- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917.- PAGE SEVEN } Ce INCDENTS OF THE DW GRAND SAVINGS DEPOSITS HC.L pecial Gunpowder Japan i ' : 11] tea, 25¢, 5 lbs. for $1.00, at Gilbert's. | The Battle of Life. ¥ J. H. Jarvis is confined at his ome | phe Paihe News. ¢ omedy, and Other -- 1 large Branches 55 Sirest With 8 severe attack tus Tends STA H es ) r ih AN or io : Comlug--~Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesds', =i Il | | | | | | | | | | Il Hi | | | | li | Il | | | In ee i " Mr. and Mrs. Roy Godkin, K | A Five Ree) Pentufe 5m ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES EE Mr. ar V 0 rodkin, 1 ! «© INSE 2 > H > FINANCIAL 1 ) ( onbl any time {ton, were recent visit re at the home| : rm Al 000.000 of Leo. Ma Delta THEDA BARA, in First 'insertion, 1¢ a word. Each con- Fotal Assets £73,000,00 rE or gs. 4 s > ' '" " secutive inwertion thereafter, - half- : LOAN AND INVEST. es } i $6,307,000 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 | A Fool There Was cent a word. Minimum charge forlll' FOUND | incorporated 186% weserve- Fun hia f g street. leave orders at McAul- BILLIE BURKE, . one losertion, 20¢; three Insertions, i wel H.R Smith ey"s Book Store in 0c: six $1; ome month, $2. Ndent, W. PF. Nie- 3 A STRING i Wr, Smith has purchased siz build- "Gloria' Ss Romance » HELP WANTED head a | red Mp 3 \ en, u | on Qu ¢ sireet, near Barrie . L gh © rney | tebe 8: Mortgages pur- HE | 8 through McCann's real e tate | An) Other Photoplays. | | GOOD SMART BOY, APPLY COLLEGE at Whig Office: | depen red, Ie a agency Book Store ! nd it Do A un Ae ~. . rest allowed R. C. Cartwright, Mrs. George Phillips, Kingston, | Prices Always the Same. | U NURSE GIRL. APPLY 4 FROM manager, $7 Clarence St. Are at the bed if Mrs. Arthur Smith, | Matinee 10c Evening 10e; i tenac street | -- eee eset OF her daughter, in Frankford, who is|[Any Sea = _ Renerve, Ge Extra . AT PO I Tr e------------ FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | LiveRPooL., LONDON AND GLOBE {very ill __ George H Hotel. " TISED FREE i ire Insurance Company diable ay E. Farnsworth, Newburgh, is ~ ' " te i ass ets $61,187,215. In addition to Georg € B. McKay , Manager. recovering from an operation Sat. arc Y | NIGHT PORTER. APPLY AT Wnyone finding anything and w hen ne > oli yvho ders have for : . ¢ | 1 ods aly xe ndicitis performed in the Rrontenae Hotel, wishing to eh he wher may raparty, insured at Yowest 2 30: E ) y ting the facts to 1 dobbs : rr kbd bdo | Kingston General Hospital Matinee . y vg. 8.15: DRIVER WANTED. APPLY AT GiL- hie. The =drer e rales. Before renewing TL 0 T S F Ol R S Al LE E { The Canadian Club met in the of- R E bert's Grocery, 194 Barrie streef. tisement will be printed in this i 2 ving Jew business get | fice of the secretary on Thursday af- eturn ngagement EXPRRIENCED TYPIST. APPLY Mee n Tree Shs harge : é Strange, = lite g 8 si 8 : a 3 - . es Bek und anticles," does not in- Beverly St, 09 x 118 $1900} Alber St, 33 x 100 sso | 19rkoen an g Sons ioral Du les wd F. Stuart Whyte's elvsy & Birch, Diniited, 59 Brock . 'att horses. ||! . & an ww as a ar . 'heon at an ) eis street be ad- JI Centre St, 80 x 123 $1200 | Earl St, 44 x 135 $8OO | 4 rranged. Pantomime Tr KivaeToy GE column TO LET Mr Mel ann has had several appli- € eral Hospital Apply § Ma- oe ne ® S IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. \ } i I i cations for lois already for garden- | mn ply to A. B. Cunningham, Ve have 2 acres of land in the City Limits and img. A woman with five childre n| nce stree Iving in the upper part of the city, that we can who will assist her will work some | To WAI COOK NB HoT SED WANT sell cheap. S ground Telephone 604 VANTED GENERAL | FURNISHED BED ROOMS. APPL) y 7 cess street over Ideal james H Ty atsan, Be inont ow CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT, AO HOUSE WITH GARDE: IN on YARD, os | i } is are. TY de J. BRP, nes avelock, died suddenly washing or ironing; references re- ] Val . q eX B THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY on Feb. 19th, aged sixty-seven years. quired, ADDY Mrs. A. R. B. Wil- ! 