' SDAY, MARCH 14, 1917, Said to be Due to Acidity, man a few "Ranks with the Strongest' a rnible abou him. > Gunrooms themselves have chang ed with the ships, | dark, uncomfortable | orlop deck, :s in old times | now comfortable enough | though better in some | others, | Toom ways have altered little. | The senior sub-licutenant is rule: | of the mess, and he wields | autocratic power within his turbulent little domain than any king, kaiser, or sultan on earth. Being unques- tionably the all-highest within his own particular sphere, whatever he Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Roya! Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Brarch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ holes below the as a rule vessels than AA A i ai Hair Often Ruined By Careless Washing Says goes----aund a bad time happens | A. Bell, J. W, Bell, Elijah Storr, D.|will spend this week-end In Toronto. | e| UPON anyone who tries to stop it, | W. Allison, Uriah Wilson, N.| Mrs. J. Day, Harrowsmith, spent If you want to keep your hair look- | for his subjects must yield him un- P. Wood, B. OC. Lloyd, Thomas |Tuesday in. town. : tee eaten ate ------ Ee pre nT Tr ing its best, be careful what you wash | questioning obedience--or suffer for V. Sexsmith, John D Ham,| Miss Wilhemima Gordon spent the it with. Don't use prepared shami- | their insubordination. | James Reid, T. G, Carscallen, Rober; | week-end in Ottawa with Mrs. W. F.| 7. poos or anything else, that contains Like all absolute monarchs, the | Filson, Irvine Parks, E. S, Lapum, | Nickle. i . too much alkali. This dries the sc alp, | "senior sub" has myrmidons to €h- | Robert Patterson, H. A. Baker, J. O. | ; .® 8 . ! makes the hair brittle, and ruins force his will, the said myrimidons | a rscalten, John Carson, James| Miss Helen Drary, Montreal, left | The best thing for steady use' ia| being a number of midshipmen who | Thompson, B. E, Aylesworth, James {last week to spend several weeks in| ® Just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil, | act as "dogs of war'--that ia their l-progen of R. Allison, Thomas Sym- | the south. : { r ra 1Ca Y m a (which is pure and greaseless), and time-honored and official title. When | ington, Charles Riley, Hiram Keech,| Mrs. Alexander Laird and Miss | ! is better than anything else you can | the "senior sub" desires anyone re- R. A Fowler R.W. Paul, Ww. Mar- | Hilda Laird left yesterday for Balti- | > i . use . {moved {rom his presence he orders, tin. M o 'Bogart L. L. Gallagher, [more to bs with Prot. Laird: | ® . . One or two teaspoonfuls will! "Dogs of war, out So-and-so," and | Ww 'Hambly. Cvrus E 3 We Mrs. A. D. Cartwright, Mrs. W. F.| 8 re, - . | .- Hambly, Cyrus Edgar, Smith | : ish 3 ¥ - cleanse the hair and scalp thorough-| the "d gleefully obey his behest. | iy ar A- B. Loyst, George A Nicklp and Miss Edith Folger were Iv. Simply moisten the tratr with wa Promptly they fall upon "So-and- | Wirtmas M Ryan Waiter Platt R.|@mong the guests at the last skating | ter and rub it in. It makes an abun- | son"---an avalanehe of hefty youth- | w Longmore TY J. Cook, R. W.|Dparty of the season which was held at | : . dance of rich, erdamy lather, which | and if ke is as big as a church out |): Phi " tor : " '|Government House on Saturday even- | : rinses out easily, removing every par- | Be has to go, neck and of from Rimmer. ing. ¥ ever Belgium needed Mpahy--=OUR Sympathy tele of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex-| the gunroom. Naturally this "'out- | a a Tt » | -- g rav $0 re, swor cessive oil. The hair dries quickly mg" business does not go through . (An Enjoyable Proquetion, ; The Reading Club, which met at 3 sheneeds it now. o the avage ' and evenly, and it leaves the scalp | without some tommetion. The Little Fe ats, ie Musical Mrs. E. J. B. Pense's home yesterday, and a savage, brutish soldiery, Germany has added soft, and the hair fine and, siiky, | lenever the marine sentry on | comedy with rench cafe > AS 1ywill meet next week at Miss Lettice . a. bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to | the half-deck. outside hears the gun- [the settings, was shjoveq by a IArEe | Tandy's . deliberate, cold-blooded slave-raiding. manage. room furniture begin to fly around {audience at the Grand ast nigh -| Miss Dorothy