> PAGE FIFTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1917, i ABITIBI'S EARNINGS rf / . > . | Net Profits Understood to Have Been | K o | $625,878, 1ews Toronto Feb. 23.--It is understood WS nN that the net earnings of the Abitibi | Power Company were $625878, af-| i -- i 'er payment of bond interest, and | { interest on debenture stock, 'as | : = |'Woodstock--baled $15 to $16, loose Gora, tracked, owl, . 335 } r FN ja sone, 25 timated -- $13 per ton. orn meal, cwt. .. . 2 | . z rat re : 5 ¥ 1 , 13 per tor .. Co oy fond | Miscellaneous Green Forage. [Year's business was based on low Th Lat t ar et € rts : Vegetables at Toronto. bush.. .. .. .. 1.25 | [Pres for newsprint the insiders are | 4 € es " Caulifiowers are a shade easier on) Flor. cwt. titst le . | counting on earnings of two millions | our dealer hasasupply 3 | tne street at Tororo selling at $3.-| &rade .. ... .. 4.90 | 4p 3 : aOR this year. It is said that the com- - & of fresh Sunkist b 50 to $3.75 per two-dozen case Flour, cwt, second | o ithe able is not usually considered | pany has a large amount of cash in Oranges every day. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, piug had a bullish influence Su » Beets and Butontoe are encounter): #fade dn di 475 | wg Xun, but if i som youl. | Judg to provide for new construction | These are the wheat. * In this connection specia ing a stronger sentiment, and are | Feed flour, bag .. 2.50 2.28 |or even of otatoes, it will ; VII. good oranges, Order a . Oe. Lv store. | LOtISE Wad takich of repits en bias | selling around $2 per bag. jay baled, ton .. 72.00. 23.00. ff SYR Of Dota a Sten | A New Coal C dusen today; Torontg, Feb. 23.---Heavy steers, | Dutch Government would open bids Turnips are continuing "their up-| Hay, loose, ton . . Le 1000 |, unmarketabl os er: { New Coal Company, . $10.50 to! $11; choice butcher, $10 for 100,000 barrels of flour on Wed- ward turn, and sell this week at 75c | Oats, local, bush. . 7 Ive wasted ib e Abples should not Albany, Feb, 23.--With a capital ® to $10.50; do. goud, $8.75 to $9.25; | nesday. Promises of improved rail- to 85¢ per bag ' Oats, Man. bush.. vel 75 | amost an rol oy may be used for| $1,750,000 the George Hall Coal do, medium, $8 to 38.50; do. com-| way conditions tended also to lft Cabbage ate still big problem on [Shorts, middlings . "40.00 00.42 lost any class of stock, though, 38) and Transportation Company, Inc. mon, $6.50 to $7.60; heifers, good | the market. Opening prices, which the vegetable market, and buyers | Straw, baled, ton. . .. 9.00 | a en 18 scarcely safe to feed Ogdensburg was incorporated to. ot to choice, $9.50 to $3.75; do. med-| ranged from the same as Saturday's find difficulty in getting. sufficient |Straw, loose, ton. .. 300 {33% =0 of oY &PPles to cations one day with the secretary of state. The Uniformly Good fum, $7 to 37.50. butcher cows,| finish to 134c higher, with May at for their wants. Old cabbage sell at | Wheat, local, bush. 1.65 1.78 (Yous Sn ot roots: : | directors are George Hall, J. C. How- choice, $8 to $9; do. medium, $7. 10/$3.741; to $1.74%, and July at $1.- $5 to $6 per barrel With ~ow ones fn 16 by-product of the cider mill, | ard and Edward L. Strong. The new Oranges 7.50; butcher bulls, choice, $8.25 to} 493, 15 $1.50, were followed by ma- Tor th th at $3.50 to $3.75 per Honey. cone daa. @pble pomace, also has| company is a merger of several coal $9.50; do. good, $7 to $7.25; do.