Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1917, p. 10

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATUR oo Ea This strong, dust-tight carton, packed by machinery at the refin- ery,is appreciated by particular housewives not only for its perfect cleanliness but for its convenience. Just cut off the corner and pour out the sugar as you need it. Lantic Sugar "The All-Purpose Sugar" 2 and 5-1b cartons 10 and 20-1b bags Send vs & red ball trade-mark for a FREE Cook Book ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES, LTD. Power Bullding Montreal | 7 re : ? ) | THE ACTIVITIES t THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE | % woken ' © A eects eens § (By Frances Walter) + Sie Sudks Ih the British army : A Terre Haute theat HOME? ibout my apartment, In a dull sor consider that her chief aimi~in was to impress her personality upon | her husband Several years of ) Mg ql tr ¥ Piss "w ' Treasures of Hair and Skin Preserved by Cuticura If you use Cuticura Soap'for every-day toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soathe and heal the first pimples, red- ness, roughness or scalp irritation, you will have as clear a complexion and as good hair as it is possible to have, Sample Each Free by Mail Addien Jpost-card: *'Cuticura, Dept. N, Basgon, - Sold throughout the world: I Snsmaerc i QD Dy & SSIS SUNG, SONNE 1GOT ona WEST SIDE car today JUST BEHIND a woman WHOSE HAIR looked like THE INSIDE of a CHEAP MATTRESS. SHE CHANGED a dollar TO PAY her car fare AND IT made me sick TO REALIZE that she had ENOUGH MONEY left in HER PURSE to buy a BOTTLE OF NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE. Yours for beautiful hr, i U. 8. Warship Order. ~ Washington, March 16--Contracts for what is believed to be the largest single order for fighting craff ever given by any nation were placed yes- terday by the Navy Department. Private builders undertook to turn out four great battle cruisers and six scout cruisers, costifig nearly one hundred and twelve million dollars for hulls and machinery alone, and pledged tuemselves to keep 70° per cent. of their working forces on navy construction, Machinery Has Limitations, The irritable employer turned to his typewriter with @ sudden snarl. "Why don't you write it just as say it?" he demanded. "Because my typewriter hasn't the and a nervous manner - He started every time he was spoken to, and when requests were! made or instructions given he would stand and bow so persistently that it was impossible not to believé that | ' he suspected every woman of having | into his rooms and returned present-. IS MY FORMER HOME STILL MY | he continued (Copyright, 1918, by the McClur Newspaper Syndicate), . It had never o red t te that, when I returned 1 e, I should tin anything strange or new or different | apartment sort of existance had resulted in the young man's acquiring a shifty eye 10ugh somett ight to ri arked le to speak, vet y accompany me to the "Will you open the door and then seemed ur i owoveme tT me?" of way I had pictured myself enter-| 'Yes, yes," he said quickly twirl- ing it as if 1 been absent on ng his hat so more and shuffling shert visit, and further than this mv | h feet in 'his embarrassment Of | imagination had not carried me | se, I w Mrs Pembroke, only Now, as | walked up the steps I Mr. Pembroke told me to 1€; no on remembered that 1 did not have alin | key with which to let myself in and | Certainly," 1 said, with as h I stopped suddenly and my face firmness as I eonld command "but paled. What if there sl! Id be no | naturally that did not apply to me, one there? What if there was no | lis wife." response to the bell? Then I smiled] "Of course not' he muttered, { with relief, for it wou!d be a simple | "only Mr, Pe broke Was Ve posi matter to have the janitor let me in. |tive. He called 1 ip ti and Surely he would have a key which (said, 'William,' he, "dd you would fit-the lock . v pet anybody «ome in" theseeroomsy, - Phis particular janitor was one of | You hear?" 