Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1917, p. 10

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Sz : PAGE TEN oo ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. : . : ; ¥ A -- - - --- " - ---- -- ) : ES ; eur ame = ; en : oe] 7 | "WHY WOMEN CANNOT | ARMERS'OF SWEDEN L 040006066 $46305008 | : . 3 SLEEP." | BITTER TOWARD HUNS © Surprisis Cood Sil 8 4 % : . | er 7) | , ¢ Cough Syrup Made- at & || ME at ay XA | : ! Ship With Much ieeded Sait= % ® Honic : | {iL LUI Be 4 I «| peter Cargo Sunk by Sup=- | : anily Sade, © | 3 \ " : | {~ marine. i or} Listid sud Easily Made, 2 : (By Frances Walter) I -- : : > A ieee | // a i v : ' II STORY : : 57 3 Teaspoonsful of Red Rose Tea | 2 Ns H : |: x i ! x . . 3 : : 'o : \ 1; ! ' go 'as far as ; wl aiso i ble | . : ] 5 Teaspoonsful. of ordinary tea Ca ) 0 JTINEING 40400 tons I t { z y Ez i ; n Valpe 5 r ie | had p « g : The highly organi 3 : / ae x "nervous system of wo = : 1 . . to terrors of nervous ar o r Hae Gh ! p ta the "U°! no man can ever appre : y ohiv 5 i 8 | ended Jaer nd se ae The peace of mind, the mental poise | > ! : i : 1 t given | vat he i mn Mr. Pendleton, WHO! ond calmness under difficulties, whiel i . . . ! ' y . ' p tT yaa tiatel id "are necessary for happy womanhood, an j [ > 1 | father, old Ez Mn, were hse I, 1 ney Orge ® only possible when the sensitive organisr | the two ea / ea : . +1 no . ' : lave | EXPT « he read my fa 18 In a perfectly healt condition. I! | Whether was warned 'isi i lL | when Wall wis just. i non Fe ned } and then © there be any derangen in this respee! | not known, nor is there any inf t ta 2 re- £0 . a3 iret) | I 1g ty, he pus going to no remedy In the world so completely re | mation | s to whether an ® ' aout jit m- [10 hecau A renin ut he didy He paced up 'stores womanly health as the wonderfu were lost \ : $ ticl arseness, bron eb a B tow oxide y r "Favorite Prescription" invented by Dr -- By ® i now & P le, and then thrust the letter at. R. VePierce, 2 YPRES THRUST NEXT : I ) is © ) ct ' } t & sa [ie iet- Chatham, Ont.--"A few years ago 1] \ : Ia : ry ' ' ef a1 i ir suffered a general breakdown and £9! | The Enemy May Try to Turn Allies' | . {any people complain about the poor 1 t : al 3 : te . 13 | very weak and thin. wi - "lank, | av 2 rnhpe ' . : ve for lils m : d hot-1 - i AN ean.) toa Je P IRs . flavor of the cheap itea they are using, ra let : : ol ondon eb, 22 he =n a . . . : Fo That on e many | by gamle ket, | 8 times Sought 1 would lor eritic of' 1 G but are trying to put up with it because ) isa; r i of "| his 'Favorite Prescription.' It gave me | ®lphasizes' the : : hey ink y are saving by : foctior tiy refunded, ! ! di What do joo unmediste relief, and completely cured | far 'campaign is the first step in u €) th ! k they are saving money. : a » with, thi i The Pinex E NAS bi om Litne y BITORE | : 'me ina Yury shor time. My sister used | 30 empl of Ny to turn | In reality, cheap tea is rarely more e onomical, Co ! { hu ey : it wi ood results also. She was in a} it flank « e Allie ind consider . i ! : --t A ------ At and Bzra Pendle \s * YL dm i '| very Gidieate te Toot hart {a big German thrust at often less economical, than Red Rose Tea. PARADIS GARAGE me Lhe njor p ! "take it and two bottles cured her cour f the rin, re | Whilé Red Rose Tea av cos! » fathe o . 2 | pletely. | Champ ack mas , € Kea KOsC ¢a may cost a few cents more, cB COTM ' i Phen 1 . " 2 great plensure in tecomnmending | ver tn he »{ break "or even 10 certs more : i } "Om - FOOT OF BROCK STRE Tags ug Ke bud Dr ke great.) re iar oe | i : gna of or even 1 3 Is more per pound, than common Phones: Office 322," House €il. al He i Spt I} Toon tinal or Ere ae Mage J off tea three teaspoonsful of Re d Rose Lea are We duraiah: Lie 3 34 ¢ nt anrr, Bryant, 87 Park Ave., Chatham, | 7 are ab 0 z . equal to five, teaspoensiul of eommon tea. Auto Supplies, re JW Oy Heto ' Hy ers ean be . «| thee greate Cerecy r Wy . : . il 2s, . eared cl ef 1 y 1 of the eat er -------- sall nicat ' Less Red Rose I'ea is required mn the tea pot, Curs for Hire. ot which in ed reat loases | ri nd. he, ] ! WOMEN AS SOLICITORS fon a nd because this master blend 6f fndian-Ceylon teas Washisx Care, | hal or rata | Pend an | ---- : With A ; " consists largely, of the famous hill grown teas io Small. The. rd ecelved i Ho ti} . : First Reading of Bill Permitting | a of Assam, India ge 8 . Eficlent Seryics gusrantued, i 8 W ly que cull Fhem to. Practise, RENFREW COUNCIL FILLED UF , : . > . sive U . 