ee ------------ --- 2 Pr 3 aT i : | » . fd A So Ahan 4to 0 1. Mrs. (Rev.) T. P. Shaver | N he, | . = (® |and } a returned to her home in' a a a yy RR SR = | a} | Birchton, Que., last week. Mr. and = ! : ne | !# Mrs. A. McConnell spent Friday at & . ™ i Chesterville, guests of Mr. and Mrs. i) WA R I OAN LJ { bo 1» | Ball Mrs. ID. McGregor spent Mon- Ki = & | vii i» Mrs. Allen Swerdferg- = ' EE a / CS ; WTR OR Lunenberg on Tues- \ vvwewvew vw en y Cross tea held at| 5) > a ' i ng the past two weeks with her mo-|E" ell's on Thursday was | i LS F k, at Hawley, réturn-|largely Miss Sarah Coch- . . & F 4 oi Wednesday. A number | orance, Place, Is visiting] ® ron enac ittended the sale of stock | friends he han nt. Mr and 1) : . : x ~ e (Bay. 'on Tuosduy. Suttons. Me. sg Timon. at usec. Mis. Teober| f $150,000,000 5% Bonds M ing 1st March, 1937 { Bay, on Tuesday Visitors: Mr. and | visitors a Russell. Miss Isobel { i Issue oO , ' 6 on S aturing st arc ' 8 WILMUR. { Mrs. D. Snider, of Maple Lane, at D.| Yorke is visitthg friends at Moun- | 5) & arc 17 rot . ing ar Sheepan's; M J. Clo El k | tair Mr. Comrie, who spent the , hap, Wood etlng End NORA ni or Enbute BN MSE daughter, Mrs. W.| {sl Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, a g logs to Sydenham is the or- al A a, YOY By ve en peas aps. ro e west last! y : ~ a ; der of the day. Mr. Marks and fam- Kingston, aL Sneehat 5; Mr. and Summers J taraey io the eat hast = Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of ¢ left for their new } > Spaf- | Mrs. Yott, Wolfe Island, ¢ . Hy-| . Several 8 BC ] > - oy lens Be will 3 : - il pals land's; Mrs. L. Wartman and daugh-{ are reported in the vicinity. Orrel | © : the Bank of Montreal, New York City. . saad indiiig ~ Brac. ter Vera, Collins Bay, at Mrs, P" Y. lins, Ernie Dillabough and John |\ ud asighnors. Jamas Baw Grass': Mr. and Mrs J Greenwood, ott have joined the eslors, and INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. Crim 4 pe sn: a few dave last | Wolfe Island, at Mrs. Kenny's MW 8 relay, of Vars, who form- > 3 : OE oon nh Sets on ous Jat | Binnington, assessor, was throug | rly attended high school Here. has ¥ PRINCIPAL_AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. week week Hs B Iriends in ings hs the village last week The West-, also put on the uniform. He spent io " - ® Nis. H. Powell reo DAD a her brook branch of the Canadian Red 2 couple of days here last week. The a \ ome. The H Hping Hand Circle met [nL oo met at the home of Shamrock tea at the manse on Tues- LW) ~ : ' & a the fie of Mrs 9 ones fast Mrs. W. L. Grass on March 6th. |day afternoon was well attended. B® ISSUE PRICE 96. &) b nes By JAiernoon: 2 Spi : "| Irvine Sproule, of Maine, is visiting -"" coneert ir. the hall én Friday so . 3 & > day 87% was oT : a ne Tie + | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sproule. evening was a decided success. The > ? ig S141, Curele wi Mrs Tt Har | The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, |hu.i was crowded, and the pro- A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON Ist SEPTEMBER, 1917. 8 meeting at the home of Mrs. R, Har- L.pol sucht died at the General Hog. | gramme was good, so all present ie ris, Perth Road, on March 28th. Mrs. | i000 Sunday, March 18th, were well pleased with the evening's oh THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. & W. McFadden spent a few days last --- Ai entertainment. _A neat sum was ! & week at Kepler with ler mother, who | | w | realized. Mrs. James Bogart, who Is 411. Mrs. R. McFadden at W, Mc has been ill, is improving. Mr. Loucks as . Boas i rbiRnat ie . yea : , Fadden's; Mrs, J. 8. Roberts, Mrs. has been very ill, but is able to teach Tae Minister oF Finance offers herewith, on behalf Delivery of scrip eertific ates and of bonds will be made & Perry Buek at Mrs. E. Wallsworth's: again, Mrs. Norman Shaver return- of the Government, the above-named Bonds for Subscrip- || through the chartered banks. 5 Mr. and Mrs. J, Brawley at Mrs, N. | 4 Jed from Elma, where she spent a 5 tion at 96, payable as follows: -- The issue will be exempt from taxes--including any Amey's; Mrs. W, Guthrie at juth- 'k cus ; : : Fe ot x Amey 8; Mrs 9. 8 o Brie aL Cu mmm low Weeks - 10 per cent on application; income tax---irgposed in pursuance of legislation enacted & rie's; Mrs. I. Brewer at I, Orser's, Sronrosmnd d p pp ; hk | I) Teer or Ce Nom BST + * 0 16th April, 1917; by the Parliament of Canada. . a , march J. ~--S0me o 1e young E , ~~, ' . a . . . . Mare] Fle Lia RY rowd | [01ks attended the play at Seeley's 30 > 15th May, 1917; The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations a that eon Ie Jargest A Bay on Saturday night. Dr. 0. Lillie X on 26 15th June, 1917. of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without ~ os 5 "| and wife "Friday 3 S p X R . x x iin : ui Issired-3 Sh ia " tural Hall, gathered there on March ie Spent Fiiday ah grurday oasis : 8 The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited Jf <oupons will be i ued in Seem nations of $1,000, $5,000 (8) ish jo Hater $0 the play wn eakINB | of Morton spent the week-end at her VENNAGHAR to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of || OF any authorized multiple of $5,000. IC) : Ms Done: zu 3h al lalent. sister's, Mrs, R. R. Tate's. Bornsto March 17.