Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1917, p. 1

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A A 1 AR 5 IE TER en Th Se et RET i ee. J PAGES 18 Aaa, N, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917. LAST EDITION YEAR 84: NO. GERMAN HEADQUARTERS IN LAON ON THE HINDENBERG | 11. military Ntnorities the men re-| : LINE. | quired, the Chancellor explained, but | ; > " br xo lowing to the submarine menace' it! 5 HAS DONE NOTHING F os had proved impossible to obtain the! | - ] A {men expected from agriculture or| 0 1 -- With the United States, the German Chancel- The Latest Details Are Being Considered And lor Declares---No Intention of Stoppirg Will Be Announced in the President's the Slaughter of Americans By Message. * U-Boats. a | by not less than 100,000. The Chancellor said it"would en- Washington. March 30. Only actual war was talked liere (Special to the Whig.) the {but in conjunction with the French, | {the Chancellor continued, such a | falling off was most serious. To a considerable degree the shortage had | been made good by a change in the employment of men in the army it- {self and by using behind the lines, to |a greater extent than ever before tmen unfit to go on the firing line. | The shortage had been made good | furtiier by the employment of women behind the lines, but neveptheless | the bill was absolutely necestary. { In view of the definite arrange-| | ments made not only by the British, | able the military authorities to deal generally to-dav. Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg elineh- with one million men, and they esti-| ed the idea. President and hit cabinet. booked for a late af- Serlin, March 30. German © Chancellor Dr. Von Beth- mated hat a least j3n.000 Ben ternoon session, were expected to shape the last details of what mann-Hollweg made some declarations of the greatest im- ee Mens iable within tie Des will mean the entry of the Unit ed States info the conflict in some fashion to be: decided by Congress. The Cabinet and President were expected to shape the last of the details of the President's "war message" to-day. The main thought of it. strong, active defence of America's rights, according to au- thorities. has been ervstalized long since. That President Wilson is rapidly turning more strongly in favor of some form of universal military trainihg is the belief of oflicials who have followed events closely. The pacifist element in Congress will be swamped beneath a patriotic wave, according to unofficial canvasses to-day. Congress will up- hold President Wilson to the last diteh. it now appears. That the President in his speech will make Germany's guilt entirely evident is regarded as a foregone conclusion, ! {three months. They were proceed- ing on the principle that every fit {man should go on the firing line. in the Reichstag vesterday about Ger- the United States and Russia. In con- nection with the United States, the Chancellor said that if the: American nation regards the German unrestricted sub- marine campaign "as a reason lo declare war against the Ger- | man nabion, with whieh it has lived in peace for more than 100 years, if by this action it wants an inerease in bloodshed it is not we who shall have to bear the burden of the responsibility for il. The German nation. which feels neither hatred' nor partance in his sp&egh many"s poliey ror For the Knockout Blow. | The Chancellor added that he was | thankful to say one of the reasons {why the falling off in recruits had - not had as disastrous results as it | might have had was that the casual- | Laon is the southernmost town of importance dn the Laon- | ses 0 ar this year liad been less Ww ie : {than pected. ec n : hostility towards the United States will also bear this and over- | La Fere=8t. Quentin-Cambrai line. Farther north St. Quentin | "We all know, however, that at come il." and La Fere are already dominated by the advanging French, {ihe time of great