/ - Nature Calls for Sweets | Candies in excess cause our diges- tive organs to rebel. So do also all KINGSTON RED (Continued from Page 3.) . cloths, 12 sheets. kinds of food... The big fact is thal dmonton---108 abdominal 109 i 'k sweets in moderation are a necessity. : tri ing ilar bandages : Pa Br hurch, Port h " some of these hands cha ed, iangular di g Bes : : - St. ohn 8 « hure . rtsmout » La- Maple and Chocolate Fadge . 30¢ Ib, Shou Sand pug > oh Alumnae: Niltvor uly ig bhp Ds mighuahirs. : J p " " pad r 5 . Matsdvons el 0c ib. bleed Sig Bp Lg St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, dhe Hin Red Cross workers--(a) Mane che. striped tight? Have you a cold sore, Windsor---150 pads, 16 quilted and} g pigntshirts, 3 pair pyjamas, 1 doz- . caramels « «1x B0c Ibs frost bite, or chilblains, which 360 pads -- herohi pads, 5 pneumonia jackets; Mrs, . at times makes it agony for you Bruce avenue Japtist church] McBroom, 3 bandages; Mrs. T, H. These are sure to captivate a sweet to go about your duties 7 IM so, Windsor---%50 pads, 12 lap Gillespie, 5 bandages, 2 operation tooth on the first trial, Zam-Buk will give you relief, towels, 275 sponges, 200 swabs, 264 socks, 1 H. shirt; Mrs. R.' John- and will heal the frost-dagaged pads : ston, 1 army shin, 1 suit pyjamas, 2 skin. Odessa Red Cross--18 face cloths, CO. P. H. BAKER & Miss B. Strojsa, of East Hans 36 itlow Sunes; 4 Dap bed yoke, 42 Phone 141; 302 King St: | | fora. N, writes: "My nands | | vo{r pyjamas, £3 pair socks. were 80 badly chapped | was un- Be am J ir r Work Done by Societies HTX | | LEAL able 1g Put $Me in Water. All Sunbury Red Cross workers--(a) e t 1 \ SYSTEM Jomedics Jalsa to Joa unth 4 7 abdominal bandages, 4 pneumonia Cp LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE | | with this balm completely nesied jackets, 1 hightshirt. (b) 44 abdom-1,, h og ** inal bandages, 87 bandages, 3 night- In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. | the sores, shirts, 3 pair socks, 6 hot water bot- Tralus will jeave hud arrive oe City Zam-Buk heslsduts, burns. brulses, tle covers (¢) 19 abdominal bind- Depot, foot of Johnson street. cures eczema, piles, chapped hands, : Vi Ita . » GOING WEST cold sores, frost bites, and sil skin ers, J nightshirts, 2 pair woolen Lve. City Arr. City discsses and injuries. Kefuse sub- socks, 16 pneumonia jackets. No.19 Mal) .. . .. 1} 20 a.m. 12.57 am. stitutes. At all druggists and stores, Cataraqui ladies-- (a) 24 opera- No. 13 Express , ., 268am. 3.35am #0: box. . . 2 AEBLSITtS parr No. 27 lwocat , . 640am. 7.12pm. . tion socks, 3 ghts . Pp r No. @ Intern']l lad, l4lpm. 2.12pm J socks. (b) 46 cotton wool pads, 82 No. 7'Mail . ..... 3.04pm. 3.40pm * operation socks Cataraqui Red ; City Cross--4 dozen operation s#@cks, 2 A a.m pair socks, 1 dozen hot water bottle : am er aak i : 3 «ve 1 covers, 1 pair pyjamas, 6 nightshirts. Interns 'Lad. 1358 Dn iim Princess street church Red Cross Local | S48 pm. T.22 PMO | smn mn 25 pneumonia jackets, 1 pad, 7 Other No. 1 ? 5 $, 7. 13, 14. 16, 18, 19 Jun dally crutch pads, 2 pair socks, Taishi daily SC toLiy ngaY. boro, Princess street church Ladies' Aid Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detrolt 23 pneumonia jackets, 18 dress- Chicago, Bay Cry, Saginaw, Montreal ngs, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, . I 2S. Marys Saw Circle--4' pais Halifax, Boston and New York. : 2 St, Mary's He ing ir --- Ph Fou Pullman Accommeodation, Tle- The Polishing Cloth for pyjamas, 2 pair socks. et ali other information, apply All Metals Spencerville Women's Institute-- le J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. . 