i PAGE FOURTEEN 3 THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE (By Frances Walter) might have Nr ? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIN, SATURDAY, F EBRUARY 24 1917. ce rene een 3 = = * @ my child then -- yt at this juncty * (Copyright, 1816, by McClure | morse over his misdeeds and the Newspaper Syn¢ ite) hopeless future staring him I ¢ AN- "It Is not .my intentio™\' resumed the, proved too much "for him I Jane, "to tell you in detail all of the found his body one morning in the ECONOMICAL ups and downs of my life I have! bath rocmn. where he had shot . 7 , | told you merely enough to acquaint! galy A few minutes afterward ® LUNCH you with my connection with the! movers came to carry awiy the : | Pendieron family. Naturally 1 seit! niture which had been sold under nemies 0 ea Take afew Oxo Cubes and | nies sbleston to old Mr venti Foie | ht i 8 Support § 8 4 L " y hink g vould have i : save the expense of lunching jar time this obligation was trans-| oy ROL A, k that} would Pen out. A cup of Oxo and a ferred to Harry But my gratitude | ad oe home a 0 ough 1 3 - few biscuits, or a sandwich, make | wus not strong enough to compel me | G1€100 i on HH tea 1s left.open near oranges, soap, h ive meal which will . : had a young son dependent upon me : a light inexpens a i) to stand giard over a kidnapped wo-| Har ws ust then preparing for : J . h ill - keep you satisfied and clear-head man. Just how Harry obtained this} #7) yas J Rt JEn prepar iE i spices; matches, etc., the tea wi take b until your next repast. {control over me may be inferred? tap are! a he y litths time 1 ! h 5 {1 In f f he : 1 Ee A cup of Oxo is always good. It from a few instances of my later | POSE a a ATs i ) t his own on the avor of any o these articles. 4 can be made with an Ofte | ube gd life which I shall relate briefly j ahrons 5 i pI os Pt 1 relief ( { ' 4 hot water with very little trouble. "My marriage was an unhappy, nage Im) RD ert na fi In fact, tea absorbs odors as readily as does When you reach home after a bard one, It could hardly have been} therefore, when he ents red the Iouge 5 inti y > J day at the office, a cup of hot Ox6 | 40 oor (oon aprie eep | Along with the moving men, | ( | butter. 'This is because of the high tempera- ise, be I married to keep ae 1 to Ris a S will do you ever so much good, and |, ~ being dependent any longer| MY Poy and myself into his « : 1: Ii. GR " : : lessen the risk of a chill. upon Harry. The man whe won ae | Without asking ine any questions ture at which it is "fired" gluring the drying arry. : atever, carried us away to the old : ae An Oxo Cube in a glass of hot | wag 4 roisterer who lived not far HE A Ee Tier | process, which makes the tea very sensitive, It milk makes a pleasant change | from the Pendleton home and whose |, Co oton HOT 2 as Tell \ 4 1 - { only purpose in life seemed to be '® said tor Rurops ang J a ao | thus quickly loses flavor and strength, and goes . y a. he . | in charge of his house 1ere ae " ry oa % 5 a Clevo Gp 3 psd a Jhieuls Possible Tish vited myself to the care and educa flat" if left exposed to odors, dust or air. | y. 8 '8 had obtained | FE tay 86 1 ew -apidly {such a hold upon Him that he real-| °°" ol hy ie a o TR Clix { 1zed that he could not reform with.; Mote And more Soe BS LAT To Protect the Consfimer . " £ Tian of 4 Ws Pan lies out assistance and he pleaded with |, 1 2 thet time 1 cont nued not = » % i" r ¥ > me to give him the needed help by BBC! I wie Therests ml T = i When you buy a package of Red Rose Tea af : ; EB tras ly to look after. his interests at) : A 3 ) $ ® EE lt ar pris SOWGININE he Homestead, but aiso the intercits| DUKE'S DAUGHTER IS SWEDISH CROWN PRINCESS. your grocer's you get the benefit of the great ' ga x te aL " which he had in the city, When he] i | ATC WO ke to protect the c¢« me 5 the Por ny and [is evident affection oturned he told me that he had de-| This is a photograph