Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1917, p. 11

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rm ---- PAGE. FIFTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917. Se ---- -- ee ---- m-- | = = 2 = = = EE ee DE ==] soil is very sour and a heavy appll-, perience is showing us that much il ; 5 { : {jf} c&tion is required, is perhaps. best| heavier applications may Le made on i . : iy . ' i applied in the fall.' It is the sur-| clays thar show acid with litmus if ii} face soil that needs the lime fiiost, | paper. Too heavy dr 125 with i EWS n 1IEWS n or alladlan AITIICYS fl coosouency.icanenia not ve plowed fresh time. tan 15 serie the 'son ili down for a time, that is, the lime 'checks ? i : . In considering the amount of the | the life process of oranisms leshs( 3 EE : * : = : : ETT mmr Santos forms of lime that should be the soil. There is, however. no fear . at S12 a : a \ : Na =, applie AL 1S well 10 remember that| of this with the bonate of lime * n paar 31 3 to 3 83; No. 3 do, 1} 0; si Juized movil at $45 per 3 56. pounds of pure quick lime is the| On light soils it afe to apply from Th t Marke e o 3h 3 10 $1 according to freights! ton 1icluding bags... ; equivalent of 100 pounds of pure one to two tons of the ground lime- ] ia est t P rts I" Peg sa'ch = : g carbonate of lime. hat is. 56] stone, and on Clay the oer Re } fo 2, $2.50, aceording to Vegetables at Toronto. ------y ds of nT ; 4 oy . 4 . 8 ¢ ; n : freights p Cabbage are still holding at high | HOW TO MAINTAIN FERTILITLY a eh me oe 14 poguss 2 he Treen me. Hut in some > 8 Ph te 8 ases , , a u | Bari $1.23, | prices. Floridas selling at Toronto OF THE SOIL, general effect in the soil as 100] or the clays may be so sour that ; LIVE STOCK MARKETS | beet cattle, $8.70 to $12.50; stockers.® d for $7 lo $% per large case. Some gr pounds of ground limestone While hy headles uote Lie Te ' g y Se pre i and feeders, $8 o 65: cows and 1iominal, ae- old On los, from market gardens | Growth of Leguminous Crops, Con- not quite accurate one ton of quick- re Neutralize the seid groves Montreal. {heifers 70 calves, | ©O! utside is around the Humber, sold at $5 per servation of Barnyard Manure, Ap- | lime may be considered equal to two! . "CANADIAN COUNTRY MW AN Montreal, March 16 'Butcher | 39.50 to : 9s és ba ; ore $1.42 'ac- Marre i ts re DScUminE. scarde plication of Lime and Phosphatic tons of the carbonate. However, the | ---- AN © --8téars, choice, .$10.25 t 0g teceiy its, 54,000; market DA LA ers | scarce, \ : pas sccm | Character of the sc hou! na . : ! Sathie Bitar "eg Bojes $9.75 Ay Be to 0c lower; light, $14.20, Manitol St patents, iniand another 25¢ advance js noted, Fertilizers, Are the Four Essen. Ts Fula ool should be taker 3 fey monheold Holstdiy bull, um, $8.26 10 $8.75. Buls, cholee,| to $14.85; mixed, $14.45 to $14.95; [Jute bags, $10.00; second patents, in ling at $4.50 per 2-dozen case. als, material to use, carbonate or lime HY pyr Be Prine uteruation. $9.25 to $10; gdod, $7.75 to $8.75; | heavy, $14.40 to $15; rough, $14.40 jute bags, $9 ol; strong bakers', in! These came from California. Every agricultural country so far| that is, ground limestone and marl, De $21.50 rian Shipped to his canners, $5.50 to $6 cwt, Ce to $14.55; pigs, $11.25 to $13.60; Jute bags, $9.16, Toronto | Beets, parsnips and earrots have as the fertility of its soil is concern-|is much milder in its action than Br hole In the State of Washington cholee, $8.50 to $9.25; good, $6.75] bulk of sales, $14.70 to $14.95, { Ontario flour Winter according ' been holding "steady at last weak ed, passes four stages, "The first | the