4 I rents Harry ) ¢ A n London; Fep ---------- [hese Assan teas excel in VIgOT, richness and Two Former Aldermen and Two New L strength. Their leaves vield more liquor and a Men Chosen, i | ur { b ' er one ed oli Fo hentres Feb ii. fuller flavored liquor. | Blended with Ceylons = to , and d ng eh We-27g moth ds on] uesda) | Town Co 1917 w they make the ideal tea for flavor and economy. | : } Yea at ante / | pleted on y through el -- A sf3 ao » bd 3 ¢ iH ew ( if ence I : i ian oi i I Lind I'ry a sealed package of Red Rase Tea and keep count rahe p 4 Wr, Pe \ on's 4 | Handford. two of the extra number of cups'it vields in comparison with o_o | ! L Mo tHe 3 i i | and Harvey Totten and , cheap teas. You will find that Red Rose is worth 3 | tans ) a ool and Harry r cannot be dealt] ! every cent asked for it=and that it costs no more to use 5 ve tnd ' | put y at a training ol ch With in the same way Women are 81 work A this delightful tea. : La irtis 2 he had 1 | expected to fir him to enter the at present. disqualified by statute! iNg Was necess ¢ | He 1 But despite § or 1 | ou 1 . | 1 amily > 8 tion we continued to feel as close pis | - : > | wel ¢ 3 though we were of . ° to 1Qje by one s +tifA o S Id O i ) ing in 1 ¢ yw mp e same family and he insisted on |' fein HERS 8 mola in0FLIYIDE an 0 n / oned 8] p n count | ha g me pend m vacations | WOO ster Wis made | Chricioh a a. na i = Pe : te ie h . y ' esid e t 18 | wherever he happened to be I tell t and was rot icad vou Haigh} in Sealed ered } i nsidered the hand-J vou this to show how intimate have | 7 A erin i Aa, ro > ! I 5 th the relations. between Harry | : foes En a sy, atc 2 ; > : rec Packages \ ne 1 ) pape it the (To Be Continued.) | Gary &d ractical i / rrr ------------------------ | ho % : 1 T ft Y PAY MORE! Th Wi 2 Daly M | Stome Dress Making + i imatimiarnn | § p | S dl ent Le LLONS OT rr McLaughlin's Garage g y - oo we a tk "ie | DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {2 : 9 . Lo TT RU | chances are it will not be well, done. | SIE PIN for Women, /88 § bo or threo or ) Seize the opportunity; bring us Prepared Specially for This Newspaper . Ee FA) It is just as easy to look pleasant | Cire Bore THE SOOKELL RDG / { your car before it gets snowed in CC "=~ jar of canned pitted cherries, ice and : if \ x 1a ow + long face and look | €0..8t Catharines, Ontario > si § You will want it looked over hetace ; - ; > alt 3 | By Pi fal Revi "(D * vou had dined on X abapple PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN Hao using it in the spring. We have had w 1.2 a Gietislis---Bowl strainer 5 mea y Pictorial Review at iy A : wo} rg eek J sidgled po . Vim an ~ factory experience and can guarantee Menu for F ride y ring « oly Hoe yan, x nife, fre oh I { ! \ EN a t much ver ur n 'market, but LE oe eh Apa up. "3 box. op our work. Jat us look after your BREAKEAST masher F | D L Se ere pienty ol dear meat oor ® at 8 a g cat) ny battery; we will saye you money. | or Stewed Fruit Directions---The cranbe ar 'or the ressy Ine "rock Giving advice ke Eeany | Din. a Taty [o a. > A J - Laois ts mashed through a very fine wit = n i rock. 1 pleasan | "Sold at Mahood's Drang Store." R. J Fursey, Prop. | Tomato or Crinp Rolin trainer so the seeds willy not go ' tor elosix Joi 3 t Is SL ne a] » 1600: R 081 | Marmalade through. Boil the ar with a cup ' \ K | Garage Phone 3 hes, IMSL Calfee or tocon of water five minptey and add the enng er edge of skirt 1% inch . : Now Stand, Shela Privates Shrost.