open in a Notice I have taken over the grocery busi- ness of Rigney & Hickey at 13% Princess street, and will re- few days with a cofaplete line of new goods, Inaugurated Here. rush extent a weteame to ant ota | JOHN NICOLLE APPOINTED and, | hope, also to many new ones. . ~ ofiered hig services as chairman United Grocery Store Co. OF THE SCHEME, | the committee, and en lee, Mgr, - |g ly accepted. Under his guidance Pn mg, The Greater "Production R\| tee held another atternoon, Eye GI S ator H. W. Richagson, a S and the following members Mayor Huglies, Francis TENS MAKE A GOOD § I the Grate Production Campaign 10 Be. TO ACT AS GENERAL SECRETARY | ¢ Various Committees Appointed--The Merchants to -Aid--All Sections to | CO! Be Asked to Fall Into Line. Commit- tel py Board of Trade rooms on 1T hursday | retail merchants held a meeting meeting with the chairman, in the chair, present THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917. and he offered nsideration layor: Hughes explained that production committee had voted | e¢ civ 1 for this 'most important post. | the im of $500, to he devoted as | Ald. Wrig said that he felt that] was deemed advisable. This money | the responsibility woiild be too much uld probably be used in the plow-{ ror 1 but he would gladly act en | HE At the present time! was very busy, being ealled upon to serve on several civic committees, | the members regarded him | job, and would not listen to a withdrawal on and on his being promised support of every member | of the Greater Production Committee | of lots and preparing thein tizens to work, A letter was received from na to secure a place for ing Poultry-raising is to play I and the guestion of igs cali Merchants to Aid. Rodgers reported that J. i of business close at 5 p.m. each day, S 1 G. Elliott, Robert Meek, Ald. Polson, | With the exception of Saturday, so a e R. J. Rodger, William Cook, W Dalton, Jr., Prof. H. Michell, Rev Vou win ANVE money on every D. Boyd, Elmer Davis, Ald. pale of ginuses fitted hy nn ex. Ald. Wright and John Nicolle, pert at Best's Drug Store all this week. These are the finest goods procurable and are covered by | th Kunl stromg guarnotee, bh Rimless with bows for $1.00 E500 Rimless Nose Glasses 1 for FLO0 Gold Filled Frames for § These prices include lenses, regular spheres, and satisfacilon In nssured every customer, Make your nppointment early, 15, hdl TT) Ne At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Phone 59, Branch 2018 $200 Open Sundays. the matter appointed, consisting of Michell as convenor, with J kett, W. Cook, J { McMillan and P. C R. J. Bashell wrote in creased truck Kent, | Labor Council be o y It was felt that there was| Similar Lines. 3 oy DHpe i 3 rh v a i ar a4 success ss 1 ies At the opening of the meeting the| "© Teason why the shopping Roald] yu ol SUPE od wi la es | sources, and it was the duty of every | pound of foodstuff was produced that could be Mayor Hughes was ready to call a public meeting on Monday was deemed advisable not to hold this meeting until after fiuestion of having a Thrift and Sav- ings Committee organized for the | icity it was {-burpose of getting citizens interested | was discussed, and a committee was |dustries, drawing the | the workmen to the urgent need of Attention called in this way to M. Farrell, J. F.|the shoppers, asking them to carry | tha-county had been It was desired to| with in the scheme, Mr. Meek moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the warden of the coun- and that to the labor required in the county, where Prof. H.| Bir-| could also be Stevenson.. reference | to the work of the committee on in production, and offered suggestion that the prize list of the | intment of a merchants committee, Industrial Fair be supplemented with | jand such a committee was appointed with | Mr the | A committee will deal £ him that a field competition | J | might advance the campaign materi [ 0'Connor. and. Db: G AIA wm mememnes | COMIMIittEe has power to add to its B | to give the employees an opportunity '|of working in their back vard plots. . J. It was suggested that the Trades and | duction. . ' : interested in the| to Cornwall was taking ste In order to bring the | matter | not be done between 8 a.m. and 4 m. for that matter also igns be placed in the various | attention | increased production. | their own parcels feut out all unnecessary labor, | the growing of vegetables. Francis King x I : id that the id } y | man, and the following were named er Davis si ha 2 'a had | 4s y Elmer Davis said that the idea ha Willtam Waldron, fon his committee Ald. -Polson, W. B | numbers. Kiddie Koops Bahy Carriages | Go-Carts and, Sulkies We have just received a large consign- ment of new and up-to-date designs. Make your selection now while the stock is large. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Limited. Phone 90. various kinds was Wright and Walter Maanee. [ sist of James Minnes, R. J. | W. Cook and Ald. Kent. Polson. | ee John Nicolle General Secretary. ed hig services as received with much render hie will have quite a task. | bresentative of the Ontario tural Department, | pointed with J. | man. | children, | tary of the Separate School AT DAVIES Veal "Specials" Fresh Tender Joints of the Highest Quality. Legs of Veal (whole or half), per Ib. . 24¢ Loins of Veal, perlb. .. .. .. .. .. . 22¢ Racks of Veal, perlb. .. .. .. .. .. 18¢ Stewing Veal, perlb. ... .. .. .. .. 14¢ loinChops,perlb....'.. .. .... ... 25 Shoulder Chops, perlb. .. .. .. ... .22¢ The Best Value in the City. Green Windsor Bacon (sliced) .. .. . 35¢ FreshPorkLiver... . ..... .. .. 8ech. Wm. Davies Co., limited, Phone 597 | by Ald. Wright and Mayor Hughes, | representing the | donald, secretary of | Education. A report which received the warm the committee, was that submitted Civie Production Committee. Ald. Wright and the Mayor spent several hours on Wed- nesday, making a tour of the city, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of land available for culti- vation purposes, and the report, as given by Ald. Wright, showed that the city had six hundred acres of land which could be used. A map of the city was presented, showing the land that was available. The six hundred acres ig exclusive of the ¢ity parks, Queen's University and school sion to raise the embargo on the . Boys' Bals, sizes 33, 4, 41, to clear . . . . . | Jack Johnston's Shoe Store + 70BrockStreet. , ,.. Odd Line Sale 'Men's Goodyear Welts, tan and black . . $3.45 $2.35 vice, it 'was felt that #f the present hours were lifted while the campaign is on it would give citizens a much better chance to carry on the work. asked to deal with the matter. ricultural committee wi grounds, It was estimated that there were two thousand backyard plots, aver- aging from one-tenth to one-fifth of an acre, or a total of two hundred acres. Ald. Wright explained that it was the intention to have the On- taario Government representative, or some expert, who might be appointed, to look over the city plots and to give advice as to what should be produced on each, and to say what would be necesary to put the same in proper shape for work. The question of transferring these plots to citizens was also considered. Information fs to be secured as to who will work the lots. The question of securing a civie farm was also considered, as well as a plan to have a club composed of policemen and firemen to work plots of ground as well as clubs represent- ing various industries. The members showered much praise on Ald. Wright for such a god report, on such short notice. Ald. Polson stated that a matter that should receive attention was that of getting the Utilities Commis- hours for the using of the water sur- The hours are restricted and The Utilities Commission' will be The question of ap, To this commit- the suggestion Poultry Association, promizing tion, and asking that efforts of 'lectures on poultry-rais-| rominent part in the campaign 16 be ies an active interest in this work, | 1 being asked by the committee, © be' expected of this : He was given power to ] t the members of his committee. | Ald the and By way of pub- suggested" that in- of | produced 50 titat more time could be devoted to advocated the ap- Dalton, Jr., Ald Laidlaw The A 'committee for the receiving of offers of vacant land and of help of The financial committee will con- Carson, | Robert Meek will be the chairman of the publicity committee, and the : . RY [following will compose his commit. | it to @ successful issue. tee: J. G. Elliott, W. R, Givens, Rev J. D. Boyd, Elmer Davis and Ald John Nicolle has very kindly offer general secretary for the campaign, and hig offer was enthusiasm. With his many years experience in business, he will be in a position to valuable service, All the workers will rally around him and render all the assistance