Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1917, p. 10

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Calling For particulars of ailing ra | apply to Local Agents or ie Sa i PAGE TEN BRA dE PR 0 NEW INTERNATIONAL Ey en This mew creation answers with final authority all kinds of puzzli: questions such as *'How is Przemysl pronounced 2°" '"Where is Flun- ders? ? "What is a continuous voy- age?" "What is a howitzer?"' **What is white coal?' *'How is skat pro- nounced?" and thousands of others, 000 Vi @ 1% ree, a set of foes Maps if you Dame Bulk Oysters "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Rone Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST . Lve. City Arr. City No. 19 Mall .. . ., 12.20a.m. 12.57am No. 13 Expr « ++ 258am. 33am No. 27 Local . ,, .. S40am. 7.12pm No. t Intern']l Ltd. 1.41pm. 212pm No. TMall., .. 5.04 pm. 3.40 p.m G EAST Lve. Sty Arr. City No. 1.40 a. 2.17am hy 258am. 33am hy 1220 pm. 1252 pm " . 1.08pm. 1.38pm , 28 ves xo S48DPM. 7.22pm Nos. 1, 8, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally. Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route te Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay CHy, Saginaw, Montreal gana, uhes, Portane, 3 John, alifax. Roston an ew York. For Pullman Accominodation, Tie: Yea, and all other information, apply 0 ; \ J. P. HANLEY, AGENT, : Cor. Johann and Ontarwe ocostn AGENCY FO ALL OOEAN STEAM- CANADIAN SERVICE. i LONDON to HALIFAX HALIFAX to L. (Via Plymouth) 4 i msi ee -------- have seen that $ not one of his "Seal Brand" means a certain, definite blend of high-grade coffee--uniform in quality and always delicious. |, 'Don't take any chahces-- always insist on having "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE. Whole--grou fine ground for Percolators. * Neverisold in bulk. ~pulverized ~also ics CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. A tt AA AM ta a Headquarters For GROCERIES, MEATS, and PROVISIONS C. H. PICKERING - 490-492 Princess Street. Phone 530. ~~ accent, the same person have imagined that an uncompleted sentence was picked up and finished by a third person in the room "It is not a dream!" woman angrily. | The Whigs : - Menu for Friday BREAKFAST Oranges Cerenl of Chelee Crisp Bacon With Fried Hominy Grits Whole Wheat Drop Biscuits Jam Coffee or Cocon LUN( HEON OR SUPPER Surprise Potatoes Lemon Jelly Cookies Tea or Coron Lerrons By Pictorial Review 4A swagger young girls, consisting of a blouse spring costume for end two-piece circular skirt, devel oped in blue men's weer serge. The straight, simple lines of this costume render it ive for young girls. Of If one had not known it was| quired, talking one might retorted the "It is a nightmare, at at a tt a a ga tt St gt a tnt JPINNER well together, spread on pietin. Press Heelrtenh Ple the halves of peaches in rice, stone Encalloped Tomatoes side up; sprinkle with two table- Strawberry Shortcake spoons sugar and bake in moderate Coffee oven 25 minutes. A sauce can be Ne J) served if desired. -- mmm Gary & Practical Hn Dress Making ) Prepared Specially for This Newspaper still, with his imported ac Colt... . roa . scream sometimes when | was sitting From another letter: "It is fright- "Yes," I said rising I wish to} aon and wanted to get up, the pain [ful here. We are dying of famine. speak to you about a very important was so great. | had tried a well-known | We have a ration of bread, water, matter." kidney medicine but it didn't belp me. [and beets. That is all. We are I saw him glance in a frightened | [ heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets | skeletons covered with skin. Thir- sort of way at my hat, Daily Menu Peach a la Conde. Materials --One-half cup rice, can- ned peaches, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon milk, teaspoon 14 salt, a little grated nutmeg, 1 tea spoon melted . butter. Utensils--Saucepan, strainer, pie- tin, measuring cup, teaspoon, table- spoon, bowl, eggheater. Directions-- Wash and boil the rice as usual. Brush deep pietin with melted butter. When rice is cold, add the salt, 2 tablespoons su- gar, nutmeg and egg, which has been well beaten with the milk. Mix all Le terest is the jacket, although the two- piece circular skirt has its distinct- ive features. Dark blue