Ruttan, in Barriefield, 1 k E244 E44 ESHEFR ERICA MEMI RNP | I A Belleville to-day. 7 | proscription |} Told In Jee | Service [i Twilight to-day for her home in Ottawa FERRE PRR bid Mrs.!R. C The, cc 1 | AND SYRIAN RELIEF. New York Opened Subseriptio Appealdby Dr. 1. Carter and Mrs. Ernest ing Strong Mr. and Mrs. Rex Scott and their! son, who have been visitng Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, left to-day for lence the -doctors p Cunningh are spending a 1 i : {f weeks Montreal. have in our ability to properly of week : ; dispen.e their prescriptions Miss Jessie Hutton is the guest of couple al dance, which he Queen's Medi ] iasiym on Fri. n the gvm Mrs. J. M. Campbell leaves next most worthy cause. week to join Miss Marjorie Campbell in the south for the month of March. Miss Rose Keenan, who came up nd that meayps we'll be, "going some," : At Best's The Popular Drug Store, . Major the Very Rev. Dean Starr was a guest at a luncheon given in honor of the visit of Her Royal High- ness Princess Patricia at Hillingdon to see her brother, Driver James Dr. Chambers set Court, the beautiful residence of Keenan, a convalescent at the Mowat | of the Armenians and Syrians, Lord and Lady Hillingdon. Later ig, itarium, left for her home in after the inspection at the Halling- [yon ven) don House Canadian Convalescent Home the royal Col. fairly well attended, : the guest of Miss K. Djamond,""Mont- Open Sundays. ! reat 'strcet ! 5 3 s {able information Plone 59, Dranch 2018 h | Sponagle and Major Starr, drove by | Capt, and Mrs. George Shortt have | rn - pS cr -- motor Tar = L Xbeidge, Ior the open- {sailed from England, dnd will be the | y [ing o 1¢ Canadian Club, Ld . * party, with {guests of Dr. and Mrs. Adam Shortt | in Ottawa. ~ Mrs. R. 8. Waldron and Miss Isa-| Miss G. C. M. belle Waldron, King street, were|the guest of the Misses Daly, = | hostesses at a delightful bridge and; gtreet. ~ i tea this afternoon in honor of Mrs. } . sa fl | Stanléy Waldron Mrs. * Alberta, is hear him, but at | citizen will White, Toronto, is | I any rate, A At ary special committee George S. leaving tions, . .* to-day for To- SEE US sponce to the appeal. Depratto, in the city] entertained at tea this afternoon, | Brock street when her guests were gome of the| (young friends of her daughter, «sand Il nifred, last evening I . - 000 or one third of the Win-{ cornwall. = F. W. Coates and daughter, Kings- : | ton, spent the i asked a |gmith's, Napanee. i We || few of Mrs. Norman Stewart Leslie's . il {! friends to meet her at ithe tea hour | | | fl Maintain the || on Friday Highest Standard || . of quality in -- [lll street, was a tea hostess Bight Testing, [i 0 Lens Making [ ; and Eye Glass | | INET Miss Mabel Gildersleeve Another unhealthy to death, " { deported to Miss Gould, Kingston, is visiting {at Dr. Ming's, Napanee, ! i Miss Stella A. Hughes, Saratoga Hemming, King gprings, N. Y., has returned to the on Thursday, | city to spend the winter with Mrs. Benoit was the guest of | parents. ; i Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, jr., Ports-| Bir . 6 mouth, has left on a visit to 'her Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, | other at Peterboro. entertained informally at the tea hour | Miss Flora Fair, Brock street, is jon Thursday. : {spending the week-end with friends] {in Toronto. ; - (Continued \on Page 14.) * * * secution, which horrors, | stated that since these | were prepared; : | Thet Reading Club will meet at | | died in concentration Miss Kathleen Daly's on Thursday of | | disease or starvation, || next week. | Relief agents are at work, and the | . 8 Valuable Mirror ei trom | MOBeEY which will be sollected bs to large mirror was shipp ing su es to 'keep | kif to Perth for the tonsorisi Be used in buviig supplies asa re- parlors in the Drennan block, but on| sult of the food shortage in Turkey. 