Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1917, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Ride | Ride--Ride Everybody ought to ride a bicycle this spring. It's healthy, it's handy, and this is the year to save money. It has been proved that it is cheaper to ride a bicycle than ride in the street cars. | Now is.the Time To pick out your favorite Massey bicycle or the new Indian. How is your old wheel. Can we put it in good repair for you? We have tires, rims, saddles and everything you might need for ; your old wheel. Or we will trade you for : a new one. | | TREADGOLD | Sp orting Goods Co, 88 Princess St., Kingston. Telephone 529 ------ t | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1917. the World of Sport| - | SPORTING NOTES. {| Les Darcy {Al McCoy in. Cleveland April 10 ! : 1000 training {men at Summit, N.J. | ; | Hot Springs the horsemen | round dray with Eddie Wallace a { Brideport, Conn. "Rube" |Giants, last season with Louisville dnd this year with Connie Mack's|the undergraduates who are under- the teams. ! Athletics, is a Russian, who took the going military ; : his real the intention of the 'authorities to Iname was too long. It is Dimitri! close the university immediately if {name of Schauer because { Ivannovitch Dimitirikoff. Jockey Frank Robinson, iriding was the sensation of the Can jadian racing circuit last season, will {not ride on the Canadian tracks this summer iA. K. Macomber, whose horses are {mark of last year. i jteen years, | Ri {from the State Treasury at Albany a { » {amount paid by Ne ibile owners during | registration of their cars {ing popular? Is motor 1 Quebec race track owners say that {there will not be any further inter- {ference with their plans for this sea on They believe that only the On- {tario clubs will be affected by any | legislation that may be passed by the Commons, Revised date for New York race | meets: Jamaica, May 18; Belmont {Pdark, May 29 to June 16; Jamaica, {June 16 to 23; Belmont Park, Sep- {tember 1 to 15. The others take place as originally scheduled. Samuel Carter, M.P.P., is the lat- {est convert to the anti-racing agita {tion. He declares he couldn't "take off his hat to a Government that takes five cents or ten cents off every {dollar that some poor gambler gambled." i | i After the present race meeting af move over to Essex Park In the same city. They wll continue in operation there until April 14th. SEATTLE BETTER TEAM. Won Four Out of Five Games From Canadians. ly defeating the Canadiens of Montreal in a most decisive manner by the lopsided count of 9 to 1, the Seattle "Metz," winners of the Coast RU TRY 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. "MONUMENTS Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 307 Princess Street. Telephone 1931 League title, won the world's pro- fessional hockey championship, and also gained possession of the famous Stanley Cup. Canadiens won only one game, they capturing the first, 8 to 4, and in such a clean-cut manner that western fans were| very dubious about the result of the series. But the Seattle team care back to form in the second contest and won the remaining three by [such a hig mar- gin that there is not the least doubt as to the better team. Kaiser's Many Horses. London Sportsman: The Royal Graditz Stud will commence the Ger- man racing season with a string of thirty-five horses, all three and two- year-olds, as against only twenty- eight last year. The present band consists of fifteen three-year-olds and A to meet Jeff Smith or Freddie Walsh has bought a $60,- ome for tifed business|Clenahan, chairman of the Board of Johnny Kilbane boxed a twelve letic activities here whenever tjaction seems necessary {8 Schauer, once of the] whose | lightened somewhat and all avail-| the Western League - {able time will be given up to mili-| t5 the Pittsburg Federals { | SPORTS GO IF WAR COMES. | eo ' i -- fe | Princeton Will Cease All BASEBALL BRIEFS Activities. : As soon as Washington declares | 'gums 3 that a state of war exists with Ger-} many, participation in ail intercol-| legiate athletics will cease at Prince- |ton University. Dean Howard Mc-| Athletic | There are only five men in base- ball drawing larger salaries than Grovers Cleveland Alexander, of the Phillies. They are John J. McGraw, Athletic 'Control, has been authoriz-| George Stallings, Cobb, Speaker and ed by the board: to terminate ath.| Collins, suc --- to him be- | Uncle Sam's cry: "Johnny get cause of a declaration of war or aj your gun' does not appear to have | serious national emergency. | enthused major league ball players. This action has been taken in or-| Military training proved a failura ,| der to allow all the time possible to] and will be abandoned by most of training. It is not| -- Eddie Holly, the former Toronto | Shortstop, who jumped to the Fed- emergency arises, but| eral League, has been appointed requirements will be! manager of the Sioux City team of Holly jumped from the a national classroom Se -- | Get Back of a Milo Start the New Year right by smoking MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Kingston. G. A. McGOWAN, Manufacturer, Kingston. - ss wen est Mean "THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA S. ROUGHTON, Agent. 