Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1917, p. 7

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3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD USE BANK OF TORONTO MONEY ORDERS rontoe Money ii : You can pur and they are caf pondent n any « ir Branches; th Total Assets Reserved Funds 3,000,000 86,507,000 BANK or [ORONTO George B. McKay WH RAY yr FOR SALE Pn mn is leaving the actual value. Speak quick. Price $2600. THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. A cm You Can Count On It Wher we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time Special Bonus Offer FREE With either Palm Olive Shampoo, or Palm Olive Cream, we are offering two cakes Palm Olive Soap for } 50¢ or one cake soap free with eithe Palm Olive Shaving Stick or Talcum, | : 25¢ Perfect Vision Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office § v Opposite Y. M.A: ¥ atts, Florist Fresh Cut Flowers | y Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. | { Funeral Designs and Wedding i | Ee READING AT NIGHT IS OF- 'EN DENIED TO MANY BE- : THE EYES BLUR AND UNDER ARTIFICIAL TIRE LIGHT ! IF THIS IS YOUR CASE SEE OUR DR. CRICHTON WHOSE EXAMINATION. OF THE YES AND READING. GLAS. 'SES WILL OVERCOME THE TROUBLE. Hounquets to Order, A AAA ri Lettuce Always Fresh, at Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545. BLUE BERRIES -- 10¢ Per Tin. Green Gages 2 Tins for 25c¢. J. M. Gordon's Grocery | Phone 88. Cor. Montreal and Bay. | AANA Pl. Nt As F.J. JOHNSON See YOU CAN SAFELY RELY UPON OUR ABILITY TO GIVE YOU GLASSES THAT WILL BENEFIT YOUR SIGHT AT ABSOLUTELY FAIR PRICES. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ACH- ING OR EYESTRAIN CON. SULT OUR OPTOMETRIST AT ONCE. NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINA- TION. , R. J. RODGER, Manufacturing Optician 132 Princess Street "Where the clock is on the walk." .s Steam Vulcanizing WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE ¥ CANIZING z | Call tn and get our prices before going | \ | elsewhere. First class work ane rea- The Leading Florist | Floral Desigus, Wedding Bouquets nnd Cut Flowers onr specialty. Orders filled promptly. Phone 239, 115 Broe Fish, F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sta. --~---- | Carpenter and Builde W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts fad Fit. 'tings. Remodelling Buildings of all ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. "Steam Vulcanizing Auto Tire Repair & Ex- 220 Montreal St. Have installed ono of the latest Oysters and Fowl A Fresh Shipment Arriv- prepared to handle all kinds of tire and tube repair work at reasonable prices.' : _ Agency for Firestone Tires 00000 OI NCDENTS Bank of T etr cost fs smal nder and his corres , Manager. --nw_- We have a brick dwelling with all modern con- | #rit veniences, deep lot; a well located property. Owner | vs ng city and sale must be made in a short time. The price is right and is $300 to $400 below Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 |. A i steam sectional valcanizers and are [PAY YOUR OUT OF TOWN ACC OF THe LOCAL NOTES AND GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchints Offer to the Readers of the Whig. i piano g str Leave orders at ey's Book Store € hom; H. Cunningham, )=on al Hospital Walter Ellis eutenant WW GRAND ITEMS OF tuner, ippendicit's at f Easter . Come the College son of" Mrs. W. § Albert street, is taking a course | nd to qualify as an artillery AY, MARCH 17, 1017, | PAGE ELEVEN ~~ Tonight Bud Fisher's Latest Musical Comedy Success Prices, 25¢,-50¢, 75¢, $1 Seats Now on Sale, OPERA HOUSE . -------------- i Hil TTT 00 ADVERTISING RATES CONDENSED First lnsertion, 1c a word. secutive insertion thereafter, cent #4 word. Minimum one lusertiom. 