~The only evidence of the amount (if any) paid for by, the surrender of bonds The bonds will be paid-at maturity at par at the office & has moved all his belongings to his Salt. Galloway : ir hora spring here as yet is the return of our as the equivalen¥ of cash vader Ye Sets of the War || of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at i ince Edward Cc : Mrs. J. Chapman of Leeds, i v, reported as havin an pr 2nd Nov 1915. ; g » office a Asi leceiver Ge new home in Prince Edward County. [3 datghter. Born to Mr. und Mre | friend the SION, Jepolial | 8 5 Ying Loan prospectus of 22nd ovember, 15 Ottawa, or at the offic e of the Assistant Receiver Ge neral arman Drader Is moving to the; a iporg Bearman, a daughter. The | con Seen in the or, 1 me: The instalments may b id in full on the 16th day of || 2 Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, farm lately vacated by Mr, « low. SHOWS dre Hor St Se wIills ave inst. R. W, Conner, _ genera mer- | istalments A e pa a) Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Yictoria. or at the Agency Farm help is scarce. Wilkie Ukroyd | yoos poof 0m lias returned to | CH8Rt, made a business trip to La- April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under of the Bank of Mowtrés]. New York City ) lost a valuable pure bred cow. Mfrs. | = West. He vain en prooiy po vant this week. ; Sunos Ball, Dey discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All . x rd AY 5) ; Paiterson yeu: ihe week-end Su with his mother, who is poorly. Jen. a Se Nay es payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid burnie, "Tom" Arthdr is looking : RY John Gilmour made a business trip credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any {| by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest 8 for the owner of a fur coat and pair March "0 ANTOW x ._|to Lavant this week, accompanied by instalment when due will render previous payments liable }| on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. _of mitts, which Lie picked up on the yory Holmes Rem ar. his two sons, Alotander and Herger!, to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the holder, 8 ay f yers ¥ . y 8 V V 8 Vi : o1 » n TL) YC n ' 3 ¥ . oa ovoat -- pop 43 dover Wills, spent Sunday dt his home here. a i who afe ROW Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per wil be pay able Frag oe X( hangs at aly braaéh in C dain : 1 "I R d Dickey 8 A : . . : i of any chartered bank, or at the Agency of the Bank tory. Stanley Arthur of Pense, | fine roadster from W. pair sual' | OD thelr way to Pincher Creek, Alta. cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through { 7 \0¥ CUICTEl BIR of at ie Sask., 'has returned to his home inl jorytown. Clarence Joles, of Alex.|Setvice was conducted by Rev. Mr. the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada : ye .e the west after spending a week|apdria Bay, N. Y., spent the week. | SIMPson in -the Free Methodist of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each 8 fri 1 church gn Sunday last Mrs. Ray ; Y P $ : * among friends here. Lyman Lyon| end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ww. ih 2 ' thewint 5 provisional receipts. new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without has moved into Will Lindsay's house | Morrow. Mrs. Mary Ann is a sufter.| BeP€e, Who has spent the winter . : ? x coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the and Thomas Gordon has moved onlep from rheumatism. The many |¥ith her parents here, returned to This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament lied 2 Mr. Lyon's farm. Sheldon Perry has | friends of Ira Tennant will be pleas. | her home n Plevna on Frday. Jus- of Canada, and both principal and interest will be & denomination of §1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds rented his farm to Roy Darling, who |ed to near that he is home from | tic® Sweetman, who has spent a fow harge upon the C nsoliduted Revenue Fund ? with coupons will have the right to convert into fully : takes possession on April 1st, Brockville, where he underwent an | Weeks with friends and relatives here wi charge upan 0 5 r registered bonds of authorized denominations without : : operation for appendicitis some time {after an absence of about Tounaen . Forms of application may be obtained from any branch || coupons at any time on application to the Minister of WESTBROOK. ago. A large crowd attended the ap- [¥ears, left for his home in Sra in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any J Finance. \ March 16.--A con t was held in| niversary services in the Methodist | the torepart of this week, accom- Assistant Receiver General in Canada the hall on Thursday 8vening in aid |church, March 11th and 12th. How. | panied by the Gilmour brothers. C oe Seiviy Le ? The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of the Red Cross Society. The pro-|ard Lakins was called to Lansdowne A Te. 4) Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. of Finance, Ottawa. gramme provided vocal and instru-j on Friday last to attend the funeral COLEBROOKE (%] : 3 ik su . . Ahad mental music, comic dialogues, etc. [of his niece, Mary Fair. James Craig, March 16.