. Pnlarged, + proficiency. F PAGE FOUR ~ r+? That would id vided with occupations. As soon po Wilsoh's shoul the hospital accommodation has been|be an ov provided in Canada the number ot fio see what the pres {returned soldiers needing the, atten-|when he {tion of commission will be very| is Keen h larger? It is for this contin] Henry D gency tha » provincial comm saion | editor ¥ is now devising its plans Grahan One thing was made clear by the Weekly rd, a Graham publica conference. It is that there cannpot,|tion. But Mr. Dalby has not sa ! ; : hich justifies the confer conveniently or suce fully, be "in-i20ything which justifies the ( termediaries between the Soldiers [TIDE on La adians of hereditary its branches. |Perial titles Aid Commission and There must be a very definite under-| bute'to the sociability of the return- / THE,DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDA - ; : | Mr. Lawtl standing, and then the service Of | ees no hope of negotiating a treaty those Who are consecrated to this] os peace 1 the present wa work will goon without delay OF of Germany. . Nor does he .see a friction. There is no objection 101 hossibil f it with of the & soldiers' organizations whic eontri-| 1 ivre or character. wh Legislative Snapshots. * > By D Hunt . Nelson Parliament, { Prince Edward County { Whatever he talks ab | Woman suffrage. or s Matters"of monéy or roads or rocky; 'Meals I hdve known ™ Or gambling on race t i-~~He's true to his two lov The farm and the Bible He's spokesman unfailing For folks in the countr And always and eve Quotes texts for his stor i M.P.P ".b} NATIONAL SERVICE { \ _ SEEMS A FAILURE . g fit most pass away and leave " ed men, but in every community | on ory behind. there cannot be any interference, : Tet ot A Pohl and Semi-Weekly by direct or indirect, with the plans of | » THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING the Soldiers' Aid Commission. BLI OPINION co., JLINITED, To that end there will be in Kings- | J. GO EIMOW © oonvnnenene.s President!ton not only a branch of the Com-|& ed A. Guild ... Managing Director So : . . Leman 4. Gu and Sec.-Treas. |mission, but a chairman and secre- Xs Should Not. + \ (Hamiltor mes) Telephones: tary, and the location of these will be! Ontario should not have to depend Mce ... 243 its coal Rooms advertised for the information of all{ upon a foreign country for concerned, . The Hospitals' Commis- | supply. wememsmer-- ; --t -- THSCRIPTION RATES sion, the officers commanding in the The Walking List . (Daily Edition) ...36.00 districts, and all and sundry who | Windsor Record Oe Ta rt a RAVANSE a orss $5.00 have officially to do with the sol-; Hon. W. J Hanna was overlooked One year, by mall to rural offices yd diers, will be notified of the alfairs|'n the recent decorations but is on One yea 0 United States ..... . . I the "waiting list of recommenda- (Semi- Weekly Edition) 1.00 of the office of the Commission here, tions as knight bachelor of the Or- ( ar, by mall, cash ......ss . Ro. a : Knignt > th I INS Year i ne paid in advance 1.80 And all the business of the Soldiers | der of the Double Cross One ear, $0 hited EL Pro Path 180 {Aid Commission will . be directed | iit ------ 4 n @ ue " : c Bx ane o-- through its authorized channel, With | Ominous Talk. MONTRIZAL REPRESENTATIVE 3 . iat As ! ; (Hamilton Spectator) hr uN 4 124 St. Peter St.|a fixed routine, and special directions Let us sink all' our. differences, 1 TATIY E ig. to it, the returned soldiers, in seek-|says the German foreign secre tary to SENTATIVE: ling information with regard to vora-| Uncle Sam. * "But if you won't agree Ih Ae Noakes tional training and employment, | to rik all our Siterences then we'll } dali s : 1 | Sink all your merchang ips we can -------------------- . |, y Serv most satisfactorily. 8 7 he Beat ob) "70M bo served most satistactorily. SEK, 81 n Canada, The cirenlntion of THE BRITISH WHIG Is surhenticnied by the . Aadit Bureau of Circulations, FARM "INTERESTS NEGLECTED. The farms of Ontario f pro dal agricultural partment. When Hon. James Duff 1 Ontario lost its minister. He had not been as progressive as some thought he should have been, but he was an amiable old man &nd-had the good will of the of the legislature whatever they thought of his administration. Mr, Duff lost his Might hand, as it were, when the late Dr, C. C. James, his députy, accepted t "call to the larger agricultural department in connection, with the federal government, Dr. James' place in the provincial department was taken by a news. paper man, also amiable dnd well- liked, but lacking"in the essentials of a specialist, He could not origin- ate anything, M#griculturally, He could not advise technically. The department suffered in consequence, and now a new deputy, or assistant commissioner, has been called to the department in erder that he may Blve his attention to purely profes- Mr. Reek is a grad- uate of the Geulph College and an expert in