THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. ' PAGE TWENTY .ON er ---- In The World of Easy ; Tra el 1 === | | \ . ] CLIMBING HILLS ON HIGH | auire the re lief of a change io lower than ¢ kK of impro Pnts in car j chosen dry cleaning is necessary A gear when their speeds become suff-| buretors re responsible fo iS con- | pale yellow veil as a border o IS BAD FOR MACHINE | ently reduced ! iti Still. igniti ystems ha vellow crocuses, a pale-grea: | When slowed down' under 'full i modern rs de ( sionally give 8 border ts, a pale blue Many Pilots Think They Are| throttle to their lowest operative trouble G-those. of older cars both- | a border of pa and a pale pink Doing Well to Avoid the speeds, all motors waste: fuel inor- | er much moré frequently . a border of d $ The vells are dinately, Incidentally they - run! --rrm------------ made to order. Changing Over Process. mich more economically when per- LE oe ee a JPY ---------- - mitted to speed up to a reasonable | » . . i ; i As : Add to the list of grievous errors | point by i thrown into male Stitches in Time } CAME 341 MILES BY ROAD, h STORAGE [ motoring the practice followed by ! gear. |} * . $1. : . 7S ba many drivers of climbing all hills "Where the maintenance of car | we 4 | George W. Boyd Brings Three. New ¢ : on the high gear." This is one speed is an object, the change from | Do not neglect the universal joints Cars to the City, yx mistake of which pilots are guilty, bhigh to intermediate gear should be |. oe : or oh are hard to get at On Sunday three Reo cars arrived | mply because they seem to think | made when the speedometer has fg). CH tv Dut they must | iP the city after coming 541 mile there is some special merit in the dropped to fifteen imilés per hour | 4. ipa ne ated or thes will | [rem Lansing, Michigan, over roads | avoidance of gear changing. On the | with full gas being supplied to the | uy. Tasidii When thar wear they | that would give the very sturdiest o! | contrary, it is a' foolish idea and motor, for on the lower gear nearly | become or and reproach vou for Cars a severe tryout. The Reos stood injurious to cars double this speed can then be obtain- | neziseting them. ey give a loud | the pace, however, and they aie now | While all modern cars ascend al- ed No exact rule as to when to | avery LIT teh i in the showrooms of George W.! most all grades with ease on high, | chage gears can be formulated to Boyd, Brock street absolutely as good | there still is a limit to the pulling apply to all cars or conditions Don't overlook the bearings of the | ® an other at there. There is not | power of the most powerful machine "Many drivers let the speed fall to | electric generator and starter. They | Ven a scratch on them, and road conditions are inevitably } eight or ten miles an hour before | at high ha ed nd 30 need fre. A- week ago last Monday Herbert | encountered which make a change to changing, and at this very low speed | uent attention . N 2iset here Gillespie, driving a five-passenger | the lower gear advisable as well as every explosion of a four-cylinder | quent rain fz a costly "part of the | R€0, William Wilmct driving a R olf imperative, motor racks the bearings detrimen- | mect Anish: a Sh truck which he has purchased for h.s | One veteran wleelsman who has tally, With motors of more cylinders hasan milk delivary, and Gecrge Boyd with toured from coast 10 coast on several the point of changing to a lower gear | The best grinding material for en- | @ beautiful big seven passenger Ro occasions, in discussing this feature may safely ba lower than the above. | sine valves i, arb rund although left the factory at Lansing, Michigan of motoring recently said, but time and fuel are both wasted | mers. I; very #0od. Use tae com- | for their long trip by road to Kings "Every smart driver puts his ear under such conditions.' { pound «BT h contains adv mixed. | ton. The cars were the Irst this yeu into a lower gear before its motor, Time was when the irregular a =! 1 none is obtainabls b 120-degreo | to Make the trip between Toron'o! with the throttle wide open is tion or failure to run on the part of | o 3 if volves ret v pitted fin- | and Kingston, and were the Irst te) slowed down by the heavy load. to aa motor could be attributed in nine |; E with ons omeer BY x with | Bo into Napanee this year under their point at which it operates. Other-| cases out of ten to faulty ignition. | ii to a paste like thick cream. This |OWn power | wie he will injure its bearings and Improvement in ignition appara 2 will do Das Work but | tas good At Oshawa the reads were so had | : stress its parts unduly, has, however, made such vast strides | aE the compound er Sa that one of the cars had to be jack itt e mpere tarts "Four-cylinder, low-speed motors that this situation fs changed. and ma J Tr ed up out of the snow and put back : Indicate when this point is reached bad carburetion is now to blame for | on the road. On several occasicns it » . ° ° by running jerikly, with each indi-! 