Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1917, p. 3

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THE DAIL LONDON WAR HICH HEARTED --------. DEAF PEOPLE Y BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY MARCH 1, 1917. PAGE folding w e mn ugliness thus Finally one THREE = J ! magnificent | protected. man conjectured that! 4 Probs: Fine today"and Friday; same temperature. | ! |. encompassing lumber had been . it "ks [Put about the structure to pac ores] EE ' ha [rom bombs instant reply was| by Ne | | that any man who would destroy the % ® 4 Ye P para monstrocity would be considered a 3 a £ tc .} Fr---- staunch friend of the English people. | ha 2 ! / . . The Londoners are going about i ! 3 { If Cheers Are Not Heard for Soldiers, or if Mourning Is Not their business. They are not light ¢ i Lf ears' | idi or True hearted, but they are Big hearted. | Conspicuous as in Paris, L ay it 19 Solid ty ' They take their darkened streets. 2 ] : ally g 9 Courageousness of the Briton. the restrictions on their personal and the © (8 not F Lotte at any i 3h I ¥ 4 Life § i their tire whick : h led liberties, the enforced rules and reg- Address: "ORLENE" (0. 10 Southview| London, Feb. 2 Afe in war time Borar pe Some have called| yiations of this kind and that kind, . ve Watling St., Dartford Kent. i London and throughout England is] COPServatism "and others coldness and everything else which comes, Direct from New York, the Latest ee at } out not altogether somber "Deeps Are Dumb " with true British stolidity, and if Novelties in' Ss a | Berions but ' 43 ' RTH AT SA T 1 1 f f they would speak the word of truth ee -------- | T7116 reflected fire of thie heroism of f ne Londoner, when he hearg his| they would say 'we are proud of it." [he trenches lightens even Sorrow and{ prople rebuked because they did not ree, ~ ! Headquarters For | Blves a sort of shiping spirit to the cheer the soldiers as the people of . , | neopile at hom: tue uther 'nations would cheer we, | KINGSTON WON AND LOST { J : ls in and replied With a touch of resentment ew ul S GROCERIES, MEATS, More than this & men and wo-| that "the shallows murmur while the | ment of England agr il the outset deeps are dumb." TO NAPANEE CURLERS IN NAP. and PROVISIONS where meager battalions for jor the cont®:t that outward evi o The leeling a Sympathy pnd S0r- ANEE ON WEDNESDAY. ~ dence of the tragedies which were ; 2 TeServed in the main i -- by pndon ople 1 BX Dressi ¢ ote y C i PICKERING certain to come should be minimized the lpndon igor to. Rl assion in How the'C. 0. C. L. Now Stand: . " X - . i ; . i . 50 far as possible. London and Eng-| ed man js seen in a bus. Hig left The Competition for the Ogilvie . Oa S 490-492 Princess Street. | ana never have gone to the extreme re sin a sling and there is some Shiela = Other Curling Games h va anifestati i nd of a surgical strap about his ere. f the outw n festations evi- S ; t Phone 530. 2 ] r al ary 1 2hites ations 5 v shoulder. A cherry-looking young Kingston seniors won from Nap- pr eee | LS aris and in France generally, Woman guards his arm from jost-| anee and Kingston C. O. C. L. juniors TE ----------. fof the dread realization of the hor-|iing. lost to that club in the postponed rors attendant on the conflict and of There are other pa¥engers in thef games played on Wednesday after. I esses 000000009 the fear of a remotely possible ng. bus. They look at the wounded man | noon at Napinee. Napanee plays 3 OPEN NOSTRILS! END tional defeat it - Mpathetically when he enteres and| Belleville now, and if the former 8 He, then they avert their eyes. The Eng-] wins this district will be a three- 4 + A COLD OR CATARRH It is not meant to say that the lishman is loath to speak his sym-| cornered tie. If Brockville wins the . . rn | French people have shown evidence Pathy in public. He feels it 'and he] games against Eastern Hospital 3 3 How To Get Relief When Head © | of depression of spirit or of doubt wil Eye generous expression to itf (Brockville) te Winners ot the : : b and Nose are Stuffed Up. rOROOF RE : Bias . al what he considers to he the prop-| eastern district w come here on I § Pp concerning the final outcome of the! gp (ime and in the proper way. He js Saturday to decide the champion- &4 PPI0009009090000000000060 struggle in which they are engaged. | perhaps fearful that he may be con- ship of the C. 0. C. L. The