A SAVINGS Deposit Interest is There will be no delay in ope an ning Total Assets Reserve Funds £73.000,000 $6,507,000 BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. OO LOTS FOR SALEv Beverly St, 99 x 118 Centre St, 80 x 125 Albert 5t., 33 x 100 Kargp., 14 x 135 » have 41% acwes Of land in the City Limits and Iying in the upper part of the city, that we sell cheap. : 51900 $1200 » fr We THE J.K. CAR 56 Brock St. ROLL AGENCY in, GRIFFIN' THE FALL OF A NATION SEE Thos. The World's Mightiest Dixon's Thrilling Epic of Love and Plitriotism, Accome- panied by the Original Victor Herbert Music. Friday and Saturday, March 2nd and 3rd. Two Days Only. Prices: Mat. 15¢; Eve. 25¢. You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service, We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, "Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time High Class WE ARE OFFERING GUARANTEED Hot Water ~ Bottles At Special Sale Prices During This Week. This sale will include everything in RUBBER the family requires. Our upper window contains the display. Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office, Opp. YMCA, Kingston, Ont. ran WwW Lo. People's atts, Florist Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Kte. Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order. At ro, F.J.JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets | Sud Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders filled promptly. Phone 289. 115 Brock, | --A SNAP ~ Strawberries 19¢ Per Tin GORDON'S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal | Six Reasons Why We 'Trade at Anderson Bros. { Eye Glass 9 nr OVER HALF THE PEO- PLE WEARING GLASSES TO-DA¥ HAVE MOUNTS THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH OLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS, WH EXAMINE YOUR EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YOUR GLASSES IN OUR OWN LABORATORY AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- ERATE. A INCIDENTS Branches v time. im Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 "is mon. They handle quality products only. | Ti secure the €holcest govern. | u; t to secure! 2 ry dn. : | Call tn and They handle quality to please cy. | *lsewhere. © eryone, { They make sure to have a display | to tempt the housewife." { always have nice white dis- | play dishes that are ser iy | clean. i our F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sta. Sn v th _-- 43 varieties to choose from, at +r . Ra v 3h Do. | WR BILLENNESS NESS" n Bros. i ap and Fit. Phones; 438 - 1846, Address 272 SC gu i = Specializing Store 0 tingn. T LOCAL' NOTES AND ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST, | { ~~What the Merchants Offer to Readers of the Whig. Genuine Blue Points ! re { 6" .} > ' skys." : | "The Battle of Life. { Mrs. John Maloney and little | The Pathe News, Comedy, and © | daughter Helen, of Hamilton, are! Photoplays, visiting in Kingston | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, | King street. *y's Book Store, The total import duties for F | ruary, as reported at the | House, are $22,835.62. OF TE WGRAN Happenings In the City and Vicinity | i at Carnov-| Customs | BILLIE BURKE, in OPE HOU or [At 2.30 PM. Ty L. * 18130 P.M. Daily Polite Vaudeville Five Reel Feature Film Gladys Coburn, in the | Coming--Monday, Tuesday, 21 A Five Reel Feature Film Leave orders at Mean) THEDA BARA, in eh- | "A Fool There Was - | A great deal of water-tabling is | " + 9 | > : ' | being done on, the streets by oity ! Gloria 8 Romance. | corporation laborers in preparation | | the records, ete, | real, on Thursday morning, | Capt. 8. E. Thompson, | Thomas P<" Thompson, inspector, who is home son on will i ther, return to France duri ARMED NEUTRALITY BILL BEFORE HOUSE Motion Picture Spectacle J U- 8. Congress May Hojd k» Session to Face thé War Crisis. | (Special to the Whig.) Washington, March 1.