freshly slaked lime, and is there- by 2 2Docial wr Sn whlch vole Jarge to $7.40; fait to medium, $6.25 to| Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 23,-|t0 fample, $7.50, in ba i 'ATK To-| prices, being $2 10 $2.25, and turnips | stage Is where the soil is virgin and| fore the better material to apply |e hors SuuvuBeing that a $21,500 $6.50 canners, $4.75 to $5.15. Milk-[ 000; market weak: withers, $11 to! ronto, prompt shipment; $7.10, bulk | are also unchanged at $1 per barrel. ! yields crops bountifully. No manure | where rapid action is not an import- tll yas Thside. " i ers, 375 to $150 and springers, $651 3:12.35; lambs, native, $12.40 to seaboard, export grade Canadian onions are $7 to $8 per | or fertilizer of any kind is r ured, | ant point, and cspoct Ly ; t Abou 3,000 White Pekin duck- to $100 each. $14.95, iM Milifeed Oar " lota-- Delivered bag, and Spanish onions $10 to $11 { and indeed, on ac¢ount of ne riche sand and gravelly -- Mhese igh lings are linighed Feady for market Sheep, $8.50 to $9.50 cwt. Spring | pontreal frelghts, bags included-- | per case, ness of the soil | 4 organic matter, | fir ive to thirteen weeks, and are lambs, 37 to $8 each. GRAIN QUOTATIONS, + Bran, per ton, $38; shorts, per ton, | use them. The ta hq sot Py ore org Stan, Inaiies full-feathered al that time, Hogs, selects, $16.25 to $16.50: . . -- j342; good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 " the land has been depleted of a cer-, their offen porous nature its ae Production of alfalfa has in- for long runs runs and $i7.76 to $16 Monte), gd' hore tra No. 2 : 2:1 . : tain amount of its virgin fertility, slaked lime is generally credited Sreased 400 per cent. in New York or short runs; sows, $12 5 10 Montreal, March 16 There was hy *Xira 2 0. =, per ton, $13; but still contains sufficient plant food | with hastening this oxidation and on Nate iu the lust Ave years, $14.60 'and stags, $12.75 to $13.50{ very little demand for grain on 'spot hited, per ton, $9 to $11, track To- to wield profitable crops, if legumin- {light soils would thus .cause too wi, all Weighed of Fhe, $12 and to-day owing to the weakness in othe Stiaw Car lots, per top. $2.10 tn) oa crops dare grown, and all the manure/ rapid a dissipation of this valuable factors. B36 to 38 col . Inarhets, ang pusiness ou YI% 139. track Toronis | TB. 18. | that iis made is returned to the land. [ material. On heayy clays, freshly ees prices, | American No, 2 yel- ' Of plant food in the soi] is still fur-| tage, ere Is not the same fear of Toronto. 'M Rorento, Receipts at low, $1.30 to $1.3 5 , Suts--Cana- | Minneapolis, | Dairy Products, . ther depleted and where the appli- unduly Nastening the decay of the ths Union Stock Yards today were dish Western, No, 2, 75 ec: No.3. Minneapolis, March 16.-- Wheat | Butter, creamery,lb, 48 60 | cation of manure made from : the| organic matter and its action is caus- 1.041 cattle 107 calves, 1,488 hogs. | | > "2C: extra No' 1 feed, (4%, Bar- May, $1.82 to $1.82; July, $1.75 | Butter, rolls, Ib. 40 50 Crops grown on the farm is not en-|ing flocculation of the clay particles - 45 shes Cattle prices advanced | 16¥--Malting, patents, firsts, $10.18; | 4q $1.753%; cash--No. 1 hard, $2.-| Cheese, lb. ..., .. .. 30 ough to produce crops thatwill yield | will be more rapid and the improve- rE : (lis abot yb firm. but hogs | seconds, $9.60; strong hakers., 32 001%; No. 1 Northern, $1.90% to] Eggs, fresh, doz 40 45 maximum profit. The soil has also ment'in the physical condition 'ofthe : 07 Amal ' ; 40; E Winter patents, choice $9.25; $1.94; No. 2, do, $1 861% to $31.