Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1917, p. 11

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-- '7132 7.146 Ly Maude Wao dress Hall n whose requirements in uncompromisin, ly exacting and who place their stamp of appre- ciation only upon origindlity and in. dividuality, should have no com- plaint to make. of the fashjons for spring They were, neveriso diver- sified, yet simple, as for the coming season, and these features are em- phasizedreven_ in the realm of millin- are ery, Some of the new frocks are radical in line, but they ars ai'o- gether charming ° and - simpMGity is never sacrificed for ornamentation. D THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. = parel of all kinds will hold a very important place in ever woman's niind and wardrobe Most of the younger women will probably elect to regard such costumes as per- fectly praper for forenoon functions of all kinds and for street wear, as well as on the golf at the ten- nis court and on the beach While the impression of diversity is intensified by the color sc many new creations, there is a great demand for white and black combinations are among the smartest of the season. Unusual- ly interesting © development of a little white nel frock The waist is made in blouse effect, the round neck being bound with heavy white silk and finished with a col- Yar of black foulard. Phe collar ap- pears only at the sides and back of the blouse, in deference to the new neckMne at the front. Narrow folds continue fo y course, hemes oi still and whité the The sports influence is truly one reckoned with, for sports ap- io be rma Hl I (i LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917, Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. GUING WEST Lve. City Arr. Clty No. 19 Mail .. , ,, 12.20am. 12.67am, No. 13 Express , 268am. 335am No. 27 Lac "a 640am. T12pm N 1 Intern'l Ltd. 1.41 pm 3.13 hii No. 7 Mai 3.04 pom. 3.40 pom. 'GOING EAST Live. City Arr, Clty No. 18 Mall | avi 1,40 am, 217am No, 18 Express . . 25%am, 335am. N 6 Mail . 2.20 pan. 12.52 pm No. 14 Intern' 1 'Led. 1 0S pom. 1.38 am 28 Local . 7.22 p. N . 6.48 p.m, NOS, dy 6 F-13814, 16, 18, 19 Fan ET Other trains dally except Bunday. ' Direct route to Toronto, Paterboro, Hamilton, Ruffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay Chy, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St, John, lalifax, Boston and New York. F Pullman Accommodation, Tie- kets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, AGENT: Cor, Johison' and Ontarie Kingston, Ont. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, Open Day and ugh Telephone B9 CUNARD 4 py gp . 1.3 LONDON to HALIFAX « Via Plymouth) HALIFAX to LONDON (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) For particulars of sailings and rates, apoly to Local Agents or to The Robert Limited, Genera}. ents, 0 t East, Tofpn, Ag e man who does nothing around and Wait fora dead shoes never cuts much of a figure in the financial world. And a girl's ideal cha male who has seen en 1 "world to'know when ngt to look, mn is a fe- h of the of the foulard are stitched upon the front of the blouse and in original re met Remi Lennox and Addington VENNACHAR. A heavy snow storm oc- Con= Egan- Feb. 20.- curréd here last night. RoW ner made a business trip to ville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ball, Boswell, Sask. left for the American side on Thursday after a few days' visit with friends and re- latives here, LL. Gendron reports that a recruiting meeting is to be held in the school on the evening of the [21st inst. by officers of the 254th Belleville Battalion. R. W. Conner made a business trip to Lavant this week. Thomas Deol, Denbigh, for- tunately escaped: an acc ident when his cutter overturned while return- ing home from visiting friends here on Sunday of last week, owing to the snowdrifts. Born, te Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gregg, a son, on Friday last. George Hughes réturned to his work at Wensley on Monday ofathis week. Staniey Gregg is spending a few days &t his home here, but intends to re- 'Buckshot Lake. Several young peo- ple attended the grand ball in Den- bigh Friday night and report a good time. Visitors: Mrs. George Flake ing at Mrs. N. J. Ball's; Thomas Dool, Denbigh, and Miss Eva Jack- son guests.at Mr. Mallory's on Sun- day last, returning by Bebeeville; James Conner and sister Annie spent Sunday afternoon at John Gilmour's; George Hughes FPS auiiay even- ing at