Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1917, p. 7

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: = : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. : "PAGE SEVEN E0000 OOOO CDENTS OF THE "G R AN [) gms T HE sms | LADIES' i ¥ People's Forum LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS ( . Happenings In the City and Vicinity \ TO-NIGHT ~ " -- What the Merchants Offer to the ACCOUNTS -- One Night Only y & ey BE TOT InD, ib an attentive SUE Vou The biggest thing in years. The, . SS thdraw money ds required terest. is added to bal- |° re i cia: the i Tp CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FEE Ca | FURNITURE FINISHING at our mearest Branch {of Gearge Wa First lusertion, ie a word. Each con- re of Love What is it? ! sidney R. Ellis presents the Singing invite 1.to call a < x rs o [ P. DRISCOLL, FURNIT RE FINISH. Sain Fish and oysters, 0. E. Gage, 7 ecutive inserslon thereafter, - haifr- r Call OD . 21 Joi ; Assets , 866,000,000 P et Phone 1581 | we Minimum charge for FOUND * R r grep a oaf - singe ) 4 | one insertion, 23¢: three Insertions, ---- am \ ity Solicitor Givens continues to} 0c; wix 81; one month, §2. : \ 5 \LIERE, IN VIC vi oF | =------ IN | improve In the General Hosptal, | rm ngtor 1 wi HE - | Ald. fi. W. Newman is home from | HELP WANTED o rave s SB | mm - | spending a few days at Atlantic city, ti G wk ! \ intil vou add { ington Nn : : t tiful snow! We've lo f _ Character Comedian Successtu IN. J. ig APPLY MRS. WALDRON, r ing and Emily streets | A Government* food inspector was| bl C | K 1 oF] {in Kingston on Wednesday. ating} Add Capa € Lompany |cirus To Wonk iN THE LAUNDRY, _ Apply. mperia | Readers of the Whig. ' A: -- = -- --_-- te -- -- _-- --_-- --_-- _-- _-- = ih I ihecruption | ful Finance, 603 8 DearVor: nes * {samples of butter. In a new Irish Song Play Laundry Coming - The Miracle of Love George B. McKay, Manager. lire sees Ea My Killarney Rose ' "isms | Go ruwse covey : its y dge ready to present to -- r hav. a t ergy } FRONPREY oh LOAN meson van I GRA IMI [Cog on are" Scarth of the| During the porlormmuce My, Wilson| GIRL 70 Wonic iv syon, gop ie frmerated , rr re ; vill sing i F 0 R S A L E { Immigration Department is making y Hat. - | an inspecticn in Kingston and Wolte | "My Killarney Rose, Alfred Street Solid d brick diyelling, 11 rooms hot | si2sd. "The Loye I Give You." | A KITCHEN GIRL AND A DINING POUND ARTICLES ADVER- ' : | Apply Royal Hotel, 314 The Limestone City Minstrels gave| Where the Shamrock Grows." | setreety TISED FREE water heating . . . . $4600 their exhibition at Rockwood Hos-| Mars Houllisn til Away." | DINING ROOW GIT, N10 FL on 3 | pital on Wednesday evening and were : { man for chores in the Sar Ap- 7 rooms each, good | « warmly received, i PRICES: 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. ply Hotel Frontenac INDON AND Pompany i . Seats Now On Sale. re ea a ---- | . Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 " WANTED, STOREMAN Fon WHOL "location * row. a . $4000 | ing street. Leave orders at McAul | : A salle Warehouse Apply R We are now very close to Soring. How abot that lot you want for | ey's Book Store. 