stomach. ms. of 'peapls who had their ! | | . y Y i | TION OF THE WAR 5 | | } i eee WEEE o' | With Undiminished Vigor--Army with dome Zam-Buk on hand in ! S : Discipline Adheres--Natjon is Ab! vase 'of accidents? We all Xnow |» 4 | has been ill, has recovered and is able Ived From Allelic Nic what dar 13 results often follow . solver rom ; Kane to 1cho- r injuries, " t i las, Church Says. uk is applied to a ron énac ported Petrograd, March 30. --Impres ately destroys all + | deplaranl n. e are | sions of m it to Riga justify the and extracts all if in use number. of friend Nope of maintenance of discipline in poisonous - matter, and thus re- BARRIEFIELD. from a : enjoyed - a. pleasant { the Russian a ny, During the diffi moves all danger from festering 6r March 26 Mrs. W. Norman, jr, | evening recently at the home of Wil-| cult meriod with necessarily folloys blood pc g. Zam-Buk 8. s00th- gave a birthday party in honor of her | Ham Hamblin. i rd Wills has | the revorut onary upheaval officers 10g herbal extracts end the pain little son, Stanley. Mrs. Elljott and | the material on the ground to erect {and men r e their responsibility | and banish the soreness, Then the little daughter, of Toronto, are the |a fine residence. viggest ship- | before the nation and allies for a con- | Realing essences in .ihis famous | °° 94uf rgt. and Mrs. Gray, !ment of auto sever unloaded | tinuation of the war, and undimin-| balm grow new, healthy skin. Sergt. McKay's wife gave a farewell {in Ather a ed last week for|ished vigor will be their first duty. A box of Zam-Buk kept handy, event in honor of Mrs. Lothain on | Messrs. 1d Percival. | The seditious propaganda is fast | both fn the home and at work, will { Friday afternoon. Mre, Lothain has an ing its sway over the minds of even #ave much suffering. and loss of returned to Montreal, 'having spent] ® * | the most ignorant, ~N | time and money. 50c box, 3 for map reo The Minister 'of War and Marine | Be : the winter with Mr. and Mrs. War- . | he Minister 'of Wgdr and Marine $1.25. Al druggists and stores, or | rington Lennox and Addin on | met with rousing reception from the | Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. Send lc , | garrison and inhabitants of Pskoff. A stamp for postage on free trial box. WILBUR { huge concourse of soldiers and civ-| March 28.--8. Jack who has] 4 4 | ilians greeted him at the station, He! LJ been ill for le t ed away opm | remindad his hearers that Pskoff had on March 2 H sto mourn . been the scene of the abdication and his Sha Ao datghte: aud one Son; March 23.--Rev. Mr. Seymour| overthrow of the old regime. In re-| Jessie, at home; Mrs. F. Paul, Res-|took charge of the services ol the | sponse to his eloquent appeal tha! Er sar "= |ton, Man.; and James, of Kisby.| Methodist church on Sunday last ' | delegates of soldiers, officers and | é " William Thomas I Newburgh, e 'pastor there, Rev.| oun pn solemnly declared their] for some da y Mr. Farns having been sick for| gore rmination not to waver. Amid | > the General Hospit ome te. The islanders are not remendous cheers the Minister with. | P P re medice{ : coniing over very mu now owing| drew | A HE, B N, Mary Mureau made ine 10 De Re ong A. ened bo Ine | The chief of the local militia stated | to Kingston on Tuesday. M r and On Tussdey last Marc 27th to Nr. that 40 or 50 persons daily had been | s a f & + Mrs. Thomas Lee at W. W. Roche's : Pradacior ros, ro. arrested on arrival at Pskoff dis- | Can't Beat Tiz for Sore, Tired, thls week and Mrs. Frederick Calver a laugh- , . " > i . tar guised as soldiers, and even officers, Swollen, Calloused Feet or a a ter on suspicion of acting as agents of Corns. AE . He 3a y i suspici of gE as S 0 Orns k ERGU Son 53 MAS ; TAMWORTH. the old regime. Many of them prov- ' ' Match Be ae Slice Wy Ld March 8.--Roy Evans has gone to! ©d to be spies and informers in the was visiting her sister, Mr J. Md Calurose Alta. J. A. Hunter has| Pay of the cold Government or Ger- We "Sure! 1 use nz Cann, of Carleton Place, has return- : he ALA - 4 on every time for any THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . FRIDAY PAGE THIRTEEN © EE ------ ------ - . ' Laban ane) hi. SETTLING DOWN TO PROSECU- C. Hollinger sold a team of Clyde dale horses last week . > re a8 re- : Furning. home trom: Lanarc oh sn en 043s, There are thr saving | was a agents provocatonse snemeg team of horses, met with a mishap. machines here cutting wood Wil-| the ranks of Lhe revolutionary bodies. One of them went down in the snow, |Hiam Barry had his" hand badly cut | The arrest of the editor "of Pravda, but with the assistance of Mr, Badour |2¥ 2 sawing machine Mrs. William | the organ of the Russian Social he got it out. Mrs. M. Gray and her] Lryon lost 1€ house and barn by | Democratic Labor party, cast discre- | son Vance visited friends in Perth | fire last week, also ten head of sheep | dit upon the activity of the extrem- | Monday. L. J. Badour, who was. ill [21d othe: . . William Killin | ists : i z with grippe, Is moving around again, | 1nd son ir house and con- Archbishop Andrew Princa Vkom- Mrs. W. Burns, of this vicinity, died |!