Mrs. N. J. I's. 2. Bal STELLA. Feb. 19. -- Burleigh LOL held its annual ball in Victoria hall on Fri- day evening. Feb. 9th. ~Salsbury's *, ¥ \ ~ fashion upon leeves. The skirt is a four fair, gathered at the sides, but ed front and back in panel effec -- gathered iece af- plait- the long For southern wear there are many attractive frocks in dark blue and brown linen Strictly speaking, pure flax linens are scarce on account of able in prices Few.combinations are prettier the an wedgewood blue linen and whité batiste A frock of irre- gistible charm in which this idea is carried out has a peplum blouse which is worn over a simple £ gathered skirt, with the side gor laid in plaits on each side of the front and back gores,.. forming. panels... The blouse fastens on ¢the left shoulder and under the left arm, the front being 'cut away to expose an expans- ive vest of white hemstiteched batiste. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE |"Mgindred sume his work of lumbering near| and son Everton, spent Friday even-) The turn-down callar i® of batiste, orchestra of Kingston provided ex- cellent musi¢ for dancing. Supper was served by the members wives Another dame was held in Victoria hall on Friday eveming last under the auspices of the Red Cross, About one tickets were sold. The young people were there from Pitts. burg, Kingston, Bath and ofher places. 'Music was furnished by Rus- sell'spthree-plece orchestra of Wolfe Islafid) Lunch was served by the la- dies' of the Red Cross. The patrons of Stella cheese factory held their annual meeting in the township hall on Tuesday last. The cheese maker, oH. B. Sandwith, and patrons could not come to satisfactory terms, and another meeting will be held on Fri- day next. Mrs, A. Stevison has rent- ed her farm on the Bay shore to Hugh Glenn, Emerald. Mrs. Stevis- on intends having a sale early in March. Capt. Glenn lost a valuable cow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McDonald have beén down with grippe for the past week, The pupils of the High school assembled in Vic- toria hall on Tu®sday evening last and presented one A their former fellow pupils, Pte. . McFern, with BA AAA AAA A a A A A ANA -- CXO CUBES are a8 valuable in the bome 8s oa active service, They create strength ES also the frills at the wrists of the flare sleeves. A real old-fasioned combination is shown in a foulard frock striped with apple green and old rose. There is a deep band of self-material run- ning around the lower edge of the straight skirt, but it terminates at the front so as not to interfere with the war, but there are many handsy the straight line of the panel. The some union fabries parading under Pwaist is rniotable because .of its sim- the name of linen whic give Satis. Beyiagey being trimmed only with a factory service and are quite reason-| poy yycks at the shoulders. Revers, vest, 'collar, belt and cuffs are of plain rose colered silk. Not by any means mill the swagger girl have things all her own way this season, for there are plenty of cos- tumes which less striking women can weal becomingly. A good example SY the conservative sports-suit-is-car- ried out in silk jersey. The blouse has a very large, impressionistic pat- and the buttons ana bindings for the pockets are also of jersey, There is a belt of brown ribbon, finished at the end with heavy silk tassels, Ribbons have réceived tne sanction of the highest fashion authorities and are to be in great vogue during the spring and summer. Not for many seasons have so many new. designs been presented, the majority of which are of unusual merit. The range of patterns includes ideas which corres- pond to practically all of the leading fashion notes in dresses and waists, be they Chinese, Russian Grecian or what not. The rich, soft shades found in rare tapestries and old rugs are tharacteristic of many of the high- class novelties. Even in the medium priced ribbons colors are combined with -unusual-taste- and skill «- Chinese blue ribbon is used fully skil- tern printed in two shades of brown. | simple frock of light pink challis The collar and deep cuffs are of na- | The front of the waist extends bhe- tural color jersey to mated the skirt| low thre waistline and has the skirt rn ~~ mm -- an address and purse of money. [Mrs. W. J. Bradley and:family re- Lunch was served, games, dancing and other amusements were indulged in. Pte, McFern expects to leave shortly for overseas. Mrs. C. E. Gib- son is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G, Sergeant in the city. Visitors: Alfred Filson, Moose Jaw, Sask., with friends; Capt. T. H. San- ders, Cleveland, Ohio, at Johan San- ders; R. Baker, Portsmouth, spend- ing a few days with friends here, Lanark CALDWELL'S MILLS. Feb. 20.