men's wear serge is used to make the suit. The Jacket is held in with twin belts of silk, trimmed with buttons, and the neck is finished with a round collar, which is perforated for both large and small sizes. In medium size the suit requires 414 yards G4-inch material. If de sired, the pockets may be omitted. There are ten pieces to the pattern, one half of which is given. When placed on doubled material each sec tion is cut in duplicate. The home sewer must note how the pleces are laid on the material, according to the guide, before attempting to cut her goods. The back is placed on the lengthwise fold first. Opposite the back will be sufficient room for the upper sleeve section and the belt. The large "0" perforations In the sleeve are laid on a lengthwise thread of material, but the belt rests on the sel vige edge. Next to the back the cuff is laid, then the front of the blouse, the large "0" perforations in each resting on a lengthwise thread. The collar is placed on a lengthwise fold of the serge, but the facing, belt, sleeve section and pockets are all laid on a lengthwise thread. If the collar is desired smaller than originally designed, cut off the lower, back parts and facing along small "0" perforations. Tailored stitching makes a fashion. able trimming for blouses, bat very little decoration is demanded where simplicity is emphasized. OG Pietorial Revie *~Rlowe- No. T180. cents. Skirt No. ° Reford Co, Limited, Gene Flog Street East, Toronto, 'way 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. Sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 but he must asparagus, radishes, green peppers, cabbage, caulifiower: use alone, or in or scallops. Use in vegetable hash, soups, casseroles with ham or smoked fish. make aspic, 'n sauces, and bread or cereal dressings. wiches, potato or fish salad, or soup. cookies, plain cake, ginger-bread, and ginger drop-cookies, buttef cakes, boiled salad dressing. chicken. gravy, cheese-cake, cooked salad dressing, whipped in mayonnaise, to enrich cream-of-tomato soup, and in dark-colored cakes. are desired, in seasoning spaghetti, savory rice, savory hominy, dark color, in making spice and grain breads, or the crusts for meat, vegetable, or fish pies. cakes, cookies and for sauteing. lard for deep fat frying. or plain for f a kes, puddings, biscuits, dumplings, and pie-crust. and Ends of cups, fruit soups. fruit beverages, tapiocas, and in case of juicy berries, as raspberries, strawberries, and so on; use in drinks and for corn-starch puddings. } Fish--Use in croquettes with rice or potato, creamed as a sauce o¥er brown rice, in salads with celery, cabbage, ishes, or shredded soup, or for stuf romaine, cress or lettuce, or use to season cream-of-fish | | ing peppers, tomatoes cucumbers, . has been discontinued. That was the time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys best one, because we had corn." and back, so much so that had to teen were counted in the morgue yes- terday and fourteen to-day. That is from among 3,000 or 4,000 here." go I thought I would try them. . I took only one box of the Tablets, and my back is now free from pain and I can work and take care of my family. I From another letter: "The situa- {eel 1 cannot 'say enough for this medi- | tion becomes more and more unen- cine. Sincerely, Mrs. Wu. KELLER. durable from day to day. Every morning two or three dead are found in the huts. The doctors decline all responsibility. To-day 120 are dead at Camp We hope for our de- liverance by the great offensive." Note: This "Anuric" is adapted especially for kidney complaints and diseases arising from disorders of the kidueys and bladder; such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con- gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine and urinary troubles. The physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce's great Institu- tion, at Buffalo, N.Y., have thoroughly tested this prescription and have been with one accord successful in eradicat- ing these troubles, and in most cases abeolutely curing the diseased kidneys. BRITISH- AMERICAN REGT. 500 Citlzens in U.S. Volunteer War Service. New York, Mareh 29. --More than 500 American citizens of British de- scent have volunteered for the Bri- tish-American regiment whieh is be- for Patients having-e: used "Anuric" | ing raised in this country for service at Dr. Pierce's Invalid' Hotel, have re- | in case of war, it was cnnounced geated! sent back for\ more. Buch a |last night. Lieut.