--The farmers are o In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be Application 'will be made in due course for the listing The spacious hall was filed, and a| Lansdowne, spent Sunday with his|bringing logs to the saw mill here. applied towards payment of the amount due on the || of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. neat sum was realized. The annual | sister, Mrs. Thomas Mills. Owing to| Albert Milligan and family, who have April instalment. \ ] chedse meeting was held Thursday) the bad storm on Saturday last| been living in the village for the past : ' . Recognized bend and stock brokers having offices and afternoon. "A number of patrons| Samuel Hogeboon's sale was post-| year, have moved to Wilton. Miss Serip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer ' inesd in ft a red is= T : T post. p g Pa) carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commis were presefit, The proprietor was | poned until Wednesday. Y Josie Ward has been spending a few in accordance with the choice of the applicant for AE : d ted a raise owing to the advance : '. Ww i nr - Whitty : hl 4 sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made A a a owing lu.lhe advance wy days with Miss Margery = Whitty, registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, || : Beats : : : in supplies. Born, on Sunday, March MOREWOOD. Petworth. Mr. and Mrs. Edward regis ha for th Sy 1 ipt ' * }I in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, 11th, at the Kingston General Hos-| March 19.--Mrs. W. Reveler was Purcgll and family were the guests In exchange for the provisional receipts. however, that no commission will be allowed in respect - a Mp: dnd pr Roy Aguile a 2 Tecent Lor With her daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Cowdy on Tues- When the serip certificates have been paid in full -and J} of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender able cow on Tuesday. William Rob-| EIN Smith a opr visitor I A on ines, a payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the || of bonds issued under the War. Loan prospectus of 22nd i inson is recovering from -his recent| at her home here. 1D. McGregor and Stevens the former teacher, 'hag ac- money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, Ji. November, 1915, or in respect of the amougt of any : illness. Mrs. AT Howie, after spend- Rev. D. D. Smith were recent visitors copted a position in Campbeliford. with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered {| allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture Edgar Walker is tapping his trees, as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when || stock maturing lst October, 1919. No commission will THE and getting ready for sugar-making. prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the || be allowed in respect of applications on forms which Wilmot Shangraw, who has been in application, have not been printed by the King's Printer. St. Catharines for the past eight ] 88T'D 1872 STANDARD BANK x OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE THIRD CANADIAN WAR LOAN TORONTO. will be received by this Bank free of cost. Fullest information Manager of this KING H. E. Rich cw Nar Loan supplied by applying to the BRANCH, ranch. STON ths ean Safer Exempt From All Taxes. years, is visiting his. father, George Shangaw. Mrs. E. Blaxiey, Syden- ham, spent Wednesday with. her mother, Mrs. C. Sutton. Everett Shangraw, Des Moines, is spending a couple weeks with friends here, Mrs. Hiram Lucas is able to be out again after being confined to her home for some time with rheuma- tism, Mrs. Charles Lee is improving slowly after a severe attack of grippe. Mrs, George Lucas had the misfor- tune to slip and sprain her ankle. Mrs, Harold Anderson, who is stay- ing with her mother, at '"Warner- heim," is improving nicely after her severe ilness, and expects to be able to return to her home in Napanee in a few weeks, Miss Myrtle Wood- ruff and Master George Purcell were the guests of Miss Doris Anderson one day this wegk. - - - ATT ------------ Prince Edward BONGARD. March 16.--Bongard's ~ amateurs presented this play at Greenbush Church on Twesday night to a full house. A goodly sum, was realized. Miss Grace McCormack and Miss Es- Ltella Eaton, who spent several days in Picton, have returned home. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Carnahan on Thursday. Mrs, Levi Pierce is visiting her son at Green- bush. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dulmage and daughter spent a day with the Misses Kellar, Mrs. R. Harrison entertain- ed a number of her friends to tea on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs! C. Jamieson have returned from Toronto. = FINANCIAL MATTERS The Hercules Powder Company De- clared Big Dividend. New York, March 19.