Ndbénee | y Count fifty! Your cold in head or It is true, however, and England | sidered impertinently curious if he|games resulted as follows: . . ,catarrh disappears. Yopr clogged | knows if, that In France, by common | #%%8 Questions in a public place Seniors. , Are Now On Display. " nostrils will open, the agr passages of | consent, the women all dress in som-| €Veén of a man who undoubtedly was Kingston. Dr. Mabee . your head will clear, and you can ber colors and largely have foregone Nounded in {he cause of his country| M. P. Reid 14 Dr. % tskip) 16 Th ] ] ] breathe freely. No more snaffling, attendance even at such little social] 2%d Who Might not be averse to let- (skip) 14 Dr. Leonar 1 1 hawking, mucous discharge, dryness | gatherings as are known Jy England ng the fact be known, J.P. MacDonald . (skip) 12 2. e sty es, co orings and materials are or headache; no struggling for breath land America as afternoon feas Eng- London and England have given (skip) 16 Napanee simply bewitching -- and the assort- ut night land has kept up some $f its social | VET IN these serious times of war : Get a small bottle of Elv's Cream | ac tivities, although, like France, she jue shams Which they love. The war . Juniors, a ment so extensive as to meet every re- Balm from your druggist and apply | has closed down largely on elaborate | Das "ribbed racing, Jas abolished |R. N. Macfarlane L Savage q 1 a little of this fragrant antigeptic | affairs of whatever kind the Sretord td jeambridge boat (skip) 14 I : iii 23] ent of gona taste, f sh Ek e NORE 1a a : races, ie Eton-Harrow cricket | L. Sleeth . Smit > ream in your nostrils. It penetrates -- rn 0 ; . Ak ay we have e ecasure of s OW= through every air passage. of tits Felt Confidence in the Seas. ate A Lor 8, and Shey. of the (skip) 12 (skip) 10} y Pp : head, soothing and healing the. swol- At the outset of thosilities Eng ho 3 0 1a : ama ety and profes- eet | . ! morro 1 len oF inflamed mucous membrane, | land, because she is girt by four seas, sional Sporting events of al kinds In ti ther £ urling Series. Ogilvie | ng you through . Say to ¥ had ! giving you instant relief. Head colds{Telt an aloofness from the war which Te Re ' i nh the Jo be oN a) . and catarrh yield like magic. Don't] prevented its actualities from strik - Charm in Streets at Night. 4 urling Saisis, Fror 3 5. Xu Dow y stay stuffed-up and mi erable. Iteligf | ing home as deeply as they struck in- The London streets at night in] ald is now leac ing, ha ug a e y is sure to the heart of invaded France par time have a charm of their own. |of forty-one points for aguary and | A A AAA Ar ne Ad Ane ns For a while on this island things {Halt lights have a charm which|[a large February score to be J 7 NN { Went on much as usual. Then there |8lare never has. London is less than corded. He is being tollowed by i - a {came a pause and then almost a full [half lighted at night, but there is C. Gildersleeve and Jd. F. athe son, "mL ' . " stop. England was exultant in heart enough light to enable the night| with thirty-eight Joints Zax ah { The Woman 8 Store of Kingston. fat the conduct of her troops at Mons, | traffic to go'on and to keep' the feet{ One game in the doubles series . ; s| Of the street passe y hours rs from stumbling, | was played on Wednesday, when Dr. | held at bay five times their number of | London's skyline is more beautiful Sariwrigni ad > L DE = lassai 8. The trarodies as than ever, from E. W. Henderson and J. ) ac- | ¢ y : A rein | Risatisnt: The tragedies Sate home, When one looks at the roof of| Donald by 14 to 10. | DR. DeVAN S RENCH PILLS {iF Re | and Mons marked the veginning of Buckie he (S038. 4 In the repute ciab series sames. lasing Pill for Women, $5 a box or taree for | the serious heart-searching time in uckingham palace and sees a huge > 1 E.O. Slit are fio gil at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any | England. steel net covering its entire length | W. Jackson anc t Dave iter 2 | & arias on receipt of pris. Tus ScoseLi Lev | ¢ T 5 i y § g y ows g 8 i inks tha ave not lost a | Co. Bt Cat rines, Ontario. ns § ro Gu it propery [1k Shut oh ie ne FA, Pople 40 breadth nos a ue | skopine inks That have mot os PHOSPHONGL FOR MEN. Tw have in our ability to properly [|| like that of the French, is high. The|ity has its anxious moments, jts' game . "to. be. plaved in PHONOL + Vimand |B (pees dispense their prescriptions [l! eye speaks confidence and determin-| anxious months and its anxious five or six games 0 p a) ill | Vitality; for Nerve ana Brain; increases 'grey d it iff he careful se ation when the voices are hushed years, The common people like|each series, but most of these w ter': Toute--will bufld yon up. $3 a box, of | quite justifies the careful ser- : : royalty, also have their anxi i be run off this week. The ice is still| two for $5. nt drug stores, or by mail on receipt | vice we are giving today. London is not ag lively a city in a ally, au her Anxious time, | 1 fast of price. Tug ScobELL Diva Co., St. Cathurines | From early morning to 'mid- ||! traffic sense as once it was. Many|Yet it is to be doubted from the gen-| hard and fast, : To. night we are "on the job," and of the horses are doing service or| eral demeanor of all classes whether bl "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." | McLaughlin's Garage | 1 Beize 'the opportunity; bring us your car before it gets snowed in. anxiety ever has or ever will bécome nervous apprehension. The dark- ness of London streets and the pre- cautionary measures taken against attack from the air seemingly have Regiopolis Won. Regiopolis defeated St. Mary's seniors by a score of 3 to 1 on Wed- nesday night in the semi-finals of the Senior Juvenile League. The teams have done 'service and met their fate, on the road back of the lines from ' the Belgian border to the trenches in front of Peronne. The shops are open and for the most part are seemingly doing a lively busi-|{ done nothing in the way of take th» utmost care to give our customers the service which has so helped to build up our business. 'Ve are now com- mencing our thirteenth year, h we 3 wi ass I depress-| lined up as follows: . You will want it looked over before ! Whicn a hope i utpas lust ness, The streets are in no wise de-| ing the spirits of the Londoner or{ Regiopolis akg, Goal, y: Mar using it in the spring. We have had "going somo." serted and if a foreigner who never! of the metropolis-visiting Knglish- tin; defence, E. Gour Sr Hg factory experience and can guarantee before visited the efty should come mah i '1 bid i W. Branigan, C. Driscoll, C. our work.' Let us look after your here he would probably think it as! ie theatres of London are open. )Deviin. 4 battery; we will save you money. - bustling a metropolis as there exists | The people attend 'them. They do St. Mary's--Goal, E. Fitzgerald; id ¥y . defence, E. Fannon, hy itera C. Davidson, W. Powers; rover, T. Flannigan; centre, B. Lanos. F. Hurley acted as referee, are earth. Only the Lohdoner who! not do it in a spirit of a desire for Was here -before the war is sharply | amusement for amusement's sake. conscious of the difference in the Thé Londoner has a well-fixed feel- swelling tide of city life. ing that the semblance of things of normal times should be maintained in order that neither he nor his fel- lows may become overpowered by the fact that these are not normal At Best's - The Popular Drug Store, Open Sundays. Phone 59. Branch 2018 R. J. Fursey, Prop. | Garage Phone 1609; Res. 931. | Now Stand, 84-38 Princess Street. | Opposite Wormwith's Piano Works. | ne | BED ROOM FURNITU We are showing this spring the stock of bedroom carpets and 'furnitu RE & CARPETS largest and best assorted re ever offered in Kingston, Interfaculty Hockey. Sadness of Strong Kind. The first hockey game of the In the homes and hotels of Lon- A A Arce ACUTE COLDS AND THROAT TROUBLE. Soon Cured by VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE don where the women, the children and the men who can't Bo to war are gathered there is a sadness of a strong kind, There is a bearing up, however, under all the elements which make for depression of body and spirit. The dead, wounded and Veno's is no ordinary cough mix- ture, but an absolute specifi¢ for every kind of cough, cold, or throat trouble. It is just wonderful how | it cures those acute eolds and throat | troubles that are so prevalent at this Season. A few doses of Veno's and you are well again because Veno's is a real lung and chest healer, and en- ables you to throw once. There is no dope in it, so you can take it freely, and give it to chil- dren, too. Prices 30 cents and 60 cents, from druggists and stores throughout Canada. | Emotion is expressed there. off the