- EES, case, doz 40 probably become somewhat acid | soil more quickly obtained... On sols. cattle, choice. $10.55 to Stfsight follers, $8 50 ios 20; do. 943%. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.04; | . PT through the continned-use of TaFm- DéIween the sands and clays, experi- i butcher cattle, choice, | JAES, $4.10 to $4.25. do bigs gn-10 $1.05. Oats No-3-white, 55% " Fist; yard manure. Now the growth of | ments in other countries indicate $10.60 to $11: do. medium $8.50 Bois, 3-00 ~to- $7 5 do; bags; 0% G7 Flour-- Unchanged, Bran | Cod. steak, 1b. . .e 15 leguminous ° crops (clover, alfalfa, | that the carbonate of lime will prob- 3 ; do., common, $7.60 to $8; | IS. $2.35 10 $3 45. Bran, 318.00 to] $33.50 10 $34.50 {Eels, 1b, .. .. .. .e 10 peas, 'beans, ete. and the use of | ably give the best results through butchers' cows, choice, «$8.50 tod 338.00. Shorts, $39.00 = 33000 B-- Flounders, Ib. .. 'ee 12 manure must be supplemented by | a term of years, although the returns $9.25; do., medium, $6.60 to $7; do, Middiings, $41.00 to $42.00 Xouit : | Filletts, ibs, She 20 regular applications of lime (to cor-| for the first vear or (wo may be in canners, $5 to $56.25; do., bulls, $6] lie, $45.00 to $60.00. Hay--No. 2, : New York, | Finnan Haddie, 1b. . 16 rect the acididty of the soil) and | favor of fresh burned lime to $10: feeding steers, 7.25 tog Per lon, car lots, $13.50. 10 $14.00. New York, March 16.--Flour-- | Hake, 1b... ... ., . 1234 . phosphatic fertilizers. : The 'fourth : ! $9.26; stockers, choice, $6.95 to | Market easier: spring patents, jg.c0) Haddoex, 1reah, Ib. 30 \ 12% Stage Is where not only must legu- Amount of Lime to Apply. $1.25: do light, $5.36 to $6.75; Winnisoz 'a foctos winter patents, $9.15 to alibut, fresh, . « minous Crops be grown, manure ap- For mucks and peaty sofls that : foo main Fou Oo Wiis nipeg. : $9.40; winter straights, $8.75 to $9: | Kippers, doz... .. rs 60 Hed: re, re 2A th i | ; p Ea : milkers, choice; each 0 : Winnipos March 16.---~Wheat K : . a 0 i t 6 plied, regular dressings of lime and | may be decidedly acid, tHe fresh springers, $50 to $115; sheep, ewes, | .. : : % 3 : ansas straights, $9.50 to $9.75. { Oysters, quart ... 0 0 | vhosophatic fertil 3 giv Bn ] Vy . 3 iby $11: bucks and il go|No. 1 northern, 31.84%; No.'2| Rye Flour--Markét steady; fair | Perch, 1b 1 i p rtilizers given, but|slaked Mme is to be preferred, 25 to : cks and « 8, $¢ 4 . a 5 o Bhd * Mad tn . s TR ssie ili : a US 4 The ; : 3 He 2b to SL ye to $15.95: hogs, | NOTihern, $1.81%; No. 3 rorthern, to good, $7.85 to $8.20: cholee tojPite, Ib... .. ... 10 12% | potas Be Jertilizery Ht be used as The amount of lime that should be 3 fed and watered, $16.40 to $15.50; [$1.76%: No. 4, $1.64%; No. 5, #1.- fancy, $8.25 to $8.75. | Rock-fish, 1b... .. . 5 joe. L other. wor s, the soil| applied naturally varies with the na- . TE Loy 46%; No. 6, $1.14%. Oats--No. 2 Cornmeal --Market * steady; fine|Salmon, Ib. ....... 15 2 | defici a Shviug has become ante] the soil, and the degrees of Uniformly Good alves, oo C.W., 61%¢; extro No. 1 feed, 69- white and yellow, $2.60; coarsé,|Tilefish, 1b. ...... vi 121, | deficient in all the essentials ele- acidity. We have generally recom Buffalo 4c; No. 1 feed, 58c; No. 2 feed, $2.32; kiln dried. $5.55 ' Trout, salmon, Tv... 18 | fertilizer ther plte and a complete mended one ton of fresh lime or two Oranges 'h 16.--Cattle--Re-| 57%¢. Barley---No, 3, $1.05; No. 4, Rye--Market steady; No. © West-| White fish, 1b... . . | fertilizer must be used. tons of ground limestone, per acre. 4 Ms 16, --Cattle--Re = ACY, + « Wes » i California Pruit Growers Exchan, rip dle, Sateh market , e and | $1.01; rejected, 86¢; feed, 86. Flax ern, $1.87, c.i f. New York. I+ (fresh) ..