THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1917. PAGE SEVEN re NCDENTS OF THE DAY When remitting money mto Money Orders D You can purchase them from an nd they are safe 1deut, ¥ r or 1 sur and e---g prote« Total Assets Reserved Funds a eat 2 Or USE BANK OF TORONTO MONEY ORDERS small amounts use Bank of To- their cost is small 1 his corres of our Branches tion to both the nder and $73,000,000 $6,507,000 BANK or TORONT: George B. McKay, Manager. un ---- TE Charles Street, frame . Montreal Street, brick, all 'modern Beverly Street, brick, all modern Centre Street, frame, all modern Colborne Street, double brick, all modern FOR SALE $2200 $3800 . $3700 $4200 THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. or NOR Phones: Office 68; Res, 8 874 You Can Count On It { When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. - 'Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1004 I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time Special Bonus Offer FREE _ With either Palm Olive Shampoo, or Palm Olive Cream, we are offering two cakes Palm Olive Soap for 50c or one cake soap free with Palm Olive Shaving Stick or 5c + Talcum, N Juay's Drug Store Branch Post Office Opposite YMCA, Watts People's Fresh Cut Flowers Hyneinth, Narcissus, Ete. Funeral I and Wedd! Bouquets to Order. a -------- Lettuce Always Fresh, at Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 545. ON SALE -- BLUE BERRIES -- 10c¢ Per Tin. Green Gages 2 Tins for 25c.| J. M. Gordon's Grocery | Phone 88. Cor. Montreal and Bay. F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Ronguets aad Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders led promptly. rock. Fresh Eggs Coming In Freely. Tomorrow 35¢ Per Dozen" Tomorrow Only Will Be Higher Pe ate Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Sts, Phones 408 - 18406, ro \ & rn either 4 Florist Often Brings on Eye- strain. To avoid this, have the child's eyes ex- amined by us; as op- tometrists we can quickly tell whether the eyes need glasses or not, and we'll tell you frankly. Doctor Crichton has made a study of the eyes and will give you a careful and thorough examina- tion without charge. Manufacturing Optician 132 Princess Street "Where the clock is on the walk" Carpenter and W.R.B NESS Sheciatining Store Fronts ne_it it EXPERIENCE m2 University Ave. "Steam Vul Auto Tire hin S 220 Montreal St. Have installed one of the latest steam sectional vulcanizers and are prepared to handle all kinds of tire and k tube repair work, at reasonable "Agency for Firestone Tires Phone 2084. w. A. McWilliam If a woman is unable to marry a man herself she wants him to marry a friend of hers and make her mis- erable. About the only way an acior can attract widespread attention is' by marrying only one wife. It isn't the whipping that hurts it is the humiliating thought that you bave been whipped. ilder ESTIMATES Address $2850 | LOCAL NOTES 5 AND ITEMS OF i GENERAL INTEREST. | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | What the Merchants Offer to the ! | Readers of the Whig. ! H. Cunningham | King street. [ oy' 8 Book Store Judging by the lively snow storm an Tuesday morning, Old Man Win- | ter has not yet thougt | good-bye The railways will issu reduced fares for {cial travellers, school children Mis Daisy Hyett of Windsor, merly of Kingston, hag arrived | the city, and has taken a { with W. G. Craig & Company. Edward Smita, Plevna, was re- {moved from the C. P. R. station to| | the General 'Hospital on Monday morning in Corbett"s ambulance «Pte. Allan Forsythe, a Portsmouth piano . tuner, e school ! | boy, = youmy at the front with the ( at present on leave in Ire Ne i" sn time ago he was wound-| ed | 3 The paper of Dr. John Waddell on | "Milk, Sanitary and Otherwise' was | | orhaton in the Scientific Monthly of February, and is quite a formidable document. Among the former Kingstonians | who have been killed at the front is | William Preston, for Frederick Todd, King street. unlisted with a Niagara unit. w Wood, at Yun 'has been selected as one of the Y. M. C. A. secretaries to proceed overseas to do military work in