Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1917, p. 10

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PAGE EIGHTEEN { SR Be - KINGSTON WORKERS FOR | HERE | =" || osc oun coocanro K reall CHA TEA R PROD TION ! | | A § | = es ' IN PACKAGES. olicyholders. reemm rss _-- Sa 1. B. Cooke, Dis. Mar. | Black, Green Rd Mised Packed in King- . or: tewaence siz. ||| GEO. ROBERTSON, & SON, Limited. Phone a3; Residence -------- ISSR 97 Piece Dinner Set and lovely Silverware GivenTo You YY tae poser witn r service is guaranteed full size for family use, its 97 pieces comprising 12 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates, 12 dinner K , 12 soup plates, 12 2 dishes, 2 platters, 2 oval covered vegetable dishes, a cre jug, covered sugar bowl, a gravy boat, pick § corated in rich floral design and urely delight tt post fastidious housekeeper. The beautiful set of Teaspoons ure in the famous Wm. A. Rogers French Carnation debign w ench grey handles and brightly polished bowls. Read our Wonderful Offer } Will you sell just 12 boxes among your friends We are determined to establish a national reputation for De. Edson's Famous | ly 25¢. Life Building Blood Tonic and Nerve Piils and are sparing no expense to secure rep. | at only . per box? resentatives in all parts of Canada who will help us by introducing this famous rem You can easily do this because every one you know will be Wiad to learn of this edy to their friends and neighbors. That is why we offer to give away these magnifi- | @rand remedy. It is one of the world's best know nprescriptions, 2 tried kad proven cent premiums, remedy for weak and impure blood, nervousness, indigestion, constipation and | anaemia. In all run dows conditions of the system it will be found a grand blood | builder and revitalizer, and as a general tonic for blood and nerves it has no equal Carnation French | Send No Money Just send your name and address to-day and we will send Canadian Teaspoons the 12 boxes postage paid. You will be able to sell them quickly and easily because every purchaser of a box ean obtain a beautiful gift of fine silverware from us free Genuine Wm. A. Rogers make | Then return our money, only $3.00, and we will promptly send you, all delivery the most Beautiful pattern | charges paid, the beautiful set of spoons, and the handsome dinner set you can also y : receive without selling any more goods by simply showing your fine reward among ever seen. T magnifi- your friends and getting only six of them to sell our goods and earn our fine prem. iums as you did. We pay all delivery charges right to your door. houmchecper | REMEMBER YOU TAKE NO RISK. You do not spend a cent of your own | money. We trust you with our goods until sok and if for any reason vou cannot guaranteed to give every sat. | sefl them we will take them hack and give vou beautiful premiums or pay you a big | cash commission on the quantity you do sell. Write to day if you wish to take ad. | vantage of this liberal offer. It gives you the opportunity of a life. time. Address 7% We pay all delivery charges on these Grand Premiums | The International Mfg. Co., Dept.D ; Toronto, Ont. 1 cont spoons w isfaction in wear, ga-- To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario The Empire's emergency call Instead of now embarking upon the critical period of the great war- struggle with every confidence of victory, what if we were to-day : TT aa bemoaning a lost war! Such an unthinkable catastrophe would un- of she shoul x DI : man IAN ren doubtedly be ascribed to the food shortage. Help to increase production! A member of wh ede on Zs : mittee nhor e general p Statesmen and economists agree,that the universal food shortage is to-day the most dangerous menace of all! Yet the weapon to conquer it is in the hands of everyone able to increase production. If you have "ven the smallest plot of ground available, think of your responsibility. Let not selfishness or indifference rob you of this very real duty of rendering to your country a practical patriotic service. Grow vegetables, Here is the tremendous significance of the present universal shortage as seen by the Premier of Great Britain, Lloyd George declares: "One year's unselfishness will save the British Empire! It will save humanity!" The splendid patriotic efforts of those who toil for victory on the farms cannot cope with the vast need. City, town and village dwellers should help. Even then there cannot be too much food production. . Grow vegetables this year. It matters little that you can reap real, worth- while profits in delicious: fresh vegetables on your table, beneficial exercise and even a money profit from The Right Spirit ] ROBERT | \ . " any Surpits produce. The big, Press Teason for "I am goinglotake Lloyd George wmber 'of the finance committee mber 1¢ merct , v [ INNES ' a / i / growing vegetables is that great desire in every patri- at his word," writes a well-known : ay : PRD ~ I otic heart at this vital moment, to contribute some- Canadian. ** This vear 'I have thing, even though it be only a mite, to help end this made up my mind to do all I can horrible war with victory. in the best way I can. And I » shall mot trouble - myself about Everyone should help. Let one and all take this profits. I shall be satisfied if the appeal to heart, Let the slogan for 1917 be: world gels the good of it." "A Vegetable Garden for every home" How does vegetable growing help? It The Ontario Department of Agriculture a man, As the number of available experts is saves money otherwise spent for vegetables. appeals to Horticultural Societies, labor unions, limited, arrangements for meetings and appli- It helps to lower the "high cost of living." lodges, school boards, etc, to take the initia- cations for speakers should be made at once It sets free for vital war work the labor that tive and actively encourage vegetable growing. The Department suggests the formation of would otherwise be engaged in producing vege- Organizations are requested to arrange for local organizations to offer prizes for best tables for your use It increases the surplus instructive talks by local practical gardeners. vegetable gardens, and will assist in any pos- for export. Are these not worth-while contri- If local speakers cannot be secured, the De- sible way any organization conducting a cam- butions to victory? Grow vegetables this year! partment of Agriculture will endeavor to send paign for vegetable growing on vacant lots. Write for free literature giving instructions about methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crops; also plan of garden, indicating suitable vegetables to grow, best varieties, and their arrangemént in the garden, ete. 4 Write for Poultry bulletin.--The scraps from the average table are sufficient to feed hens. You will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Bulletin gives full directions how to keep hens, Ontario Department of Agriculture » i ALD. GRORGE CC WRIGHT REV. 1. \D BOYD Chairman of the argicuitural come nember of the agnjoultural com- a : : ER DAVIS Address letters to " Vegetable " Pari Buildi Toronto mittee. mitis Fi A member of he greater prodsetion W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture ~~ b o Auriouh rs : commit POLISHES on # | shine and preserve co i tonther. HAMILTON, CAN, . ALD. N. ©. POLSON, TR WILLIAM COOK A member of the agrieuliural cod Chalrman of the poultey commiles. nif dg hy . ¢ | } | \ = vA ) F.F. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA, LTD. t

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