THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. PAGE NINETEEN Pure Clover Honey 20c a Section At Thompson's Grocery 294 Princess Street, Phone 387. A a Pl PPM Pl JOHN. M. PATRICK Sewing Machines, Um- _. brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, wi repaired | and re-fitted, Saws flied, Knives and Scissors Sharpened, Razors honed. Al makes of fire arms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted, All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. 149 Sydenham Street Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just received. Make Your Choice Now. $16.00 to $40.00. R. d. Leading Undertaker Baby's Itching fo | I's wonderful how quickly a hot sath with Cuticura Soap followed by a ¢. with Cuticura Oint hing, burning eczemas : gs, permits sleep infant and rest for mother, and pe to speedy healment in most cases when it seems nothing would do any good. This is only one of the many things Cu- ticura does for the skin when used for every-day toilet purposes. | Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post- ecard: "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U.S.A." Sold throughout the world. it REID, Telephone 577 y_Gary & Pra Prepared Specially for This Bv Pictorial Review Splendid Lines in Blouses. 7129 To offset any severity of line, the front of this blouss is tucked to form a panel effect, Pockets in two sizes and as many shapes add further dis tinetion to the decorative scheme. There is no lack of allure in the offerings of the designers of smart blouses. Their lines are splendid be- yond deseription and whether they are used for regular or sports wear, their 'charms are equally irresistible. A stunning model is pictured here, 1t is of the slip-on variety and may be laced in fromt, if desired. To offset any severity tueks are added to the front forming a panel effect, and if further decoration is desired there are the small straight pockets and the round pateh pockets, above and below the waistline, respectively. In medinm size the blouse requires 41; yards 36. inch material, > Pictorial Review Blouse No. 20 cents. . : Mathieu's Syrup oF TAR Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, . CT : ctical HH . bey Home Dresr Makin 9,2 Lerrons TIF 7120. | Above Patterns'Can Be Obtained From NEWMAN & SHAW, i Princess Street. A a Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. ng Newspaper To make the blouse, first slash hrough the front at center-front from ck edge to large '*O" perforation, inch seam at upper edge and gradua to nothing at lower edge. Form tuck in front creasing on line of slot perforations and stiteh 3 inch from felded ge Gather at shoul- der hetween double "TT perfora- tions, Close shoulder and underarm seg 1s notched. Sew the collar to the neck edge, carefully matching center-backs and notehes. Arrange the facing on col lar and underneath the front. If de- sired, work eyelets at sides of open- ing and lace the fronts. Adjust a CONSTRUCTION GUILE T1209 \ {or L V WTS 3C// bur' § Poacn | SEER Round sie § H it iw LL E Iie strip of material about 3 inches wide underneath the opening, Stitch to position on right side of slash, finish left edge for closing, Now, take the sleeve and close the Seams as notched. Gather at lower cdge between double "77 perfora- tions. Lap cuff to small "'o"" perfor- ations. Join to sleeve as notehed, single small '*0"* perforation at sleeve seam. Sew sleeve in armhole as notched, small "o" perforation at shoulder scam easing in any fulness, Next, face the pockets and attach round pocket to fromt at indicated line of small "o" perforations. straight pocket to fromt, lo of picket along upper: line of to' perforations. a! a forations in pockets indicate front. Lastly, arrange the sash around the waist with - lower ¥mail "'o0" perforations near center- back and te in front, er Beaded trimmings will econtinie in high esteem for the decoration of dressy blouses, Sizes, 34 to 44 inches bust. Price, Attach edge small re edge at double i up for this saw the last of Henry M e Great Divide," and *T this we ler in. 'T} and Laurette called 'Out There for The Harp of Life." The eternal fitness of things come to pass with Harold de brilliant New York actor, who scored cne of the individual hits in the Ja- panese fantasy "The Willow Tree" His uncle, Ernest distinguished jurist ang an authority on Japanese law, having long resided in that flowery kingdom, where was married to a Japanese belle. He is an author of many books on Jap- » law, and young de Becker is ise related to many kinsfolk of Japanese character in "The Ty- phoon" and "Innocent," marks him as especially adapted to these char- acters, When "The Happy Prince," duced in New York with Hughes in the name part Gareth the Swal- the low, an exqifisite character in Wilde Fantasy, will be played by Rosamond Carpentier, r Harriet Trench, a successful aec- tress has made a scenario of Gold mith's "The Vicar of Wakefield," tor a screen production Robert Browning were given two dramatic presenta- tions last week. In Los Angeles Gar- sth Hughes read "Saul" with a music al setting, and in New York Helen Freeman, Grace Griswold and Wil liam Raymond presented "In a Bal cony," at the Lennox theatre The poems of Following his present successful engagement in "The Lodger" which is now successfully and merrily run- ning its course in Chicago, Harry Ashford, will appear in the proposed revival of "Candida," season is to be concluded. | An Irish play of much charm and dramatic interest has been placed in rehearsal by B. Iden Payne, in New York. It has been adapted from the poet, dramatist and lecturer . Among the members of the cast will ba found Jane-Ross an attractive young wom- an and clever 'actress, who is recent- Iv from Los Angeles and the silent studie-of the film maker. Moliere rated a first-class writer of comedy threa hundred years or so ago is having an interesting revival in New York. "The Imaginary In- valid' was revived successfully at the Harris theatre, and now Elsie Herndon Kearns, the noted Shakes- pearean actress has. added his sThe Blue Stockings" to: her repertoire. This play was done several years ago in New York as "The Learned Ladies," and scored a decided hit 180 SCHOOL GRANTS, { Withhe'd Because Teachers Not Com- plying With Regulations, Toronto, March 30.