trouble at | ever since missing lists are read in the closet. In the open the people are brave. Englishmen as a rule, and Lon- doners in particular, are not emo- tional. A few men and women in this town, quicker-pulsed by nature than the majérity of their neighbors, have been writing te the newspapers the war began, asking why it is that so few cheers are giv. en for the passing regiments. Al the outbreak of the war when every soldier was a volunteer there | | i times, The people of London in a Way are acting a part... They want their tragedy flecked with comedy as an ald to upholding the heart and soul. -- More Dovoutness Shown. The people go to church more in these days than they did in times of peace. Men who have studied this matter say that London simply is doing what all cities have done in the past when the nations of which they were a part were at war. The war has penetrated the churches, There is no religious service which has not its suggestion of the tragedy on the Continent and of the sorrow in the island homes. The prayers for the men at sea, Queen's interfaculty series was pull- ed off at the covered rink on Wed- nesday afternoon between Arts and Science. There was a large number of rooters out for each-side, and some good play was shown, Science coming out victorious with a score of 5- "Treff" Imbleau was on the job all the time for Setence, and helped to noteh the win, while Marshall played an aggressive game for the scholars in Arts, The line-up: Science--Goal, Guess: defence, Embury, Imbleau; centre, Williams; rover, King; right wing, MacKenzie; left 'wing, Tobias; &pares, Barrett, Perry, Arts -- Goal, Blacklock, McLeod; centre, Rey- nols; rover, Marshall; right wing, Hammill; left wing, Ralph; spares, Sexton, Greenlees, Love. Taylor; defence, 3. | Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applicatiens of Dan- derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 25-cent bottle | of Danderine at any drug store and | save your hair. After a few applica- | tions you can't find a particle of dan- {druff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never itch, A A cts tes THE HUN IRON HEEL | Upon Poland is Crushing the People to Death, Amsterdam, March 1,--A Pole, from Grozdisk, who has escaped from Germany, gave a striking de- scription of German conduct in Po- Can't Find Dandruff | | | "All At Very Moderate Prices. or some time we have been carrying a very large reserve stock of rugs, linoleums, carpets and furniture. __ This stock, bought, some of it two or three years ago, will enable us to meet the d 1s of our t. rs at a very mod. est advance and in some casés at very ing prives, Now is the time to select your sprin, furnishings, HARRISON COMPANY LF. seldom were cheers for the recruits|and for the men in the field, never hee rs 8 5 I -------- land. Praga workmen who refused ~-- as they passed along the streets on|fare omitte rom any service whe- Games Wi to work for the 'militar authori n THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. « the Sr the Pld in 'the ther of the Church of England or of Saar RA: 17 clluenday; ¢ | Were severely Punishes. All id THERAPIO NATE | rear of the Horse Guariy English-| the dissenting organizations. No ser- Ottawn et 2 Canadiens .,..1|ducts of the soil and available ob. | No.2. css \men blanied their fellow countrymen mon anywhere in any church but has as "| Jects are confiscated, such as cop- THE APION NCGS 1 for a lack of appreciation of the re-| its words of courage for the nation per, engines, dynamoes, motors and THE APION No.3. ona sponse to the eall of duty. [and of comfort for the moufners. i \ SOLD BY LEADINGEHEMISTS, PRICE IN ENGLAND, Bend stamp address envelope, ate & symptoms foe vice on seltability * "ise. No 'follow up' circulars, S 20. HAVERS TOCK RD. N. W SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD * THE conditions seem stolid Britishers who stand The chances are and a study of | Londen knows how to laugh even to prove that thejat war time. The Albert Memorial on the! has never been a favorite with any Biggest' Year in Canada, cotton stuffs. Provisions The, year 1916 was the most pros-| coming mere and more rare. perous year in the history of Canada, | poor population of Wo la is forced to are be-! The | BRITISH COLUMBIA RED says William Lewis Edmonds, writ-| kill dogs for food. ing in the Canadian Magazine for | moral oppression is mue March, Mr, Edmonds points out also | material privations. Nevertheless h worse than The death pen- BRIT. GOVY. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GEN LINK PACKETS London corners and see the soldiers! Londoner who has the smallest sense 80 by are just as full of cheers as|of the artistic. Not long after the 'any emotional American or French-| war broke out this Albert Memorial ! that the Dominion awoke to the fact alty overhangs everything. In the jmen, but they are kept from giving! was inclosed by an army of work- been | vicinity of Pulvy innocent reon veut to them by that something ining men In a great pine board sear.| that she had trahstormed from were shot. Ae Detaons @ debtor to a creditor nation. "The balance of trade," he obsery- se, "began to take a-turn more fav- At night, cordons of troops surround a quarter of the town, and inhabitants are compelled ourable than was at one time deemed | [v Teave without delay. In govern- possible, This enabled the Minister] Ment of Warsaw alone, over 100,000 of Finance, who bad all along been ™en. and women have been deport. Salmon Steaks | Doctor Advised Operation ing water supply on "DS closely studying the situation, to try, ©d. As Only Cure for Piles/: ims: abt ---- . of floating a domestic loan. As the! The Lake Carriers' Association , : . « a . banks had promised to subscribe lib- | has been notified of new and an ' Wife Objected to Use of Knife and Cure Was Ef- pally: ho asked for Glty ion del. sent regulations governme or go 10¢ 1b FRESH SEA Sr---- HERRINGS . . MANITOBA everyone, the am t subscribed was this more than double that sought, Of Joa yr FISH 16¢ 1b : i . ne Srifasby, Ont, Mar. 1.--Here is) Chase's Ointment,' 1 did 80 and have sunt sabsctibed one hundred : . i {the affidavit of a well-known fruits used it according to directions while which was set aside for the purpose PURE RICH BLOOD i grower, who was cured of bleeding [#iving in Manitoba, and obtained a of establishing a line of credit in the @ . | Piles some years ago by using Dr. fomplete cure, for I have never been interest of the Imperial Government. PREVENTS DISEASE | Chase's Ointment, troubled with Piles since, I am now Later on, in co-operation with the ] | Hig doctor could dd nothing for | 70 years of age and want to recom- a further line of credit was | im and recommended a surgical op- | mend Dr. Chase's Ointment rr rn established, Last September the , Bad eration as the only means of cure, sufferers f: Luckily his wife had heard about Dr. Tom Piles, My Wife has useq it for itchin g skin and obtained su --is responsible for . Chase's Ointment and complete cure complete cure." = Somestic Joan, Be Bi a a ments than anything else. i TE ---- J resulted from this treatment. » Again the amount subscribed exceed. It affects organ and fanetion. ' ' " {It is by the cube of extreme cases St. Boils): Stewart, 17 Turnbun ed by one hundred per cent the sum! In on causes eatarrh; in : has we thar Dr. Chase's Olntment | St. Belleville, writes: "About. ten asked for. Besides the two hundred! others, ; in others, rheama- Ee nr | SL Si) EL, i dani i r -- | about the only actual eure for . the . Ales ~--itching, blee protruding | remedies, but without getting relief, io " [iiten, | Tieting spl Ohanas fivised by friends to try Dr. for run-doy ys i Soe our Window for $5.00 * : 'Hf! Mr. Samuel Parker, -grower, tment, that be SE tn eo . : 0. D. ( [| Grimsby, Ont. bas made the follow- | Was Just what was required, and ob. 4 ht ei ues in Goodyear Welt High Grade KEELEY Jr., * We We U [ll ing declaration before 'Mr. W. W.|tained perma: ant relief. We cheer IY Hood Sarsaparills : fishinet ' Boots. » : Kidd, Notary Public, of the same | fully recommend i to all suffering The amily of the general, | Purifier he bloo JACK JOHNSTON 70 Br AND OPTICIAN, || place: "7 g declare that I [from Piles. ar t 4 . St. Ee Teh p : : Mia Goikovitch, who are living a ock an Street. was troubld with bleedi Plies and| Put Dr. Chase's to the Nice, were officially . ; J Was advised to go to the (01 Lost and it will no disappoint you. | ihe general lost his' life when the have an operation performed. My | Sixty cents a box, all dealers, or Bd- Italian transport Minas was torped:] wife said, 'No, get @ box of Dr. | manson, Bates & Co. LAd., Toronto, ood on Feu 35. vf

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