60 Brock St., Kingston. , Phone 610 sii -- m-- tary training About 900 | graduates ahe now drilling in the He has signed to ride for unit, which will probably be made | Association, ja reserve officers' training eorps| under-| 150als, and played last season with the Memphis team of the Southern athieu's seldom raced on this side of the bor-| within a few days, and the majority | {der. With good horses to ride, Rob- |inson should surpass even his good While boxing is tottering in New ) York, Chicago is looking forward to|without seriously a resumption of the sport, which has |the military training. {Leen barred there for the last seven-| The City of New York received {cheque for $248,721, one-half the York automo- ebruary for the wone-legged young man a wonder of | batter, and J. Franklin Baker has been ham- mering the old pill with the same] vigor at Macon, He hasn't a pain or; an ache. He says that he never is troubled with the ribs that were broken last summer, and his knee, which was twisted, ig strong once g ¢ rew and track will hel more. The Trappe slugger says A hn sports affect- that he is feeling like a two-year-old ed by the order, and Coach Rush's | and Is anxious to be fit for real spring training for his football 'play-| labor when the big gong at the Poi) ers will be terminated by this ac- Grounds rings. 2 tion. Until the order is given by =-- ; Dean MecClenghan the several squads The case of Sherwood Magee will {of the other students are in some| yther branéh of the service, such as| Tthe" naval - reserve. or the airplane | | corps. It would therefore be practi-| | cally impossible to continue athletics | | interfering with | will go on training as heretofore | be mighty interesting to baseball --gi-------- folks the country over. He was cut N.H.A. MAY DISSOLVE. {oper $2,000 this year, For two = | years, in fact, ever since Stallings I'rofessional Circuit to be Remodeled | bought him from the Phils, Sherry has been very ordinary. He is now fighting for his very big league exis- tence. He is living the life of an ambitious youngster. He's. .working like a house afire, hasn't lost a bit of that fine sense of humor and pep- per, and isn't taking the liberties with himself he took in former years. And a New Name Taken, | It is stated on the authority of a man prominently connected with pro-| fessional hockey that as the result] of the charges made by E. J. Living-| stone of Toronto, the National Hoe-| key Association may dissolve shortly, | since a majority of the clubg seem convinced that it would be better to have the whole professional hockey | situation remodeled, to drop the] name which has been considerably dragged. through the mud and to] build up a new body. It is even inti-| mated that should the N.H.A. be| dissolved the body that succeeds it] would have a French-Canadian team ey no longer directed by George Ren! Milton Stock, third baseman of the | Manager Rowland, of the White Sox, has decided to release Pitcher Earl Ainsworth back to the Terre Haute Club, from which he had been obtained on a conditional sale, but since the Terre Haute Club is now defunct it is not certain where the player is 'to be sent. nedy but by a real French-Canadian| py1adelphia Nationals, has left the organization and , that the Quebec| po ¢ the holdouts. He reported team would be taken over by the| ...... = to Manager Moran at 'Mo- Quebec Arena, The Wanderer and|y.. - Ottawa teams are to remain under | 1 --_-- the same mangement as at present, | o,,i.rev wanted two more in- but tentative negotiations, it is said.| fojqers; poth Hartford and Risberg have been on foot to take. in Dro-|,,y Jie valuable prospects, and per- bably two teams from the United| py. one of the two new first base- States, | men of the White Sox 'may deliver ONE LRGERD STUDENT | mUCheeded goods. | Detroit needed pitchers badly, and Is a Star in Many has a herd of splendid-looking hurl- letics. | ers for a trial. The Tigers could also Robert Carver, a 20 year old stu-| use an infielder and an extra out- dent at the Washington State Nor-| fielder, and seem to have promising mal School, refused to be relegated | people waiting for a chance. to the athletic discard when fate] -- robbed him several years ago of his| Crane, the new Washington short- left leg. Grit today has made this| Stop, doesn't seem to be much of a there is little hitting athletics in the, Northwest. He is| Strength among Griffithls recruits. the star centre qf. the basketball five, | Yingling, listed among the pitchers, performs brilliantly at the tennis net, | has announced his * retirement, but and has a position on both the foot-| may yet return to the spangles, ball and baseball teams, Last sea- -- son he and his brother won the| 'Connie Mack's new men seem to doubles tennis championship of Spo-| have been well-chosen, and look as if kane county. In the gridiron sport| they would really help the downtrod- Carver plays at a tackle position and | den Athletics to rise in the world. opponents have found his place in| The Boston champions needed