' A, ~~ PAGE TWELVE aL _THE DAILY BRIT ISR WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. All Next Week 28. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS $15 You buy five Records for $4.25- cash and you get the machine de- livered and pay for it when you are using it. This great offer is just for one week only, to enable eteryone to have a Columbia at home. 6,000 Records to chopse from.. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co., Telephone 529 _ 88 Princess St., Kingston. CONNIE MACK MYSTERY r TO BASEBALL MOGULS SPORTING NOTES. basta | SIX HUNDRED BOXERS Can't' Figure Out Why He + Smashed His Great Ath- letic Machine. Captain Charley Giants, H who is spendir in Florida before, goir fore j A ont! League dre completely at a loss to| [oTe a Jury late next month «the a Yagation i Stadiums Used for Recruiting --Boxers Build Convales- cent Homes. The re " ment of Connie ' L hain- The latest boxing news from Mack e intended to show all '18 camp at Marlin, Texas, taken | snowy Baker, the Australia pro- holdou th the exception of "Amos UP aviation, and has made several morer contains the news that Matty Strunk, to keep ri on halding | H8N!S. On one of his aerial trips Smith, an American lightweight, has out has takenpthe goat of rival club HeTZ208 went up ou decided to enlist in the European owners and chased right down to Fr 4 | war and cast his lot with the Allies spring training with it - \ The death of the Fraternity strike Smith applied Jer a place in the Mack aid to have declared that leaves only one ob tacle n the path i Australian Al: Corps, but after pass- for their statements the complaining A °f harmony. This is the suit of the ! nn jp, everything else was rejected players will be traded or sold tol Packers of the Federal League elub|pecayce he was not {2 naturalized other clubs j of Baltimore against the "trust'" for| p.jiish subject y Club owners in the same circuit | $900,000 damages, This hearing Jack Coyne, another American with Mack and in the National| Will take place in Philadelphia be- boxer performing in Australia, also attempted to enlist for war service, ! ENLIST IN AUSTRALIA | {In the World of Sport| Get Back of a Milo Start the New Year right by smoking | MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Kingston. G. A. McGOWAN, Manufacturer, Kingston. i b 7 : A A, A | For Life Insurance | S. ROUGHTON 60 Brock St., Kingston. - Phone 610 5 understand, what part of a baseball y ay ; | but, he, too, was furned down for | : ! team he still has Weeghman of the Cubs .is anxious yy.' cama reason, Both boxers are | 9 . Joe Bush and Wally Schang are 0 land three players, Grover Cleve- expected to make another attempt os said to be two of the men who have and Alexander of the Philadeiphias, | opp, engaging in several pouts for refused to sign contracts at the fig-| 20d Tyler and Evers of the Braves. which they have contractefl \ ures qffered. With these two rem! Of Cours; thera are others like Wal- Incidentally recruiting for war | 4 nants of the once powerfu | ter Johuson, who would syit Charley, | (ooo still progressing in sport- | > : - machine gone, Mack but right now he would 'be content ing circles in tht land of the kan. : = more trouble than ever with these three! garoo, particularly in the boxing YRUP OF > AR & out of ft cellar" Te game, 'which 600 recruits have al- ° ' ° - It is a safe ertion that when- The Highlanders have signed a |'@dy been secured. Most of the Cop Liver Oil LJ ae ever Mack does d8c¢ide to place these big catcher mamed Julian Olsonfof | men now filling ring engagements} - payers on the auction block the! pangaepla Fla He will rer) to | are married men with families, or Eire bidding will be fast and furious, anda Bill Donovan at Macon, Ga Aext | boys below the military age and as! t is ano 'r -Safe bet that Schang Sunday. Bob Gilkes, who sent 2 | Size, : wy and Bush will figure in some fine senshtional Al Walter to the Hi } A plan is now under way by those baseball, for Other baseball clubs if landers, had been on this fellow's identified with boxing to combine : Cold i merous dus bore Ly ll 3 escape from the organization trail for almost a yeur Gilks with various other sports in an * JOU 1 pore <3 sie Dol ics 1 cll dealers. 