--Admi applause from various parts of the Chamber, the House of Represent tives this afternoon adopted a ru for consideration of the armed neu- trality bill by a unanimous viva voc vote. A war strain ran beneath ti | ate. "Tn th in both House and Se ate, J likely. | said: "This may be the greatest cris {in the history of our country. It the duty of Congress to be here i {our seats to face it." { AMENDED THE BILL | Granting Exemption of Taxes t Kingston Institutions. steamboat a brief | visit owing to the illness of his mo- xtra In the Senate notice was given | that an extra session of Congress was Senator Thomas of Colorado of his term as Ger- | man Consul for this district to Benj liR. 1seli, Swiss Consul General, Mont- of Aladdin ng Artists 25 -- Song Hits -- 25 leautiful Girls, Haunting Melodi + Magnificent Costumes, Oriental Scenery. st 75¢; Children 25¢. a Evening 25, 50, 75¢, $ Seats Now On Sale. is is n ~ Today Daniel Frohman Presents 0 Moore, in heystone Comedy and Other Good Ree CONTINUOUS | Per formance Wednesda, And his wonderful Lamp with a cast of 35 English Prices: Mat. 25, 35, 50c, GRIFFIN'S Irene Fenwick and Owen HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1917. RA JSE | ' ther | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RAT First insertion, 1¢ a word. Each cc 39 | secutive insertion therea {| cent a word. Minimum | ome imsertion, 25¢; three insertio 0c; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED SIH ¥ People's Forum a LLL oo » half arge for PAGE'SEVEN ---- T HE, vm ] gui FINANCIAL | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST Sogiety: incorporated B Colonel H.R - r WW. F ES A FOUND RL en A STRIN peads ns, OF PEA ROSARY 1 Ks ago G ® Sts. Owr m at Whig Office And Other Photoplays. on SMART BOY, APPLY COLLEGE I AE Ii 1863; i | Stencys' want millinery ap- % prentices; niso a smart girl for 4 parcel desk: nino smart hoy. + IA GENERAL desiring apply to MAID, COOK AND vant. Will any place as abode please Matron ingston Day Nurs Cor. Ba and Ordndnce 8 Several positions heed filling once FER + speed deeded fede sde cleo desfodedededodefesde spoof SER- th | for the spring thaw, which is about | | D suman» A DocToRs-13Srnl MENT ox 1 1 due. 1 re ee RR Ra may n hi Clarence St. Kingstor Robept Meek gave an address on| Prices Always the Same. | A NURSE GIRL. APPLY 44 FRON- at oy ED y 7 | Xo {wa i " bi : sirst | Matinee 10 Evening 10e; tenae strevt \ t Mahood's Drug Store LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | "Our Flag" to the 0ys of the First Any Sent [ Reserved, Se Extra . = Fire Insu Company. Avadlable | Grade of the Boys' Work Association | -- |A DAY PORTER AT ONCE, AT PRINCE FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. | Ss $6LIKT.215. In addition to | at the Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday even- | George Hotel. - - | » policyholders have for ' | Ing, Sat March 3rd! \ NIGHT PORTER. APPLY AT TISED FREE ot Br iowear See she fancy Baldwin apples, only - i Frontenac Hotel Anyone finding anything and He ATI ¢ a basket, at Carnovsky's. s | . ---- : wishing to reach the owner may usiness get Mis N. roierer, sraduate nurse | Matinee 2.305 Evg. 8.15 impor xyrrwwm we [| 1550 io rach WE SL a Sia, who was called home* some weeks Return Engagement Steger a The sh Whig. The adver. | 2 y Pr pa ts, who were 3 a A |ago to attend her paren . r ! ----------ces " lar 3) 1 > | seriously ill in Chichester, has re- F. Stuart Whyte's 4 APANLE SESDHAL SERVANT. No loge articles ate at in. . 10 LET . ps i < > TR p St oS Aatile, POTRES, $800 turned to Kingston 'Or 1 Pantomime guired. Apply Mrs. A. R. B. Wil- etc, These, if lost, may be ad- CLARENCE ST, CHAM. $800 | F. 8. 