its work, but why should the department have two deputies? That is the question, It was fhis matter, taken in con- Junction with the recent appoint- of Dr. Creelman as general counsellor, which elicited trom Mr, Rowell the observation that the de- partment was now loaded ~ with ex- perts and advisors, that there was too much machinery and not enough When Hon. Mr. Duff and peace be to his ashes--an- other farmer should have been called to his office. . Agriculturists were thought of (there "were several of them In the house), but they, fepre- sented constituencies which could not he opened under the circumstan- cos. Hence, as a make-shift, the premier took the agricultural depart- nent himself, and as a lawyerche is fimply an ornamental head. The result is that though the de- partment has a minister, a deputy, a commissioner, and an assistant com- missioner, it ig not progre:sive, and Is not leading the farmers as they should be lead at such a time as this, when production, and more produc- tion is the ,demand of the hour, There is no practical excuse for con- tinuing the 'present: top-heavy con- aition of affairs. The premier cannot manage a department of which he knows really nothing, and thé farm- érs ofthe province should give him to understand that they are not will- ing to approve of any "further tem- porizing. Starvation in New York? It was not suspected, \The report with re. gard to it comep as. a great surprise. The cause--a &light, but significant, interruption of trade through the ue ean blockade, L. < GETTING DOWN TO BYSINESS. " The Patriotic Fund Committee re- cently assumed a new responsibility: It was to take up the work of the Soldiers' Ald Commission, and give to them the attention which they de- manded. . But when Mr. Norri%; one of the secretaries, met the com- mittee, it became appatent that the membership of the local branch and the seope of its usefulness had to be ation o members sional matters, ment died Of the 5,000 odd soldiers who have will have omething to think about in the situ- »The Hamilton Herald knows of a ~ ; : th Chinese as Allies, coal man who went to Niagara Falls {Ghelpl Mercury) with his pockets full of money and China is lining up with the Allies got all the fuel he wanted. How? | The Chinamen in this countty, and : ' in others too, have always been help- "By Pry corruption.' Do | cst 3 By bribe Ty and apt "I ful in assisting people to keep up a you believe that? stiff front, so we welcome Celes- | tials as alll s, the - WILSON'S WAITING GAME. Reports froMi the western states | Deserved the Riise. are to the effect that commerce and | (Oswego Palladium) X 2 : Uncle Sam raises his employes 0°- industry are suffering, that there is| ; ustry ar - ou E there _ | casionally, Miss Eliza: R., Hyde, a a complete © blockade. of freights, clerk in the Federal Treasury Do- that the transportation facilities of | partment at Washington, got a raise the country are tied up, and that for of $200 a year the other day. the first time since the war began| Pad only been on the job fifty-two years, t the business of the United States |¥®*"™: 100. generally is demoralized, This Is! the direct result of the German sub- | marine Tenace, the threat that any |, enlistment in the Canadian war ship which enters the war zonelforces including 200,000 who were which Germany has outlined, will be | réjected .for various physical disa- attacked and sunk. There will be no | bilities. The record is quite a good sti _| one, all things considered, and shows distinction between flags and nation i that the majorty of the young men of alities, The theory is that by cutting! tng country are alive to their duties, off all communication between Am- dems -- erica and Britain_and France these| latter countries will be starved into J EVENTS) 2 She Enlisted so Far. (Montreal Gazette) To date 600,000 men have applied submission, 6 YEARS ACO It is a desperate policy, unwar- ranted by international law, and is| ' The prospects for building this summer are not bright Architects doomed to failure, The record thus far shows that some small vessels, a few each day, cah be surprised at| have not much work t do. Rev. W. W, Carson preached in "The Religion of the Churches." He sea and torpedoed. But the great thinks the churches wasté too much ships which traverse the oceans, un i i on dor direction of the British gov time and effort on creeds and forms, and favors a consolidation of all the ernment, and serving it, are not at- tacked, and cannot be because they| Protestant Churches, have the protection of the world's The early closing moveéfhent has greatest navy. not met the approval of all\the gro- Toronto Globe The Prime Minister 4s gone. Be- fore he left Ottawa he very defin- itely dropped responsibility for car- rying out to any- practical achieve- ment the National Serviee program. No other Cabinet Minister has taken helpful hold. It glib speech availed anything, Chairman Bennett alone might do