OVER RESULT! FISKE O'HARG'S NEW PLAY. "His Heart's Desire," Presented Grand on Wednesday, DELIGHTED THE GRANTING OF WOMAN SUF- | are more than delighted at the action of Premier. Hearst and his Govern- ment in favoring request. The news from Toronto was received with great enthusiasm by the local work- ers. J: i "It came as quite a shock to me," ! said one of the members of the local committee "I thought, of course, that we had a good chance of gétting! It is like the old English comedi that unfortunately have almost di the productions that are coarse, Mr. O'Hara has the advantage ig delightful as Both. of swee plause, the splendid address he made on the | ture of the production, and betwee sub ject. 1 am delighted with the result of our | campalgn in Ontario, and 1 only hope | that now that the women are to he given the vote that they will bring! honor to themselves | "1 am delighted," was the way will of beautiful selections, violin and cello solos. HAVE A GARDEN, Benefit the City physical point of view," said an ac been placed on the same footing as tive gardener. the men All the workers in the | local campaign were greatly pleased | when the announcement was made, that the bill would likely carry." | It will be remembered that the] local committee sent a petition around | the city, and it was signed by several hundred pecle. Just recently af meeting in the interests of woman ffrage was held in the City Hall, | at whieh a most stirring address was | ~ @lelivered by Rev. Dr. Scott, of Belle- ville den is not lar, ficient potatbes, but enough to. raise: green through 'the summer quantity to supply the it is larg: in sufficien table. peas and like produce. green vegetables," : 'Some scils are so poor," B& said Capt. Kittermaster Back to France. Capt. Dougal Kittermaster, of the Canadian. Field Artillery, recently] ona visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | W. A. Kittermaster, Glencoe, 111., arrived safely in Liverpool on his re- turn to the west front, He is a grad- uate of the Royal Military College, 'According to the Qatario Public Accounts for last year the succession duties from the estate of the late Archdeacon Carey amounted to $4,-| C000 { NE, A AAA A AAP reo Flattering to \ Jer, of Queen's University, in the Original cco of Kingston and Vicinity." potato on any soil Whether raiseg anything or not, the out doo exercises will be beneficial be cut down by cutting down the doc tor's bill." GEOLOGY OF THIS DISTRICT. In Government Report. | the Ontario Bureau of Mines 1916, contains It also has an article on "The Ardoi- { reian 'Limestones of the Kingston Area," by E. M, Kindle, and "A There are many imitations of this Synopisis of the Common' Fossils of great greatment for coughs, co ds, | the Kingston Area," by Alice E. Wil- But Imitations Only Disappoint i and | son and Kirtley F. Mather. | 1 croup, bronchitis whooping cough. 1 . During the summer months of 1915 They usually Prof, Baker mapped out in consider- have some sale able detail, all the southern part of on 'the merits of | the eounty of Frontena¢, including the original, but t the townships of Kingston, and Pitts- it should be burgh, parts of Portland, Lough- remember e borough and Storrington, as well as that they | Howe Island, Wolfe and the smaller are like fit neighboring islands. in name " District Convention Report. The eight-day convention announc- ed to start on the 25th February in the Holiness Movement church, Wil- ton, opened with a good gathering of people. Some lasting good was ac- complished. The first service was conducted by thewRev. David Patbe, : Sydenham. The following services This is a fac- _-- conducted by able ministers of simile of the | ihe Gospel. The crowds are increas package bearing (ing in numbers. Those who fail to portrait and signature | attend this conventiofi are missing of A. W, Chase, M.D. much. only. JUST ARRIVED * Fresh supply of milk weed or (silk weed) at : SARGENT'S DRUG STORE : Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. «Rk Telephone 41. nm mint AA - We do, the very best we know how ; my The very best we can, and we mean to keep "doing so until the end. If the end brings us out all right what is said against us won't: amount! to anything. If the end brings us out w ing we were ng, ten angels swearing \ right would make no difference. 4 ==With apoligies to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. z. ip Fiske O'Hara - always 5 FRAGE PLEASED COMMITTEE. | Fiske O'Hare a 333 Sofie AND SYRIAN RLEIKF. : in the Hands of Three Which Has Been ( arrying on a Cam- [ap somaly ie a a ahs! E. Hague, Manager of the ad Trustees. paign in Kingston--A Tribute to 4¢ the Grand Opera House Hn Wed-| chants' Bank, is Treasurer and Dr. | Cob. Charles A. Low, 0.C. 146th| Hon. N. W. Rowell nesday afternoon and evening before| "I. P, Chambers is Secretary. | Battalion, has placed in 'the hands of | The women in Kingston, who have | large audiences wag greatly enjoyed.