Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1917, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR °° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. 0 blished Dail mE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED. . Sune tben Yaa Prosident Sat id .. Managing Director and Sec.-Treas. J Leman A. Guild . Telephones! Business Office 243 Editorial Rooms Job Office ..77..... 2 SUBSC OR RATES (Daily Edjglon) One year, delivered in" city i One year, if paid in advance . $3 One year, by mall to rural offices $2.50 One year, to United States cee 32.5 et. Weekay Edition) One year, by mail, eash ........ 1.00 One year, if not paid in advance $1.50 One year, to United States ...... 1.50 dix and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRESENTATIY BE W. Bruce Ow St. Peter St TORONTO Ris ives F. C. Hoy, . T ank Bldg. UNITED BEATS "REPRE ENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, Fifth Ave, New Y ork ¥.R.Northrup, 0 Ass'n Bldg , Chicago Attached Is one of the best job printing offices in Canada. pi. The eireulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is suthenticaied by the . C Audit Bureau of Circulations. CANADA'S AMAZING WEALTH. "The finance minister is asking, through the various patriotic clubs, for a championship of the thrift policy which he has advocated in geveral publit addresses, There is now hbeforé the people the plan of aiding the government through the subscriptions by all, who can afford to buy the bonds of small denomina- tion. They can be procured through any of the banks, and will yield the buyer $14 upon over $100 for three years, nearly five per cent. per annum. The rate at any ae branéh of the bauks or post- is only three ped cent. So that it pays to buy the war scrip, and each pur chaser contributes his or her mite to the success of the war. © No one discounts the pl&et of tht army in the great struggle of the day. Bfit next to the army, and ranking in a sense the equal of it, are the people who give of their savings * towards the financing of the war. Sir Thomas White made this point clear in his address before the Board of Trade in Toronto some time ago. He said that the balance of trade, at the beginning of hostilities, was $300,000,000 against Canada, and Canada paid in interest, on account of its borrowings in England, be- tween $150,000,000 and $175,000, 000 per annum, In one year the balance of trade was-reversed, and Canada was paying thei nterest on her loans out of the excess of ex- ports over imports. In addition $100,00,000 were put on deposit by the people in 1815. The deposits in 1916 amounted to %200,000,000. The government and the banks gave the imperial government credit to the extent of $250,000,000, and there was still money uninvested in Can- ada, and more of it than any one could 'estimate. Sir Thomas White, in one of his addresses, said that the American people" had beén amazed and mnon- plussed by the wealth of Canada. Where did the money come from? No one could imagine there was so much of it in the Dominion. . The finance minister appealed the more readily to the money savers for fur- ther investment for two reasons. The expenditure in Canada on account of munitions was $1,000,000 a day. This expenditure would be continued and increased as loug ds Canada 'helped the Mother Country in fin- ancing the enterprise, and he was most hopeful of success in connec- gon with the new loan of $100,000,- 000 or $150,000,000 which would be launched presently, The government securities have the call for the time being, because th war makes this necessary, and the while the govern- ment can sel its securities to yield in interest 5.40 or 5.60 no thers need be put on tie market. or Bethmann-HoHweg is insulting to- wards President Wilson. The Chan- cellor says the president of the Unit- ed States is the factotum of the Allies. All his notes and cats sug- gest the contrary. : GERMAN-MEXICAN PLOT. An ambassador that can serve Ger- many successfully is the one who can, in a dignified maner, reflect the mind of his government in interna- tional matters, or deliver the mes- sages that can reconcile governments on certain' perplexing points. The revelations from Mexico, and re- specting the conspiracies of the Ger- man government, would amaze one if. velopments of Wilson had it when Von Bernstorff first approached him as an ambassa- dor, and then as a man, to plead for the exerc isjng of his power in avoid- ing a break between the United States and Germany. How the Presh| dent refrained from unmasking him | or submitting him to the violence ot his countrymen, under the circum- stances, it is difficult to understand. The fact is that Germany's last card---of inducing Mexico and Japan to invite hostilities with the United States and merit the special consid- | eration of Germany in the final set-) tlement and division of spoils--mis- carried, and America is tolerably| safe to-day. One can appreciate the | J impatience of Von Bernstorfl to get away from the United States when | the exposure came. He had reason | to expect that the Mexican-Japanese | conspiracy would be exploded, and] he would know, as never before, | what trespass upon the war zone meant. The Admiralty say they captured | more German submarines in Febru- | ary than in any previous month dur-| ing the war. Why not give the num- ber? What is the meaning of all| this secrecy with regard to these de-| tails? | THE SWARMING OF TEACHEUS The Education Department has had a superannuation plan before it for some time. It has been carefully studied by representatives of the teaching profession. ~ Something is | desired which will fare better than thé uperannuation system that end- ed some years ago because it was in- adequate and defective. Like most systems of the kind anl having its origin in what one was facetiously referred to as "prehistorie times," (or tines when precise informaiton was not available), its incompleteness was the min of it. In suggesting a more definite scheme and one resting upon a sound foundation, it is argued that if put in operation it will grow in useful- ness. This depends upon a general approval by all who will be parties to it, and it has failed, for some rea- son, to win the support of many of the younger teachers. Without. an analysis of the votes the actual facts cannot be aScertained, but it is as- sumed that the scheme or-system has not been endorsed by many because they are not deeply interested in it. All teachers do mot qualify for she profedsion, and for a lite work. Per- haps not so much as formerly, and yet tq a very large extent, many teach for a while only, and these are not concerned about the superannu- ation project, They d ot 'want to contribute to the funds or to worry about them. They do not expect to be beneficiaries. The result is that the referendum upon the matter has been a failure. A deputation of teachers will make a demonstration in Toronto. The idea prevails that "swarming" is the proper method of impressing school boards and councils and govern- ments, and it remains to be seen what the effect will be of the appeal which the teachers will make to the minister of education upon the subject. EDITORIAL NOTES. Let us have more sand on the icy walks. More sand will cost much less than some accidents and the worry over their settlement. Col. Williams, the chief recruiting officer, has been hurt in an accident. He has had several ribs broken. He can now sympathize with the fellows who suffer casualties at re front. The sooner a pension officer is located in Kingston, a competent head, the better for all concerned. The returned soldier is entitled t> the fullest satisfaction In: the pay- ment of his rewards. {000 Ibs, a demand and sale. Why don't the people buy up -the war bonds in denominations of $50 'and $100 more readily? There is no thing better in the 'way of a small security. The demand is growing, of course, and the city banks are now |disposing of these bonds at the rate junsold. many as to go through the eye of 2 | needle. Neverthel@ss it has beer | done. _ {higher prices for such a worthy ob i Germany acts suspiciously like the dead beat who knows that he is bankrupt and execution proof. anc oleomargaine have been United States, and most It must of ® sold in the if has ag 2 . of it has passed ag butter be a pretty good article to have such of about $5,000 a day. But there are bonds to the extent of millions yet | PUBLIC OPINION | It Can Be Done. (Boston Transcript) It is as difficult to get out of Ger What is it Anyway? (Hamilton Spectator) National service is either a mean {ingless term or all that it impljes | You pay your money and you take your choice. No One Surely. (St. Catharines Standard) Scarcity of fish in'Ganada is due tc its fmmense export to the troops over seas, But who would not endurc ject? Running Up Bills, (Toronto Gihobe) floesn't care how many more bills he runs up. 26 YEARS ACO pi 3 A prize of $40 was to-day offered at Queen's University in an elocution contest, and the students will work hard for the money. The thermometer zero during the night. plercingly cold. F. A. Bibby has moved into his new livery stable on Brock street, i dropped 'below The wind was * Legistative Snapshots. : é By Don fant. . Scott Davidson, MP.P. for North Brant. He's a roarer; the's a roarer. When he talks- : Cyclones blow, Sand flies, The Government ducks its head. This time it was for money Spent in luxuries For Government House; Relish jars and garment rods, Grate blowers and pokers, Mounting up into the hundreds. "B-r-r-r" growled Scott. The watch dog of the funds. MR. CROTHERS AND HIGH COST OF LIVING Montreal trecatd. Lib We advise our readers to watch Mr. Crothers very closely. We shall soon see if he means business. What about the sellers of coal at from $12 to $20 a ton? What about the sellers of milk at 11 cents a quart? What about the sellers of butter at 50 cents a pound, with their demands that nobody shall be allowed to eat margarine who cannot afford buttép on pain of fine and imprisonment? What about the canners' combine? What about cold storage eggs? A Municipal Coal Yard. (Toronto Mail) While Hamilton is discussing the question of possible municipal action to relieve the fuel question, scores of St. Catharines families are rejoicing | in the heat from municipal coal. /{ Mere Rubber Stamps. (Ottawa Journal) The referendum is a polical instru- ment which can be used occasionally with satisfaction. Regular use of the referendum must inevitably reduce the status of public servants to that of automatons. Any Old Way. (Ottawa Citizen) The Ontario Government is evi- What about cold storage meats? Mr. Crothers has power to deal with all these thingsand many more. Watch him. We shall soon see if he means business. But never forget--he has 5 the power, Hasn't Heard of Reduction, Toronto, March 2.