they can, as Arrange- { ments will be made for Mr, Nicolle to | make his headquarters at the office {lo be opened in Kingston by the re- agricul- A school garden committee Was ap- G. Elliott as chair- This committee will take up | the question of gardening with the The committee has power { to add to its numbers, but at present | consists of the chairman and secre- Board, | the principal of the Collegiate Insti | tute, and the principal or Regiopolis { College, W. H. Macnee and John Mac- the Board of commendation of every member of feet in one and one-half minutes, ---- lege that since the war market gardening business has beem wm destroyed on account of a daily storm i 1} | tion Commission, . in ting an ag-| Northern Norway indicate that the the most important Bey on ile --- at Doin po Of all, ta a in the carrying on of the 3 aot from - was then discussed. tee will fall the lot of doing all the practical work, X. to 65 miles. ! | | the} ton e committee the ; | However { as the best man for the th | his part a the hea ap- Certs i! ed 1 t teal he consented to accept office, Mayor | | ue 1 8 » § it pa a ® 119 ng a Bp v : ms i ze a Hu promised to take over Ald. | ii4 3 Wak diseussed; iam Cook) yy, s civie duties. His Worship | Jt i of for the city's interests, He job practically all the time, and W. H, PénWirden. | discusse avs hans of sIning : ---------- . Sen- | discuy ed ways and sae AL: of he Iping To Call Public Meeting, {in the campaign arious things J. G. Elliott advised calling a pub- | were discussed, and among the sug- Tic meeting of citizens for the pur-| gestions offered was that all places] Ce t i pu as citizen to se@ that every night, but it ty be communicated information - with, be sécured as the wants could be registered, and Rodgers was selected as chair-| the scale of wages to be offered. The township schools should also be in- terested through the school inspector. The motion was carried, and the matter of holding a public meeting wis left with the executive, The committee had several other matters to deal with, but as it was 6.30 o'clock an adjournment was us rn also appointed,| 41040 The question is one of the f consisting of Mayor Hughes, as con-l 20 » Kingston Board of Trade | venor, with Robert Meek, Ald. biggest the King . has ever undertaken, but the neces- sary machinery is fast being placed in working order, and big results are assured. The members are giving freely of their time and energy to promotd the campaign, and to bring All that will be required to make it the success that is desired is that every citizen young and old, put their shoulder to the wheel, and if everyone gets to work, there will be no doubt as to the outcome, A fact which goes to show just how serious conditions are, and the need for action along the lines taken up by the Boagd of Trade, is that a mass meeting of the citizens of Toronto has been called for next week to take up the subject of increased produec- tion. A mass meeting for the same purpose was held this week at Ot- tawa, Kingston is sure to swing into line, The citizens can do it, and will do it. Thé country ecalls for such action. Let everyone be up and doing, Ring Took Long Trip, A valuable diamond ring, which bas made a journey from Toronto to the front in a soldier's Christmas parcel, is now on its way back to its owner. The ring, which belongs to Mrs. R. H. Mitchell, Toronto, was lost last November, while she and | other ladies of Bloor Street Presby- teriam Church were preparing Christ- | mas gifts for shipment to members of the congregation at the front. It Was not missed until after the boxes had been sent away, and, when search failed to discover it, the sug- gestion was made that jt might have gone with them. Meanwhile, Mrs. A. F. Webster had written to her son, Lieut. Harold Webster, of the 33rd Battery, R.C.H.A., who was in France. The latter has just written that, returning from his duty in a | forward observing station te the bat- tery, he found the parcel addressed } to him, examined it and found the | missing ring. He sent it to England by a brother officer, who mailed it te its owner. -------------------------- Manitoba's Population. | Figures compiled by the depart- | ment of the Provincial Municipal | Manitoba as 521,123. | The total as- sessment is placed at $564,219,469, and the number of acres under culti- vation at 6,919,341, { ETI | Boats in Lift Lock, | Boats passing through the