| terial gains all around, n Poulh al 35 +49 DOT | orhite extracted Ib . 1214 considerable value and is worth €OB-| companies which will deal extensive- California Fruit Growers Eachange medium, $6 to $6.50; feeders, 900 to -- hamped. This works out at about Comb, : buckwheat. 123% | sideration when available. lly in soft coal 1,000 ibs, $7.50 to $8; do. bulls, GENPRAL TRADE. $108 to $110 per ton, Comb, clover .. .. -.. 15 | ig Svan and Fimpking belong to -- i 6.25 $6.60; stockers, 700 to 800 . ny | same class of fodders as turnips | ® ; uivalent of $38 per share on the 3s 2% to $7.75; do. medium, 650 Butter. Beans at Montreal. Moats. and mangles and there is not a very Companies Incorporated. Squivale stock. P to 750 Ibs., $6.25 to $6.75; do. light, Belleville, 43¢ to 44c per pound;| Beans at Montreal are still firm Beef-- wide difference in their feeding|, Ottawa, Feb. 23 ~The incorpora- ~ 600 to 650 Ibs, $650; canners, 35 to] Brantford, 45¢;. Cobourg, 40c to42c; | And prices unchanged, with quota- Cuts, Iv. ..... .. 15 30 [value. tion of the Ford Tractor Company of New Phone Director. $5.25; cutters, $5.50 to $5.75:| Chatham, 40c: Owen - Sound, F7c;|tons as follows: Canadian hand- Local, carcase, 1b, 12 13 Corn sijage also belongs to oyr| 'Canada, with a capital of $10,000, Montreal, Feb. 23.--At a meeting sheep, light; $9.75 to $10.25; do. | peterboro, 46e to 48c: Port Hope, | Picked car lots, $6.75 to $7 per bus- Local, hinds, 1b. .. i3 14 |Broup of succulent foods, and hence] 900 and with its head office at To- of the board of directors of the Bell heavy, $7.50 to $8.50; spring lambs, | 40¢; St, Thomas. 45¢; Stratford, 40¢ | hel; three-pound pickers, $6.50; five- Local, fronts, lbs, . is 13 | plays a very important part in keep-| "0Bt0 is announced in the Canada Telephone Comphny W. F. Angus * 310.75 to $14.75; calves, $8.50 tol(y 43c; and Woodstock, 44c to 48c| pound pickers, $6.25; and six to sev-| Western, carcase Ing animals in condition as well ag|CaZette, was elected to the board. This fills $14.50; hogs, few and watered, $14: per pound. en-pound pickers, $86. mw... 18 161% supplying a large amount of compar- | RE . m . the vacancy caused through the do. weighed off cars, $14.25; do. AN a Western, hinds, 1b, 17 18 [atively cheap fodder. It will be no-| Dominion Textile. death of the late Hon. Robert Meo- f.0.b., $13.25 Eggs. Mill Feeds at Toronto. Western, front, 1b, 's 13 ticed that silage from well matured| 'Montreal, Feb, 23. --While it is Kay, ; ---- Belleville, 48¢ to+50¢; Brantford, Mill feeds are still firm this week Hogs, live, cwt. .. ' 12.50 jcorn is worth considerably more | Understood that- the Dominion Tex- ------ Moritreal, bic; Cobourg, G0c; Chatham, 60c;| at Toronto, with shorts $1 per ton Hogs, dressed; cwt. . 18.00 j than that from immature corn. It| tile Company are shipping 13% mil- Powder Co.'s Huge Earnings. Montreal, Feb. 23.--Choice steers,| Owen Sound, 37c: Petgrboro, 50c; | higher. Quotations are as follows: Lambs, spring, by | Will also be noted that corn silage | lion dollars worth of goods per New York Feb. 23.--E, I. Dupont, $10 to $10.75; good, $9.25 to $10; | port Hope, 42¢: St. Thomas, 48c to| Shorts, $41; bran, $35; and good carcase, 1b. .... >. 