or PAGE TWENTY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. Lon ey ASIN OETA ans 3 VINA should be clean and dry In The Automobile world ww : } (rim 8 : it Shing 1Y * with jauite a proportion of sheralors neyer| ¢ . * *] Sune is my bank roll---gone!' I | painted with special rim paint, ob-/ " sat- | learn to shift gears quietly and to } i No more 'twould choks 'the con ? ON THE CARE | taioable at any automobile supply] GooD CARBURETOR . secured | the best advantage There are a few | Elegy On Kis Automobile As once before x : OF CAR RIMS } |store. This is unaffected by rust HELPS OLD AUTO ¢. a ated n{difficul which the imexperienced {1 * { Yet' if I han the mon,' : ---- or and will not flake off. It will wear driver should be warned against, | [So help me, John, amen ! The Pemountable Kind Are So | om, however, and so should be re- - | ia mong which are the following: At-| i . : 1 'dnbuy myself 'a cir again 3 | newed in places whenever the rim In a great many ars which | ; tempting to shift from ome gear tof = °- P Murray. Kings And speed some more. ' in Name Only if Not | is remqved were Luilt quite a of years|9e another without first throwing out | MY auto, tis of thee, ne I $ Looked After. | Aluminum paint may be used if ago can be consid improved | re the cluth. An expert may be able Short cut to poverty, A Contrast. : { you prefér the finish of 'aluminum in hill climbing ability peed and |30C Whi to do this without noise or disastrous Of thee I chant I do not like to lie abed. area -------- i¢ld together with banana oil, Tt!flexibility by having them [itted they are connected t HIAKe- | rocults, but in general, it should nev I blew d pile on dough on you In idleness, when I am ill 1 demountable rim is demount- | protects the surface very effectually, [with modern carburetors | pive. and the size and -pacing cei | er be attempted Attempting to shift | Two year ago. To have to stay inactive then sme only unless it is proper- | and, being a powder, does not flake One reason of @his is that. the ihe boli-noles therein were Sulll {from neutral to low tor anv othér) | And now you quite refuse to-go, Is just another bitter pill taken care of. 1f mud and dirt)off. [It looks very well at the sides, [carburetors originally fitted to these oy Rlapdardizeq YERrs 480, SO| ear, when the cs: it at rest, without Or wan't or can't I want to kick the covers off, arg allowed to collect in between the | put is not thick enough to protect Lars were designed for use ' with Loa) Foe ern Sa; Bure or oh usu first throwing oui 'the clutch until Thro' countryside you were my joy And Five with ohorgs od Vim. t nd e wheel they will cause | the part where the. tire touches the gasoline of a considerably more vo- 2 HO Be I rein the clutch shaft comes to rest. Try- and pride, And pitch into the work that waits whic grip the rim SOfrim or the rim. rests on the wheel atile ;nature than that which and the throttle EE oul e r.| ing to engage the reverse gear with- A happy day And wipa it out, with ardor grim. Jay iske hours to For this reasons wistite uf graphite alin. koday, Phe i pare buretor "being "adjustable as "to | out first allowing the car to come to | I loved thy gaudy hue, But when I'm well, I like to lie -- ve it Instead of seconds A few and shellac is preferred. ' Mix enough pro A red frei Suough with length, potion and direction of] a full stop, Attempting to change | Thy nice white tires so new, To dic aed, of course 1 Gos. is aOng tus line will be| graphite with the shellac to give it advantage Bend line r ent-day | motion, makes their attachment to| from neutral to low gear with the car| But now you're down and out for |I like to doze---and dream--and doze par valuable just at this|ga good color, thinning it a little with Zasoline. Not only Bas Diese es an old car relatively easy When | at rest and the engine running too true, Quiescent, indolent, serene, tir 8 the muddy season and | alcohol to make it flow readily. considerable zoneral Improvemse Bi in | possible, it is a good idea to 'take |fast. Among other 'don'ts' for the In every way. ¢ When duties call, 1 fain would sleap, ne ill get worse until the Apply this carefully, letting it ary | carburetors within the last few |the car to the scervice station of | unskilled operator of sliding gears | To thee, old rattle box, Though I must earn my daily Pilg rains Are Over and giving it two