25¢; 50¢; six $1; one month, $2. i ---- Each con- haif- charge for three Insertions, ' 7 FOUND HELP WANTED Al re rer on" JE on ez ¥ People's Forum % a me en 1 --_-- fe] _-- -- ---- -- ---- = --_-- Sa Ie a Toe a ee i = a een FINANCIAL I'F IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A 1 nirdon Express Money Orde | #vo-dotlars Covis three cents FRONTENAC { ment LOAN AND INVEST. Society: incorporated 1863: Colonel H. R. Smit ce-president, W. F. Ni Money issued on city Ke, cent stamps today for contract Apply No. 1 Alice street Mizs Ada Adams' parlor millinery CHAMBERWAID. RANDOLPH HOTEL, in { and farm properties, municipal and opening, Tuesday, March 2 and | Nhe i> a i . - > ax Country debentures; mortgages pur- following days Open Tuesday and Commencing v GENER ML SERVANE, APPLY 204 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Chased] pnvestment be nds for f ing days. 1 a) a 1 Street s : eposity eceived nd n- Thursday evenings ; Thur March TISED FREE terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright tov. My sQuarrie hs a . WORK FARM ON SHARDS, ' nite 8 rer. $7 Clarence 8 ting . Rev. Mr. Ma Saarrle has gor ured | Wveninge S15: Matineow Fridny anit | 0 Arar, ROR FARM ON Si Anyone finding anything and manager, $7 Clarence St, Kingston. artette frgm the Y.M.C.{ van- Saturday at 2.30, : i -- --- FOB iris Avia SRP ¢ . : ; : 3 20, | - . - wishing to reach the owner may | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE stic Band, Kingston, to assist in Baxil- S. Courtney Presents | MOTORMEN AND « UNDE TORS. AP- dc ao by reporting the facts to IM Fire Insurance Company. Available his service on ithe Bath circuit on Ply Street Raflway Office he Bricish Whig. The adver- bony 351131 Be as SAI St tav . AYR ey nt will be printed in this which the policyholders have for unday iy A COMPETENT HOUSE-MAID, APPLY column tree of RTE, . 3 security the unlimited Mability of Dr. Scott, of Queen's Univer NWGRIFFITH'S | Y.W.C.A., Johnson Stree | city property, insured at lowest sity will lec + before the Napanee | COLOSSAL SPECTACLE | HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS. HOW- aes not in. 10 possible eS 1D Before the tri rics 30cio * arch 24 | hod C 4 3 } er' BB clove da 2s attle, horses, old or giving ew Hus § ge H stori al Sc lety on March 30th on | ard. S. Folger, 1 Emily St may be ad- | rates from Strange & Strange, The Historical Problems of the ! : po PLAIN CODING. APrLS "Lost" column. ||| Agents. Phone 325 Empire 1 to Home Tor Aged, 343 Muntreal St The Toronto Boy Scouts are used | or Phone 56 \_ TO LET the city corporation to clear the : jo : NS -- + ¥ 2 . d [KITCHEN WOMAN, ALSO MIDDLE! _ } streets B and ( adets | LOVE'S STRUGGLE { JaTOHE man THA notes pply Fron. | TT | FURNISED BED ROOMS AND SITTING migit be here, They could | THROUGHOUT THE AGES | tenac Hotel » FOUND : room. 123 King street veh te : Sn Sisating the water] | BRIGHT, SMART GIRL FOR GROC-| == | POMFORY ABLY FURNISHED FRONT A . } ory. Apply Gilbert's, or. Gore and | STRAY DOG, AN IRISH TERRIER, | rooms v double. Apply 478 St: Patrick's Day greeting cards at | Mighty Drama, Down the Cene) -. \Wolllhgioi. Sis with black ox "back < Has collay + ' College Book Store ex, Seen ux from a Pinnacle in| wi 8. an Own- | - . By d rE) Ontario Bicense | Spveepiug Glance, A MAN FOR ORDERLY AND FLOOR €r may have same hy paying ex-| NEURNISHED ROOMS, CON. t th 1 icens SUberinteiules penses Ware : entral location. Apply " vy order o . 2 Ario cense e thun twice ax mach ax all the work A Superintendens pens Hayward Rowswell, R. M | Y TI hoy 1 ation Apph oa rd dito X zonfiscared | combined $2.00 attra¢tions now Kingston General brospital 2 No, 4, Elgin, Ont { jvkig Ofc will be ha\ded over to Yhe Home for pinying on the American stage. - -- a } s ENCE hr ae the Aged \f sdicinal p 2 \ccompanied by nu | COMPETENT GENERAL, ONE WiL- | VFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. ee Age for medicinal purposes . > ing » leave city about May 1st LOST. | bers Apply to A. B. Cunningham, or Hughes urged (the request be- | Big Symphony Orchestra References required Apply $330 ~ i 19 Clarence street fore the Board i Joltason street BROWN LEATHER PURSE, (ON.