GERMANS ~ FOR BIG » a | OFFICIAL WAR STATEMENTS ol 14 PAGES NO. Help PREPARING RETIREMENT Avother Sweeping French Victory South of St. Mihiel-The Canadians Repulsed Raids on Their Trenches Made wy By the Bavarians. (Special to the Whig.) London, Mareh 1h. French aviators reports that the Ger- mans are destroving all bridges and buildings back of their -- lines in Champagne and on the British front, also hastily re- THE SINKING | parts of Canada. A AA. © tivingl their hig apparently preparing for another big retirement 2s Another Big French Victory. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, Mareh 14 Another sweeping French victory was officially announced lo-day. Of Tuesday, south of St. Mihiel, the French captured Romainville farm and penetrated at foar different points up to the second lines of the enemy between the Meuse and Apremont, imprisoning many . $/ . many's Intention to Attack Every Vessel. Canadians Repulsed Bavarions. (Special to the Whig.) Toronto, March 14.-- Stewart Lyon, correspondent of the Canadian Press: with the British armies in France, cables lo- day that German Bavarian troops, who are good fighting men. | AND To CONSTITUTE U. 8. DE- atlempled twice to penetrate Canadian trenches in raids last FENCE AGAINST PIRATES. night and this morning, bul were driven off, leaving their dead . on the field. bull, misty weather prevails, with occasional The United States Has Nothing to rain Hope For in the Way of Modified | - rs reer Ar AA A roan Procedure one Germany's Part. AMERICAN STEAMER UNDENIABLE SUCCESS, ALGONQUIN TORPEDOED Paper Says Loss of Bagdad is Pain. ing of the ship Algonquin, flying the ET ---- ful to Turks, She Was Bound for London With - Foodstuffs--The Crew Was Saved. Volks Zeitung is quoted by the Cen-| ine, confirmed to-day the expressed tral News Amsterdam correspondent | Administration belief that as describing .the occupation of Bag- (Special to the Whig.) dad ag an undeniable success for the London, Mareh 14.--The Ameri-! British, especially ag the British also | can steamer-Algonquin has been Yorehave succeeded "fr-driving the Purge pedoed, according to a United States | from the Sinai peninsula. The even { tion." { must be regretted, but it has not the Armed ships will venture forth, | least influence on the decision of the and, for the time being at least, will war, the newspaper says. Mesopo-| constitute America's defence against would carry her ruthlessness American shipping, but for the mo- consular report to-day, The Algonquin, bound for London and laden with foodstuffs, was tor- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, OF ALCONQUI Confirms Washington Beficf* About Ger-| ANERCAN SHIPS 10 SAIL" ' (Special to the Whig.) +Washington, March 14--- The sink- stars and stripes of the United States! London, March 14. The Koelnische| 0f America, unwarngd by a submar-| Germany | into | nent did not alter the general situa-| Back Canadian Bayonets with WAR VETERANS' VOCATIONAL TRAINING CLASSES. ! @ 'y, MARCH 14, 1917. T EDITION Silver B a os Bullets seta are IRM WELCOME CHEN BRITISH They Must Comply With Wea They Entered the City of Bagdad on * . Sunday. the Law. Ottawa, March 14 The Labor Department is delving into the sugar business in Canada and endeavoring to find out whether consumers are paying too much for this staple food, because of alleged arbitrary fixing of a4, ---------- wholesale and retail prices by the re-| finers. Some months ago question-. {1 naires were sent out to all wholésale | grocers asking for specific informa- | tion as to whether or not there was TE -- . a trade agreement to keep up the A price or sugar to the consumer. All ° the dealers in replying agreed that | they handled the sugar for a small CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT BOOTY WAS TAKEN. OF po This shows one of. the vocational training classes being held for soldiers in various These aim to train the disabled soldier to enter some avocation of life for which his own particular injury does not incapacitate hi m. ' BRITISH RAISE Be Permitted to Enter Holland Ports. London, March 14.