--Hon. W. D. McPherson, Provincial Secretary, stated to-day that he had never heard of any suggestion to reduce the Ontario License Board from five to three members. The proposed amendments to the Ontario Temper- ance Act will . wholly relate to changes intended to make the better énforcement of the act possible. a Random Reels | "Of Shoes and Shipe and Sealin § Wax, of Cabbages and Kipgs." 4 3 LEONIDAS the rudest Greek adjectives ever] A used. Leonidas was a Spartan hero who Xerxes took the affair as a joke earned a large bronze monument by holding the pass of Thermopylae with 300 men and a shoestring. Sparta was a small, irritable coun- 4ry about the size of a Florida town site, but it was-never stepped on with any success. . The inhabitants lived on cayenne pepper and red beefsteak and practiced shwoling at a mark eight hours a day. One time Xerxes, king of Persia, decided io annex Sparta, and after rounding up a neat little army of 2,000,600 men he headed for the Grecian archi- Ppelago, which wés about in the samo place it is now. Xerxes did not get far beiora le ran into the pass of Tnermopylae, which was a short cut beiween tne mountaing wide enough to allow two thin men to pass without being tele- scoped. Here Xerxes found Leonidas drawn .up in battle array, defying until Leonidas had spitted. a few thousand Persian husbands on his trusty sword, when he decided to surround Leonidas. When the Spar- tan hero discovered this, he delivered an eloquent address to his men and charged the entire Persian army, which filled him so fu]l of arrows that be had to be pin-featherel be- fore being removed to the family vresidence, ® Leonidas' name at once became a household word, and autographs and kodak pictures of the deceased were eagerly sought after. His , death aroused so much indignation" fhat the Spartans rose up and threw Xer- Xes across the Hellespont with chag- rim written all over his proille Leonidas did not die in vain, as he had furnished the impastzioned High school graduate with some of the most livid eloglence and. weird rhetoric ever uncorked from an opera house stage. the whote Persian army in some of ing Rhymes Hon. Mr. Rogers as high 'commis- sioner of Canada in England! Su not. Canada's official representative in the Mother Country should be public life. Hon. Mr. Rogers not reached that altitude. tit a positions in the council, the school 'board, the puipit? They should be. 'If they are entitled to all the {48 of the wep they should beavis man of the highest standing in our} Are the women sii to public and hale. - . THE SOLDIER The soldier comes back from the carnage wreck; he's minus an arm and a leg and a neck; ah, never again will he swagger and swing! with a crutch and his head's in a sling. As long as he lives he will sit by his door, and tell how he waded in enemy gore, and young men will list to his harrow- ing tale, and blush that they're standing unwounded I'd rather come home\from the war in a dray, all broken, dismembered, my head shot away, sand around telling, by day and by night, that I loo praud of tec moral to ght. The solaier tomes home for a season of or valise, his jure and his wishbone were ship- and + He walks peace, he carries his legs in a body is filled with the keenest dis- will listen, their hats in their hands, ures in war strioken lands, they'll call Drove and true, they'll praise him sad is the bystanding wight who The girls turn him down and the harbor from a I see our showing. worsteds. J DRINK MORE WATER | IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat Less Meat and Take Salts For Backache or Bladder Trouble. neys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief .two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from back- ache, sick headache, dizziness, stom- ach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounceq of Jad Salts; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice," combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ- ity, also~to néutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of | irritation, thus ending bladder weak- ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who befieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trou- ble. Ba OTTAWA'S GREATEST "NEED AT PRESENT > Belleville Ontario What Cdnada needs now is a tho- rough house-cleaning at Otiawa, where the waste, extravagance and corruption in the midst of this world- trageddy of war is the mosfshocking exhibition of eold and brutal indiffer- ence to the interests of the nation that this young country has yet known. 