Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1917, p. 5

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EE NNENNE ENE NEE E ANNE EERE NE NNER ¢ OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, yr =" BB GAVE RECITAL IN SYDENHAM STREET. CHURCH ON THURSDAY wu - n " Mm wu nn a wm - =m wl - wl | bs m wd J] x de-chene, "| o =m Mm - a ww ol 4] - no, A pleasure to show you. silk, and georgette crepes; all the new v shades. Values to $4.50. Saturday $2.98 Values to $3.50. Saturday $1.98 | 10 Doz. Children's Fine 6 years, neat patterns, well made. Priced for Saturday at 49¢ and 98c. A Bargain. $1.25 _MILLINERY SPECIAL up-to-the-minute styles; newest light colors; also blacks; fine tagles, etc. Values in this lot up to $3.50 Each. Saturday $1.25 to clear. Hundreds of trimmed hats at low prices. on a EASTER SUITS AND COATS A wide collection of the newest models to choose from. We can save you money on your coat or suit. Come tomorrow and make your selection. NEW NECKWEAR, NEW SKIRTS, NEW CAMISOLES, EVERY- THING 'NEW FOR EASTER AT LOW PRICES \ ) Specials for Saturday TMELY BARGAINS FOR EASTER SHOPPING ld ODD LINES OF WAISTS -- A |} 98c--10 DOZ. NEW VOILE clean-up of all odd sizes in crepe- | white or black. All sizes. WAISTS. Extra quality; new styles, just received. Sizes 34 to Gingham Dresses Much Enjoyed. tainment was one } Society. The of the most enj le heard here ir sone time and great credit must be given thote who took part for the ex cellent way mn which was given A quartette c dl i Mozart. { Vocal bers we iven by An- $1.98 Tr 8 DOZ. WHITE SILK gus . a OE ole Lr oy | Homer, and "There is a Land," by Willian Rea; "Blush Rose," , and "At Dawning," Ha T by Cad 44, ~ For ages 2 years to vr "That's an Irish Lulaby," Shannon, Other numbers given ware as lows: piano selection, Zep $s (Niemann), by "Volomaize,"" by J. R Miss. Phylis by Farrar; (Chcpin), Cn ea eT TT Miss Edna Chown Waltz ( Reubin- ¢ --31.25., 58 only new straw shapes; stein's), by Miss ~ Margery Uglow; ) Duo-tartantilla (Ralph), by Miss L Minnes and Mrs. T J, Rigney; min- net {Beehoven), by Florence Emery; 'ments' (Beetho Imay Sutherland; Sonata, "Two Movs ven), by Mrs. Eth err "Pony Race" (F ). by Miss Laura Kilborn; "Duo-troika" (Tscharkow sky), by Miss Uglow and B. Couper; | "Faust Waliz {Gounod kh Ai Daisy Chown BEV. DE. DUNLOP WRITES About How Quickly Japan Gets Canadian News. The following an extract fro: -- ii i - --_ NN 1 lette rom , Rev. J. G. Duniop, of ------------------------------ y Dh., J n, forme v of Kingston 'We ) war developnient 260 Prin- Phone eager] m da » day. Japan has: sone powerful! new aper companies cess St. . . 800 HOW ¢ ta Dr for corm i . s , f 2» n Tom Europe and » Higher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. » eit yw WHIENAERRENERREREENOENENARRRAERENRION NEIFENGEE to the delicate mechanism of the vision, 3 oc may cause serious damage and by deranging the nervous system, cause headaches and other troubles For Perfect Satisfaction Consult "J. J-STEWART, Opt.D. Optician and Optometrist, Cer. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 A A A wv ° EYES, -- Eyestrain if a MACKENZIE Has bought the Blakemore Studio, 180 Wel- lington St., Over Royal Bank Chambers. eum 20th Century Spring Overcoats GOOD VALUES. Grawford & Walsh 'SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, Princess and Bagot Streets. A ------ Saturday Specials ! ~~ ~~~ OnL., Of the 156th ely u Sam al, and an Osakd gity * 0 print a port- As E. Kemp, it was made, bothéred just now a's proposal to follow the lead--in- regard and that without aski Japancse Gevernment's Japan would like to have plenipoten- iary powers as China's one and only MARINE APPOINTMENTS. The George Hall Company Names Its t Officers. The George Hall Coal and Trans portation Company, of Ogdens g N.Y., announces! the following ap-| Al pointments for the season of 1917 Steamer Adrian Iselin Captain, Dan Hourigan; chief engineer, E. A. Barker to gineer, Rolla @ Steamer A. D. 5. V. Anderson; Jardin MacTier Captain, | PRETTY STRONG STUFF S chief engineer, Jas. | -- ! W. Estes. . One Chinaman's Remark About Wine Steamer F. P. Jones-----Captain, H. Seized by the Police, M. Russell; chief engineer, William | y A local Chinaman who examined C. Thom n 5 TIS P30 the wine confiscated by the pclice in a Steamer Join Rugee----Captain, : Fred Travis: chief -- neer Ran, Chinese chop on ~Wednesday night, W. Cline : . : remarked that it whs pretty strong stuff, and that very \little of it would Steamer Fred Mercur Laptain, : Sidney J. LeBeau; chief engineer, B.