8 Pie i HOSE FINE DW ELL INGS, ALL Ju- He was father of Mr. M. Hyland, liamsan, 240 King St : ern improvements, 17 d - 56 rock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 874 Kingst py y And hi derful La SA FAarw 'or ABOUT 17 "0 ACRES on | on St West © Apply We Bro W 168 Princess street Ee EE ON rir H.C.L. special 40 oz. English pick- n 18 wonderru mp | 5 more t it , ---------------- rs Ae ------ . \g a ¢ line 20e¢ ite ; * : : IAT irls, 14 years buying. ate par rs hy : . ice. Tesular 35c line, 20¢ while they | with a cast of 35 English "neigh Rirle, 4 years to Box 227 Wihig Office WY | TTUmAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, e 9 ast, iilbert's : . of age anc v ! - ---------- key. Frost's City Storg 3 o There was no session of the police Artists cure employment at the Cotton S10¢ Tor cash or tn yrGny PIANOS, Queen stredt, Phone 526 > | a : : Sid : 1 by ' yayment of new Ny court on Friday morning Two days . | Mills, Cataraqui street. Good pianos an a Victrolay WwW. Lind - Ea ---- m-- w : 1 ¢ in S this week there has been no session 25 SS Song Hits 25 | wages paid to beginners. Apply say, Tome ed, T21 Princes ir TR 130 ACRES, 10 RENT 9% of the court, The Temperance Act |Beautiful Girls, Haunting Melodies, | ag! office Dominion, Textile Co., = Oo ae mi les from Kingston, near. Barrie. "THE FAL IE Thos. Pr You The world's wi motion picture spectacle OF A NATION Dixon's Thrilling Epic of Love panied by the Original Victor Herbert Music, Friday and Saturday, March 2nd and 3d, Two Days Only. Prices: Mat. 15¢; Eve. 25¢. and Patriotism, Accom- an Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1994 Free inspection of any WE ARE OFFERING GUARANTEED Hot Water Bottles At . Spegial Sale Prices During This Week. This sale will include everything in "RUBBER the family requires. Our upper window contains the display. Hoag's Drug Store Heat h Post Office. Opp. Y. MC. Kingston, Ont, Ont. Watts ee : Florist 'Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. Punersnl Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order, Strawberries 15¢ Per Tin GORDON'S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88. F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Weddi Bouquets and Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders filled promptly. Phone 230. 115 Brock. Six Reasons Why We Trade at Anderson Bros. x They handle quality products only, They secure the choicest govern ment Inspected products. They buy in quantities i secure They handle quality to please ev. They make sure to have a display to tempt the housewife. : always have nice white dis- play shes that are scr ly ne variotion to choose from. at Anderson: Bros. |: Phones: 456 - 1840, Pp : I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. battery at any time | | | OVER HALF THE PLE WEARING GLASSES TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY, A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH OLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. WH EXAMINE YOUR EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YOUR GLASSES IN OUR OWN' LABORATORY. AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOU- ERATE. RJ. RODGER, || PEO- -- OPE R. \ | HOUS F At 2.30 P.M. : CONTINUOUS &130P M D aily Performance Polite Vaudeville Five Reel eature Film Gladys Coburn, in 1 OCAL NOTES GENERAL AND ITEMS INTEREST, ( Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. So -------- Ve § People's Forum % Ce ee -- THE mmm -- -- -- == == i ae --n ---- == -- ---- -- -- --_-- -- _-- -- -- -- --- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- Magnificent Costumes, Oriental Scenery. is certainly working well here Thursday recalled tue relief of | Ladysmith in the South African war Cataragui street. Prices: Mat. 25, 35, 50c, FOR SALE and also the t that M h 1st . Ee ---- = 1900. Kingston ing Val or oo 75¢; Children 25c¢c. t t st I . ar 1€¢ heavist snowstorms in its his- Evening 25, 50, 75c¢, $1. Ti A case