¢"ts b J. A Hunter is ship. ski, ithe new metrapolitan of Petro. on Saturday, March 24th, of grippe, |P!05 several car loads-of wood grad, explains in a pastoral letter several car loads of autos coming in| Many, and their undoubted presence | {that the abdication signed by Nicho- | las necessarily absolves them from y EAST. has commence hy ~ ar h 27 The ire in the allegiance they owed him when EY ~ FRR c edt reak in the river,'and large . was. 1} he soverei 4 You can be happy-footed in a mo- WESTBROOK. pe + al rr ot ne a ji p he Was the lawtul YSreign, The Jast | Tan prs ¥ p '9.-- Marshall Price is kept {Stretches of open water can now be lingering doubts as to the legality of ment Use ""Tiz" and never suffer March 2f arsia rice | PL iseen. It looks good to see the water | i; dh , FOUR t the ighborhood [ 5°" YOKE 00d to see A .| the new order is thus removed. { with tender, raw, burning, blistered, | busy throughou the Deighbos po again. The same might be said of The chief commanders of th Rus ! swollen, tired, smelly feet. "Tiz" & with his sawing machine wing to . 1a: are vatehe f hare eart hie I A S e Rus- onl : Fis' oe helly fest. hh ong the heavy storm on Tuesday. the] the In lige a thes of fare garth sian army all realize their great re- | L @ E » d u E B- : Tt are showing up 1c iothe 8 ihildti i & : ae are ¢ ¢ : tion. The s . Sponsibilities, but there is no suspi- | ne out of corns, callouses an .| roads are in a bad condi o aif idden 8 avy pe f 3 : t of .¢ allouses and bun ed Cross Society met at the home |Nas laid hidden by a heavy pall o cion. of wavering. They are anima-| io R r snow for about four months now, and : : \s soon as you put your feet in |O0f Mrs: J. L. F. Sproule on Thursday w re | tad to see Iter azain ' We ted by the firmest confidence in the | hh pare ¢ rl see her again. } ' 3 | a "Tiz" bath, you unt feel the happi- | afternoon and was well attended. "i ane the cheese factory will | Support of the allied armies. 'Gen- ness soaking "in. How good Your The first automobile of the season comment e 'oprations about the first of, ©'al Ruszky enjoys good health. He : : " 3 A880 ! village last Sat- oN 5 | takes gE walks y h the| poor old feet feel. They want to | Passed through the village last Sa April. There has been an abundance, takes long walks daily through the dance for joy, "Tiz" is grand, "Tiz instantly draws out all the poisonous urday evening Mrs. Roy Adsitt re- turned home on Wednesday last from of feed this winter and cows should! ancient city unattended. He is a iva wv aandin ml . x a r, bopular idol. General Radko Dmi-| exudations whict vr ; feet | Kingston General Hospital. Rev. L. By an LNB Jag ow_niy trieff is hale and hearty and undis | atdalions which puff up your feet M. England visited Mr. and Mrs. Milk, ag th av ¥ ell] maved br 'Lo prospect of the Sirs | and cause 'sore, mflamed, aching, John Marley Sunds v afternoon. Mr. |All the summer resorts are making WAR 1h 1 ing ] of thal 8 & 8 + MF, : ; r advance a a sweaty, smelly feet. =o ny ar i P R Rs Ni Mrs. H, |Preparations for the accommodation | gle with the adv ancing lorges of the Get a Z5-cent box of "Tiz" at any |2R4 Mrs. J. P. i wit) _|of the tourists and summer resorters| enmy. General Dragomiroff has dls- | DY | Snook spent Wednesday last with Mr. drug store or department store. Get who may come this way. Mrs. Joseph | Played coolness and promptitude in | a g 'oli ay. Miss] : : : aling wi : 5 ensiant foot reliel. Laugh at fool Es age, as Kenny is recovering from a severe Sealing is tue Sn * Deine, | sit flere o> n . tdith Saundere f \ 1tac r iphe 'here has been, which is rendered difficult y the ac- fy ora, whe a isi. Because her home here. Stanley Snider, a!tack of grippe. . Th as never going t bother or make you limp any more. NN AM A At Pure Candy Is healthful, palatable, appetizing and invigorating. You've tried the rest; now get th best, Molasses Peppermint Toasted and Plain Marshmallow 30¢ per 1b. . Bc each . 