| Put a man under the influence of 1J. Manwaring. | liquor : i Steamer Phoenix--Captain D. A The wine is still at the police sta- Kiah; chief engineer," B Hyatt, tion, but there has been no test made Steamer Hecla--Captain Thomas | of it as yet. The Chinamen who had Lez chief engineer, Charles Y.|the wine are very mueh excited to Lytle know just what is going to happen. | Barge W. A, Sherman--Captain,| en George Abbott. PROBABLY TWO WEEKS. en, -- | rod-- TROUBLE IN A, M. C. CIRCLES. Before Route to Cape Vincent Will be Opened For Vessels. It was stated on Friday morning that it would probably be two weeks | before the route .to Cape Vincent m says: | would be open to vessels. It ig re- | "The axe is to be applied in local, ported that there is a great deal of Army Medical Service circles, ao | ice down the river, and that it will , cording to latest rumors. Those who | take at least two weeks to clear so gave evidence wiich was uncompli- that the vessels can make the trip in mentary to the work of the Military safety : Hospitals Commission, before the re-| © = °° whi tissu nariin cent Parliamentary enquiry into the Carried Queen's Hospital : conditions prevailing in regard to " : : the medical services as they affect The torpedong of the hospital the returned soldier, are said to be | Ship Asturias is of interest to Kings- scheduled to receive marching or- |!Onians and particularly to Queen's ders. The latest name mentioned js |e" Who were with No. 5 Stationary that of Major Munn, who has been | Hospital (Queen 8). When the hos-| employed at the Military Hospitals | Pital was first sent from England to Commission at Queen's Park. He |C2iro the Asturias carried it' to its gave evidence jhat the accommoda- | ®astern - destination and for over aj tion provided by the M. H. C. in this | Month wxs the home of the hospital. | district was, in his opinion, inade-|I! 2ls0o took two other hospitals to] quate. Now it is unde#stood his |the Island of Lemnos at the same| resignation has been demanded. | time. | "Humor has it, too, that there is considerable activity in political circles to, secure appointments for men to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Col. F. W. Mar. low and Major Munn." + At Mithehett ranges, Whitby Rumored That Further Resignations Have Been Demanded. i Toronto; March 30.--The Tele- igram s Lieut. W. McIntyre Returning. Lieut. William McIntyre, one of the best known officers of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, is return- ing to the city in about three weeks on sick leave. He left Kingston with the R. C. H. A. in August, 1914, go- Camp, Eng., Pte. Munroe, Cornwall, | 18g to Valcartier and then overseas, Batt.,, was shot | After being at the front for two and killed by the discharge of a rifle (Years he has been sick and is being 'in the hands of Pte. Saunders, who | allowed to come to Canada to recup- 'unocently pointed the weapon and | erate. ! (pulled the trigger, having no know- {ledge it was loaded. { The ladies of Rawdon Braneh, Red Cross Workers have since the war (began raised over $4,000 for Red street, died suddenly this morning at Cross work. Orillia, where he had been visiting. A A A eA i Owen Reid, a well-known and highly respected resident of Belle- ville, whose home is on North Front Men's Tan Special price :s Gun Metal Calf Bluch Women's Dull Kid Gypsy Button, Patent Colt Bals, Lace, Cloth Top "Classic" make. Regular $5.00. Special price . $3.75 Calf, Lace, Blucher'and Bals, ers. Regular $5. "vi i e335 111 Princess Street. "Allan M. Rei "es .. d, What Our Readers Tell Us. ' "I have been taking the Whig for twenty-two years, and don't seem able to get along without it. Enclosed please find express order Paying my subscription up to February, 1919."-- Walter Davidson, of Davidson & Crooks, founders, machinists, ete., Ottawa. -"1 have been a subscriber to your paper for upwards of twenty. nSRSEE iS | CHOWNS PUPILS] The Sum of $28.25 Was Raised for The Red Cross Society--Numbers The pupils of Mrs, Harvey Chowr gave a recital Sy sires church on Thursday evening and $28.25 was rais for the Red Cross each number Misses by George Graves, who by Geoffrey.O'- man; by Miss Mary Werte, who sang fcl- "Murmuring | eamer George L. Eaton Cap-| guardian It's immensely interest- Henry Russell; chief engineer, | ing to be out here and to watch the iam Brown developments-- political, social, re Steamer Lucius W. Robinson ligious. moral--and have a small Captain, John J. Powers; chief en- share in shaping them." | MARCH 30, 1917 PAGE FIVE 1 1 3 i WAISTS; new models, all sizes. Rilborn, Suthe ana {1 - $1256 doz. Jap Silk Waists, Misses ( wn, Sutherland, Uglow land Ki n gave "Magic Flute," b; New Spring You are invited to inspect our new spring Best grades, $7.00 to $10.00. Good values, $4.50 to $6.00. For men and women. € Footwear !