fighting with ter- Dealing with Russia, (he Imperial Chancellor said that the | but west of Laon the French army from Soissons has been de- rible casualties, which is in front of Russian' Emperor had not listened to the German Emperor's | layed by the Atlette river, and also by St. Gobain woods, =. might or Hen hut the advice no longer to oppose the justified wishes of his nation for though steady progress is being made. Laon is a city of 10,- might depend on our being able to Fefortis 000 population, with fine buildings and street cars and public [drive home any success we were for- | Had Russia's attention been concentrated on internal re- | Squares, as the picture shows. The photograph was taken | tunate enough to achieve. It might} construction," said the Chancellor, "there would have been no | during the German occupation, and shows the building which well be ihat a falling oF 1A foeruitel room for the restless policy of expansion which finally led to has been used by the headquarters staff for the Noyon sector | % ! this war. | menacing Paris. In the foreground stands the famous Sernier EDUCATIONAL FOOLISHNESS. WOMEN AS SPEAKERS Unfair Treatment of Farmers ys. Government House. (Special to the Whig.) At the Gatherings of the Provindal Liberal Party. really and almost decisive results, vie ' . > s : (Special to the Whig.) Et : | monument amd a Yiciory Which Would have no Toronto, March 30. Lightheart-| Toronto, March ® 50. 3 ecidedly Fhe debate on constitutional reform in the pper House n i thing like the same effect. edness is not the prevailing cha-|increased interest is bein shown in of the Prussian Diet yesterday was mainly remarkable for the § Hin tis moment the morsle of racteristic - of: the Ontario Legisla-| Provincial Liberal Pacts is Devine strongagpposition offered by conservatives to all proposals for| GEN. MAUDE AWAITS They ae Fi igri ture, but this isn't Williain McDon-| women on its list of speakers at all increasing popular rights. ' { RUSSIAN ADVANCE They are more than a match for|*% fault ne Sgr he oii {0]lts important meetings in Toronto TY AAA A A AAs Seeman inna | - 9 their enemies. It is the duty of the apsa d with Re iepes wpe ne he | Not thoughout tle Souutry as well. A he " Ss. 8 .jeoated with sugar and gales of laugh- | Not only is the attendance of wo- ! prisoners remaining in German | "Everything Goes Well in sountey to Jot them SS Hale BUD. ter blow along the desks Always, | men enlarged but the men them: . hands," sald to-day"s official state-| Mesopotamia," Is the fullest extent A ? too, underneath the joke is serious-|selves seem to appreciate the fresh- 1e f » Germa a ice bo . ness. PSS 3 iging rw > ment of the German War Office. Latest Report. A member of the House suggested ness and originality which women ------ McDonald's methods are well il-lare bringing into provincial politics, lusirated in his last two spe eches, | Mrs. that an appeal for recruits be made hd a 10 FIRNG NE | TTT ! : : 2 G. G. §. Lindsey and Mrs. Adam rT hui didi Loiidon, March 30 Nsjor Gene. to Aeant. 228 Dillon mer jected; one dirested against what he called | Ballantyne are two among the sue- | TWO FRENCH ARMIES ral aurice of ie ar fice said sas i i : > J the . "fadism"" in the Department o | cessful women speakers who already 3 TW ARMIES OF 5 fo-day: ERT The British Military Authorities Are Pr- | we would have sien Jou another{gqucation and the other against un-}in the short _-- since women have Ie ji i We have gained 'a cheering suc- ceeding Upon nat Principle | hundre ousand men. fair treatment accorded to the farm-|become a direct factor in provincial -- | Paris, March® 30. The | ¢€8s in Palestine near Gaza, where] . | THE STOCK MARKETS. ers of the province contrasted with | public life; have taken part. Both Berlin Announces Tnat Germans (a Ww # French forces which penetrat- + xe Sook: the Sivisien al i ters -- " ® : "AD. the Sxiravataliee lavished on Gov-|of them can : and 30 