something. But words won't do, So-called" "Surveys won't do. Nothing will do except deeds. And there can be no useful deeds un- less there ig first the power to do them, This National Service is wanted now, Delay may mean de feat, ' . Sir Thomas Tait early found that nothing" worth while could be done with the power--or rather the lack of power--given the Commission He resigned. It looks as though day, capablé men of business, honest patriots, serious-minded Conserva tives though they are, were surprised purpose which, so| far, marks whole National Setvice project The Scheme may be entirely good as a scheme, byt if there is no power | to compel results the theory will { break down when put to the praec- tical test, Has it broken down aj- ready? O jt breaking? That is the questic DEMAND THAT ROGERS MUST GO . Lohdon Advertiser The Calgary Herald, one of the strongest Conservative papers in the West, came out yesterday with a forceful appeal to the premier of Canada to rid himself 'of Hon, Robert Rogers and to strike him off the deputation tb the conference on im- perial affairs to be feld soon. The Herald says that the people have grown tired of Mr, Rogers, and it would be a good thing for the coun-| try if Mr. Rogers quit the Govern-| ANent, The demand becomes more and more insistent for the dropping of] another pilot. Sir Sam Hughes went | first, and now it would appear as if his enemy in the cabinet were to fol- low. From a partisan standpoint, it will be greatly to the advantage of the Liberal party if Mr. Rogers re- mains, but the Liberal party does not wish to gain power so much by 'hospitals are ready. "ne game the Germans are playing. tario. be, it is expected, 185, a branch ia every village and in every commun- ity. : 3 committed an overt act already in threatening the destruction of Amer- ican tonnage, and in Tefusing to abate its submarine policy one tittle 80 far as America is concerned, America can, and should, protect her shipping. She can do it in three ways--by supplying them with con- voys, by arming them with guns, and by hunting the German submar- ines out of the Atlantic, so far as her navy can do it. Mr. Wilson is exhibiting his helplessness by his in- activity. He is waiting for some- 'thing to turn up, some. overt act that will tir the nation, an meanwhile the commercial interests of the country are going to smash, EDITORIAL NOTES: Newfoundland expects to be in the new imperial. federation, The war has at last brought its people to their senses.' VY "There will be less friction between the Rotel men and the farmers if they organkze a mutual help committee and work into each others hands. A S------ * The Soldiers' Aid Commission has more places than it has men to HL But wait a little. The avalanrhe of wounded men will come when the The telegram is an attempt to squeeze. $8 worth of long distance conversation into 45 cents' worth of space. 'Before the telegraph was invented the only way to reach an absent friend with a message of love was to send it through the postoffice and wait until New Year's day for an answer. Some people distrusted the' postoffice, owing to the difficulty of finding general delivery clerks who could read and write, so they hired Indian 'runners and relays of mes- sengers on horseback,» This was ex- pensive, however, and often resulted inv tedious delays, due to the ten- dency of the Indian to stop en route and inhale the entire ceontenis of a brewery. . After a telegram has been painful- ly written out and the important words underscored, it is handed to a blase menial who first asks to have it interpreted with the idea of 'con- verting it into the English language. Many a business man whe prides cers. Some have refused to/sign the | destructive methods as by construc-{ cen; feeling in the breasts of the The scare answers the purpose, requisition to close early. tive policy. Many have something| canadian people however, so far as the United States - ee i is is concerned. -American craft will EE yy not venture out into the ocean and i $ ' ROWELL REFLECTING attempt to pass through the war . . zone, They are not armed and they al om pp S < PUBLIC SENTIMENT are not protected. How long Uncle ap hoe Sam will ldt this terrorism go on no "Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kingsl Octawa Journal-Prees. J : one can imagine, Mr. Wilson Is - ? 