9 { son Gros vy Company ¢ building purposes. We have them in all parts of the «ity at all sorts of Mayor Hughes told -the Board of | A GOOD MAN FOR DRIVER, STEADY prices. . " THE J. K. CARROLL Works that Thomas Hewitt would job. . Apply Bon Manhe Grocery, : AGENCY j not 'accept the position of plumbing . . Cor. King and E 5 | inspector if it was offered to him. Thurs., Fri and Sat INDIATELY. A SIRE FOI ror 56 Brock 3 Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 Coming: The Miracle of Love. . . . t Vertised str . J Lasky P in. housework; references 3 a : ---------- ~-- If relatives of soldiers killed or lense 2 any, escuin Apply in thé evening to Mrs. Bowie, FOUND TO LET wounded would notify the Whig on Cleo Ridgley and Wal- 540 Earl sreet 2 ee ee =~ OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. 7 j receipt of information, the names 1 R id » CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT, vo [STRAY HORS vy n AY ni " \VE | bers Apply to A. B. Cunningham, will be published at the earliest poss ace el m washing or ironing; refer : H B by Vis A | 19 Clarence street . '" quired. Apply Mrs, A 3 } - [tbe moment. i "The Yellow Pawn. ! Hamson, 240 King §t \ DWELLING AND LARGE PLOT OF | It was announced this afternoon HISODE x |. arrmi------------------------------------------ garden land adjoin ng. Thomas You Can C t 0 It that a Pasty of forty-eight eonvales THE SH DING SHADOW HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARW, Mills, 79 Clarence stree a : " *L N n y I ' -- ------ en comenceeanin oun n cent soldiers would arrive in Kings- o oie wi ok; garni 0 a FOR FURNPIURE, CLEAN, 2 Wher. we take care of your storage bat- ' {ton at 8 o'clock on Friday morning Musty Suffers Comedy vo trains. Apply Box Whig airy roms; your own lock and 9] "D 4 Ost tor . 2 4 3 i tery there's no doubt of quality service, iv i le 1 R { the late Miss R VAUDEVILLE Office a ao 8 rare, iy We have established ourselves as experts, loo hata gia. lat ise Rose Prices: Matinee 1003 Evening 10e, Se A COUPLE OF MEN, ONE FOR LOOK- 3 Vi i 8 ? Ss ; . ! img after steam at night FARM OF 130 ACRES TO RENT ON Will you come in and be convinced? {of Providence to St. Mary's cemetery Coming: and the other r neral work Shares. implements and. st fon Wednesday, The remains were '" . "» around plant Daminion 1 Kingston, nea L LESSER, {sent to Picton for kurial. The Fall of a Nation. Textile Co., Cataraqui street Iv R. k. Draper, on } " Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence St. The Board of. Works is likely to (A EAN] | vn 1G 1, ADY FOR"OFFICE WORK. 2 , {'work out a scheme with the Utilities Experience necessany. know - [ NO, 470 ALBERT STREET, BRICK, 7 Free ins, £1 pd "0k - urnace, gas modern . inspection of any battery at any time Commission in regarfl to a plumbing ledge of NE he - ve 0 ht Rent $16.00 pe > | inspector. One man could do work Whig Office. i m fon April 1st. Ap- 8 for both Commission and Board. I 5 ply 123.-King St. west i Ls ? '| MATRON FOR KINGSTON GE s me searing I. | . | The Miracle of Love. What is it? Thars Fri. and Sat Hospital. Applicants kindly send Ww. ler please re. | EAST HALF OF DOUBLE BRICK The equipment and employees of i 4 9 . references, stating age and exper tun to $5 Barrack strees i house, seven rooms, all modern im- ithe R. D. Richardson Construction . VAUDEVILLE --- ence, if any, Salary, fifty dollars a provements except furnace, at $18 [€ ompany. are returning to Hazelton, month and board, lodging and] A DARK GREY AN WHITE Fin! per month Possession April 1st | | Pa ft ti the C Feature Photoplay Yaundry Address E. A. Hunter robe, Saturday evening, between | Apply a 17 Johnson street { nn. after constructing the Cana- .D thy D It "Th General Secretary 7 o'clock and 10 o'clock, February | { dian Munitions Plant at Trenton. orothy Dalton, in e = 17th, between Williamsville and! Ft RNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WIT H. | | © The executive of the Brockville I " i The finder please re- | out board. 