coats if thought years, but along the line of adapta-|the® make of carburetor chosen and |are these: Don't fail to know exact- | Came many bumbs and knocks, bread. Do 1 wait until a puncture | necessary. Give it plenty of time} hn {6 modern grades of reiative-|[N2ve the work of changing done{ly where the 'reverse' position of For thee I griave, Confound the work! When I am well Cbliges you to remove the rim, but {to dry or it will stick ahd puil away ly, "ih oolatile fuel. The heat supply | there. the gear-shaft lever is and don't fail | Badly thy top is torn, Oh, then q love to lie abed! : eize the first opportunity to re-|whare anything touches it, , , ho thé carburetor has been in- -- re eee scrupuloully to avoid this position, | Frayed are thy seats and worn, ~--Somerville Journal t and break up any adhesion Even when no demountable rim i8lcreased, higher ga speeds have | POINTERS ON so long as the car is moving for-| The whooping cough affects thy horn -------- es A iiready formed Of | used the rim should have this treat- been made use of and special atten- ward. Don't try to ghift from a high- 1 do beHeve. . i Go over the wires at the same oul you have a spare rim or| ment so ag to prevent the shoe from |tion has been paid to the preven GEAR SHIFTING! ., gear to a lower gear without let-, Thy perfume swells the breeze time to see if they are properly se- two you will go over those first. | sticking to it While it may seem |ticn of fuel condensation and to ---- ting the car speed slacken somewhat As we pass by, cured, are not chafing where they Clean off any rust with sandpaper | irksome, the tires should be removed {the provision of the 1 mixture | Suggestions That Will Elimin=| before so doing. Don't try to change | I paid for thee a price touch some other part, and that or emery cloth, Kerosene will soften and the rims painted even before a{which is now essential in starting a ate Much Unnecessar from high gear to low without letting | 'Twould buy a mansion twice, the armor is not sliding up to the rust, but it will algo..cause_ it It | puncture calls for a change. The|cold engine y the car yearly stop. Don't fail to|Now everybody's yelling 'ice,' terminal so as to make a short cir- vou nee it at all reinove it carefully | welding process is going on all the Fortunately, it is not neceszary Noise and Wear. speed-up the car somewhat before I wonder why? cuit, If it comes loose wrap it well frerward, using gasoline, When the | time, each day adding something to [to go to any great expense in order' rr in changing from a lower to a higher h y ¢ : AAA NAAN ts holding power, so that some day when you are required to change tires in a hurry you will find the tire so tightly fastened that you will lose Tires Tires Tires We keep in stock: and, take orders for all makes of AUTOMOBILE TIRES Prices Right. George W. Boyd 129 Brock St. Phone 201. We have engaged owner of Kingston, as repair man, to operate son has just returned f he was in the employ + paint the rim We desire to announce to automobile owners that we have installed the most up- to-date vulcanizing plant between Toronto and Montreal. ITS OPERATION many times the short time required to remove the tire Another point of immense import- ance. is to put grease on the bolts an{ nut If the threads are filled with grease the water cannot work in and rust the two 'together Some rims have holts going through the felloe of the wheel. This hole should be filled with grease to keep out the water. Another place where grease is of pri- mary importance is in the hub of a detachable wheel. After removing it look carefully, and. you will see where it is beveled to make a tight fit on the axle. Thig should have grease smeared over it every time it is removed. To provide for this fill the space between the ends with grease and there will always be some within reach, If you should prefer paint on the rings or other parts which secure the quick detachable tires it may be used, but-it is advise- able to work a good deal of graphite into it. This is especially advised if the grease is to he used where the tire can touch it Have it mostly graphite, with only enough grease to hold it on. If these directions are followed you will have reason to be thankful if ever you have to change tires in a hurry. grease to Most men admire the nonsense of a pretty woman far more than they do the sense of a homely