3 much larger proportion than for- | Hand-painted «hiffon veils are an| was necessary to cut the ico off the Over a Million Cars this S rin vidual explosion apparent to the OP=, merly of the improper running of | expensive Lid, not likely to become | roads for the card to get sufficient ' P g erator, while motors with six or engine | 50 generally adopted as to become | clearance. It was 4d, wonderful te t| Pg more cylinders give much ldss evi- Fuel of low grade and inadequate | common Of coarse they are not }of endurance and the result is a cre denge of overloading, but still re- | heating of the fuel mixture, rather washable, cand if delicate colors are) dit to the popular Reo | And Wwe are ones of the 850 Willard Service Stations a A A A lino ientsrressmirrerint bits enrichments rena meni] that will see that they keep going. {thump every tima the clutch is let in. 3, | { y . . ge . We're working for you. The battery experience and factory training of our men are at your disposal. tis not enough to ill your battery regularly with distilled water and to make regular hydrometer tests, Youshould let us look it over at least onceamonth, Little Ampere will start your car let us keep it going. Wet have a rental battery for you if yours needs repairs. WILLARD SERVICE STATION 124 Clarence Street, I. LESSES, Manager. - A i si dT > = EE ---- Tie Car with che Hal) foilleon: Dollar Motor MADE IN CANADA The real car in which you can enjoy all the pleasures of the large, expensive cars. The . . Saxon is equipped with the famous Saxon Continental Motor, one that has been subjected A Car Your Wi fe Can Drive to all manner of tests, endurance, economy and speed. ~The engine that never' fails, and | ESand with 3st gd somtort. There is. pletty' of voom to. sireteh sat in. the starts in zero weather as easily as in July. XY driving compartment. The Self Starter operates quietly and instantly. .And IX i 1 $-- : { the control is so easy. She doesn't need to throw her full, weight on the clutch or Remember the record of the Saxon Six in K ngston The only car that has proven itself i brake pedal--the slightest pressure will operate either. . She can change the gears with as the every-day car throughout the winter, which is evidence of the substantial construction het finger tips, so flexible and sesponsive is the mechanism. The deep, rich Upholstery and ample power. Remember that a car requires nearly twice the gasoline to operate in i and high Seat Backs prevent backache, and the Full Elliptic Springs protect her from : : : : . oits an ars winter that it does in summer. Still the Saxon has travelled throughout the winter on an 2 The BRISCOE, B "4-24" js a universal favorite with wamen everywhere. It is a average of 17 1-10 miles per gallon of gasoline. | war of the highest class at a frie Within reach of the family 3 madérate ean, Lhicld : : : i ther notable features of the SCOE, B "4-24" are: Tilte 'ye-Saver Windshie The car that will start mn high on most any old road. --~--Oil Gauge on toe board--Gasoline Gauge on Dash--Automatic Switch with Key THE SAXON holds the record for being the only car that has run every day (except | Lock--Electrie Head Lights with Dimmers----Electric Horn--Speedometer-- Ammeter-- three) throughout the winter in Kingston. Distance travelled in miles, as recorded on speed- Tools Reps Riad Se portant accessories usually classed as "Extras. . . | rice Inciudes eve ng. ometer, 4270 miles from August Ist, 1916, to March 15th, 1917. Total gasoline consump- BRISCOE, B "4-24" Touring Car or 4-Passenger Roadster, tion 249 gallons, or an average of 17 1-10 miles per gallon, which is remarkable for winter 105-inch Wheel Base. fis : ! WRITE for Benjamin Briscoe's own story oi the "Haif Million Dollar Motor" running. : i or call at your local BRISCOE Garage and let the Car "show" you. SPECIFICATIONS Prompt delivery. THE CANADIAN BRISCOE MOTOR CO., LIMITED, SAXON SIX, STREAMLINE MODEL (S84), snappy in appearance P . > : i BROCKVILLE, ONT. and performance. Quick get-away. From standing to 40 miles rompt service. | © Distributors for Kingston, ANGLIN in 30 seconds. ldle down in high to less than 1 mile per hour, . ; Timken axles and Timken roller bearings; i : . | BROS, 35 and 37 Montreal 8t., Kings- Tires, 32 in. x 3% in.; non-skid on rear wheels: In addition to giving service, | have i ton, Ont., opposite Windsor Hotel. Brakes: Service 12 in. x 24n.; Emergency 11% in. x 1% in.; f ili . f ki ! . Front seat, 41 in. wide; Rear seat 47 in. wide: - acilities for ma Ing any part of the car Horsepower 30-35, 6 cylinder: or motor in my factory i Rims: quick detachable and demountable; one extra'rim: - Blartug Hovice: | ra eon Wp mE x 24 oe Sides Large stock of repair parts, and Steering Gear: Worm and full gear type; . Steering wheel: 17 in. difmeter. tention. 2 Wheel base 112 in. ; PRICES: Sius ot 22 miles per gallon of gasoline and 100 miles per pint Feddes Radiator. i horn under hood; Electric horn un fe dona: al ecm SAXON SIX ROADSTER $1175.00 Hand controls on steering wheel; secelerator with foot-res SAXON FOUR ROADSTER $665.00 ish lght: rear light, head light with dimmer; all electric. 1 Carburetor; clutch with Raybestos lining; SAXON SIX SEDAN . $1725.00 : Reliability fo 2 : . Silence - J. H. Davis, Distribuitor, Kingston.Phones 113 and 420. Springs: Cautilever, front and rear;, Front springs 28 in. long -- Storage battery under front seat: skilled mechanics to render best at- Selective sliding gear type transmission: Three speeds ahead and A handsome car, properly proportioned, silent running, with a ra- . SAXON SIX TOURING . $1175.00 Bed: New type, split, non-glare, clear vision, with rubber ' op. Gasoline tank in cowl with filler and gage on dash; switch on engine and lights; - ve g ir; Helical Bev | iplete tool kit, wrenches, oll can, oil gun, pump, jack and tire oe . $ | - ¢