'Rooms steam-heated n fa er "hockey team are negotiating with the Female of t Species. - 311 Johnson street and | all sonvenle neue: near ay p Tr eeeive hel © WH I { nw and Shipyard. y wd [Besos Hatters "coats, Ringuton, for| Messioty Conrty pu ithers RT nas Er TE SOL a 1 i iti " 3 n 1 X re i 8 § | That you will find it necessary to | an exhibition game to be played| . ed. Phone one week, $1.00. A " av OV ¢ . - CANTER ENE TO "TF OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER guard against coughs, colds, la grippe | [there on Monday evening next, --- El a TEZLES AND ROVEL ny WANTED GENERAL { Hirai: farm, AR mics front Yhen and lung troubles. | Coming: The Miracle of Love. Nie Pete FOR WS uKEs, I NEZ1P A } ROVE; --- Tt ---------- | ston; well watered, good buildings 3 We are always well supplied with | The Whig's composing room hoy . - » CRT. stra SECOND HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | wnd stock, fall pRughing comple! - 4 » 8 | says that the people need not worry for cash or in pant payment of new i og Apply RH. Falr, Kingston j the most reliable remedies that - = RES, FOUR MILES planos and Vietrolas." C. Wi Lind- Station niedical science can produce. over the idcreased cost of gas. He FARM OF Jet sORES net Mo NES say, Limited, 121 Princess street nb ------------ Our advice will be cheerfully given announces a light that can beat gas Puggle 3 OFFICE ON WBLLINGION STRE won, R..R. Na. 1, Cataraqui, Ont r, 3 on. R..} 0 weoupied by Mr. G. Laturney, two at all tines with regard to the pre. | jand electrisity amile. The light he, ratte a ee CL Yow IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR bi ref arm . LLING. D 48 DIV. icyele repaired, cleaned rcoms, electric light and hot wa- paration best suited for your ailment. | refers to is called daylight. novaLE DWELL! ben ANY Wo in &d for winter AH r ter heating. JPossession lat March ¥ each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- ly attended to or sooner if required; Apply to C% gy: y MUST'VE BEEN SOME GAME ett io at Geo Cotati at | VE 3 \ D TWELVE nw FARM OF 200 ACRES, WESTERLY. Hpag S Drug Store | Supporters 3 Hockey Team Wind BE I ha TRULY AND fo $28.50, . DENTAL haf ofr lot seven and north haif | p in Court. $10 cash and $1.00 per week. Cc, W - . A 0 Ort ight in duh Ooncession, A », 9 iL say L 121 street. | A. EB. KNARP, B.A. LDS, DDS, south of base line on Wialfe Island 3 | Peterboro, Feb. 22.--On charges Lind 14d, > - Office, 255° Princess street. - Phone Apply to Mrs. Emma Saunders. 4 Branch Post Office, {of being drunk in a public place, " ~ { VICTC 652 Wolfe Island, #™ David Watts : y ' TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA 2 h 1 Opp. YMCA, Kingston, Om, Ont, { Gordon McNalley, Norman Hall, Ger- street; moderr; near Union St, car | ------------eeeee ee Wolfe Istand : ald Bishop, Floyd Hend r Sale at all Grocers Hne. Owmers, desirous of seiling | PR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, | eo ~~ =~ 1 Pe le' s Pp. Fitzgerald, Ah reson aid J. WICK, HENDRY & 0. Qt "once Apply McLeod's Drug | corner Princess and Bagot streets. | NEW HOUSE, NELSON STRERT. NEAR A 0 ec ne