23 | does not contain 80 much water as| month, the unfilled orders are 80 | De Nemours & Co. report for the common, $8 to $9; butchers' bulls, 50c; Stratford, 48c to 50c¢; and] feed flour at per bag, $2.70 to $2.80. Veal, by carcase, | roots though it contains a good deal | large that the filling of them has year ending December 31 st; shows 39 to $10; goed, $7.50 to $8.25: woodstock, 48¢ to 50. .per dozen. Wo... 11 15 | more fibr& In spite. however. of its | made little impression on the accum- 135.31 per cent. earned on common + canners, 5.50 to $6, ' re ity ny high percentage of fibre, good corn | ulated volume on hand. stock against 94.5 per cent. in 1914. Calves--Miltk fed, ohoies, $12; Poultry . Poultry, silage should be worth twice as much| Last year profits of $1,481,195 good, $11 to $1250; hay fed, $6 to Belleville, 20¢ to per pound; Kin ton Markets Lhickens, dressed, as roots, represented éarnings at the rate of Net Earnings $143,534. $7. . ¥ . | Brantford, = 20c¢ . Cobourg, ih. .. 'rs 25 00 Corn silage. may be fed to almost] 12.5 p.c. on the common stock, Dunnville, Feb. 23.--The Monarch Sheep--i$8.50 to $9.7 i; lambs, $13 22¢; Owen Sound, 20c¢; Peterboro, Chickens, live, Ib, 18 | any class of stock, though, owing to| Which is the best the company has | Knitting Company earned net profits to $14; Quebec Stock, $13 to $13.25.| 25¢; Port Hope, 20c to 22¢; St.]§ Geese, Ib. ....... 22 tthe fact that there may be some| done in any year in its history. The during the year ending November Hogs--Choicest selects, off cars| Thomas, 20¢ to 3c: and Stratford, Kingston, Feb, 24th. | Ducks, 1b. ci... 5 | mould which escapes notice, it would | Previous best ratio Of profits to con® 30th., of $145,534, alter providing $11 );. Bood selects, $15; sows,| 20¢ to 23¢ per pound, Hens, dressed, Jb. 20 probably be just as well not to feed | Mon stock was in 1912 when earn-| for war taxes. This represents 7.3 $13.50. - ent Dairy Products, Hens, live, 1b... . 15 lit to horses. Some sheep ' feeders | Ings at the rate of 8 p.c. were shown. | per cent. on the common stock. Net " Potatoc,s : Suto): Butter, creamery,lb. 48 60 Turkeys, 1b. . ... 28 speak highly of silage for sheep and At the close of its last fiscal year | earnings-the year previous were Bufralo, Belleville, $2 to $2.3 per he 1°. | Batter, rolls, 1b, . ve 45 g esem-- others very much prefer roots |the company showed a profit and | scarcely more than half that amount, Buffalo, Feb, 23.--Cattle--ship-' Brantford, $2; Cobourg, $2; NES- | cngese db. -.. . | i 30 bles. Probably turnips are rather more | 108s balance of $1,003,634, or the being 382 533 ping steers, $8.50 to $11.25; butch-|ton, $2.40; Owen Sound, jis; Eggs, fresh, dos. . 55 60 | Apples, bbl 3.00 5.00 satisfactory for sheep than corn sil- Nn, ail ~y eg 2 to 310.50; heifers, $6 to Paterbore. $2.40: Port Foggic A _ Eggs, case, doz. 45 §0 [Carrots, peck .... 18 | age though a good many sheep feed- . $9.75; cows, $4.50 to $8.25; bulls, | Thomas, $1.60 to $1 $9; and Stra Sent Cabbage, doz. ... 1.50 ers use silage. Matured pigs will THE $6 to $9; stockers and feeders, $6 to | ford, $2.50 to $2.75 per bushel. Fish. Celery, bunch .... 05 10. | eat a certain amount of silage, but 8 Ai $7.75; fresh cows and springers, ac- = Cod, steak, 1b. .... . 15 Lettuce, bunch 8 10 hey waste a great deal and it can tive, $50 t6 $105. Wheat. Belsosh. .. .. .. ee 10 Parsnips, bus. .... . 1.25 scarcely be called tist # ou ; foals . tiv vil 85 sr bushel; Potatoes, bag .... . 4.00 2 ve a satisfactory feed Veals---Receipts, 1,000; active Belleviile, $1. b pe jushe ' | Flounders, 1b. .. . vie 12% Po ves, BE és for pigs. Silage gives best esults and Toler, 35 to $15: 2 few at 315. n x Ee 485: Oven Sood, in? Ib. 3 Onin dota bus. 4.00 Wien ed to cattle and it ig suitable OF CANADA 50. 