UH New Issue of the Book. - 4 Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! § Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! q Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. Grafonolas $21 up Columbia Grafonolas and Records "TO-DAY COLUMBIA LEADS" TREADGOLD'S CYCLE and SPORTING GOODS Co., 88 Princess Street. | ey $5.00for $2.50 Do you know of any person selling $3.00 Gold Pieces for $2.50 2 No, of course not! We sell £5.00 glasses for $5.00; and $2.50 glasses for $2.50, And we are always here to make gopd our guarantee of satisfaction. For your own protection come to us for your glasses. Our treatment and service is of. the highest quality, J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Optician and Optometrist, Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 EP A Ae A Ae Ap tA tt Pogo, SYDENHAM MILLINERY OPENING _ | Wednesday, March 28th and following days. | All are invited. Miss Davey, late of Toronto, I in charge. / | - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MA RCH 29, 1917. ET TT-------- PAGE FIVE A FARMER GIVES REASONS|THE R.M.C. BOXING FINALS FOR SHORTAGE OF FARM HELP|SPLENDID SERIES OF CONTESTS | AND ALSO FOODSTUFFS HELD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON | Protection to Manufactures Drew | The ( ollege. Honors Were Decided -- | Ruralists to Cities--Foodstuff Lieut.-Col, 8 A. Thompson Was | Shortage a tign From the Ruler Referce of the Events, of the Universe. The finals for the championship of i Westbrook, Mas ¥ 27 (To th2| the different cl of boxing for the |E£ditor) Your report of the pro-| sadets of the al Military Coli€ge Ye « the Board of Trade re- were on Wednesday afternoon vas to ruralist indeed | in the oc ege gymn n and proved he speoaple of exceedingl of starvation, t Y themselves are for the shortage of~help on y interesting. Out of 115 cadets, ninety-eight were entered in the various competitions, and of these seventy-seven qualified, and by {to blame {the fa if they did Hot hank-{ i itation the contestants for tho per after glare and glitter of city matches held on Wednesday were | life, they ! nowibe on the jand chosen. The boxing was held under {2s produce hs ead of where they the Army and Navy rules. Lieut. jie as hi i ok of things in our} Cuthbert, superintendant of the gymn- cou 'not brought Zboit in a nasium work at the college, was Ta: day ¢ vear, though accentuated | sponsible for the Success of the by. th Our Government has| events this year being assisted by protected with high tariff, our man-{C. 8S. Major Shuter Each class spent | ufacturers, and they in turn could{an hour a week at the work and the {charge high prices for their goods] exhibitions were of a very high order New Spring You are invited to inspect our new spring footwear: Best grades, $7.00 to $10.00. Good values, $4.50 to $6.00. For men and women. Abernethy's Shoe Store and pay high wages for their help! and showed the results of exper- and so entice laborers from the coun- iencad training, [t1y To their establishments oy offers ' first hout was between R.'D {of short hours and high wages, in| Ross and G. D. G. Barwis for the tact, a twelve hour days pay for an{ novice lichtwe championship. eght or ten hour day's work. Barwis won 1 first round was 4 {,, This touches the point made bY|yery eyen but in the second Barwis | Mr. Carson, who claimed that far- began to show his siiperiority, though an NENA, errr----------t {mers pay low wages, quoting as low | pi opponent put up a .good fight iwages, twenty dollars a month with J. H. Morris won the novices i {washing and mending including as heavyweight from F., #. Anderson. H C d {well the free use of a horse ane! WC Flt the rst round ome Ma e ee r auto. totalling about forty 11° Vas the tter ! 8 DUggy or Bui § R OC : nk and Anderson was so far outclassed, Soliare a uouth fais» a h ng in the second that he was bately able\ ougit to induce zome h are " ceep his feet anxious to increase production to get © 2 ep ] i2 Ie srwoight edntest. B jout to the farms; but the trouble | DS her ind A ar rv h E | 5 a } Np - TWAT yO fr asl {seems to be that they want the other . » . rg tha + res Made ver D | fellow to get out. And even now our | Bots Bre lag: and game ang the bout y ay. | politicians are advocating that the! bad to be gaeided on points, : c.tizens raise poultry and vegetables The fourth bou was between E '9 {in their back yards, that they may | Mills and K 5 Toy and was won by S k li 8 | thereby lessen 'the consumption of|the latter This a Sndgabledly a e 1 astest : "los yntest- thosé things the farmer has «o sell] the fastest and most closely contest . fo make a livelihood for 1zelf and [ed of all the bouts and was inten- Next Grand Opera House his family, and to pay t plendid | sely interesting from start to finish Tele h wages the city dwellers think he For the middleweight honers, C P one 640 ought to pay. ] A. McGillivray won a decisive vic ory . And again even though our farm| over N W. Churchill in less than AJ ph help scarce since war hegan the half a minute of fighting Churchill recruiting officers have fine combed | was knocked out at the boginning of our rural districts for soldiers tak-| the first round and could not con- ing large numbers of men, who tinue. " hould still be on:farms, leaving be- | he heavyweight championship Imported Italian hind too many men as clerks in your| was between the only two competi stores where the works could ave tiorg of the college'of the class. H SOFT HATS been 'very nicely done hy ome M. Paterson won from H. C. M. Gor- i But we hear no ery of the CRreily don after a long hard fight Both This store is really head- | of Zelp in mereantile houses o ¢ contestants showed good form atid quarters for these famous h i { AS io t J oposed Le NE a fought hard and fast. every good style; every good Py hy 1 Ta Been forEol- H. F. E. Buscombe won from G D color: is to be had here. or ecasure us ave bee g : : i ww ap : G. 