Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Mar 1917, p. 7

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Cr You avoid all risk of logs of important | nd jeweller them in a BA OF TORONTO BAF Here they will | ferred to or abtained at fe froni any time, Total Assets Reserved Funds SAFETY FOR YOUR VALUABLES. your Titles, Insurances 1 other vy TY Bonds and ot an be readily Your ction of t . 872,000,000 $6,507,000 | BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. I You Can Count On It Wher we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service, We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. battery at any time Phone 1004 Free inspection of any Special Bonus Offer FREE, With either Palm Olive Shampoo, or Palm Olive Uream, we are offerin two cakes Palm Olive Soap for 50c or one cake soap free with Sc Hoag's Drug Store Branch Post Office Opposite Y.M.C.A. IANA pr rpg | Watts, 2%, Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narclasus, Ete, Funeral Desi, and Wedding Bouquets to Order. Sale TILLSON'S OATS 25c¢ per Pkg. J. M. GORDON Pure Food Grocer Cor. Montreal and Bay St. Phone 88, 7 Lettuce Always Fresh, at Friendship's ! 210 Division St. Phone 545. TW Steam Vulcanizing The Auto Tire Repair & | Exchange 220 MONTREAL ST, i Needs your patronage. We have a { thorough up-to-date plant and e all | high grade materials and guar: lee our | ] work. Your non-skid repinced on re- paired section, Give us a test. Prices rensonable, Hest arices pald for used casings in| fair condition. W. A. McWilliam, Phone 2084. F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist | Floral Designs, Wedd! i And Cut Flowers our specialty. Orders ! filled promptly. Phone 239, 115 Brock. | Saturday Specials ROAST BEEF For Sunday Dinner. A special car of the choic-, est on sale tomorrow. | Price, 20c, 22¢, 25¢ Ib. | Cut from fore quarters '=ud appurtenance thereto only. -- Oth 2] eats In stock. Phe sale: the flirty days -a B Br Anderson 3 I 0S tions of sale, apply to * " . NICKLE, PA Princess and Division Streets © Phones 438 - 1846. either Palm Olive Shaving Stick or Talcum, | Special . 2 rg | A great variety of all Loins tes | ® Often Brings on Eye- ain. To a¥oid this; have the child's eyes ex- amined by us; as op- tometrists we can quickly tell whether the eyes need glasses or not, and we'll tell you frankly. Doctor Crichton has made a study of the eyes and will give you a careful and thorough examina- tion without charge. R. J. RODGER, Manufacturing Optician 132 Princess Street "Where the clock is on the walk." PA A A AAA A rt ian NOTICE On after Monday, Apri will ref to be responsible debts contracted by wy wife, | ards 4 Rich- 8. Richards, 17 Cherry St March 29, 1817. Kingston, -- NOTICE Having disposed of our business, we beg to thank our many custome ers for the patronage extended us for the past sixty (60) years. After April 1st our office will be at 241 Bagot St. Where all outstanding accounts must be promptly settled. Rigney & Hickey. Executor's Sale There will be offered for sale on Sat. urday, the thirty-first day of March 1917. at 11.30 weloek dn the forenoon, by William Murray, at his Auction Rooms on Market Street, in the Cliy of Kingston. the following praperty: Parcel No. 1.---Brick dwelling on the north side of Johnson street. between Frontenac amd Albert streets, known ox No, 423 Johnson street, according to he Kingston ©lty Directory, and the Parcel No, 2.