~<The experi- ence of the defensively armed British has raised an is believed will assume the of a test gase, . is stated th#§t the British gov- ernment will insist upon defensively , armed ships 'being permitted to en- ter Dutch ports, Negatiations between Great Bri- | tain and Holland regarding the re- { tention of ships in Puteh harbors are still proceeding. The British gov- ernment is unbending in its deter- | mination not to acquiesce in the | policy of the Dutch in keeping their ships in their harbors 'because of the German threat, It is hoped that a comprom'se may be reached under which Holland can her armament, which it nature gerentg for a safe route for her ves- sels, CHINA HAS BROKEN WITH GERMANY (Special to the. Whig.) Washington, Mareh 10. doe (ith v \ y | tamia being a secondary theatre of | Germany's illeg ot 1e 3 < ; : pedoed without warning on Monday i tamia : ng a nl y pn . : Germany Ss Alle gal sea m thods : Diplomatic relations morning. All of the crew of 27 were | operations. The loss of agdad, i The sinking convinced the authori- betwee Chind 1 Ger saved. The submarine refused to as- | comments, is nevertheless painful to| ties that tuey have nothing to hope! weiween Ghina and Ger- sist the survivors in the lifeboats, the Turks. - for in the way of modified procedure many were broken by The Algonquin was built in 1890] on Germany's part. at Philadelphia and owned by the rs 7 . , The Algonquin sailed from New American Star line and reg- REGRET RU! N ACTION York, unarmed. Her arrivel abroad ste at New York. She was of 2, is a | had never been reported, and there sidred a! New k " View of British Observers on the | was considerable anxiety here con- °/ippo her. * Formerly Sailed Great Lakes. (Special to the Whig.) New York, March 14.-- The Algon- quin was formerly in the Great Lakes service, but was transferred to Am- erican registry and sea service early in the war, Her crew were all Am- ericans, She was unarmed and left here on February 20th with a million dollar food caggo Closing of the Duma. { cerning 5 t : London, March 14 In the view of British observers, the Czar has tak-| en an unusually drastic step in pro-| THE ORANGE ORDER roguing sessions of the Duma, and | : ! of the Imperial Council, in order to according to unusually detailed re- ports," have not been of any marked degree of seriousness, | The Daily Telegraph to-day that ,it was to be regretted wo al that such action had been taken, ¢ Toronto, Maven Ou Tan since it was to be marked heretofore ron yi ipaual ih fiante § reel that the Duma constituted the "safe- | TOF ol RO uiite hare al Vv ¥ of public feeling: its ses- | Bertie street, they call on the Gov- ty valve" o pallie le Eri ternment to not only enforce sions pericds of unity, and the days Militia Act. bi Es of itg porogaticn periods of eclipse. |, ud Act, but to prevent physically Physically Fit Retained From Leaving. commented | - (Special the . 14.--In a: mani- Duchess of Connaught Worse. (Special to the Whig.) London, 'March 14.---~The Duchess of Connaught had a bad night, and th» doctors sald there was "'increas- ing gravity' in her illness, {fit men from leaving Canada In {addition they want évery fit Can- {adian who has gone to the United | | States since the outbreak of war im- 5 military ige. Failing this, they would debar such from ever re-enter- ing the country as undesirable eciti- zens. BOY-ED HAS COME BACK, , nonading on the rest of the front." + The afternoon report read: ! "Between the Avre and the Aisne | French detachments late yesterday | made three surprise attacks on Ger- man trenches, | : mba, and took prisoners. The Germans! !B&ton, wag in this city as recently bombarded Soissong during the night, | 8 & week ago, it was admitted late On the Coury road a strong enemy Yesterday afternoon detachment attempted our lines. It was liad. Further- | ®u of Investigations of the Depart- | more, another German attempt, in| Went of Justice, in tharge of the in- i the region of Beauline-et-Chivy, was Vestigation of the smuggling plot in- broken up by our fire, | volving the two interned German | "The artillery fighting was rather commerce raiders of the Philadel- lively in the sector of Troyon. West Phia Navy Yard, for which five of Mafsons de Champagne the Ger-| Pifladelphia persons, mang yesterday evening made a vio- prominent German-Americans, [ient counter-attack on Hill 185. Our under arrest. {curtain of fire and machine guns _ Capt. Boy-Ed, with Capt. Von | checked the attackers promptly. We! Papen, was dismissed from the coun- | maintained all our positions. try by President Wilson in Decem- =| "Elsewhere the night was calm be- ber. 1915, for alleged conspiracy. ! ing marked only by artillery fighting. | Boy-Ed Is believed to have reiurned Tle number of prisoners taken by us 0 the United States on the German yesterday reached 150, including Submarine merchantman Deutsch- French. Paris, March 13.