Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1917, p. 6

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PAGE SIX _ THOMES COPLEY nN Telephone 987 wanting an jone in the carpen ery Hne Ks» n on all kinds of repairs and k: also hard thing (mates ews From Eastern Ontario | . hk wood floors of all kinds. All orders will | receive prompt atteation Bhop, Queen strest ep ROW OF SIX HOUSES FOR SAL HEWS FROM THE MTR MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, Oountry about Kingston Are Told -Full of Interest to May, Mis Elsi nanogue, was given a vari > i] These Pay 149%. e party at | (n Brief Form the Events In The | | CLIPPED FROM , THR wHIGS | | Fletcher of anoque | Gan (Fron sad espondant Feb, 26 WwW. Ww Valker, who h Te Witt for overs¢ in actio »d home s Corps, both w { time ago an FOR MISSING GIRL Lorraine Goodwin 'Left Home| Where She Was Employed as Domestic. d by a K From w an legarped, Thursday and )€ b Shel choir afier § honorable harge, arrived he it at the i the International Hotel Friday afte! pon and we lenly disap- 3 WwW. H. Godwin + & Son Son | Alson G. Bogart has re signed his| ome by » concourse of citizer 13 89 Brock Street Phone 424 position as a member of the Deser-|.. 1. x street station matter was first reported to ' onto High School B to, whic hi Sgt. Jo Lalonde, of It or Jack of the Children's Aid | he was appointed by town coun- "| B attalion, located at Lind ; v on Sunday, and members ; PUBLIC NOTES i teat i Feb he past few days in town with rela the police force endeavored to E - he death ocqurred on Feb. Py find thé missing but without v i Fy f : ha nef § Lives, iu Ussing ou it 8 at Rentse w, of Honora S¢ Sohal a al The hockey team of Gananoque Suc even our yes fron io T Ein . ire Int==00 days. nfter you ordered those! Seal ; | High Sch nt up to King mn g hired g ramen aur rempansibility cenned.| © the stomach. Deceas sed had been | 2 day 1 were trimmed 8 i : £0 ia Znd--Do not complain if your pictures, | ll for the last yea: v's by a score of 5 to 1 ' $ ured em ¢ left here six months ago, are sold. Mrs. Armstrong, a young Mary's Yas re a tt y ft} t ha hav ? Grd--We want 200 soldiers to order | ¥ sh tak { Principal J. C. Linklater of 4 of the city ic author- thelr ton he TN Stadio married y, whos one wa in Publie Schools been appoin x ie home at Belleville are #th--We want 100 orders for frames to| Sidney Towns near Frankford, | ember of the Public 1 A ils that they ld - get keep us busy. | died suddenly on Friday from heart | 8 be 0 mher ot \1 hy ! ir] S 5 re girl SthenfWhnted, ok. lamer, for two! (rpuble. Deceased was a daughter of | B 3a 1 | William Pratt. in Gi -- INTE : « r i ratt oh EAs Me Gth--'Fhene notices fre from | zs. Margaret O'Neil, Belleville. Tax co ject OF Wiliam x 2 I ; - ? W. C. Suiith, Athens, has taken the "Port Ro ih ef ou BO oa 2 - ONLY TWO ELIGIBLES : ar Ff $2.40¢ 9 1xes not col- is position held during the last year by [2V¢¢ 0 : 4 The Weese Art Store | james Scott--that of buying egas | lected, 30d sis avesany geior to fha IN KANGSTON CITY? it fr > 8 he Athen Jan hi time of $354.2 -------- R 16% PRINCESS STREFT. om members of the / thls . fe mr rt rrerannne | 0 the Egg Ch we Leeds| AmOag er thal National Service Commission Mr. and Mrs. David Leacock, who [County Farmers' de rvices for Al Li : y Fi rs Asso- | ¢ : ea ist 8h i have resided here for the past five ciation : | bert and E who wel 8 ows Only Two Pos 3 years, leave next week for North Au- On. Feb. 13th a party of friends| un to Kingst part of the sible Recruits Left. gusta, Mr, Leacock having purchased | and neighbors gathered at the home| oek and w accepted for the me-- H . " : 1 a farm there. On Friday evening the |of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mountney,| Army Service Corps . ! national service registration, ; neighbors met at their home and pre- | Deseronto, to present them with a John G. MeCarney, of Ogdensburg, [as far as Kingston is concerned, nas 4 sented them with a leather rocker as| pair of chairs as a. slight token of [ N.Y, spent some time her z proved a failure, as shown by a re £ a slight token of appreciation appreciation, also their daughter the past week guest of I ) turn sued on Monday ' re- Er J. W. Bennett, a Peterboro 'awyer, | Vera with 4 toilet set . 