5; wv , $1.65; # . 1b. i : . " "| fo . 3 Hops--Receipts, 10,000; slow and [$1.65 to $1.60; Peterboro, $1.70; {make 1b... .. .. 1234 | Turnips, bush. ,.. . 70 on long en atuzed HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO steady; heavy, $12.85 to $12.90; [Port Hope, $1.68 to $1.72; St.|Haddock, fresh, Ib. 12% = : per day may be regarded as a fairly mixed, $12.80 to $12.90; yorkers, |Thamas, $1.60; Stratford, $1.60; and Halibut, fresh, Ib. 20 25 Hides and Skins--John McKay, liberal allowance $12.75 to $12.80; light, $11.50 to | Woodstock, $1.45. to - $1.55 per Kippers, doz... .. 's 60 . Limited. ' 3 BUSINESS ACCOUNTS $12.50; pigs, $11 to'$11.25; roughs, | bushel, PYstors, Muar EN \ 60 1 Cow Hides (green), lbs. ... 201 ¢ -- & ! 12 to $12.25; stags, $9.50 to -- erch, Ib... .. .. ia Calf Skins, 1bs. .. .. .. .. .30 . : 32 $ rata pr ome, i Pike, .. nll tt bh i 12% Poucon. Sine, each, up to i $2.00 i Mixed Feeds | All classes of business accounts s 4 Receipts, 5. rantford, 66e; Co A fish, 1b... .. so. Horse Hides (mane and ta * : : : or eat af to $15.65; 85¢; Chatham, 55c; Owen Sound, 68¢| Salmon, 1b. . ¢.... 15 25 on), each ! ay lL . : receivé careful attention. 237 vearlings, $11 to $11.50; wethers, [to 75c; Peterhoro, §0c; Port Hope, Tilefish, Ib. ...... 'a 12% Sheep (fresh take off), each 2.50 . E8T'D 141 : 12 to $12.50; ewes, §6 to #°2; mix-|85¢; St. Thomas, 75¢ to 80c; Strat-| Trout, salmon, 1b. .. 18 Tallow (rendered), Ibs. .. . .08| There are on the market a good KINGSTON BR ANCH ed sheep, $12 to $12.25. ford, 69¢; and Woodstock; 60c to] White fish, Ib... . . --rss-------- many ready prepared mixtures of d ' Pn 65¢ per bushel. . (fresh). .. .. . 16 18 CHOPPED STUFF, feed for which extravagant claims H. E. " Ma Chicago. S------ Whiting, 1b. ..... . 12% Sore are sometimes made. Many of these Chicago, Feb. 23. Cattle, re] 3 Barley. -- The brood mare needs liberal, but | feeds are intended merely to provide AIPA Pt --- ceipts 26,000; market, weak: native Baélleville, 96¢c to $1.05; Brantford, Fruit. not excessive, feeding of well-cured | 8 market for such substances as oat TT Te Tr -- " == beef cattle, $7.76 to $11.90; west-| $1.05; Cobourg, $1.15 to $1.20; | Apples, peck... ... ve 60 hay, oats and bram, hulls, eottonseed hulls and similar ~ ern. steers, $6.15 to $9.10; cows and | Chatham, $1.15; Owen Sound, $1.12{ Apples' Spys, bbl . 6.00 7.00 A remedy for scratches is oxide of | materials which, as has been shown, heifers, $5.10 to $5.25; calves, $9.75 |ao $1.50; Peterboro, $1; Port Hope, | Bananas, dos, .... .. 30 zinc, 1 dram; vaseline, 1 ounce,|have a very low feeding value in ® to $13.75. $1.15; St. Thomas,>%0¢ to $1; Strat- Celery ..:..,. .. 10 15 Never apply water to the legs. themselves. Some of these mixtures 4 ] : Hogs, receipts, 11,000; market, ford, $1 to $1.10; and Woodstock, | Cocoanuts,-each .. 10 18 It is proposed to prohibit all fairs | are worth the money asked of them, slow; light, $11.60 to $12.25; mixed, | 90c per bushel. Cranberries, qt. . . 20 lin England during 1917 that are but others are not, and the farmer $12.00 to $12.40; heavy, $11.95 to). he Dates, 1b. .. .. . 15 llikely to "impede or delay the pro-| must be wide awake to avoid being $12.45; rough, $11.95 to $12.05: Hay. Grapes, Malaga, Ib. . 26 |duction, repair or transport of war caught. The agent who sells the 7 pigs, $9.