--The official com- munication issued by the War Office to-night reads: "In Chgmpagne the enemy artil- lery, energetically countershelled by us, bombarded the sectors of Maisons de Champagne and Massiges, In the course of the day the Germans made unsuccessful attemps with grenades against Hill 185, which we continue to hold. "On the lefit bank of the Meuse both artilleries were quite active. Our destructive fires appeared to have been effective, 'particularly In the region of Avocourt, Hill 304, and on the right bank north of Bezon- voux. 'There was intermittent can- Brains of the German Smuggling i Plot in Philadelphia, Karl Boy-Ed, former naval attache are rn WHIG CONTENTS l-~Germans to Retire; &nking of 8B RB. Algonquin: Warm Wellcome to British: Legisla- , ture Slow Boxing Wvents at Very Serious Problem dLife Mm the Gunrcom: Social the Meuse (Verdun front) a surprise | Marine having its base on the Mexi- 'attack undertaken by ithe enemy 'an coast. He is suspected of being ALCS 4 i RAL against our works in the region of tie brains of the smuggling plot un- Life | Louvemont was repulsed easily by der investigation here. «hve » § ---------------- cn. t--Editorial Notes; Random || grenades. MORE MONEY IS REQUIRED F--<Drill for School Boys: The 253rd Leads S~-astern Ontaric News. TA musementsiAnnouncements; S--fMtditary Matters: Theatrical. $---CGudsby's - Letter. Germany Ahled Huerta. 19-Social Rvents: Roxane's Con. fession; Menus, 11--Newg from the Countryside. 12-~The Dominion War loan; Markets. 3~The War Loan Is a Success T4-=In the World of Sport; Mutt and Jefl, Italian. ; | Supplementary Vote of Credit Is to Rome, March He aT eve wag the | Be he : { usual artillery adtivity in the Tren- | London, March 14---Andrew Bon- [tino. The enemy showed increased |,; Law Chancellor of the Exchequer, {artillery activity in the Tolmino Ba-! stated in the House of Commons | 8in on the Julian front. On the Car-| yesterday that a supplementary vote { So an infantry detachment raided the | of credit to meet increased unfore- | enemy lines southwest of Lueati'and | seen "expenditure would be moved on | destroyed the hostile works. The Thursday. When the last vote of | dugouts were burned and 24 prison- | credit was passed it was expected it ers and one machine gun captured.! would carry over the present finan J | An'enemy counter-attack failed." cial year. MAKES STRONG DEMAND | deal with food demonstrations, which | \Want Militia Act Enforced and the| mediately sent back and enrolled for | Philadelphia, March 14. --Captain | They blew them up, of the German Embassy at Wash-| by Frank Gar-| to approach | barino, head of the Philadelphia Bur- | three officers, On the right bank of 1and or the U-53, or a German sub~ tg yo about 44 per cent below those China to-day. The Chinese ® Govern- ment has seized all Ger- man merchant vessels in- Shanghai harbor. ROWELL His Watchfulness Has Had Their Names Added to Lists, (Special tn the Whig) Toronto, March for Mr. Rowell and his colleagues in | the legislature constantly looking af- ter the interests of the women, some queer inequalities against them would slip through. Take, for exam- ple, the question of votes for soldiers. The government made provisions for putting cn the voters lists the names of those soldiers overseas. Then upon the Suggestion of William McDonald they made arrangements for the putting on the lists of the names of all Indians serving with the forces--both provisions admirable ones, two occasions has had to suggest that the same privileges should be | | granted to the nurses serving with | the overseas forces. 