1 Miss Eva Fair, Glenburnie, was in| its arrival it was found to be broken. i Dr. Chambers said that the collec I town for the niedical dance last even- {The mirror was eight feet square and { tion of funds should not be delayed. {}ing a particularly valuable one; costing! fitting Our Charges are * * = camps from i moderate i Our work is Miss Aifeén Folger will be hostess | | of the Bridge Club on Monday. = % = ) guaranteed I it y iM y should be given at once, so { Ih 2 4 originally $500. Evidently it ud Mone] Shot 4 pe Sie ul i OPPOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, fll Mrs. Hubert Ryan and Master | been broken on the Jodeney dv ToL La I thn story OF the awiuy hings fl 2 rrin Sirent, {{|! Hubert left to-day for New York to} A claim will be made to the C. P. "| done to these people, would be suf- i Opera Howse. ||| visit Mrs. Ryan's nother, Mrs. King. -- _---------- . cople of this (i 8 Auer shuve. fhe n li v Mrs. Colin H Milton, who has been! Some .people look upon honest Be TY Je p Ds give IIL = | visiitng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. debts as favors granted. y, § = 4 - itt vedic ci ® ar To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario "A vegetable garden for every home IN this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have Te supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon hi they rely. Greater pro- duction is a vital necessity. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by : growing vegetables. : " . Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables 1--Tt saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables, thus being an effective means of thrift, leaving your money free for Rugposes more directly helpful to the cause. { # 2--1t helps to lower the 'High cost of living." / *3--By increasing production your vegetable garden helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for exglort to the motherland and her allies. 4 4-Every dollar's worth of vegetables you grow saves several Lours' ; labor of some worker somewhere whose effort at this critical time should be expended upon producing food for export, of upon other vital war work. em CITIZENS WILL 'BE "ASKED who has been! : . y 4 {TO GIVE FOR THE ARMENIAN | Public Meeting Held Friday Night | List, Follow- P.} Chambers, of Queen's University, Folowing a public meeting, which . was much enjoyed by |. nds in Belleville for the week- Was held on Friday night, in St. quite justifies the careful ser- number of young people Irignd wn ¢ George's Hall. and whieh wav id. vice we are giving today. e present. The gym. was Givens, Montreal, i& the guest dressed by Dr P. Chambers, o From early morning to mid- ecorated with flags and evergreens sub Willian; street 1's Unive y, formerly of Tur- > night we are "on the job," and and softly shaded lights, and Queen's | Rae Hamilton and her little! key. a subser yn' list was opened, | jake Ih) Sunom. care lo Sve ichestrs : 4 the splendid |, hter Helen "left to-day for to receive donatlons for Armenian | OUP customers the service whieh music Fhe guests were welcome Guelph 1fter spending the past week | and Syrian relief, and a special com- | hae 30 Relped 10 bitld up var {by Mrs, J. C. Connell, 3Mrs. J. F th » Mrs Colin Hamilton, Earl mittee was aI pointed, with power to business. 'We are now com- Sparks, Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Mrs. [0 0 : : add to their nambers, to arrange for Mencing our thirteenth year, Lothrop and-Miss Gordon: : =. the receiving of subscriptions to this which we will surpass last » . . i 3 § i Bishop Bidwell presided at the theeting, which was| Ig a clear and convincing manner forth the claims Hav- ing been born In Turkey, and having While in the city she was: spent many years there, Dr. Cham- | bers was in a position to give valu- as regards condl- It was rather a pity that a { larger number did not turn out to every have an opportunity to | give something to the cause, as the Albert | & which was ap- pointed, will get busy at once, and . | arrange fof the receiving of dona- Blake, Red Deer, 5 It is Noped. tit he people Miss Straubenzie, Beverly street, (Tonto after visiting Mrs, J. M. Fair, | Of Kingston will make a liberal re- Dr. Chambers told the story of the i Mrs. J. C | 2 { i { : ore v XY assac S "AN YHA | {ll | younger girls and a number of cadets. | visiting her husband in the 253rd| wholesale ma Acre and deportation WH dh JA 0 i . * Queen's University Highlanders,| of Armenians. The omy statistics 3 ith Mrs. Leman A. Guild Division | while he was taking a course inj availible at the resent time, were street, entertained a number offyireless telegraphy, has returned