Chown, Gweiph, was ; You can get mulsified cocoanut ofl he knows that the "dogs of war" |The Sepang jo Tell Dainnesy, M10 town for Saturday. Over 100,000 Belgian workmen have already been ow Cada mpel, 168 TOY cheap. and | have been unicosed on loge [iae a vay clariing siorus of pro-| Mrs. Hubert Ryan and little son,| + snatched from their homes and taken into slavery in unknown ~ a few ounces will supply every mem-| and their quarry will soon come | The produc ; ot. | Who have been visiting Mrs, King, | \ . . : ber of the family Tor months. | hurlting madly 'through the door. A |logue and two acts, and the Sale Sot Yors: to (hs De Tow one: places. The mothers, wives and children who beg for their p ay be " od""' > | sian, rank | it : : : [an way be. "outed" for Yrenking Dngs are veal J principal role of |&Te expected in town next week. f release are driven back by the Huns in utter despair. Neutral i y ] il seni ) tod Mr. ; Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Anson . : { 8ub" thinks he ought to be "outed." | "Albert," and the chief female roles) ot BI 4 Ha Sovint | protests have failed to change Germany's inhuman urpose, | a "sub 2 Zive Nan ¢r Loui . ar- | 3 ' . 1 . . . jhe (ub bas not io sive reas A lad by Louise Orth Dirty Bar | A I rom Passaic, nor can the Allies free Belgian manhood until the Teutons { 800s for his decisions to any body. rios and lorence . | spent the past two weeks. | - When after dinner the "sub" | Because It's Yot' was the striking : " | are ci . ; J | picks up a fork and strikes an over- musical number of the production, | Mr. 2 Mrs, W. D. Bolton, Strath- | - . | bead beam with it or sticks it into {and drew forth encores. Egon hl RL, announce the | 4 But we can save the women and children through the 1 ervice te Fusronm ust ene SE Rees, | Wameral of Tate. W Foke, | Sombtemens of ma oma ounes (1 neutral Belgian Relief Commission, which is feeding three | $ y 5 re | 4 o ob) . | n 1 Sv. r E. Web- "oye : * : : | Skelter. Aud they obey the signal] ne fumoral service over the re | Mabel Foriude, lo Sydney EB New] million of them. We can express our indignation, and our in the quickest possible time, tumb- {mains of the late David H. Pyke, | < 4 ) We are giving the amateur photographer - the best service obtainable anywhere, and at the same low prices of two years ago---notwithatanding the greatly increased cost of all material, and we are still giv. ing .the quick, .twenty-four hour service, charging 10 cents for all sized rolls, We sell the best cameras, films and supplies made and repair, rent or exchange came eras. If you have camera frouble consult us, At Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone 39. Branch 2018 rling over each othen in their eager- ness to get out, for the last to leave will be grabbed by ~ the "dogs of | war," who in their own effective way | teach him the desirability of being {quicker in his movements next time. All this is the outcome of buoyant roystering animal spirit, which in- tends no harm and succeeds in ac- complishing some good. Every young officer has through the hoop," and it does not hurt him either, Rather is he all the better for the rough-and-ready dis- ciplining he gets at the hands of his | exuberant messmates of the gun- room, who certainly possess this vir- tue, that they are no sycophants and will not tolerate any fellow "putting on side," whoever he may be, And there is no better way of teaching any person. than by letting all the | noasense be knocked out of him by to "go | those of hissown kind. If a midshipman does anything for which the commander thinks he should be punished, the "bloke" does {| not treat the matter as seriously as he would if the offender were a senior. "All right," he says, "take Mr. Lanyard to the senior sub and teli him to give him half a dozen.' And the "senior sub' sees that Mr. Lanyard "gets his dose" in full measure. A cane or a dirk seabbard ----preferably the latter because it hurts most--is the gunroom's faver- its chastising weapon, and the "lay- ing on" is done so lustily that, once experienced, it is never forgotten. In favor of this custom it should be said that the offender gets what is due to him--and there ys an end to the matter. The fault does not count against him permanently as it would if "logged." . As to why he got "colibed" it might be that Mr. Lan- yard did not bring his boat alongside smartly enough or in some other way ho showed slackness in carrying out his duties; nothing which deserved to be permanently recorded against him, but which for his own 'good and that of the service could Bot be wholly ignored. t hie navy, you see, does not allow k the men will receive higher wages. 