14t has succeeded the old Athletics thinks Olson quite as bright a pros- effort to obtain great numbers of en- THE J. L. MATIIZU CO Frons., SHERBROOKE P.Q Rival club owners in the American | 02 "0 a Ve re lo | Hstments in the course of the next 5, rr a Tw Leagie e been a bit disgruntled De -- hl Rliets 3 yea BS re fow months. To this end Snowy Makers sie of rn re Pouxlers the best over Mack's thod making a base- tion ! Br YR | Haker has given over his stadiums remecy for Hea %, ard feverish colds, ig ball team have played to --- in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane Rr PE TTT handsful in city in the i to recruiting committees for the PUr- | remem ena a alas BR Loy cry in The Boston Journal Baseball owes pose of holding rallying = meetings what he has left there will be still 'more to the good sense and to the Returned soldiers, who are living at - ¢ further exprestions of annoyance anes: mind of that Supposed Hre- | prench's Forest, just outside of 4 ' ; Mack gets the benefit of goad brand and aMeged roughneck, John Sydney, where voluntary workers p il urn Ure d B baseball teams and then sends in re- McGraw, then Owes lo 0isier- |, ve erected a number of houses for turn a college baseball nine to play | 2U8 Ban or to John Kalsomine Tener nvalid soldiers, have demanded that a igh-clas major league outfit The F raternity had gotten i self into one.of the houses built by American His team just beginning to show! @ bad hole, and no mistake, but it and Australian boxers and named! . effect of long association with major k Was still In a position to be y and, Darey Villa be changed to Cestus | league baseball and it would appear | to do damage if forced to the wall; - mie ---------- | extermely unwise to defy the public and goaded by the magnates Me FORTY YEARS AGO | J . by breaking off the two arms that Graw's tactful intervention Relped a = } € ne so much to. hold what j Whole lot Blessed are the peace The International Baseball League | 1 ~-- respect the Athletics formerly com- | makers, Was Formed | 4 ) | ) manded gt It was on Feb. 20th; 1877, that the il i BIG AIFS Tvrvsks |THE MAJOR LEAGUERS [international Association, the daddy G ai 4 2 - ARE STARTING SOUTH De Al Ther hi Bn \ To Compromise at $10,000 and] -------------- burg The circuit was composed of . Threatens to Quit, { The Chicago Cubs Have Al= Allegheny of Pittsbu the | Grover Cleveland Alexander, star ready Left for Pasadena, Buckeyes of Columbus, the } Live : Everything reduced, bus now, save your money. We store your pure piteher of the Philadelphia Nation Cali ' {Oaks of Lynn, Manchester, N.H:, Ro- chases. until required, ne als, vesterday declined an offer of a Hornis, chester, N.Y., and two Canadian 25 Sample Brass" Beds, all reduced. Special values in Iron Beds, at $10 000 a vear from William F. Ba - . clubs, the Tecumsehs of London and] $6.50, B50; Way Sagless Springs, Felt Mattresses, #5 Chiffonieres, - President of the club. Some The first major ue team 10 the Maple Leafs of Guelph It fell! White Enamel, Oak, Mahg., B. 1, Maple, at speci prices, ? { ago Alexander returned his con- [Nake a break for its spring training ty the lot of the London club to winl \ which was said to have called Will be the Cubs, who' left Chicago the championship, so the first minor . \ for 3 arly salary of $8,000, un- by Special trata ea Sednesia) '01 {league pennant was hoisted in Can- R. J. REID, . ! signed . demands 5,000, anc asadena, Lat, ext Monday the lada The International. made pre L di U 5 h 5 ened. He mans Ts were nd vanguard of the New York Yankeess tensions of being on a par with the ea ng ndertaker. : P one 77 met he would quit baseball will be off for Macon, Ga. Most of National League, and formed gllianec- | ~~ A A rr a A PAA AANA Pt Alexander said he has no intention | the teams, however, will not enter les with tlubs in several other cities - . of modifying his - demands. . *Un-| training until March 1st, and two or!than those represented in its circuit, rd Collis Browne's less Mr. Baker changes his mind," [three not until 4 week after thatibut from the present viewpoint it ° . he declared, ** there will be no agree- date. The National League rule is was strictly a minor league, - The In-! ment. - Things stand the same as]|that teams may not 'begin {raining [ternational was enlarged to twelve they did before the meeting and per- | ®arlier than 45 days previous to the {clubs in its second year--Gnuelph, Col- {haps a little worse." season opening, which is set forjumbtus ard Lynn retiring, while Buf Cae -- April 11th this year. There is no |falo, Syracuse, Utica, Binghamton. Still Talking About it. limit in the American League on Springfield,' Lowell and Hartford training operations. Training camps league clubs for this fe American League---New York ¢ Macon, Ga.; Philddelphia at Jackson- ville, Fla.; Boston at Hot Springs, Ar- kansas; Washington at Augusta, Ga.; Detroit at Waxahachie, Tex.; €hicago Representatives of Jess Willard, | champion heavyweight, and Fred { Fulton expect t6 meet in Chicago to discuss articles of agreement for a tten-round fight. It is said the ar- | ticles have been drawn up, and that if an agreement is reached the fight lected by major follow t A AA Atl APA Nl : aXe Dinca lew York cit ; will take place in New York "ny at Mineral-Wells, Tex.; St. Louis at A o (B= TRY 3 c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. .S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. i | late in March or early in Apr Palésiin, Tex: Cleveland ai New Or a -- : leans, La | Wild's