| LUNCHEON 01 SUPPER cranberries. When cold add lemon B) Iv rf i ngy t o 9 pposito ormw 8 nm No ice and cherries hich ¥ e heen an enter $5 ' ' i 2 Piano Works iam Son juice and <horrins which 'ave 'heen | outs an canter tacks dich, ECONOMY AND EDDY'S MATCHES Bo 4 r Cot 1 ake sam e eres erf { 3 * . . b b ew or Coton il Make same as i crean I 1 ' . 3 CATARRHE or ER YE pram Qerar i ations ase Buying the cheapest article is often the § oh SPXAE R 3 Bolled Rahs ot od: with Parsley } , bat Eh 1a ted poorest economy. g ' Sauce a 3 rfora 2 # BL E 9 tan Cranberry and Apple Sauce. . 7 . 4 LADDE $ Washed Potutyes M il One pint of cranberrie W e do hot claim to make the cheapest p stevyed Tamutoes i x wos per 1 + . ; God Te art of apples. I cup suga .--mateches, but we do clai + 24 Hours $ Fa al cifv=--Suucepan, "knife, mea : FY quan logive oT Each Cap- < Coffee g cup, quart and pint measures wo ha Bl es ceme------ SOIBTAEE, ink? ums The Most of the Best : Beware of counterfoits | I ion Wash and pick over 2 : | Frozen Cherries, the r bers ¢ Rash, pare. quarter For the Least Money. ? Ar ------------ taricia Pec - and core * Apples; pi I iter : Ee | Materiuts--7w Dn strained, Serie SS es or HO Mtg ne Therefore, Always, Everywhere, Buy : . sweetened cranber: ee, 1 cap ter; boil until tender; add the sugar ter-backs even . * t 1 sugar, 4 cup lemon juice,'1 quart and mgsh through colander. / Arrange, outer waist on lining, een . Headquarters For. |~>5 7 °° "0 et ee trent ter frosty' and contor backs even; > EDDY'S MATCHES i ? FOLLOWING THE LINE committee's recommendations with sich. wer roe BANG. Unger : b GROCERIES, MEATS, | OF OLD CLEAVAQE | ¢"!huziasm and as, in the words of ---- i 1028 ' -- 8 : one - them, "the breath of the new ---- ou -- - and PROVISIONS Ree ens d the dawn of the day in whieh : = + A The London Newspapers Dis 1 truly national, a truly Imperial Jee cuss the Imperial Pref- policy can flourish." he ' C. H. PICKERING erence Report | The opponents of the suggestions a # ? \ . | ' P . | the committee are corresponding: Ld 1 490-492 Princess Street. | London. Fel | ly urbed, They declare that the ™ 1 { - Phone 530. | BE Ti in) i, ye r > | i of establishing a tariff i | : seams even. ial articles to it against neutrals, In this connection with The discussion And Lent Has Arrived--What is to] i one of Those TIeWSPApers SEySy Be Done? jiines of cleavage | formerly inporte has (suff®ed a A Palm H "Our cause al ' Lv : Let N e I the mo Y alii, : ce ifheulty 8 ry Po om ame ume om . x ' taste a a {even greater now than formerly, be- : f i , 'feature of the Imper al rer cause of the interests of' the Allies | ' ~ -- - re r ¥ th ~ Af 0 1 sd i i ser" SRS ISR CA a | Te port, as the chief new he in and the necessity of avoiding any-| - / » Pe rie : SH FAMINE AT OTTAWA 26 4 8g sovaie 1 : hing suggesting a post-war threat | . ath - 3 : . | ; : . ich froek Ottawa, Feb. 22--With the ap { beria ne tari rotor: i ites hafl hy go d deal in the | timation of Am- | linen trimmed with braid in : ; i fae ne Bid Be Fes as a i h-'1RE proach of Lent, fish dealers are] . ericans because such a threat fn. ihe vest-is of sheer white li he rg thered, gRiher yu : amewhat worried over the sc areity | Are Antamina | €0 to bel ut by the resolutions | Bo # from dodhie "T1 : at 1 : of the finny edible. There is not al of the tariff cdnference." 4 1 og - the best of the new spring back edg 3 and 2 thes hy : = \ ; wo-days' supply 'of fish in Ottawa, The epposing papers also = warn riodeis are heing developed in tab winder 3 r ' . . : inch ) In Heach and Calif for hem Adjust, stitch . 