'Otherwise if the | names of these nurses were not put on the voters lists, together with the | soldiers and the Indians soldiers, they would not have a vote at the next general election, | The Provincial Treasurer is adopt- {ing Mr. Rowell"s suggestion and promises that the nurses will be pro- vided for. : POTATO SHORTAGE GENERAL | The Decrease in Crops Last Year ! Was World-wide, | Ottawa, March 14.--Some inter including three | esting statistics as to the world's | not by a competent agricultarist, but | | potato crop are available to-day. The figures show that there hag been | a world-wide shortage. | - The greatest shortage was in the | United States, which raised 285,442,- 1000 bushels in 1916, ag compared | With 359,109,000 bushels in 1915. {In in ntant northern potato grow- | ing tes, the supplies are estimated 65 per cent. below i those of two years ago and 54 per i cent. below the average holding on January 1, of the preceding five | years. There was a degrease in the crop of the United Kingdom of five per cenit, All the European countries | show a shortage. According to the | figures of the Internaiiopal crop re-' | of a year ago, port and agricultural statistics, the. Canadian crop showed a deciease in 1916 over 1915 of above two per cent. The crop was 61,129,000 bus- 'hels in 1916 and 62,605,000 in 1915. tn enn lest { G.T.R. traffic earnings for the Summ our SLOW PROGRESS Defensively Armed 8hips Must steamer Princess Melita, which was |} Does Not Look As if Prorogation By forced by the Duteh Government to leave the Hook of Holland because of! issue | procure guarantees from both belli- | 14 --If it wasn't But it wag Mr, Rowell who on | ' discount from the price charged to The Victorious Troops Pressing Be- the retailer. The department has yond Bagdad--The Village of noticed that many of the replies re- Kadhimain Occupied and a Num. ceived were couched in identical language, thus pointing to some con- ber of Turks Taken Prisomer. certed agreement as to the amount London, March 14--British forces, - Sighs T|of information to be given to the! pressing beyond Bagdad. have occu. ~~ | Government, In consequence, the questionnaires have been sent out io '@d Kadhimain, taking 100 Turks the sugar dealers again, with 'al Prisoner, an official Mesopotamian warning that the law must be com-! statement declared yesterday. Pur- plied with, and the specific Anforma-| gyit of the retreating enemy con- ic aske fF 8 » unequivoceal- ion asked for must be unequivecal-l yj, 0. cunbhoats assisting. y sSwere ? "Although the Turks industrious- ly sacked the city of Bagdad, never- theless British forces captured much SiR GEORGE FOSTER TO HAVE A CONFERENCE ammunition," declared the state- ment, further describing occupation He Will Propose a National of the city of the Caliphs. - "Since Feb. 23rd," says the official Convention of the Manu- statement, "the Turks had been busy IN LEGISLATURE Easter is Possible. facturers. destroying and removing everything ' J of value in Bagdad. TEACHERS PENSION SCHEME Ottawa, March 14.---8ir George "A considerable amount of booty } Foster has asked 'a number of repre-| has nevertheless fallen into our | sentative manufacturers to come to hands, including large quantities of Ottawa on Friday next for a private equipment, arms and ammunition. conference with him to discuss trade! Five hundred Turkish woufided also problems. Last autumn a nationad| Were abandoned by the enemy. convention of manufacturers to dis- "On the left bank of the Tigris cuss post-war plans was suggested by | between 200 and 300 Turkish dead the Minister of Trade and Commerce, were counted on Saturday, and 300 ment And Asked That the Bill Be | but the response from the manufac- | Prisoners were, taken. . . Withdrawn. turers was not very encouraging, and a on SHioTIng the o of Bagdad Im A " :~ | the plan was temporarily shelved ie local inhabitants gave us a wa Toronto, March 14.