"PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WRIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1917. a ---- to the War Loan x + Helps En wane ---- -- Se ------------ . NE A Subscription onsen. ions YIELDING PRACTICALLY 5.40% might be. We shall be glad frée of charge to you. TT EST mr Sn MONTREAL Spent >» Dear Sirs : ) Il hereby authorize of Canada Loan in accordance with Investment Bankers. Established 1839 THE WAR LOAN Three years ago Dominion of Canada bonds sold to yield only 47; on the amount invested. It is interesting to know how this loan now issued at 96 would work out Five Years From Now when the loan would still have fifteen years to run. It would sell at 100 " " 105% " 41, / 5 "CNY, '" 47 v The investor on this basis would have had 5407. on his money for five years, and could sell, if desired, at a profit of $40, or $93.75, or $152.50 per $1.000, as the case to forward your application and lo Inion Bank Building. 63-Kiny W-: TORONTO To avoid delay, the form below may be used. 4 Cheque payable to *'Credit of Minister of Pinance" for 1 of the amount applied for should accompany this form. + MESSRS. A. E. AMES & CO., 43 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. you to enter my subscription for $..... to yield 57% thr te ssn ---- A. E. AMES & CO. ok after all your interests NEW YORK Date. .ooiavnannness 1912, Sessissivwas evenesss. Dominion WAR DOMINION Issue of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st March, 1937 Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 96. A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY, a ES EE EE EE Ea oo } LOAN OF CANADA ® Tue MiNisTER oF FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above-named Bonds for Subserip- tion at 96, payable as follows: -- 10 per cent on application; 30 " 16th April, 1917; 30 " 15th May, 1917; . 26 o 15th June, 1917. The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited .to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrendér of bonds as the equivalent of cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. The instalments may be paid in full on the 16th day of April, 1917, on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable § the terms of the Official Prospectus. . 4 3 Mr. rh { £ Name in Full Brk.... coosvssvainsnsiiiioninness Webs sviiiasaionvis Se¥aeekansvens i or Miss rE Street address (or rd Boz)... hiv saneaes Pelinesnss Linn an vassrarsnersiennee sassasreny i State or . i Pla. oo. .ossonrseesssensasssons esse srsavanea Province . . . sesssantisssesnnsesnnee 5 ms -- ER i A ----------ninn Your money is safe. Use This Coupon For Subscribing to the War Loan Your interest is sure and whenever you need your money you can sell the 'bonds through us. 4 S. Roughtod, they shall become Dominion of Canada 5% Twenty-year War Loan Kingston "I hereby request you to record my subscription for $._ a of the Third Canadian War Loan in accordance with the terms of the Official Prospectus, and I hereby engage to pay due. the instalments as -» Me. Name: wes. Miss Address Representing Wood, Gundy & Toronto and Mon np I % A Investors subscribing through us have the advantage of our efficient distributing organization for resale of the bonds. Your application, if entrusted to us, will receive all care free of expense to you. 'S. Roughton Cu; . 60 treal Brock Streets Kingston i ... A itr v + Veals--Receipts, 6,500 head; mar-| ; ' ay J ket active; heavy and mixed, $15.35 Th test Mark t R Rh 2 rts to $15.50; Yorkers, $15.25 to $15.35; | e La e €Ppo. light Yorkers, $13.75 to $15.00; pigs, | $13.25 to $13.50; roughs, $13.85 to! Sie be 8 [$14.00; stags, $11.50 to $12.50. i 1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. to $10; feeding steers. $7.26 to Sheep and lambs--Receipdts, 8,000 3 Prone «25; stockers, choice, $6.75 to . : 3 $7.25; do. light, $5.35 to $6.75; | Kot steady: lambs, $12.00 to $15.25; | ; Montreal. Montreal, March ' 13, -- Butcher cattle---Steers, choice, -$10.2 to $10.76) good, $9.25 to $9.75; medi- um, $825 to $8.75. Buls, choice, $9.25 to $10; good, $7.75 te $8.75; canners, $5.60 to $6 cwt.. Cows, : choice, $8.50 to $9.25; $6.75 to $7.40; fair to medium, $6.25 to - $6.50; canners; $4.75 to. $5.15. Milk- ers, $75 to $1560 and springers, $63 to $100 each. . Sheep, $8.50 t0'$9.50 cwt. Spring lambs, $7 to $8 each. Hogs, selects, $16.25 to $16.50; for long runs runs and $17.75 to $16 © for short runs: sows, $13.76 to | $14.50 and stags, $12.75 to $13.50 : ewt,, all weighed off Calves, milk fed, $11 to $13 and feeders, $6 to §: owt. -------------- 'Toronto, « Torontb, March 13.