1 Mr. ed Mrs. Neil McCarney, at » turn: gave the names, addr and | : died on Friday. He was a on of the Messrs. Edward Metealfe and his| Provincial Hotel, ot nformation abouf eligit in 5s late Rev. William Bennet, for many | son Charlton, Picton, have purchased Robert, T was in 5 called ""dlass. 1<A," meaning § years pastor of Springville church. | Carman Metealle's farm at Bentley's | last week n the 1 d and non-productive men. 5 Perth fair dates have heen set for; Corners, Carmait Me tcalfe taking two | of the Retail H: ardw are Association I ity there e only two i ie 2 Sept. 5th, 6th and 7th, with the op-| houses on Ontario street, Picton, in | Edgar Coc of the Government in class, one | g a Wil- tion of changing them later if thought | exchange and since 'purchasing M. F nting B at Ottawa, was in jtiam st man, classed as a drug i advisable, Hawkin's farm at Cherry Valley town la week visiting his parents, | i 1¢ & Johnston street re- i ------------ = A-------- 3 and Mrs. 8. G. Cook, John |8ident, 'Who is a student - z | stree Mrs. Walter T. Sampson, of | To say that there are only two eli- E / ; il | 'Skibbereen, is spending a short | gible young men in the city of Kings- 2 as & ractica J ! time in New York City with friends. | ton is considered ridiculous, and the Ee { | , lark: of gton, au-| only solution is that Kingstonians : W. L. Clark, of nington, a Le ! : iE et | thor lectur and traveller | 1ave not been filli in their cards. 4 ome ressr a ng = in the inter he Social Reform 0 Awa shows th ninety-five ; and Evangelism department of the , : gekyile h about forty R 3 > anda ter ) has aig) iL errons 0" Methodist church opened up a weeks iL : eterbor a eighty 5 course of lectures in Grace church|'", it : : yesterday eturn is a great disappoint- 4 "Messrs. Staebler and Baker, manu- | EF ; ? Jacrul ne oi ers, who have i i ; ; sen looking forward to as a means Prepared Specially for This Newspaper tacturers of electrice meters at Hay |, WE 3 t as a means 1 . ide y 4 slec- | continue renewed efforts Island, have decided to lay an elec-| _ - s : trie cable for the transmission of | PECU CAE gd CCULJAR COURT CASE By Pictorial Review lizht and nower over to their works ' R URT CASE. in the near future, t will also be a : RE Ne il 1 Lewis and a Ten-YearrOM Daughter of Charles Cachmire is Fashionuble This Season, bramch run to Tremont Park. [ , Troedell Gives Evidence. Rev. Alfred Hall, D.D., senior chap-. Florence Truedell,™ the ten-year- ¢ & in gowns and cachmire the material par excellence for the development of simple designs. It comes in excellent colorings at reasonable. cost and wears as well as it looks. The one- piece frock shown here is built up in dark blue*cachmire, There is a broad box plait at the center front, under which the adjustment is effected. The front yoke and coatee section are eut in ome. A large collar finishes the neck and the outline may be round or square, as fancy dictates. In medium size the design requires 4'% yvards.54-inch material with coatee or 4%, yards 54-inch if made with bolero, With sé clear a guide to follow, the home dressmaker hardly has an excuse for making a mistake in cutting the dress. First, fold the material in half, then place dir. ectly on the