30¢ per 1b, Marshmallow Nut Bars Peanut Crisp . . . Lettuce Fresh Every Week, P. H. Baker & Co. Phone 141 302 King St SAYS WE BECOME CRANKS ON HOT WATER DRINKING Hopes every man and woman adopts this splendid morning habit. Why is man and woman, half the time 'feeling nervous, despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung, some days really in- capacitated by illness. If we all would practice inside- bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thou- sands of half-sick, anaemic-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds of happy, heal- thy, rosy-cheeked people everywhere. The reason is that the human sys- tem does not rid itself each day of all the waste which it accumulates un- der our present mode of living, For every ounce of food and drink ta- ken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, else it ferments and forms pto- maine-like poisons whicl are absorb- ed into the blood. ! Just as necessary as it is to clean the ashes-from the furnace each day before the fire will' burn bright and hot, so we must each morning clear the inside organs of the previous day's accumulation! of indigestible waste and body toxins. Men and wo- men, whether sick or well, are ad- vised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water, with a teaspoonful of limestone phos- phate in it, as a harmless means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the incigestible material, waste, sour bile and tox- ins; thus cleansing, sweetening and | purifying the entire alimentary canal beforg putting more food into the turn at constipation. -bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleep- less nights have become real cranks about the morning inside bath. A quarter-pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much at the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate to anyone its cleansing, syeetening and ny . 30¢ per Ib. 0 the village. D. Ames lost a valuabl cow on Wednesday. Farmers hav tapped their sugar bushes and repor a good run of sap. spent Sunday at Green Valley his home at Eve Maple Lane, was a recent visitor in Willtam Robinson quite an epidemic of grigpe of late tivity of seditious agitators, in this community. Edward Hayes, eral Dragomiroff is likely to play a| ® Crow Lake, was visiting friends here leading part in future operations, : on Sunday. Mrs. J, B. Evans, Mos rr mre | cow, and children,<«and Miss Nellie. WET CANTEEN NOT | M. Finn visited at John Scanlan's on' \ r Sunday. Misses Katie Dillon and; BY CANADIAN ORDERS Florence Dunn and George Matthew- _ e-------- son, Kingston, were at P. Buckley's Sir Edward Kem Leeds p Investigates Monday evening. Misses Frances A British Member's Re- and Florence McDonald were the guests of Miss Mary Segriff on Sat- ported Assertion. urday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fisher! Senora % was at Eugene Dillon's. Miss Eva Ottawa, March 30.--The truth of | -- ay Cassidy, Centreville, is at P. Dfl-| the cabled despatch from London | CHAFFEY'S LOCKS, lon's. "Miss Katie Dillon entertained quoting Mr, McPherson, a member of e March 26.--An enjoyable evening a number of her friends on Sunduy! the British Commons, as saying that | was spent by the neighbors and evening. Miss Susie Foster return-| the wet canteen was introduced into | friends of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent | 4 home on Thursday after spending the Canadian camps in England at | Murphy on March 17th. The sew-| past three weeks with friends in| the request of the Canadian authori-| ing bee at Mrs. J. J. Murphy's was!ppanion and Belleville, 'Leo Finn ties, is being investigated by Sir Ed-| well attended and good work was was at George Perrault's on Sunday.| ward Kemp, Minister of Militia. He! done, Miss Julia McCann, Westport § '1The Red Cross concert in the Y_#M. hag cabled to London asking for the] is visiting Mrs _ Vincent Murphy. Hall Friday evening, March 16%h, authority on which Mr. McPhefson | Miss P. C. Doyle is visiting at Elgin. | was 4 decided success. made his assertion, So far as the re-| The. friends of W. Reuyich are | m-------------- cords here show, there appears to be| pleased he is doing well after his NT DEMANDS no authorization given from Ottawa | operation and that he will be able to IMPUDED : J. K. Regan has home from Kings- return home soon. returned to his ton. ed, Sleighs are a thing of the past and wheels have taken their place. Several people have tapped their maple trees and have made prepara- tions for a large quantity of sap. Mrs. J. W. Simmons visited at Kings- ton last week. WAGARVILLE. March 28.