England and France Capt, Chauncey Daryeau and his son, Capt. Henry Daryeau, are in Os- | wego, engaged in raising the former's schooner, Metzner, which went | ashore off Oswego last season, At the Police Court George .H. Francisco charged the Frodtenac Moulding & Glass 'Company with the non-payment of wages, amounting to | | $18.66, Magistrate Farrell dismissed | the case He SUBSCRIPTIONS TO YY. M. C. A. Have Reached $3,800--C anvass to | Continue This Week. The enthusiasm manifested by the | | splendid turnout of workers at subscription campaign, supper con- | ference held at the Y. M. C. build- | ing Monday nigat augers 3 for a | ! successful completion of the canvass | to | which was started a week ago raise $5,500 in subscriptions to carry | of work for} on the "Y"" programme the coming year. All the canvassers expressed them- selves as willing to go on for another | week, so that any who may have felt neglected up to the present time will | in all probability be called upon some time during the week, and have an opportunity of contributing to- wards the total amount, which must be secured if the work of the Kings- ton association is to be kept up to thie standard: was $3,95, made up as follows: Previously reported, $3,137. | | $200--Dr. James Douglas, New| York. ? | $25---Kinnear & D'Esterre, G. E. Hague, Hon. William Harty, McKel- vey & Birch, C. liam Gill, F. G. Rockett. $20--Mrs. H. B. Kirkpatrick, J. W. Campbell (correction). $15--R. Uglow, George W. hood, W. J. Crothers, Jr. | $12--W. H. Mack, Jr. © $10--Kingston Ministerial Associ- lation, A. W. Brown, C. W. Lindsay | Company, Dr. D.'A. Black, Dr. James | | Third, Vernon B. Crothers, E. | Jenkins, W. H. Macnee, Warwick | Bros., George A. Bateman, F. Goodwin, $7--+Frederick Welch. $6--T. H. Sargent. $5--Miss L. J. Renton, Sergt. H. Ryder; A. F. Roney, [.Culla, Miss €. A. Dupuy, Prof. KB. F. Scott, Prof. J. F. MacDonald, W. A. Sawyer, A. E. Treadgold, Alexander Kennedy, John E. Davy, Dr. 8. H. Keyes. $3--Friend (B. B.) $2--Harry Tweddell, George turney, Friend, A. W. MacLean. $1--Mrs. James Holland, Prof. K. Hicks, H. V. Callaghan. Dr. | 2 La- MEETING OF THE VETERANS Seventy New Members Added Monday Evening. on ed at the meeting of the Veterans As- sociation on Monday evening The hall was filled to capacity. A resclu- tion of sympathy to the family of the late G. C. Watson was passed. A ¢#ble of condolence will be sent to the Duke of Connaught. The case of children of Pte. Ling, Brockville, being taken away by the Children's Aid Society while he was overseas was diseussed. The com- mandant presented his repert on the meeting of the Commission in Mon- treal at which Sir Herbert Ames pre- sided. He was before the Commis- sion on two occasions and made var- fous reports and recommendations as well gs complaints that called for consideration. Refershments were served at the close of the meeting. GIVEN PURSE OF GOLD. ii Members of Y. L C. B. A. Made Presentation to Rev. Father Halligan A "smoker" was held on Monday evening: under the auspices of the Young Irishmen's Catholic Benefit Association in their hall on Welling- ton street. There was a large at- tendance. x . The chief speaker was Rev. Father Casey, editor of the Canadian Free- man. Addresses were also delivered by Rev. Father Hanley, rector of the cathedral; Rev. Father Halligan, chaplain of the society, and the chairman, J. J. Behan. The musical numbers included an overture by Prof. Noura and or- chestra; songs by Rev. Father Halli- gan, T. J. O'Connor, Leo Clark and Sergt. Quinlan. A very interesting feature was the J ope tution Bs the bers Fi the anciety of of goia ta their chaplain, Rey, Prather ligan.' * 21] Leave orders at McAul-| about azying | tickets at! Laster to commer- | teachers and | i for- | in | position | who was a barbar. commugity. secretary | the | The total received up | till to-day noon in pledges and cash | A. MacPherson, Wil- | Ma- | P. | Major L.