PAGE EIGHT mms. ANY MAN Who injects business principles into the buying of his personal needs will not be long in deciding that Now is the Time to Buy Clothing. The men who look ahead will buy their spring suit or top coat Suits, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00, $25. VE / Top Coats, $12.00, $13.50, $15 up to $25. TF ® ® \ 9 | Livingston's, : ' BROCK STREET ; i A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk. WT or Saturday a A full assortment of the newest models in suits and coats for spring wear, distinc- tive styles in the most popular colours and materials. ; SUITS FROM $15.00 TO $39.75. COATS FROM $8.75 TO $40.00 " 1: Children's : | Reefer Coats \ All sizes in this popular coat, made from best navy cheviot, trimmed with brass but- tons and sleeve emblems at prices that can- \ not be repeated later on in the season. A A A A ANNAN AN ---- ' Extra Special 36 only fine Georgette Crepe Blouses in assorted lore Priced regular from $5.50 to $7.00., Saturday for $3.98. Founded 1847. * i, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. too NAGR JAMES HAMILTON COMMANDANT Of BRUNSWICK | | INTERMENT CAMPY a -- . Has Been in the Royal Canadian Ar. 1006 as Quartermas- ter and is an Excell tillery Since nt Officer, Major James H ili lquartermaste tl il | Horse A {as Assista Transports | war broke {a8 comm: | Brunswick | Major H { known and | officers here, and his | motion, 'will be a | district. 8 t { been work on two po i ed of taking charge of all 1 tion and transportation of the conduct the yariou depots and being commandai Schodl of He proved able to do how ! {Major F. B. Eat who su {hom here | fler. A | ment was turned London, Ont and T. of this di Major Hamil ing more thar work The n een doing th ter of the RK he would be more valuable eastern position 1 of of Cookers wd WORK wm follows a most capal few AY made of cfficer, a | that { the [it | Major Hamil J tary career in 1884 lieutenat the lan later being pr ed \p fain then t 22nd Regiment pointed as quartermast 1 honorary rap! { Haj 1 Royal Canad r He v the Colonia ficers decoration The major le on Friday tawa to report to Brig-Gen. Big D. of 8. and T., a1 { 3 that he will leave ne over new duties ment, and NO INCREASE. TO SUBSCRIBES, Subscribers to the Whig in t ire advised that t! price to not being raised Newsh ould charge only 10¢ a week as before, a the price to the boys having : of the 253rd Q.U.H.| custome has not heen i ! A large and appreciative audience | The only change made j5 (n the] witnessed an exceptionally attractive | sale of single cop in tye off | Lieut. Skene, 25 Q.UH., ar-| programme at this popular playhouse Hereafter tite regular price will ed in the city on lay from Cal-| last evening. 'Dorothy Gish was seen | : { th three recrui | to advantage in the newest Triangle be enforéed. hus pm the | play, "The Little York," a Civil war news dealer : nd the newsboy i The 2 d Battalion, 150 strong, | drama. She was a border girl torn Kingston newspapers do not expe j hu wded by the pipe band, made a | Petween loyalty to the Union and to. profit any by this change, but) loute march on the city streels on| Jove for a southern officer. kt is a| il an | 'riday afternoon. . diffefent story of the Civil war, excit- | these who handle the p | : o- | ing and appealing. Other good reels ! If any newsboys t » in-! Next week it is proposed that a}, ng polite vaudeville with Laparde in crease the price to the' reader above Ling ApITigign will be coriduct- a violin and singing turn completed a 10¢ we would be pleazed to have thé, ed ou fhe Sounty eure men well arranged programme shown matter reported to it once, be held as follows: Harrowsmith on again to-night and Sswanday. en remem + Monday, Verona on Tuesday, Picca- At the 1deal W Frontenac Club Dinner. | ai on Wednesday, Parham on . :. n ah as] The first of a series of club dinners | Tirursday, and Sharbot Lake on Fri- ; A change an bour in her £oSt MES was held by the members of the|day. There.will be pipers and local and change 3 misie 15 her em. | Frontenac Club on. Thursdas evening, | t2lent at each event, and a recruiting | tions is the record achieved by Jac kie | . 7 Saunders, one of the popular mov- It was well attended and was a most {who answer the call. | ing pictures actresses. Miss Saunders | enjoyable event. | - | is playing the lead in "The Grip of | 5 . Lieuts. Bissonett, Regina, and R.| Evil," Miss Saunders can change her | G. A, Bateman reports the sale of | jf -Giltiert, Vancouver, are expected | expression and her gowns so quickly | R. E Ford's house at 32 Plath street] in thé city this week with recruits] t She hag been called the Chame- | to Henry Singleton, and Kingston! to the 253rd Q.1LH. leon Girtof the Screen, The roles | farm lots 11 and 13, 7th coneession, | played by Miss Saunders in this con- | to W. H. Compton Major J. Hamilton was in fhe city| tinued picture production range from | H.C.L. special Colentin's ron Friday from Lir r and Peter-| the daughter of the millipnaire rail- | cured roll bacon, 23¢, at Gilber | boro. | road president Jo the child of.the -- a e e a aEslums dnd fromY the ingenwous de. x TTT > butante to the painstaking steno-! A "E MLTARY CRCLES. MAJOR JAMES HAMILTON, commandant of Sussex, s | | THEATRICAL NEWS. | Royal At the Grand, > al it 1 To-night will be the last chance t¢ r 1 HINA . 