of the Duke of Connaught's eldest care we take to prot le consumer, as the | for me combined with his entreaties] videtl cto live in town, but that my| dg h h s Princess WM f h i | sealed package is. an armor- that keeps out CUBE and my own desire to be no longer cidetl to live own, but that wy daughter, who was Princess Margaret of Connaught and is now | : 2 {a burden to Harry, resulted finglly, £On and I might occupy the ld howe | po 'Brown Princess of Sweden. She is holding in her arms | odors, dust and air. It keeps the tea pure, | ¥i qs {ag long as 1 wished. s a ! = | in my accepting his offer. ; 8 OnE a aw little of | P€F youngest child, Prince Bertil. ' clean, fresh and full strength. | '""As happens in so many marriages From that time on } saw little a rr rn ru rR, aa <} ¢ { of this kind, my hysband's refor- him, My son, nearly 16 years old, i "me nD TY A s ack ace wha v @ & & | mation lasted only a\fbw weeks. He! had entered the same training school | | he pric € printed on the package protects you ; {then plunged even more deeply into | which Harry had attended, 2nd It Sainst ove Ts Itis the lowest price for "n G fi | excesses, I clung to him at. first | Was my purpose to send him later to which a tea of Red Rose quality can be sold--a WSIS SRN SANE | with the fond hope that § might still | the university. But aks for my] rice which allows the I only a fair profit \ ALMOST got*acquainted { be able to reform him, and later be-| dreams! My boy had not been In | | price wi ¢ ? g yalarj . E : cause my allegiance to him had cut | sehool more 'than a month before he | : Y il jov the distinctive flav icl 3 WITH A charming may at a me off from all other associates and | came back in gisgrate, The taint | i on 3 Sr 1 tid 15imeuve ER RS A i had branded me with thesame iren|of his father's blood was in his | strength and splendid economy of Re ose i DINNER PARTY last evening but - |), pag geared him. My hopes were | veins. He was not cnly becoming | | Tea. TRY A PACKAGE . ; THE WOMAN who sat between | revived about a year later by the|a heavy drinker, but a thief as well. | : = : : 4 ch | birth of a son. It seemed to me that| "No one except a uglrey knows US HAD spent too mu | if anything could stop my husband's | what it costs a parent to admit that] i » en pe 3 | ais: y § co A *b ny this | her son is a crook. This pan has| "- {Continued from Page 7) trisiting in Kingston that had dissipation this would, but even 8 | 3 The members of the Que Dra- | * +» | MONEY FOR hair t | hope was vain and I realized then |been mine not once, but many times, Ai ae ahi @& eens Mia . BELONGED TO others *| that he had reached the point where | so that at last I am so hardened to matic. op entertained at tea ju the Mr. and Mrs. George Boyd" and | : os reformation was impossible, Never-|the fact that I confess it without any I ran ol SaTruine SR Saughter, Lucile, Kingston, and Mise ¢ EVCRY PLEASANTRY of mine theless 'I clung to him, sharing his| emotion whatever." I~ : osha ) ibel Hackett, Ottawa, | spent the] : eless 'I' clu E go a h £8 | (To Be Continued.) {tense Neilson. % week-end with Mrs. D. B. Cole, Green WAS EITHER hooked by | roof until his creditors took it away ! » eo» Point | . | l Miss Elda Macdowall, Gore street Miss Carmelle Partell i of | | Miss ¢ all, re street, lis armelle Partell, visiting her 3 A CURL or deflected by | » {entertained at the tea hour on Thurs- aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Christo- | : . ¥ i . day, when Mrs. John Aird was the |pher Purtell, " to, leaves shortly | A FALSE puff. Then, too, ¥ . 