--Farmers have tapped their sugar bushes and report a good run of sap. James Smith, of Parham, is operating his sawing ma- chiné in the neighborhood. Robins and other spring birds have made their appearance here. A. S. Wagar, who has spent the past winter in Parry Sound district, has returned home. Services were conducted here on Sunday last in the Methodist church by Rev. W. W. Doherty, and many attended. Damon Goodberry is spending a few days with relatives at Long Lake. Miss Henrietta Smith has gone to Detroit, Mich., to visit her sister, Mrs. John Beech. Harvey Cronk made a business trip to Enter- prise recently. G. R. Howes is pre- paring to erect a new barn. A num- ber of men from this place have gone to Trenton, where they have secured employment. A few young folks from here attended the concert at Parham and an enjoyable evening was spent, Roads are in a very bad condition. R. A. Hamilton, assessor for the township, made his annual trip through here some time ago. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smith at A. Wagar's; Mrs. J. Gosling and family, of Hartington, at C. F. Good- berry's: Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong at Mereanes Cronk's. a > WASHBURN'S CORNERS. March 28.--A 'number here have tapped their sugar trees and report a poor yield. Relatives here attend- eded the funeral of the late Mrs. M. M. Moulton of Seeley"s Bay, on the 27th, © Mrs. Moulton was highly es- teemed by all who made her acquain- tance. She had reached the age of ninety years. News was received 'here today of the Seath at Delta of Frank White. Qur cheese factory | Opened on Monday with a good sup- ply of milk. ¥riends hore receivad word of the death at Raleigh, N.C., of 'Oscar Chapin, who was born at Plum Hollow sixty-six years ago. Edward Grey had the misfortune to lose a The snow has almost disappear- f v ranteens e Canadian | MADE ON RUMANIA 'or wet canteens for the Can dian | i troops overseas, | Major-General Sir Sam Hughes | | says that he never gave any authority | | for the departure from the establish- | | ed rule in Canadian militia camps. | prohibiting wet canteens. When he! m----- : went to England just after the first | London, March 30.--An official Jalis y rR 3 i despatch received from, Jassy, Rum-| troops got to Salisbury, he was asked | Qerman Asks Immediate Re- lease of All Interned Ger- mans There. a | to countenance wet canteen sb e- ania, says the Swiss Minister thers! fused. It was ea ia Ae | has nctified the Rumanian Govern- | however that the canteen question | Treen Olio at ie rman ois cantrolled in England by War) ss Ruma { A | | Office arrangements, and th: Jan- | releases by April 14th all interned | oo bid had hg that Sun ornate, iucladiag tigse 8 military | formity with the arrangements al-| ee in the ted districts o Ru [ready made by the authorities in| od + . "| London. After Sir Sam's ! mania -and_ will After Sir m's return to deport these new| > 4 aS th 5 i Canada, General Alderson, apparent- "The Aeapaich adds that no reply to] 17 90 his own respomaibilty, ms. the demand has been made, but that | futed te wet Santen) Wil the can te not likely that Rumania will ac | and the Canadian officials here assert | e. | that any responsibilty for the intro-| | duction of the wet camteen for the | The Problem. i seas y She (delightedly)-- "Father says) Sanadian Hoops ovens ts if we want to get married he will} © t 5 Rg i » Ak nok pay half the expenses of furnishing | come from any Canadian request. ! a house for us." ee A Sh -- He (despondently )--*"But who | NEW AFFRONT OFFERED -- Chicago) AMERICANS IN BELGIUM will pay the other half?" Herald. Germans tc Impose "News chop a tree Quarantine" For Four } Weeks' Period. The Hague, 'via London, March 30,--Thé Associated Press has been informed from an absolutely authen- tic source that the German Govern- | ment will ask American officials and relief workers in Belgium to submit to a period of "news quarantine,' the time not to exceed four weeks, in order to prevent military information from leaking out. The time would count from the day the men lay down their present charges and notify the authorities in Brussels oftheir readiness to depart. They will be asked to assemble at soine centre, like Liege, or preferably a German city, such as Cologne, Karl- srulia or Munich, which they would not be allowed to leave for the period The "news quarantine would alse apply to Brand Whitlock, the Ameri- can minister in Belgium, ang his 'staff. Suspicion. "Gladstone used to down before breakfast.' ! "Maybe," replied the self-indul- | gent person. 