6 suits pyjamas, 11 pair socks, 13 Cor, Johason and Ontario Streets, Alwafw yeady for use; nothing to | hospital shirts, y JRingaten, Ont. spill, won't dry or injure the hands. | Algonguin Women's Institute--I6 AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM- | A real friend for the soldier, Sold at jarmy shirts, 18 nightshirts, 8 suits 0 he Er ciephane » ' Priamas, 4 pair socks, Institute--15 wen Day ana Night Teiephune 3) Shanly Jomen's Institute--15 - Thompson 8 Grocery army shirts, 12 pyjamas, 24 nigit- 204 Princess Street, "Phone 387 ne shirts, Cooke's church lar bandages. » ) » . i Cooke's Y.P. Society--10 dozen a eS ul S triangular bandages. LR Cooke's church Ladies' Aid--(a) CANADIAN SERVICE, : LONDON to HALIFAX | you? spring suit you wilt save 25%. | (CJA STO RIA (Via Plymouth) Also skirts and Dresses made to meas For Infants and Children sure for very low prices. HALIFAX to LONDON . 3 (OCnlling Falmouth to land passengers) New York Skirt & Suit In Use FOrQver 30 Years For particulars of sallings and rates, Co. ways » apply to Local Agents or to The Robert 8 ture of PR aut dmited, Genera) Agents, 10 203 Wellington Street. -5 dozen triangu- ~~ Low Fares and ToAllPoinsin 1 hrough Tickets WesternCanada and the Pacific Coast Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains." To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- tion Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Pas- senger Deyt., 68 King St. E., Toronto. VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN On Grounds of Patriotism and Good Business-- Save for he New anadianVVarLoan Our services are free and we shall gladly answer any enquiries. MONTREAL BRANCH " ° Canada Life Building : . RW. Swede - Mange HEAD OFFICE : t AP tig 26 KING STREET EAST LONDON, ENG. BRANCH . ' eo. 2 Austin Friars TORONTO A. L Fullerton. Mansger 1 a Cloyne Red Cross--3 shirts, § i CROSS nightshirts, 1 abdominal bandage. 43 pillow covers, 900 mouth wipes, 1 abdominal bandage, 6 operation 400 face cloths, 31 Turkish towelling{ coats, 3 pyjamas and 2 dozen pads. pair; Miss Margaret O'Brien, 6 pairs; | night and 14 army ent. : ad irae Hrs Dun, 12; Mrs. ) Wristdetss--Miss Grief, - 1, pair; Misses Fisher, 1 pair. \ 5 hospital nightshirts; 13 pneumonia jackets. (b) 5 nightshirts, 11 pneu- monia jackets, Miss Huyp's SS. class--10 many- tailed bandages. St. George's Cathedral Mission-- Maple Leaf Circle, Perth Road, 4 bandages; Mrs. Archie McKendry, 1 suit pyjamas, 1 hospital shirt, 1 army shirt, 2 bandages; Mrs, H. Johnston, 1 bandage, 1 pair operation socks, 2 hospital 'shirts, 1 pair socks, 1 suit pyjamas; Mrs. Segsworth, 6 pair op- eration socks; Mrs. T. Giilesple, 2 air operation socks; Mrs. E. Acton, 1 pair socks, 2 hospital shirts; Mrs. R. Acton, 1 pair soeks;. Mrs, Fred Garrett, 2 pair socks, 1 army shirt, 1 suit pyjamas, 2 hospital shits. Mrs. Weir, 1 army shirt, 1 suit py- jamas, 3 bandages, 3 H. shirts; Mrs. Morrison, 1 H. shirt, 4 bandages; Mrs. J. Donaldson, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Carey, 6 pairs operation socks; Ella M. Johnston, 4 bandages. Godfrey---16 Ni. shirts, 12 pairs