'w Codes of Discipline Which Soon | hours later acting as a | Instead of being , they are in But gunroom law and gun- 4 more tat the late home of the deceased. Rev, | | the law CHILDREN HATE Remember the 'dose' mother insisted on--castor oil, calomel, How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. Their children's revolt is woll- founded. Their tender ! Millions of mothers keep this less "fruit laxative" and arranged a settlement whereby | Com - THE DAILY BRITISH WRIG, WERNE PAGE THREE _-- re | -- BR -- A ---- - - RE -- SE EE - - I ---- ¥ ---- A ---- 3 . o E---- a Acid Stomachs (LIFE IN THE GUNROOM Letters to the Editor {§ Tod In Probs: Snow today; Thursday, clearing, cold Are Dangerous; 's vii rears x Fees eT te i Twilight" § 'entha of AH Siomach Trouble They Have Convenient and Effective far 1s (15 tHE Edi | I Monday's issue | a plain, fair statement | A Physician's Advice on Cause and Take the one nse Out of Any : between the islander The I g 3b Bet ast even ng Cure, Newscomer Who Needs to Have aftermath up-{at Mi Kent's, ing street suf Jamous physi rod Te hr His Latent Manhood Given Pro. SEIS Nnfor Callum, Port Arthur n i ations cLalium, Port Arthur, | have ge 3 ors Saas per Development. Jotal on f Mrs. George McCal- . ; internatibna ( Irs. A ai- | reputatic ir . : ut | 4 cent lecture that HE one place in a warship | : Wow , {Foubies, as w where pleasure in life finds! i a : Ln Jel] --mm------ vita organs we oe 1 107 C i » able to a deranged co o its most joyous expression | as J. K. states, Walfe Island is Ma gsley went to Brook- 7 SiSmach. "lich lw turn' was due rig is the bubbling, exuberant ar build at their own ex line & m Ag0. | Z times out of te » excessive acidity 8 ie buboling, L 13 'ulid at the © ai line some 2 B30, 3 - TY, comm 1 Sour stemach Off qoui ov. aTe Eunroom pense this needed wharf, on the site| Major Murray MaeNaughton is in| 5 EXEMPLIFYING THE AUTHENTIC S LE heartbu irritated rei wy i ssid } Ave to ' in hs ie i iro m Kinest ri atl ' wid Infiamed 1 ig of Here live the sub-lieutenants, the J 1heY have § ected, ey us al the | Montre al ia : Ringsion, staying ats 5 oo the stom - : title is imperfect, 1 t p tithe Ritz-Carlton A tritis and midshipmen, the assistant paymas- | tom to do so, without liability to] His Excellency the Governor Gen- | / { f ~ FEATURES OF THE SEASON ihresting ho ters (otherwise A. P.'s), and all the the city being Heurred? Or it thelara] expects to leave for the Niagara || ~ \ : a8 of medical other junior and irrepressible offi- |alderman's statement is correct and|popinsyla towards the latter part of || it 2 \ , : . 5 i . 143 ftv 22 Rot ; this wate i ar 'th Sy jes | 1 \ \ 1 omar Btn cers. With such a tenantry one may | tle city does not own this Water Jot the month. Later 'their Excellencies i { \ \ Ni The very perfection of smart tailoring, they a os . full i i : |and for that reason cannot grant the win go to Quebec to spend some | "N\ : di . . h d b hi . . . . I wir HS hy 1d sasily gues é at ave tas 4 oo olf 1s.) : i Sy - waits by : Swily Euess that dull quietude never | roquest, what is to prevent Wolfe Ia. | "AL i are distinguished by chic and individuality. Suits the ack MOV ¢| clouds the gumroom's day--and cer-|land from building the wharf and * + » f . ] d . d b « h ] : f aa 4 th cop apie tainly not its nights. taking chances on the Federal Gov- Edward Code, son of Mr, and Mrs. oO simp e 1esign an rig t, gay co orings or stomach its would be for al For the most part those who have ernment (the owners) taking any A. Code, Winnipeg,, taking a special : man who stepped a tack to rub| their habitat in it are mere boys in action against them in the future? |. <o at the Royal Military College, | sports wear, with some of a more elaborate nature, \ Removing he tack "Romans the fat] 50 far as years are concerned |s sommes e aaat io government {;gronding a short time in Ottawa | suitable for any occasion where a suit may be and the foot will heal itseif--neutral-| though