i Howard are at J. Trousdale's, Har- this Frontenac vicinity: on Monday - mornin when the death of Lei | Feb. 19th, Clark, wife of Schyler Alton, was an-| home of Lawson Livingston on Wed- GLENDOWER. Michael Kelley over from Carthage, N.Y. family. Archibald® MacGowan boug a new engine with which wood. William Abell and family, Carthage, N.Y, are at Stephen Hi key's, Michael Kelley is at Sanford Leeman"s. Archibald Timmerman and wife: are at Sanford Leeman's. Some of the people are sawing wood | is busy with his sawing machine. | Dawson, of Wynot, North Dakota, is 4nd some are drawing hay, Archi- Mrs, Charles Redden, hag returned {the guest of her sister, Mrs. Richard bald Timmerman bought a colt and | home after vigiting friends in Kings- (Lawson. 'This is the first time she has a span now. ton and Collin's Bay Miss Marion {was ever in Canada. Mrs. Garrison, € Babcock returned to Kingston Busi- | of Parry Sound, is the guest of her SANGSTER ness College to-day after spending |cousins, Mrs. Jessie Brown and Mrs. Feb. 24.--Thomas Barrett sold the past week with her parepts. Mrs, |J. V. Philips, It is thirty years since some timber to C. Fitzgerald, Glen- F, D. Knapp will go to Ottawa this she paid them a visit. Anniversary dower, The latter is drawing -it| week to spend a month with \her sis- | services were held in the Baptist home. The remains of the infant ter, Mrs, H, T. Leggett, Graat pre- church on the 25th. A lecture; is to of J. McNicholas, Glendower, were | parations are being made for th) Red (be given by Rev. Mr. W right, of placed in the Sacred Hedrt Cross Oyster Supper and lectufe by [Smith's Falls this evening. Every- here, the past year in Kingston, fs visi ing his mother. Rev, Fr. Kingston, celebrated Mass here o Sunday during the absence of Rev Fr., Powell, Terrence O'Connor i visiting at N. Murphy's and Jame Hickey's, ' HARLOWE Feb. 21.--Some of the are drawing railroad ties to Atden vicinity with their cloverdressing | th enille dairy rom Felix Brose a dale. Mrs. D. Gray and son, Forest outfit. W. C. Bradford and sisters, | Yeita, twenty-seven Mogd a all. Mills, are visiting friends here. a. M. e oc nd is ita ELGIN Stanley Haines and sister, Mabel, | Huffman, ire visiting friends in Mea- > -- ve conte Birathaont, are spending a couple of |ford: Mrs. James A. Hughes, also| Feb. 26.--Logs have come into the weeks with. friends here. made a business tri last week, N.Y, spent Sunday at Elm Tree, spent a few days with her Mrs. Rintoul, spent Thursday last at T. M. Thomp son's, SANGSTER 2 Feb. 20.--N, Murphy is drawing lumber to Godfrey station. Schoo is progressing with Miss M. Murphy of Westport as teacher. Walsh of Oates and son visited at Martin Corken's. Murphy has gone to Kingston he has secured employment Locomotive Work's, Connor visited with het sister, Mrs. Burns, who was quite ill, Mrs, T. Barret spent Sunday at P. Corken's, William Murphy, who Mrs, spent a couple of weeks with ae} ton friends, Is home again. John Murphy Is at E. McCann's, Burridge. Mrs. P, Walsh, Mrs. M. Corken and E. Walsh visited with Mrs. Golden on Sunday. T. Young, ir. is at James O'Connor's, UNDON Feb. 27.--The Red Cross box so- cial held in the Frontenac ouse Friday night was a decided Spe. in spite of the stormy weathér. A large crowd gathered and the even- ing was spent in games and dancing and a suitable programme was given bf the young people. The proceeds amounted to $50. M. M. Appleby left for Kingston to spend a few days with her daughter before going to Ottawa to undergo an operation. Mr. Crawford is relieving agent, Miss Beth Tysick and Gordon Paul of Appleton are spending a few days at Duncan Ferguson's. Mrs. Moss and son, Emery have gone to spend a few days with friends in Kingston. Dupcan Tysick has returned to Ap- plet Mr. Stinson of Westport Spent the week-end in Clarendon. CLARE BATTERSEA Feb. 26.