fold the following see- tions: collar, back and front. To the right of the collar, lay seetion "F", comprising the front yoke and coatee. The single line of large "0! perfora- tions must rest on 2 lengthwise thread. The belt rests on the selvage just above section. "F." The cuff, poe- ket and sleeve are placed between the back and front of the dress, the sin gle large 'O° ' perforations. in' each resting on a lengthwise thread. The yoke may be made im bolero : effect instead of the coatee, if de- Dark blue cachmire never appeared sired, To do this, eut off the lower 4 part of section "F"' along small "o" to better advantage than in this one: perforations, piece costume, self-trimmed. The yoke may be combined with a coatee The belt has one end eaught in or fidished in bolero effect. undes the box plait and the other tied. Embroidery added to the ends Simplicity is of the belt is effective. all-desired effect viv Toimwed bps B90 20 Pictorial Review Costume No. 7121. Sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 2 eeu" il | Above Patterns Can Be Obtained Ffom NEWMAN & SHAW SS One Quart of Milk i} in food value to three-fourths of a pound of oight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two unds of pp I, six pounds of And the milk s more easily digested o and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 Price's ASK YOUR GROCER FOR plain for Canada for the work of the British and Forei Sailors Society, gave an addfgss on the work gf that institution 'in St, Andrew's Church A feature of the morning service was the investiture of the pastel of St. Andrew's church, Rev. C, E. Kidd, to an honorary ¢ aptaincy in x at organ- ization in 'recognition of. several] years of active connection with the works of that society on the Pacific coast. The honor carries with it the right to the wearing of the naval uni- form, Madoc Boy Wins D.S.0. * Madoc, Feb. 24.--A Madoc boy has been awarded decorations for servige the field. Lieut. William R. in Elliot, son of William Eliot, Peter- boro, formerly of Madee, has been recommended by Sir Douglas Haig for the D.S.0.! Jor the work in the Somme fighting. Lieut. Elliot went out with his company, which with another company, was given a special duty, and in the attack his fellow- officers were shot down. Lieut. Eliot jumped intp the breach, the duty was performed and he brought the men back to their lines, Lieut. Elliot, who has seen much fighting, has never been wounded. He is now in England undergoing an opefation. He enjisted at Lindsay. Halifax Cathedral's New rake. A Halifax paper contains the fol- lowing paragraph about the brother of Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, of Kingston: "Last 'evening Rev. 8. B. G. Wright, who succeeds Rev, Noel H, Wileox as curate at All Saints' Cath- edral, pregehed for the first time since his arrival in the city, making in emphatically favorable impression an impréssion of absolute direct- ness and simplicity, strength and un- feigned earnestness. He has a voice of a quality which makes him readily heard throughout the large building. He comes with a fine record of use- fulness elsewhere." ------ A large hoiler, the properly of T. B. Caldwell, has been undergoing re- pairs at Dittrick Bros., Perth; and these being completed it Was taken to the station by M. Burns and was | shipped to oné of the Caldwell mines at Clyde Lake, Lavant township. J. J. Marsh, undertaker, Smith's FaMs, fell and broke the bones of his old daughter of Charles Truedell, township of Kingston, in the witness box on a ease Monday morning, when cross-examined by A. B. Cunningham continued to tell a story that was manifestly wreng. The case showed { clearly the extent to which a child's { ilhagination can be carried, The case was of Charles