socks," 4 army shirts, 14 suits py- jamas. . Miss Allan's Class 27, Queen's Street church--28 pneumonia jackets, 1,100 eye pads. Ladies' Aid, Latimer--8 pyjamas, 12 N. shirts, 1 army shirt. St. Luke's Serving Guild--1 pair socks. Zion Church Girls' Own Circle-- 25 pads, Pine Hill Branch Red €ros--2§ suits pyjamas, 14 gowns, Sand Hill Red Cross---2 hospital shirts, 111 bandages, 4 pairs knitted socks, 10 pairs operation socks, 41 pads. . Ladies, Collins . Bay--15 night shirts, 4 crutch pads, 2 pairs socks. Milburn Public: School--1 dd abd. bandages. The Gordon Hamilton Clib, Glen- vale--20 night shirts, 2 pairs py- jamas. Sydenham Street church, Miss Mooney's Class--125 bandages. Westbrook Women's Institute--15 operation ' socks, 7 night shirts, 7 abd. bandages, 12 pyjamas. nbn, ~ Donations, Miss J. Brown, 1 pair operation socks; Mrs. H. Hartman, 1 pillow; Mrs. H. Crumley, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Alfred Light, 20 bandages. Ladies of Collins Bay--12 com- fort bags (money donated for these by Grand Trunk Employees' Associa- tion, Belleville district), Sunbury Red Cross--2 feather pil- lows. Murvale--3 pairs socks, 6 shirts, 1 pair bed socks. Mrs. Richmond--1 pair socks; Mrs. Tandy, 2 pairs socks. Spencerville Women's Institute-- 2 pairs pillows. in Bay View Women's Institute, Col- lins Bay--16 pairs socks. Mrs. J. 8. Johnstone, 1 pair socks. Algonquin Wemen's Institute=--29 pairs socks. Mrs. Jordan, old cotton; Miss E. Mowat, 11 scrap books, 2 stories, 16 dozen mouthwipes, 2 cushions; Miss Macnee, 1 pair socks; Waddell Class, Olivet Sunday school, Selley's Bay, 2 dozen hospital shirts; Women's In- stitute, Selley's Bay, 15 hospital night shirts, 6 pairs pyjamas; Mrs. Gummer, 1 scarf. Battersea Red Cross--8 pillows, 6 pillow cases, 1 night shirt, 18 D. bandages, 34 gauze bandages, 9 pairs socks, 11 abd. bandages, 1 bandage, 1 many-tailed bandage. Glenburnie--6 towels, 5 pairs socks, 17 night shirts, 13 pyjama suits, tp Work Done, Socks--Miss Strange, 1 pair hos- pital; Miss Hines, 2 pairs; Mrs. T. C. Wilson, 1 pair; Mrs. Wooley, 1 pair; Mrs. Ferguson, 1 pair; Miss Mary Gates, 3 pairs; Mrs, Stuart, 1 pair; Mrs. R. Crawford, 2 pairs; Mrs. D. Murray, 2 pairs; Mrs. F. Conway, 2 pairs; Mrs. A, Ellis, 1 pair; Miss Going, 1 pair; Mrs. D. Donaldson, 6 pairs; Mrs. J. K. Robertson, 1 pair; Mrs. T. C. Wilson, 1 pair; Miss Ire- land, 1 pair; Mise Duff, 1 pair; Mrs, Chambers, 1 pair; Mrs. Raysom, 1 pair; Mrs. Finkle, 1 pair; Mrs, A. Glover, 2 pairs; Mrs. J. Johnston, 2 pairs; Mrs. Bateman, 1 pair; Mrs. Bates, 1 pair; Mrs. Donnelly, 1 pair; Mrs. E. J. Lake, 1 pair; Mrs. Walker, 1 pair; Miss Isabel Walker, 1 pair; Mrs. Wooley, 2 pairs; Mrs. McGill, 1 pair; Mrs. T. G. Smith, 4 pairs; Miss Connell, 2 pairs; Mrs. Inman, 2 pairs; Miss Fisher, 4 pairs; Miss L. Fleming, 1 pair; Miss Grier, 1 pair; Miss Ross, 1 ppir; Miss Hines, 1 pair; Mrs. Swain, pair; Mrs. McGoff, 2 pairs; Miss Redmond, 3 pairs; Miss Macmillan, 4 pairs; Mrs. Taylor, 2 pairs; Mrs. E. W. Henderson, 1 pair; Mrs. R. Crawford, 1 pair; Mrs. J. § Johnson, 2 pairs; Mrs. Harris, 1 pair; Mrs. J. C. Connell, 2 pairs; Mrs. H. Bower, 2 pairs; Miss Conley, 1 pair; Mrs. A. Ellis, 1 pair; Mrs. pairs; Mrs. Cornett, 1 pair; Misses Lyman, 2 pair; Mrs. M. Elliott, 1 pair; Mrs. Slade, 1 pair; Misses Fos- ter, 2 pairs; Miss Crisp, 1 pair; Miss Ross, 1 pair; Miss M. Macdonnell, 1 pair; Mrs. Price, 