Best Opponent' Wounded. National League--New York at | ~ Young Dindo, the North of Eng-|Marlin, Tex.: Brooklyn at Hot land flyweight champion, has been Springs, Ark.; Boston at Miama, Fla. : wounded in action. Dando was) Philadelphia at St. Petersburg, Pa.; | wounded 'while fighting in the north [Chicago at Pasadéna, Cal.; St. Lauis lof France, "He is. reputed to haveiat -Hot Wells, Tex + Cincinnati gt rgiven Jimmy Wilde, the world's fly- | Shreveport, La.; Pittsbur | weight champion, some of the hard- | bus, Ga. | est battles the latter has ever en-! Two of the major ledgue teams-- 1 countered, ._ lone in each league--will be led to = {camp this spring by new magnaers, g at Colum- {Jack Barry having succeeded Bill { Girl After Record. {Carriean at Bostep in the American | Miss Audrey Gujitin, aged 15, will land Fred Mitchell succeeding Joe |attempt to break .the existing Can- |Tinkler at Chicago in the National. adian record for the 10% yard dash [Here is the,list of 1917 managers in | for lady ewimmers at Victoria, B.C., {the major leagues: = AAA AAA Nl Me APP 1 Pa Blakemore Studio Jommercial Photography. Enlarging and Copying, Home Portraiture I Kingston's Largest Photo Studio. All work guaranteed. 180 Wellington Street. . Over Royal Bank Chambers ¥ tat Robert Veach, left g t fteani had signed a 1917 contract and | Christy Mathewson; 'Brooklyn, Wil-! Norfolk team of the Virgin | on Saturday, Feb. 24. The present| American League--Chicago, Clar- | record 1:36 for the distance, ence H. Rowland; Bo:ton, hn F. {and held by Miss Madge Griffin, |Barry: New York, Willfam A. Dono- ho made it in Vietoria some time van; Detroit, Hugh Jennings; Wash- jington, Clark Griffith; Cleveland, [Lee Fohl; 'Philadelphia, Connie Mack; St. Louis, Fielder Jones a = 9-9 Veach Signs With Detroit Announcement was made yester-| National League --- Chicago, Fred; day by President Navin of the De-|Mitchell; Boston, George Stallings: | {troit American League baseball club |New York, John McGraw; Pittsburg, fielder-ofthe [James J. Callahan; Cincinnati, | would leave for the training camp at [bert Robinson; Philadelphia, Patrick Waxahachie, Texas, March 10th. Moran; St. Louis, Miler Huggins. BRINGING UP FATHER is TOU HAVENT HEARD HER - HAVE 'You » MR.JIGGS - (1D 2 LOVE TO HEAR | YOUR WIFE . es ' os {league is a tig thing to these men, ! 'man of the Giants, last season with were added Buffalo won the pen- inant in 1878. The name was chang- {ed to National Association in 1879, ithe dropping out of London making | "International" a mispomer 2 Al- {bany won the pennant, the other jclubs being Utica, Springfield, Wor- | cester, Manchester, Holyoke, New | Bedford and Washington. That year | Witnessed the launching of another | minor league, the North-Western 4comprising clubs in Illinois, Iowa and | Nebraska. Eo. mr > The. Soldiers' Baseball Outfits. Overlin England there 18 a base- ball league, the players in which are {wounded Canadian soldiers. The iteams from several hospitals partici- (pate in the league, and it is expected ito resume operations about the first jof May. It is under the endorsation and patronage of Lady Drummond. Lee, secretary of the { John G. {league, is in Montreal, endeavoring to [raise $1,500 to purchase the outfits. {Montreal sportsmen are asked to con- THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in "DIARRHOEA ...c. seas GHOLERA DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases -- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. : The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Effectunlly cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. "2 «he oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE is a lighid taken in drops. graduated according to the mala'y. 12 sn.Dariably relieves pan of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing siecp @llays srritation of the nervous system when all other vemedies Sarl, leaves no bad effects: and can bc taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING or {tribute this amount. | There are over 19,000 members of / {the various Canadian expeditionary | forces in hospitals throughout the {United Kingdom, and the baseball) | ------ Devlin a Magnate. Arthur Devlin, former third base- Rochester, has signed to manage the ia League Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. 'WITH EACH . BOTTLE. The immense success of Sold by afi © this Remedy bas gives rise to many imitstiona Prices in England: ih, 209, 448. Sole Massfacturers: J. 1. DAVENPORT, LONDON, SE N.B.--Every bottle of Ge Chlorodyne oa the stamp the name gof the inventor, Dr. J. Collia Browse. At one time he bossed Oakland of the coast ecireuit. Pa Wholesale Agents, Lyman pros, Uo., Limited, Toronto > 38 oe Pe : i > Vv By GEORGE McMANUS CAN YOU GET. HER TO SING? ned | ASKED HER BOT SHE WOULDN'T | CAN'T iY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HER - -- LL TELL a HER NOT ¥ »