Jitu Pibtie a wond Y wg SO i 248 s Ss Ee wi : je e ouse tissues seriously, but in addition t ey ve Y) : on cat ana cose «| divisiona commander and a number EX | Prices Quoted on the Various Stock | The particular fad $icDonald was | have the pleasant faculty of humor from Ruyalcourt to Sorel. + Forest further north are .al- # °f Austrian guns. ly Exchanges. fighting on this occasion was the This combined with their new out Sn a------ * most in contact; and 'when the "There is little to ay abogt Meso i i rn drawing of foolish things. He quot- look on public questions, has arous- + junction is made they will be «& Potamia, Sxtept thal a thug es ! New: York Stocks, . ed a number of actual questions re-|ed great interest in their speeches. # prepared to strike directly at | Vell there, where General Maude has | jy Npw MRASURE INTRODUCED |. Open. 2.15 p.m. quired of the pupils of the province. | Mrs. Lindsey, for.example, when he | . i established his army in a position to | Atchison .. .. .. ...100% "105 "Draw and paint a box of onions" appeared wit Mr, R D : {% the German position in the St. + |' It the a . f the Russians INTO THE COMMONS. \ & * 91; p a ppeared with Mr. Rowell at Dunn | # Gobian Forest. Simutdneous- + ha Lhe adyance IR An Hs, ET Baltimore Ohio en 3 was ohe of them, and Mr. MeDon- ville, was able to express vividly, in a ' ica : | r ities 8 iy ans- Pp, aa. . 9 0 « his was, * yi n ror 0 r § © i rams $ mn : SA Grr jt i colmns trom the od Boissons 3 port are much less now than during This Number Is ixpected to Be | N. Y.C. . 97% 983% rl irony glo By to 2tas jane rd, (leliet Maan anyone ele 4 ON GERMAN POSITIONS EAST OF + ie A oe nizy oi. | thes campaign which resulted In the! gyujiable in the Next Three Months | Erie . . 23% 30 lonions?' "Draw and paint the wild |is they who are the real initiators of ] NEUVILLE AND ST. VAAST. thOuEl. the Geran Bigh com- +|°2Pture of Kut-el-Amara. For the Knockout Blow {Erle ptd. .. .. .. .. 41& 42% carrot in flower," and on this Mc: | progressive legislation and that the ------ {# Aout has thrown masses of new +1 rar. Tidins London, March 30.--<A bill givin | Northern Pacific .. -106% 106 Donald asked, "Why not have the | Government is trailing along behind. But Berlin Says the Attack Was Re- | troops there to prevent the +4 War idings. ' Tes EB Pennsylvania 53% children taught to pull them out?" "I tell you what they are, she said, > , hy a. Hna Ya n The French liner La Touraine has the military authorities power to | Reading. 991% The question to which he. objected referring to the Government,' "they pulsed Four Times, As Also Were Champagne - line 'being rolled + : aie Teg hia i . > 8314 83 SR r ln " ; . 3 fa up. 4 arrived safely at French port laden order 5 re-examination of men pre- St. Paul wae 3% 3% most vigorously, however, was, are Just a lot of copycats, British Attacks In the Same Re- | with Allies' supplifes vi ected 1 milits service Union Pacific .. ..140% 141 Draw the noisy gecse that gabl It is evident that women are not gion, . SEPP 6843 It is stated thht the United States| 'OU NG Clog tor itary ser Marine .. .. 33% 31% |o'er the pool." "What goose?" fonly going to elevate Ontario poli- (Special to the Whig.) : HPP | Government wi make no change in and alsd of men who already have 'aMarine pid. 881% 85% |manded Mr. McDonald, "put that on tics. but also make them more inter Berlin, March 30.-- Encountering | WILSON GIVES UP GOLF ! policy ne Hatter What Von Hollweg served and been discharged in con- | Rep. Site] va 3x 3% a8Y Paper? ib the oi ra esting, Fhich in itself is an §TiPort. " 4 widely ' announces in the Reichstag quence ; i ras! Anaconda .. 