to| those given out about a year ago, : y Wireless lap these showed that about 600,= Armenian week-end 'at Harry | population of Turkey, had been put third had been localities, | number escaping, about 200,000 had gone to Russia, Persia, and Egypt. | E her| The speaker gave details of the per- | and C. formed a story of] The figureg presented, were com-| piled by Viscount Bryce, and it was statistics that thousands have | bad put the facts of the case hefore THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD. IDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1917. ! { i | wholesale cost. FOR WOMEN FOR CHILDREN night 25¢. FORMEN 104, and 11. | Heavy grey ---- Black all-wool cashmer Black and white silk lis Black cotton, 2 in | ribb, sc Black cashmerette socks: full liberally, The money to be collected | in Kingston, would go through head- quarters, at Toronto for this fund. | He said that the persecution of the Armenians covered the entire coun- try. { Bishop Bidwell also spoke. regard- ing the opening of a subscription list in Kingston, and at the close of Dr..Chamber"s address, asked wheth- er it was the feeling of the meeting that such a list should be opened. By a unanimous vote, it was decided to do so, Bishop Bidwell declared that only | about one half had been said about {the condition of affairs. The situa« tion was beyond description, and he felt that Kingston should make an effort to do something to help the sufferers. On motion of Dr, Chambers, sec- onded by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, the following were appointed on the special committee: Bishop Bidwell, Dr. William Gib- son, Francis King, Dr. E. C. D. Mac- Callum, G. M. Macdonnell, N. E. O'- Connor, T. J. Rigney, Dr. R. E. Sparks, Frederick Welch, Rev. Dr, Maecgillivray, Ar¢hdeacon Dobbs and George E. Hague. The latter has consented to act as treasurer of the fund. { Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, in second- ing the motion to appoint a special | committee, stated that Dr. Chambers the meeting in a most convincing FROM 7 UNTIL 9.30 Hosiery / ; for all the Family The values offered being in nearly every case less than sized and fashioned, in sizes 10 Tonight 35¢ a pair, or 3 pair for $1.00. vhile the remainder had escaped, but | 7 while ite remainder had escaped, bu ack pure wool cashmere at 50c, 60c and 75c. ; working socks, Penman brand; old values at 25c Black cashmerette, full fashioned hose, priced at 25¢ and 35c. e at 50¢, 65¢, 75¢ and 85c¢. Whité cashmere, special values at 50c and 7 5c. le hose; specially priced at 35¢ and 50c. hool hose; all sizes, worth 35¢. To- Any Fine cashmere hose in all the wanted shades, as pink, sky, white, cream, black, tan and red, priced from 35c to 50c. ' STEACY'S "The Woman's Store of Kingston." today's manner, Although had been made in Kingston for funds, he felt that the people had not yet reached the end of their re sources, In "Canada, we had been up against very little, as compared with other parts of the Empire. We had as yet, given up very little, in the way of comforts, and he felt that we could do much more. y Dr. Chambers said that Queen's University had already taken up the matter of relief, and that for this réason, university men had not been placed on this special committee, « Before the meting closed a,sub- scription list was opened, and passed Jeng among those present, many appeals 18TH ANNUAL SALE 18TH Carpets and Furniture AS I ------ / Beds, Springs and ete Ef = Mattresses i A \ HERR, wn ------ Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums During the past 18 years we have tried out different lines of beds, springs and mattresses. For the past eight years we liave sold our present line and we believe it to be the BEST VALUE IN CANADA, NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. a During the past two weeks we have sold a great number of This speaks for itself. The Wise Buyers Know Where To Go. - Be One of Them. RUGS, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS ALL REDUCED. brass and iron beds for future delivery. Phone 90. 