--On Friday afternoon, Feb, 23rd, tea was served at the Vanluven House, in aid of the Red Cross Society, to about fifty people. All enjoyed a very sociable time and quite a large sum of money was real- ized. The Battersea Dramatic Club EAVe a concert at Seeley"s Bay on Tuesday evening. A number from here attended thé Funeral of the late Thomag Shannon, Sr., of Sunbury on Saturday, The service was held in the Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Stewart, who has been laid up with 4 sore foot, is able to be out again. Miss Anglin, teacher, 1s spending the week-end with her parents at Brewer's Mills, Miss B. Lloyd, who has been visiting Mrs. F. Balls, has returned to her home at Brewer's Mills. Fred Sparks of Napanee spent a few days with his brother, Arthur this week. Mrs, F. Mathews and Mrs. C. Vanluven are visiting their | parents at Elgin and Seeley's Bay. HOLLEFORD. Feb. 26.--The rain this morning is welcome, as there is such a depth of snow. G. Smith is still in poor health. Mrs. J. O'Reilly is also on the sick Het. "Mr-and Mrs, H. Clow, Inver- ary, formerly of this place, spent a few days last week calling on friends here. G. H. Reid is preparin to enlarge an improve his dweling. Mrs. James Walker has gone to God. frey to care for her new grand- daughter who came to brighten the home of Mr, and Mrs. Barney Snider. John Redmond, Xapler, 3s with his son, A. J. Redmond. Henry Balicock and sister are at W. J. Babcock's. Mrs. J. D. Medcof is with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Redmond, Kingston, Mrs. G: Babcock is at B. Babcock's, Hart. ington. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan and son rowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley are at W, k's, Hart- ington. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son Harold are with friends at Pleasant Valley. Clarence Ellerbeck 'was with friends here on Sunday. Early Martin esca what might have proven a us accident on Sunday evening. when his cutter overturned in a snow bank and his horse ran away. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Schyler Alton at Harrowsmith on Wednesday. moved with his to saw } vault | Edward O'Connor, who spent | Hanley, farmer rip to Tamworth | il Misses' A. White and L Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Thompson | Miss T McGregor has returned home having sister, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Parks! T P.| Mrs. Edgar Hughes was called to the Edward | bedsid Charles | ij at » where [ton at the Mrs. John O'- Mr. and | nounced. Deceased wag taken sud- nesday eveningi.last in honor of his denly. ill on Sunday morning and re-! son Thornton, who 8 soon going to moved to the Kingston General Hos- | return to his 'home in Saskatchewan. | pital. Besides her husband an infant I'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnston and two "is left to feel the want of a mother. | children, of Jansen, Sask., spent last The funeral services were held in the | week with his aunt, Mrs. Enos Soper ht | Methodist church on Wednesday af- | ---- ternoon. Miss Edith Redden' was one | PHILIPSVILLE. of lof the guests at Miss Estella Moré-| Feb. 26.---Mrs. Albert Elliott, of c- land's wedding. Mrs. operation performed Frank Bowe Dr, Edwards, M.P., 1- in the near future, n| Snr . PLEASANT VALLEY. | 8g. Feb. 27.---The storm of Friday ren {dered the roads impassable and pre / vented. the genial courier making hi usual trip. Thqmas Bradford is con fined to his home through illness ! s. J v 3 ww ite | Village very plentifully this season. C. Hillier | Mrs.. Elmer Hughes, who ere ute fr. and Mrs. Byron. week-end with (guests in the. village. | o od ha iv and children will remain here. Clancy hive returned to Watertown, |[riends here. A wee girl has arrived | Haliaday leaves in a short time: to 1 of grippe, are recovering. | Whitty spent thé ito brighten the home of Mr. > |to 'the home of Mr. |W. Kerr, Mrs. C {friends here. 4 |Verona, is at D. B. Segsworth's {Clarence Ellerbeck was recently the | Miss Nellie Davey, who guest of Holleford- friends. { | Bathgate was a Sunday visitor here. beck were at Verona quite recently. e of her mother, who is quite Veropa. John Bathgate, Clin- Sigsworth and Gordon Ellerbeck called on Clarence Watson on Sun- day. | -- | CHAFFEY'S LOCKS. | Feb. 22.--On Wednesday last one | of Chafféy's Locks most popular | young men, Vincent Murphy, was | united in marriage to Miss Margaret | McCann, of Westport. After a pro- longed trip to New York they will take up residence here. The sawing machine is here again, Mrs. W. H. Fleming and Miss Lillian visited rela- tives at Smith's Falls the last few days. Mrs. Whipple has returned from Newboro after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Scott. Hee TREVELYAN Feb, 27.