'Barwis on points in the welter- course, wide brims are in © at ily a few years ago a hue > * Bie 4 3 a . . ai ery' vis ised becuse routes welgh championship," This "vas [| Ercatest favor, an son of Oh STILL GOING STRONG , Fas (ALP i x } } » ade 'een i re ke ¢ . . robably due to the fact that it was new shades of green anc grey .. dared to crow before the citizens FI 2) § os Jreen and . ee ee st fut it was | Now shes uf green wid Every Department on the Jump. Dining room fur- : e I 'wil 'mind | noen and he was used up in the first Try on some of these hats h : . . {the same people will not now mind Nn 3 i as us up 1 st. Try on i niture t at excels an thi v the crowing since Alderman No He showed up 'splendidly however. this week, y ng ever attempted mn City. man would have every one rise one Lieut.-Col, 8. A. Thompson was ref- : . { © our earlier. Then the rooster'eree and Lieuts, McCarter and Pen- Price el $4.50 { 'might help to rouse the sleepy| hale were judges heads. But you might just tell Mr. ---- c--r-- I i Ain A -- Newman that all the legislation in --~ ~~ tervirit it ao chatty int | JUST THE THING and setting of the : i FOR LITTLE ONES if the city people rose and retired at farmers' bours there would bel no need for daxlight saving scheme Baby 's Own Tablots are the best With all the debating one thing medicine a mother can give her little is ignored, and that Is, that the ones. They. regulate. the bowels: present high cost of living, due to] sweeten the stomach; banish consti- | pation and indigestion: relieve colds and simple fevers and make teething ! ithe shortage of foodstuffs, is not en- last year the Ruler of the universe °28Y. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert crop all round instead of the boun-|!Ne Past four years and find them thought of the Giver. cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents -- en ns Itirely due to the scarcity of farm {help; but, it is owing to the fact that BE ae met Lo ae wo ea Ss Ts ih amd wn too often "without | SWOT. They. are suid by ml JAMES 1. F. ie vei, On ame Medi- , CHINESE - WINE SEIZED IN A RAID MADE BY THE POLICE The SPROULE MEN LOST TO THE Recruiting Officers Urged to be More : Enterprising. {-. Military authorities have learned, it is said, that a great many pro:pec- tive recruits are being lost to the EAT ae AAs i service owing to the fact that re- ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. eruiting officers are only. interested Three Cases Taken Out of a Chinese Shop on Brock Street on Wednes- day Night--No Charges Made, But in men who come up to the required standard for their special branch of ithe service. For this reason, orders say that when men apply for enlist. Wine Will be: Tested For is ment -in infantry or artillery units, jand are found to be of a lower phys- Strength, {ical standard than that required, the recruiting officers¥in' question is au- {thorized to attest, should enlist men Three cases of Chinese wine are at police headquarters as a result of raid made by Sergt. Robert Nesbitt {for units requiring a lower stand-| and Constable Marshall Armstrong, ard Lesslie Clark and Earl Jenkin on | If the reeruiting officer does not Wednesday night on a Chinese store hold the necessary authority to at- on Brock street between Bagot and Wellington street, No arrests were made in connec- tion with the case, but a test is to be made of the wine, and if it goes over = the two and a half per cent. charges A woman's words are the milk and will be made. ! test for the Canadian Expeditionary | Force, he should make every effort {to bring the intended recruit to the notice. of some construction or for- jestry battalion Campbell Bros, Remedy a FALLING HAIR Prouse's Drug Store house of successful styles in men's headwear, mmm memn®? We have reputation of carrying the largest assort- 'ment, but this year we have excelled any previous LUBIN'S Ser 7 James Reid At the Busy Store with the Large Stock. For Motor Services. mmm. One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk Is more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 -~ Price's a a a eS pty Fish in Tins FISH FLAKES, | CURES DANDRUFF AND STOPS 50c Bottle TR ------ -------------------------- DALY GARAGE MRS. GARVIN, Sydenham. | | her meaning is the cream that | ly comes to the surface. Colds or Coughs Should Never Be Neglected. If They Are, Some Serious Troubles are Sure to Follow, ow- Lung A cold or cough, if neglected, will sooner or later develop into some sort of lung trouble, so we would advise that you get rid uf it before! it becomes settled. For this