--The Ontario The po will be again put forward 6 welcome. Legislature yesterday entered upon its by the Minister at Friday's confer "Slight PROVIDES FOR PAYMENT INTO FUND FROM APRIL. N.' W. Rowell Claims hat There Is No Need of a Hydro Labor Depart- disturbances occurred in fifth week with 71 items upon the ence, and the sense of tile manufac- the city conse quent upon the Turk- order paper. A bill of fare which turers will be taken to see whether ish evacuation, but complete order indicated that the Legislature is! ® Pational gathering of business men was réstored when our troops en- feiss hi B® J4oB would be worth while. tered. "still going strong." Indeed, a'com=| =~ = _ War Tidings. paratively small amount of the busi- CANADIAN SOLDIERS A € fo i ka} ALR. AF saa la i ra A German raider has sunk a Jap- fess of ive sess on seems to have CULTIVATING LAND ,,..o fr ighter in the Pacific. een disposed of as yet, amd IARMAREE its o Renn ihe Dritish have made another ad- (greater progress is made prorogation | Batmen and Grooms Are Ems=| vance and are now within a mile of by Eastern is impossible, Bapaume. ployed Several Hours a I~ At Washington it is reported fif- Day in Camps. teen thousand Turks were trapped by Hon. W. D. McPherson introduced {the capture of Bagdad an Act respecting surveys and plans a London, March 14 land Suitiva- mmremrnam-- of land in or nes ici i. tion with a view to increasing the! : : 9 ties. It Ro ear 4rban amicinall- home supply of fdod has been taken Men Join Union, Strike Ends. and Suburban Plans Act. The main! UP at Canadian camps. All batmen Watertown, N.Y., March 14.--In features of the old ct - are pre- and grooms are regularly employed | an announcement made yesterday by served. All municipalities larger Several hours daily in cultivating | the St, Regis Paper Co., all employ- than villages are brought under its Spare Government land, the work be-| ees of the ®&mpany on May 1st, 1917, operation, whereas in the old Act IR8 periodically inspected by a Staff | shall become members of their sever- only municipalities having over 50,-| officer. al unions. This means the end of the 000 population were affected. Pro- Infantry and reserve battalions,! strike which has prevailed at the St. vision is made fot the appointment both in France and England, coming | Regis mill for two years, af a town planning commission by| from eastern Ontario and British each municipality, and where no Columbia are now units, respective- commission exists 'ratepayers may !¥, of eastern Ontario and British Co- appeal to the Ontario Railway and |lumbia regiments, with depots in the | Municipal Board. ? | Imperial army lines at Seaforth. The Princess Patricia's are also included as an eastern Ontario unit. Respecting Surveys. "Enforce 'Militia Act." Montreal, March 14.----The Mont- real Board of Trade yesterday passed a resolution which calls upon the Federal Government to immediately | enforce the Militia Act and call out men for 'the defence of Canada. Pensions for Teachers. In a Committee of the Whole the House considered the resolution by A HUGE WITHDRAWAL Hon. Dr. Pyne to create an Ontario BY THE GERMANS - : The latest rumor, which Is attri- Teachers' and Inspectors' Superan- | !nuation Fund. It provides that com- SRS b alii > is tl I e t| buted to Belgian sources, is that the on Western Fron Germans intend to try again to mencing in April, 1917, every teach- Is Expected St ang Hnspecier Smployed: ib Outariy --Major Moraht Makes break through on the Yser, with Cal- : Some Explanations. ais their ebjective, DAILY MEMORANDUM a half per cent. of his salary. The Government * will prescribe semi-an- Tm. See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities i (Special to the Whig.) London, March 14.--Britain was vastly interested to-day in the Ber-| lin Tageblatt explanatjgn ok dhe re-| cent German retirements by Major THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGQ Moraht, chief German critic. Major ---- - i " ss | Moraht elaborately explained the n Sale at the i it ; What the Farmers Want. well-known strategical tactics of Von 30 e 8 he Follow ng ¢ y N. W. Rowell resumed the debate Hindenburg, as exhibited in pre- " upon the bill respecting the Depart- vious campaigns on the eastern front Ahern, Joseph, Jr. ti 308 Monirea] St ment of Agriculture. He declared | "in order to gain ample space for | mycknel! we Depot "995 King St there was no need of a_ Hydro Labor strategical movements," and was con-| Clarke, J. W. '& Co. .. .. 