-Colonel I. Thord- a Io Da um that Dr. Pierce | Grey, who Is in charge of the work, has decided to put * Anuric" in the drug stores of this country, in a ready-to-use form. If not obtainable send one dime by mail\to Dr. Pierce for trial package or 60 for full treatment. said so many applications are being recdived it is possible that the regi- ment may be expanded into a bri- gade. Many of those who have of- fered their services to the United States are said to have been men in- valided out of the British army, but have recovered. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical' is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach into vigorous action. It thus assists the body to make rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, brain and organs of the body. clean, strong and strennous. Unless you do the digging you are not likely to know of the hard- pan and imagine the work should go faster, om | Do You Waste These Things in Cooking? In Pictorial Review for April, Ida C. Bailey Allen gives the following It J own creations, he 'seemed to | . ------ ~ ) 3 * breathe eg ap he held door | Part of Plan to Increase Production - io Quick breathe as ¥ i 1 i a 4 J % Mother Mad: tt uicy 5 \ ilopen for me to enter hig tum { in Nova Scotia. 4+ Acting Cough Syryj & Madame will pardon me a mo. Halifax, N.S. March 29 re a4 > ment?" he inquired when | was seat- leently formed National ¢ 4. Snould be ep: R ed League in Halifax is 3 hamebuaiis . i (By Frances Walter) 'Certalnly." launch a scheme for oe 4 : He darted through the door and I | production The sc 3 » HET JJ | could hear him whispering excitedly | makes it unlikely that farmers can to the young woman in the outer jincrease their crops by* larger acre- BEHIND THE SCENES IN M, _ and I do not want It: Here it is! You office, who I guessed, was his seere- age but the- idea of the league is VITEAUX'S ESTABLISHMENT. on lo W wish with ft!" tary, and wh because she occtipied {thal this can be accomp he Hy £31 do. wh we oti that responsible position, felt that use of a greater amount of fertilizer u he skirts rustle asfth espor : ff (Cup MoClar 1 could hear guint "rust a she could. wi afety be as insolent !on lands now under cultivation " A ate) she rose hastily a indignantly ang fo hin as she wished The problem is to get the fertjlizgr} As | waited to see M. Viteaux I be- | started for the M. Viteaux "I's-mo use to write to lier," I[iBto.the hands of the farmers, and came aq .conscious that 4 verbal | must have b i she was de- heard her saving indifferently, | ¥Pon their lands The league! has a StOrm was bre ng behind 'the glass ng for he react the door ahead "That's 1 thirs Lat she's brousit plan for solving the problem It is in > 3 : ha c 8s the thi hg 8 A . A door on which inscribed the| of her and held it open obsequiousl back here in a month You can't |to-operation between the consumer z rrivate r<nita) shile she ed out When she wi Ri 2A Sishaie : in the pity d the farmer, under . : sugar | word, Private A high-pitohed while Saiieq od oo ae SCFTOW satisfy her. She ain't the kind to be ia tae Balih ug the agree to Sup Ia 3, 1 and 2 pound tins. ces--a | voice was beginning to display Signs | gone he gazed at her wit 2 - . ve 3 sot a de- 3 rir Zens agr "cough of excitement nro the soothing and relief. blending upon his coun- Sats Set, r She 3 | ply cash for fertilizer to specified 3 } 1 t } -j cent hat ara aid a oo ce v-made | 1oneg of the other Invisible occ upant | tenance. © Then he pulled out a hand "By y will wilte to Her anv. farmers and sign a contract to tak : f the r ay fof ifs brow ut we Wi at » Wo. oatlat a fixed price a part of the cash of the rocm seemed unable to allay. | kere! and mopped his bro how ™ i ted M. V TUX "We will : inflamed, " say that t be ble! he sald, then, seeing] POW.' insisted M. vit ] ; value of the fertilizer in crop next hat line the Apa 1 Say that this hat 48 not, sas .d. tlirust his handker-] call her attention to the new styles |e, A man who subscribes to this] ~~ rs fue, te Bigh-pitensg oe as he. eke lic ke