1. F. HARRISON COMPAN Limited. ite : : CORBASING. INE Axe Multiply your effort by the number of available garden' plots in INCREASING INSANITY cities, towns and villages all over Ontario and the significance of Police' Magistrate' Attributes it to vegetable production as a form oi patriotic 'thrift becomes one of - War Worry. i startling importance to the country! : - " ? | Hamilton, Feb. 24.--A noticeable . r increase in the amount of insanity . : . " . 3 ¥ * was commented upon by Police Mag- | The Ontario Department of Agriculture will help you ool mented Span by Rolle Mug: R + HE -l aj § gio hs h S043 cely a day passed but he was ob- The Ontario Department of Agriculture = cases where it is impossible' t& séedre a ment of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, liged to commit people to the asy- appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote localspeaker the Department of Agriculture Toronto. lum. ii at Jeust git a vening meeting to the subject Will. on request, endeavor vs send a syitable The Department suggests the formation of | -y have never known a time," he of vegetable growing. Manufacturers, man. Yoeat i tion be stimulate interdst by | said, "when so many people are go- labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc, The demand for speakers will be 3, «SCM OIgamza Cs Tate Inte od | ing insane. Although I cannot trace | are invited to actively encourage homie The puntber of available experts ing offering prizes for best vegetable gardens. i it directly to the war, the world con- | gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A 04 he Department urgently requests Itis prepared to assist in any possible way | flict is largely, responsible. Certain : | vegetable garden for every home. that arrangements for meetings be made , ay organization that may bascontlucting a sensitive minds must collapse fo A Organizations are invited to arrange for at once; if local speakers cazingt be séciired, campaign for vegetable production on va- through worry over the war." : 8 | instructive talks by local ctical garden- send applications promptly. Address let- cant lots. It will do'so by sending speakers 2 : ( | ers on the subject of vegetable growing. In * ters to "Vegetable Campaign," Depart- or by supplying expert aavice in the field. MISS TREMAINE ON LEAVE g ; i . Canadian Surse Wha Attended King | a er. \ . To every one interested in vegetable growing the Department of ! : Is For Home. To the Boys Ont - Send for Literature Agriculture will, on receipt cf request, send literature giving instrue- | pr aen, Feb, Be Mins Violet | a ' F 30 ™ ario tions about implements necessary and § of preparing the ground atid cultivating the crop. H Soe hatro n at be LO. BoE. | Boysy hive isa Sglendid chance to } A plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangement ated for her services when she at. | Help in the w: i ay in the. garden will be seit free of clfarge to any address. : i tended King George after his sec | § : time. g : F ent in nce, s sailed for Can- | pit gins Rl are me Write for Poultry Bul The waste from the average table would support a i Ao on leave. y . | '. the ground, and their help; they > small flock of hens. They are inexpensive tu keep, § - , | will Zidiy sive it, Kuawidy Sow and you will be highly repaid in f eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells low to keep 4 i plete Mifli Grant, | valua efperience wi to 5 with the results xperiments conducted tario Agricultural Colleges lontreal, . 24.~--At a meeting i you--and to the Country. 4,884 deals » "s TE a 5 the On ; age of the city council &,motion Ts vote 1 a : : » : : y 2 i to the patriotic fund one million dol- ' 3 ' ! ? : lars was voted down. Ii is expected, | Ontario Department of Agriculture ee | ' 2 " - : - | w Ie i 4 : NE fy Be sire to buy "My Second Year of b= : : 2 i fe . { toa ge Alsons Tottors to "V: 4 Campaign" the Great War." Now ready at } W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture : Dedartmeat of Apiruhers, Pome Bolter Toasts Uglow's. | : ; Eas eh ely . LR As a rule, I believe the heathen + ) " Me | ts the small end of the mission ' 0 ge ¢ + * - ollar. 3 pn EE -- os =i --r == -- et ---- po Coming, he Miracle of Love. % { ' q : . ~y . EE Aa a FRESH SEA HERRINGS . AT DAVIES Salmon Steaks FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH 16¢ Nr { MEN i See our Window for $5.00 - Values in Goodyear Welt High Grade JACK JOHNSTON, 70 Brock St.' 3 / ~/