--Receipts at \ the Union Stock Yards to-day were 1,041 cattle, 107 , 1,488 hogs, 45 sheep, Cattle prices advanced 26¢; smah stuff Weld firm, but hogs were lower. } : : Export cattle, choice, $10.55 to A 11.50; butcher cattle, hoiges 2 % 0 to $11; do, m umd ss. 0 ' 6; do., cpmmon, $7.50 to $8; bul 4 choice, $8.50 to cows, $9.25; de. medium, $6.60 to $7; do., enw milkers, choice, each, $50 to $115: springers, $50 to $115; sheep, ewes, $10.25 to $11; bucks and culls, $9 to $10.50; lambs, $9 to $15.25; hogs, fed and watered, $15.40 to $16.50; calves, $6 to $14. : Chicago. Chicago, March 13.--Cattle--Re- celpts, 13,000; market firm; native beef cattle, $8.70 to $12.50; stockers and feeders, $6.75 to $9.65; cows and heifers, $5.70 to $10.50; calves, $9.50 to $13.25. Hogs-- Receipts, 54,000; market slow, Gc to 10¢ lower; light, $14.20 to $14.85; mixed, $14.45 to $14.95; heavy, $14.40 to $15; rough, $14.40 to $14.65; pigs, $11.25 to $13.80; bulk of sales, $14.70 to $14.95, Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 23, 000; market weak; wethers, $11 to 33.35: lambs, native, $12.40 to nse £ Buffalo. - ; 'Buffalo, Mirch 13.--Cattle--Re- réipls, 2,500 head: market active and | ; shipping steers, $8.50 to ; butchers, $7,25 to $10.75: $11.7 ks 10.00; cows, $4.50 , $6.00 to to $9.00; bulls, $5.0 to $9.25; stock- ars and feeders; $6.50 to $8.20; fresh 4 and springers, marke: derive cahners, $6 to $6.25; do., bulls, $6 to forfeiture and the allotment to clincellation. Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded' through the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada of any chartered-bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. - Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Assistant. Receiver General in Canada.. . Subscriptions must be for even hundredd of dollars. In case of partial aflotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the April instalment. : Scrip' certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with &lipons attached, payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for "fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL CLOSE ON DEPARTMENT or'Fixance, Orrawa, March 12th, 1917. Ee Delivery of scrip ter of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. Pst inte 7 The issue will be exempt from taxes--including any income tax--imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5.000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The bonds will be paig at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and helders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Recognized bond and stock brokers having officés and carrying on business in Canada will be allowéd a commis- sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915, or in respect of the amount of any allottent paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture stock maturing 1st October, 1919. No commission will be allowed in respect of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King's Printer. OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. | 20 Year 5% Bonds, maturing March 1st, 193 and September 1st. PRINCIPAL AN Applications received and Investment Broker Dominion of Canada War Loan Price 96, Yielding 5.40% . Denominations, $100, $500, $1,000. bonds delivered WITHOUT CHARGE FOR SERVICES to sub- scribers. Authorized by the Finance Department to Receive Applications. . . Howard S. Folger. A 7. Interest payable half-yearly, March 1st D INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. 44 Clarence Street. ] the Var Rye---No. 2, $1.40 to $1.42, ac- head; lamb market slow; sheep mar- cording to freights outside. | Manitoba flour--First patents, in yearlings, $11.00 to $13.75; wethers, | jute bags, $10.00; second patents, in $12.00 to $12.50; -ewes, $6.00 to jute bags, $9.50; strong bakers', in $11.75; mixed sheep, $11.75 to $12.!Jute bags, $9.10, Toronto. Ontario flour--\ Winter, according to sample, $7.50, in bags, trark To- (ronto, prompt shipment; $7.10, bulk Toronto. | seaboard, export grade. yi Toronto, March 13.--MaditoBa Milifeed--Car lots-- Delivered Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.02 ; do.| Montreal freights, bags inciuded-- No. 2, $1.99%; do. No. 3, $1.983 . Bran, per tom, $38; shorts, per ton, No. 4 wheat, $1.82%, on track Bay $42: good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 ports, all. rail delivered Montrea) to $2.80. : freights. , | Hay--Extra No. 2, per ton, $13; Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W.,-73 to Mixed, per ton, $9 to $11, track To- Tde; No.3 C.W., 71% to T23%¢; ex-| Tonto. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. $38.00. Shorts, $39.00 to $40.00. iddlings, $41.00 to $42.00. Mouil- lie, $45.00 to $50.00. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car lots, $13.50 to $14.00. Winnipeg. a Winnipeg, March 13. --Wheat-- No., 1 northern, $1.843- No. 2 northern, $1.813%; No. 3 northern, $1.75%; No_ 4, $1.645%: No. 5, $1.- 46%; No..6, $1.14%. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 61%¢c; extro No. 1 feed, 59- %e; No. 1 feed, 58%c; No, 2 feed, 57 %e. Barley--No. 3, $1.05; No, 4, $1.01; rejected, 86c; feed, 86. Flax --No. 1 NNW.C, $262%; No. 2 C. W., $2.501%. 'Cornmedl--Market steady; fine white and yellow, $2.60; coarse, $2.32; kiln died, $5.55. Rye--Market steady; No. 2 West- ern, $1.67, cif. New York. Barley---Market steady; feeding, $1.18 f.o.b. New York. Wheat---8pot market weak; No. 2 hard, $2.06 % ; No. 1 Northern Du- luth, $2.19%: No. 1 Northern-Mani- toba, $2.23 f.o.b. New York. Corn--S8pot market easy; yellow, $1.21 e.if. New York. No.. 2 Oats--Spot market easier--stand- | ard, 74c to T4%c. X Chicago. Chicago, March 13.--Wheat--No. creamery butter, 43%e to 44¢; fine fall creamery, 42 to 43¢; winter creamery, 42c to 42%c¢; undergrade creamery, 40c to 41%¢; finest dairy butter, 37% ec to 38¢; fine dairy but- ter, 36¢c to 36%¢c. ~ . Cheese unchanged, prices ranging from 23%c to 25%ec per ib, and small cheese sold at 26¢ to 37c. | Eggs easier and active with sales of fresh-gathered stock in & whole- sale jobbing way at 37¢ to 3Bc per dozen. . Poultry Milkded cold storage chickens, 25¢ to 37¢ per 1b.; fowl, 22¢ to 23¢; ducks, 24¢; geese, 10c¢; and turkeys, 33c. tra No. 1 feed, 71% to 72%c: No. 1 feed, 70 to 71c, nominal, all rail! delivered en route C,P.R. points. | American corn--No. 1, $2.00, track Torouto; No. 3 yellow, $1.20, sub Jéct' to embargo, : Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 64 to She. Bowinal; No. 3 white, 63 to} ¢, nominal, accordin igh outside. ; ion , Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, pér at. 1584 to $1.83; No. 3 d | 79 tp $1.81, accord! ; oulside. ng to freighgs| Straw--Car lots, per ton, $8.10 to [ $9, track Toronto. ry neapolis, 1 13.--Wheat-- : May, $1.82 to $1.82% : July, $1.75 Montreal. to $1.75%; cash--No, 1 Montreal, March 12.--There Was| 001: No. 1 Northern, $1.90% to very little demand for grain on spot} $1.94%: No. 2, do., $1.86 - to-day owing to the weakness in oth- 94%. Corn--No. 3 pow gay er markets, and ness on the $1.05%. Oats--No. 3 white, 55 whole was quiet, with no change in e 57¢. Flour--Unchanged, a prices. Corn--American No. 2 yel-| $33.56 10 $34.50. low, $1.30 to $1.35. Oats--Cana- --- : nn Iyesie, 0. 2, 763%¢; No.3. - © New York. 3 i extra No. 1 feed, 73%¢. Bar-| New York, h 13. 5 ting. og es a ork, Mare 3.--Flour-- Z red, $1.88% to $1.88% ; No. 3 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, . $1.80 to $1.93%; NG. 3 bard, $1.87%. Corn----No. 2 yellow, $1.08% to $1.103,; No. 3 yéllow, $1.07% to 11.08%; No. 4 yellow, $1.06 to $1.08%, Qats--No. 3 white, 68%¢ 60% ¢; standard, 60c to 6le. Rye--No. 2, $1.59 to $1.59%. Barley---$1.02 to $1.22. Timothy--$3.75 to $5.75. Clover--$12 to $18. Pork---Nominal. Toromto. Toronto, March 13. --Eggs, laid, dozen, 45¢c; butter, choice dairy, 46c to 47c; do. medium, 40e to 45¢: spring chickens, dressed, 28¢ to 32¢; ducks, pound, 2%¢ to ade; fowl, 20e to 25c; geese, 22¢ to 23c; turkeys, 30c to 356¢c; cabbage, per case, Cal's., 7.50 to $8: carrots, per bag, 32 to 2.25; cauliflowers, per case, $4 to $4.50; parsnips, per bag. $2 to 82.507 turnips, per bag, $1 to $1.10; onions, -y¥ellow, per case, $9.50 to $10: pota- toes, New Brunswick Delawares, per to new. and strong, $50.00 to $110.90, : ley--Mal 3: tents, $9.50 Peas--No. 2, $2.50, according Hocands, $9.60; stromg bakers', $9.-fto $9.75: he $9.15 to treights outside. ; 1 40; i $9.25; | $9.40; winter str ts, 18.75 to $9; 'Barley--Maiti $1.22 to $1.28, t rollers, $8.50 to $8.80; do.| Kansas prvi ogy Hy) 0 $9.75. according to freighls outside. LAB $4.30 to 34.25, Rolled oats--| Rye Flour--Market steady. fir _ Buckwheat $1.98. nominal, a¢-| BBs, $7.00 to $7.16; do, bags] 90 [tn good, $7.85 to $8.20; choice to] cordisg to freights outside. [°{ 10%, $3.35 10 $3.45. Draw, $36.00 tol lancy, $8.25 to $5.75. : ho Lard $19.02, > bag. $3.75; Ontarios, $3.25 to Ribs--$17 to stile. $3.50; beets, per bag, $2 to $2.25; : beans, per bushel, $5.75 to $6. GENERAL TRADF, Many a man who isn't quite sure Montreal. Montreal, March 13.--Finest fall of the Bible has unlimited faith in the almanac,