33% 3% re y not cli le wings of these'ant public service, as will result an forces, German In Order to Put Final Touches On His he British steamer Elnwick Cast 8 Juels of wounds o Hineds was U. 8. Steel. . «+11581% 115 jackasses" he ay "who put such in Dnt the attention of a wid- troops northeast of Peronne and; In Order to Wa W : : {le has been sunk. Several persons! Moved in the House of "OmMMONS yes. rater. Nickel 441% 44 questions on the papers?" "You | er bodysof electors and making them north of Roisel gave way on the line a. --_e. Ie {are dead ard missing. terday on second reading by Chancel -- mean the ears," bellowed Sam Cai- (care for public affairs. from Ruyaleurt to Sorel, to-day's of-| Watlington hn Ne Presi The rout of the Turks in Palestine lor Bonar Law. The Chancellor said ' Royden Herbert, the fourteen- fer. and the augh was on. Mr. Me ! rman ficial statement asserted. Elsewhere, | dent Wilson to-day passed' up his and Mesopotamia continues, the bill was an absolute necessity year-old son of Philip Herbert, of onald was rat er pe: hmistie, The Champion Holstein Cow Dead : : sual earl ir 4 2 and Italy fears that Germany will now th ili v situa] Hyde Park, Ont., near London, died [teaching of such stuff," he said, "is Appleton, Wis. March 30.--Paul- partic ularly at points near Neuville | yslia a phar ng Sot Bale ane wake her chief campaign against | °WiN8 to the military situation. this morning as the result of blood good for neither this world nor the ine Paul Parthenae, known as the and Margival and east of Neuville | Jrorked all for Stoo in his » ay, Italy. Arrangements were made last| 0, ning contracted from his stock-| next. : . | world's champion Holstein cow, own- and St. Vaast, Franco-British attacks! k es s put-| August which it hoped would give! ing. In Malabel township in the County | : s ting in tentative form a rather com- od by R. J. Schaefer of Clayton, Wis, abolished." | enemy's lines during the night cast | regaining our recently lost positions, | Spann asserted that all Entente rul- | ! --. . : i i of Bruce the Government has cut off | %° red she wer Bendis repulsed, the state- plete draft of his message to Con. A NOTE OF DOUBT EN rant of $500 which it has been js dnd. LA Dost HOTION Showed ne ment sai | gress. He excluded himself to al ' giviig for years for the mainten- . ah or in REGARDING GERMANY TO.MORROW'S WHIG IS A HUMMER | [give for sears for he waimice:| ud Svaioxed a damming acolo and Z -- ssi eT as » i dollars for a. Donegal rug for Gov-| Two years ago the cow produced 2,- Canadians Went at | . | Returning to publie chool No. 65, | Has Made Its Appearance in The illustrated section for Saturday contains some very striking War | ernment House," moaned Mr. Me-| S88 pounds of butter in twelve bes (Special to the Whig) if Brooklyn, N. Y., with two girl the Reichstag Debate -- pictures, including the following: Donald, "and not a cent for the | months, She was thirteen years ol¢ Berlin, March 30.--"A Canadia classmates, eigut-vear-old Gertrude | Th Inter . Factory. J 4 > farmers of Malabel." 'Seven hun- - ii i 5 : | rior of an Aeroplane Factory, France. . i 3 regiment attacked German positidfis | Devensal fell to the sidewalk chok-| Unsafe rones. oa . ; . 3 dred dollars for a& commode for! east of Neuville St. Vaast four times| ing . An inflated toy ' baloon was | Speer oo he Wiig} New German Machine Gun; Repairing a Vessel at Salonika. Government. Hous." aoe Pot be iii hb bai did dab. during the night and each time was stuck in her throat. She died in the Athalon ® Mach 30.--For H. M. 8. Lion Taking Shells Aboard. imember, "and| not a cent for the + MAY GIVE IMMUNITY * repulsed under heavy losses, some |arms of Lieut. Murphy. { the first time since the start of the Fifteen'inch Guns in Action. {farmers of Malabel." "Four hun-| 4 TO AMERICAN LINERS. + ] | war a note of doubt as to Germany's Polish Fugitives. dred and Seventy-five dollars S10 | ® -- : ° future has crept into Rejchstag A page picture of the Princess Pats, showing the thousand that went |[SUrtains for the ba oom oe. Lovie (Special to the Whig.) * f > ' =~ speeches, according-to despatéhes re- . and not a cent for the farmers of o Washington, - March 30. --Jt + | ceived to-day from Berlin. Member | '? and the few who returned. Malabel.' | is felt here that | Hollweg's + Spahn was quoted as declaring, in A series of six splendid pictures of Canadians at work in a lumber! Then Mr. McDonald went on to! 4 speech leaves no hope that war + | the debate to-day, following Imperial | camp at Surrey, England. These pictures are very typical of the work that Shumerate brass poles and garment { % between United States and Ger- + | Chancellor Von Bethmanu-Hollweg's: yp Forestry Battalions have to do. angers, heating plants and atriums | o any will be averted. + .