---Mr. Patterson, Quéen's, Kingston, 'conducted Divine service here Sunday last. Mrs Garrett and babe, Sharbot Lake, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Camp- bell. Archie Gray spent the week- end at Braeside. Misses Elsie Lee and Elsie Lashley visited at P. Gray's. Miss Idella McLaren spent tpe week-end at her home in Drum- mond. Mr. and Mrs, W_J. Crawford, Kingston, réturned to the village Sat- urday. Mrs. Clelland returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Kingston. Private W. Campbell, Special Service Corps, Kingston, re- turned home for an indefinite time¢ Ernest McCreary visited a couple of days in the village. Melville Easton a 2 ge ---------- Renfrew, visited undér the parentaiHogan is visiting h roof Saturday. John Whyte, St. Wal: 1 Vincent, burg, Sask., is visiting friends in the village. James Moffat: has gone to Kingston for a few days. Thomas Easton, Calabogie, spent the week end at his home here. | and maintains it. * They nourish and . Prime |t Prince Edward + ishing, and are ready A PICTON. Feb. 19.--The party held. at J. Hicks' on. Wednesday evening was enjoyed by the young people. The Sewing Circle meets on Thursday at the home of W. McKinley. Mr. and turned to Chatham on Monday, Miss Vera Huff has returned home after spending the last month in Amelias- burg. Mr. and Mrs. Doney Thomp- son spent Thursday evening the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Vincent Frontenac GLENDOWER. Feb. 20.--George Timmerman's house caught fire and a hole was ~burned in the roof before thé blazé was extinguished. Sanford Leman man a business trip to Godfrey James Babcock has been plowing the road in order to draw sand. James Wilson niade a tip to Westport Some farmers are drawing wood. James Wilson lost a horse last week ALLEN, WOLFE ISLAND. Feb. 18.--Austin Payne had a bee last week drawing pressed hay to Cape Vincent, Mrs. R. Quigley's funeral on 'Monday was largely at- tended. A number from here attend- ed the euchre and debate held in the C.M B.A. hall, Marysville, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H Esford spent Sunday in Clayten. Several farmers from here are drawing coal from Clayton and Gananoqué. Nor- on Slater, Kingston, spent a few 4 with friends here. Miss Ste la sipter Mm XY. ECHO LAKE, Feb. 18. There passed to her eternal rest on Feb, 5th, Mrs, Daniel MoCleod. Deceased, whose maiden name was Adelaide Buklex; was born in England forty-nine years ago. She bore a sickness extending over two years with great fortitude and patience. . Besides a sorrowing husband, she leaves to meurn the loss of a kind and loving mother, two, sons and two daughters at home, one brother, Arthur Buckley of Par- ham, and four sisters: Mrs, D. Me- Neal, Boston; Mrs. G. Dixon, Chi. cago'; Mrs. C. Gates, Torontd; Mrs. A. Mathews, Erinsville, . in the sash arrangement of a. igh Notes in the es of Fashions Created for Spring Wear the ribbon sash passes under this front extension, the back, and is brought around to the side where it is tied in a knot the ends finished with fringe. gathered to it and crosses at GUIDE TO PATTERNS. The fashions shown on this page are Pictorial Review designs. -Num- bers and sizes are as follows Waist No. 7132 Sizes, 34 to 44 incheg bust Price, 20 cents, Skirt No, 7146. Sizes, 22 to 34 inches waist Price, '20 cents. ' Tha ates! Medicine Ad AVes¢lable Preparation forks. nai was andbowon 0 CHILD Promotes (3 Ce siontheri Opium. Morphine nor Miacral. No ise OTIC. ae dieogpe of Od DeSEMUELATAER 2 Sood Exact Copy of Wrapper. _PAGE ELEVEN I nz ~ So" A Waist No. 7137. Sizes 34 to 44 inches bust. Price, 20 cents. Skirt No. 7144. Sizes, 22 to 36 spches waist. Price, "20 cents, Costume No. 7131. Sizes 34 to 44 inches bust. Price, 25 cents, Blouse No. 7129. Sizes, 34 to 44 inches bust, Price,. 20 cents. Skirt No. ,7130. Sizes, 22 to 36 inchés waist. Price; 20 cents. Sizes, 34 to 44 25 cents. Sizes, 34 to 44 25 cents. Costume No. 713: inches bust. Price, Costume No. 7117. inches bust. Price, A at A tlt at A Pt lf AANA Nl A Et Mt Nit Nlt™ CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastonia For Over Thirty Years --GASTORIA THE CRATAVA SONPANY. NEW Yan ore. Le

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