Distributors, Store : Phone 626 Mink Fi. containing 9 rooms, hot 3 Oshawa hockey team here Tuesday -------- 2 inne water heating, electric Hghts, Watts, ee, night, appeared in thie police court| romana SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438] DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- hardwood floors, open plumbing. = 9 lorist 1 hw fi 1 $10. PUBLIC MEETING Brook street, eleven rooms; in}- Lists, 159 Wellington street, G. C Possession immediately Rent § 3 fan tac ) as ---- ! d doll first class condition, and all mod- Dewar, DDS, LDS. assistant per month. J. K. Carroll, 58 Brock 3 8 sald several thousand dollars ern improvements. Possession Phone 345 street. y . Fresh Cut Flowers changed hands on the result of the IN AID OF May 1st. Apply 147 Divisbon St a - Hyacluth, Narcissus, ¥ -- 4d . Funeral Design ang ding game. K RESIDENCE, 91 FRON. : Bouquets to Order. Armenian and Syrian SoLin BRICK M 10 rooms, hot. water . heating, deep lwt: possession May Relief. i= I Apply fr, J. Arnlel, or, x a Al "dC Stireot s, or 82 1] bera a St. George's Hall Dt Si Ww = g 4 LJ j, 1 ' . CEDAR PARK 1 IN N, CHARLESTON } Ir S dil el LUN b rienasmi $ PE ALE pro. Friday, Feb. 23, 8 p.m. | zk; omar nin Gouoped; he ® 5 VEARKNG GLASSES i anada; . boating, bathing A ce AAA A AAA A et ergata E TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS Bishop Bidwell, Chairman, rh ward Giles. Birks 1 i dp THAT DO NOT FIT PER- BI iy, Ir, sueeu'y vat-| Bilan Montreal: Que E: i IROCTAX., - 4 rs. 4 ; -------- SIR RR rR * : We have choice cooking ap {li / : ples by the barrel; also choice ||! A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL : startable, Comyllete with foo t vegetables, PARLORS WILL SHOW ' primer, $20.00 Free wrial: one fantom: Siu, sHow Ontario Ward, BONNER'S WOOD'S PINCH CLUTCH ST ARTI Guaranteed to start any Pord that' For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- & meeting of the Liberals of ne Sven year's gugraniee, F Joviena Sup- ment, a 1 at 3 We deliver' promptly. FITTING REALLY MEANS, St. Lawrence Ward, (} "rd ERR pip Lio. 33 Stuart St. Phose £3 PPly YS b 4 A WH EXAMINE YOUR S d WwW. SEEDED BRICK STORE AND YIOREBOL ST coin ot ¥ i y - 2 enham Shi AMAT uu wilage; store 2. RA A MS tS oo a et a ir L EXES, GRIND AND MOUNT y ard, as apd lange Ages all: first 210 Division St. Phone 545 YOUR C SSES nr 5 2 , ! class condition, $1,000 ty wind v| ? Se on re MAG ES ARE MOD. Cataraqui Ward, RAISINS at Mi GA Butomdh, i KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. 2 ee ERATE. SS Will be held at. the Club Rooms, King -------- raw, WINGS | King Street West, = - W above lines. J. Thompson, 037 February oY for the purpose of Insist oh tho RED Princess street, Phone 1600. olecting hr n and sub-chairmen Carton, ' CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. Street, on RED . ges, and a kitnds Of new and Bee a ETTr-- 3 xt nd Wand furpiture. "We are als ' F.J. JOHNSON Friday Evening ARTONS, apen. 20. ry everything in the DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST. The Leading Florist Florist for the diffe nt sub-divisions. A ing wf 300 acres, being the north Floral Designs, Wedding Bouguets ' half of Lot 13 in 10h Con. of Stor- | And Cut Flowers our specialty, Orders The Liberals of T OREDIT SALE rington, and Let 13 fn 11th Con. of, filled promptly. Phone 239° 115 Brock. Monday, Feb. 26th. at 1 p.m on the said township. © For price and A en ove y Victoria, Rideau, and