one. Sitting Bull was killed near Grand River, North Dakota, December 15, 1890, Never judge the diménsions of a woman's brain by the size of her hat. Most men would be satisfied to do nothing if they could get paid. for doing it, AA AAA Mr. Frank Pearson, originally and {tain ~ to find out whether the installation | of a modern carburetor will im , cn, are having their first prove the fuel economy and run-y in the operation of sliding ning qualities of an old car, be-| missions. Changing gear cause it-is usually possible te ob-!ter of some little difficulty a late model of almost any ®inning at least, and You Cannot Get Much More at Any Price--Nor as Much at the Same Price --in Other Cars "The Quality Goes Clear Through" who is well known to every automobile an efficient tire and this plant.Mr. Pear- rom Toronto, where of the Dunlop Tire Company in their repair department. GUARANTEED Any work we undertake to do will be guaranteed absolutely If we cannot guar- antee a satisfactory j wé"will not under- take it. Give us a trial. Angrove Bros. | Phone 567. Ford Dealers. Cor. Queen and Bagot Sts. | iron removable heads. Carter carburetor. splash lubrication. Westinghouse two-unit sta battery ignition. Three speed and reverse axle. elliptic, rear 50 in. full tread rear. ignition switch: Dashli man top, tools, yicrent complet. ~ American Factory Thousands of motorists, each sei- The Car--Mechanically MOTOR--4 cylinder, L-head type, bore 31{ in., stroke 5 in., horsepower 28. Cast Thermo-syphon cooling, oil pump and selective transmission, with double row New Departure bearings. Gasoline tank under cowl. 34 floating rear axle, with forked tube torsion and Hyatt High Duty bearings. 10 inch internal ®xpanding and external contracting brakes. Springs--front 37 in. cantilever. Left-hand drive. 16in. irreversible worm and nut type-steering wheel. Detroit demountable rims. Westinghouse electric lighting. Linoleum covered running board. Loc , ammeter, roberail, footrail, clear-vision windshield, one- 5 Passenger Touring Model $910 3 'Passenger Roadster Model $910 . GRAY-DORT MOTORS, LIMITED, CHATHAM, ONTARIO ~~ W.P.PETERS, Kingston. with electric tape According to a German engineer, defects in aluminum welds can be detected by immersing the joints in Thy motor has the grippe Thy spark plug has the pip, And woe is thine, , tco, have suffered chills, gear, The following out of these few experience ' suggestions will eliminate much un- gear trans | necessary noise and wear and tear I | i § is a mat- Ague, and kindred ills, water, bubbles of hydrogen appears in the be More than 300,000 persons in the Endeavoring to pay my bills ing after 48 hours if the welds be a fact that United States wear glass eyes Since thou wert mine | defective > { {0 The Gray-Dort is a complete car. offer. It offers you all that any motor car can You can pay a much higher price and secure very little more. You cannot secure anywhere near as much in other cars under one thousand dollars. Just note what the Gray-Dort offers: PO \X 4 Etienne Planche built the Gray-Dort motor. And the 'skill that made his Pugeot the greatest of all French motors, has put his greater achievement, the Gray-Dort, in a class by itself. For here is a powerful motor that is elo light, silent and speedy. \ EASE, There's luxury in the Gray-Dort the luxury of roominess, of : deep upholstery, of long springs. Rough roads are smoothed out. Touring is made a real pleasure, without fatigue. And there is ease of driving. . Westinghouse electrie starting and lighting: ..One-man top. Demountable rims, clear-vision windshield. Safe, sure steerin gear. Strong brakes. Easy gearshift. Comfort has become luxury in the Gray-Dort. BEAUTY Nothing you own will give so great artistic pride 4 , as your Gray-Dort. Its lines are as free and smooth as the flight of a swallow. Only a coach-builder of the standard of Robert Gray could produce such beauty of design and finish. The Grays are the largest carriage builders RELIABILITY 7h Gr we he, Inge caring bude honest value, outstanding quality, absolute integrity. This standard has been applied to the Gray-Dort. You can depend on this car--depend on it in any emergency--depend on it for years. It will not fail you. At the price no other car begins to offer you so much 2 » rting and lighting system. Connecticut I beam heavy duty front 30'x 314 Dominion tires. Nobby at Flint, Mich. MS --