°5 to $10.65; bulk of sales, Belleville--baled $11, loose $9 to Grape-Fruit, each. 08 25 material or of any work necessary | feed will probably emphasize the 4 $12.15 to $12.35. $10; Brantford---baled $10 to $12; 1 Lemons, doz .. .. «} 25 for the successful prosecution of the percentage of protein contained in it, lL loose $8 to $10; Cobourg- Baled, | Lettuce, i. sa.s. . 25 war." : but the farmer must remember that GRAIN QUOTATION, $10, loose $10; Guelph--bales $12 to| Oranges, doz... '. 20 60 There is urgent meed for prompt |this is not the only consideration, y $13, loose $10; Owen Sound---baled | Potatoes, sweet, 1b oe 8 action and extreme care in procuring | and that the fibre content is a pretty Winnipeg, $10 to $11, loose 9 to $10; Peterboro| ---- the best available seed grain sup-| Sure indication as to whether the N Winnipeg, Feb. 23.--No. 1 North-| --baled $10 to $12, loose $8 .0 $10; G plies, because of injury to the grain | mixture is a high grade or low grade ern, $1.73%; No. 2 northern, $1.-] Port Hope--loose $10; St. Thomas-- | Barley, bush. .... 1.00 1.10 orops in the Prairie Provinces and | product. As already pointed out, a i 69%; No. I-northern, $1.64%; No.' baled $15 to $16, loose $13 to $14; |Bran, ton .. .... 38.00 00 parts of Eastern Canada during the | high percentage of fibre means a low + 4 wheat, $1.56%; No. 5 wheat, §1.-|Stratford--loose $12 to $14; and|Buckwheat, bush . 1.40 | eason of 1916. grade product, and no farmer should | | - : ; 373%: No. 6 wheat, $1.10%; feed, | ~~ Sa The antount of fall ploughirig that | purchase feeds with which he is not | | ~ i 98c. RAW FUR PRICE LIST has been done In Saskatchewan is | familiar without a gvarantse 4s tal | 0 ana No, 3 barley, $1; No. 4 barley, ? noticeably less than the amount done t © percentage of protein and || » ; 94e; feed, not offered. No. 1 No ips Pusnishén by Geo: Ml 4 C0, 2 No. 2 in the fall of 1915, and much more | fibre. No. 3 C. W., oats, §7%¢; No. 3 C. ro "Medi adh 1a Medi Small [50 than in 1914, as the following| Sometimes weed seeds are includ- W. oats, 563%¢; extra No. 1 feed RED pe Medium mal ge Medium ma figures will show: 1914, 4,407,320] ed in these mixtures, and some weed id oats, 56% ¢c; No. 1 feed oats, 561 c. 9 00-12.00 6.00- 8.00 4.00- 5.00 - 4.00 - 2.50 - 1.00] acres; 1915, 1,731,497 acres; 19186, seeds such ol Oris i tturd ' * Flax, $2.528%. . AN ig ! : . : fh . 1,246,677 acres, | and other mustards, are dec y in yl RAVOON 2.50. 3.00' 1.35. 1.50 1.50 - 25], The extent of injury to oats from | juriogs to stock. It is well, there. Has found 1916 tobea year of Torin Wi x 50- 8. .25- 1. wy - i, - frost is difficult and often impossible | fore, 3 Sxisise Hution in Jurehas- 2 i oronto. 1 to determine from a rances, If | ing these feeds and to insist upon Toronto, Feb. 23--Manitoba wheat| 4.00- 5.00 3.00- 3.50 1.50- 2.00 - 1.50 - 1.00 * 80) the crobrentounter Oran Con] [ 1 tite roe previously stated. SPLENDID PROGRE SS --No. 1 northern, $1.95 3%, track, bay | WEASELS (pureswhite) at a certain stm va tes By Nm § ma * ge in maturity the " ports; No. 2, $1.92; No. 3, $1.87; No.| 1.00- Ja5- .36- { vain b dered unfit f a 4, $1.78%. BEAR i STain May be rendered unfit for seed, FACTS ABOUT EGGS the following fi ill show: = ' NAB . ; but be quite normal in appearance as the following hgures will s ow: Madfloba jats--No. 2 C.W,, 73 %e¢; 18.00-22.00 8.00-10.00 4.00- 7.00 - 4.00 - 3.00 - 2.00 ---------- a § WL ae ¢ ; and weight. This renders a vitality ' Sn No. 3, 72%e¢; extra No. 1 feed, | WOLF + test with oats especially important They Contain All 'the Chemicals | ' T8Y¥c: No. 1 feed, T734¢, all rajl de: hol 8.00. 