terme Apply to Tsaac Holder or A S N A P premises of Thomas Hamilton (The ee ToMer. Box 56, Batterses, | -- -- ¢ Jeweler and Optician, { Gore) Township of Pittsburgh. Om oe rontena Wards The farm, 100 acres (more or less), -- -- \ 132 Princess Street. F t C g. > meét for the sam 2 acres codar swamp, dwelling, barn, | LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, (OT. - x Where ti tik ar to walkie will for © purpose on Ye It Also stock, implements, hay | 1A ones: stoves, Tn. CANINE : w erries \ Following Friday WML. MURRAY, Anet v. new od dB chairs: military : : ¢ a tharness, shoes, leather straps' Na- WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work, Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario ) March 2nd. hb Sh tional Cash Register. We buy all 7 . All workers and their friends are urg- PATENTS kinds of new and second hand fur- ed to be fs niture. 8 Shapiro, 45 Princess n street. Phone 12387. prese BABOOUK & SONS, Patents, trade : . Dr. A. W. Richardson, marks, designs. Estab. 1877. Form- P President. | 57 "Patent Lane® ALL taster Pre eien IMI FOR SALE As low as $8.00 per thousand. Three year term arm or suburban i. rooms, all Jmbrovements, excipt | At 3 Yule Tickets 35 Cents. Napanee and Brockville. furnace, deep lov is ! 4 : i us or pay or take difference. Splen- Because we keep the best of ev ery- we Pods. NOLOANIEING wo io Wes Ta or Mn au Shing new, EL oT HEL, . , fresh and in In season. Galt tn aad Ket our prices before woing ing Changed. 0. Box 646, Winmivex.| tion: | ee oysters are best selected | tinew Hite clang of » Le AG . tection" free. §9 Ste J * i GORDON! S a Jone second-hand, 1916 Ford * ian gc real, Srasgion, hey Waskington. : R Two Autmiiobiles ud oe 3 - fouring car; two second-hand : ' 1 Cor. Rag and and Montreal |( fitful tne fod Suse [DRAMATIC RECITAL PERSONAL yg ceils tgs iw Fire Insurance 3 er; one udebal er. right; I reasons for selling. 4 All in first-class condition and « Lwnpiven Queen's Dramatie Clap. - HAIR TONES, WARTS. Buti ARKS 3 Tan = at, Saxon Dis. + must be sold. | dehes removed ol ae with- : irr Dry Dock Com. + Bepresenting the folloving old line by Miss Horténse Nielsen i wear Kpeteied: be tho folio \ ' Dramatic Impersonator. Elmer . 5. ear a 3 yany : Aetna. . \ Tn Boyd's Garage Shakespeare, Mueteriinek and Q(hers,| Basar svept 1 Specialist, © 258 COTTE 0000000 3 Hartford. 2 bh --. : dad THe x ] Brock Suse one 201 f C H all -- Ee | 3 - Jndon. Auetance Corporation. 3 : nvoca tion H ive FOP gam " A RESTAURANT DUNG A GOOD PAY. Piety Phon 'From S NIDEG W will exchange Fro ing business, Good Dwelling and Household Furniture risks . © Steam Vi Thine, Feb. 22, 1917 Ry pis. value io $1500, for $2200, CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE. x -~ HOSES a Abd. PARTS THE AT Insur- to loan. G. A. 1 4 : 1 purior Bacouman $7 Clarence oi Ee Tet fine cook TR Bt i Sul -- (on ponis "nan won Jas. Swift & Go, Limited Sea Salmon, Finnan Haddie, : J. Paaby se LEGAL arms tok tents SRA an SEINE *y Sieh ators. New : F. J. Pearson & Co. |e Citizens Are Are Invited 5. Bm CUNNINGHAM wr. tes a, NEARLY FR ~ Coler Vy Lettuce, R hes bags: SoA REN Tk Meeting to be haut in City 164 Sia soliRRI CA AER ga Pp and ( Two B: o i in 3 ve Open for Inspection. MAHOGANY Anderson Bras, SALE OR 70 LET _wtoves and heagers, at ga TURK' : ' HE teri at Dietited me TL TURK'S, Phone 705. a Haney -- --_-- i

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