-.e . e880 speech, that he "hoped "Germany| : and all sorts of things in Govern- | od * | was prepared to fight a new 'and| Among the local pictures are the following interasting ones: ment House, with the constant tom-1o oriin. March 30 any + , J) powerful foe." The Socialist mem- A new view of the Cataraqui River Bridge now fast pearing completion. [parison of the Government's neglect ls will aor Wo Hey ne Germany * British | War Offi sort read | ber, Noske, bitterly censured Foreign | Soldiers training in front of the Court House. . of the farmers of Malabel. | & campaign, but American lners 4 : sh. } yee ce repori read. | Secretary Zimmerman's Mexican- | ' ¢ a u tf some of the nific- -- | . a London, March 29. -- Thursday's! "Roumanian front: Our counter-| japanese scheme against America, What one Kingston garden Yidlaca Pleture o ou ot nas fle BEGIN FARMING EARIIER {3 may have immunity, : ol War Office report read: pattacks south of the River Oussia|ang declared the "Prussian system | ©0t fruits and vegetables grown by J. B.Cooke at Bion street, no | + "Our raiding parties entered the and Csobanyos, for the purpose of! ¢ government must be all the back yards of Kingston yielded like this one there would evidently Weather Conditions in Manitoba Are | TH ###FE4404444000 bbb ited Lieut. E. C. A. Crawford, of Queen's. ) 1 ! y : | al be plenty of food for everybody. Mr. Cooke is to be congratulated, not Ausplcious, | DAILY MEMORANDUM : of Arras and fn the neighborhood of NOS [onsuccossful, Shem attempts | ers were pow sitting on unsafe only as a hustling insurance man, but as a first-class gardener and fruit Brandon, March 30.--Should the| See top of page 3, right band corner, y Neuville-St. 'Vaast and Neuve Cha-|!0 advance along the Fokshani-Te-| thrones. *{ grower as well present favorable weather conditions | {or Probabilities. on pelle. Several .dugouts were de-|¢utchin highroad were arrested by! g ' continue, farmers in the Brandon dis. | ~The Girl Who Smiles," Grand, Mat- stroyed and casualties were inflict- four fire. i Pte. E. H. Parliament, Camden East, Ont. TS IR the Brandon dis |, "2 oN or ed "Caucasus front: In the direction Lieut. C. B. Corbett, of Queen's. trict. will be able to proceed at fun] ton 20 Caturcay. ee ; : : uC "OF Q@ ing with pl d DIED a "Two German aeroplanes were |0f Bitlis our scouts attacked the swing w ploughing an seeding by driven down in a damaged condition | Turks at Takhtai, 16% miles norta| operations in a week or #0, especially | \SEORN iA 599 MacKay street, Mont. ' , '. Three | of Bitlis, and after bayoneting seme |! Pte. Cecil Vanalstyne, Collins Bay. + |on the higher lands. This would real, .on Wednesday, March Ath, a a Ca ed a ova Three] ot the enemy, returned to their own : Dr. C. M. Parks, Harlowe. make it about a fortnight earlier in| oF i raerick Asbath. J : rr j trenches, bringing in as prisoners Lieut.-Col. P. G. C. Campbell, 253rd Battalion. HE Thee the year than is usually the case, John Driver, of this eity, Russian. Tiers thd twuives Aska Sa |. Serst. Gordon McDonald, Ardoch, Ont. 5 ng 18, gibi Co IN MEMORIAM. 