Truedell 2.20 class, Bobby Hill, owned by THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1917. POLICE ARE LOOKING ' | ~SIB000000 OF TRADE 1000,000. CANADIAN TRADE | This WILL SUFFER gy As the Result of the 1 Bish -- Certain Imports. Advertisement y induce you to try the first packet of SALADA" but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour and quality te make youa permanent customer, We will even offer to give this first trial free if you will drop us a postal to Toronto. B13 Be ert hesfinhehiti Phone Us WHEN YOU DECIDE TO HAV E YOUR EYES EXAMINED FOR GLASSES, PHONE US FOR AN'AP POINTMENT. PHONE 699. Optician and J J. STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist Cor. Wellington & C larence Sts. Opp. Post Ullice WILL BE CUT OFF IT IS ESTI- MATED. List of Commodities Ixciuded--In Some Cases the Embargo Will Be to the Advantage of Canadians. Toronto, Feb. 26.---approximately 346,000,000 worth of Canadian trade with the United Kingdom will be cut off by the prohibition of importations reported by Premier Lloyd George the British House of Com- * This amount' does not repre- the value of a miscellaneous variety of goods worth less than $1 before mons Phone 699 sent AA AA Sa NA PA REMOVAL SALE | Toronto business men Interested) in the prohibited commodities do not express any alarm over the embargo. | The effect of the new "conditions in| some cases will be to the great ad-} vantage of Canadians; while in other | cases i and distributio aon. And, Msthivytien Having to vacate my 3 present location April 1st The commodities excluded from 'Iam offering my entire stock of Monuments at the United Kingdom under the new order, according to last trade reports, are as follows: Agricultural implements, $74; typewriters, $196,085; machinery, $364,331; books, 703; coffee, $1,000; ¢otton and manu- factures of, $1,604,320; lobsters (canned), $1,236,278; salmon (can-| ned), $4,930,6 preserved and | canned fruits, 9,554; boots and] shoes $1, 018.3 fruits and nuts, | 35; hides and skins, 382; furs, $957,821; leathers and manu- factures of, $7,615 3; glass and glassware, $118, and wearing apparel, wood and manufactures $15,134,358; cider, $7.42 spirits and wines, $447,396; earthenware, $6,130. Total, $45,898,878, 'greatly reduced prices. JAS. E. MULLEN, Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone 1417 A AAA At AA AAA AAA NAAN Don't | Waste Time DO YOU REALIZE THAT BY NOT HAVING A VICTROLA, COLUMBIA GRAFANOLA, OR SONORA in your home you are missing something ? $961,- | other $76,- clothing 171,865; BOMBARDED TOWNS. (Special to the Whig.) London, . Feb. 26. --Sir ward Carson announced in the Commons to-day that a.Ger- man destroyer had shelled Mar- gale and Broadstairs on Sunday night. One woman and one child were killed and two child- ren injured. Broadstairs is the home of Lord Northcliffe and has severdl times-been bombard- ed by German aeroplanes, ft, } SOC K MARKETS THE 8 4 Ross Larase, and it proved one of | the $ teresting cas od Be § ei ac 3 141 Ne most nleresiing uses Joard be. The Fries at Which the Holdings Music under modern strenuous conditions ? Maj she ere Sold. some time. [The prisoner, who was or is a necessity, and with one of these wonder- escorted in by Peter Ritchie, the late- Toronto Stocks f 1 I h 1 ly appointed county constable, was Open. 2.30 p.m. u instruments, ours that you now spend charged: with setting fire to hed|N. 8. Steel L108 110 DE en | oy Sheet. 08 iv. dully or listlessly, can be spent in thorough who lives in Kingston township. The | Steamships .. .. ., 85% 857% enjoyment. girl's evidence was all that was pro- | Dominion Steel .. 