| Re : > | A soldier named Alfred Laxton | and Choir I GOOD STRONG Rov FoR lalning 3208 and beiongi » al LARGE XE R¥ISHEn BROOM AND : A i ew stay d : was ¢ before Magistrate | he First and only production by D. W. he ment, stead the f | ; of phone. Apply 103 Farrell rday, charged with a | Greitfith since "The Birth of u Nation." | of ivancemerndt tur: | Union Street violation of the Temperance Act. . | Offige ee erm RARBLE COMMODIOUS, " # . . | 1 La t U » j The case is one arising out of the | Prices: Mat. 25, 50, 75c. | GIRI. FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, FOR SALE OR TO LET | 1 brick residence, 138 King finding of a ease of liquor in a club Ni ht 25 50 75 $1 00! only three in family; no washing . ------ { ir Qity Park. Apply to How i | " -------- Folger, arenc p |= Not quite half the necessary 1gnt. ' ' C, WU ap rong, noes required SALE OR TO RENT. Folger, #4 Clurence street. amount has vet heen yseribed in| Box Seats $1 50 | Apply 320 F Sed for garage or stable. | FORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN the Y.M.C.A. financial campaign. The - . i ARRIED MAY TO HAUL SAND TO fred street : 1 dry, alry roms; your own look and AM worker, are fe to cover the SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY. } city; steady work; good w 8 to ee | Key Frost's City Storage, 299 | yrkers are too wot I eer ------ ean. | a hp : : él. Phone 626; res. 959 1 » } . a reliable nan Apply to. RL. H . ground quickly Your subscription | Fair. Kings ot Statin -- will' be thankfully accepted if. sent to : J J I -- a ad -- --~ the local 'Y." ! LANES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT GRAINING N STRE T, BE- A eo A en | sewing ai' home, whole or spare Rooms pape ellingtan Streets | al aa ® ope . 1 * | time; good pay; work Sent any oon including j r doulars apply to GRA D -- | distance, charges paid Send Prowile 282 Quwe "bay, 194° On- -- 8 -- . | stamp for particulars Nationad ri | on i | Mar 'turing Co., Montreal == es ree Thurs., Fri. and Sat. | Mu Riseiuring annie @ FURNISH APRIL 18ST, | : - gn ; ~ < b a . "ni \ | OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT a nive { : Daniel Frohman Presents | home on Awto-Kmitters making FOR SALE | : N PINE STREET. APRIL. IST { ¢ e | . | War Socks, experie » unnecessary, " T " -- | HOUSE © STREET, «AST, on { Frank Mcintyre m | distance immaterial, Enclose three A HEN HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDITION. | Brick, improvements | AT Liberal Club Rooms, 338 King St., (Over Congress Hall) Monday Evening, March 19th | A splendid programme of vocal and Instrumental selections will be given by Kingston's leading entertainers, | Everybody Welcome Liberal Association. Given under auspices of Kingston i pm ' The Traveling Salesman . The Shielding Shadow The Mutual Weekly. | Prices: Mat 10¢; Evening 10c, 15c. rs mene STRAN MONDAY, TURSDAY, WEDNESDAY VALDREVILLE CHARLEY CHAPLIN, in "The Vagabond." ne Feature Photoplay | Lillian Gish, in "The | House Built Upon Sand" Other Good Reels Matinee 10¢; Evenings 10¢, Seats Reserved. Phone ~ PERSONAL» © SEND { DOMINION EXPRES MONEY ~~ | Women's Canadian Club "Ontario Women as Citizens" Convocation Hall At 8 o'clock; { | | By Mrs. Plumptre, of Toronto. { | Monday, March 19th, All are welcome, Order; Five Dollars costs three cents { HAIR, in Tig ha! ARTS, BIRTHMARKS fb, and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed manently, with. out scar; 30 vears' experience. Dr. { Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 Bagot street MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS try me; best and most successful: hund rich wish marriage soon; stric il: most reliable; Years + descr free ful Club," Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Calif P. - BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS.» Insist on the RED Carton, MARRY: FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI- ness, many thousand members, both sex, wishing early marriage; hundreds wealthy: confidential des- criptions free; established 10 years 1¢ Reltable CHWib,» Mrs Wrabel 732 Madison, Oakland, Calif DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, B.A, L.D.S, D.DS, Office, 258 Princess street. Phone 652, DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Phone 626 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, Dew Phone DEN- 159 Wellington street, G. C D.D.S., L.D.S, assistant. 245 form. Dept. 24C, 'Auto-Knitter Co., i College Street, Toronto FOR SALE THESE EFFECTIVE ADV . COST little. Once, 25¢; three times 50c; one week, $1.00, GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE seleetions, your own cholce, $28.50, $10 cash and $1.00 per week. CW, Lindsay, lad. 121, Princess street. LARGE MILITAJLY "MESS TENT, 50 x 150 feet In Bx state of repair. Will: be sold: cheap Apply Major J. Li. Newman, kville, Ont TWO BRICK HOUS street; modern; 28 ON VICTORIA near Union St, car Foiger, 44 Clarence street, BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN Smart. country village; store 2. storey and large cellar; all first class condition, $1,000 to wind up An estate, quick. G. A, Bateman, 67 Clarence 'street, Kingston. MOTOR CYCLE. 1916 MODEL, POWER- Plus, twin eylinder, side car, elee- tric lights, speedometer; in No. 1 condition. ' Snap for' quick buyer Good reason for selling. Apply to 54 Queen street, A GROCERY STORE WITH DWEL- ling attached, doing a good busi- ness In a good location For par- ticulars apply to West End Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 147 Collingwood street. Phone 743. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kindg of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also open to buy everything in the above lines. J. Thompson, 337 Princess street. Phone 1600. BRICK HOUSE, UNIVERSITY AVE. 'near Earl street, 9 rooms, modern improvements, good condition Easy terms. Apply, West End Real Es- tate and insurance Agency. Phone 743. Ef PATENTS | GET Your AWNING made fu Chunda than Capt. Joseph Dix, SAIL makes, WAKER, 211 NELSON a card. S) BABCOCK & SONS, MADE in KINGSTON "Patronize home industry: no better ST, If you want ene, drop him Patents, marks, designs. Estab. 1877. erly Patent Office Examiner, of Patent Laws. Book "Patent Pro- tection" free. 89 St. James St, Mont- real. Hranches: Ottawa, Washington. trade Form- Master PIANO TUNING. MR. SWAINE IS PREPARED TO be piano and pipe organ tuning and SEE ME FOR NEW AND SECOND hand sideboards, dressers, couches, parior chairs, tables, Singer sew- ing machines, crockery, pictures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture A Shapiro, 35sPrincess street LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU. ches, stoves, men's clothing; also new upholstered chairs: military harness, shoes, Jeather straps! Na- tional Cash Register. We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys see Frank W. Cooke, 3 Clarence street, DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. {sion street, 6 rooms and W.C. in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street, HRICK HOUSE NO. 130 VICTORIA ST, near Johnson, 9 rooms, electric lUght and gas. Apply McLeéo Drug Store MeLAUGHLIN FIVE IR, Model 37, 1815 Car, in perfect dition; a good buy Apply to J 8. Asselstine, 342 King St WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE shipment, including the famous