little the line an almost impenetrable spot. ; help, except, perhaps in base-running In baseball he plays first base and | and they collected a demon - thief actually hops the bases and slides| When they enlisted Kopp of Buffalo. for home plate, Carver is studying -- law, Lines of Ath- No club in the major leagues ever had three such small lead-off men as Speed in the Major League. Gilhooley, High and Maisel of the Grantland Rice well says that Highlanders. - With Leibold of the a score of juveniles, mostly by Eng- lish, Irish and French-bred sires! Dark Donald, Ard Patrick, Nuage land Cajus, for example, Seven three-year-olds and three; youngsters are by Nuage, four juven-| iles by Dark Ronald, two "threes" | and three "twos" by Ard Patrick, and | one of each age by Cajus, One of the! juveniles is by Rol Herode--Sweet Mary. This mare was evidently seat to be mated Herode in 1914 and taken back to Germany in good time before the Kaiser-made war began. Some of | the Kaiser's subjects, on the other hand, not having the same inside in- formation, had some of their race horses and mares still in the United | to Ireland with Roi and lost them forever, BRINGING UP. FATHER 3 3 : Bo | 38 en when it comes to a matter of raw |' ite Sox and Lavan of the Browns, speed the two fastest clubs in base- | (Ne) are the pygmies of the American ball now are the New York Giants| "®a8ue. It will take a pitcher with Syrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Ofl Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by cll dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathiea's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, 21g A i A A a CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING "4 What do these words mean to you? They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something that interests you keenly! Perhaps you have notided these words and the notation "No fire left when blown out" on our new "Silent Parlor" match boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these boxes have been'impregnated or soaked in a chemical solution which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is hereby reduced to the greatest minimum. SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE EDDY'S SILENT 500s Dr J.Collis Browne's i oon i ONLY GENUINE. DIARRHOEA ...... seanes CHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER. GROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. *s «he oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE lyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. MH invariably relieves pain of whatever kind : creates a calm vefveshing sheep : ys _srritation of the nervous system when all other remedies farl. leaves 50 bad effects : and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MUCH, TISIINONY CHLORODYN » BOTTLE. Th A wecets of Sold by ali Chamiste. this Remedy has given rise Prices in England: Vis. 2/0, 4j8. and the St. Louis Browns. The Giants have Robertson, Burns, Kauff, Herzog and Holke, who are all fast, with. Zimmerman and Fletcher only a half stride behind, not to be overlooked. The Browns have Snider, Shotten, Marsans, Aus- tin and Lavan, with Derrill Pratt only a step away. George Sisier and mighty fine control to get past these three boys without shelling out a pass. All three are excellent waiters, Though Gilhooley is generally re- garded as a youngster and Lee Ma- Eee a seasoned veteran, it is interest- ing to note that they both broke into Sole Manufacturers: <3. T. DAVENPORT, LONDON, Qithooley, the fastest men in base- | With the St. Louis Cardinals late in ball. Bert Shotten is hardly a halt | 1911. breath back of these, and many fig-| Pig time ever since, while "Gil" is ure him fully as fast. there is little difference in speed. | Peculiar coincidence that But the first four Brownies--Sisier, | these players came to the Cardinals |of Pennsylvania athlete and holder Shotten, Marsans -and Austin--are | as second basemen, and now a e play- v 4 arter miles Kingdom on that fateful August day, [faster than the first four Giants. ing the outfield on re play- lof the world's half and quarter mile Dave Robertson are, with Frank |!he big leagues at the same time-- Lee, however, has stuck on Club for club, | up for the third time. It is also a both of the American Meredith to Become Aviator, Robertson, Burns, Kauff and Herzog.| League team. : a 3" 3 '™ FROM THE "DAILY SPLASH" AND 1D LIKE IF YOU WANT TO GET A STORY ON PICTURES LL. HOW YoU STARTED LET YOU LOOK IN LIFE AND HOW IN QUR FAMILY OY JOVE 'THE OLOCRE THESE ARE 2 a WHAT KIND OF A DOX 1D THAT NTT » NEXT TO HER 2 '¢ HUH! 59 Sy Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros, Co., Limited, Toronto as an aviator, Meredith plans to organize a University of Pennsyl- vania. flying squadron. Don Lippin- colt, a former sprinting champion, who took a prominent part in the Meredith, famous University records, has announced his intention |last Olympic games, also plans to be- of entering the United States army 'come an aviator. By GEORGE McMANUS HOW WAS | TO KNOW IT WAS A PICTURE OF HIM!

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