'Yes, sir,' says I. * 'You the few persons of hig craft that 1] know what that means, don't you?' had met who seemed - willing to'g a ays he Phat means nobody,' 'S tout of his way to accommodate his | he; looking at me very hard 'That tenants He was a long, lean, | means nobody," says I. And then he cadaverous yeung man, ), early | went away." in life, had taken unto mself a "Mr. Pembroke wasn't expec'ing wife who every year since had pre-! me to return so soon," 1 replied sented him with & child. Whether | 1tly, for it seemed to me that Wil- because of this fact or beca of a| liam wag trying in as delicate man- peculiarly natural gift she seemed to, ner as he could to indicate that Ar- life y thur had intehded to include me in the prohibition. Yes'm," said William. "And now fhat I am here," said I, [ "you are rélieved of your responsi- | bi to Mr. Pembroke. I will tike charge of the apartment." "Yes'm," said WijHany, as though | he "had been convinééd very much against his will, While 1 waited he shuffled back the dominant characteristics of *his ly with a huge bunch of keys. Dang- spouse. "And when he received 'his | ling these, he followed me back up- i instructions he filled them with an | stairs and unlocked the front door jalaecrity which .put to shame thei] thanked him and locked myself in, | tardiness of had met. | So, when 1 discovered that the front door of my apartment would not open and that the bell was 'not answered, 1 descended to the realm where William and all the little Wii- liams and Wilhelminas dwelt, and asked his aid. He twisted the rim of his hat in | his hand as he bowed me away from all other janitors I ever i was at home once more, buy was it home?! The damp, musty afmos- iphere almost stifled me as I looked around upon-the familiar objects hich I had purchased to aderh the arious rooms, now covered with dust and showing themselves sadly n need of my care, h strange emdtions tugging at 3 rt I went to the windows and threw them up, one after the other | the threshold of his door and beyond Was I, indeed, at home? Was it any i the reach of Mrs, William's ears, and | longer my home? | when I thad finished with my reques! (To Be Continued.) | sen NAA A A AA A A AA er A er r= i | . | " » ' i i i i | "N\ guernsey dish, break in 4 eggs; put - Menu for Sunday i Grapefruit { Rolled Cereal i { i Tomato Omelet Whole Wheat Gems Vienna Meat Salad Reheated Gems Steamed Cornmeal Dumplings Maple Sugar Sauce Tea or Covon i " Tea or Covon | | LUNCHEON OR SUPPER | | : DINNER . Broth 'ongue with Spinach Celery Bolled Ox #} + ! Bermuda Potatoes, Parsley Sauce i Corn Pudding } Jelly Fruit | Coflee , Baked Eggs in Tomato Sauce. Pour 1 cup of tomato sauce into i (Continued from Page 7.) * | | Mrs. John Sherman has returned {to her home on Johnson street, after {a brief illness in the General Hospi- | tal. Major and Mrs. P. K. Ketcheson, Belleville, have gone to Hastings, after spending the past month in London, Sir John Hendrie, Lady Hendrie and Miss Enid Hendrie will spend a few days with the Governor-General and the Duchess of Devonshire at Rideau Hall Miss Edith Davidson, University avenue, is spending the week-end in Ottawa, the guest of Mrs. Edgar Burkholder, Miss Eleanor Creighton, who has been visiting friends in Toronto, re- catarrh," she quietly responded. Mrs. William Dewey, Stuart street, is in Hamilton spending a few weeks borne street, Detroit, Mich. of Mrs. making an friends in Kisgston, ing in Kingston, ' several thin slices~of bacon over top; place in hot oven until the bacon is crisp. Serve in dish it is baked in. Baked Shad Try to get a thick fish. ers scale the fish for you. Remove the head and tail. Split down the back and remove the backbone and the small bones along tlie edge. Wash in cold water and dry with a piece of cheesecloth. Brush a shallow. pan 'with 1 tablespoon drippings, put shad in, skin side down; spminkle with 1 tablespoon salt, 4 teaspoon white pepper; melt 1 tablespoon butter and put over shad; dust with a little flour and pour % cup milk over; put in a very hot oven 25 to 30 minutes. It should be light brown; the hotter the oven the better. If it browns in less than 15 minutes, reduce the heat as it takes 25 to 30 minutes to bake thoroughly. Most deal- with her daughter, Sparks. . Mr. and Mrs® Andrew Allan expect to leave on March 18th for a trip to | Washington and will return to Mont-!