--iBrick dwelling house immediately to the west of Parce No 1, and known as No. 425 Johnson Street to the Kingston City Direc the land appurtenant the He A EuBject to reserved bid. Terms--Ten per cent of the purchase paid down a: the time of balance to be pas within rive to be For futher particulars and condi- RRL. & DAY, 184 Guiario Street, Kingston, Ontario when you de posit be boxes is invit THE DAILY, BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, li INCOENTS OF GENERAL INTEREST. | | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | =--What.the Merchants Offer to the | "Readers of the Whig. Sup 1 Fo Day . ] 3 3 5 | Hu "chocolates mailir i's drug store her i H. Cu King street pi tuner, 2y's Book Store THE OW GRAND | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF At 2.30 PM. Leave orders at McAul- OPERA HOUSE *1.. CONTINUOUS &130P.M Daily Performance 2--ACTS POLITE VAUDEVILLE--2 A Five Reel Feature Film Edmund Breese, in "The Walls of Jericho" for | The Pathe News, Comedy, and Other Photoplays. Monday, Tues., Wed. Except Tuesday Night 21 1917 ~ PAGE SEVEN 4 cei : : SE mw ------s MRI CONDEXSED ADVERTISING ¥ People's Forum a ------------------ RATES = S = Ss a = = = " \ TO LET . ; . . 4 E A | e re-| " Be sure Saturday's Whig | olite Vaudeville. !_ . -- mite i seetion. © o P sar ned First Insertion, 1¢ # word. Each con- FOUND OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. with i i ion i A Five Ree! Vitagraph Film secutive insertion thereafter, half . " é . . be Apply to A. B. Cunningham, PEGGY HYLAND, IN cent a word. Minimum charge for PARCEL. OF FENTLEMAN'S 79 Clarence street. light of publi-| PY 3) > ROT "" one insertion, 25c; three insertions, Jaundry Sn. Say evening 25 essen to . ROSE OF THE Sol TH, 0c; six $1; one month, $2. a ™ Whie ha same b t= 100 ACRE AREN ON SHARES, a 85 1a Fah orks mam g at hig . pP s ' ps Light of das Billie Burke, in stock 2 mil ar 2 a "ANTE » XL INTAINING TWO Iter 1 . soap, shampoo, cold 6" a) " HELP WANTED A PARCEL Co I PY Walte © premises cream and shaving stick at Austin's. Gloria 8 Romance. } . pairs nos a Aa) - -- Read about the free good And Other Photoplays | MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS, AP- Rig Pi al THAT D COMMODIOUS, Th a \ i : 1 a ply Street Railway Office hig Of . Jsadery Er residence, 138 King he wa sun is needed gap dry up | rs ee . bo { Ta = St, near City Par Apply to How- the back yards, and then re will PRICES ALWAYS THE SAME CHAMBERMAID. APPLY RANDOLPH FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- ard S. Foiger, #4 Clarence street. ok af . . . av | Mati Evening 10¢; te . TISED FREE be need of a general cleaning-up day | Matinee 10¢ vening 3 Hotel . Rr . or the rem 1 of ashes and refuse | By Seat Reserved, Jc Extra . ra Anyone finding anything ana FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Sr OHA A ee an tide r | , A WAITRESS FOR THE PRINCE wishing to reach the 'owner may AL a Ton Ayr Sw lock es | e i reception and d er George Hotel . rv Fonortins oh o Ke) Cay Storage, 28 to the Dentals at Toronto will be a 2 4 - - do so by reporting the kB g Queen st Phone 526; res. 989 aa and 'ar hai Ti SMART BOY WANTED AT ONCE. T. 1 British Whig. The adver (auiet and informal affair he i F. Harrison Co. Li v + me i Tht oo Printed in this 10 BRIGHT AIRY OFFICES ON SEC. [players will be given a theatre party ' | a 1 artic re. not in onlpioor of Windsor, Hotel, facing afte + dinnpet | SMART STRONG BOY. GOOD WAGES, ude Ton Biases. d%es not ine Nn Princess street. Apply J. Stew. Kingstonians are not Matinee at 2.30; Evening 8.15 | Apply at the Red Cross Drug Store Slude Fon, ops, o Rie, Pa ! Art Crawford, 182 Princess strect. : ~~ n 2, ise y +4] "oo U t ti r the 1al moving day, | GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEW ORK IN vertised for in the 'Lost" column. y WELL FURNISHED RoOOW Ix A 3 During the past couple of id ! comfortable home 172 Alfred St Q home, centrally located, to a a en mber } sahnl --_-- gentleman preferred Apply Box eks fuse a nuithe oh fdouseiold | [SMART BOYS WANTED. APPLY mm = iy Whig Office : ans = BE i nage i pl | 'rontenac Moulding and Glass Co DENTAL y LARGE Fane Ta oD or revost, Broo street, has receiver City. Oh AL " 1» 3 TED-ROOMS, 1H His st > § Si ap s for! | or without board; sitting 1 His pring and summer goods for | 9) | AT. ONCE, A TENT COOK, 2K oy < f desired; hot and cold run- s crder clothing department; +n 