Overland, Perfect and Athlete mo- 9! man, Cla OFFICE WITH VAL LF, GE "Wh A. BATE. 1 ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington streets, FURNITURE FINISHING P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. all or drop a card. 28 John street SI oe BUSINESS NOTICE SELL YOUR OLD SCRAP IRON AND metals, vid rags, scrap rubber and old paper. | pay the highest prices for them. Phone 1849. I will call for any order in the city. M. Ro- sen, 166 Lower Bag® street, cor. Char n Smo a A.B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ance street, Kingston. line. Owmers desirous of selling torbike model bicycles. Will sell at once, Apply McLeod's Drug On easy terms, $5 down and $1 per Store. week. Geo, Muller, 373 King St, Phon 32. TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- ne 10 tains, canoes, and Camping sup- | ype AFTER DEATH CERTAIN. plies. Fishing tackle, etc. Frank Swedenborg's great work on Hea. W.. Cooke, 3% Olarencé St, King- ven & Hell and the life after death. stony Phone §91. - e most convincing book .of the - oan rr kind f8 print. Over --400 AEE CAILLAC FIV Be XSSEvORR Tor = Only 25e ald Y\ J Pag ng car; compldte equipment; ex- Sue " . 2 ' cellent. congtron: & abana waa. Eueld Ave, Toronto, Ont, quick buyer Apply Howard 8S. For clean, light work learning. Kingston A Delicions Dessert a ; atl Gra HENDRY = Co. tars, and For Sate FENWICK, Dead Creek, Ont. © DRESSMAKING A FIRST CLASS DRESSMAK BR WISH- PF ing work by dhe day, tailor made soits and all kinds of dresses. 3 ply to 20 Garrett street, Kingston, WANTED GENERAL EE | Sn Se EW 4 TEACHERS WANTED T™WO G VINE ANTIQUE MAHOG- PROTEASE FEMALE UAL | SL, peti, es yet: ing Tota pendate Dertou: claw aed bat) feet, Woodcock, Sec -Treas, F price $100; one polished dining room table, 3% ft. x § ft. price Write Box 315, Kingston. BARGAIN -- GENTLEMAN'S FUR LIN. ed overcoat, Mrge fur collar, Fge- lish Beaver shell, only used once or twice, not needed, worth $50. will sell for $18; also lady's quilted lin- ed overcoat, large fur collar, best English broadoloth shell never worn, worth $35, will gel] for $12; 0. care British Whig SECONDHAND YPRIcIE PIANOS, or cash or in pa payment of new pianos and Victrolas. ©. W. Ling- say, Limited, 121 Princess streei. o -- SMALL ADULT FAMILY WANT TO rent furnished house or cotlage also set of lady's furs, equal in ap- rance to $35 set, witt sell for 10; also suit length of old coun- try tweed and a new Inish linen table cloth, suitable for large din- ing room, will be sold cheap. Ap- ply 212 King St WwW, Girls Wanted Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West ; highest wages while ° ' WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. :2 Ontario Split Pea Coal! $6.00 Per Ton Jas. Swift & Co, : Li hs - ToRoNTe. 08" > v with garden: est of care gnaran-| : . BUSINESS CHANCES toed. A ellable, Whig of L44504540 444044055 00004 Z > » . . VUNTS [ABOUT THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, Beauties by Dominion Express y » Babee or light oa . 3 AUTOMOBILES + Two m ders. Five. ddllars oosts three for young married coupte: centeal| ® ae : * « MAHOGANY . cents, 8 no children. Apply stating terms, | If you are in the market ¢ INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INV 10.51 a9. 8 Othee 3 fora oN --- y car ¢ 3 I aise 8 aumber of ae one cemt until you read BY A QUIET YOUNG BUSINESS GEN.|¥ commun with J. H. «+ stoves and heaters, mt Finance, and learn 'how fortunes! . tleman, room woh whole or pamial|® Davis, Saxon Distributor and 4 = Free trial *Sbscription. Buco] on sue Via di Mmily iting & Car Dealer. *1| TURK"S, Phone 705 pi ¢ al te A : ful. Finance, $08 S. Dearborn St. stating terme, etc. to Boy 17, Whi * * y : . ' Ja The next reform movem bly wili be directed aga

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