| | ete footwear : | | i Home-Made Candy Fresh Made Every Day. Sakeli"s "Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 Imported Italian SOFT HATS This store is really head- quarters for these famous hats; every good style; every good color is to be had here. of course, wide brims are in greatest favor, and some of the new shades of green and grey are wouaderfully attractive, Try on Some of these hats this week, .. .. 34.50 _,-- rT Campbell Bros, The house of successful styles in men's headwear, Price ". . - eaiaareane LUBIN'S Scalp Remedy CURES DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR 50c Bottle Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Chared --- BETTER HOTELS SINCE . PROHIBITION CAME men Are Keeping the Law Well. "We have no reason to critize the way in which the law is being ob- | served bv the hotel men throughout | the Ontario temperance act. In faet, | we find better hotels tcday than be-! fore prohibition. Hotelmen formerly dependéd upon the bar and directed their energies that way are the hotel business. are some thifigs that we hay improve, but on the whole the act! and made better conditions in several generglly on five years, and hope your business will prosper so I may enjoy a con- tinuance of the same."-- William McQua¥, Rt 3, Harrowsmith. "T regret that during my absence my subscription has been over- looked, and trust that my name is still among your subscribers, as J AT fl : cl9 James Reid, L The Leading Undertaker. : Phone 147 for Motor Serviees 8 I r= i Now That Spring Is Here Buy | ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, CYKO PAPER AND M.Q. DEVELOPER Sole Agent and Distributor Pick it out. W. 8. Dingman Says the Hotel= | _ mow looking after the other ends of ' MPlements Of course, there 3¢Tvices $1,500; drainage of "yot to | lands. $2,000, respects," sald W. S. Dingman, chair-, Fish Creek bridge, | man of the Ontario Licanse Commis-: $200; McLaren Creek bridge, Pal- | sion, when questioned as to the effect | Merston $500; Mississippi conditions throu |, Palmerston $800; Salmon ver, i& province since September -T6th ge, Kennebec $200; Ab nger is! Af AN AA AN REID'S FINE FURNI- TURE LASTS A LIFE- - TIME. If you only need a little you need it long. Reid's Upholstery Wears Like Iron. You can select your own Covers. Reid's Oil Cloth and Lin- oleums, Carpet Squares and Art Blinds. Quick and prompt ser- vice is our motto. i sii Tr H. Sargent, Corner Princess and Montrea { 1 Ne reets Telephone 41 A NEW SUIT FOR EASTER it here, Come in and See the new styles and up-to-date designs. Compare our prices with others and we guarantee you won't go away without leaving your order, We have | Fine blue serges at $18, $20 and up Fine browns and greys at $18, $20 up Also spring top coats, ISAAC ZACKS, 271 Princess Street, ~ SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES" | Of Ontario Show Grants For Rock- wood and Frontenac Roads. The Ontario supplementary eati- the province since the enforcement of | D8!€8 show 316.400 Yor Rockwood | hospital as and repairs follows: Maintenance 'of buildings $5,000: who maintenance and repair of plants $3.- | 800; furniture and furnishings $2,-| 1 000; live stock, vehicles and farm | miscellaneous farm $2,100; These grants are made to Fronten- has reduced drunkenness and crime, 3 COUD'y roads and bridges: Cole |e Creek bridge, Hinchinbrooks $500; Hinchinbrooke, bridge, a i raincoats, | | gloves, hats, boets and shoes, ete, i -- 10c Uneedit ~ Buy One and we will give You One See Our Window. "HENDERSON'S GROCERY A 10c "Ranks with the Strongest" fH Een Ld AE A 2 the British, Whig is one of our most welcome and regular visitors, and has bepn for many years. Enclosed find remittance to cover same to Dec. 3ist, 1919." Mrs. Wilson McRory, Crossfield, Alta. | boundary road, Abinger and Claren- | ann. | dOn townships,' $200; Myers Cave {and Barrie road $250: Lavant and | | Quwan road, $100; Long Lake and, { last, Ompah road, $100; Long Lake and Mountain Grove road, $400; Ompah and Folger road, $200; Rose Hill and! | Vennaciar road, $100; road running! south from Sharbot Lake, = $300; | Ysunaehar and Mallory turn road, | 200. ) IVER Irs Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Heed Office, Royal Insurance | MONTREAL © PBRCY J. QUINN, uger. Ontarie Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS. AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢

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