Re @ | F armers, Attention ! We have just secured a car of Dairy Feed which we are offering at very attractive prices. If you have | not got a supply yet order at once, as it is going very PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1917. EE ------ -- has aancnsnna finan anil oa You may be deceived i Th > ! STOMACH TROUBLES | a . )EVERY AVAILABLE MAN: 3 (pm ' + BRITAIN TAKES OVER - Ly DUE TO ACIDITY {1 -- | SOME DUTCH SHIPS, # some day by an imitation of SO SAYS EMINENT SPECTALIST | ORDER SENT OUT TO CLEAR % -- - <> ) : such as fn- | ' CANADA OF SOLDIERS. - 3 {Special ey : ach-ache are in| J sham + v March 28.--Ac- \ phe X Every Man Who Can Be Spared | © ih iw +] : ne ation hy Whether Drilled or Not Will Go! ! ps in & = ers tnd de cf NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT : a | : a : ? 5 x known Jas] Gananoque a g emp Jory ser ce or syetiing | me i uve ¥ . f : g of the] OLIPPED FROM THR WHIGS Ring i» fon rosday. : & B14 ' in} Y G EXCHANGES, ---- 1 re ot iat 14 tho f po - s Se Seiwa. ap » pod. Buch so) © MANY BIGHT EXCHA) I ata liuly lacks as if at das) I 2 niin + and possibly you will not detect this imitation until t r ve! ta Brief Form the Events In 'The something to assist the struggling re-|% ports, * the tea~pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine | Country About Kingston Are Told ta i : ny --Full of Interest to Many, i it 8 | Dr. E. N. Bake principal a od ful bert Collieg Balley A711 00UNI 3 3 : 1 wv ¥ $5 ih ip- be take 1 the 3190.00 entiowment or id +h fx ; t . n A clea has 3 rom an hospital in France asd sick leave in London & guest Mrs, Mary th a ¥ can be o it and thus enable ts work properly withe de y EAs am) of his (Dr.) Mill Rabb aunt, Mrs ity-four year daug! th shel Automobiles of Quality. arleston Road . | Master George €0 and Laciiac |. I Mond: lepar tng what up to fiouth of remont lark b el betwee f and Tremont Par Hog Island. Out Gananoque river well over ater manu 1 compelled d to iay ' . : : ls Gould 1 Bove re Call and See Them. g : " Fiche Queen's PO; ROUSE : rders to ng to get down slipped and f« A Wers George Boyd roof being covered with ice xntéd an ext sn of time gh nti Distributor. On March ard a number of Weine an 120 Brock St. Phone 201 {pf Dr. and M: y hornton a rs. C. E. Beerman, who has been it the home of Mr Sprung, onse- x . Yo} ) \ « t C. N. Palm- AN eee ens as) to spend a soeial evening and d f : M rm Dé vast Sh -- a Ont Gh by Miss K. |! I I od : non, emember-|! i Wn to: spen nee, pre Scott, to tihe : € FOR SALE family. Wilken cut in in St aul ospital, 183 Acres, $6200 Awarded $1,500 Damages. Brockville; overed as 3 3 Brockville, March 28 Before lto resume 3 Four miles from city. Judge Dawson in a Winnipeg court, I tt and little som, Good buildings; well Mrs, Abigail Finch, formerly of are spending a few davs in ' irockville, and now a resident of ton with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd watered. that city, was awarded 31,500 from - Semen the Canadian Northern. Railway over Kate Gould, King street, left ------ T-- [ie death of her husband, Mr. F. J s morning for Pleveland, Ohio to . P. Finch. He was injured in the C.Jattend the bedside of her sister, iss WwW. H. Godwin & Son N.R. yard at that place on December | Mabel Bullis, who is ously jl. 89 Brock Street Phone ana || 2nd last' and died on December 8th James Sheridan, spending 2 shorn JJ!| His body was later brought to Brock-|time here with his Sister, lef : ton i | ville for interment. The award was Monday for TOrOBID: a ie p<, a ade sp a W sn's CO an. | Tinney, oronto, spending the pas Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Isteed are! made under the Workmen's Compen two weeks in town with Lor Bureale. moving into the residence "ur Oak | sation Act and the company was as- Mr 1 Mr Charles R "Cotton street, Wellington, lately occupied by, Sessed for all costs The late Mr He Ti ra to t for home on Mon- Mrs. Albert Pettet. "Mr. Isteed 'will | Finch was "for a number of years a |, ckery. street, lei Ayn al work for the Dominion Canner popular G.T.R. employee --at Brotk- ["®Y- Ls Farm : ville. rv rrr. | PIONEER OF SMITH'S CROW Applications for New Insurance and Re-instate- ments during 1916 amounted to no less than 100; of the total Insurance previously in force. There is a Reason for this Popularity. Why net give us a chance to diagnose your insurance needs ? CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted in unrepresented districts 41 _g fast. W. F. McBroom, 42-44 Princess St. LIFE i ® » ~ After-dinner delight-- » 3 ig * » the music of the Victrola -.. At times when you like to sit still ina listening frame of mind the Victrola is at yourinstantcommand torender your favorite sclections--grand opera, violin, piano, band, orchestra, ragtime--any music that suits ~, your taste, i; Stop in and let us play some of them for you, and "we'll show you the various styles of Victors ($31 to $75 ) and Victrolas ($21 to $2%5)-- easy fat, if you like. C. W. LINDSAY, Limited, - us : 121 Princess Street, f\ Kingston. - Phone 1686 FALLS PASSES AWAY James H. Gould One of Town's Most Prominent Citizens. Smith's Falls, Ont.; March 28.