purpose - 20th Century Sprin 5 Overcoats ee 20 Pe : preparation has been on the market | / for the past twenty-five years, and . ~ GOOD VALUES. has always given universal satis. ® me instant relief." t faction. SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, £0] ee a RU When-you 85K 167 Dr. Wood's" -- Princess and Bagot Streets. Mr. Erwell Bolton, Wilton, Ont., writes: "Last winter I was caught in a storm and had to stay in a barn all night, I caught a severe cold which several medicines fated to cure. 1 went to some of the best doctors but these failed to do me any gond. A friend advised nie to use Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. } I used three bottles and they gave see that you get the genuine, put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees |g the trade mark and bearing the name onto, Ont, Price 2Ge. and 60c. out of the shop for all he was worth, and hid himself in the ward. Con- | at stable Marshall him with his flashlight. going out like a lion. wind and rain storm. and on Wed- nesday there was snow, i wh d of the F. On 2 result citizens 0 had discarded out again, The bottles are labelled "Kwong," and the label, states that it is a wine to.be used for medical purposes, and that it is good for nervous and many other chronic troubles. L Jor The police visited the shop about { 10 o'clock, seized the wine and had it removed to the police station in a taxi. "The visit ef the officers caused | quite a flurry of excitement among Ki the Chinamen whe lived at the store, | and the raid was the main topic of conversation in Chinese circles all day Thursday, In addition to tlie larger bottles containing the wine, thore was quite a large case filled with some kind of fluid which has yet to be examined. The stuff was shipped here from China, and is wrapped up in paper and labels covered with Chiness let- ters, haa One of the Celestials living at the store got very much exeited over the visit of the police, and as soon as he saw the bluacoated officers, he ran in La Ca Armstrong located ANOTHER LIVELY STORM. ng about coming iv like a lamb and The weather "Tough. First came the Two inches ell during Wednesday night, and as heir snow shovels had to get them Re -- iwar, assist the Canadian veterans of the resent war been sent to Joe Spratt Post, G.A.R and one will be sent to the Louis W 35¢ a dozen, -- Catarrh Cannot be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they : he disease, ' faces of the system Cure wag prescribed by ig of the bes. his week, the last of the month, } J physicians jn this country for years, It known, combined with some bination o Catarrh Cure is sondertul results in catarrhal condi- | tions. A 3 : AN Druggists, A Hall's Family I'ills for constipation. CHICKEN HALIBUT, ) FINNAN HADDIE, is CLAMS, FRE! MACKEREL, SOUSED MACKEREL, ee ----ttam 3) | KIPPERED HERRINGS, To Celebrate Langemarek. | HERRINGS IN TOMATO, Watertown veterans who served| CRAB MEAT, the civil war and in the Spanish TUNA FISH, have heen invited to come -to| SHRIMPS, ngston on April 22nd and 23rd to JAS REDDEN & CO he battle of ; A ht | Phones 20 and 990. | A NEW SUIT Phone 82. Opposite Bt. Asarew's Church celebrate ngemarck. An rlisle Camp, USW.V. The idea has met with favor among the ver FOR EASTER ans of both organizations, and some expect says the Watertown, N.Y., Times. We have it here, pick it out. See the new styles and | | up-to-date designs. Compare our | | prices with others and we guarantee | | you won't go away without leaving | Come in and to attend the celebration, so Thursday's Market, There was a very small market on your order. Thursday morning with a few wagons ! Fine blue serges at $18, and some baskets of prodice. first maple syrup of the offered at 60c a quart. $20 and up. | The | Fine browns and gress at $18, $20 up season was, Also spring top coats, raincoats, Butter sold | gloves, hats, "boots and shoes, ete. 45¢ a 1b. and eggs from 30¢ te! ISAAC ZACKS, i 271 Princess Street, I 335 King Street. Phone 363. We furnish auto supplies of all Kinds; gn ne, motor oll, ete, A ed and stored af:-ron- 0 on. : Repair work pro to. Satisfaction x eed, J. P. Daly, Prop. AS McLaughlin's Garage Beizo the opportunity; bring us your car before it gets snowed in. You will want it looked over before using it in the spring. We have had . factory experience and can guarantee our work. Let us look after your battery; we will save you money. R. J. Fursey, Prop. Garage Phone 1609; Res, 931. New Stand, 34-38 Princess Street. Opposite Wormwith's Piano Works. cannot reach the seat of t $ ------ Catarh is a Jocal disease : greatly in-| . uenced by constitutional con [tdons, | Quite a Snowfall Daring Wednesday | 4 In order to cure it you must take | ~ Night in the City. an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrhi ANSCO CAMERAS ' Qure is taken internally and acts! March is living up to he old say- through the blood on the mucous sur. CYKO PAPER AND Hall's Catarrh b of the| urifiers. The perfect com- the ingredients in Hall's | what produces such! oar, testimonials, free : YEY & CO. Props. Toledo, 0 | i de, 3 Now That Spring Is Here Buy AND SUPPLIES, M.Q. DEVELOPER 5 Sole Agent and Distributor T. H. Sargent, Corner, Princess and Montreal Streets rate et Telephone 41