| The committee appointed at the Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P.; W. J. Paul + been working for woman franchise, | His new production is one of the public meetin for Armenian and!M.P.; and W. F. Nickle, MP. as most entertaining seen here in years. appeared from the stage in favor of | branch of the Armenian Relief Fund turned wounded men being both an actor and a singer, and His rendition Irish songs won warm ap- a A first-class company assists | Nej| McNeil, Archdeaccn Cody, Sir | tenac, Lepnox and Addington, and He spoke like a statesman. | acts the audience enjoyed a number inebuding Dweller-- "Of course, the average city gar- enough to raise suf- vegetables By this I mean radishes, onions, lettuce, In the course of a summer the average household spends a large sum with husksters of "that it would be difficult to raise a potato on them. Others are such poor farmers that they could not raise a one to the has| health and the high cost of living can Is Dealt With By Prof. M, B. Baker The twenty-fifth annual report of for a very lengthy arti- cle from the pen of Prof. M. B. Bak- "The I' now that the Empire it at war, they --" NEE em PA a A er 0, Cr SRB _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 1017. [RECEIVING SUBSCRIPTIONS ™*** 7%" woumsco men [IN KINGSTON FOR ARMENIAN 146th Battalion Money Placed | Syrian relief on Friday last was or- trustees, the balance of certain bat- ©8 | ganized at a meeting of the commit- | talicn funds available in the trustees S- ltee on Tuesday 'as the Kingson discretion for the assistance of re- formerly of the | Association of Canada, whose head-| 146th Battalion, and the families, it quarters is in Toronto, where the as-|in need, of any of sociation was first organized in Can- | talion. : i ada some time ago under the patron-| The 146th Battalion was recruited e of Premier Hearst, Archbishop largely from the Counties of Fron- of the men of the bat- what we were after, but I did not him. A clever actor is J. P. Sullivan | w jam Mulock, Sir Edmund Walk-| the City of Kingston, and if any cases expect that we would get the good | in the Scoteh role of "Paddy Tam." | er and Col' Pellatt, A branch has Of hardship have arisen or should news 80 soon I think it is the| Patricia Clary as "Molly McGarry," been organized in Victoria, B.C., and | arise the trustees will be prompt to = greatest move the Legislature has| makes an adorable Irish maid. A the Kingston organization is the 8ive careful consideration to any re. mes saa ever made. I admire Mr. Rowell for | special orchestra is an added fea- third to be formed in Canada. quests for ass stance that might be n The association in Torcnto has so | brought to them, far collected $9,000 from all over | Canada, and this sum has been divid- | ed between the American mmittee | 3 e-- for Armenian and Syrian Rflief, New | Kingston Is Still the Subject of Out- York, and. the. Lord. Mayor's Pund,| side. Discussion. London, England, | Niagara Falls Review, 'A subscription list has been opened | Kingston council is said to be con- THE TAXING OF CATS, LADIES' COLORED SAT and $3.50, on sale at _ _ $2.75 SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS LADIES' AND LACED BOOTS values. Clearingat . *_ 51 to 9; goods that will Clearing at . . On Sale IN PUMPS -- Slightly soiled, regular $3 SPECIAL VALUE IN MEN'S GUN METAL BLUCHERS -- Sizes be $6.00 or $6.50 within Some regular $4.50, but we wa 3148 KID BUTTON mostly $4.00 ira oo 92.75 six months. va $3.95 Abernethy's Shoe Store another woman sald wieh ushwl | Health Better, Anyway. #+in the city and G. E. Hague, treasur- | templating the taxing of cats, as 4 ' oy tog Hale Ee a a | "A back yard garden will benefit| or of the local fund, has received sev- | Money producer. The reporter who endid move 3 Yes "| the city man from a financial and al co i The ove alm- | Sent out that story must isun- Legislature. , Now the women have y eral contributions, The overwhelm have misun ee Se ss retiree ea *- | ing need calls not only for generous |derstood the project, if there is such support if the more than million des- | & Drojest. ; No Sounel} ould be so titute people in Turkey are to be |!00lish as to tax cats with the belief ed fed, but for immediat » | that much revenue would result. It © | assistance if thousands are to be siv-| 8 Dard enough to collect a dog tax, ed from starvation. {put elusive pussy, pussy of nine lives, t| Relief funds are administered fn]0f midnight Serenades, of mistress Turkey proper by American mission- ip = ® il nursery mauling--tax sian' Armenia, Persia and Beypt py |, Very. no! But If the taxing is to British well Abserroan its be done to give the native birds a AS #5 Walt as E m1. | Chance to live and multiply "then the Should intercourse between the Uni-| tax is a good scheme, as ihe Ikra