-- Another of the links of the present with the past was broken in the 1 passing Monday morning of James H. Gould. He was a member of one of the pioneer families of Smith's Falls, the last of his generation of that family and a man who had taken a prominent part in the life of the com- munity for almost 'half a century. Gould was born here in September, 1840. ! He attended the village school and afterwards went to MeGill Univer- sity from which he graduated as a civil engineer, intending to follow that profession, 'but sickness ahd death in his family made sary for him to stay at home, He took up the milling business, after- wards branching out into the manu- facture of agricultural implements and for many years he did a big busi- ness in Ontario, Quebec and the Mari- time Provinces, In 1896 he retired from business He was reeve of the town, warden of the county and was in South Lanark. He is survived by one son, James Simpson Gould, president of the Citl- zens' Electric Power Company, and two daughters, Miss Alice and Miss Florence, all of whom were with him at the end. THE LAKE JOSEPH LAWSON f \ ---- 10ne of Kepler's Best Known Resi- dents Passes Away. Kepler, March 26. son, an old and 'respected resident, passed away Wednesday morning, March 21st, of heart failure. De- ceased had been ailing for some time, yet able to do his work. The late Mr. Lawson was born "in England seventy-two years ago, comng to this country when a boy with his parents. They settled in Kingston township, where he spent the most of his life. Deceased was a Methodist in religion and during his younger days was a very active worker, taking a keen interest in everything pertaining to the betterment of the He was for many years recording steward of the Elginburg circuit and an ardent Sunday school worker. Karly in life he married Katharine Powley, who is left to mourn his loss. Their union was blessed with three children, Pte. Milford Lawson, now in France; Mrs. (Rev.) B. C. Freeman, Revelstoke, B. C., and Mrs. William Vance, Trail, B. C. There is also" left one sister, Mrs. T. Law- rence, Bath, and four brothers, Rev. James Lawsoy, Shawbridge, Que.; Henry, of King\on, and George and Edwin, of this pla¥e: The funeral was held Friday morn- ing to the Methodist, Rev. E. Cod- ling officiating. placed in the vault at Cataraqui. Leaves Three Sons at Front. Cobourg, March 28.--Pte. James Blue, of Campbeliford, who went overseas last year with the 138th Northumberland Battalion, has been returned as medically unfit. Pte. Blue, however, left three sons, Ptes. Fred, Frank and Edson Blue, serv- ing their country in France. = --_---------------- Call to Rev. P. RB. Smith: Colhorgpe, March 28. --Rev. D. Russel Smith, an old Colborne boy, Son of Deputy Sheriff amd Mrs. Smith, . who is now r of St. James' Chureh, Port Col hy has accepted an invitation to Port Erie to succeed Rev. A. 8 Meintosh, who goes to Guelph. " it neces- | Joseph Law-! | & community. | g The remains were | their in cruiting sergeant work. From various sources it and men making arrangements overs is learned | that the Militia Department has been | lately to send | at the very earliest possible! * , welrdededodeddodobdedededededeio de doodle bode of » Hotel 'Salada' in the sealed aluminum packet, and sce that you get it, if you want that unique flavour of packed. moment every khaki clad man who fr a ko , can go. Every unit of every branch | honia He give rs MACKENZIE a of the service has been called on to {nurses great praise for i : s Sooty iio the very Vash of Nsltew © Mareirer b wirerme || Has bought the Blakemore Studio, 180 Wel- -practically cleared out, a 800d ex-| with inflammation of the eye, is im- lington St., Over Royal Bank Chambers. re ample being the 253rd Queen's [ i-| proving. | versity Highlanders. This unit (not | mnt on Ns J half way up to strength) is on the] bmn NA rr A -------------- list to go at whatever strength it { ® happens to be when arrangements for | FOR TAXI SER- | its transportatnon can be made. The | | 0 ice » ; avery, 1.