i his] We are getting in, and I will see to fertilizer fund need not ask for any i s hley I soreness | saying, as though 'the gentleman of | chief into his pocket £ ade o vaelf 3 she gets a hat shel,.s ' as y Ria 2 3 lessen and soon | oo LE: 88 L atte ake | heels together, etl bowed almost tof It Mysell that she gets a hat SU€ return in the form of vegetables, but diskppesr altogether, thus a | the low tones had attempted to 'make | heels Together, likes . Tell Monsieur Smith the nextihe will have the option of doing so if F re 0s a ? he 3 ye 18 { e { ge "as 52" 3 a 1 o if , : : : 3 >, » "BE 8 A Te he than you ever szht | her belleve that Such was the case Whe varpet. [ am delighted!" he ex-|!ime she calls to notify me personal- [he wishes, A canvass of the city is PLOT LEI BROEK saneay ble. Hoarseness and ordinary Why, when I went home lgst night . wiasame, og Jelip an hr ; to be made by the league for the ones: ce 322; House . 18 are conquered by it in 24 hours | my own children laughed ut nie Jo sleimea a from laughing "All right," responded the girl. |raising of a fertilizer fund and there We furnish: ia or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop, | you hear, Mr. Viteaux? My own chfi® I ¢ould harfly tile feure before] "I'll tell him anything you want me|are strong hopes that this form of Auto Supplies. ing cough, SPASM ic : roup, brone dren!" ---- at the grotesque little igure eo to, but take it from me, it won't be|co-operation will materially increase Uasuling at Sie. asthma or winter coughs. "But, madame," protested a de-|{me. He.was undoubtedly an Irigh- : a hirer & Back." oduction Motor ORI, Pinex is a highly concentrated com- ? ' ? : iraved } de-| @ny use. She ain't coming back. product . Curs for Hire. pound of genuine Norway pine extract, | cidedly Celtic accent, "it was you! man. His face betrayed him, ' M. Viteaux ler her have the last| combined with guaiacol and is famous | yourself who selected the hat, was it| spite his pame and the accent w hich word and fitted back into his office, | A HORRIBLE Washing Cam: , the world over for its quick healing | pogo" he had acquired, goodness knows Ie hd ES in nian Large, S100. elect on the saciublunes. Ask ® our "Of course I selected it," retorted | where, and by goodness knows how glee and smiling bewitchingly upon |The Deported Belgians Are Dying lle ee Guaranteid. MR sti. Pinex" with | the indignant female, 'but what are| much hard work I learned ler me Like Flies Give us a call. ugEis oN 1 ] ny? TN - ¥ 4 ia aa) ame was St - 3 - id directions and don't accept anything these people of yours here for? They wards that his re al name w ass hl] "And now, my dear madame, how Havre, Prance. March 38 The else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis- | should never have sold me the hat if van, and that he was born in Zanes- ean 1 have the honor to serve you?"] po vie, Cratre A arch =9--- he sion or money refunded, The Pinex asn' ac i T 's what I] ville, Ohio, and not in Paris, as his hid . ; gian G ime as ( . facti it wasn't becoming. That's wha . E (To Be Continued.) trustworthy means letters from ro y Co, Toronto, Ont. . -- pay for, isn't it?" literature tried to lead his customers| i i m---- } HT UE > ny = 3 Ts rom 5 3 ' 18 1 : rp 8 § J B § 4 P Pr-------- a et ear ian "Madam will pardon me, 1 hope, to believe Whatever had induced : « PRO Be a 0, la ® been i - pw - BOHRA for disagreeing with her, but 1 in-{him to desert his father's calling of ad Terrible Pains dated at the end of February or ; a : : ' 8 ) ep a ny sist that the hat is one of the most! carrying(a hod and attempt the art . J arly In Mrach 'were written rors fetching that I have ever seen you) of design women's hats could not K d y d B k the ¢ 3 Ne ay : rag ie camps in which the men are be- wear, It is more than that, it is a}even be imaged. But here he was, in I ne S an ac . ing ye dream!" part and parcel of fashionable Fifth -- ; S 4g ig ; follow" "Since Fel a . ao A Dear Mr. Editor--1 want to write yon Some messages follow Since Feb- Ag these Words Rete Stored the ayeliie, howbelt he was not deeply about "Amnrie" I was ry ahy, co ruary 1st we have had only two voice lost its Irish tendencies and as: | rooted in its soi =I was i bed meals a day. The one in the evening sumed something akin to a French "Madame would see me?" he in hardly be up; I was in most of the 3 ER TE TO ATT The Propricaryor Feat MedicineAct AVegetable Preparation forAs. Similating the Food and R: Ying he Stomach and Bones Promotes Digestion Cheerfid ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral. Not NaARrRcoTIC. A tion, Wo Convulsions, Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimie Signature of Flan Tae CenTAUR COMPANY. MONTREAL&ANEW YORK NCL LL 35 Doses -35¢ ENTS Exact Copy of Wrapper. a methods of using many of the things that American housewives are prone to throw away: Dry Stale Bread and Crusts.