'We might forgive Sir Rob- ert Borden his weakness, indecision and amiable inefficiency if he had not called to his counsels the very elements that have bedeviled politics in the provinces, that have set a ban on recruiting and ipronioted" anti- British sentiment in the Provines of Quebec. Even now the Conservatives have adopted the discredited Flem- ming as the federal standard-bearer in Carleton, N.B. and the equally dis- credited Garland as their standard- bearer in Carleton, Onihrio. © And there is no protest from headquart- ers at Ottawa. How long can a Government such as that hope to stand? Three Actresses Drowned. Baltimore, Md., March 2---Four persons were dréwncd, thrée of them actresses, when a tixicab containing a party of seven, plunged into the t street wharf yesterday. Chie Recruiting. Chicago, reh 2---Armly and navy recruitirk offices here to-day re- ported incr, in thé number of Applicants. The exposure of the rman in Xigue was said to hav - ed as the Stimulus. ram ¥ iin Urie¢ acid in "meat excites the kid-! SPECIAL SALE of Swif's Premium Hams All This Week Sizes 8 ibs. to 16 lbs. Price 30c per lb. JAS. REDDEN & CO. Phones 20 and 990. The Great Fnglish Tones and invigorates the gienedp makes new Blooa | Heart. ii P 2 for 85. Ha bailing Memory. Rath os! be AA] druggists il EE Sled rs THE i TOROW? 0. Ol, (Fervesh A AA "Ranks with the Strongest" 'HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE al Insurance REAL aps PEC 3 SUH Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Head Offic, 3a McLeod's Drug Store Just Received a Consign- ment of Norway Cod Liver Dil McLeod's Drug Store Brock Street. Wood's Phosphoding, | el m, ad Y vio, Sure Nervous | Debilit, Mental and in Wi } donor Lon of Energy, rv Faipitert at 1 | | | i | cor. King and Earl. ' =. -- The British Whig ne were not ready, from past eri preach as wel teach and act as [dently prepared to stumble forward, = -------------------------- 84TH YEAR ences, to accept of any surprise. or {aidermen and ustees backward, sideways whenever P------------ v evens | Shock as a common occurrence. - ee violently pushed in any direction, as Vl - When Ambassador Dumba was in John Hows: manuscript f witne prohibition and woman's en- America, as the Austrian representa- {of "Home, SV * which he jfranchise Bvment, > ar tive, and he had the connivance of [write when the.greatest poverty The Beer Question. Von Papen and Boy-Ed as arch con {sold the day for $360 at an _ (London A I spirators, there was reason to be- | auction in New York. Such Cables ea? that the By Ti sh Govern- lieve that they were hatching outia sum for t when 'written tion, net from a temperance view- mischief for the United States |wofld have made Payne think he wasingint, but from a nnage aspect through Mexico. It seems that Von|rich That's the way the sincere drinkers Bernstorff was a party to the rascal-| eg approach it too. ity and that the United States gov-| Lloyd-George will the sym ey 1] ernment has documentary evidence | pithy of the y-Saxon world in Money ia P Potatoes. to that effect. At the very time that |his bereaven He has lost The British price of potatoes fixed the Count was smirking and smiling |death the uncle who took him as by the Government is $1.17 a bag, around the White House, and play- |or phan, educated him, and put and if it ere not*that Britain needs ing the part of the gay deceiver, his on the way to distinction. Throu os res gh game was understood. {his protege that uncle became {all-|, nq jay them down here at one-half \ 1 Where was the Zimmerman létter | ous. the price as y Canadian dealers; : : Jwhich Von Bernstorfl received and ET Pree asked by i i ™ We ve rather spread ourselves this forwarded to the German representa-| Mr. Ruddick, the daly f - to " ~ cloth d tive in Mexico? It- was apparently [sioner for Canada, quotes the KING TS season on snappy clothes an we rm | intercepted and held pending the de: {erican secretary of the treasury as STON EVEN } " and Semi-Weekly by certs. President {saying that since 1902 aver 2,000. want every young fellow hereabouts to See Bibbys $18.00 Pinch, Back Suits, new overplaid, check tweeds. See Bibbys $15.00 Bud Suits, new pencil stripe cheviots. See Bibbys $20.00 Regent Suits. Form Fitting coat, soft roll lapel, straight trousers, fabrics are blue, grey and brown cheviots and plain grey. See Bibbys $15.00 Pinch Back Suits. Fancy grey cheviots. See Bibbys new $2.50 Hats. King and The Moores. See Bibbys special $5.00 Shoe Val- ues. New models, tan and black. The Dominion Fish Co. Bulk Oysters 60c and 70c a quart. : "a ANOTHER SNAP IN ROLL AND PRINT BUTTER 43c per lb. -- A ---- | THE BON MARCHE Phone 1844 Caverly and Bradshaw. Ag ~ DALY GARAGE 335 King Street. Phone 363. We furnish ayio supplies of all hed ed and stored at rea- ir work promptly stiended ~d P. Daly, Prop. AAA CRAWFORD Foot of Queen St. Phone 9 > por

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