5 " ' i g 2 ai sea Gladys Coburn in 1 1 » of to shot a 3 Bi Life For Monday, sday and Wednesday of xt week ill of un- usual inter 8s been a nged for ~ ! patrong of >» Grand eda Bara, leading screen woman at the Theatre Capt Antoine, Paris, will appear in "A one divisional I' 5 ts : > : " ! n Fool There Was," an adap:ion {rom | Lt : : { Rudyard. Kipling's famous poem, Th sensational "The Vampire." 18 t MC. Tweed, +} hil RK 3 Ma ; 5 "€% | play, -one of the most successful of Aled ied Bi g Ly the century, has been converted into nm \aal vi "+! photoplay by the Fox forces. In the rtson, who has > | cast are May Allison, Clifford Bruce, Edward Jose, and many other favor- - Sy 2 ites. Billie Burk the famous in- George Moore and Charles Black i . ke, ae : st recruits from Almonte, ! ternational stage star, will be seen in 280 Pa 4 *| the tenth chapter "Gloria's Ro- joined the ' of 4 jattery ' . ith Bautery.| ance." A two reel Universal photo- 2 eid i play, a comedy, and the Pathe News| AwWehing has been arrang- ' 34 Military Y.M.C.A. hall} will also be on the bill. A special 7 Mush eramme | Programme of variety -entértajnment 'Queen's | Das been secured. This bill will be ys presented for the first three days of | next week. ers are bl CAladdin--And Wonderful Lamp." Kingston is tb have its second pan- | tomime this season when F. Stuart] Whyte's preduciion of "Aladdin and with tal will ommendation nuection here 1] headquarters, in view of | his Wonderful Lamp' returns to the that the Army Medical! Grand on Saturday matinee and Corps to be res sible for the! night, March 3rd work of the hospita | The nearest to an "old country" os pantomime that we have ever had| Lieut Douglas Pew formerly | here is the Broadway revue of Ameri-| I y } re I2. staff ~can Extravaganza shows, and they | v 1 the city | have been few and far between, | d : « Friday | For thig first Canadian tour, Mr. | I'ra i « at Halifax. | Whyte has built and assembled a | | produetion and cast that would com- | bo BR. Hemming, G.| pare favorably with a London pan-| five books ai names to the | pantomime organization during their 1,200 re se ured | annual Christmas run | a v of ti Heierboro | The book and lyrics of the 1916-17 | | i mdm { | 'version are by Mr. F. Stuart Whyte, Wi i 1 C1OTS| while the' musical score is the colla- pur i names, ad- | poration of Pierre Bayard, Clive I pi rea t SUNE | Hamilton and Sydney Blythe, three : re 4 : iy be published | of the best known English compos-| : ' } | ers, whose work has long been identi- Ce F Moca CA D.C. fied with similar productions in the ~ 'Q * Pembioke to take) "Old Country : . | work 1 Oth there. | The cast is headed by Miss Zara | y : 44 { Clinton as Aladdin, Mr. Billy Oswald | Riddell, of | @8 General Sam Fuse and Mrs, Harry | W Ol toronto | Hoyland as the Widow Twankey. | riwall, are leay-| They will be supported by a carefully sisters in | selected company of twenty-five ex- perienced pantomime artists, _= y oo ------ At the Strand: yfficer will be present to sign up all pragher. In each of these character-| | izationg Jackie Saunders is an entire- | ly different person. Coming to he | Ideal Theatre Wednesday and Thurs- day | At Griffin's. One of the greatest and most stu- j pendous of film dramas is scheduled | to appear at Griffin's Theatre to-day | | and to-morrow only, "The Fall of a | Nation." It is a thrilling epoch of | love and patriotism, showing the i | need of a nation's preparedness. This | ww film is said to greatly exceed in cost of production, in the extent' and | beauty of its staging that other ! popular' film, "The Birth of a Na- | ttom*~ In it are to be seen all the | elements of modern warfare in clear | detail, and woven into it much of ro- | lon Laidlaw & Son TOMORROW OUR " ew - Spring Models Of Correct Style and Superior Quality. Suitsand Coats In all the newest spring stylés, fabrics and colors. . Now ready for inspection, at prices worthy of your considera- tion. Among the materials are shown: : Suits, Velour, Men's Wear Serge, Plaids, Cheviot. Colors are navy, taupe, grey, green, African brown. Women's suits, $18.50, $19.50 up to $38.50. Misses' Suits $15.00 to $30.00. ' ' eceanbiact " Gaberdines, Shepherd ew Spring Coats IN SHEPHERD PLAIDS, IN TWEEDS, IN COVERT CLOTH, * IN PLAIN SERGE, With these fashionable materials designers and makers have achiev- ed remarkable success. Prices from $5.00 to $22.00. - wb mance, of Melodrama. It has been one of | the most popular productions ever | presented when shown in other cities,' and doubtless it will draw crowded | houses to Griffin's. i The chief role in the play is taken | much of adventure and much | y John Laidlaw & Son by Percy Standing, who takes the | part of the traitor. He is an English actor who has played with companies controlled by such eminent actor {Continued on Page 6.) -- ---- oo y, I: x | an w---- TT Shoe Specials high cut, kid, lace N. B., Internment Camp. 3 "A number of pairs of women's pT Th Lockett Shoe Store Friday & Saturday top, luce, at . oth L $3.75