| \ \ = The Daily Brit ---------------- ---------------------------- YEAR NO. 84--65 . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917. - cet tina artmPom------.StA---------------------------------- ee a} Jllustrated Section Various Scenes From the War Regions After a long and iedious campaign word comes from the Mesopotamia expedition that conditions are improv- ing. The British have captured the city of Bagdad, and the Russians are pushing forward to the border. Major General Maurice said recently that this success has ¢ "nietely upset Germa plans in the East. The pic- ture shows a Turkish military bridge over the Tigris at Mosul, The barrage fire, Meurthe et Moselie sector, which uses up shells of the famous French 75's by the millions. This 'o thousand French munition workers receiving words i The objective of it all. An elaborately constructed system of is a photograpk of an actual bombardinent. praise from the Russian General, Gilinsky. German trenches on the western front. French troops on the march from Salonika to strengthen the advanced lines. the allied line in the region of Lake Doiran, where considerable activity in the 22nd were reported to have linked up with the Salon ine, and the constant bivouacked along the banks of the Vardar. The French now hold the centre of way of raids recently has been reported. The Italians in Albania on February arrival of reinforcements for General Sarrail's'army su an impending drive : ~ It is no easy matter getting an ammunition. Waggon over miry ground, for, after persistent rains, the soll is no firmer President Frederico Tinoco, the newly elected Executive of Costa Rica (in riding costume) photographed with the officers than cream cheese, and horses cannot get a grip. : 3 of his army, immediately after his inauguration. t