1 pair; Mrs. Hughes, 1 pair; Mrs. Boyce, 1 pair; Mrs. T. C. Wilson, 1 pair; Mrs. Earle, 2 pairs; Mrs. Wooley, 3 pairs; Mrs. Blake, 2 pairs; Mrs. Glover, 2 pair; Miss M. Kirkpatrick, 2 pairs; Miss L. Fleming, 1 pair; Miss Bureau, 1 Mrs. C, Walker, 2 pairs; Mrs. M, Reid, Aaleir Miss Richmond, 1 pair; Miss , 1 pair. ital Shirts--NMrs. Gratton, 1 ra i Miss L. O'Brien, 1 night shirt; Mrs. Holland, 4 army: Mrs. 39 Bandages--Mprs. J. Toland, 3 ab- dominal; Miss Mowat, 3 T.; Mrs. Ayerst, 3 dozen tria.; Mrs. Holland, 6 abdominal. McGill, 1 pair; Miss. Cunningham, 2} : IN CANADA 5 for potatoes, 'This is what they have | Cundrd Company. It was announced price, as they were $5.25 a bag | Company in fifty years, hem Steel Company, at Sparrow's THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. r= PAGE ELEVEN © 'Sewing Machines, Ume brailas, Suit Cases, Tunis. Saws filled, Knives and honed. Al makes of fires Locks repaired; x fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers 149 Sydenham Street Rubbers To Fit All Styles of Shoes Ladies' Rubbers, High Heels. Ladies' Rubbers, Low Heels Ladies' Rubbers, Medium Heels Ladies' Dark Tan Rubbers Ladies' White Rubbers Men's, Boys', Girls' & Children's Rubbers 'RUBBER BOOTS Best Grade. . A Bad Sign 'WEREVER you see a road annually . closed to traffic--you may know that the taxpayers of the community through which it passes arg paying for somebody's folly. For it is folly---nothing short of it--to build a road that has to be continually repaired. You cannot excuse it on the plea of ignorance--for we now know a better way. We know the economy and satisfaction to be derived from Permanent ie Highways of Concrete . Are you taking your part in the agitation for such highways? Are you preparing yourself toan- swer intelligently when asked, "What kind of a road shall we have?' Preparedness to meet this great issue squarely and fairly, requires that you become posted. The short route to complete knowledge of all that Concrete Highways mean, is furnished by usin our Road Books. These will be sent free to anyone who will take the trouble to address a post-card request to Canada Cement Company, Limited 61 Herald Building 1: Montreal "CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE" | Potatoes 90 Cents, Peck, Point announced today that it had Niagara Falls, March 2.--To-day | received contracts for two cargo grocers here asked 90 cents a peck | Ships of 10,000 tons each from the beén in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Dealers | that these ships are the first to be here Said they bad te have that | built in this country for the Cunard wholesale. Nothing succeeds like success un- less it is the way some failuges fail. When fame comes to the average man it frostg upon his monument. To Build Cunard Steamers. Baltimore, March 2.--The Bethle- PA A A AA A A AA AA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA "What's the row?" tl "No row--I dropped G "a piece of rt = 1% 1.0) 2 Soldiers 'Cheer It Because It Cheers Them This delicious, refreshing, long-lasting : sweetmeat is a boon to the Soldier in the trenches" and the Sailor on the seas. It relieves fatigue, allays thirst, 4 2 provides a most agreeable an- 1 tiseptic for mouth and throat. Send some to your boy. Wm. Wi Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., - ; Toronto ' Pyjamas-->Mrs. Phelan, 1 pair. % ON 0, PATEK §