2 The public attitude in Canada is aiting ? . t t What d " | well expressed in the comment of Mr waiti or an overt act, hat does A rr p N. W. Rowell speaking in the On- 'elegram. himself upon his handwriting has] : p g e On fe mean by the term? Germany has Te Telog been Jlastingly humiliated by some] tario Legislature: - "I venture to bullet-nosed telegraph operator who informs him that he is not familiar with the Chinese alphabet, This is a very annoying practice when a man, is in a 'hurry, and causes people to wonder why the telegraph compan- les do not require every employe to tack up a High school diploma in the office. " The telegram is sent over a long wire which runs along t railroad track and which is always sy with the hum of industry. SGme 'tele- grams make the wires hum more than others, owing to the-matiire of their. contents, It is wonderful to witness the eagle-like flight of a curt, ten-word telegram which reaches its destination two hdurs after a special delivery letter has beaten its time, . The collect telegram is a practical joke which causes murder to spring up in the human heart. Yet it is tolerated by law, which shows how little real justice there is in circula- tion." Rippling Rhymes wrote punk and If the American government defer the arming of its ships for a while longer there will be no ships'to army} Mr. Wilson, unwittingly, approves There are now 85 b Soldiers' Aid Commission in On-} In a few months there will returned to Canada, wounded and in- valided, nearly 2,500 have been pro- name pf Kaiserism, knock 8 chip off ------------ Why does not some one, in the my, that this earth. BAD DAYS The greatest poets had their days they'd wildly jerk; the old afflatus wouldn't work. I often read the stately bards, and they, though loaded to the guards with inspiration, smoking hot, quite fre- quently would turn out rot. A Shakespeare had his balky times, when it. was hard to dig up rhymes. A + Milton often walked the floor, and beat his head against the door, which wouldn't answer worth a hoot. But when a man is labeled great, this thing will not his fame abate. The worse he writes, the moredhe crowd will say how |. richly he's endowed; they'll take his halting, bad-day rhyme, and show just why When Browning had an evil day, he'd often write a crazy when they painful lays.. In vain their Iyres and tried his. best to toot his lute, it is sublime. at the lack of program or of worms! the Y, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. SPRING SUITS | This spring we've struck out and™ away from the beaten path and have in many ways distanced all our past ac- complishments. All the new features making up the new spring styles com- bine to spell BEAUTY From now' on we'll present from time to time, all the new and proper styles for men, and it will certainly pay you to look them over if you are at all [i J) Chairman Bennett will have the i. same experience. There is machine- Spri r Y Bramd Clothes ry enough to run the country--ocffice- holders, clerks, and the like Is it ~~ any 'wonder. that members "of the Tn Commission in Ottawa the other £ or English cut, fancy HOUSE WIRING = . The Leading Electric M en's Fine Shoes -- Electric Fixtures --- We are showing the most complete and up-to-date = interested in good clothes. See Bibbys $18.00 Pinch Back - See Bibbys $15.00 Grey Over- Suits, in new tartan tweeds. See Bibbys $18.00 Regent Suits, coats, pinch backs. See Bibbys $18.00 Blue coats, pinch backs. Over- cheviots. ~e-- A A ty "®t STORE LIGHTING line of electric fixtures in eastern Ontario. Moore's | Shop. rr to say against Mr. Rogers. There are none to be found supporting him in his recent attack on the Southams and his wild charges against the Liberals, He has offended every de- | think that in a free democracy like | Canada we are wot improving con- ditions by importing hereditary titles passing from father to son. I hope it may be the last. I think when we are fighting the battle of democracy the world over, the tendency will be in the Old Country to bring them- selves into harmony with our spirit of a democracy than for us trans- planting part of the old feudal sys- tem into Canada." The marriage of Miss Rose Bresep. {daughter of the late Malcolm Bres iand of Mrs. Bresee, Brockvilje, 0 tWittiam Bell; of - Delta, took "place | {quietly at noon at the residenca on Tuesday. . Owna fever - Thermometer We Issue a. Guarantee : Certificate with Each McLeod's & » In the Comb -- | ANOTHER SNAP IN ROLL AND PRINT BUTTER 43c per lb. -- AT ' THE BON MARCHE | Cor. King and Earl. Phone 1844 Dominion Fish Co. Bulk | Oysters 60c and 70¢ a quart. Caverly and Bradshaw. "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE We furnish nuto supplies of all i gasoline, motor ofl, ete, Head Office. Royal Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL no Repair work promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed, PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. + J. P. Daly, Prop. | Wood's Phosphoains, Glasses .. ..... 20c Pint Sealers . 35¢ uart sealers . . . 50¢ 51h. Tins... 75] + Sections . . . 2 25e; ; : JAS. REDDEN & CO. "o.n ; had no sense, and he'd confess that what it + meant he couldn't guess. And Browning fans would look profound and wise, and wrestle with each dippy and divine. Which filled the gifted Bob with mirth, a eR ~WALT. MASON. Mrs, Catherine Phippen, widow of the late Jéhn Paippen, died on Tues- day at Belleville. 'She was born 'in Belleville in° 1536 and lived all her life there. She was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh. +