| real before leaving for Victoria, B.C. | Justice Britton, Toronto, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. D. G., McPhail, Union street. i Mrs. R. H. Abbott left on Thurs-! day for Amherstburg, after spending | some time with her sister, Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Kensington Place. } - * . H. H. Horsey is in town for a few! Mrs. R: Leslie] days from Picton. Miss Grace Prescott, who has been | the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Forster, ! Kensington Place, left for Montreal | to-day. | turned home this week. Lieut. John Lyon, Ottawa, is! . yy» spending the week-end in town. ] H. H. Gildersieeve, Sarnia, spent | a few days this week with his" mo- ther, Mrs. C. F, street, Gildersleeve, King | { Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunlop, Col-| are visiting friends in| Mrs. Henry Kavanagh is the guest D. Phelan, Johnson street. iin { _ Miss Ethel Hawley, Napanee, is, extended visit with | : Mrs. Charles Emery, Kingston, is! visiting friends in Napanee. : Mr. and Mrs. John H. Patterson, | Newhargh, have left for an extended 8 Coast points, at Trail, B. C., and Pacific Mrs. J. W. Hall, Napanee, is visit- made no ploys young colored g Mme. Huard, the ary ter of Francis Wilson, Woman munition w be employed in the 1 enals, f-starting engines has pleasure of the we n motorist Many cities in England now ploy policewomen as regular parts of their force. Woman drivers of automobiles are almost as frequent on the streets now as are motors, Lady Victor Paget is giving her whole time to the care of the wound- ed in England. Several Boston'so ety women are equipping themselves for war by learning wireless operating A bill granting wor the right to vote for President by the Ohio legislature More than 43,000 girls rolled in the.Greater lic school athletic centre Efforts for better motion p for the children of Iowa are beiny made by the women of that state, Elizabeth Tucker of Oklahoma is the only woman prizefighter man ager and trainer in the United States Miss Jennie Shaine, who has just reached 21 years of age, has been admitted to practice law in Masih achusetts, ; been passed are €Rn Yeork-pub ictures Mrs, Vernon Castle, the dancer, has gone to France to join her hus- band and help him in his recreation work. Miss Sophie Rombauer, daughter of Judge Rombauer of Saint Louis, has cut loose from the usual decu- pationg in which women engage ana will engage in sheep farming in the southern part of Missouri. A a A I eA A ANA AAA A AAA Pt at & Practical Home Dresr Making Gary Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review One-Piece Dress with Panel Front. A blue chambray is always attrae- tive, but. when it is used to make such a dainty little frock as this, its charms are irresistible, White collar and cuffs, trimmed with embroidery, trim the dress, > added to in the" Twi ight --- In the | {= OC [7 | Tg Nosy N D #4 Wa em- | CUTTING GUIDE 713 4 SHOWING size PEE EET IA) BEE DAY, MARCH 17, 1917. Realm of : Sele 5 Scientists ago 'Nature' grow the teas strength. * sam strength more than ord put Red Rose "Nature" chose Assam 'northern India was the original home of the tea plant. soil of this favored region as most suit-~ able for growing tea. It is, therefore, natural that the hillside gardens of Assam (see picture) for their flavor, fragrance and rich It is of these Assam teas, skilfully blended with choice Ceylons, that Red Rose Tea consists. _1t is this rich As- Tea must thank for its splendid econ- omy Zr the it yields to the pound, fully one-third To make certain that these Assam qualities are fully preserved for you.we air proof sealed packages. Tea reaches y strength--we guarantee it. Try a Package of this Economical Tea tell us that Assam in Thousands of years ' chose the climate and which to-day are famous that users of Red Rose greater number of cups inary teas. Tea into dust, odor and Red Rose ou pure, fresh and full Na ¥ ves Just the material to select for the construction of this pretty little dress is light blue chambray. It closes at the front, where a pancl effect is foa- tured. The back is also fashioned in panel style and, like the front, has strap extensions. The straps are eross ed and tacked on side front and si back. = A collar 'and euffs of wh linen finish the neck and sleeves, re pectively, Medium" size requires 314 yards 36-ineh chambray for the dress and Yo yard 36-inch linen for 'trim: wing, Before beginning to cut the mate- rial, the homte dressmaker | should make a eareful survey of the aceom- panying guide. The back is laid the lengthwise fold of material, With the sle¢ve-band front above