-. 16 18 Lo or Tad = X This is probably enough for .. light ers. re Joipes, i230 heal ; ee No. 1 NW.C, $2.62%: No. 2 C Barley Market = steady: feeding, | Whiting, Ib, ..... yah 12% | Or rues 3 Jeg of Next Sep. solls that are not very acid, but ex- | hig + 8 ih Af y o ri | {aw V s -- se ( 'ent stages of so . 75" cher t 10.75: | W.. $2.59% {$1.18 f.0.b. New York. | -- ' Bes A Si $6.00 to $10.00; ily $4.50 Wheat--Spot' market weak: No. | Fruit, onilty are represented in Canada. he to £9.00; bulls, $6.0 to $9.25: stock- Toronto. 2 hard, $2.06 1% ; No. 1 Northern Du-| Apples, peck .... . 60 Duly a very limited area has reacted ers and foeders, $6.50 to $8.00; fresh Toronto March 16.--Manitoba | luth, $2 13 %; No. 1 Northern Man- | Apples Spys, bbl . 6.00 7.00 |& e Joureh Stage, but practically all cows and apringers, market active | wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.02% ; do. toba, $2.23 f.0.b. New York. { Bananas, doz. --.. an 30 % - Re pie Po tions Ie and strong, $60.00 to $110.00. No. 2, $1805: do. No. 3, $1.98%;| Corn- Spot market easy: No. Z(Celery .. .... .. 10 | edi sage. Veals--Receipts, 6,600 head; mar-|No, 4 wheat, $1.82%, on track Bay; Yello, $1.21 cif. New York. | Cocoanuts, each .. 10 16 Some agiminoys crop should be ket active; heavy and mixed, $1 ports, all rail delivered | Montreal | O8ts--Spot market easier stand- | Cranberries, qt. 15 included in every rotation. Exten- to $16.60; Yorkers, $15.25 to $15.25; | freights ard, 7T4c to 74 %e. Dates, Ib>.. .. . I 15 sive experiments have shown '. that light Yorkers, $18.75 to $15.00; pigs,| Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W.. 73 to | -- | Grape-Fruit, each. 08 26 where land is . fertilized regularly $13.25 to $13.50; roughs, $13.85 to|74c; No. 3 C.W., 71% to 72140: ex. | Chicago | Lemons, doz .. .. .. 25 | mth lime and phosophatic fertilizers, $14.00; stags, $11.50 to $12.50, tra No. 1 feed, 71% to 72%¢; No.| opicago: March 16 -- Wheat-- No: | Lettuce, head ba b {20a lt anise applied is. vit Sheep and lambs--Receipdts, 8,000 [1 feed, 70 to 71c, nominal, all rails red, $1.881% 10 $1.88% ;: No. 3 red | Oranges, doz... 20 60 Shiained by feeding the roots on the head; lamb market slow; sheep mar-|delivered en route C.P.R.* points. |nominal;, No. 2 hard, $1.90 to] Potatoes, sweet, I5 10 ke Laue ot ae oo ket steady; lambs, $12.00 to $15.25 American corn--No. 1, $2.00, $1986: No. 4 hard, $1.87% i j Ci. 2® Walniained for at least sixty ' . yearlings, $11.00 to $13.75; wethers, | track Toronto; No. 2 yellow, $1.20, | Corn- No. 2 wrth $1.08% to| al, His. DT ee TT via! he o Fire Ynderwriers $12.00 to $12.50; owes, $6.00 to|subject to embargo, [$1.10%; No. 3 yellow, $1.0714 to] Barley, bush. -00 1.10 |shee: Jnehor of wodern agriculture, N nset Twin Shi i $11.75; mixed sheep, $11.75 to $12.] Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 64 to! 11.09%: 'No. 4 yellow," $1.06 to Bran, ton sees 40.00 A great many fapmers do not re. O a i ora Shingle roof buriiag brands : 3 G6c, nominal; No. 3. white, 63 to|$1.08% { Buckwheat, bush . 1.40 | alize the necessity of Lonveying the tion in case of contagious fires. The Board of Fire Chicago. 65c, nominal, according to freights| Oats---No. 2 white, 0581 ¢ to|Corn, cracked, &wt. . 2.45 manure oh the farm, They regard it Underwriters approves . Chicago, March 16.---Cattle--Re-;outside, {603% c; standard, 60¢ to 6lc. { Corn meal, cwt. .. . 3.2 mote 25 3 huisance than anything : ceipts, 13,000, market firm; nativel Ontario wheat--No, 2 winter, per| Rye-- No. 5. $1.59 to $1.59. (Corr, yellow feed else. If they realized that every ton Barley--$1.03 to $1.32. . bush' .. .. .. 