2 matorials fo nd the prospects .of - immediately against the danger of erecting post me Fa Yor : 4 . ; ee iy i! I . .M € ee Faw raver mal iia i par ale blue linen " ge. over up ow of pgathefs A AAA Ae A Pt A A Pa tt aN sugmenting this are poor. Ottawa way ha even aga'nst.jermany froel 3 hick ue reed 5 Dael waist, ebnte Be als i center hael : i - werchhants have telegraphed urgersy and. ria, whose custom they say 3 : ~ i ny with wa Font, anf asd os rh aek ~ ' r tha cbinir h centre is va he bi ¢ faste n, inging side 3 of rather . . N | over the cauniry to each, gyn 8 va € 20d bas SOUT oF Cat Ae. skirt to Wade On Ba . We are now showing the new spring wi sh Car »e piined ere tg A ---- -------- 3 # 1 + I A 1iuet ve * + 3 : . OD . . {and stg n med Adjust poeket on outer sk with Boo : bibl Grind Sd viral GIRL SIX FEET TALL 44 esr w et gamed UI puke ie vam apt vie styles of Low Heel Walkin ts in Black One carload of fish arrived in Ot- ---------- 36-inch nRteris ¢ ® a I %"¢" pe tions. z 2] > WE . 36-inch ofteria), with 296 vards 2 SIB& 6" perforations. Lea tawa yesterday, It through Jolin Hopkins Physicians Believe She ineh linen for Siondation Ar . Now ar slashed ddge of sleove Kid, Black Calf and Dark rown Calf - ; 3 RY, " . , . eh a fo ot t . Ss 3 : ' ! ! ¢ of sieev . from the Pacific co t was snap: Will Be a Giantess, ¢f lining and 3% yard linen for vest. under on slot perforutions, lap to thers. : ' ped up © an hour. The' At- Baltimore, Feb, 22.--A girl who After the front of the . lining is small '"o" perforations, edges under - lantic se 2 has been literally lean by the Immense export rade 'to Great Britain during the has been growing for .the last three | liemm d, t neek be cut in, V Years at a phenomenal rate and is ed outline, then the dart taken up now more than six feet tall, although! in the frout even and finish for closing. (Mose s.notehed. Turn under cdge of slot perforations, l&p to small swept These shoes are the new 1917 spring last months. When Major Hugh she is only twelve years old, in inter- in front at notches. Plait erfordtions, notches eye . models and right up to the minute in style €n was appointed to supply fish esting the physicians of John Hop-| lower edg yming piece, placing clos Sew cuff to sleeve ga : ' toe the mother oumtry he hooked orders which lef: a very small 'mar- and quality. kins Hospital, who expect to see her| "T" on' sinall become a giantess, without loss of | range on li fo'! perforation. Ar. netche 1 "o" pert x at front; taek at per. seam of sleeve. Sow sleevel in arm o -. x . thoeretai = roa ryt ' forations: eras front and fasten hole as natehed, small '0' perfora. Rin of supply with theretailers from normal! mental powers, orations; cross frout and fasten Hh 4 » Emal perfora : $6 the wholesale houses with whom he For the'last three years the girl's] lower edge asd' tion at shoulder scam casing any ful ". 50, $7.00 and $8.00. dealt, . 8rowth has been phenomenal, sur-fafhoulder seams as notched nets, ; f passing all records at the hospital Slash front gore of foundation skirt Braid of contrasti eolar may be Makes Pen-Knife Revolver, Popular Saience Mo 1 A pocket and cases known to the scientists| long small "o" perforat there who are studying giantism. o rood effeet, LH Suternd rs THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. leview Costume which has two Until she was nine years old she was . ades and an attachment that en- simply a large girl, She now weighs -- acters ables it to discharge a 22 calibre ¥173% pounds and is.above the aver-| fff short cartridge, either blank or ball, ; is one'of the: latest novelties to be placed on the market is said to be as effective as a reg r 29 calibre revolver of the short barrel type It iz three inches long and gne-half iheh wide, . age in intellect ~ ¥ v - ' : - "Dr" Wiliam Thayer and Dr. Lew. Above Patterns Can Be Obtained From ellys Barker, professors offclinical 3 medicing, Baye made a MUL UL (he 2 NEWMAN & SHAW tase. The girl's mother is stout ana ' : . Princess Street. : her father ig larger 'thay most men, | \ ; { but Is not a giant, i

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