tariff-mak-| ley. . . and is beneficial to your kidueys as Hunt's farm for a term of years ing machinery of the country, The $a. well | Miss Jennie Kirke attending her| government, which the interests el-| Mrs. Harold Davis, Stuart street, AME REV Ear oammmere--- | aunt and uneclé, Miss Turner and Mr.| ected in 1911, dves not look very | will be hostess of the Monday after- THER, \PION Moi; ci | Turner, Fairfax. who are both ill much like being able to succeed -it-| noon Bridge Club next week, 0.1. cure | CSCHRGES. | "TT nnn | HERAPJON 2.2.50 | ON N32. oes } | | i PRICE IN ENGLAND. 2% | : » TRADE REED. WOKS THERAPY OM HIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS: | mA, AA | SPECIAL TO-DAY MOLASSES WALNUT CHEWING TAFFEE AT THOMPSON'S GROCERY WHY WOMEN WRITE LETTERS | reiosooion worms vononso,w oeary, . . . |caused by the explosion recently in East London in a big am= To Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- | munition plant. Representatives of the army and navy and cine {high offic Co. funeral. / of the Metropolitan Police were present at the with the meagles. A trained nurse Women who are well often ask "'Are | is also in attendance, the letters which the Lydia E. Pinkham Pte. Ernest Mulberry, (72nd) Medicine Co. are continually publishing, Queen's Artillery, C.E.F., returned to genuine?' 'Are they truthful?' Kingston, Saturday, after a week's " Why do women write such letters?" | visit with friends in this vicinity. In answer we say that never have we | Pte. Mulberry makgs a fine looking : - soldier, and no doubt will give a published a Sesion losis Dublished good account of himself when he ever, knowingly, 8 reaches the front an untruthful letter, or one without the Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, who reside full aud written consent of the woman | oar Alexandria Bay. N.Y., were vis- who wrote it. itors at J. 'D, Latimer's; Saturday. The reason that thousands of women They returned home in the evening, from all parts of the country writesuch crossing the ice both going and com teful letters ia E. Pink. ng. Fern Malicice oor on ard in. E. Pink- Zeam Beaubiah, and Baily ham's Vegetable Com: i hast sught port, were recent visitors at Mrs. A. } Py : | bshop's, health and hapgivess jute their lives, | The recent thaw hag settled the ange Jurjensd with 8 and gallesing. roads, and will prevent further drift- the worst forms of female ills, from dis- | ME. 8nd Mis. placements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, nervousness, weakness, stomach troubles and from the blues. It is. impossible for any woman who | Some Early Verse of Eugene Field. is well and who | [Every one who whose heart has has never suffered been touched by the "Love songs of to realize how these | childhood," and who has worshipped poor, suffering wo- | at the shrine of that Fiat, genius men feel when pe-. | who gave 'The Wanderer," "Little stored to health; { Boy Blue," "The Clink of the Ice in their keen desire to | the Pitcher," and other. classics to help other women { the world will rejoice in the discov- who are suffering as | ery by Guido Bruno of some unpub- they did. lished poems of the laureate of youth, Bruno is an odd genius | himself, In a garret in Washington Square, New York, he gets out a fortnightly which he calls "Green- wich Village" and which is a jumble of art reviews, essays, etchings, and ads of vietulars, launderers, tgilors and such of that bizarre section of the city where aristocracy rubs el- bows with poverty and where there are more artists than perhaps in any other part of New York. Bruno explains that he foumd the bits of Field's verse in an o}d scrap book." Possibly "Eugene. Eugene, McCauley, Echo | Lodge, have returned from visiting friends in Gananoque, -- oy | The confidence the doctors have in our ability to properly di their ispen.e presc quite justifies the careful ser- vice we are giving today. From early morning to mid- night we are "on the job," and take th» utmost care to give our customers the service which has so helped to build up our business. We are now com- mencing our thirteenth year, which we will surpass last year, and that means we'll be "going some." . At Best's The Popular Drug Phone 50, Branch 2018 'NOW A STRONG MAR ther had besm trou wy BE for a number of yours. Iriend to try 0 Was by a Canada's 'trade for the month of January increased by $8,000,000 aver January of last year. Total | six children, namely: W. E. Raney, gloomy awaijgng the outcome of the City Council 'meeting on Monday self dt another election, If it was! defeated and a Liberal government established the control of the "inter- ests" over the tariff would be broken! As the "interests" have no polities, | {it is entirely in line with the possi-| bilities that they.now have it in mind | to abandon the Conservative Nation- alist government as hopeless and to! try and substitute for it a combina-! tion government appealing to enough | sections or the peoplé fo attain or retain power. A SPLENDID PENSION. The Recipient, Mrs, Cross, Lives at | © Norwood, Peéterboro, Feb, 21.