ILLUSTRATED SECTION. S---------------- LIEUT. JAMES A. FOOTE, A Kingstonian wha was at the front with the original Princess Patricias C.L.I. He is now witn the 256th Railway Construction Battalion, headquarters Toronto. PTE. JACK H.. ORSER, Formerly of the 146th Batt, now with the 4th C.M.R. in France, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Orser, Glenvale, Ont. KINGSTON SMELTING co., Plant on River Street, Kingston. See main section for special article. KINGSTON SCHOOL OF Officers in centre: Lieut.-Col. PTE. HARVEY TURCOTTE, 8th C. M. R., now with 8th Bat talion, 1st Division, France, son of George Turcotte, 8 Sixth St. Kingston. SIGNALLING, SERGT.-TPR. E. R., FILLION. 72nd (Queen's) Battery, King ston, C. F. A., 16 years old, now in France. W. J. Brown, G.8.0.; Major D. E. Mundell, Commandant. ' PTE. H. L. BRYANT. Enlisted in the 146th Battalion, now in France with the 4th C.M.R, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryant, 44 Quebec St., City. LIMITED TPR. MELVILLE MOORE, Portsmouth, Ont., with 8th Cana- dian Trench Montar Battery 'in France. Enlisted with the 8th C. M. R. PTE. FRANK LARONGE, Enlisted "with Medical Corps of 77th Ottawa Battalion, trans- ferred to 38th Ottawa Bat. talion, now in France. ' Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Laronge, 188 Colborne Street, .