in which one resident of | Pittsburgh township charges another Seats Now On Sale. little E FFECTIVE Once, ADVTS, three times 50c; one wee k, $1.00. with acting in a disorderly manner has been booked for hearing before Justice of thé Peace George Hunter ys see » OR. JOKES, PUZZLES 230, NOVELTY ¥ nk 3 Fra Cooke, ( 'are nce street COST ow ST 5 \ N ad a Apply R. KE. Draper, B RFem- I, cleaned and tended to ». Mulles | 8 RNISHE D Roous WITH OR WITH- wit board ms steam-heated; all convene snces: near Locomotive Works and Shipyard Apply -32 Omario street *hone 1903 > ny PATENTS 2 4 ! | | Bano OCK & SONS, Pate nts, trade marks, designs Estab. 187 Form- ap RG : x TO LET OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER bi Patent Office xaminer, Master | drained farm, five miles from King- Patent Laws. Book "Patent Pro-| ston; well watered, good buildings real free $9 St. James St, Mont- and stock, fall ploughing complet eal | Rranches Ottawa, Washington. ed Apply R i. Fair, Kingston STRAND [ot Canada in session in Toronto. R. W. Y. Mills is on the ex- | ecutive committee, | Ex, Comp. Feature Photoplay isfon street, © 1 ach; well on stréet Station on Monday morning. FARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES 5 V. Ex. Comp. .W..M Camipbell . from Kingston. Apply Geo ithe ARCHITECT i : . 2.08 . . son, R. R. No. I-Cataraqul, On OFFICE ON WELLINGTON STREET, | Kingston, has 'been appointed a Thurs. Fri., and Sat. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI-| pied by Mr G. Laturney, two | Grand Steward in the Grand Chapter Vv A UDEVILLE DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 pIy- tects, etc. Offices. 253 Bagot: St.| ns, electric. Hght And Rot Wi- 8 rooms and W.C, rented. Apply 41 Pein Dorothy Gish, in "The Little Yank." Keystone Comedy and Other Good Reels Matinee 10c¢; Evenings 10¢, 135¢ Seats Reseryed. noite Reserved, Phone 105. 105. | At the home Charles Peters, 61 Cherry street, on Wednesday evening friends and re- latives gathered and spent a most enjoyable birthday party Music of Mr. and Mrs Li indsay, GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELV BE selections, your own choice, $10 cash and $1.00 per week. Lad, TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA 121 Princess street j i i street; sri; nedr Union St, car and gies wers enjoyed with dainty Jirent Sagem Preiilfies of selling refreshments. at once. Apply McLeed's Drug | i i Store. | ® SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 $10, 000, 000 Brock street, eleven rooms: in first class condithon, and all mod- ern improvements. Possession What would you do with it? May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. See "Fate" in The Grip of Evil In Fourteen Chapters, featuring Jackie Saunders and Roland Bottomley Coming Wed. and Thur. RALLY A meeting of the Liberals of Victoria Ward, h 1st, smart SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, te nac stre eating, d BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN aountniy storey and large cellar; class condition, an estate, 67 Clarence street, Apply Bar] and Alfred streets, Frontenac strewt. #1 FRON- 10 rooms, hot water possession. May J. Arnlel, cor. or 93 et, cep. lat; Wm, store 2- all first $1,000 to wind up quick. G. A. Bateman, Kingston village: Rideau Ward, Frontenac Ward, MOTOR CYCLE, 1916 MODEL, POWER. Plus, twin cylinder, side car, elec- BONNER'S tric lights, speedometer: in No. 1 # Portsmouth Village, FINEST : an or piel buy - x Ty 13 p et. will be held at the Club Rooms, King FANCY 4 Queen stre . ; Street, on | ' CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN- RAISINS ges, and all kinds of new and sec- : FRIDAY EVENING oud hand furniture. We are also a are packed in en to buy everything Jn She 4 March 2nd, for the purpose of shove i street. Phone 1000 : v electing chairmen for the different RED . subdivisions. ¢ CARTONS. ONE WHLL. BRED DRIVING MARE, 4 i ) T 0 grade Jersey All workers and their trie nds are urg- Insist on the RED cows new miicer three grade For clean, light