made capable by long train-|of Sither party would disturb them with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. | - Le the aed a } stomach troubles will Ing of taking on a man's job and |withdut providing another landing. |p J. Code, en route to his home in worn. sappear saling medicines and! gi. it efficiently " |Ahe interests of the city and island |; : medical treats 1d are useless, so wily thu on is 4 a. hs { Winnipeg r ee a. lfeatments are Trg A midshipman in charge of afare so closely identified that an | in pee orge HY, Ottawa; [5 com- NS remaln acid; remove ihe acidity, and| picket-boat may be a model of [amicable and immediate settlement |. to Kingston shortly to spend a = there wil be Aine ot oy Srdleine n| Smartness and restrained dignity. |should be provided, even if certain | = will the I itself terers trom) He Will handle his little "command" | technicalities have fo be overlooked Bu $ 4% | SUITS PRICED FROM $15 00- TO $25 00 acidity, t ach . heart burn | with an air of more than greybeard Kingston is enjoying a period ofl Miss Margaret Cunningham will | y . should si of In of Blsurated| confidence, .rap out his orders in {prosperity at present, largely 'from | end this week-end with her sister, take a teaspoonful in a quarter] tones that have just the right !the world's misfortune, and are like- teas 121 hath ¢* : 3 i <3 of a Bias f hot or enld water after | amount of "bite" in them, and gen- | ly to forget that the wealth of the} Miss EI Zabelh Cunningham, in To SUITS PRICED FROM 27.50 TO 42.50 Rucess EIRSin eng whicn erally appear so staid and competent 1 sqgil is our Teal prosperity. 1 say Capt. George Shortt and his bride, | the doetor Was found most efficacious | that one might think all the boyish- | ours, because. though not a resident} -<t. Mics Oli 3 i arrived 13%) : i : yrmerly Miss Olive James, arrived ii | $45 in All cases ness had been trained out of him, | my financial interests are largely Inj IOrmerty Satire to visit the ted 13 SUITS PRICED FROM 00 TO 69.00 . r writes "Jackstaff" in The 'London | the stone town aud the excuse, iff abi . rg . i : ers parents, Dr. and Mrs. Adam | Mail. But see that same midship- | any were needed, for butting in. : oe | T. F. HARRISON, _ |Shortt . 3 | > hn Neil, 2 dog of 'war' in the gunroom, and rN ITTY Jor a nd with Rev. an HUDSON BAY [there will be uothing of the pre- LENNOX AND ADDINGTON, (ar J AV. Stephen. St. Andres maturely grown-up discs t The Wardens Chosen During Past [Malse. Fifty Years. {spending a few weeks in town wit There have been fifty-three war- her mother, Mrs. Geor, | dens of the County of Lennox and | Lower Bagot street. | Addington since its separation from Mrs. H. N. . | Frontenac County in 1863 John [spent a few days in town this weé | Stevenson, Napanee, was warden for|the guest of Miss Dais | 1863-4-5. Another warden for two versity avenue. | years was Sidney Warner, of Ernest- | ' | hip. These wardens serv-| * Harold Drinkwater and littl * | town towns {ed one year each: | D. Ham, Philip D, Boothe, J. J. Wat- Ottawa, are a ison, William Miller, Ebenezer Perry, | Easter, and will be the guest of Mrs Ira Ham, Robert Dennison, George |H. E. Richardson, Johnson street Paul, John Hogle, W. N. Doller, W.| Miss Gwen Mrs expected in town fo on Saturday, March 31st. Wolfe Island, took place on Mpnday | {Continued on page .10.) Mr. Leech officiated, and the choir! of the"Anglican church was present The floral offerings and large at-| tendance testified to the esteem in which the late Mr. Pyke was held. Members of the A.O.U.W. were pall-| 5. z vite Senter -W, Whitmarch, James | EVeTY one cordialjy invited. Davis, John Davis, William Fawcett, | Charles Hall and W. Hall. A 10¢ tea and sale of useful and attractive articles, home-made cook- ery, candies, ete., will be held Satur- day, March 17th, at three o'clock at | the Orphans' Home, Union street SELECTED THE CHAIRMEN Subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund in the rural parts of Quebec | Francis King, president are coming in well. In the city of Board of T Quebec they now have reached $330,- | hers of the council at dinner at the 124. [Frontenac Club on Tuesday night Wholesale sugar dealers have been |after which the organization of the informed that they must comply with | board for the ensuing vear was ef- forbidding agreements to fected. Every mentber was present, keep up prices, | save two, W. R. Givens, through ab- | sence from the city, and Elmer Davis, through illness. The following are the chairmen of the various board | comuinittees: Advertising, J. G. El- | liglt;; arbitration, W. Cook; agri- jculture, Rev. J. D. Boyd; banking, R. F. F. Harvey; entertainment and programme, R. Meek; city planning, lo. D. Skelton; houses W. T. Minnes: |hotel, Elmer Davis; industries, G. | B. McKay: legislation, R. J. Carfon: Board of Trade. of the rade, entertained the mem- --~ | PILLS, CALOMEL AND CASTOR OIL . , F , Constipated, Give Marine, R. E. Burns; members Pp. 8 Cross, Poverhii, Lipa W. R. Givens; power, N. C. Polson, Figs." ir.; railways, J. M. Campbell: retail; R. J. Rodger; wholesale, J. A.W. Craig. / Port Hope Woman Fell Dead. Port Hope, March 14.--Monday afternoon Mrs. Mary Ritchie dropped dead on Walton Street while talking to a lady friend. ' The deceased was a sister of Mrs. John Shuter Day, Look back at your childhood arys. cathartics. With our children it's different. little "insides" | B1oomsgrove Avenue, and was much | Best family phywia x 4 are injured by them. esteemed bya large circle of friends. | Do not gripeor cease BED ROOM FURNITURE & CARPETS It your child's stomach, liver and Dg. "MeKinley was summoned and pain. Purely vegeta We are showing this spring the largest and best assorted bowels need cleansing, give only de-| attributed the cause to hear failure, la, enay to take. Ta : . stock of bed, carpets and furniture ever offered in Kingston, liclous 'California Sy of Figs." Co ; 3 ; ' ; Its action is positive, ut gentle, D.D.; "Toronto, | Harold Dougall, Montreal, ia ge Henderson, | Auterbridge, Belleville, y¥ Chown, Uni- | A. Hooper, John |daughter, Joan, visiting Mrs. Lowe in Folger, "Edgewater,' | For the Various Committees of the | | | Bovernment, $600,000; '| public, $200,000. Hood's d | With Easter but three weeks away we would suggest: Choose your new suit now -- and if not prepared to buy have it laid away -- then you will be sure of your suit just whenever you want it. % No Charge for Alterations. h MH | K | | 8) r 'i | 1 | sympathy with our Ally's wro in a practical way, by giving more liberally than ever to the Be Igian Relief Fund. Make this a personal matter! to give, and send your subscriptions weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local or Provincial Committees, or = Belgian Relief Fund Payable to 59 ST. PETER STREET, MONTREAL Treasurer The Greatest, Most Efficiently Organized Relie Work The World Has Ever Seen. Decide what you can afford 10 $100 For One Hog. Port Hope, March 14.--Monford Wilson, the well-known drover and reeve of Hope Township, bought | from Henry Taylor, a farmer living | at Quay's Crossing, a hog weighing | 800 pounds, for which he paid $100. | It is a sow of the Yorkshire breed | and is the largest seen by Mr. Wil- wen ---- { son in thirty years experience. | War loan subscriptions to-day: | British Columbia government, $400, #00; Saskatoon, $100,000; Manitoba | Edmonton "= SALE OF it: that now children love to take BR March Refuse any other kind ith contempt, have been carrying a very large reserve or balance we will below cost' stock of rugs, linolettms, carpets and furniture. its young officers to start the wrong i neve Tails to Slean the Hver and F. 1 of ' sell . This stock, bought, ap of it two or three years ago, will way, and for putting them in the h Wels an Se esten omach, a 5 Goodyear welts. Watch our enable us to meet the demands of our customers at a very mod- right wey gunroom distipline is the | that a teaspoon ul given today saves est advance and in some cases at very old prives, / ost effeciive and convenient (8 Sick child tomorrow. bint is Now is the time to select your spring furnishings. PROS od Ask your druggist for a 50-cent Bi i 4% n : bottle of * Syrup of Pigs," [| 4A Board of Conciliation establish-| Which has full directions for babies, {ied to deal with the request of em-|children of all ages and for grown- . . bloyees of the Canadiam Northern! ups plainly on each bottle. Beware Express Company for an inerease of |of counterfeits sold here. See that Limited. wages brought the parties together |it ade by "California Rig : OKEN LINES All At Very Moderate Prices. For some time we