--One of the largest pensions announced through the Patriotic Fund Office is that to $888 a year, or $74 a month. Private | J. BE. Cross was killed some months ago, leaving a wife and seven small children, the oldest of whom is ten years of age. The number of depend- ents accounts for the fact that this pension amounts to $74 a month. As the children become of age their shares of the pension automatically terminate. The pension age is six- teen years for boys and seventeen years for girls, Thelr Sixtieth Wedding Day. Cornwall, Feb, 21.--Mr. and Mrs. Herman Raney, Aultsville, have Just celebrated' the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. Mr. Raney is eighty-two years of age, and Mrs. Raney is two years his junior. Both are enjoying good heath. There are K.C., Toronto; Rev. W. H. Raney, Ottawa South; Mrs. Simeon Camp- bell and Mrs, James Steen, Roches- ter, N.Y.; Mrs. Eli Shaver, Osna- bruck Centre; and Miss Martha Raney, at home. The aged couple réceived many kind messages of con- gratulation en the occasion. 2 '* William E., Cochrane Killed, of the late Edward for East Northumberland, and Years, Rev, 8, The Hull hotelmen are pretty next, when seven of the fourteen trade for the month was $177,946, hotel licenses in the city are to be cut off. * rd ' as one of hig admirers] 'daughter was in poor health, delicate Colborne, Feb. 21--Word has|and so weak it made us very uneasy. been received here from Regina, | I heard about Vinol and decided to Wash., that William E. Cochrane, | try it and the results were marvel- formgrly a well-known agriculturist | ous, her of Cramahe township, was instantly | gained in weight, and is now one of killed by being kicked in the head | the healthiest children in town, Mo- by a horse. He was the eldest son |thers of delicate ci Cochrane, pe Vinol."--Mrs. Jessu veen living near Regina for several peptones, iron and. manganese pep- de make it a constitutional remedy Teeson, Montreal, Dead. . Montreal, Feb, 21.--Rev, Samnel | gestion and makes pure ' healthy Teeson, minister in bis career on! blood. All children love to take it. nineteen Methodist 'circuits in On- Drug Store tario and Quebec, is dead here at the age of cighty-eight years. \ not worth incorporating! tic ° of his own for is en of Field, who knew 3 ofe 3 t ti art t atte ; Any SEPP ERE Phebe EP Mrs. Colin Macpherson, Univers-| tea | | hour on Tuesday in homer of her| se, r, ity avenue, ¢ riained at the about forty young people. * * - Mrs. R. W. Brigstocke, Wellington | street, entertained at the tea hour on | Saturday afternoon. | : = 0» Mrs. R. O. Sweezy,- Union street, | entertained informally 'on Monday evening. i * * * Mrs. Frank H. Day, Union street, { was hostees at a bridge this after- | noon. : - * * | Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell and of Mr. and Mrs, 8. J. Arniel, York street, have returned home. Rev. J. D. Ellis and Mrs. Ellis, Col- | borne street, spent the week-end at Iroquois, where Mr. Ellis' sister re- | sides. J. P. Hanley, Miss Loretta. Hanley and Miss Sowards are now at Long { Beach, California, enjoying the com- panionship of the many Kingstopians | residing there. 'Mrs. George Crawford, Brock | street, has returned from Toronto, | where she was visiting her daughter, | Mrs. McKay, at the Athelma Apart- |8ell's bodies being carried tothe cemetery on the motor |" |fire carriage. Both firemen perished in fighting the fires | Miss Beatrice Bailey, who has been * = | the guest of Miss Tessie Smith, re- | turned to her home in Ottawa to- | day. | Mrs. Miles Cotton, Vancouver, is | spending several weeks. in Ottawa. 'Annie Davidson, Roxborough street west, Toronto, is expected home at the end of the week. Capt. and Mrs. Asquith returned this week from Ottawa. Mrs. Douglas, who has been with her daughter, Mys, Garnet Lockett, left this week for Toronto. r » . John McKay, Sydenham street, left The Yacht Club dance on Satur- {day evening was much enjoyed by | children, Graham, Ont., the guests ' | & ew Spring Suits PRICED FROM $15.00 TO $75.00. We invite you to inspect this showing of the latest and most authentic styles for the spring season to-morrow. What Dyspeptics : A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE "Indigestion and practically all forms of stomach trouble are, nine times out of ten, due to acidity; there- fore stomach sufferers should, when- ever possible, avoid eating food that is acid in its nature, or which by chem- ical action In the stomach develops acidity. Unfortunately, such a rule eliminates most foods which are pleas- ant to the taste as well as those which are rich in blood, flesh and nerve building propertizs, This is the reas- on why dyspeptics and stomach suffer- ers are usually so thin, emaciated and lacking in that vital energy which can istence on gluten products, I would suggest that you should try a meal o bisurate Mmaghesis in a little hot or water. his will neutralize any ual feeling of uneasiness and fullness, You will Bod with you perfectly. surated magnes- la is doubtless the best food corrective | and antacid known. It has no direct ac- tion on the stomach; but by reutraliz- ing the acidity of the food contents, and thus removing the source of the | acid irrftaton which inflames the deli- j cate stomach lining, it dogs more than this week for Florida to spend a | could. possibly -be done-by -any drug month or six weeks. Mrs. Claxfon and Miss Winnifred Claxton, who have been in Hamil- ton, Bermuda; are now in Pinehurst, | North Carolina. Thursday at the home fo Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham street. : Helen, who are with Dr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. J. BE. Cross, Norwobd, allowed | =: Mundell, Brock street, expeet to | gv to Toronto next week. . * * Nursing Sister Nellie Christie, who has ben in France since the begin- diers and is staying in town for a few days at 188 Barrie street. with Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Sydenham street. . Mr. Beatty, Miss Beryl! Beatty and Miss Margaret McKee, here for the Royal Military College danee, re- turned to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Isabel McCausland has re- turned to Toronto after a short visit with Miss Isabelle Waldron, King street. Mrs. John McKay has returned, from Toronto. * * » Lieut. John Lyons, Ottawa, is spending a féw days in Kingston. - Miss Cora Smith has returned to Milwaukee 'after spending a week A DELICATE CHILD hoy . Strong by Our Vinel. Fayetteville, N.C.,--""My little te improved; she Vinol contains beef and cod liver Mahood's ning of the war, returned to Canada| recently with some convalescent sol-| enquiry is nearing its close. Misses Murray have returned to! Wiliam Shane, Westbrook, together | Toronto after spending a few days" Visited relatives in the city on Wed-| that Charles Rapley Pearce of this city, who joined an aviation corps, gancourt, northeast of Peronne, some time ago. The young man was 21 years of age and was an excep- | tionally bright high school boy. His father, T, E. Pearce, is at present re- | = siling in Toronto. ' : wor wwmons, [Men Save Mone By Buying Their Boots Comwall Town Council Adopts a New Plan : hest druggist in pr "On- | meeting .of the Town Council, a new -- appointing sanitary inspectors. The finance committee Constables Seymour aud +Crites do the work And the councitadopted the of ! salary the 'former inspector to be divided be-| tween the two officers, or medicine. As a physician, 1 believe in the use of medicine whenever neces. sary, but I must admit that I cannot see the sense of dosing an inflamed Stomach with drugs. instead of get- | ting rid of the acld--the cause of all | The Reading Club- will meet on | the trouble. Get a little bisurated magnesia from your druggist, eat what you want at your next meal take | some Of the bisurated magnesia as dir. | jected above, and see if I'm not right." | ? i and little Miss] > mmm aa one Mrs. John Aird | with her aunt, Mrs. Randall, William | reet, st i Commissioner Hodgins will hear | osteopaths, Christian Scientists and chiropractors on Monday -and Tues-| day of next week at the Parliament buildings in Toronto. The medical Miss L. Saul, Napanee, and Mrs. nesday. t Miss G. C. M. White, of the Toron- | = Globe staff,' is holidaying in the, city, ' Miss Ruth - Hubbell, Ottawa, at-' tending the dance at Royal Military | College, is spending the week in this! city, | . * . The marriage is announced in| London, Eng., of 'Lieut.-Col. Ronald | Okeden Alexander, D.8.0., Canadian contingent, son J. A. Alexander,' F.RG.8, late of the Colonial Service, ] to Gertrude, daughter of the Bishop | of Quebee, (Continued on Page 10.) CANADIAN AVIATOR KILLED, Charles Rapley Pearce Met Death in : "Air Battle. : Belleville, Feb. 21.--After much correspondence, it has been learned was killed in an air battle near Gon- Cornwall, Feb. 21--At a regular 'e was made in the matter of recommended that i \ We have just received out of bond from New York over one hun- dred charming new Spring Suits--the materials are serge, poriet twill, with a sprinkling of nov- black, apple and Shadow Lawn green, gold, e, copen and rose. . Should Eat only come from a well-fed body. For | the benefit of those sufferers who have | been obliged to exclude from their diet | all starchy, sweat or fatty food, and | Are trying to ke®p up a miserable ex- | any food or foods which you may | ike, in moderate amount, jahing fm | u Miss Mildred Clow, visitng Miss | mediately afterwards a teaspoonful of | acid which may be resent, or whieh | may be formed, and Instead of the us- that our food agrees! Beds, Springs and Mattresses 18TH ANNUAL SALE 18TH Carpets and Furniture Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums During the past 18 years we have tried out different lines of beds, springs and mattresses. have sold our present line and we b BEST VALUE IN CANADA. NOT EXCELLED BY For the past eight years we elieve it to be the During' the past two weeks we have sold a great number of brass and fron beds for future delivery, This speaks for itgélf. The Wise Buyers Know Where To Go. Be One of Them. 7 RUGS, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS ALL REDUCED. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY EXTRA SP Civil and Military Tailor VALUES IN MEN'S OVERCOATS. $30.00 Coats, now . . .. . .... $20.00 Coats, now .. .. . . . JOHN TWEDDELL 131 Princess ir eset A ------ ECONOMY AND EDDY"S MATCHES Buying the cheapest article is often the poorest economy. We do not claim to make the cheapest matches, but we do claim to give The Most of the Best For the Least Money. ore, Always, Everywhere; Buy a EDDY'S MATCHES 4 » - ere. WeH

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