353 Princess | Department, composed of a Minis- [strued here as designed to prepare Solinge, Book Store .. Ros Princess ter, a Commissioner of Agriculture, the Gernian public for a withdrawal! Gophers Grocery .. .. .. 2 'rincess ! 1 y INI i Cullen's Groce 3 rine {and two Deputy Ministers, and ask. on the Western fropt on a huge allen's Grocer or, Princess & Alfred t Frontenac Hotel .. .. Ontario St | ed that the bill be withdrawn and scale. Major Moraht declares 'that | Glbson's Drug Store , Market Square nually and place to the credit of the fund sums equal to those contribut- ed by teachers and inspectors. 4, The resolution after some discus i.sion was approved. i News Depot .. the department administered by a the ground evacuated by the Germans | MCAuley's Book Store .... 88 Princess i ini Tie 8 1 by the # | McGall's Cigar Store, Cor. : qualified Minister and Deputy Minis- | js poor terrain for fighting. McLeod's Garry by Fink in ter. The agriculturists of the Pro-| 2 Meanwhile the British forces are Medley's Drug Store ., 369 University { yince demanded there should be at pu 1 | | pushing steadily ahead, methodically | hauls Clgar Store .. ... 76 Princess the head of the department a man |g x . Prouse's Drug Store .... 312 Princess {strengthening their - positions ° on | Southeott's Grocery ...... Portsmouth newly-won ground. | who would be a real leader in ag- {ricultural work. There should also | | be as Deputy Minister a man having | : . & . I BLAN On: Monday, March 2th, | real experience in agriculture. CONVICTION QUASHED. i 917, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Bldney, { Severn Ducharne, North Essex, ---- Jr, § Fiwer Rideau St, a son DIED \ JOHNSTON 4- At 25 Crescent St, Mont- real, on Tuesday, Mar. 13th, 1917, Capt, Giltbent Johnston, formerly of Kingston, and father of Mrs, I. J. | stated the department would «be run Justice Middleton Finds P. M. Dea- con Was in Error, whom | | ' Ns. Toronto, March 14.--Justice Mid- | theve were 30 Jnany already. The dleton has quashed a conviction by thing more conirae than suggested | Lo%ice Magistrate Joseph Deac tf! MeKelvey, in the bill ; Brockville, The order provides' that WATSON. s _ | the magistrate must pay $25 costs sit n Tuesday, Marek 15th, 5 to theraccused. The matter arose » 1317. Doors Watson, in his sev. | PEPE RE EP rR Pett bb SPP Seppe from t act that Stephen Goorsky's' poh ia 50 Toar. i . » dog Kifted. it in sald, six geese, be-| Fnewse mst fo rern. ior afiernoon GERMAN SOLDIERS # [longing to a neighbor of Elizabeth- ~~ nnn START REBELLION. # town. The magistrate convicted | a 4 | Goorsky to pay $25, the value of the | JAMES REID Amsterdam, March 14.--8er- 4 geese his dog had killed. The Old Firm of Undertakers. fous disturbances among the 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Sn a isinity 3 vont Deten Erttanagause. new ROBERT TREC ays hat oat ragmentaly Te. § Budget, Which I Roun orihconink | po, ThE, LenIng Undoraker, pr ie of the Hop aaa 3 Chancellor Bonar Laws ae 577. 230 Princess % | will be to impose heavy duties where ed Holland, but that it is known y that such large numbers of sol- 4 they will prove the most effective de- 1 | terrents to extravagance. He pro- diers have been imprisoned in amiliar Quotations \ 4 | poses to make utterly impossible any F, ' z ' # Namur and Huy on charges of &| earning of profits in any businesg or - 4 insubordination in connecticn h # with the outbreak, that the 4 line of business that tempts the peo-| pen the th . + prisons in the two towns are # ple to waste. Government will | goat on vy eat] Som ngencicy Ath # | take the profits; thus ending such eni- | ost of which if they meet our barque by a number of officers of In Kingston, at 242 Univer. v be PEPE e Pete e rd hey ending March 7th totalled $1.- 063,190, against $992,026 for thelg same period of last year. . + Sruided to four and five times bt % their normal capacity, terprizes. A big increase in general) jy the passing, is sufficient to dasly '#4 taxes on excess profits is expected it to pieces. . ks - BLAIR, heAAAsARAc oa saat ds TT CPOE ? 3 $ i i | Ii i pis Sot EAR 5s rs tp ps bgt ica Agno Bo