6114 62 duced by the plaintiff. She said re- | War Loan 1831 96 5 G | 1 d peatedly that the prisoner had set | War Loan 1925 vo NK i an fire/bn four occasions to parts of the |General Electri .109 Bid Ive usa a d et us emonstrate these hoyse, but had escaped "Hefore her | Can. Loco. 88 Bid instruments to you. mother could come into the room.|Smelt rs .. 31% 4 The. isoner, however, proved thaty 1 i i Thegrisouer, Lawever, proved the i Price $21 to $330. Easy terms if desired. visiting at John David's home over a Atchison 102% mile and a half away. The case was|{C. P. R. .. "153% i A A A A AAA A A A AAA AN ANNAN dismisseg. N.Y. ¢ 96 7,1 7 Tey Erie _. 24% 264% : --u » . 3 Erie pfd. .. 395 40% CARTHAGE, N.Y, RACES, Northern Pacific 120 131 nn. Pennsylvania 54% * . Three Local Horses Were Successful | Reading . . 95% 4. . . ' in tl ; St. Paul .. . 80% 80% d P S$ a n the Races. Union Pacific . . . 137% 137% Limite & 12 Tincess treet 1 ae k S08 2 | nion Pa hree horses of the Kingston Gen- Beth. Steel (new) 129 | . tlemen's Driving and Matinee Club R Lor] 7 1% were entered in the races at Cart- ve al. "107% 128% hage, N.Y., last week, Frank R, own-} \ © 0. °° 781% TOT | core er eA ee eA A At A ed by E. J. Metcalfe, Kingston, won|: "nickel 41 41% | vi acoder I Roll the £15 wpa ter. Nickel. aE EE Clande Cole, Cape Vincent, won first in the three-minute class and in the , and also second money in the 2.25 class. Armourdale, owned by Oliver Hawkins, Wolfe Island, won first in the 2.40 class and also in the 2:24 2.35 class 9 cla pn FOTRETROMITIIIIPSe I Per} 3 THE BRITISH ARMY 5,000,000 > MEN. London, Feb. 2 26.--The army estimates issued yesterday pro- vide for an army of 5,000,000 men, exclusive of India. An ad- ditional navy est. mate calls for * 50,000 officers and men, bring- # ing the total of the navy person- : nel to 450,000, * + +» * 3 + + sobtip sss om right ankle on Saturday. Tesssrsreasaeseis CHARM. TEA IN PACKA ~ Black, Green and Mixed. ied in King: GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. ons Ve PTE £3 LL SALTER Soh p. i PTR J SALTER "G8 Hatcelion § hoy So rs o Naidorsiows, where they have many { { Wirum, Hingston N. F. Penny, Lanark, Seriously HC. D. Kiser, Belle- ville, Dangerously Hl--A. Charman, Peterboro. 'I scratched in the upset. Jit will become an eight THE LINER LAPLAND REACHES LIVERPOOL = And the American Freighter February | = Orleans Will Dock at Bor- deaux on' Tuesday. 15 (Special vo io the. Wh ) * . New York, Feb. 26. Vie White! E Star liher Lapland arrived at Liver- | pool safely Sunday afternoon, a cable to the local offifes of the line ap-} nounced to-day. : . , Freighter Orleans Safe. i : ' : _ dpecial to the Whig.) | ~- Paris, Feb. 26 -The American] freighter Orleans has entered the) Gironde river and will dock at Bor-! deaux to-morrow. Her entry into the Gironde means she has successfull passed the danger of the Germ \ Boys' Suits, sizes 30 to 34. Sale price $2.95 Men's Freize Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44, ; Sale price . $8.50 Boys' $ Suits, sizes 28 to 34, worth $8 and $9. Sale price . ' $5.50 Me Fine Shirts, size 14 to 17. Sale All Men' s Overeats, * reduced to less than Cost Price. . submarine zone. Canadian Casualties, Believed Killed--W. Meek, Arn- prior; R., B. Smith, J. M, Saunders, I. Bradley, L. Blake, Peterboro; W. 'B. Downs, D. H. Moseman, Belleville C. B. Frood, Renfrew; ns, Co- burg; F. Stanley, Peterboro. Wounded--¥, Sequten, Thorpe; H. TA Mrs, vie Injured. Mrs. G. Hunter Oglivie, who was tobaggoning on the fort hill on Sat-' 82 furday afternoon was slightly injured |3 when the tobaggan left the track and | &= hit a snow bank. Capt. Rhodes, == Royal Military College, had his face PRINCESS STREET. The London Daily Mzil announces page com- plate twd cent paper on March Sth} , preserving all its features,

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