4 POLasTad, Maren 39 WAlNUY'S savor, To thr rapivl of th vIn } A reproduction of the pilnting of the late Major J. MD. Mowat,| satemont made. Lo 3 Sr hm thin, ok mommy of Bos A Kirk- 3 So -- =| of Jamnitza, the enemy, after in- which was unveiled in the City Hall on the evening of March 16th. This| who has kept in close touch with, arch io Up agvarial this Hite - WHIG CONTENTS {tense artillery preparations and agricultural matters in western Man- | month, 22 days imine and bomb-throwing, attacked, . . | but being met by our rifle and artil-| |lery fire, was compelled to retire to! | his entrenchments. | ! "During the night of Monday (enemy attempts to take the offen- bs a new picture of Kingston's late lamented mayor which has never be- + 1--tierman Chancellor's State. fore appeared in print. ment: anadians Attack Ger- ' mans: United States to Enter | War: Evers PitaMan to Fir. i ing Line. '*" | A Sixteen Year Old Lad ! l , Other Special Articles, Among the other special articles which will be a feature of Saturday's e350 "Greater Production Cam- Bn Whig the following might be mentioned: align. sive north of Slaventine, ten miles i --Ealtorim Notes; Random | aotchwant of Brezezany, we exploded | } i The Peophueey 3 Brother Johannes, one of the most remarkable fore- mer . - . a large mine. After the explosion' | telling articles o © age. A st Night; Loeal Hour. scouts forced the enemy's | Two automobile "pages. ; $--astern Sntario News. trenches, and the Germans were | A special bicycle page. . J--Amusements Announcements; ejected at the point of the bayonet i . : ; 3-iixcharged After Outhtted; [trom their dugout. and twenty-one | A woman's page Of unusual interest, Fi cal, i . i ry -- arts Lenten: Teotohs De: | Gorman prisoners were taken." | A book review page, including notices of such well-known recent pub- RCE Dag onthe Sang | : | lications as "The Road to Understanding," "Thinking as a Science," "Wild 10Canfenions «of Réxans: 1] ltalian. ! Pire," "The White People." "The Witch of Endor," ete. ; Menus: Cost of Shrouds De- Thursday's official statement says: | An agriculture! and market % "On the Carso last night, after a i : page dueted. 11---illustratod Fashions: Mira- An interesting article on the National Service Cards. How they are © of Surgery. heavy bombardment the enemy { . 12--Irnigation Projects; Birds fod our positions on the southern | sorted and Siasgiisd. ; 10 Be Sendivive, stussia | Slopes of Hill 144. He was repulsed ( Another inftalment of the Whigs serial story, "The Dog Star." WL Net Waver. - | immediately, leaving a few prisoners; a > i Altogether a 24-page paper of unusual merit. Be sure you get a copy. 1--dn tho World of Sport: Mutt |in our hands. Hostile aircraft drop- Former AD arp Russian | Better still, buy an extra ope to send to some former Kingstonian who w and Jef. . ) ped Jamis on Gorizia. There were| armies in Volhynia and Galicia, who is! d , a no casualties." : itoba for many years. He states that weather conditions this year are ex- | ceptionally favorable There was a! plentiful supply of moisture, and the | gradual approach of warmer weather | has allowed the land to have the full | benefit, as when the snow meits slowly it is fully absorbed into the ground, rather than running off it as would otherwise be the care, Another good feature of the pre-; sent time is that an unusually large | amount of fall plowing was done in| 1916, owing to the early harvest of, If love and care could death prevent, Rowe's days would wot so soon been spent; Life was desired, but God did seo Eternal rest was best for thee --F aller, Mather, Brothers, and Sisters JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance. ROBERT J. REID -- at | The Undertaker, a A a IR LL Socialists Seek Peace. (Special to the Whig.) i Copenhagen, March 30. German and Russian Socialists are confer | ring here about separate peace. i The Hague, March 30. Socialists | in the German Reic against the budget now under arrest. | Would appreciate such a large and attractive paper from his old home town. peace. stag will vote And "tis' remarkable that they and will urge | Talk most that have the least to say, PRIOR.

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