1.26 contained about two dollars' worth of AA AIA i ~~ Timothy--$3.76 to $5.75 Flour, cwt, first . fertility, they would probably take TWIN Clover-- to $18 grade .. ... .. 4.90 more care of it. A tom of manure Lard--$19.02, j.grade ., .,-.., vs 4.76 | gen, 5 pounds of potash, At. pre- l 4 Ribs--$17 to $17.62. | Feed. flour, bag .. 2.50 2.76 | war prices these elements of fertility "The home owner appreciates not only the fire protection, but the most | Hay, daled, ton .. 12.00 13.00 Nould oo In artifical fertilizers Sttractive appearance of Neponset Twin Shingles, The carpenter : ay, loose, ton .. _ .. 0,00 RO ee iin - .-and roofer appreciate the double size, saving time in_layi Made... ] de nse: Scan DUANE NE men Oats, To¢al, bush, . "a 75 Not only does maniire enrich the of the same materials as Paroid, the roll an, for service, econ- 3 { Duluth, March 16.--W heat--No. | Oats, Man., bush.. . 75 soil directly, with plant food, but' omy and durability, has been unchallenged for over 19 years. ; 11 hard, $1.90; No. 1 Northern, Shorts, middlings. op 42.00 when it rots or decays the acids Ask your dealer to show you the Red or Green Finish 5 $1.8934; No. 2 do., $1.83 to $1.85%; | Straw, baled, ton. . . 9.00 | formed which act on the insoluble {Crushed slate surface) Nepouset Twin Shingles, of 18 3 May, $152 asked; July. $1744 Straw, loose, ton. we 8.00 plant food already present; and make WEE un 16F Prices, etc, = 4% EG E May $2.90 14 Tv aes 2; | Wheat, local, bush. 1.65 1.76 it soluble and available for plant use. BIRD & SON, ' i p 801%; . 92%, o. & The organic matter in the manure Dept. K W Hamilton, Ont. 1 : Honey] furnishes the living bacteria in the The Largest Manufacturers of Koof- GENERAL TRADE White extracted Ip .y 12% | soil with energy to work. The ac- ngs, Wall Board end Roo o : Comb, buckwheat. 4 12% | tiivity of Azotobacter and other ni.| ° a fa = Comb, clover .. .. ot 18 [trogen fixing bacteria is directly monten, Calgary, Wina(peg, Butter proporti be h : Montreal, 8% Jae. Belleville, 42¢ to 43¢ per pound; [io aport alia] to the amount of or-h, Brantford, 44c to 45¢; Coro E, 10¢ | poet Menta, | ganic matter the soll contains, ; {to 42c; Hamilton, 46¢c to 48¢; Lon-f Cuts, 1b 15 30 pot uly Joe pm. a fhe ] : i don, 42¢ to 4T¢; Owen Sound, 37¢ 10] [acy oa raiel * 10 : sof with plant food and benefit the 4 If you cannot carry | 39¢; Peterboro, 400 to 48¢. Pow Foal fuse WI 14 [soil bacteria, but it has a very im- ; arifle, you can serve Hope, 42c; St. Thomas, 40c to 45¢; | ['ocal'. traas: "hp ** 15 jPORENE Dh¥sical Set Ii liosens Stratford, 40c¢; and Woodstock, 42¢| West. arca up heavy clay soils and makes them your country on the 16 15¢ per pound, Western, carcase 16 1614 | more easily worked. On the other ~~ farm. Western, hinds, 1b. 17 18 band it makes loose sandy soils more} ~ Amn - Eggs Western, front. Ib. a 14 [¢ompact. The desirability of an : , Belleville, 35¢ to 38c¢; Brantford, Hogs, live, cwt, .. Toya tg abiindance of organic matter in the a . 47c to 50¢; Cobourg, 45¢; Hamilton, | Hove, does soil is noticed especially in dry sea- 3 . y : \ { . gs, dressed, cwt. -a 18.00 # "The plow 18 our hope," declared 35c to 45¢; London, 40c; Owen | Lambs, spring, by . sons, when it will be observed that 3 . 1 d \ G h Sound, 35¢ to 37¢; Peterboro, 35¢ carcase, 1b, ... 23 Soils that are lacking in thig respect Right Hon. David L oy corge, the | to 40¢c; Port Hope, 40c; St. Thomas,| Veal, by carcase, ary out very quickly and become we a oil Lh {38¢ to 45c; Stratford, 38c to 40c;| 1b, .. .... .. 