| P| James Mec-| Seventy new members were receiv- | OPERA HOUSE GRAND At 2.30 P.M. Daily & 130P.M. Polite Vaudeville and HAMILTON NOVELTY AC ROBATS | { MCILYAR COMEDY A Six Reel Fe: Photoplay Earle Williams, in "Arsene Lupin BILLIE BURKE, in "Gloria's Romance." The Pthe News, Comedy and Other o Photoplays THE SAME. ure ICES ALWAYS 10c Evening 10e¢; Reserved, 5¢ Extra Commencing 3 NIGHTS Geese 22ND Evenings N.15: Mnatinees, Friday and Saturday at 2.30. Baxil S, Courtney Presents Matinee Any Seat D.W. GRIFFITHS COLOSSAL SPECTACLE INTOLERANL LOVE'S STRUGGLE Ra 1-04 GHOUT THE AGES ca; Life's Mighty Down the (en-| Drama, turies, Seen as from a Pinnacle in one Sweeping Glance, Cost more than twice as much as all the combined $2000 attractions playing en the American stage, Accompanied by a | Big Symphony Orchestra and Choir | The First aud vuly production by D. w. Griffith since "The Birth of a Nation." | Prices: Mat. 25, 50, 75c¢. | Night. 25, 50, 75¢, $1.00 | Box Seats $1.50. Lai Seats Row on Now on E Sle, GRIFFIN'S ! Mon., Tues. and Wed. Daniel Frohman Presents Marguerite Clark | In a Pleturization of her grentest stage success "Snow White" | The Crimson Stain Wystery | Prices: Mat. 10¢;: Evening 10¢, 15. "COMING 1 | "The Witching Hour" Thursday, Friday and Saturday | | i | STRAND MONDAY, TUESDAY, IE EDNESDAY VAUDEVILL CHARLEY CHAPLIN, in "The Vagabond." Lillian Gish, "In ""The House Built Upon Sand" Matinee 10c: Evenings ic, 13e, Seats Reserved. Phone 1835, | | i { { } ! | | ' | | | BONNER'S FINEST FANCY . SEEDED RAISINS are packed in RED CARTONS. Insist on the RED Carton, CONTINGOUS Per formance E------™n ¥ People's Forum 7% Sie CT HF mmm, pe En --_-- -- --_-- --_-- -- ------ =i a ---- a -- a -- a wl = -- ---- == ee --_---- ---- = Jessen CA LL LL J V FINANCIAL ?7| CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 7 J First insertion, 1¢ a word, Each con- | | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. secutive insertion thereafter, half- FOUND. { ment Socie ty: in carporated 1% cent a word, Migimum charge for i pres stdent Colonel RR Smith, one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, . { CMG; vice resident, W. F. Nic- 0c: six $1; one month, $2. | SMALL SUM OF MONEY ! » Mond isgued, on. cy | sem i fn } ¢ | q f 1 properties, municipal and | . . a s | co Bair ry; debentures; mortgages pur- | HELP WANTED : chased: investment bonds for | : sale; deposits received and in- [A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 254) PAIR OF CHILDS WHITE STUC- 1]. reretaliowed. RR. 0. Cartwright, | King Street. = { Rive same by applying at 75 | manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. BOY AT ONCE. APPLY COLLEGE Gore | LIVERPOOL, LONDON - AND A SLORE 'B: Store, RCL bb : | Fire Insurance Company. Available Bok Sto . FOUND ARTICLES.ADYER- stots $61,187.215. In addition to MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- ce NER $2 . i the polievholders have for ply Street Railway Office TISED FREE e unlimited Habiity of One di i Y. insured at lowest A COMPETENT HOUSE-MAID, APPL whilone anding saying and ates, Before sffmewing Y.W.ChA., Johnsun street. 5 80 Dy repomting he eats ! giving ney business get The British Whig. The adver- from Strange & Strange, HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS, HOW- tisem "will be printed in this Phone 325 ard. 8S. Folger, 1 Emily St. " of © arge. . ~ po e % . * does not in- A COOK. APPLY TO MRS, R. S. WAL. a TO LET Wdron, Cor. King and Emily Sts % + Ji Pg borses, i -- x Ss! MED ROOMS AND SITTING EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT ONCE; vertised for in the "Lost" column. FURNISED Bim) Re MS ANY ITTING i J COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT tenac Hotel. now | | GENER SERVANT. REFERENCES regu 1 Aridly Miss Dwyer, 64 Barrie stree x DRIVER AND A MAN TO WORK in 'the store Apply WW: PF fc- Broom, 42-44 Princess Kt A GOOD STRONG BOY FOR MAILING Department, steady work; chances of advancement Apply at Whig Office, LADY BOOK-KEEPER AND must be good at figures. slating salary and experience Box 42, Whig OfMce city; steady a reliable man. Aunply Fair, Kingston Station OR WOMAN FOR good phaln cook laundry work: Best, 144 Lower to R. Hk MAID housework, ferred; no wage Mrs bert Street, pre- good Al. good wages. Apply Prince George Hotel, KITCHEN WOMAN, ALSO MIDDLE aged man for chores. Apply Fron- TYPIST: Api A MARRIED MAN TO HAUL SAND TO work; good wages to GENERAL Ne rons, single or double. Apply 476 Brock street LOST. -- YOST. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. we A a ers. Apply A. B. Cunningham, BROWN LEATHER PURSE, (ON- bers, Apply to A. F taining $2.06 and belonging to a 3 Clarence street newsboy. The Whig requests that the finder be good enough to re- COMMODIOUS, 138 King DESIRABLE; brick residence, THAT modern turn t the money tg this office. St, near City Park. Apply to Hows. ard 8. Folger, 44 Clarence street, , DENTAL " STORAGE FOR FURNITL REO EKBAN, A. E. KNAPP, B.A L.D.S .D.S., dry, airy roms; your own lock an pin Jeb, DDN, key, Frost's City -Storage, 299 ? Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989. DR. J, LEONARD WALSH, DENT | LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOMS, corner Princess and Bagot streets, | with or without board; sitting Phone 626. | room if des hot and cold run- -- | tng. wailer; u of phdne Apply DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN-| 103 Lower Union St © tists, 159 Wellingt t 3 O. Dewar DS LD Sind FURNISHED HOUSE, APRIL 1ST, D.D.S,/ L.D.S, Phone 345, =""PIAN0 TO: MR. SWAINE piano and repairing Auley's, or Tel 'niversity Avenue ON PINE STREET, APRIL IST, fick, improvements. HOUSE Br IS PREPARED T0 DO pipe argan tuning and! Orders left at Mec- 56d OFFICE WITH V AT Lr, GRO, A. BATE. man, 67 Clarence § ARCHITECT $10 Sas and $1.00 per week. Lindsa ad. TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA street; modern; near Union St, car line Owners desirous of selling d.. 121 Princess street. at once, Apply McLeod's Drug Store. T TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR- tains, eano and camping sup- plies Fishing tackle, ete. Frank W. Cooke, 3% (Marence St, King- ston. Phone §01. BRICK HOUSE, 81 UNION ST. WEST, 12 rooms, hot water heating, run- ning water in bed rooms; furnace, electric light and gas; in first class condition. Apply 61 Union St. W BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart country wvillage; store 2 storey and large cellar: all first class condition, $1.000 to wind up an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street, Kingston. 1016 MODEL, POW side car, e MOTOR CYCLE. Plus, twin cylinder, tric lights, speedometer; in No. 1 condition. Snap for quick buyer 51 Queen street. A GROCERY STORE WITH DWEL- ling attached, doing a good busi- ness in a good location. For par- ticulars apply to West End Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 147 Collingwood street. Phone 743. Se and 10e For Sale at all Groee FENWICK, HENDRY a « oo. Distributars, URESSMAKING A FIRST CLASS DRESSHAKPR WISH- ing work by the day, tallor made suits and all kinds of dresses. Ap- ply to 20 Garrett street, Kingston. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and al] kindg of new and sec- ond hand furniture. 'We are also open te buy everything in the above lines. J. Thompson, 337 Princess street. Phone 1660, BRICK HOUSE, UNIVERSITY AVE, near 'Earl street, § rooms, mosern improvements, good condition. Easy terms. Apply West End Real Es- Jute and Insurance Agency. Phone 43 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE shipment, including the famous Overland Perfect and Athlete mo- torbike model bicycles. Will seli on pasy terms, $5 down and $1 per week. Geo, Muller, 373 King St, Phone 1032. EE Fry FOR NEW AND SECOND d stdeboards, dressers, couches, a chairs, tables. Singer sew- ing nmachines, crockery, Jistures, stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture, A Shapiro, 35 Princess street. LARGE STOCK OF TRON ¥ BEDS Cov ERSONAL ches, stoves, ; also FE N Jen Jphalotared daira: "mista Jr me » MAIR, MOLES. WARTS BURTINAKIC | Hr thor ghter See as ishes remated permatentsy, ith- kinds of peu and 8 ng ang furs Fime ear if foam BT os. street. od 1287, ars: atvaat Skin els, 358 | HANGAIY -- GENT AN'S FUR LIN ed otercoat, hay e ur «0 tae ing. . . lish Beav , only umed once or i PATENTS | twice, A nended. rth $50, will - -- sell for $18; also ladk"s quilted lin- nati ROSE 8 SONS, Patents, trade ¢d overcoat, targe fur collar. brs: ¥ i Estab. Sel. rm. sng Wish i never ae Examiner. Master ig worth $35, will salt Jor f SUE s nt Law Book Pro- also wet of lady's furs, nu Ap fetiayn free. 99 St. James St, Mont- pearance fo $35 set, will ert for meh ¥ $10; Blan suit tength ot ald enun- -- te = t tw fen : CHER WANTED table oloth, suitable for large din: ay -- ing Jou will be sold Pp. Ap- TEACHER FO SO. 5, PALMER- ply 21 3 King St. Eset. Co honing # Smite hird- class ; certificate, Salary, $400 * > re Sutics to SoURnence al or Eater $ : ! & ays. yb oma, . 