ted States and Turkey be interrupt-| goo cat will be kept within the ' | ed; relief funds would not thereby be |p = © marked degree. Birds in Jeopardized for the Teasor: that Te- | the cities have a poor chance to in- lief agents in Turkey do not receive | ooze in numbers, for many cats can from the United States'actual money, catch birds while they cannot or will but only authority to draw against! not ger after rats. Multiplying il { setts and single pieces, in Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, 'Alaska Sable, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Black Fox, | Now V i an i : i New York in payment for relief sup-| means of cpllecting taxes is not in it- plies. The actual money remains in| gays a good thing, and if the taxation New York until needed: to pay the|of cats is considered only from the drafts, and is in no danger of being| revenue producing diverted from its original purpose. here and now we But 'latest mail advices fiom Con- stantinople, (Jan. 11th, 1917), indi- cate an improvement in the attitude of the Turkish officials towards the relief work, due in part te the ener- getic diplomatic activity of the new American ambassador to Turkey, Mr. Elkus. The probability is, therefore, that far from being cut off from re- lief work in Turkey, the American committee for Armenian and Syrian relief will have increased opportunity of reaching the destitute population of the Turkish empire, Contributions should be forwarded to George. E, Hague, manager of the Merchants' Bank of Canada, Kings- . viewpoint must then vote it a Perhaps you have your daughter in her "teens" has developed a fitful temper, 4s often restless and excitable without appar- ént cause, In that case remember that the march of years is leading her on to womanhood, and that at this time a great responsibility. rests upon you as a mother, If your daughter is pale, complains of weak- ness and depression; feels tired out after a little exeriion; if she tells noticed that failure. A GIRL'S HEALTH Civet Cat, ' Persian Lamb, Northern Sable, Etc. \ needs the help that only new, sich blood ean give for she is anaemic that is bloodless, 4 Should you notice any of these signs, lose no time, but procure for her Dr. Williams' Rink Pills, or. her unhealthy girlhoodgin bound to lead to unhealthy womgnuood. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills enrich ithe impov- erished blood of girls' and women, and by so doing they repair the formation apply to the secretary, Dr. L. P Chambers, 171 Collingwood street, or at the University. a SCHOOL PUPLS TO HELP BELIEVED THAT A LARGE NUM- Manchurian Wolf, American Oppossum Raw furs are advancing, and next season's prices ave likely ton, by whom they will be acknow-|¥Ou of headaches or backaches, or|fj © Pe high, so why not take ad- ledged and forwarded to the treas-|Pain in 'the side do not disregard Yantage sur present low urer gf the fund in Toronto. For in-{ilese warnings, Your daughter prices: Arm Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. Campbell's FURSALE Bargains galore in fine furs, A "TLL CONDUCT GARDEN, BER WILL CONDUCT GARI waste and prevent disease, They give to sickly, drooping girls health, brightness and charm, with e¢olor in the 'cheeks, sparkling eyes, a light step and high spirits, If your daughter shows any signs of anaemia insist that she begins to-day to cure herself by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills thorugh any dealer in medicine, or my 'm at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, And Thereby Assist in the Demand For Increased Production--Citi- zens Are Taking Keen Interest in the Campaign. Citizens generally are well pleased with the movement on foot to secure increased production of vegetables, "If citizens would only take up the matter and give it their attention, } think the-production cculd be greatly increased," said a well-known mar- ket gardener tg the Whig on Thurs- day morning. 7 "1 also considér that it is a good move to get the school children in- terested in the matter. The senior pupils especially, would be able to do (a great deal of work during thefr holidays. They have two months and Hot Water THE DENTALS 'WON OUT. Special price 89c. In First Game of O.H.A. Finals. With Riversides, The Dentals of Toronto defeated Riversides by a score of 2 to 1, in the first game of ithe finals in the senior O.H.A, at Toronto on Wednes- day night, Much interest was manifested in| this game in Kingston, owing to.the fact that there are Kingston boys | playing on the team, including Ruby Millan and the Stewant Bros. The "tooth-pullers," . as they have been dubbed; are going. fast, and theif supporters now look for them to take the championship. The team played an exhibition game here with Queen's a few weeks ago, should be willing to do their 'bit' and devote the larger pontion of their (time to work of this kind. If the citizeng were given some instructions on how to go about the work, I think they would be able to get along fine. And I think thay if arrangements were made an experienced gardener could. be secured «who - would give some of his time-to teaching the boys and girls to grow potatoes and other vegetables." . "Flowers are all right in their place," he added, "but I think that this summer when the demand is going to be heavy for vegetables, that the time should be devoted to food- stuff." en At the meeting of gchool €hildren ARRANGING FOR ATTRACTIONS. R. J. Bushell Had Conference With New York Representative, Phone 82. Bottle Special This Bottle is. Guar- anteed for one year. Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church * R. J. Bushell, manager of the Kingston Industrial Fair, never gl- lows the grass to grow wnd i 'feet. He believes in_ getting in first in all things. On Thursday he had a conference here with one of the representatives of Myers & Company, of New York, relative to attractions at the fair. Final arrangements have been made for the banquet to be held by the fair directors on Thursday even- 'ing next at the Frontenac Hotel. A big crowd is expected, and some splendid speakers have been secured. Coming to Kingston. : Dr. G. D. Gordon, Bishop's Mills, has (answered his country's call by enlisting for home service. He comes to. Kingston, where he has been ap- pointed a member of the staff of the Military Hospital for Convalescent "turn d held in St. George's Hall, on Tues- day afternoon, which was addressed by Dr. Sinclair, one of the govern- ment's experts on gardening, the children togk a deep interest in the matter, and there is no doubt but that Kingston will this summer see a large number of gardens.conduct- County Good Roads, outfit will first 'do about ga work on the suburban area township of Kingston; thence ed by the school boys and girls. Portland woad from Glenvale * It is stated that in Toronto last summer thére were over 2,000 gar- dens conducted by the school chil- dren, and that they were a great suc- cess, built. Lastly Pittsburgh to the outfit, ' and M, Cochrane Came in Like a Lamb. gineer. Welcome to March! "The first day of the month was ushered in as meek as a lamb, and acoording to the old saying will go out like a Hon, sg look out for rough weather ®t the end of Ahe month, { : your teeth, but that aching cavity. won't rves another, "= |tain. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon roads will receive attention. Traves was engaged as foreman of The County Good Roads committee his decided that this year the road week's in the to the to the southern houndary of the township; then to Stortington, where two miles of roadway near Battersea will be re. wnship M as en- The dentist may hurl defiance in fill an The worm will turn, but he doesn't always of onstrate that ome good "a Watht "GOLDEN RULE SERVICE" v7 Phone20® & HQ he is awake, by their many friends, . Dr.|f of . Gardan, having suitably acknowlédg- Raga) combined wis Ad or hen gifts, refreshments were serv- fom ed, and a very pleasant social even-|Pifation of the Ingres jn _Halls ing spent. - # » 1 results in ca eo = . ------------ tions. Send for testimonials, free. - Hope fis 3 dream a man has when|¥. J. Ry a Frops..Tuledo, 0, AN +f Harte Family Fills for constipation. i Home-Made Candy Sakell's Telephone 640 i Fresh Made Every Day. Next Grand Opera House 'WE INTEND TO CONTINUE OU FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE | LONGER. = = > MMOTH A FEW DAYS o2 | A rare chance to furnish; no matter how little you need, you need it long. : We have the kind that lasts. A chance to furnish a home at a price that would ordinarily furnish two rooms. AT Spri it Our new spring stock is arriving and comprises the best and latest styles and designs. Prices $15, $18, to $25. Conse in and see them. Spring Overcoats and Raincoats from $7.50 to $15.00. Also a new spring stock of boots, shoes and rubbers. ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess Street. James Reid THE BUSY STORE. = INERNEENE RENNER ENANSNRNRERNN 1 PUBLIC NOTES - 1st=--00 days after you ordered those frames dur responsibility ceased. 2ud~~Do not complain If your pictures, left here six months ago; are sold. Srd--We want 200 soldiers to order their photos taken at 'The Studio. 4th--=We want 100 orders for frames to keep us busy. Sthe=Wanted, two customers, for two pianos, quick, Gth--Thewe notices are frém The Weese Art Store 168 PRINCESS STREET. 1 am off ne Phone ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- id ston, by 'GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. REMOVAL SALE ! - Having to vacate my present location April 1st ering my entire stock of ) JAS. E. MULLEN, »! Quart of Milk Se Bat, Som, i, Bo pout of ol more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other' foods. ts at Phone 141 in of A J