--Hercules Powder Co., declared regular quar- terly dividend of 2 per cent. and an extra dividend of 2 per cent in cash. Also a dividend of 47 per cent, pay: able in Apglo-French bonds at 94 flat. This distri®fition and cash divi- dends. are payable March 24th to : stock record March 15th. ---------- 4 Domimion - fron's be able to show net earnings of $9, 700,000 or better, in the fiscal year which will be brought to a conclusion THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG last year. | year ending this month will show the 1 500,000 in additional 7 per cent pre- C.. | total outstanding issue of this clase of | 35.000:000. Company of Vancouver. The Port Arthur Pulp & Paper Co., of Port Arthur, Ont, will build a pulp and paper mill to cost $1,000,000, - Fire Losses in February, Montreal, Match 19.--The Mone- tary Times' estimate of Canada's fire loss during February amounted to $2,009,953, ag compared with Janu- ary loss.of $1,918,660, and $3,275.- 600 for the corresponding period of Commercial Notes, $5,500,000 new stock issue is pro- posed by Barrett Co., New York. United States Rubber's net sales for the year ending December 31st were $126,759,000, ag against $92.- 861,000 in 1915. : At a meeting of the Willys-Over- land directors, H, T. Dunn, vice-pres- fdent, resigned, effective May 1st, but will remain ag a director. Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company during January and December booked the huge total of $20,000,000 electric orders. It is reported that Great Northern Ore properties in Minnesota have been sold to Inland Steel and Jones and Laughlin for $110,000,000. The New Brunswick Power Co. has sold to Bodell and Co., Providence, $1,000,000 7 per cent. first preferred stock out of an authorized issue at $3,500,000, . It is stated in local circles that the Dominion Textile Company for the highest earnings in its history. U.S. Controller of Currency places aggregate gross earnings of National banks at $600.000,000 compared with $528,000,000 for fiscal year ended June 30th, 1915 or highest on record. Municipal bond sales in Canada in February, according to the Monetary Times, totalled $708,974, of which Ontario municipalities issued $392.- 574. The Black Diamond says an agent of the French Government is negot-d ating with Franklin county, Nlinois. coal operators for 5,0000000 tons of coal every year until 1923, 'An effort is being made to have the Hamilton Steel Wheel Compan stock, as well as that of the Domin- don Steel Foundry, listed on the i - Toronto Stock RR » Tt is reported that the R. J. Reyn-, Tobacco Company will issue $2,- stock, which will make their 0 ses of New Zea- expen land ralftways in fiscal year 1916 were TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917. PAGE THIRTEEN SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL. CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. DerartuENT OF Finance, Orrawa, March 12th, 1917. ht 3 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ~~ ston, by : GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. ( RAILWAY ERE) LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at City t, foot of Johnson street. GOING WW, 1 Mall ., , .. 13 . 37 Local , .. .. 3 intern) Lad. ' GOING 3 mada , 18 16 . 8 M . 14 No. 28 1m, Nos. 1,6, 7, 1 un dal - Aiden 17 36 52 38 22 i ---------------------- Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just received. Make Your Choice Nw. $16.00 to. $40.00. Net revenués were $7,968,760. or 4.72 per cent on aggregate capital ization. : 'American Woolen profit are the greatest yet recorded the net earn- ings last year were over '$8 000.000 which is fifiy per cont dargar than only 64 per efit of gross receiPts, any previous high mark. 00 TOO /* Security First" | EXCELSIOR INSURANCE @ nest egg fd old age. Head Offtoe: Ten cents a day Toronto, Can memo book, write: lo 2 HIRAM A, COOK, District Agent, Kingston. "R. J. REI ------------ iy. Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Paterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay Ciy, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Bt. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie kets, and all other information, spply to e J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. Ce eG (Huta tom, AGENCY ¥OR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, Open Day and Night Teotenhane oa = St [Ea CANADIAN SERVICE. LONDON to HALIFAX HALIFAX to LONDON : (Via Plymouth) (Ceiling Falmouth to land passengers) For particulars of sailings and ra $oely fo Local ASents or io Tae Rol iH efo ta. Limit eneral Agen King Street East, Peronto. a L ---------- Facet Ne. 6. ' will provect your home and cre circular nle and or TTT RE 5 DB; .. Telephone 577 Major-General Frederick Stanley Maude, Cominander of the British forces who recently ocew; Bagdaaq in Mesopotamia, has issued a procla- 'mation to the people 'of the city de- claring that his armies have not come ! ar, conquerors, but as lberators | Ralswaldi Georgis, a cousin of the late King Menelik, has been / King of Walou, Gandar-and Boeken ber, : "