1 > EY] Bid BL KNAPB, BA, LDS. D.D.s. : Fond cold run 1 I hing 1epé ; good WARES. pply hitney '- se 23 Srinces ret > hy walter, use of phone. Apply Ready-made clothing he has in stock | tel 2 was : 652 %, 238 Princess street. Pho Lower 1 ndon st. 2 id : ary * line of Blue and Gray . en EL, for th hh not 8 Sy KITOHEN WOMAN, ALSO MIDDLE! pn 5 LEONARD WALSH, BENTIST, | FURXISHED HOUSE, APRIL asT, ey suid ¥ hose no : HIRE {A Musical Comedy Innovation with aged man for chores. Apply Fron- corner Princess and Bagot streets. | university Avenue ; to Jodve their order, He 1188 R 30 re- a brilliant Metropolitan record. tenac Hotel Phone \ FFICE Wirth YATLYT A Rr | ceived some very nice lines of Gents' rr | OFFICE y r , GEO, A. BATE. ip iil ' n .y PORTER, ALSO HOUSEMAID. APPLY iS " oN nan, 67 Clarence ot | Furnishings, | Half year Long Acre Theatre, N.Y, '¢ ol the evening to the Belvidere DR AL Dw» ARKS, neN- MAR. §7 Clarence Sweet | ~~~ aise | 141 King St Dewar D.D.S., L.DS assistant. | | 1 meme ---------- ne 345 rr {A FURNISHED DWELLING, MODERN | > 50 People, 21 Song Hits BRIGHT YOUNG MAN FOR SHIPPING a mt in every respect, Mrge verardnn | A i department Apply Kingston Hos- will rent by the month ar lease, BONNER S i Some of the Song Creations: tery, Limited PATENTS £35.00 per month. Apply J. K. Car. "INES "Teach Me to Smile," "Let Us a . roll Agency, 58 Brock street, FANCY | Dance," "Life Has Just Begun," | GENERAL MAID. eT WeaY| "mancner & so¥s! Fame ama] SEEDED "Your Pictare" Yolo Fr hte] hel, Hefersncls required.' dtr. | Marks, designs. Bstab. 1877. Forme | TO LET--A SOLID PRESSED BRICK ad | "Your Picture, My Pauline, The $20. ) Apply is CF GIMer-| op Parent: gtlice Examiner. Master dwelling, eleven rooms, all mod- | Story of the Sparrow," "Yon Are M sleeve, 198 King Strec of Patent Laws. Book "Patent Pro- ern, close to sch wils and Rh niver. RAISINS Little Cupid," "A Honeymoon ADY MARRIED MAN AS TEAM. jecuons free. 89 St. James St, sity, Possession May a. Arly jo { '" x " ' . + ranches: Ogtawn, | are packed in May, "Who Is She, "Dance Me ster for a tea m. Good w ages. Ap- mre IY ! Good-Bye,"" "Oh, Dear Marie," Ply at A. Maclean, 212 Ontario St FURNISHED. 3050 KING ST, WEST, { \ - un PERSONAL Bdgeh facing the lake, ten | MEN AND WOMEN TO SCRUB Ss, aw, hot tar heat Sung and whistled from coast to | America. Apply foot of Brock St. cyms tot water head- | CARTONS. coast. Canada Steamship Lines, Limited Insist on. the RED Carton, ie, has sold the Business to Berrigar | vice possible, rr ------. Notice The Horseshoers of Kingston are obliged, owing to the in- creased cost of nails, toe calks, and shoes, to increase the price of removes to twenty-fice cénts on and after April 1st, RR go A Delicious Dessert irocers CK, HENDRY & Co. . Arr rn NOTICE ! . There will be no sale at the Whit- i ney Hotel Thursday as Fred Whitney | t Brothers and it will be conducted as usual, giving the public the best ser- I Distributers, FOR SALE 5 THESE EFFECTIVE ADV TS. Cos litle. Once, 25c; three times 50c: one week, $1.00. FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys see Frank W, Cooke, 39 Clarence street. BRICK HOUSE, 158 Apply Mrs, E. street DOUBLE DW LING, 41 AND 42 DIV. street, § rooms and W.C'. in each; well rented, Apply 41 Divis- | ion street rm mts RED h sexes, slon ar seein TAMWORTH PIGS, ten dollars each when | weeks old. W, W. Kiell & Son | nbarg, Ont si Eig | Tr -- ee eee | MARE IN FOAL, ABOUT 1300 'Por 6 years oh . and NDS, | | nd and good work- i i colt; also dung | ! Whig. | | er -------------------------------------- | GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE | selections, your own choice, $28.50, i $10 cash and $1.00 per week. ©. Ww. Lindsay, lad, 121 Princess street. | TWO spar SURREY, LEATHE R| upho! with lamps, mud | vIn fine condition. Apply toy 1 Nicholson, care Ma nee & | TENTS, AWNINGS, VERANDAH CUR. thing, oanoes, and camping sup- Mshing tackle, ete. Frank