4 geani, Bec. a. Tronatdson, oe ? AUTOMOBILES y Ah * If you are in the market + 3 FOR SALE % for a mew or secuud-haly A + A HEX Hovse: ty Goon CoxDITION. * Ba with J. + nr Dun 33 Dav Saxon Distributor and i FOR JOKES, LE am soi iv n ale Ps ' $F . | Areal aren. BRIE Good reason for selling. Apply to Split Pea Coal BRIGHT, SMART, TRUSTWORTHY . young man; must be good at short- WANTED GENERAL { thand and stenography, and event- | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. ually wrk fin as a salesman. Ap- 90 RENT A SMALL Ft RNISHED | chants Bank Bulld'ng, corner ply Imperial Oil Co., City. house, Apply Box 418 Whig Office Brock and Wellington, streets. Fre rttbithibitbbb ebb bid \ SMALL FURNISHED APR ™E wr | FURNITURE FINISHING ' ose in pp x 2301 i Good, smart girls, 14 years of & ~ his bY flice i A a 3 nme nnd upwards, ean secure em- § 8 - Ee or RURNITINE Riv. 4 ployment at the Cotton Mills, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, » bard. ad : Cataraqul Hoeet, Guo Wagen 3 for cash or in part payment of n Ll -- paid te beginners. ppiy at - pianos an d V fetrolas. C. W. Li -i: ICING NN & fice, Dominion Textile Co, Cats 3 say, Limited, 121 Princess v. Lind i BUSINESS NOTICE & Aaraqul street. -- | - r . + % | PAINTING, GRAINING AND KALSo. | SELL YOUR OLD SCRAP IRON AND Phbd dbp bbd bbb bbb bbb bid mining. Rooms papered $4 per | metals, old rags, scrap rubber and room, including paper 3" & | old paper. 1 pay the highest prices Rowley, 282 Queen St > for them Phone 1549. I will call FOR SALE rie) on di mo ! for any order in the oity. M. Ro- se i Lower Bagot street, cor, EFFECTIVE ADVTS. OOST [SMALL ADULT FAMILY WANT 70 a. Sm--------a---------------- t Once, 26c; three times boc; rent furnishe use or of re FOAL Sm one week, $1.00. with gard LEGAL teed. Addr pov BL E DW LING, 41 AND 43 DIV- fice. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER is t, 8 rooms and W.C. in and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- boii well nted. Apply 41 Divis- | CHEESE AND W HEY BUTTE ik ¥ AC ance street, Kingston. ton street: tory Np less than 15 0 IE if " cheese. Have as seasons xperi- FOR SALE OR TO LET BRICK HOUSE NO. 130 VICTORIA ST, ence in business Apply : y Box pear Johnson, 9 rooms, electric 320, Whig Office BARN FOR SALE OR TO . RENT. light and gas. Apply McLeod's | - 3 espe Could be used for garage or stable. Drug Store. TO RENT SMALL HOUSE WITH YARD Apply 386 Alfred street . for family of tw. .Location not | sme see GENUINE VIOTROLA AND TW VE more than seven blotRs from Wel tn selections, your own choice, hy Hngton and Princess. Possession BUSINESS (] HANC ES C. W, May 1st, Box 189, Whig Office INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST BY A QUIET YOUNG BUSINKSS GEN one cert until you read Successful tleman, room with whole or partial Finance, and learn how fortuncs board, with private family, living are made and lost by 'lovestors in vicinity YMCA. Write fully: ¥ree trial subscription. BSuccess- stating terms, etc, Lo Box 17, Whig ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn St. Office, Chicago. Pr -- Girls Wanted For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at t + KINGSTON k HOSIERY, LIMITED. - WANTED--PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply; J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. - Kingston Ontario ss! ! $6.00 Per Ton Jas. Swift & Co, : Limited r - | "ous Cotton Root Compount Two Beauties in MAH 1 round pedestnl table; 1 parior ee meme - -- Some men would also repeal the w of gravitation, Jia