3.50- 5.00 2.00- 3.00 - 4.00 - £00 + Lop] mut with rooting, ko any aiher bust Newer for Supporting Lite. | 1916. 1911. * ic No. 3 ube 4 " 0. : 5 2 ness, must be followed year after le latest research proves tha sec iSrican sot No. 3, $1.15, sub oi 10.90 4.50- 7.00 3.00- 65.00 3.00- 6.00 3.00 1.00 year, if ome 1s to be successful. | 1,200 eggs hold all the chemical ele- | | Assets at 31st December . . . $2,823,784 $1,622,102 Ny orc tarhite, 63¢ to 9.00-12.00 4.00- 8.00 4.00+ 5.00 < 1.50- 3.50 .75-- 3.00 | There Te tous. Ube" and | ments contained in a man weighing ' ? 65¢; No. 3 white, 62¢ to 64c. SKUNK # : "downs," and the feedes who jumps 150 pounds. This does not mean Omtario wheat--No. 2 winter per Large Medium Small Large Medium and Small in one year and out the nett will | that if you make an enormous omelet | || Income for year ......... . .. 558,716 363,190 i car lot, $1.73 to $1.75; No. 3, $1.71 Prime Prime Prime Unprime ~ Unprime likely go in in a bad year and Stay | of these 1,200 eggs a man would be : to $1.73. (Black out when the profits would be laFge. produced, It does signify, however, 8 lus, 31st December 101,514 53,135 Peas--No. 2, nominal, car lots, . . 50- 2.2 . 3 Mr. T. A. Orerar, President of the | that tha elements in the eggs would urpius, 31st December. ..... 3.00- 4.00 2.50- 3.00 1.50- 2.25 1.00 1.75 .50- 1.00 . $2.45. i $1.20 tof (Short) Manitoba Grain re range, Iu be Squat to the Semauts 14 a am, . Polici lsmnd d Revived 2 292 1 Barley--Good malting, 2 0 - 5 . 19 = Ee an ress e 0 A person were nothin $$ an ved. . . 580 $1.23 tod barley, nominal, ES. 300 1.55 200 5-138 95 200 0-73 Dre oonvention, Bredisted law | but eges he would got fist. the chem. icles. 1ssued_and Reviv : 233.045 Buckwheat--Nominal, $1.28. 5 4 ' se ___ |prices Tor grain after war, per-| icals needed for supporting life, bat \ ) i Rye--No, 1 commercial, nominal; Site 79: 1.28 50-75. .50- 75 35-".50 bape the lowest wg have known for | the system would mot digest an ex-| || Insurances in forge, 31st Dec. 11,181 726 7,856,197 No. 2. naw, $140.20 $143. . 4 75- 1.00 §0- .15 15. 0 35 .50 25- .35 Foams, Sut SEpreased the hg that clusive diet like this, THe person di ! - anitéba flour--First patents, in . . iw . : : * > : prices of live stock wou high | trying to live on eggs alone would | i bags, $9.50; secund patents, Ja Anns ; - ~~~ | for at least Jon yours after the war. Soon sicken, and if the diet were not| Policy Reserves, 31st December 2,062,827 1,088,947 wite, ; strong ers, in jute, ) ks x A correspondent of the Farmers' changed would die, , 8.80, Toronto. : RAW FUR PRICE LIST, Advocate, writing trom King's coun. |p. an average man, weighing 150| | Paid to Policyhoiders. .. . .. 119,508 39,861 Ontario flour--New winter, $7.15 As Furnished by John McKay, Limited. ty, N. B., says that over half the pounds, were reduced to a fluid he ' to $7.25, in bags, track, Toronto, ¥ farms once occupied in his neigh- would yield 3,630 cubic feet of ilitm- | . " . . ie. 7" Prompt shipment, $7, bulk, seaboard,| | ng 4 No. 1 No. i No. 2 we 2 No. 2 Sohgod are now. vacant, while of | inating gas and hydrogen, or enough The Company 18 extending its organization, export g hy E Lav Medium Smal Large um Small - ' oceup t three are hat wo Carr, : ed Millfeed -- Cur lots, dslivered,| Nairn Larue oy vealed uly oe reales are = Alla ialioun that would envy | po) io prepared to offer advantageous terms to Montreal: shorts, $41; bran, 335: 300. 