Cooke, 38 Olarence St, King- ston. Phone $91. TWO BUILDING LOTS, ON FRONL tenac street, with 33 feet frontage each. Price $300 each, or would sell the swo for $350. Apply #21 Albert street. Phone 1403 A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES, IN. cluding the famous Athlete, Over. land and Perfect Models: also tires and bie e accessories, George Muler, King St. Phone 1032 BRICK HOUSE, UNIVERSITY AVE, near Earl street, 9 rooms, modern improvements, mood condition. Easy terms. Apply West Knd Réal Es. He and lusurance Agency. Phone 43. SEE ME FOR vEW hand sideboards, dressers, couches, Jarier chairs, tables, Singer sew. ng machines, crockery, pictures, Stoves and ranges. Also buy new and second-hand furniture. A Shapiro, 35 Princess street. AND SECOND STRAND | _ VAUDEVILLE ron SINGLE CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN- A GROCERY { 50e, T3ec. ng, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. Even Tuesday, April IA YOUNG MAN TO GO TO LINDSAY tress Co Good wages Appiy 252 Alfred Street | RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS HOUSE- keeper. Family of T Apply after seven in the evening to 26 to work in the Safety Feather Mat- Upper William St ats Now On Sale, "ra Present | one Night Oy | FRET Ra: aE EX 1 | wages T. K. Morton The United Producing Company | po Farin, Worn { Canada's Foremost Comedian George H. Summers SMA YOUNG MAN -- ONE WITH some knowledge of the drug busi- ness prefe d Apply at once to Medley's, Johnston and Uni- versity. | "n Walked With a capable cast of twenty, in the great comedy drama PEEPS ens : | | FEEL E0000 MEN bd Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upynards, ean secure em- ployment at the Cotton Mills, Cataragui Street. Good wages paid to beginners. Apply at Of- fice, Dominion Textile Co. Cat- aragqul street. oes sea ode oe Be Be Teh de ded CRUSHER, season at $2.50 4. Traves, Latl- him at Queen's on Saturday. FOR COUNTY Steady work for per Apply © myer or meet Hotel, Kingston, a | y A | By Mrs. Ronie Jaffa | A Smile, a Tear and Something to i | Think About, | | "The tinkle of a laugh is the spring MARRIED MAN, GOOD tion, 'with experience in business, good wages. Also Young lady with experience as bookkeep- er. Apply Box 232 Whig Office EDUCA. grocery song in the heart of every man."-- | i hI rT Jimmy, i ork In Kingsto raposi- Prices. 25, 50, 75, $1.00. | ari In, ningston, Prapost. n ag 3ood © ssio ic Seats on, Sale Monday. [aE Saminiesion paid | 345 Adelaide St, West, Toronto, { ont. | | ; Th Friday. Saturday! Cook and Housemaid urs., Friday, Saturday | . Batiel Frolmin Feestals | Experience necessary Louise Huff and Jack Pickford, in "Great Expectations" | | i | A picturization of Charles Dickens' celebrated Novel. THE SHIELDING SHADOW MUTUAL WEEKLY VAUDEVILLE | Prices--Mat. 10c: Evening de, 1756 Coming---Mary Pickford | SE /in 'The Pride of the Clan' Ww Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Feature Photoplay Good Pay Apply between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight. 61 Sydenham Street. state--------------------r-- WANTED GENERAL 1d anently, gkin blem- with- removed out scar; 30 years experience. Dr Elmer J. Lake Eve Ear, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 258 | lagot street - BUSINESS ANCES BUSINESS NOTICE! INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST SELL YOUR OLD SCRAP IRON AND one cent until you read Successf 11 metals, vid rags, scrap rubber and Finance, and Jes how fortunes old paper I pay the highest prices are made and investors for them Phone 1849 I will call Free trial subs Buccess- for any order in the city M. Ro- ful Finance, 608 Dearborn St., ken, 166 Lower Bagot street, cor. Chicago ries -- Sh et =m BE ---------- RR --m NITURE FINISHING LEGAL Po DRISCOLL, FURNITU RE FINISH. [A. B. C1 NNINGHAM, BARRISTER er. Call or drop a card 23 John and solleTior Law office, 79 Clar- street ance street, 'Kingston. DEEN