work; highest wages while A ed to be present. Carton. Holsteins; four So calves oe 3 hee, ing one year' old: seven large learning. Those wishing steady employ- : President. W; Lake, Sydenham, Ont. ment, apply at 1 A I i Aer 5 City Hockey Leage X Delicious Dennert DA of 300 Sor. DINE she moh 44 COVERED R I NK : Fington. and 100 13 heh Gon of TO-NIGHT wall Siw" Yor pre "and KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. SEMI-FINALS one Holder, Box 56, Battersea, or King Street West : Iroquois -- Y.I.C.B.A. : ---- K.C.L vs. Regiopolis A DMISSIO0 N 33e. ch new upholstered tharness®, shoes, deather : straps! Na LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COv- stoves, men' es, clothing': also chairs military . tional Cash Register. We buy all Steam Vulcanizing Kinds of new and second hand fur- . . niture. 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess Auto Tire Repair & Ex- - street. Phone 1237. : change. FEW Cmte HENDRY & Co ¢ t . hh RRR ER Se 220 Montreal St. : TR + Have installed one of the latest| =---- Two Automobiles and one ¢ eqm sectional vulcanizers and are red to handle all kinds of tire tube repair work at Feasonable FOR SALE OR TO LET BARN FOR SALE OR TO RE Could be used for garage or RENE Apply 886 Alfred stregl Agency for Firestone FARM CONSISTING OF 185 A Tires 6th Concession of rm of Kingston, 10 miles from Kin ets t Tite Phone 608, ter heating. Possession 1st March or sooner if required. Apply to C. Livingston, Brock street POWER & SON, ARCH HITECTS, ME R- chants Bank Building corne Brock and Wellington streets. ive W HOUSE, NELSON STREET, NEAR | Mavk St, containing 8 rooms, hot | LEGAL water heating, electric lights, hardwood - floors, open plumbing. A. B. CUNNINGH AM, BARRISTER/ Possession immediately Rent $25 and solicltor. Law bs ce, 79 Clar per month. J. K. Carroll, 668 Brock ance street, Kingste street : . nn. Twenty - Five Women Wanted At Canning Factory. Two departments short of help Labelling & Canning Departments From $7.50 to £8.50 per week may be earned. We are working on a war order and find that in order to manufacture Pork and Beans for the soldiers fighting at the front we must depend on the women to quite an extent to do some of the lighter work, while the men are doing their bit. Apply The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Napanee, Ont. Saat - WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario Phone 2084. W. A. McWillia 25 somal Winn weil waters &n ind od ted - ticulars George For Ne Gowan, 470 Patbert street, King- PROBATIONERS WANTED ston. For the White Plains Trathing School for Nurses. One year High Sehool for the 3 New "x AL FURNITURE FINISHING " or hey a card. FO 2 the hice Plains Hospi, White Plains, N.Y., F.J Pearsan & Co. Cor Queen snd Bagot Ste. $2200, WRIOH ~SEMI-DETA new, ravements, central A RESTAURANY DOING A GOOD PAY- ing business, CEMEN Hon, BLE Tires fo Sot, Tents 9 good ran. nts. I - at exter asus : Jas. Swift & his. Swift & Co, wiSoeih Y ileal fing == : EE SER ei ns ue Lettuce mtn 67 Ciarsnce Servo. Tr all Turnace, deep, BLOCK HOUSE, S Fovements, except ACHED, loca- AME HOUSE, on Ey Am mipient impr ome nL floors and OF THE Is Your Furniture Insured? Do you know that fire insurance covering fur- niture and personal effects costs only about 2 cents per month for each $100 insured? Have the good sense to see us right away if you are not covered. + Limited RNING Dox Always Fresh, at INVESTORS WA e ap Finan Shi, ata Sow Deal 3 \ ean 3 LIA, F. KNAPP, . jal i 2 || Friendship gl Err TEE oo HF hi SRE Chicago. 5 y . a py : DR. J. LEONARD WALSH. DENTIST, 210 Division st. ot - PIANO TUNING. & Tu ana Bagut girvets. MR. SWAIN a PREP EPARED ns. SPARKS x0 SPARKS, DEN. Phone 545. no an organ Pg ng tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. : ring: rer Th ait Me-| Dewar. DDS. LDS. aselotans Auley's, or Tel 5 Phone 345. wi ------ It doesn' t matter th [Two Besutios in Ser nein aia mampte of 1 Bares aol Benton: father is rich, "TURK'S, Phone 705 ety maT t a girl has a poor 'complexicn if her 3 §