hydran. lic lift lock a' Peterboro, Ont., are lifted a total distance of sixty-five | | Bullets Spoil Garden. | A 'father unique action has been | ! | instituted at Ottawa against the Gov. ernment in the Exchequer Court, two French-Canadians i f and $10,000 respectively. They al- | Ml claiming $40,000 of bullets ricochettirig across from the Rockliffe Ranges, where | } School of Musketry is located. ---------- 1 the organization of an international committee {0 regulate the use of Naters and banks of the falls ver, was advocated at a meeting held by the Niagara State Reserva- [I : ------ 'The crank who always wants to Elmer Davis moved, seconded by amend the motion is usually includ- ed among those present. Rev. J. D' Boyd, that Ald. Wright act | a 1airman of this committee, and | unanimous vote, he was select- ' - A Probs: Fine, a little milder on Saturday. ' PAGE THREE nly bearing his share of the | burden in the campaign, and is de- : | serving of the thanks of every citi- his offer was] S€FVing He A : Sg zen. He is working day and n ght is on the! Weight was given power to | select his committee, and already he | has lined up MIE Shug Ald Pol- | son, Rev. J, D. Boyd. Ald. Litton pose of setting forth the condition of! affairs, and the plans as prepared, | He said that Kingston was not alone in the campaign for increased pro- Every city from Windsor | ps along ; communicated Commissioner give the Population of | ne ---------- Sr -------------------- SATURDAY The Last Day of Our Greatest Spring Sale .. Lomorrow is the last and greatest bargain day of our sensational "Fare Refund and Pre-Easter Sale." Don't fail to get your full share of the wonderful v alues offered -- the prices we are quoting a ally less than today's wholesale cost.\ --------n New Special re actu- ly Priced We have ready for tomorrow's selling a choice of over 150 of the smartest novelty and tailored suits in a host of delightfully designed models for women and misses; showing the newest weaves and all the fantastic and staple colorings. .. Suits from $15.00 to $25.00. Suits from $27.50 to $45.00. Any of these suits may be chosen tomor- row, less 109. Regular alterations free. Special for Saturday Two snappy styled misses' all-wool ser In sizes 16, 18 and 20. trimmed. All the Specially priced at $15.95 and $17.50. Easter Millinery | A wondrous array of charming novelties for women and misses; all direct importations from the foremost style creators in New York --Steacy millinery combines quality, individ- uality and style -- at popular prices! Trimmed Hats from $2.50 to $3.95. Trimmed Hats from $4.50 to $9.50. -------- garters. NI Ar i i. i, American Print Percale 600, yards of pretty pattern- ed imported percale; a big iy of patterns to choose m -- full 36 inches wide. Regular 20c a yard. Sat., 8 yds. for $1.00 LADIES' UNDERWEAR Lisle Vests 25 doz. fine lisle vests: regular 50c values. Saturday, 3 for $1.00 Combinations 10 doz. cotton lisle combina- tions. Our regular 75c¢ value. Saturday, 49c. STEACY'S SPECIAL EE - $1.50 CORSET 600 pair French coutil corsets with re-enforced front and non- rustable steels; four extra strong In sizes 19 to 30. { Saturday 98c. | te Al APN PN Ptr i 36, with Men's "Sandow" Work Shirts 25 doz. fast colored extra full sized work shirts -- sold by the mail order houses at O8¢ and right in town at $1.00 and $1.25. Saturday, 75c¢. ~ ART MUSLINS 300 yards imported English curtain muslin; a good range of colorings, in plain and bordered effects. Regular 18c to 22¢ yard. ge suits, braid and button wanted shades. EE tt te tA A ti, NN Saturday, 10c. A limit to a customer. Men's "Snag ProoP" | Overalls ! { 120 only snag proof overalls, the best value in the trade at £1.75 and $2.00. The price we quote you tomorrow is ex- $ ceptional, { Saturday, $1.48 ~~ MEN'S UNDERWEAR Merino Underwear -- 360 Pen- man quality shirts and draw- A fine medium spring 44. Reg;. 75c and 85¢. Sat. 59¢. ' briggan 50c, and = ¢ 25 doz. pure linen hemmed ends. 40c, or 75c pair. Saturdav 25¢ each. 14 doz. only John S. sun-bleached pure linen towels, size 22 x 38: regular 75¢ to $1.00 eacla. Saturday 69c. OR A full range of natural Bal- shirts and drawers at combinations at $1.00. "HUCK TOWELS 50) doz. fine huck tow- els, a very special va- lue today at |5¢c each. Sagurday .. 2 for 25¢ huck towels, size 18 x Splendid value at ) ers. weight garment; all sizes to | { Brr:own and Old Bleach --------