--While the Legislature was in committee of sup- ply yesterday, Hen. Dr. Pyne, ex- plaining an item of $1,000 as a gra- tuity to W. J. Summerby inspector of English-French schools, stated that 180 school grants had been withheld | as the teachers were not complying with the regulations of the depart-| ment. x Answering a question by Mr. Mar-| shall, the Minister stated there wera 275 unqualified teachers teaching in Ontario, of whom the greater number were in English-French schools, Funeral in Boats, i Montreal, March 30.--S8treets | flooded by the spring thaw made it | necessary to conduct a funeral in| Turcot, a suburb of Montreal, in! boats yesterday. The police, who as-| sumed charge of the funeral arrange- | ments obtained the boats and teok them to the home of the deceased. The boat conveying the casket was rowed through the streets until higher ground was reachad by the officers and was followed by ten boats containing the mourners. When You Can't Sleep YOU SHOULD USE Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Sleeplessness is caused by the ner- vous system becoming deranged. Perhaps too much worry has got- {en on your nerves, perhaps you have overworked yourself, or have been excessive in your use of tobacco, but whatever the cause the nervous sys- tem must be built up again before restful sleep can be assured. Those whose rest is broken into by frightful dreams, nightmares, sink- ing and smothering sensaticns, who Heart and Nerve Pills. John Sloan, Haley Station, Ont., writes: "Over a year ago I Was very nervous. | " are 50c a box or 3 'dealers, or mailed isle mer proud to say they cured me." Milburn's Heart and lack of ac-} y § week in New York marke t one interesting event, the pre f "Our Betters' a comedy by Somerset Mafdfgham, and Horac> Case of La Camber," by Annesley Vachen, staged by B. Iden Payne for Charles Frohman is due after a cessful premiere on tour, | Taylor makes a change! in her plans, substituting a new play | Becker, a| de Becker, iz aj he| is pro-| with which the|and Belgian by Padriac Colum, the Irish | They give strength, i matic poisons { make you well and strong. GEORGE PURE BLOOD The Passing of Wines Leaves People Weak And- Depressed. As winter away it leaves { many people feeling weak, depressed jand egy tired. The body lacks that passes vital force and energy -which pure blood alone can give | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale { People are an all-year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood. Returning strength com mences with their use and the vigor cheerfulnes of good health | quickly follows There is just one cure for lack of blood and that is more blood. Food in the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the value of the food we eat tone up the stomach and weak digestion, clear the complexion of pimples, erup tions and boils, and drive out rheu- If you are pale and sallow, if vou feel continually tired out, breathless after slight exertion, if vou have headacl or backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if your joints ache, if your appetite fails and food does net nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will To build up the. blood is the special purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the best spring medicine.. If you fell the need of a tonic at this season give Dr. Wil. liams® Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy. Do not let the trying weather of summer find you weak and ailing. Build yourself up now "with Dr Willidms' Pink Pills---the pills that strengthen. Ask for Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and do not be per- suaded to take something else. If your dealer does not keep these Pills they will be sent by mail, post paid, atPh0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvile, Ont, Pte, James Fletcher, of Frankford, previously reported missing, is now reported to have been buried alive, but dug out alive afier being under- ground four days. Sir Adam Beck charged that the water illegally taken from the Nia- gara River by the Ontario Power Co. | Canada's favorite comedian, who comes to the Grand on Tuesday evening, April 3rd, presenting "In Walked Jimmy" INTHE: SPRING | i - 1y a TY hf id Ladd bib 4 || Plays and Players | | NEW SPRING OVERCOATS ons $12, $15, $18, $20. ] The 'approach of Holy Week wi 1 ' $ 0 4 Hark APOTats Seunation of getivi: Tweed Rain Coats, $12.00 to $18.00. Wee ng will, in a large mea Extra large assortment of fine worsted suitings. 