it. The large "0O" perforations in the front, pocket and sleeve-band rest on a lengthwise thread. Whether the il lar is made of chs yor llnen, it is laid on_the lengthwise f fabric, as shown.in the side back, side front and sik the- large "'O" perforations resting on a lengthwise thread of the cham. bray. If the dress be desired with- out the strap extensions, cut off the front and back along indicating small '0' perforations. There are also small "o" perforations for shorten- ing the .sleeves, The pattern is, of course, cut before it is placed 'on the material to avoid waste. The embroidery on the collar and cuffs may be done in dither blue or white cotton. Mother-o pear! but tons ornament the panel front and straps. Pictorial Review Dress No. 7134. Sizes, Above Patterns Can Be Obtained From NEWMAN & SHAW, Princess Street. 6 to 14 years, Price, 15 conta, / == DON T let your life be clouded by indifferent * health. Don't let ill-health - steal your good looks. Don't re- main weak, or,aneemic, or nervous, or run-down. Don't suffer need- lessly. Get well the Wincamis way --the quick, sure, and safe way to new and vigorous health. Wincamnis is the quick way, because the benefit begins from the first dose --the sure way, because it _ has given new health to countless thousands of sufferers for over 30 years--the safe way, becausé it does not contain depressing drugs. Win- camis is recommended by over 10,000 Doctors, because it possesses a four-fold power in producing new health. It is a Tonic, a Restorative, a Blood-maker, and a Nerve Food allin one. Therefore it promotes new strength, new blood, new nerve force and new vitality. i, Bring on the Rats Teago Daly News One day an Irishman was traveling through a village where there hap- pened to be a saloon. Having no oe- cupation but rat catching he asked had they got any rats in the hofise. The saloon keeper replied that hey had, 5 "Well, you know, I am a rat char- mer," said Pat, "and 1 will not Jeave a single tat alive there." ""What is your charge?" said the When Baby has to be hand fed the lly choose a reliable food : one that will suit baby at the very will carry him successfully through each stage of his bottle days. So often one héars this confession "I've mother must carefu earliest and tried so many things." . MILK FOOD No. 14or baby's first 3 months--is completely Sourishing and readily digest- ed, alike for the newly re or backward baby. lenburys Mean Health & Happiness Do not make no other diet. MILK FOOD No. 2 for the - third to sixth months, to build up bone, nerve and muscle as baby's digestive powers develop. . & a sure foundation experimental laboratory ! 'Allenburys' Foods and avoid trouble. These Foods are the outcome of scientific research and wide manu- facturing facilities. Infants thrive upon the 'Allenburys' Foods as upon MALTED FOOD No. 3. a Jradigested farinaceous food rom onwards. to satisfy nature's demands as baby grows stronger and more active. Foods | Weak, Anaemic, Nervous, Run-down This Tile-giving Wincarais is thione thing you need when you are Weak, Anmmic, Nervous and Run-down. Because Wincamnis quickly brings back your old- time vigor--gives a le to your eyes-- and coaxes the roses to your cheeks. You look well-- feel well--eat well --sleep well---and can revel in the new health and new life Wincamis creates, But, remem- ber, that only Wincamis can give you this dew ot vigrrca health. Imitations only waste' your money and disappoint you. Remember that Wincamis is not a new untried preparation. Wincarmis has unrivalled reputation of over 30 year standing. in to get well now. Buy a bottle to-day. Imported only in two sizes ~~90c. and $1.50 per battle. The Famous Laghah Tenis ASK YOUR DOCTOR GET IT AT YOUR DRUGGIST'S Pints 900. Quarts $1.50 FRANK 8S. BALL, Resident Director, 67 PORTLAND ST., TORONTO 31 EE ------------------------------------ a tat st tii ais | ehopkeeper, ? i "I suppose a dollar," sald Pat, "or you better give me two glasses of { Bourbon and 50 cents will do." ; After taking the whiskey Pat took off his coat and said: "Now send the rats out here to me." - The Mennonites of Western Can- { ada, being forbidden by their faith, have sent no volunteers, bint are ald- ing the Allies with money. } T Baby's stomach an Use the the sixth month - 7

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