AANA AANA AA AAA AANA NAP al TWENTY-FIVE WOMEN WANTED At Canning Factory. Two departments short of help, Labelling and Canning Departments From $7.50 to $0.00 per week may be earned. We are working on a war order and find that in order to manufacture Pork and Beans for the soldiers fighting at the front we must depend on the women to quite an extent to do some of the lighter work, while the man are doing their bit. Apply The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Napanee, Ont. Girls Wanted i ry For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. OND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victrolas. C. W, Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. ANTED TO RENT, WITH THE or. tion of buying, a house, with from one half to one acre of good grou. Will pav good remt Lo- cation, Barriefield, Portsmouoth, or adjoining city Apply 244 Univer- sity Ave, or Phone 2020 FINANCIAL "The Bad Boy." Comedy Reels and Ofher Good Photoplays, Matinee 16¢; Evenings, 10e, 13e, Seats reserved, Phone 193. | : | Robert Herron, in | | FOR SALE FRONTENAC i LOAN AND ciety; incorporated president, Colonel H. LM.G.; vice-president, kle," K.C Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and cofintry debentures; mortgages pur. chased; ipvestment bonds for sale; deposits received and In- tere=t allowed. R. C. Cartwright manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston INVEST. 1863; i THOROUGHRARED JERSEY Cow and calf, Apply 447 Division St ade IMMEDIATE sale, buggy, harness and sleigh: Lit or separately 306 Alfred strect PONY, sell in Apply Wm. Craig, PHOTOS OF OFFICERS units mentioned below can be ob- tained from 6G. Blakemore, eity: Queen's Ambulance draft: Queen's Ambulance unit, 73rd, Tith and "15th Batteries. ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are alse open to buy evervithing above lines. ompson, Princess street. Phone 600. STORE Wit pweil | ling attached, doing a good busi. Ress in a good location. For Jas. ticulars apply to West End Real 'Estate an oF Collin PAl Insurance - Agency, ingwopd street. Flor 43 i mart etn SIOREHOUSE, © 4 Amine TAILORING | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE [MR SWAINE IS PREPARED TO DO Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In ad_.ition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing dM or giving new business get ratés from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 325. PIANO TUNING. lano and pipe organ tuning and PATne Orders ft at Mec Auley's, or Tel 564. PAPER HANGING, NTENG -- 5, GRAINING AND KALSO. mining. Rooms" papered $4 per room, including paper. Young & Rowley, 282 Quéen St, (near Bar. rie), Split Pea Coal King Street West MOULDERS, CORE-MAKERS, LATHE, PLANER and BORING MILL OPERA. TORS and PATTERN-MAKERS. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario ---- $6.00 Per Ton Jas. Swift & Co. : Limited \ Solicitors for the Executors. MADAM DUNNETTE. 2 street, corner of Syde class ladies' tailoring. Aka dress and mantle making. Reduction on all vrders up to April 15th COLBORYE m, Wgh. FM RW ol le ol to wi : AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE : an wate, avicr. 6 A. Bai an -------- larence street, mn le + If you wish to buy a Saxon @ . + Car or Roadster and have any '¢| LARGE STOCK OF 1RON | Ro * other make to ex com- # Suen, upholstered rs; military * municate with J. H. Davis, #| Can Ph iather straps! Na- : Savon Distributor. > . Finds bf new "0d second a niture, Shapiro, 45 3 Princ street. Phone 1237. nea) ¥ an hand fur-: POWER & SON, T ARCHITECT ® chants Bank Hatld'ng, corner k and Wellington streets. wy Cotton Root Ca 4 R Sompous, Two Beauties in FE . LIS i i sofn; also 8 number of fine cook THE COOK MEDICINE CO, a TORONTO. on. mats Sta) TURK'S, Phone 705 There are so many heathens at home that a lot of the missionaries J could save travelling expenses.

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