1 ard and crack. If lots of manure y I nme Minister of Great Britain, The jand Woodstock, 36c to 40c per i 5 has been applied and the soil conse- tremendous significance of thesé words in dozen, Chickens. treo. Tehely 133. 10 abundusos of ergante The Surrogate Court . : ckens, dr , the 6 w e held-- 3 Vv Chicke: bu , 5 |where it is wanted--near the sur- { 3 the face of a world shortage of food must = kens ID, i yiirn 2 ecor 1 1 Belleville, 22¢ to 28¢ per pound: | Chickens, live, 1b. 18 face, In reach of the plant roots. ds Reve . be a matter of concern to all. It points Brantford, 22¢ to 25¢; Cobourg, 22¢| Hens, dressed, Ib. .20 Barnyard manure does not make / . a 4 out the path -of duty to men and boys i to 25¢; Hamilton, 25¢ to 30c; Lon-| Hens, live, 1b...., '. 15 1a "balanced ration" so to speak for " : YoU don, 26c to 30c; Owen So 22¢ | Turkeys, 1b, .. .. Es 30 |plants, 'It is deficient in phosphorie that out of every hundred widows bi ] h b bl f } und, 22¢ 3 p Ty Mido unable to enlist in the army but capable o to 23¢; Peterboro, 18¢ to 25¢; Port : acid. = For this reason, when land only eighteenare left in good or com : ; ; Hope, 25c; St. Thomas, 19¢ to 22¢: Vegetables. has been worked for a number of ¥ eighte g som eiping to increase production . ping . Stratford, 22¢ to 25¢; and Wood- Apples, bhl. .. .. 8.00 5.00 years and the crop yield is not as fortable circumstances, forty-seven E stock, 25¢ to 30¢ per pound. * Carrots, peck .... ji 50 large as it was formerly, it pays to are obliged to seek e 1 3 ° > Cabbage, doz. ... 1.50 use phosphatic fertilizers. They Aid d To Hp oyment of : Help the farmer increase Potatoes Celery Manch 05 10 | should bo used anu ream the roots, a sa 1etining Bing: : \ Bellarile, $3 per bushel; Brant-| Lettuce, bunch .. 8 10 [or corn. The application of from five are left in absolute want. i . . i * | ford, $3; Chatham, $3; Cobourg, $2.- | Parsnips, bus... . ie 1.26" {two to four hundred pounds of acid i ; production A 60; Hamilton, $2.50 to $2.75; Lon-| Potatoes, bag .... 3.50 phosphate or basic slag per acre will Facts are cold, stubborn things and ? jdom, $2.80; Owen Sound, $2.80; Potatoes, pk. .... 70 | generally prove profitable, statistics such as the above demon- 3 2 3 | Peterboro, $1.90 to $2; Port Hope, | Onions, dried, bus. 4.00. When land has been dressed regu- At this supreme hour when ample food production is 132.60; St. Thomas, $2.40 to $3; | Turnips, bush. ,. 1.00 [larly with barnyard manure for a sirate beyond peradventure the one of the indispensable means of victory, the country Stratford, $3 to $3.25: and Wood. number of years it becomes acid. great need you have for Life Insur- s faces a serious shortage of men and boys on the farms. The stock, $2.70 to $2.90 Per bushel. Hides and Skins--John Mekn Lime will'correct this acididity. Ex- ance for the protection of your 8 Department of Agriculture emphasizes the urgency of every m TRAY | perlenced faruiers in the older coun. : home. If you wish to pla man and boy taking to heart this splendid opportunity for Wheat Limhed. {fies give their land a dressing of a pace your i Sah . ay Belleville, $1.70 per bushel: Brant-| Cow Hides (green), Ibs. ... +20 | lime every few years widow beyond the possibility of patriotic service. ford, $1.80. Cobourg, $1.65; Hamil-| Calt Skins, IDS. +. «. .. .. _."0| 'There are three chief kinds. of want you can do so by carrying one B Decide now to help in the war. If you are between the ton, $1.75; London, $1.70; Owen | Deacon Skins, each, up to .. $2.00 lime, viz.:lime carbonate or ground 8 O! i OVS ages of 14 and 4,18 and have good term record, Sou cun Sh: $1.70; Port Hope, $1.75; to Horse Hides (mane and tail 7.00 | limestone, slaked lime, and sypsum. of our Monthly Income Policies 1 secure promotion at school by enlisting for farm service 1.82; St. Thomas, $1.69; Stratford OR), EaCN ake oxy aii 3-90! The lime carbonate or ground lime. which guarantees her a Mont : any time between April 20th and May 20th, $1.75; and Woodstock, $1.55 to $f. Sheep (fresh take off), each 2.50 ftone is the kind that should be used : Income for lif Monthly 3 . d 65 per bushel. Tallow (rendered), Ibs. .. . "08 | in most cases. It is less ca 1 me lor lile or your estate twenty 1 Pareuts are urged to encourage their boys to enlist for farm Pp oat 3 Saustle than i service. The physical and moral welfare of, your boy will be reo. fhe siaked lime and moreover 4s a years cenain. advanced by a summer spent close to Nature; 'an interest will be Barley In New York State legislation is | god deal ceaper. 3 : awakened in an important industry of the country that will be a Belleville, $1.10; Brantford, $1; | contemplated for the State control of Gypsum, or sulpbate of lime, is ! help to him in his whole future, : Cobourg, $1.05 to $1.15; Hamilton, | Currant planting as a means of sheck- | found in beds or deposits, in various The $1.05 to $1.25: Owen Sound, $1.20 10g the spread of white pine blister | parts of the Dominjon. When pul- ' M The Department appeals to retired farmers, to mea to $i.22; Peter $1; Port Hope, | Tust. Curant bushes are host plants | verized, it is very commonly called M - en following no occupation (retired), to business men who $1.10 to $1.15; Bt. Thomas, 90¢ to| for the disease. 3 land plaster. It is a valuable source) anu ac urers 1 e : can spare at least a portion of their time, to all men who $1; Stratford, $1 to $1.10; and| Seed oats from North Dakota have jof lime, as the compound js more sol- 2 gan » Srrnge ¢ thew Sairs 50.43 to help sume farmer. Every man is Woodstock, 90¢ per bushel. not proved upesiar in yield to home- | uble 'in water than the carbonate of n Tasurance Company ce. % ; . grown seed of the same variety, in lime, but it does not neutralize the EAD OFFICE, . TORONTO : te at ; field tests cond for seven years [acid of sour-boils as do the lime car. : Spates with Tout cotrict Representative ' Millfeesd at Montreal. at the Ohio iment Station. bonate and slaked lime. 'In other Visit © Government ft ployment B o = There continues to be a keen en- Plowing is likely to begin in south- | respects, gypsum or land-plaster M G. JOHNSTON, Manager, 15 Queen's Park, Totouto. Sires n quiry from all sources for supplies | western Ontario in a fortnight, and , may substitute lime, dnd being more Ki } ' RN ! 3 3! Sillfeed as a Areal, of which the | may be quite ge the first week soluble, may be applied at a much | ' ngston. JL . o ngs are small, and in con- jin April. Are in ents, harness, | less rate pér acre. It also contains - : ; Ontario Department of ulture sequence prices are firuily maintain | and seed all ready? some sulphur, which some authori. | re W. H. Hearst; Minister of ; ed at the lowered spread established| The bull, : Before and after | ties now think way have a special' Rpt T last week, with sales of Brin in| service, shou have his sheath thor-{ value in the soil. : ! arliament Buildings oronto mixed, co lots at $36 to $38: shorts| oughly cleaned, 3 @ means of check-| Ground limestone may be applied al . ] at $39 to $40; middlings at $41 to! ing the spread of contagious abor-'at almost any time of the 442; pure grain moullie-at $48 fo. tion. Ee Freshly slaked Ime, especiaily if the

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