5.00 2.50. 4.00 1.50: 3.00 1.00-2.00 1.50- 3.00 1.00-2.00 [are tilled in a haphazard way, and | If the normal human body were t prod Teed flour, per bag. $280. | 3 the majority of the farms are de-| taken: just as It is and all the ele-| [| COMPpetent pr gare. > Hay--Baled; track, Tonio. {15110.00-14.00 8.00-12.00 5.00- 7.00 4.00-5.00 5.00- 7.00 2.00-4.00 [creasing in value. ments extracted from it there would =F lots: No. 3, $12; mixed, 39 to $11; | wore & coyors - imi be found enough. iron to make seven : . straw, $9. | LA 8.50 5.50 6.50 3.00- 5.00 200-275 3.00- 4.50 1.50-2.50 | ; farge nalis; enough fat for fourteen ' ieernoe LYNX : : z .., Some Tips to Get Eggs. 1-pound candles; enough carbon to Head Office: . Liverpool. RAtah0 3.00-10.00 6.00- 7.00 4.50-5.00 5.00- 6.00 3.00-4.00 | "Beginners jo poultry keeping of-| ;maye the lead In 65 gross of pencils || 4 : Liverpool, Feb. 23.--Close--- Flour RACCOON : 3 5 ten wonder why some hens will lay and phosphorus enough to tip 820, ~--Winter patents, 47s. Hops in Lon- 3.50- 4.50 3.00- 4.00 2.00- 2.75 1.76-2.50 1.25- 1.60 .76-1.00 steadily when eggs are worth bat f : a . y : 000 matches, Besides all this would LONDON ONT. 'ARIO don (Pacific Coast)--£4 15s to £5 REAVER , : ten cents a dozen and Ta ly an -- ' 15 2 7.00- 9.00 5.00.7 0- ceils a A%| be found 20 teaspoonfuls of salt, 8 10.00-¥3.00 8.00-11.00 ,7.00- 9. 00-7.00 5.00- 6.50 2.00-3.00 occasional egg ,or loaf Y| 50 full-sized lumps of sugar, and 38 , 2 'when eggs are 35 cents 'a dozen," quarts of water. Dh 25,00-40.00 17.50-30.00 10.00-20.00 = 7.00-9.00 7.00-10.00 _3.00-5.00 rm and Fi "Lused 10. ""spnyg ts 1g evident that a human - Duluth, Feb. 23.----Wheat---No. 1 | . : ' , We ¥ : : 1 . NN Ne S Nonshers, $1 3hern, | 15.00-20.00 13.00-14.00 9.00-10.00 6.007.900" 9.00-10.00 5.00-6.00 Dame Ihe hin. but now' I" know't being isa great. chemical factory, MR. J. M. E v 1.811%; No. 2 Northern; $1.77 % to| MARTE} - 0 } L . : : J. M. ERNI E ! Wom 300-1500 5.06-15.00 5.00-10.00 3.00-6.00 4.00- 5.00 2.00-4.00 Mirrinl is considerable. Ai : ; ly > Minneapolis, VAL 50 25 35 25 yield precisely the same quantities || Superintendent of Agencies, Fast Minneapolis, Feb. 23.-- Wheat nibh 85 of these chemicul elements, and . 2 ' nnea hy L233, at--- § 3 a s Co and May, $1.78%; July, JTen. Cash|18.00-35.00 14.00-20.00 10.00-15.00 6.00-3.00 6.00- 8.00 4°00-6.00 Sieh at the progen dent high oe iiwat ekg fj. r. Queen Yonge Streets, Toronto, Ont. --No. 1 hard, $1.80% "to $1.92; MU : i v : No. 1 northern, $1.80% to $1.8634:| .40- 450 .30- 40 .20- .30 10. .20 eggs used for the purpose than the No: 2 northern. $1.70 to $1.85. m als - man. --<TitBits, . Corp os yellow, 3h te Ny ta. SKUSE = : > ar" % ' No. 3 white oats, ¢ to e. . : . : Flour--Fancy patents, $9.30; fei] 6 ae" 4.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 Nearly. 100 suction offerings of J. W. GLENWRIGHT, clears, $8.10; seconds, $6.25, Bran, | (Short) a3 1q8 Xin Americ, Harsiords ate ou _rewrd : : 338 to $30. ae ae : ; 0 average sands at 3305. An omer of Superintendent of Agencies, West. : Chicago. {Beat : 1.00 ° 1.50 1.00 20, season's cham-~ 5 : ; : Chicago, Feb. 23 -- Prospective ra) «00 70 : pion Hereford bull, Bocaido 6th, was £- ending of-the tic-up of neutral ship- 300 2.69 1.76 0 50. a refused. Ln