'But I suspect he was: one of those people who, most mornings. don't want any break- fast." Washington Star. blog sickness leaves weakness and you should commence taking -- -- When a young man and his girl v0 to the movies and hold bands valuable cow last week. Mrs. Beale is sariously ill. Ogle Webster and family have moved to the Mor- freshening effect upon the system, rison farm. Mrs, H. Laforty, who they are sure to like the show. Aceording to the city child's idea grass is something You have to keep off of. RUSSIA WILL NOT WAVER 7 Nr Mbt sino TE Pure Clover "Honey 20c a Section At Thompson's Grocery 294 Princess Street, Phone 387. , MARCH 30, 1917 , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ~ , ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. JJ) \ 2 | ; s ] AAA ins | ¥ lg ION] M. PATRICK § - NEW SPRING OVERCOATS Sewing Machines, Ume & $12, $15, $18, $20. | | brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, i Saws filed, Knives and | Tweed Rain Coats, $12.00 to $18.00. Scisors Sharpened, Razors Hl : Extra large assortment of fine worsted suitings. : A fms baited Wy | ] Indigo blue serge and cheviot suitings at moderate prices. . | ATL maken of Lawn Mowers i JOHN TWEDDELL ]} Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess St. § 149 Sydenham Street = = Sevens ee (TXT IST | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Jan. 14th, 1917. Trains will leave and arrive at City i Depot, toot of Johnson Street. i | GOING WEST | y Arr. City am. 12.57am. m, a One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk Is more easily digested and far more economical than any of the other foods. Phone 845 - Price's i } i | Lve. Cit | No. Mall | 12.20 Expre Local Intern'l 1s 0 w Swe Q youve - - ts 2 wea g PEEB 5 oy "ome ¥ soEpp Bpess a "ssa as Intern'l Lad. local. .. .. : am. 7.32pm, L 1, 8, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally. trains daily except Sunday. Direct' route to Toronto, Peterbero, Buffalo, London, Detroit , Bay Ciiy, Saginaw, Montreal, ] » Quebec, Portland, St. John. | Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie- | kets, and all other information, apply | to | J. P. HANLEY, AGENT. i] | Cer, Johnson and Ontarie Streets, i | Kingston, Ont, { ¢GBNOY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, | Oven Day and Night Telephone #9 ~~ RASA! LLORES CANADIAN SERVIUE, DON to HALIFAX HALIFAX to LONDON (Via Plymouth) SHILOH is good for coughs*-for nearly half a century that has been the watchword in thousands of homes. Shiloh brings quick relief to an inflamed cough-racked throat. It cuts the dangerous phlegm in croup, eases a hagd tearing cough | and is the great preventative of more serious | troubles. Shiloh doesn't upset the stomach. | It is extremely pleasant to take and because of the small dose you will find it, we think, * the most economical medicine you ever used. 3 Let Shiloh cure your next cough. 25¢, 50c and $1.00, at all druggists. (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) | For particulars of sallings and rates, apply to Local Agents or to The Robert Reford Co., Limited, General Agents, §0 King Street last, Toronto, Robert Wallace, Belleville, Ve received a cable on Tuesday an- nouncing that her son Lieut. EK. D. NN N Wallace, had been killed in an aero- platié accident. Low Fares and Through Tickets WesternCanada and the Pacific Coast Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains. To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to'M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or J. E. Ivey, Sta- tion Agent, or write to R. L. F. airbairn, General Pas- senger Dept., 68 King St. E., Toronto. VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN By wearing rubbers in sloppy weather. Quality is guaranteed, and © Long wear assured, L When you buy rubbers bearing any of these Trade Marks: "MERCHANTS "GRANBY "JACQUES CARTIER" "MAPLE LEAF" "DAISY" = ~ ¥ Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co., Limited Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods in the British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL,P.Q. SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA 28 "SERVICE" B RANCHES AN WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA