PAGE FOURTEEN W THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917 1 'Ride Ride--Ride MASSEY 1 Everybody ought to ride a bicycle this spring. It's healthy, it's handy, and this is the year to save money. It has been proved that it is cheaper to ride a bicycle than ride in the street cars. Now is the Time To pick out your favorite Massey bicycle or the new Indian. How is your old wheel. Can we put it in good repair for you? We have tires, rims, saddles and everything you might need for your old wheel. Or we will trade you for a new one. TREADGOLD Sporting Goods Co., Telephone 529 $ 88 Princess St., Kingston. In the World of Sport| " Get Back of a Milo ] Start the New Year right by smoking | ( | shocker" rvelol 7 . . . - oul axcket's Developiuent, MENTALITY. KEEPS MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. | BASEBALL BRIEFS | ge h of the Salamanca Silver is PLAYERS IN MINORS||| Made in Kingston. hion in whi Urban Shocker oe count + is carving out an American league! Many Stars in Bushes Cannot | G A M GOWAN the United States} Wltne jor piluset! 11S JOURS san Stand Limelight in Big . oe EAs C a ' 8 he wae a are chub at dhe ved Leagues. Manufacturer, Kingston. r e ed Cross. Good for ent of 1915 segson, joined the ------ aes ~ the place that Red beer famous Yankees a year agh but was releas- Tlie more one sees of base all the | \ J) i -- ed. to the Toronto Internationals. |More convincing it is that the lead- me ee ---------------------- Rochester has Feceived enough Since then he has developed greatly [ing difference between .a big lcague -- : -- pla s to make up a whol® team | and is now at the traning camp of Player and a minor ner is tem- from the New York-G whiz and | the Doncvan crew demonstrating PS amen! o mentality . ew ball THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0. OF CANADA {should be able to keep the re:t of ability of so high an order that Wild ayers are capable ol qeve uf g Ls the clubs hustling for the pennant William constantly refers to him as a | © Cobbs or Speakers. Baseball pro- S. ROUGHTON, Agent. second and better Jack Chesbhro, duces its geniuses, the same 2S music, . Piteher Hal Jus of the Spring the arty or professions. But there 60 Br k St., Kingston. Phone 610 field~ Eastern League, has been sold rr are many hall players of exceptional Pe ito* the Buffalo International League | Winnipeg writers, who called a ADIL In the Souatry whe colle piay -- ---- --~ 113} - Y orp © wif i 1s ov 1res | agl 1 iH ' ? Fab -- or. are advocating changes in he" forger they were in the major| A PROMISING RACE 'N.L.U, UNLIKELY T } Alla i ies, dey SUgE®s > Fred Mollwitz, Jaility first base- expenses be advanced io. challenging league, tidGazeic amore thom Jann SEASON IN ENGLAND OPERATE THIS YEAR man, has been released by the Uhl-| n1avere and that uniform playing Mclraw. say a bi a at "ba boi -------- memos - Nit . t . Ansa s i ] sTaw, say a hitfer must be born . fe " RS er Rn tio ,.| Fegulations be followed out. and that no man can be taught how Government Has Sanctioned | Relle 3) pre Lacrosse [eady Mollwitz was obtained ty the Cubs Bg to bat unless the d4nstinct 's with Extra Meetings--Where 0 Susp » \ ast season from the Cincinnati} ' him. There are a few cases where Classics Will Be R the War. Reds : poor minor league hitters taught assics 1 e Run. ---- - LE ste) themselves how to hit Milan, of = : ------ : _ |. Cornwall and Ottawa Word has been received from Hot| rod ugg 3 IRL Washington, and Archer, 'f the The stewards of the English [drop eut of the Nation: Lac Springs :.. to the effect that Out-| ap : § Cubs are examples. However, man Jockey Club have dec ided that the | Union this year, according [fielder "Casev' Stengel, one of the| roy agers will say a player like Milan al Substitute for the fanrous Epsom | Nei r elu I last of the Brooklyn club's loldouts, | ways had the batting instinet, as no De yy, the blue ribbon of the Eng-|though the N has signed contract with President! jaiting practice could have brought Ns Ea ing season, shall be runlj, was Fbbet: | % cut the natural knack of hitting a ]off the first extra meeting ar- Secretary Eri a s ball unless it alrea was there ranged at Newmarket on May 30, 10ttawa club, wired to President The St. Paul American Association | All of whieh ngthen the argu- (and the Oaks Stake on June Ist Pere requesting a postpone 1 W club has sold Pitcher Alva Gipe: to nent that 2 pi st have big The famous English classic, the ing to the unsettled state of a Vancouver, of the North-western leagne mentality to remain in the Ascot Cup, has been reinstated th nere President Kent arki | League, according to [a despatch | big leagues season and this event, styled the|the directo: are favorable [fron: Beaumont training camp Id All good hitters in 'haseball are | Newmarket Gold Cup, will be decid- | pending oper until | - | not in the major leagues. You will |e he second extra meeting on|war At « ¢ | The Brooklyn Ball Club is hunt | find them scattered through the min- {June 12th Many famous horses are imila though a 1 ting high and' low for a third base- ors, in the country leagues, semi-|entered for the Gold. Cup, cluding 31 finance : Ons u lian to succeed Mike Mowres Un-| pro- fields, and even in the amateur {the American, John Sanf 's Nas- f the' local difficulty t the {less they land one, Wilburt Robin-| ranks--players who have every phy-|fovian, J. Buchanan's Hurry On, last { Returned Seldiers' Association tak ls probably fasten that old! sical requirement, who stand out | vear's sensation, wiw was unbeaten; over thé Ottawa franchise and exe i rip on the' cellar champion- among their fellows like so many |E. Hulton's Elfinella, who won last |cise it No decision will be ! | i Speakers, and who unquestionably |seasons' Derby and the Oaks; the another w kK or y | i : have what players call the knack of | Duke of Portland's Cannobie; W,. -- me eee to | Counie Mack's new men seem to : "busting the apple." But liftsuch Raphael's Sanctum and J. Fairies . _ . Ihave been .well chosen, and look as players out of their surroundings and | Kwang Su. Freddie Welsh is out With another [if they would really help the down- ie they are lost. They act like a fish in Some of the leading three-vear-| Statement to the effect that he 1 {trodden Athletics to .rise in the a strange pond. At the same time [olds may also join in and at least) ROL retire from the ring , He B {world The Boston champions the ability is there one French-bred «<olt may challenge bought a $66,000 estate In New You |needed little help, excpt, prhaps, in for the trophy. The Government's| and will conduct a training sc {Fase-running, and they colle + >. £ : sanction having "been obtained for | there. Welsh offers to fight any light |demon thief when they enl dl - Cleveland wanted pitching help {arranging the above two extra meet-| weight over the 20-round route { Kopp, of Buffalo. { and was anxious to try new first|ings has increased the hopes of all Owing to the regulations govern to. = . JOHN MAGH AW basemen. Both articles are on the [followers of that racing that more ing the Allan Cup, the Port Arthu | The' National - League recently ™ Rest ee : Indian list, sinall as it is in numbers. additional meetings will be added to | club officials were unable to get their passed a rule that should help bas the contice nr ha National League baseball parks]the schedule and make the coming | expenses at Winnipeg last week. They {ball No player can be =old or trad-|ihe New wk G may be thrown open to the U.S. Gov-| season even more successful han | had to borrow money to get back to [ed by one National League club to|©7'$50.000 a year ernment for the training of soldiers. !last year, , their homes, after 20th This rule Angust waivers. lanother |first asking for { !ening pennant factors at the pense of second division clubs, ex | agreed to pay the Schrant estate for {iis ela on club and it, with Amby McConnell, the former [Raear, retained ag manager. i Attendance at exhibition games in {Texas Leagne cities so far has con- {vinced the cinb backers of the Texas nis the good crowds also were out in other cities of the league. Part of the profits of the Chicago Club of the American League will be donated to the Americal Red Cross if the country becomes involved in war, Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the club, announced to-day on his jreturn from the Mineral Wells, Texas, training camp. "I think every eclubowner in the major leag- [nes will do the same thing," Com- iskey added. sion TRY 5 ; Ci )c. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. War correspondents who are with the Cubs in California seem to be exercised aver.the condition of Larry {Dovie, whe. in their opinion, may inot plav hall again for some time | Doxle, after he had heen traded tn {the Cubs tv MeGraw Jast year. hroke this leg and retired for the rest of the ireason. When he began to rractice at second base last week, Dovle soon nulled np lame and said that "is in- jured lez was very painful Ma was ordered to stop work indefin'telv, and the veteran SRteve Yerkes: tonk hiz place With Doyle crippled. the Cubs' infield will be lamentably weak, Harvard's "oor Record, MONUMENTS 5 Importers of Scotch and American Geanites, Vermont Marble, The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. 397 Princess Streét. Telephone 1931 a tt at tt A ee a gnats Ne At -- In the last four years Harvard has won only one dual track meet with Yala, and since 1909 has won only one intercollegiate meet, although the events have alternated at Cam- bridge and Philadelphia. With 2, 500 students to draw from an effort , Is being mada to arouse interest in track ana field sports. Jae without is aimed at the practice of strength- The fans of. Utica saved their 'New Y State League franchise by {buying $3,000 worth of season tick- {ets in advance. This having been arranged, several men "with money operate circuit that thev are in for a big season, _ Over 3,000 fans saw the Wfirst exhibition game at Dallas and | i | i | nm mona en a a A Ar A A A A AN A AE ar Nt - Do Not Stop at Prices in Making Your Comparisons. Compare Qualities Also. Price Alone Signifies Little. Mr.Farmer, Mr Workingman, Mr.Banker Even though you're still shovelling coal into the furnace, you're as certain of spring as if the first Robin had announced it. The calendar has announced it, Nature will soon be clad in new soft green -- it's the season of new clothes! Come and get ready! We're waiting for you with the'clothes you want. We appeal to you in the spirit of fairness, enterprise and economy. We ask your patronage and hope to receive it -- not because we ask it, but be- cause we know we deserve it and will give best of value at the lowest selling prices. Leave your measure for your spring suit. see our samples. shirts for Easter. Just arrived -- a new See our classy range of line of the newest pat- tweed raincoats at those terns in men's. dress same low prices. Ask to Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Get your Easter suit here, in all the newest models at those same low prices. Match up that suit with a pair of those good trousers. Sizes 32 to 50. We fit the hard to fit. ~ See our classy range of caps, at those same low prices. The boys' suits at low prices, See our classy range of $2.95 To $10. Lion Clothing House, Many unusual hat ideas to be found at the Lion Clothing House in unusual novelty shades. Follow the crowds to Kingston's Popular Price Clothing Store. those same 95 The Bargain Spot of Kingston. In' Rodger's Old Jewelery Stand, 347-349 King Street THE OLD GINK MAY BE A BUM HEARER BUT HE'S A GOOD LISTENER. .e .e a. .e es ae os Lad oe oe as .e or .s | vow, gene + ; . . YOUR R« - 4 Gade DERE AND we've or HeARY 1S _ (vor fr tp SWELL 50 NE "LL R 0 TREAT winn HOLY SMoxe | fren ' NEPHEW! witl + Yoo et EMEmBER US in Nig I HORE TNE OLD NERE comes TE [| 1 amr AS 9? | HaTIY THE Fay 50 You mus T any SAS Dear AL a Toad NUT Doapr croak | : 'EMPIRE ErPrREaS | | Deas Ac . Roa Tye Hear HE GOES our & S80 WITH Mim iH \ TILL NE Mma - Tle HAVE frp TURN || PEOPLE ying Trae. a AD Er SIR a WALK. By ac means Pas HIM ARCUND | Xam. 1 4 'S SPRING! Comin WG LIKE A Tra i > - 6, TURN Him +SEE (YOR rw nD Lo NE Carp ™M To Deatn GET vou! ) oS CANT NEaR IT Ming 30 iy woud! Him, f QUT Hig WiLL UNTIL (7 PASSES: { can NEAR wT op THING'S |