9 : |guest of honor. for Roect er, N.Y., where she will | ; FANCIED THAT all of the vu ent | 2" 1» spend the next three months with] 3 A y | There wil] be a special meeting of | friends : | : ORIGINAL OWNERS of that . {the Skating Club at the covered rink | g i E 2 [this evening Mrs. A. W. Benjam Yarker $1 4 or were lis {th a \ : njamin, Yarker, is| ASSORTMENT OF hair tening 2 | 3 . [visiting her sister, Mrs, S. C. Thomp- | ; TO OUR conversation and it = gar together until smooth. oid The Reading Club met on Thurs- son, Ottawa £ . the egg and oil. If it is too thick day, when Miss Aileen Folger was Alex. Stewart, of the 72nd Battery, | i J EMBARRASSED ME. Why in Menu for Sunday add a little more lemon juice or vine- | hostess. ; spend his final leave with his] EF ; ' gar. The catsup or chili sauce is ad- | " 2.» | parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart, Of- | : THE WORLD more women don't BREAKFAST ded last. Ome tablespoon of finely While in town Miss Hortense Neil-|iawa ; LEARN OF HERPICIDE and eet alee cut chives or a teaspoon of finely cut {son js the guest of Prof. and Mrs. |. Mrs. Cecil B. Blachford, Montreal, Waffles and Honey shallot adds much to this dressing. | Fallis. {has returned home after a visit] TRY FOR the home grown Coffee or Cocoa 1 - ve Miss Eleanor Creighton left on|with Mr W. A. Stark, Uaivergity}e~ DINNER } Stuffed Roast Chicken, Brown Gravy |p raday to visit friends in Toronto. avenue i a VARIETY OF hair is a | Chicken Bro Clean and prepare the yehieken | Mrs. H. W. Richardson and Miss | * a» | Celery same as. usual. 8 y {Eva Richards lef Wednesday * Nickle » g gq : MYSTERY to me. bo Chicken on Casserole oven. for 20 minutes or until well |, dH CSOn TETL on Resta) y r N le, . yi Jud Mis. - Holted 1 i . an 2 cups . a SEAR HE halo ye tale siaence \ Yours for beautiful hair, _ Stony Beans seared; whe n Jade ups ot Sou neh | Miss Virginia Bush has been the|Mrs. G. ¥. Thomipson's house at 206 ) Be roses Apricon Io ag aN Cierinutes to gach guest of Capt. and Mrs, Wotherspoon | McLaren street, Ottawa. Mrs. Nickle pound if the chicken is a you Coffee Filling is made as follows: SUPPER Materials-- Three cups stale bread, Frozen Apricots one. i. GOWNS : A ball gown, a tea 1, Of 4 a favorite dress that y oe E been entrusted to us for dye- ing and cl is returned to you ready for another season's wear. The cost of the ser- vice is small, and Tint ia certain So 0 and suit you. Our booklet Psticalazs. Free . PARKER'S DYE WORKS ~ 69 Princess Street, King- ston, Ontario. ITCHING BURNING ECZEMA ON EARS Healed by Cuticura J had been suffering from eczema for long Li "It affected my Two or three kinds of Sandwiches 2 tablespoons finely cut onion, 1 ta- Coconnut Layer Cake p Fresh of Canned Fruoit Jatsig Tea or Cocon spoons drippings, 14 teaspoon white A- } pepper, 1 tablespoon salt. Utensils-- Bowl, measuring teaspoon, tablespoon, frypan, knife, meat needle and thread. Directions--S8oak the bread in cold water 5 minutes, press between the hands until all the water is out. Put the drippings ™Tm{o frypan and add the liver and hear, which have been chopped fine, and the gizzard, which has been boiled until tender and chopped fine; add the onions and fry slowly until well cooked; then add the bread, salt, pepper and parsley; mix and keep stirring until thorough- ly cooked. Fill into the chicken and sew up. Lettuce with Russian Dressing. Materials--One cup olive oil, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons tomato or chili sauce, 1 level teaspoon of dry mus- tard, '§ teaspoon of white or a pinch of red pepper, 1% teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon lemon 'juice or vinegar. Utensils--Soup plate, silver fork, 1 measuring cup, teaspoon, table- spoon, small bowl. Directions-- Put the yolk of egg in cold soup plate. Beat with silver fork and add the oil, drop by drop at first; and as it forms add faster. Mix mustard, salt, pepper and vine- ing, rub in véry lightly; add enough milk to make the dough, so it can be rolled out 4 inch thick. Brush with butter, cover with apple, sugar, and dust with cinnamon. Roll same as jelly roll; cut into pieces two in- ches long; place in bake dish that has been brushed with butter, cut side down, and bake in slow oven for forty to forty-five minutes, -Re- move from pan while hot, top side down. These look like sticky cin- nawon buns when done. Veal Croquettes with Green Peas. Materials-- Two cups left-over veal, - Menu for Monday BREAKFAST Orange Julce Bolled Whole Whent Cereal 3 " ed Ruackwhent Cakes Syrup or Hominy Coffee or LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Savory Rice flavored with Meat Lettuce Apple Reolly-Poly with Lemon Sauce Tea or Cocon DINNER blespoon finely cut parsley, 2 table-1ing with | cup, {this wedk. Miss Ruby Donnelly, University {avenue, is visiting friends in Ottawa. I Mrs. Thompson, who has been stay- Mrs. and Miss Pere | Brook Street, left to-day for Ottawa. | * # % Mrs, D. E. Mundell, Brock street; and Miss Elinor have gone to St Catharines to spend a couple of weeks at "The Welland." gone to Torcnto for a short visit. Mr. and Mri. Charles Livingstonas, Barrie street, have gone on to De troit and Mout Clemans to spend a week or so.. Mrs. B. J. Austin, Warburton, is oy THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Wellesley college has a blind pro- fessor, Wyoming has eighteen county school superintendents. "Women of Yukon seeking political equality, io, 23,969 are women, men $5 a dgy to work as roadmen. New York carpet sewers receive $14 a week of 47 hours. Wemen are barred from wearing | C Celery Soup Veal rant With Green Peas | ner, 2 cups cold boiled rice, 1 cup cream sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, pep- Saind per to taste, % teaspoon grated nut- Coft meg, 1 tablespoon finely chopped Ao J) parsley, breaderumbs and 1 egg. Utensils--Food chopper, 'mixing Apple Rolly-Polly, Lemon Sauce. bowl, two measuring cups, teaspoon, Materials----One quart of chopped tablespoon, platter, deep frying pan. filling and gravy from Sunday's din- i" en's clothes in Munich, Germany. | The Great Western railway of | England employs women as porters. | Canada has 2,186,000 women be- | tween the ages of fifteen and 80, | Many women in London are now | taking up a course in pottery train-; ing. ; Owing to the scarcity of men, wo- | { apples, ¥ cup brown sugar, 1 tea- Directions--Put the t and rice spoon cinnamon, 2 cups flour, 2 tea- through food chopper; spoons baking powder, 3 teaspoon other ingredients; mix well; spread salt, 2 tablespoons shortening, 1 ta-.on platter; put in cold place. When blespoon melted butter, milk. cold and firm, tike a tablespoon into] Utensils-- Mixing bowl, flour sifter, floured hands and mold into cones or two measuring cups, teaspoon, table- oblong shapes. After all are spoon, bake board, rolilng pin, pas- dip in well-beaten egg, which has try brush, knife, bake dish. been mixed with one tablespoon of Directions---8ift flour, baking pow- milk; then in fine breadcrumbs. Fry der and salt into bowl, add shorten- in very hot fat. " The Tokio Woman Hair When her husband became iil, guild held a competition in hair-{ Mrs. Grace Hargreaves of Blooming- dressing recently, thé winner com-|dale, N.J., took hiy place on the pol- the difficult style in Japan in! ice force and covered his beat dntil| ten minutes. y he recovered. ' In New York the women's unions| Colorado women are demanding a have an agreement with nearly every | change in the state constitution in firm in the city which provides for | order that they may sit as jurors in sti men are employed as bartenders in| d sauce and Scotland. There are 252 army nurses that! the employment of members of the | trfals where women or children are] union exclusively, ig involved, : 1 « s{danghter-in woman torritry are} jreceives on Tuesdays Mr. and Mrs. announce th Cowdry, Hamilton engagement of \ a Grace, to John 8 Walter Sprag lige Canon Spragege, Cobourg, | marriage to take place early in April * = = Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Purtell r niece, Bes:ie Lorraine Purtell ngston, daughter of .Colin Purtell n* Joss. Californi Strickland, as marriage an early date, Al str ean receive a pension from | States government ! jvanced to third assistant attorney | general of Colorado. i Ten-year-old Mary Morehead of | Port Worth, Tex, recently got a new | maize raising record. » | New York city is soon to have a | magazine. which will be edited ex- elusively by society women ole the 81,819 school teachers in| trade, costing $650,000. 1 ! their wond son of the| the | Toronto, anneance the engagément of Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, has , to Errol George sistant manager of the Metropolitan Bank, Buffalo, N.Y, the iake place in Toronto at thé United] Miss Clara R, Mozzor has been ad- a | | | : WINCARNIS offers you the quickest, the surest, and the . safest way to the new health you need when you are Weak,Anaemic,Nervous,Run-down 7 VW NCARNIS offers you 3 new health] Think what this means to you. Instead of that Jubck-sor, Betvaus, fn - down eeling, you can revel in the enjoy- "7. hp : ment of new and buoyant health. Thali, Soul wet Tia bole uel. Youfeel well --eat well work well life. =~: 4 --sleep well --and rise in the mom- ~~ Then you can op taking Wincarnis. | ing refreshed and vigorous, and feel But you can still enjoy the new health . . Wincarnis has gi out Whole given you, | Jou! life. body Pulsating with Wincarnis is not a luxury, but a positive Knowing that, surely you will not continue to suffer needlessly, Ron you begin 10 get well from the first day you com. mence to take Wincamis. And each suc. ceeding day you derive more strength, more rich ore nerve force, and more Boston js to have a Ywelve-story | That is the new healthWincamis | Net all wha vie Weak, A o | building for thé women's board ori offers you cause Wi il 4 ervous, Run-down--te all fd | T ak Be ie tind ghd 2a ta miriyette ha --Ae At the age of 99, Mrs. J ie | ohicia Regorative,a Blood-makes Lovaie--snd 0 sl wha "sit dey =. Waljes Rodinf and a Nerve Food all in one. This out-f-som. | uckley, England is offering wo- | claims that the eating of candy has prolonged her life, Miss Jlia M. Shafer df Knoxville Md., has served the United States as a rural mail carrier for twelve years. Mary Garden, the opera singer, has signed a contract to appear be- fore the movies at an enormous sal- ary. - Miss Elizabeth Dean, a seventeens year-old Cambridge Latin schoolgirl, holds the record for women's marks- a i Mrs. Florence Kelly, general sec- retary qf the National Consumers' league and leader in all movements for the betterment of conditions for nim, 3 Minn, Is considered one of the most Don't suffer needlessly. Take advantage i of the new health Wincarnis offers you, But be sure you get Wincamis--don't trust { fourfold power, acting upon the | system at one time, enables Win. | carnis to give new strength, new { rich blood, new nerve force, and new vitality. And because Win- carnis does this, it is recommended, by over 10,000 Doctors. ¥ you are weak, Wincarnis will give you new If you sre Ansemic, © he re ote, i you wre run-down, Wiscamis will give you new vitality. ASK YOUR DOCTOR GET IT AT YOUR DRUGGIST'S Pints 90e. Quarts $1.50 ERANK S. BALL, Resident Director, 6] PORTLAND ST, TORONTO 32 ree ~ men Working women, was instrumental in | during 51 ®f last year on meals hr up the traflic in child labor | which cost only seven cents each. _ Blass factories. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. 'Marshall, ._ Eleanor Painter, the musical com-| wives of the President and vice pres- edy star, is in private life mrs. Louis |.dent respectively, w, ride with Shel husbands in the iaingural par- e. ; Graveure, wife of the Belghun baty- | tone. Mrs, C. H. Moen of Grand Forks,| "The Natibnal Herb association, or- ganized by the women in the early of the war, has grown so that the growing of herbs Is now common Successful female United States. farmers in the Mrs. J. J. Smith of Rochester, N. | among people with smali families in ; Y., claims to bave fed her family | England, : ; : . k |