8. Johnson turned over all Hamson, 240 Kin : vertised for in the "Lost" column. Iv 1 B. Cunningham t nN APPLY Ideal FURNISHED 261 « BED ROOWMS, Over 4 * BUSINESS NOTICE: sidelgnt SHOEING -- pPURDY tr -- 1 - AND | TWO UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHED Blacksmiths, trall sener | rooms, centrally cated. Apply to ad _ Streets i Office 2 An ess NGS, ALL MOD- rv WANTED GENERAL 17 and 175 rT SY | pply Waese's Art HOUSE WITH GARDEN OR ) ARD, OX | street or befire 'May . 1st; Rent I MOL ex- | Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can se- cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good wages paid to beginners. Apply at office Dominion Textile Co., Cataraqui street. es, 1. ling $i6 00, Hemsl y s ol STORAG FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, t : { 1 roms; your own lock and ! key at's City 299 A FARM OF ABOUT 150 ACRES oR | Queen edt. Phone 989 more to rent with privilege oF buying parc rs in repdy | FARM OF ACRES TO RENT ON to Box Vg Office shares: | and stock: 3 wan. near Barrie i. Draper, on prem- -- ---- miles from Ki SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | field. Apply R for cash or in part payment of new i8es. Pianos and Victrolas, ©. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess stroet | FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. eet terete een. pea} out board Rooms, steam-heated; NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE Youn! all cou viences, near Locomotive bicycle repatred, cleaned and stor. | Works and Shipyard 4 pply 32 ed for winter 3 ly tended to AH orders promjp » street. Phone 190 Phone rooms and Apply 41 Divis 6 uted. iston stree kon street, in 1032, or cal 2 : a at «( Muller, 373 King St [TO LET OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER FOR SALE ained farm, »s from King- THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOST PATENTS Sy : eo eters Load butidings little. Once, 25c; three times 50c; [ a mae. fall ploughing complet- ie ah a hree times 50c BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade | ed . Apply R. H. Fair, Kingston one phe i marks, designs. Bstab. 1877. Forme| . on 2S, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY | erly Patent Office Examiner. Master | -- : 3 a SE I LS ND TL Patan Lace bsaminer, ) Pro- | OFFICE ON WELLINGTON STREET, ny street tection" free 99 St. James St, Mont-| cupled yy Mr. i Laturney, two a w : r Branches: Ottawa, W ashington. | lec u Bh light aa hot a. "J hl F 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES | ==--==t-- =o Sm sme | ar) Do ssion 1st ) 1 h 3 hg Kingston Apply Geo. Gib- ARCHITECT { ee guirea, Apply Wo L. son, R. R. No. 1, Cataraqui, Ont ' $ t = WH AEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI.| NEw HOUSE, NPLSON STREST NEAR DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV- fects, ete. "Ofices, 268° Bagot Si.| Mack St. containing 3 rooms. hoi Phone 608, lights, plumbing Rent $25 POWER & SON, ARCHITE TS, « open ion immediately, GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELV Is 67 Clarencé street, Kingston. chants Bank Building, Broce wh. J. K. Carroll, 58 Brock é and Wellin street | 2 {SEecial io the Whig) i "C I 1 d P . "» tions Or hated, 3 a Bp oh i oronto, March '1.--The granting one slan rincess cash a 00 per week. H : Q . \ 5 : : | of exemption of taxes to the Y. M. C. . y Lindsay, 14d. 121 Princess Street FOR SALE OR TO LET PERSONAL A. and Y..W. C. A. of Kingston met TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA] --T---- eee g ; . ! y Eo AR OR SALE ™ INT | with some opposition in the Private 'The Shieldin Shado ' street; modern; near Union St. car|® Ly Rr de TL ig RENT. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS { Bi ; It g Ww line. Owners desirous of selling tC De us garage or stable . BS, : y | Bills Committee this morning. MUTUAL WEEKLY at once Apply McLeod's Drug Apply 386 Alfred street 1 all growths and skin blem- jwas pointed out that the bill from * EE Store. >." y ---- shes removed permanently, with- {8t. Thomas for the same thing had ro. NS " To rn or FARM QONSINTING oF _ 1x3 AChE, but scar; 3 Leurwex eHence, Dr ' é Prices: Matinee 10c: Evening 15¢. | SOLID BRICK 0 INCE, 1 ith Concessic of Township of a hin. ahr, Nose, | been amended by the inclusion of thé ren a IR JOE a Brock street, eleven rooms; in Kingston, 10 miles from Kingston Throat, and Skin - Specialist, 258 {words "except for dormitories, bed- first class wondition, and all mod- 25 acres, fall ploughing completed. Bagot street. {rooms and other rooms used for com- ern improvements. Possession well 'watered and wooded. For par- | mercial purposes." The committee May 1st. Apply 147 Divisfon St. Hsdlncs appty, to XG C. Mec. BUSINESS CHANCES | i , 470 'Albert street, King. SINESS A) | were agreeable to this being added ER -------- on rt t, King {to this: bill and that the principle . : tenac street, 10 rooms, hot water |==-= INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST [should be adhered to. The bill was Thurs., Fri., and Sat. heating, deep lot; possession May FURNITURE FINISHING Pleacemt until you read Successful | Apply m. J. J el, oT. 2 " 2 2 "inance, and learn how fortunes then reported. VAUDEVILLE Earl and Alfred streets, or 92 - are' made and lost by Investors . Frontenac street. - Pr. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. Free trial subscription Success. DEVELOPED INTO ROUT. Feature Photoplay Sta Hg : : er.: Call or drop a card. 23 John ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St. | D h : : DRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN street. Chicago. | orot; y isn, In smart ocotintiy. village; store 2- ; Remnants of Turks to Reach Bagdad po . = 43 storey and Iatge cellar: all Bret Quite Disorganized. The Little Yank. class condition, $1,000 Jo wind up Se an estate, quick. G. A. Bat ly (8pecial to the Whig.) | London, March 1.--It was an {nounced 'in the Commons to-day tha | the Turkish re [had developed into a rout, and rem nants of the Turkish forces woul reach Bagdad in a disorganized mob Vast quantities of guns, munitions | have been taken. a ---- | German the Official Language. London, March Telegraph hagen despatch from says: to twelve divisions, five Czech, four will thus be unable further to sur- press the use of the German langu- Norwegian, 1,565 toms. ked Broadstairs. Atti (Spécial to the Whig.) London, March 1.-- Broadstairs, in Kent. county, was bombarded by 'a 'German aeroplane early this morn- ing, and one woman was hurt. This town was attacked by a destroyer last week. Uanada Steamships. Montreal, March 1. -- Canada Steamships, Limited, reports a _great year in a stat t just i d. Op- erating revenue for the, year is in excess of $4,069,545, and profits above charges, $2,391,027. -------------- Montreal Has the Measles. Montreal, March 1.--Since the be- ginning of the year the city of Mont- real has had over 1,500 cases of measles, 444 cases being n rted for the week ending Feb. 17 » two being fatal. All the suburban cities are full of the disease. all ~ PROBATIONERS WANTED For the White Plains Training for Nurses. 1 {storea and thousands more prisoners 1.--~--An Exchange Copen- "It is learned from Vienna that the work of organizing the new Austrian state policy con- tinues. According to the proposals, j Lhe German language will be the of- ficial language of Austria. The King- dom of Bohemia is to be divided in- German and three others. The Czeshs age." FINEST -- FANCY Ships isk To-day SEEDED (Special the Whig.) London, Maréh 1.