--Mrs, Daniel Hefferman spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs, P, Flood. Miss Helen Hefferman is spending a couple of | weeks with Mrs. Jack McKenna, Athens. Miss Hann Leeder returned home after spending. the past week with Miss Ethel Shea, Brockville. Master Francis Flood spent the week- end at his home here, Mr, and Mrs. James Cobey, Caintown, and Mrs. M. Hefférman visited at Frederick | Leeder's on Sunday. Misses Loretta and Veronica Leeder spent the week- end at their home here. Bernard Flood spent Sunday at Charleston. | SEELEY'S BAY. { Feb, 23.--Mrs, C. C, Gillies is un- der the doctor's care at present. Rev. J. A. Waddell spent last Sunday at Lyn." Mr. and Mrs, Singleton, Soper- ton, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Young recently. Robert Webb is making preparations for erecting an up-to-date barn the coming summer. The roads in this section are in a very bad condition owing to so much snow, Joseph McAlouar has finished filling his cold storage ice houses. The entertainment given by the Bat- tersea young people in the hall here {was a grand success, everyone en- Joying it. . WESTPORT. Feb. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. David Lea- cock, who have resided here for the past five years, leave next week for North\ Augusta. Mr. Leacock has purchased a farm there. 'On Friday evening the neighbors met at their home and presented them with a leather rocker as a "slight token of Ford McCann fs on the sick list. Benjam brother, Walter Eunis' house, 1 ton Kilborn, i held | the ticket with the lucky number for ihe sheep in the p contest. Fifty .dollats.. was. realized for the : HARROWSMIT Feb. 26.--A gloom was cast over 4 5 Frank Purdy Quesnel, 'B.C., after an absence is in the Kingston General Hospital seven years, is visiting at the home for a few 'day, after having a slight jof Mrs. Peter on Wednesday | # evening. A tea meeting will be held (J. Seamour's sale. Card and son, of 'Moscow, are in this |Stevens and Eryre {Mrs. D. B. Sigsworth and a wee boy |i0in the British navy. [Mrs B Nis and Mrs Thome [Circle gave a house social at Mrs, J. Switzer is visiting Joseph Hartneaun and grandson, Valder, called on friends has purchased the Portland bakery recently, Miss Wilhemtina Goodberry, |Frank Armstrong and Morley Eller- Miller, 'of was 'held at Rock the Wellington A 'party &. by la i Spring of Nolan and also her n brother-in-law, Alfred Elliott. Miss y (thing they sold for good prices at R. The cheese men {and farmers are putting in ice. Those | changing places this spring are hav- ing a serious time moving, owing to -|the bad roads. The Red Cross gath- - (ered a large load af papers and s | magazines last week. Miss S. Dun- -'ham had the misfortune to get a fall her back. |last week and injured : have purchased Halladay are Mrs. Halladay Mr. The Sewing in|. Smith t 21st inst. S.J. the of Red Cross Fund. B. Pinkerton's on laid {and expects to have it moved and in THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, Mrs, Albert day. THURSDA 25th. Harold, visited week at John Joyner's, for a few days at her Home here recently. Ibir Alkenbrack is visiting at Mr. an Salsbury's. have Uens and bride returned t Smith's Falls after a visit with Mr. and Mrs, W, Uens of this place, and Mrs, P, McWilliams, Migs Erma McWilliams and Miss Ruth Gordon spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Emberley, Mr, and Mrs. James Manion 'called on Sunday at John Connolly's. ODESSA. Feb, 26.--John Jones, who ha been ill.of pneumonia, is improving. Miss Rossie Babcock, who has been Hl, is able to take her 'place in the Mrs. James Daw- son, the past two months with rela- chool room again. ives in Kingston, returned last Mon Mr, and Mrs. | operation here the fore part of March. has been| time with relatives, has returned to last Tuesday. Charles Jones, Nia Rev. William Stillwell is again' able to occupy his pulpit in the Methodist church after his illness. WASHBURN"S CORNERS. Feb. 27.--Miss Gertrude Cross, of Athens, who has been seriously ill, is reported better. Mrs. Sherman Coon is very ill at her home on the Brock- ville Road. The Athens Women's In- stitute last week shipped a barrel of Red Cross supplies to the Moore Bar- racks, Shorncliffe Camip, England. Frederick Schovil, Lake FEloida, is retiring from farm life and moving to Athens. Mrs. A Soper visited friends here on Friday last. Mr. Grey. of B 8 left for her new field of labor, BE. Cross, and both were very successful. O'Brien had a paralytic stroke, and was removed to the General Hospital, Kingston, last Friday. has come to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace, Stover, DENBIGH. Miss Eva oth has been engaged as teacher in 8. No. Eight (Glenfield), Mrs. Marquardt, who was a couple of Forfar, is moving on the farm vacat- ed by 8. Stevenson. All welcome Mr. Grey to this neighborhood. Richard Preston was called on Sunday to Del- ta by the serious illness of his fath- er, Austin Preston. A numbe: from here attended the meeting of the Ayr- shire Breeders' Association in 'Mont- real last week. Samuel Stevenson is retiring from farm life and moving to Delta, Mr, Stevenson was a good neighbor and made a host of friends during his stay here, Mrs. H. Laforty Is not gaining as rapidly as her many friends 'wold wish.. Samuel Barnes, who has been ill, is reported better. Mrs. Robert Shaw has returned from a visit with relatives at Lansdowne. Milton Hudson left on Monday for his home in the Canadian west. Ira Judd remains very low. There are no hopes of his recovery. The sale held at Samuel Stévenson's last week was well attended. Cows sold as high as $100 each. Miss Blanche Singleton. of Soperton, left recently for Ottawa to accept a position in the Civil Ser- vice. An oyster partv was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hud- son on Friday evening. w R w S. P, la to m th home, has arrived home again. Some of our farmers are taking out pulp- creek on the Madawaska others are busy laying in a supply of firewood or drawing sawlogs for cus- toms sawing to J. 8. Lane's steam saw mill, last Thursday evening in C. Both's hall, which wag very well attended. Captain Wallace and J. 4, Dafoe, J. tiansen and R. F. Allen of were interspersed with humorous suitable songs and declamations. A. John, whe has been very and is able to be around again. Gilmour of Vennachar, who has also been on the sick weeks has also sufficiently recovered Bessemer, home coal, pickets, wood, etc., while eeks away visiting relatives near eid in Hastings county, her native ood and delivering i: on Hyde's River; A patriotic rally was held S. Drysdale acted as chairman and of Flinton, and Rev. C. F. Chris- this vil- ge gave patriotic addresses, which ill for a improving, John onth or so, has been list for several be able to resume his job as fore- an in Ferguson's lumber camp near STELLA Feb, 26.--Farmers are hauling ome gr e driving is good on the ice. J. A. Luther Hawley and grandson, last Miss Olive Salsbury was an over-Sunday visitor Mrs. Archibald Mr. George Lucas, who have been in Ottawa for the past month, have returned home. Orange Babcock spent a couple of Mrs. A baby girl Feb. 24. --Edward W. Petzold has sold his farm adjoining this village to his brother Charles, ready taken possession. who has al- and has Y, MARCH 1, 1917. Tugwell, butcher, shipped Ernesttown Station on hogs Saturd hall on Monday evening last in of the Red Cross. Quite a num attended. the island. The doctor secured home. Capt. T. H. Sanders, 4 has been visiting his old hom 0 several days. S$. MacDonald, Buffal N.Y, is at "W. MacDonald's. $14 per cyt, was paid for choiep Another dance was held in Victoria Russell's orchestra, Wolfe Sander's orchard near the foot of lantern and with much difficulty got on the road again, and made his way who here for the past week has bee 1 for to] ay; aid ber Island, provided the music. Stella -- y and Front Road played hockey on Johnston, Holmes and William Gil-] the local rink here on Saturday. The mour, of th #+h, have to report|game resulted .in a tie. Arthur i i for duty at Campbeliford on the 28th, | Caughey underwent an operation for Prepared Specially for This and shall have to leave forepart of appendecitis in the Kingston General » next week. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. | Hospital on Monday last. The latest By Pictorial Review Charles Ball and Justice Sweetman | report said he was doing as well as guests at Wellington Holmes' on{could be expected... The patrons of Thursday last; Mr. amd Mrs. R. /W [Stella cheese factory held another I ss Conner guest at Simon Ball's bn meeting on Friday last. Owing to nterest in Thursday; Miss Eva Jackson visited the higher prices of articles used in ~~ : Miss Martha Ball on Thursday; Mrs.| connection with the factory, Mr. ? a 0, Lanark LAVANT STATION * op, S| Lanark, spent the week-end wit Thomas Lee. Lantana. Mrs. 8S. B. Jacob an on friends at Ompah Lee's on Sunday, Victor three children of Reston, Man., ar Feb. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Lee, the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Miss Mary Thomas is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Ferguson, brother W. Wilson, Renfrew, called on Aunday. James Jackson, Wilbur, and HL W. Roche, Havelock, were guests at T. Prasky, Btill another version of the frock. opment, although the model is very _effective in embroidery flouncing. | one-piece Taffeta is used for its devel h There is no division of opinion re. garding the favorite position the taf- feta frocks hold in the world of dress. A very pretty one-piece design is pie- tured here, having a one-piece gath- ered skirt and a waist that fastens in semwsurplice effect. The flowing sleeves have attached one-piece enffs d - Folger, visited his daughter, Mrs. | finished very simple with stitehin uest of relatives, has returned to rs § ings t week. Thomas]? . ; 1 y P H ing. Brockville, J. Kerr has gone tof S878 in Ringeron fast Budi time with| W- J: Boyd on Sunday hefore leav, In medium size the dress Tequires 5% spend a few days at Athens. Miss), disabledhand, was able to return| D8 for Oshawa w ere he as . yards 36-inch material, with % yard Ida Pannock, who has spent some |, his'work in the Kingston Tannery | WOK. Mrs. Frederick ul and { 36-inch lining for underbody and 3% el yard extra taffeta for bands ent Deceased was a resident ton for several years, here on the 17th, and the Sat urday his remains were placed Wellington cemetery. He was seventy six years of age. vices were conducted by Rev, Archer, of Wellington. He two sons and one daughter, Charles, on the homestead; Albert fornia, and 'Mrs. Stephen Leavens, jr. of Wellington. the new Orange Mr tended. if Welling- He with his wife were brought to his son's home in The funeral ser- leaves in Cali- The concert held in Hall in aid of the Red Cross on the 22nd was well at- The play entitled, "Topsy Brockville. James Howard is con-|gzara Falls, spending the past week | Visiting relatives at Poland, lengthwise o Srosswise, it a fined to thé house with mumps. with relatives left last Sunday to S------ th o "3 e the Snferbe A rst close Harry Smith and Dr. Bracken made spend a couple of days in Kingston|, jhe an Stain pi s i r hm, a trip to Perth recently. Mr. and |pefore returning home. Luke Fraser, if 4 the ower & ge ot ron Mrs. Byington, Portland, were guests!yome for a tow days, returned to To- P a Ed#ird » t »e : nt go a a th {of relatives. S. J. Smith is prepar-lionto last Wednesday. Mrs. James Tice Toh Ew a just sta) Jud duisath ing to erect his new bake shop. Word Burns, with her little daughter, Pat-| $ » 2} body, ower edges fyen and | i : has been received here of Capt. H.]yicia, is visi ing her parents, Mr. and | * * | upper an ower gee. A dust sest 106th, Sud. oon' gaormerly of the|Mrs." Josep} Lawlor. The Orange- ALLISONVILLE. Fania er cgi a Joes, Sud. and Genville, but Who men gave a\ concert mg dance Jast Feb. 26.--Hamilton Thomas, "of ants and owe Px . 1as been in training at an aviation jy day night in behalf of the rar By A ' i 3 closing. school in England, is now in France. Monta) gt Wellington, passed away on the 22nd The front edge of the outer waist is son, Charles! ; 3 inch hi The hall was well filled, and the tal- is pi To ears i not wnderfaced shout 1 inch back onl as appreciated. Veterinary po yeah tor a couple. of years. : : Turn edge back on small "o" perfor. : Sary & Practical Homé Dress Making Lerrons PAGE ELEVEN = Newspaper Taffeta Frocks. ations and stitch to pesition. Gather shoulder edge of front between double James Grant at Mrs. Stanley Gregg's| Sandwith asked for a raise of one 'TT" perforftions. Close shoulder on Thursday; Pte. Johnston Holmes quarter cent. After considerable and under-ar; seams as notched. visited Herbert Ball on Thursday|i: was granted. The factory will Gather lower edge of 'waist between last; Mrs. Emma Grant a MIS. | open on April 2nd. Township Road double 'TT' perforations also 1 inch James Grant guests at George| Engineer John Glens has resigned and 2 'above. Arrange on 'underbody Hughes' on Monday. ~' after serving for a number of, years. | sgmkobiamfronts; center-backs, and un- - . He is succeedét~by TJ. Hill, whol der seams even. Double small *'o0'! BETHEL. held that position some years ago. perforations in waist indicate center. Feb. 26.---Friends of J. Connolly Hugh Filson ig drawing lumber for front. Stiteh outer waist to under are sorry to hear he is confined to his{ 3 pew house which he will have bed for the last week or so, and hopel erected in the spring. A. Filson. to soon see him about again. Wilfrid | Moose Jaw, Sask., is buying a car- Connolly, Gananoque, came up on load of horses here to take to the Saturday to visit his father and fam-| west pr. HS. Northmore of Bath ily. The funeral of the late John | while driving from the city on the Kimmet was held to St. Luke's|ice vn Monday night in the storm Church, Camden East, on Sunday the lost his way 'and landed in R, P. body at three lines of gathers, Lap waist fronts matching double small "00" perforation near lower edge. Sew collar backs even, to neck edge, 'center then take up the trim- ming band. Close shoulder geam as notched. Arrange over waist, with seam at shoulder seam and pointed end at neck seam; tack to waist (throngh the underbody) matching single large "O" perforations in front, back and trimming band. If desired the bands may be made of lace, or ribbon. Next, gather ends of gitdle between "TT" perforations and draw gathers to the desired size. Slip under trith- ming band and fasten at back or side, Then take the sleeve and close the seams of both sleeve and cuff as noteh- ed. Join cuff to lower edge of sleeve, leaving sleeve free from cuff between small *'o" perforations in cuff. Sew sleeve in armhole matching notches and small perforations, easing mn any fulness. Now, close center-back seam of skirt. Slash at left side on line of small "'o" perforations and finish for placket. Gather skirtat upper edge between double "TT"' perfora- tions. Turn hem at lower edge on small "o" perforations. Finish bands and adjust with upper edges at indi- cated lines of small "o" perforations on skirt. Adjust skirt, stitching gathers over center row of gathers in waist, center-fronts and center-backs even; line of small "'o" perforations at underarm seam. The model Tends itself to develap- ment in embroidery flouncings. Med- ium size requires 2% yards 38 inches wide, with 21; vards plain material 38 inches wide for waist and sleeves, "at? Pictorial Review Costume No. 7138, eents. Above Patterns Can NEWMAN 4 to 20 ce lec cl Sizes, years. Price, 20 Be Obtained From & SHAW Turvy," gotten up by Robbins' Mills Red Cross workers, was given in their hall on the 9th inst, and those pre- sent from this place thought it the best of anything of the kifid ever at- tempted in these parts, and the com- mittee decided to have the same play here, and were very fortunate in Belleville orchestra to furnish the music. The proceeds amounted to $52. Rev. H. H. Mutton was called to Brighton last week to see his father, whe is very ill. THE LATE THOMAS SHANNON. -- An Aged and Greatly Esteemed Resi- / dent of Sunbury. Zunbury, Feb. 28.--On Thursday, Feb. 22nd, Thomas Shannon passed away. He was born at Sunbury on June 15th, 1824, where he lived con- tinuously until his death, which was due to a complication of diseases. He was married on Nov. 20th, 1855 to Sarah Ferguson, who died on Feb. 20th, five years ago. They had one son, William, who was married to Annie Lyman on July 16th, 1884, both of whom died over eleven years ago, leaving eight children with the aged grandparents. These grand- children are Harvey, Thomas and Have Rosy Cheeks and Feel Fresh as a Daisy--Try This! Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. PA FN LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Traine will leave and arrive at City Pot, foot of Johnson street, EST rr. City Lve. City A «« 12.20am, 1267am, 2.58a.m. 3.35 am. No. 1% Mall, No. 13 No. 0. No. . Express . .. 1 wie ee Deaw vey pas > 5 a 3 q No. Neo. No. Mall . .. .. Express . .. WNW Ov-y" pa PT oe WE TNE wB33Es £ s ws ws a. 12.30 pon. No. Interp'l Lid. 143 5.m. No. 28 Local , .. .. 6.45pm. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 r Other trains gaily except Bunday. Direct route to Toronte, Hicamo. Bax Cr" Said Trea, cago, y CRy, naw, nirea Ottawa, Quebec," Portland, 2° John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie- kets, and all other information, apply 0 . 4. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Cor. Johmson and Ontarie Kingston, Ont. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. HIP LINES. Night Telephone 99 5) Open Day asd . NEWBURGH. Feb. 24. --Rev. E. Farnsworth was Colds or Coughs Harry at home, and Norman, C.E. F.. France; Mrs. Dr, M. H, McDonald, Forget, Sask,; Mrs, J. A. Sharpe, To see the tinge of healthy bloom in y face, to see your skin get clearer.and clearer, to wake up with- last Brawn. Mrs, CIif- ford Steacy Jus moved Inte hd ory Taos taken to the General Hospital in Kingston on Saturday to undergo an operation for appendicitis, He is do- ing as well as can be expected. . R. Dougan got in two car loads of coal eo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred It appreciation. = Rev. J. B. Howe has Suttons entertained a few of their recovered from his recent illness. friends on Monday evening. Dr. Roy Paul has gone to resume his practice in Leeder had the misfortune in Edmonton. Ambrose Conway is to Dave his finger amputated on Fri-f opine better after his severe illness. day last. W. Gag Jeturned af- fw "gtevenson has sold: his property ter spending the past two weeks at ih Newburgh to J. Cameron, Miss His home in Sh ke, Que. Mr. | wells of Detroit is visiting her aunt, unt left Tuesday to his holi- | nrg, 5. J. Madden, M. Ryan spent days at his home in Mr. la couple of days in 1 ud Me. K. Edis dn : ewhoto, week. Earl Conway is spen! unday w Tr riends, 4 Miss Irene McCann and Miss Fitzpat- Sait We aoe Sotog over rick left on Monday for Ottawa. woody a couple of d os JF NEVE. A wp week in oronto. pO, Fr _ Mrs. R.P. © VENNAC Richards of Lehigh Corners are mov- --Several fr ing to Frankville na will occupy it ia the re lg tooms over W. G. Richard's store. {p.iq in 'the Mrs. A. E. Crumméy is spending a evening last. he) few weeks with her r, Mrs. Rev. {sisted of patriotic HA HLS of Vankleel a Hrs. jes by Capt. A 2. Woods Tittle dau : 2, | Battalion, vi of Smith's ; ising her ions va sheep. It was given to the Beaver's Should Never Be Neglected. They Are, Some Serious Lung hs A cold or cough, if neglocted, will {| sooner or later Jotelop into so . sort of lung trouble, so we wo advise : Sunbury, Mrs. (Rev.) George Clark,|o Long Beach, California, and Mrs. William Sloan, Sunbury. Mr. Shannon was converted to God fifty years ago. He united with 'the Methodist church, and continued a Ravel and liberal end. Mr. Shannon was of a cheerful, and sympathetic tion. The "honored received and the affectionate rela- tionship which existed was a marked feavure of his home, His counsel and vice will be missed, fool J disposi- place which he £he funeral service was held in|r ihe re tora ya hal | t| The a headache, backache, » of coated @ or a'nasty breath, in fact, to your best day in and day out, just try inside-bathing every mornin, for one wedk. = = Before breakfast each ga drink af AE thy liver, Kidneys and bow- fetord Cor 's indigestible CANADIAN LONDON to HALIFAX SERVICE, (Via Plymouth) _ HALIFAX to LONDON (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) For ticulars of =allings and rates, OE I nto. : King Street East, Sa § » os' Suits !! 1 Also and Dresses made to mea- prices. New York Skirt & Suit . Co. 203 Wellington Street. ----_-- Too many people spend their times condemning the conduct of others in- stead of spending it in improving thelr own, It sealskin sacks conld be plucked from trees the average husband would have to squander his cola pn other things to match, Lo i é