--Put' through medium knife of food- chopper and store in jars, with perforated tops to prevent rancidity. Keep buttered bread or toast separate and use soon after preparing. Use for fish, vegetable, and meat scallops; gravy, soup, and bisque thickenings; for griddlecakes, cake, muffins, biscuits, and fritters, puddings, blan- mange, and cereals, as well as for all sorts of crumming purposes. Stake Cake.--May be used in puddings; fritters, gelatin blanc-mange, | fruit molds, and in making fresh cake and steamed pudding. | Orange, Grapefruit, and Lemon Peel.--Should be scraped of all mem- | brane and used at once for sugared peel, for candy, or used in making cakes, puddings, cookies, and In garnishing sweet dishes. If desirable, col- lect it gradually, keeping it in slightly salted water in a cool place for four or five days. Use fresh in re-enforcing fruit beverages, gelatins, and sherberts . Trimmings From Salad Greens.--Stew in water or stock, together with a little pickle spice, add rice to thicken (three tablespoonfuls to a quart of vegetable stock) and, at the end of the cooking, strain and season with a bouillon cube. A real blood tonic. Use cress In the same way, also mince any left over sprigs, and sprinkle over steak or fish. Cauliffower Leaves.--Cook twice as long as the cauliflower, chop, season as greens, and use to supplement the flower itself. Celery Tips.--Spread on papers, dry, store in jars, and use for sea- soning. Use fresh as a basis for soup, a garnish for salad or meats, and for frying ira tnin batter. Leftover Vegetables.--Peas, carrots, Lima or string beans, corn, any combination in soups, either in stock, or with bouillon cubes, salads, Turnip, carrots, beets, Lima beans, potatoes and so forth. Stewed or scalloped tomatoes: --use in casseroles, with baked beans, in soups, to! Vegetable Parings.--Scrub vegetables well and put all parings, In- cluding those from potatoes, into a genéral stock-pot. Cooked Cercals.--Use in stock-pat, soups, scallops, meat, fish and vegetable loaves, griddle-cakes, waffles, muffins, puddings, and croquettes. Leftover Scrambled, Poached, or Fried Eggs.--Use minced in sand- | Rice Water.--Use in stock-pot, or as base for soup. Sour Milk.--Use in making biscuits, all kinds of grain muffins, steam- ed or baked brown, whole wheat, or graham bread, spice cake, spiced Sour Cream.--Use .in making fruit ice-creams, cream fruit-sherberts, dressing, uncooked cole-slaw shortening any of the guick grain breads, gingerbreads, and in making , Ham and Sausage Fat.--Use for sauteing when savory tastes browning spice cakes of ginger cookies, and in shortening quick meats for stews, or casseroles, in shortening gingerbread or Fat.--Try out and use in making "three-minute pie crust," Fat and Fat From Stock-pot.--Try out and use with one-third : sauteing; beef fat alone for shortening Fruit.--Use in fruit salads, fruit compotes of rice and farina, , or cabbafie-leaves. and use in Welsh rabit; cheese sauce for fish, scallops; grate cheese from rinds and use on spaghetti, in creamed vegotables, to make cheese sticks, offeese biscuits, cheese ple-orusts for fruit ples, cheese a | =~ {and serve with stock vegetable soups. i 3 Bits of Cheese and Rinds.--Put cheese scraps through food-chopper vice, or hominy; in vegetable creamed potitoes, German style; cheesé croguettes, ete.; $ | For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. EE --- Footwear You will find real style and comfort in the shoes we have to offer you. for every taste and desire we have a fashion. See our new arrivals. $5.00 to $10.00. GASTORIA- GASTORIA

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