--The following RAISINS ships are listed to-day as sunk: Clan are hed in Farquhar, British, 5,863 tons; Gal- pac gorin Castle, British, 1,696 tons; Marie, French, 192 tons; Sjortad, RED $12,000,000; net earnings, ; » Matinee 10e; Evenings 10e, ide, - t Seats Reserved, Phone 195, trae eet etree. MOTOR CYCLE, 19186 MODEL, POWER- treat in Mesopotamia : THE GRIP OF EVIL Showing the Real Side Feataring Jackie Saunders and of March 7th and 8th. BONNER'S __CARTONS. 'Insist on the RED = ket Square Saturday morning at 11.70, WM, MURRA 3 A iT \ Master Plot In Fourteen Chapters, Humanity. Roland Bottomley Coming Wed. and Thur. Two horses will be sold on the Mar- Plus, twin cylinder, side car, elec- tricdlights, speedometer; in No. 1 condition. Snap for quigk buyer. Good reason for selling. Apply to 54 Queen street. : ges, and all kindg of new and sec- ond hand furniture. 'We are also apen vo buy evemything in the above lines. J. Thompson, 337 Phone 1600. MARE, Jersey grade oom- large Lo, Princess street, | ONE WELL BRED DRIVING five year old; four grade cows, 1 new milker; three Holsteins; four good calves ing one year old; seven shoats or pigs; two brood sows, W. Lake, Sydenham, Ont. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST. ing of 300 acres, being the north nie of Lot 13 in 10th Con. of Stor- rington, and Lot 12 in 11th Con, of said township. For price amd terme apply to Tsaar" Holder or George Holder, Box 56, Battersea, Ont. . ---- ------------------------------ tt LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU. ches, stoves, men's dlathing; ako new upholstered chairs; military harness, shoes, leather straps! Na- tional Cash Register. We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur. niture 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess street. Phone 1237. SERRA EEPRPIPPP SREP S000 tg he ime yA Ep Two Automobiles and one ¢ + + dition. Electric lights and # + starters; slmost new. Prices # & right; good reasons for selling. + + Apply J. H. Davis, Saxon Dis- # + tributor, Davis Dry Dock Com- jo : xX 2 A BESTAURANT INMING A GOOD PAY. * ing business, CEMENT BLOCK HOUSE. § rooms, al] improvements, except furnace, deep lot. . $00, BRICK, SEMI-DETACH new, improvements, tion, \ DOUBLE FRAME WOU i Tot, rents = on Lventment PRICK VENEER, NEARLY new, all latest Improvements; hot water heating, Hardwood floors and barn; good > ED, central loca etable. I LHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. "Girls Wanted rrr uA For clean, light work learning. Th ; highest wages while ose wishing steady employ- ment, apply at Bm NA et i KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED." King Street West rE s - WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. » or Sheet Iron Work, Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE C Kingston i emp O., LTD. to Ontario YN Is Your Furniture Insured? 'Do you know that fire insurance covering fur- niture and personal effects costs only about 2 cents 'per month for each $100 insured? : "i Have the good sense to see us not covered. right away if you HOUSES IN ALL PARTS oF city; at good investments. TIngur- 5 > &nce and money to loan. G. A, . .y Ba #1 Clarence Stre 3 R-------- ~5 L LEGAL DENTAL A ence street, Kingston == 3 - A. BE. K n SL aNemAN, BARRIS Office, 158 and salicttor. Law office, 79 Care | "02. i. Bi, LDS, DD NAPP, 8. Princess street. Phpne DR.'J. LEOYARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Bagot streets - Phone 626. MR, SWAINE 1S. PREPARED TO Do piauo and Pipe Png asd repairing. ors mt c- | Auley's, or Tel 544. Sa PRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, BEv. ini Two Beauties in MAHOGANY 1 round table: 1 partor sofa; alse a took §.1 stoves 'TURK'S, Phone 705 who ints, 159 Wellington street, (3 Dewar a LDS.{ aswistan:. e ho and heaters, nt An eccentric woman is one prefers comfort to style, . -