|| VICE, RING 960 draft of 200 from "C" C. H. A. is the biggest vet called, | and will almost completely deplete | the depot of men | In this "clearing of is felt that the new fence Force scheme with a fresh start Canadian De- Every trace of i { will be tried oe 3 tie old regime will be wiped out and | the slate' it| without regard to previous medical examinations, exc reasons or anything else the National Service | Commission list -will-be-used-and the { voluntary system given its most com- | plete try-cut So far it has been used unsuccessfully with the old sy { tem. Now it will be tried out with the new scheme, and to give it every { advantage a fresh start will be made, If the new Force scheme { agreed that it can else but failure--then compulsory service of some kind will most as- suredly be brought in. Taking into consideration the National Service | Commission's" lists the popular ery for the Militia Act or some form of conscription, and now the calling of all the men overseas whether they are trained or not, erally is that the is coming to an end few weeks Canadian Defence fails--authorities are come to nothing vountary system within & very THE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Quoted on the Various Exchanges. Toronto Stocks. the feeling gen-| AHO TRE THEE > Open. 1.30 p.m. Steel of Canada 66 14 66% | CP. R... .. .. .. .163 | Steamships . . 3914 1 Maple Leaf .. 113% 114% | Brazilyian .. 43 421% War Loan 1925 . 91 ¢ War Loan 1931 .. .. 96 961; | General Electric .. ..109 Bid Can. Locomotive ,. . 67 Bid SUH New York Stocks. Atchison , . vv ines JO4 50 10314 | Baltimore & Ohio 79% 8014 | CPR ... + vva163% 165 | New York Central ... 97% 981% | Brie... .. .... 29% 301% | Nickel Plate .. 106 106% | Pennsylvania .. b | Reading 100 | St. Paul .. bee 845 | Marine .. .. .. .. .. | Marine pid. .. . 91 | Union Pacific ail 141% | Bethlehem Steel .. ..1 145% Rep. Steel .. : 34 1} U. 8. Steel .. Jd 115% | Anaconda .. 8414 | Inter. Nickel 437% | American Loco. THEIR ILLEGAL ACTS, Machine Guns Hidden in Petrograd | by Former Ministers. London March 28.--A Reuter's Petrograd despatch says that a special eommission has begun an in- | vestigation of illegal acts committed | by former ministers, heads of de-| partments and other officials of 'the! old regime. About 600 machine guns have been found hidden in different parts of Petrograd. | At the first performances at the] Marie Opera House since the revo-| lution two members of the, Duma ex- | ecutive committee addressed the| audiences from what was formerly| the Imperial box. Delegates of the workmen and soldiers delivered | speeches from another box. Accord-| ing to the Bourse Gazette, Rasputin's| body has been burned near Petro- grad. ! FEPEPER EST PPP EP EP Rb bbb dd | + PEACE OFFER TO RUSSIA, London, Mareh 28.--A de- |% spatch to the Exchange Tele- | % graph from Amsterdam says: "According to a Berlin tele- |e gram received by the Amster- | % dam bourse, Berlin is filled with % rumors that Germany has offer- | % ed a separate peace to Russia. | * The terms are said to complete | % autonomy to Poland, the inter- | + nationalization of Constanti- { # nople, the evacuation by Russia |# of Austrian territory and a'Rus- | % sian protectorate over Armen- | * I | FEE EEL LEFF PPP PLL EF PIII bh eS ii, int di A Sd { NO MORE COMMISSIONS | Are to Be Granted in the C. E. F. in Canada. i (Special to the Whig) i Ottawa, March 28----Announcement | | that no more commissions will . be | | granted in the C. E. F. in Canada| has been, made necessary by the large number of commissioned officers in Canada. 'It is estimated that in the artillery branch alone there are 400 excess officers. It is understood that ithe next Kingston field artillery {eourse may be the last for a long | time. = ! | : : i The fast going Torento Dentals' j captured another game at Detroit | | Tuesday night, by a score of 1 to 0} The honor of securing 'the one tally went to "Jimmy" Stewart, of this city, who got4jt-itfter seventen min- | Utes streruous plpy in the. second | period. Open and Closed Cars. Kingston Taxi-Cab Co.,. Having to vacate my present location by April Ist, all orders for monuments after that date will be taken and receive best attention at my residence and yard, 155 Frontenac street. Lettering and ren- ovating in cemetery a specialty. JAS. E. MULLEN, 155 Frontenac St. Phone 1417. SHIT I EE I ER a rT TT es sae Ts Prest-O-Lite HTT AEA Starting and Lighting Battery Station Unusual Quality , backed by Unusual Service. A Suitable Size for Every Make and Model of Car. All Makes of Batteries Repaired and Recharged. Free Inspection Given to All Makes of Batteries. For Sale by HAR Angrove Bros. FORD DEALERS. Bagot and Queen Streets. v SE = - Directory First! HEN you call a telephone number from memory or when you guess at it you are apt to be wrong. - § The mind has a trick of transposing figures-- instead of "1263" you are quite likely to say "1623." €§ Also, telephone numbers, firm names, etc., are frequently changed. § And when you thus ask for the wrong number, you waste your own time, the operator's, and the time of the person called through your error. q Directory first is a good principle. In the end it saves time and temper to first consult the latest issue of the telephone book. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada "food service * * * our true intent."