1 p Indigo blue serge and cheviot suitings at moderate prices, | JOHN TWEDDELL t Civil and Military Tailor 131 Princess St. i Mtv "al PNA AN tA 'One Quart of Milk Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two unds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk $s more easily digested and far more economical than .any of the other foods. Phone 845 - Price's SUMMERS, me a ~ BROWN ROT ON PLUMS AND PEACHES 3 Xj ul Far There is one phase of fighting this diseage which is hardly ever given enough consideration, the destrues tion of the old driedup, rotten fr ory "mummies," which hang: on trees thrgugh the winter Researci- y+» officers of the Division of Dominion Experimental have demonstrated beyond that mummies wilt 'arry the fungus the Botany, Farms, question readily these over winter, and even if they are covered with spray in the spring spraying, the fungus will readily grow out through the spray coat on the dried- up fruit. The resulting spring infec- tion is quite important, not only cause it starts the fungus again fo the summer but because it is apt to cause the destruction of a large num- ber of blossoms, Damage from this cause was quite prevalent in bpth 1915 and 1916, and especially in the latter year this factor acted in con- junction with shortage of bloom and poor selting conditions to lesson the fruit materially Plum mummies may be shaken or knocked off the trees at any time in the winter and this work may be conveniently done along with prun- ing; but in case of peaches they hould be taken off as soon as the fruit starts to rot, that is, at picking time, This early removal in the case of peacheg is necessary because the juice from the rotting peach passeg back into the branch, which s thus killed for distances up to two feet or more, The loss of the twig or $mall branch in this way is not s0 important as it the danger of hav- ing cankers started on large brancheg where the twigs are killed back. into them In large commercial orchards the only practicable way in which to dis- bhe- crop Pose of these mummies is to have them ploughed under, but in small orchards, or in garden plots, they may be raked up and burned or hur ied; and it is well worth while to do this when cleaning up in the fall, High Praise For Western Creamery. The firm in England which receiv- ed the co-operative car of creamery butter shipped last October from the three Prairie Provinces states that this was certainly the fines; parcel it had received from Canada. "If," it added, 'the three Provinces main- tain this quality there is no doubt but had brought the company a revenue (that your butters will command very of $360,000, high prices in the British markats." r ]N © housewife could be more critical than we in her seleciton of baking materials, Highest grade flour, puré shortening, sweet whole milk and June creamery butter--these are the things that account for the purity and wholesomeness of M°Cormick's =x Sodas in different sized [] packages Doctors Stand Amazed at Power of Bon-Opto to Make Weak Eyes Strong---According to Dr. Lewis Guaranteed, to Strengthen Eyesight 50% In One Week's Time in Many Instances A Free Preseription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home Philadelphia, Pa. Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses, and those who wear glasses, will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope able time and multitudes more Will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this preseription. Go to any and help for them. Many whose eyes] 8ctive drug store and bottle of Bon- were failing say they have had their eyes| OPt® Sublets. Drop Son-Opto tablet restored by this remarkable prescription in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the and many who once wore glasses say eyes two to four times daily. You should they. have throws thet Fob Fl notice our eyes clear up perceptibly right Could not see to read at all Now 1 can | from the start and inflammation and red- read everything without ny and | DSS will quickly disappear. If your eyes my eyes do not burt o nya At night | bother you even a little it is your duty to they would pain dreadful * Now take steps to save them now before it oy Ho Spas yea n wa "lis too late. Many hopelessly blind might miracle to me. A lady who Lit SE bave saved their sight if they had eared "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or for their eyes in time, oe without glasses, but after using this pre-| Note: * Another nent cian to whom scription for 15 days everything seems] the above article was submitted, said: "Yes, clear. I can read evem fine print with-| the Bon-Opto iption is truly a wonderful gut glasses. : Another who used ft says: | {0 TSmedy. 14 constituent Ingredients are weil "I was bothered with eye straim caused by overworked, tired eyes which induced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years both for distance and work, | #! and without them I could not read my freak, Nutery, aching, smasting, itching, burn- own name on an envelope or the type- or for eyes in- 1 med exposure to smoke, sun, dust or writing on the machine before me. I can| wind, it js one of the very few arations § do both now and have discarded my long | feel on hand for fegular use in distance glasses altogether. 1 can count |almost every family," to, referred to above, is, nt a Patent med ine of 8 seers remedy. an eth preparation, the for- wula being printed on the "The man ufacturers Satsutee It to ' 50 per cent in one week's time ny instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any good druggist and is sold in this city by Jeo, W. Mahnod, and other druggists the fluttering leaves on the trees across the stréet now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at 'What it hr doné for me." 4 It is believed that thousands who wear glastes can now discard them in a reason os | EPONSET Twin Shingles protect your home when fire is raging in the neighborhood, because burning brands falling on such & roof die out harmlessly. Dotted all over Canada you will find these roofs, destined for long yeurs of service and making the most attractive finish possible to the home. The crushed slate finish, Hed or Green, is permanent coloring und sheds rain water clean. Such a roof off Reh SS Se tet Prices SHINGLES for good wooden shingles, Sold by Hagdware and Lumber Dealers ;. NePOMGET HAMILTON, Ont. BIRD & SON Dept. KW Largest Manufacturers of Roofin Wall Bode and Racking Folt in Coneis , Calgary, Ed Winnipeg, Montresl, St. John SSH eA Ap mn 1 § §